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“模勒”释义辨析 被引量:2
作者 曹之 郭伟玲 《出版发行研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期70-73,共4页
雕版印刷的起源,聚讼纷纭,或以唐元稹《白氏长庆集序》"模勒"一词为证。本文从"模勒"的本义和引申义、上下文的语意、当时的实际情况、白居易本人的论述等四个方面分析,认为"模勒"应当释为模写编辑,不能... 雕版印刷的起源,聚讼纷纭,或以唐元稹《白氏长庆集序》"模勒"一词为证。本文从"模勒"的本义和引申义、上下文的语意、当时的实际情况、白居易本人的论述等四个方面分析,认为"模勒"应当释为模写编辑,不能释为勾勒、影写等,更不能释为雕版印刷。 展开更多
关键词 出版史 模勒 雕版印刷 元稹 白居易
元稹“模勒”续考 被引量:5
作者 苏勇强 《晋阳学刊》 北大核心 2006年第1期103-107,共5页
“独断论”是当今学术研究的弊病。考证“模勒”含义,并非为了论证中唐印刷术之有无,而是为了说明“模勒”一词不足以成为证明中唐已有印刷术的证据,也是为了说明从梁代到有印刷实物的晚唐之间,有一个从印章、拓印技术发展到印刷术的过... “独断论”是当今学术研究的弊病。考证“模勒”含义,并非为了论证中唐印刷术之有无,而是为了说明“模勒”一词不足以成为证明中唐已有印刷术的证据,也是为了说明从梁代到有印刷实物的晚唐之间,有一个从印章、拓印技术发展到印刷术的过渡期。 展开更多
关键词 元稹 模勒 考证
元稹笔下“模勒”可释为雕版印刷之证 被引量:1
作者 刘卫武 《当代图书馆》 2012年第3期61-63,共3页
唐代著名诗人元稹在《白氏长庆集》序中提及,当时白、元诗为世人"模勒"衒卖于市井。对元稹笔下"模勒"一词,有作"雕版"讲者,有作"钩勒"讲者,长期争论不休。本文根据唐中和年间杜光庭《历代崇道... 唐代著名诗人元稹在《白氏长庆集》序中提及,当时白、元诗为世人"模勒"衒卖于市井。对元稹笔下"模勒"一词,有作"雕版"讲者,有作"钩勒"讲者,长期争论不休。本文根据唐中和年间杜光庭《历代崇道记》中记载的有关"模勒"一词用法的资料,认为元稹笔下"模勒"应释为"雕版"。 展开更多
关键词 模勒 雕版印刷 元稹 唐代
作者 张树栋 《中国印刷》 2002年第4期37-40,共4页
一、引言 1994年7月,武汉大学出版社出版了曹之先生的专著——《中国印刷术的起源》。同年10月,笔者收到曹之先生通过邮局惠赠并签了名的样书一册。作为长期从事印刷史学习、教学和研究的专业编辑,见到这样一部专著,自然是喜出望外,爱... 一、引言 1994年7月,武汉大学出版社出版了曹之先生的专著——《中国印刷术的起源》。同年10月,笔者收到曹之先生通过邮局惠赠并签了名的样书一册。作为长期从事印刷史学习、教学和研究的专业编辑,见到这样一部专著,自然是喜出望外,爱不释手。拜读之下,深感曹之先生治学严谨,功底深厚。 展开更多
关键词 印刷史研究 中国 印刷术 “缮写模勒 内涵
唐人模勒元白诗非雕版印刷说 被引量:11
作者 辛德勇 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期36-54,共19页
元稹在《白氏长庆集序》中说,唐人曾"模勒"他和白居易的流行诗篇用以鬻卖,这被很多学者视作有关中国书籍施行雕版印刷的最早记载。但实际上,所谓"模勒"应是指勾勒,亦即影摹书写,与雕版印刷本无关系。由此还可以发现... 元稹在《白氏长庆集序》中说,唐人曾"模勒"他和白居易的流行诗篇用以鬻卖,这被很多学者视作有关中国书籍施行雕版印刷的最早记载。但实际上,所谓"模勒"应是指勾勒,亦即影摹书写,与雕版印刷本无关系。由此还可以发现,中国早期书籍雕版印刷技术在世俗社会的传播扩散过程中,由字书、韵书等基础教育用小学书籍,到科举试赋的范本,再到儒家经书,是一条相互连贯的递进序列;社会教育,特别是科举考试,是促使印刷术由宗教及其邻接领域向世俗社会全面传播扩散之最重要的驱动力。 展开更多
关键词 模勒 雕版印刷 唐代
作者 莊文龍 《古籍研究》 2021年第1期23-36,共14页
元稹《白氏長慶集序》曾謂白居易詩受人“模勒”而“衒賣於市井”,前人對此聚訟紛紜,可謂中國雕版印刷史及唐代詩歌傳播史的重大争議熱點。當中主“模勒”爲雕版印刷者,自明代胡震亨以來不乏其人。後有主“模勒”爲勾勒者,又有主“模勒... 元稹《白氏長慶集序》曾謂白居易詩受人“模勒”而“衒賣於市井”,前人對此聚訟紛紜,可謂中國雕版印刷史及唐代詩歌傳播史的重大争議熱點。當中主“模勒”爲雕版印刷者,自明代胡震亨以來不乏其人。後有主“模勒”爲勾勒者,又有主“模勒”爲模寫編1者。然仔細審視以上説法,可知均有可議之處,未能自圓其説。兹立第四種論説,以“勒”回歸常用之“刻”義,推論“模勒”可釋爲“鐫刻”器物。此説勝於前人諸説處,在詞義上符合“勒”或“模勒”的常見義,在句法上符合“繕寫”與“模勒”的對舉方式,在文意上符合對白詩流行程度的强調,在時代上符合鈔本時代的詩歌傳播情况,在文化上符合傳世文獻及出土文物所反映的題刻風俗。如此,即可解决前人持説的若干局限與偏弊,有助於進一步論證古代文本傳播的載體、篇幅與途徑。 展开更多
关键词 元稹 白居易 模勒 雕版印刷 《白氏長慶集》
Identification and Quantification of Non-Spherical Particles 被引量:1
作者 曾周末 张宝明 杨庆 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第2期75-78,共4页
In commercial applications of phase Doppler anemometry (PDA), the effectiveness of non sphericity of particles is present and the response of PDA system deviates from the theoretical prediction. In this paper, the st... In commercial applications of phase Doppler anemometry (PDA), the effectiveness of non sphericity of particles is present and the response of PDA system deviates from the theoretical prediction. In this paper, the statistic characteristics of PDA signal related to irregular particles is analyzed and a method of statistic classification of irregular particles is proposed.It proves that the parameter of PDA signal for irregular particles is an unbiased estimation for spherical ones, the mean of the phase difference is in direct proportion to the mean diameter of particles and the standard deviation of the phase difference increases linearly with the standard deviation of irregular particles. As an application of the identification of irregular objects, fuzzy patterns and similarities of haemocytes are used to recognize and quantify cell samples.The statistic classification of particles is more significant in practice. 展开更多
关键词 particle measurement phase Doppler anemometry statistic classification pattern recognition
作者 Zou Xiufang Zhang Qunying 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第6期822-826,共5页
Doppler centroid frequency is an essential parameter in the imaging processing of the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR). Inaccurate Doppler centroid frequency will result in ghost images in imaging resu... Doppler centroid frequency is an essential parameter in the imaging processing of the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR). Inaccurate Doppler centroid frequency will result in ghost images in imaging result. In this letter, the principle and algorithms of Doppler centroid frequency estimation are introduced. Then the echo data of ScanSAR system is analyzed. Based on the algorithms of energy balancing and correlation Doppler estimator in the estimation of Doppler centroid frequency in strip mode SAR, an improved method for Doppler centroid frequency estimation in ScanSAR is proposed. The method has improved the accuracy of Doppler centroid frequency estimation in ScanSAR by zero padding between burst data. Finally, the proposed method is validated with the processing of ENVIronment SATellite Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ENVISAT ASAR) wide swath raw data. 展开更多
关键词 Spaceborne the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR) Doppler centroid frequency Energy balancing Correlation Doppler estimator
Analysis of external noise spectrum of high-speed railway 被引量:10
作者 邓永权 肖新标 +1 位作者 何宾 金学松 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4753-4761,共9页
A schematic to make the spectra of the exterior noise of high speed railway was put forward. The exterior noise spectrum was defined based on the characteristics of the high-speed train exterior noise. Its characteris... A schematic to make the spectra of the exterior noise of high speed railway was put forward. The exterior noise spectrum was defined based on the characteristics of the high-speed train exterior noise. Its characteristics considered here include identifying the exterior main sources and their locations, their frequency components including the Doppler effect due to the noise sources moving at high speed, the sound field intensity around the train in high-speed operation, the sound radiation path out of the train, and the pressure level and frequency components of the noise at the measuring points specified by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO). The characteristics of the high-speed train exterior noise of the high speed railways in operation were introduced. The advanced measuring systems and their principles for clearly indentifying the exterior noise sources were discussed in detail. Based on the concerned noise results measured at sites, a prediction model was developed to calculate the sound level and the characteristics of the exterior noise at any point where it is difficult to measure and to help to make the exterior noise spectrums. This model was also verified with the test results. The verification shows that there is a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train noise sound source identification noise control noise spectrum
Simulating Impact of Larch Caterpillar(Dendrolimus superans)on Fire Regime and Forest Landscape in Da Hinggan Mountains,Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Hongwei HU Yuanman +3 位作者 CHANG Yu BU Rencang LI Yuehui LIU Miao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期575-586,共12页
Larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans) is very common in the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China, affecting fire regime and forest ecosystem change at large spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we used a spatial... Larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans) is very common in the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China, affecting fire regime and forest ecosystem change at large spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we used a spatially explicit landscape model, LANDIS, to simulate the changes of fire regime and forest landscape under four larch caterpillar disturbance intensity levels scenarios in Huzhong forest area, northern of Da Hinggan Mountains. The results indicate that larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease fine fuel load and increase coarse fuel load in the 300 simulation years. Larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease fire frequency in the first 200 years, and the disturbances also decrease fire intensity and fire risk in the early and late stage of simulation. Larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease the area percent of larch cohorts and increase the proportion of white birch, and increase the degree of aggregation of white birch as a result of its strong seed dispersal and colonization ability. Disturbances would also decrease the mature and over-mature larch cohorts and increase all cohorts of white birch, especially the mature and over-mature cohorts. Larch caterpillar disturbances will decrease the stability of forest landscape, therefore,some measures preventing in- sect outbreak and ensuring the sustainable management of forest ecosystem should been taken in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 forest landscape larch caterpillar FIRE DISTURBANCE LANDIS model
Using interacting multiple model particle filter to track airborne targets hidden in blind Doppler 被引量:16
作者 DU Shi-chuan SHI Zhi-guo +1 位作者 ZANG Wei CHEN Kang-sheng 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1277-1282,共6页
In airborne tracking,the blind Doppler makes the target undetectable,resulting in tracking difficulties. In this paper,we studied most possible blind-Doppler cases and summed them up into two types:targets' intent... In airborne tracking,the blind Doppler makes the target undetectable,resulting in tracking difficulties. In this paper,we studied most possible blind-Doppler cases and summed them up into two types:targets' intentional tangential flying to radar and unintentional flying with large tangential speed. We proposed an interacting multiple model(IMM) particle filter which combines a constant velocity model and an acceleration model to handle maneuvering motions. We compared the IMM particle filter with a previous particle filter solution. Simulation results showed that the IMM particle filter outperforms the method in previous works in terms of tracking accuracy and continuity. 展开更多
关键词 Interacting multiple model Particle filter Blind Doppler
Observations and Simulations of the Circulation and Mixing around the Andaman-Nicobar Submarine Ridge 被引量:2
作者 LI Yi-Neng PENG Shi-Qiu ZENG Xue-Zhi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第4期319-323,共5页
Using data collected by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on a research cruise in April 2010 in the eastern Indian Ocean, the vertical cun'ent structures surrounding the Andaman-Nicobar Submarine Ridge (... Using data collected by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on a research cruise in April 2010 in the eastern Indian Ocean, the vertical cun'ent structures surrounding the Andaman-Nicobar Submarine Ridge (ANSR) are analyzed to investigate the hydrographic responses to the topography in this region. The results show that the topography of ANSR can induce internal waves around the submarine ridge that have a maximum current velocity of 1 m s 1 The spatial struc- ture of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and shear in this region during 2010 is investigated using the high-resolution Princeton Ocean Model (POM) forced by the satellite-based Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) winds including the tide, The results show that the model successfully simulates the internal waves around the ANSR. Numerical experiments further indicate that both the topography and tide play an important role in the gen- eration of the internal waves in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Andaman Sea vertical mixing internal waves bottom topography effects
Simulating the Upper Ocean Circulation on the Belize Shelf: An Application of a Triply Nested-Grid Ocean Circulation Model
作者 SHENG Jinyu TANG Liqun WANG Liang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第4期315-328,共14页
We present a three-level nested-grid ocean circulation modeling system for the Belize shelf of the western Caribbean Sea. The nested-grid system has three subcomponents: a coarse-resolution outer model of the western... We present a three-level nested-grid ocean circulation modeling system for the Belize shelf of the western Caribbean Sea. The nested-grid system has three subcomponents: a coarse-resolution outer model of the western Caribbean Sea; an intermediate-resolution middle model of the southern Mest〉American Barrier Reef System; and a fine-resolution inner model of the Belize shelf. The two-way nesting technique based on the semi-prognostic method is used to exchange information between the three subcomponents. We discuss two applications of the nested-grid system in this study. In the first application we simulate the seasonal mean circulation in the region, with the nested system forced by monthly mean surface fluxes and boundary forcing. The model results reproduce the general circulation features on the western Caribbean Sea and mest〉scale circulation features on the Belize shelf. In the second application, we simulate the storm-induced circulation during Hurricane Mitch in 1998, with the nested-grid system forced by the combination of monthly mean forcing and idealized wind stress associated with the storm. The model results demonstrate that the storm-induced currents transport a large amount of estuarine waters from coastal regions of Honduras and Guatemala to offshore reef atolls. 展开更多
关键词 two-way nesting semi-prognostic method numerical model upper ocean process storm-induced circulation Hurricane Mitch
The Taylor Moon
作者 Wei-dong Sun 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期14-14,共1页
The formation of the Moon remains obscure after*400 years since Galileo saw that the Moon was mountainous in 1609.The current hypothesis is that the Moon formed through a low-angle collision between the Earth and Mar... The formation of the Moon remains obscure after*400 years since Galileo saw that the Moon was mountainous in 1609.The current hypothesis is that the Moon formed through a low-angle collision between the Earth and Mar-size impactor,which is known as the Giant Impact model(e.g.Benz et al.1989).The giant impact should be sufficiently 展开更多
关键词 Galileo collision obscure Giant hypothesis mountainous sufficiently giant likely volatile
Automatic target recognition of moving target based on empirical mode decomposition and genetic algorithm support vector machine 被引量:4
作者 张军 欧建平 占荣辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1389-1396,共8页
In order to improve measurement accuracy of moving target signals, an automatic target recognition model of moving target signals was established based on empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and support vector machine(S... In order to improve measurement accuracy of moving target signals, an automatic target recognition model of moving target signals was established based on empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and support vector machine(SVM). Automatic target recognition process on the nonlinear and non-stationary of Doppler signals of military target by using automatic target recognition model can be expressed as follows. Firstly, the nonlinearity and non-stationary of Doppler signals were decomposed into a set of intrinsic mode functions(IMFs) using EMD. After the Hilbert transform of IMF, the energy ratio of each IMF to the total IMFs can be extracted as the features of military target. Then, the SVM was trained through using the energy ratio to classify the military targets, and genetic algorithm(GA) was used to optimize SVM parameters in the solution space. The experimental results show that this algorithm can achieve the recognition accuracies of 86.15%, 87.93%, and 82.28% for tank, vehicle and soldier, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 automatic target recognition(ATR) moving target empirical mode decomposition genetic algorithm support vector machine
Temporal variations in internal tide multimodal structure on the continental shelf, South China Sea 被引量:3
作者 GAO Dalu JIN Guangzhen LU Xianqing 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期70-78,共9页
Temporal variations in multimodal structures of diurnal( D_1) and semidiurnal( D_2) internal tides were investigated on the continental slope of the Dongsha Plateau, based on 2-month moored acoustic Doppler current pr... Temporal variations in multimodal structures of diurnal( D_1) and semidiurnal( D_2) internal tides were investigated on the continental slope of the Dongsha Plateau, based on 2-month moored acoustic Doppler current profiler observations. Harmonic analysis indicated that the D_1 components( K_1 and O_1) dominated the internal tide field. The vertical structure of the K_1 constituent presented a first-mode structure while the M_2 constituent seemed to exhibit a high-mode structure. Amplitude spectra analysis of the current data revealed differences in baroclinic current amplitudes between different water depths. Temporal variations in modal structures ware analyzed, based on the D_1 and D_2 baroclinic tides extracted from the baroclinic velocity field with band-pass filters. Analysis showed that the magnitude of the D_1 internal tide current was much larger than the D_2 current, and temporal variations in the modal structure of the D_1 internal tide occurred on an approximately fortnightly cycle. The EOF analyses revealed temporal transformation of multimodal structures for D_1 and D_2 internal tides. The enhancement of the D_1 internal tide was mainly due to the superposition of K_1 and O_1, according to the temporal variation of coherent kinetic energy. 展开更多
关键词 internal tides South China Sea multimodal structure temporal variation
New Metrics for the Detection of Suicide Bombers
作者 William Peyton Fox John Vesecky 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第4期249-257,共9页
An experimental field study was conducted at the University of California at Santa Cruz USA to determine if radar cross section signals were different between a person without wearing any wires and a person wearing bo... An experimental field study was conducted at the University of California at Santa Cruz USA to determine if radar cross section signals were different between a person without wearing any wires and a person wearing both a suicide vest and wires with (without) loops in the wires. The data was collected using the GunnPlexer Doppler radar at 12.5 GHz at various safe distances using various subjects both without any wires and wearing a suicide vest with detonation wires and with detonation wires and loops. The raw data was separated in its horizontal and vertical polarization signals (HH and VV). The analysis of these two HH and VV polarization signals from the data allowed several promising metrics to be created. These metrics were individually tested in a Monte Carlo simulation which is in order to determine the probability of detection of a would-be suicide bomber. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation showed that the metrics yielded a probability of successful detection of slightly over 98% and a false positive rate of just less than 2 %. This research and its result are encouraging and suggest further testing to insure that suicide bombers can be found prior to their detonation of their bombs at a safe range. 展开更多
关键词 Military application radar cross section DETECTION horizontal and vertical polarization suicide bomber.
K2_SPH Method and its Application for 2-D Water Wave Simulation
作者 胡振红 郑兴 +1 位作者 段文洋 马庆位 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第4期399-412,共14页
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a Lagrangian meshless particle method. However, its low accuracy of kernel approximation when particles are distributed disorderly or located near the boundary is an obstacle s... Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a Lagrangian meshless particle method. However, its low accuracy of kernel approximation when particles are distributed disorderly or located near the boundary is an obstacle standing in the way of its wide application. Adopting the Taylor series expansion method and solving the integral equation matrix, the second order kernel approximation method can be obtained, namely K2_SPH, which is discussed in this paper. This method is similar to the Finite Particle Method. With the improvement of kernel approximation, some numerical techniques should be adopted for different types of boundaries, such as a free surface boundary and solid boundary, which are two key numerical techniques of K2_SPH for water wave simulation. This paper gives some numerical results of two dimensional water wave simulations involving standing wave and sloshing tank problems by using K2_SPH. From the comparison of simulation results, the K2_SPH method is more reliable than standard SPH. 展开更多
关键词 meshless method SPH K2 SPH water wave simulation
C-Nanostructures Cluster Models in Organic Solvents: Fullerenes, Tubes, Buds and Graphenes
作者 Francisco Torrens Gloria Castellano 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第11期1026-1035,共10页
The existence of nanographene in cluster form is discussed in organic solvents. Theories are developed based on the columnlet, bundlet and droplet models describing the size-distribution functions. Phenomena present a... The existence of nanographene in cluster form is discussed in organic solvents. Theories are developed based on the columnlet, bundlet and droplet models describing the size-distribution functions. Phenomena present a unified explanation in the columnlet model in which free energy of Cgraphene involved in cluster is combined from a volume part proportional to the number of molecules n in cluster and a constant. The columnlet model enables describing distribution function of Cgraphene clusters by size. From purely geometrical considerations the columnlet (Cgraphene), bundlet (single-wall carbon nanotube), CNT (carbon nanotube), SWNT (single-wall C-nanotube), and carbon nanobud, CNB (carbon nanobud)) and droplet (fullerene) models predict dissimilar behaviours. The interaction-energy parameters of Cgraphene are taken from C60. An CNB behaviour or further is expected. The decay of solubility with rising temperature is smaller for Cgraphene than for SWNT and CNB and, furthermore, than for C60, in agreement with lesser numbers of units in Cgraphene clusters. The discrepancy between the experimental data of the heat of solution of fullerenes, CNTs, CNBs and graphenes is ascribed to the sharp concentration dependence of the heat of solution. The diffusion coefficient drops with temperature result greater for Cgraphene than CNB and SWNT than C60 corresponding to lesser number of units in clusters. The aggregates near (C60)13, SWNT/CNB7 and (Cgraphene)3 could be representative of the droplet, bundlet and columnlet models. 展开更多
关键词 NANOSTRUCTURE graphene solubility columnlet cluster model bundlet cluster model droplet cluster model nanobud.
作者 Zhao Hongzhong Zhou Jianxiong Li Weimin Fu Qiang (The ATR Laboratory of National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第6期401-406,共6页
High acceleration of radar targets is analyzed using Acceleration Ambiguity Function (AAF). The acceleration resolution based on AAF is defined. The AAF and acceleration resolution of rectangle pulse signal are deriva... High acceleration of radar targets is analyzed using Acceleration Ambiguity Function (AAF). The acceleration resolution based on AAF is defined. The AAF and acceleration resolution of rectangle pulse signal are derivated and the conclusion that its acceleration resolution is in inverse proportion with the square of its duration is drawn. In the end, these conclusions are applied to the parameter designing and performance evaluation for a certain type of pulse Doppler radar. 展开更多
关键词 Acceleration Ambiguity Function(AAF) Acceleration resolution Doppler radar Accumulating time Maneuvering target
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