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气液两相流动及沸腾传热流体模化分析 被引量:7
作者 陈常念 韩吉田 +2 位作者 邵莉 陈文文 陈洪胜 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2011年第1期18-24,共7页
基于制冷剂类物质热物性表与水和水蒸气热力性质图表,计算并比较了R12、R22、R123、R134a在相同气液密度比条件下模化水热力过程的能力;应用相似原理与量纲理论分析了流体模化方法在研究气液两相流动特性、高温高压传热过程、临界热流... 基于制冷剂类物质热物性表与水和水蒸气热力性质图表,计算并比较了R12、R22、R123、R134a在相同气液密度比条件下模化水热力过程的能力;应用相似原理与量纲理论分析了流体模化方法在研究气液两相流动特性、高温高压传热过程、临界热流密度现象以及近临界和超临界传热方面的优势与方法。结果表明:制冷剂类物质具有良好的热力性质,其中R134a在相同气液密度比条件下的压力值仅约为水的1/5,而且其臭氧消耗潜能值为0,是环境友好的理想模化流体。提出并探讨了从本质上革新准则数以及基于模型探索新的模化条件和发展新的准则关系式的流体模化技术发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 气液两相流 流体方法 R134A 沸腾传热
圆管临界热流密度的流体模化 被引量:5
作者 陈军 杨燕华 +1 位作者 廖建如 赵华 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期354-358,共5页
为了评价现有的临界热流密度(CHF)流体模化技术,在氟里昂-12热工实验装置上完成了φ202.5圆管CHF实验。在此基础上,用不同的数据源,比较了Ahmad补偿失真模型、鲁钟琪模型、Groeneveld模型和Stevens-Kirby经验比例因子模型的预测精度和... 为了评价现有的临界热流密度(CHF)流体模化技术,在氟里昂-12热工实验装置上完成了φ202.5圆管CHF实验。在此基础上,用不同的数据源,比较了Ahmad补偿失真模型、鲁钟琪模型、Groeneveld模型和Stevens-Kirby经验比例因子模型的预测精度和适用范围,为复杂流道中的CHF流体模化研究奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 CHF 流体技术 圆管 氟里昂-12
临界热流密度流体模化广义准则数研究 被引量:4
作者 陈常念 韩吉田 +2 位作者 邵莉 卢申卿 陈斌 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期558-561,共4页
考虑到不同流道结构参数对流动沸腾临界热流密度(CHF)的影响,提出一描述流道结构参数影响的广义影响因子Dn,基于相似理论和量纲分析理论导出了含有参数n的13个相似准则数,并与Ahmad的推导结论进行了比较。对比结果显示,Ahmad的推导结论... 考虑到不同流道结构参数对流动沸腾临界热流密度(CHF)的影响,提出一描述流道结构参数影响的广义影响因子Dn,基于相似理论和量纲分析理论导出了含有参数n的13个相似准则数,并与Ahmad的推导结论进行了比较。对比结果显示,Ahmad的推导结论是本文结论n=1时的特殊情形,也可认为本文定义了一新的能够集中反映复杂流道型式对CHF发生机理影响的等效特征尺寸De。 展开更多
关键词 临界热流密度 流体 相似理论 量纲分析
定位格架对4×4棒束临界热流密度流体模化的影响 被引量:4
作者 陈军 廖建如 +1 位作者 赵华 杨燕华 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期1-5,共5页
基于棒束临界热流密度(CHF)流体模化研究现状,进行了 4×4 棒束 CHF流体模化的实验研究。实验结果表明:适用于圆管的CHF流体模化模型不再适用于 4×4 棒束,最后一道定位格架对 4×4 棒束在氟利昂 12中的 CHF有明显的影响,... 基于棒束临界热流密度(CHF)流体模化研究现状,进行了 4×4 棒束 CHF流体模化的实验研究。实验结果表明:适用于圆管的CHF流体模化模型不再适用于 4×4 棒束,最后一道定位格架对 4×4 棒束在氟利昂 12中的 CHF有明显的影响,表明定位格架对棒束 CHF流体模化有复杂的影响,需进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 棒束 定位格架 临界热流密度 流体 氟利昂热工实验装置 定位格架
棒束临界热流密度流体模化研究 被引量:3
作者 陈军 吴小航 孙奇 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期309-313,共5页
在空泡物理和自然循环重点实验室氟里昂热工实验装置上进行了CHF实验 ,实验段为9 5×1 0mm元件管组成的 4× 4棒束 ,并对其开展了 4× 4棒束CHF流体模化研究。在压力 1 5 9~ 2 73MPa、质量流速 4 88~ 2 0 80kg (m2 &... 在空泡物理和自然循环重点实验室氟里昂热工实验装置上进行了CHF实验 ,实验段为9 5×1 0mm元件管组成的 4× 4棒束 ,并对其开展了 4× 4棒束CHF流体模化研究。在压力 1 5 9~ 2 73MPa、质量流速 4 88~ 2 0 80kg (m2 ·s)、临界含汽率 -0 2 0~ 0 3 0的工况范围内 ,采集了 1 70个 4× 4棒束CHF实验数据 ,并与压力 9 9~ 1 6 2MPa、质量流速 2 74~ 1 4 73kg (m2 ·s)、临界含汽率 -0 2 0~0 3 4工况范围内 ,以水为工质相同棒束实验段内的 2 0 6个棒束CHF实验数据进行比较 ,发现Ahmad补偿失真模型、张振杰模型和Stevens Kirby模型在上述工况范围内不再适用于棒束CHF的模化 ,这些模型的预测偏差均大于 2 0 %以上 ,而且棒束CHF模化的流量模化因子k明显地受压力、质量流量和入口含汽率的影响。据此提出适用于上述工况范围内 4× 4棒束CHF模化的流量模化因子k的关系式 ,其CHF预测偏差在± 1 5 %以内 ,均方根误差为 7 0 5 %。 展开更多
关键词 流体 流量因子 临界热流密度 氟里昂 棒束 反应堆
临界热流密度流体模化研究进展 被引量:1
作者 周先锋 柳建华 +2 位作者 张良 姜林林 刘旗 《能源工程》 2016年第6期12-16,21,共6页
探讨了模化工质的选择原则,总结比较了目前比较成功的四种预测模型,并从研究较多的流道形式出发,总结了各流道形式的研究现状,发现当下的预测模型适用不同流道形式和相同流道不同工况时,模化效果不理想。最后提出采用流体模化方法研究... 探讨了模化工质的选择原则,总结比较了目前比较成功的四种预测模型,并从研究较多的流道形式出发,总结了各流道形式的研究现状,发现当下的预测模型适用不同流道形式和相同流道不同工况时,模化效果不理想。最后提出采用流体模化方法研究微通道流动沸腾CHF的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 临界热流密度 流体方法 工质 微通道 研究进展
作者 王美霞 韩吉田 邵莉 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第20期95-99,共5页
为了扩大现有的临界热流密度(critical heat flux,CHF)流体模化技术的适用范围,提高其预测精度,以制冷剂R134a为介质,对近临界压力区的流动沸腾CHF进行流体模化研究。研究了压力对流动沸腾CHF的影响规律,结果表明,CHF随着压力的升高而... 为了扩大现有的临界热流密度(critical heat flux,CHF)流体模化技术的适用范围,提高其预测精度,以制冷剂R134a为介质,对近临界压力区的流动沸腾CHF进行流体模化研究。研究了压力对流动沸腾CHF的影响规律,结果表明,CHF随着压力的升高而降低。基于Ahmad补偿失真模型,在流速模化因子和入口条件模化因子的基础上,引入压力模化因子,对经典流体模化模型进行改进。将CHF查询表的模化结果与R134a流动沸腾CHF实验数据进行比较,结果吻合较好。改进的模化模型适用于近临界压力区,计算结果精度较高,计算也较简单。 展开更多
关键词 临界热流密度 R134A 查询表 流体 临界 压力
临界热流密度流体模化方法与分析 被引量:3
作者 韩吉田 张金霞 +1 位作者 陈常念 邵莉 《节能》 2010年第2期26-28,共3页
为比较模化工质和实际工质的参数,计算R12、R22、R123、R134a、水在液气密度比172~4条件下的压力变化范围,简单介绍流体模化理论基础并评述已有典型临界热流密度流体模化模型的特点。分析认为氟利昂类物质汽化潜热低,温度压力参数比高... 为比较模化工质和实际工质的参数,计算R12、R22、R123、R134a、水在液气密度比172~4条件下的压力变化范围,简单介绍流体模化理论基础并评述已有典型临界热流密度流体模化模型的特点。分析认为氟利昂类物质汽化潜热低,温度压力参数比高温高压水蒸气低一个数量级,作为模化工质可降低实验困难70%~80%,节能80%左右,考虑到环保性能,替代制冷剂R134a等可作为理想的模化工质。最后讨论了CHF流体模化方法理论和实验方面的几个问题及其改进方向。 展开更多
关键词 临界热流密度 相似理论 流体方法 制冷剂
超临界压力下竖直圆管内不同流体的传热特性 被引量:3
作者 张思宇 陈佳跃 +2 位作者 赵萌 熊珍琴 顾汉洋 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1395-1401,共7页
为了深入认识超临界压力下不同流体传热中的共性反映出的传热机理及物性导致的特性差异,以水和氟利昂R134a为工质分别在SWAMUP回路和SMOTH回路上开展了竖直圆管内上升流传热试验。在正常传热、传热强化、小质量流速时浮升力导致传热恶... 为了深入认识超临界压力下不同流体传热中的共性反映出的传热机理及物性导致的特性差异,以水和氟利昂R134a为工质分别在SWAMUP回路和SMOTH回路上开展了竖直圆管内上升流传热试验。在正常传热、传热强化、小质量流速时浮升力导致传热恶化和大质量流速时加速效应导致传热恶化的工况中,氟利昂和水的换热系数(HTC)随无量纲温度表现出一致的变化规律。浮升力无量纲数πB增大,换热系数与经典关系式计算值之比减小;加速效应无量纲数πA较小时,换热系数比随πA的增大而增大,达到峰值后换热系数比随πA的增大而减小。πB对超临界水试验数据的相关性更佳,而πA对超临界氟利昂试验数据的相关性更好。无量纲数表征的超临界压力下传热规律的高度相似性初步验证了以模化流体氟利昂R134a研究超临界水传热特性是合理可行的。 展开更多
关键词 模化流体 超临界传热 换热系数 传热恶 无量纲数
作者 彭宇 程乐鸣 +3 位作者 张维国 王勤辉 方梦祥 骆仲泱 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第5期58-64,共7页
为了解超临界循环流化床(CFB)锅炉炉膛中悬吊屏平行管束内工质流动不均匀性,基于流体模化理论,设计超临界工质平行管束试验系统,以R-134a模化超临界水蒸气进行试验研究。试验在工质质量流率500~700 kg/(m^2·s),入口温度503~543 K,... 为了解超临界循环流化床(CFB)锅炉炉膛中悬吊屏平行管束内工质流动不均匀性,基于流体模化理论,设计超临界工质平行管束试验系统,以R-134a模化超临界水蒸气进行试验研究。试验在工质质量流率500~700 kg/(m^2·s),入口温度503~543 K,入口压力4.0~4.3 MPa,CFB颗粒浓度3.9~15.0 kg/m^3下进行,研究了上述参数对平行管束中工质流动不均匀性的影响。结果表明:影响工质在管束内流动不均匀性的主要因素包括管外的换热特性、管内的换热特性和管内压降;工质入口温度增加,其在平行管束内的流动不均匀性降低;当工质入口压力高于其临界压力时,入口压力变化对工质整体流动不均匀性影响较小;工质质量流率增加,其流动不均匀性增加;管束外侧颗粒浓度增加,工质流动不均匀性增强;试验条件下,平行管束两侧流动不均系数相对较小。 展开更多
关键词 超临界 CFB锅炉 悬吊屏 平行管束 流体理论 流动不均匀性
卧式螺旋管临界热流密度的流体模化 被引量:2
作者 谭鲁志 韩吉田 +3 位作者 陈常念 孔令健 冀翠莲 逯国强 《山东大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期87-93,共7页
为检验经典的临界热流密度(critical heat flux,CHF)流体模化方法对于卧式螺旋管的应用效果,采用大功率直流电加热的方法对制冷剂HFC-134a在卧式螺旋管内的流动沸腾CHF进行了实验测试。通过运用Ahmad和Katto模型对实验测试数据和已有数... 为检验经典的临界热流密度(critical heat flux,CHF)流体模化方法对于卧式螺旋管的应用效果,采用大功率直流电加热的方法对制冷剂HFC-134a在卧式螺旋管内的流动沸腾CHF进行了实验测试。通过运用Ahmad和Katto模型对实验测试数据和已有数据源进行模化计算发现:Ahmad和Katto模型确定的流量模化因子对于卧式螺旋管CHF的流体模化会产生较大的偏差,导致预测的CHF值高于实验结果。在实验数据分析的基础上提出了卧式螺旋管CHF流量模化因子的经验关联式。计算结果表明:应用该关联式对实验条件下卧式螺旋管CHF的预测偏差在±20%以内,其流体模化精度明显优于Ahmad和Katto模型。 展开更多
关键词 卧式螺旋管 流动沸腾 CHF 流体 HFC-134A
Velocity of a Liquid Drop with a Sorption-Controlled Surfactant
作者 陈晋南 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1996年第2期116+107-116,共11页
The terminal velocity of a liquid droplet settling in a sulfactant solution has been studied for the non-linear adsorption Langmuir frameworks accounting for monolayer saturation and non-ideal surfactant interactions.... The terminal velocity of a liquid droplet settling in a sulfactant solution has been studied for the non-linear adsorption Langmuir frameworks accounting for monolayer saturation and non-ideal surfactant interactions. Most prior research uses a linear adsorption model which cannot capture these effects, The Maragoni migration of a liquid drop settling through a surfactant solution is examined by using Langmuir framework. The solution concentration Ceq is assumed large enough for the surfactant mass transfer to be adsorption-controlled. Langmuir model generates non-linear Marangoni stresses which diverge in the limit of approaching ∝, strongly retarding U'. 展开更多
关键词 Marangoni stresses non-linear adsorption Langmuir isotherm phpsco-chemical hydrodynamics mass transfer dynamic surface tension
Pseudo-Fluid Simulation of Transient Behaviors in a CFB Riser 被引量:4
作者 王维 李佑楚 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第1期77-83,共7页
The kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is modified to fit the Einstein′s equation for effective viscosity of dilute flow. A pseudo-fluid approach based on this modified KTGF is used to simulate the dynamic format... The kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is modified to fit the Einstein′s equation for effective viscosity of dilute flow. A pseudo-fluid approach based on this modified KTGF is used to simulate the dynamic formation and dissipation of clusters in a circulating fluidized bed riser. The agglomeration of particles reduces slip velocity within particle clusters, and hence results in two reverse trends: discrete particles are lifted by air while particle clusters fall down along the wall. The dynamic equilibrium of these two types of motion leads to the characteristic sigmoid profile of solid concentration along the longitudinal direction. The predicted solid velocity, lateral and longitudinal profiles of solid volume fraction and annulus thickness are in reasonable agreement with experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 eulerian simulation GAS-SOLID kinetic theory CLUSTER
Modeling of segregation in magnetized fluidized bed with binary mixture of Geldart-B magnetizable and nonmagnetizable particles 被引量:3
作者 Quanhong Zhu Hongzhong Li +1 位作者 Qingshan Zhu Qingshan Huang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1412-1422,共11页
For the magnetized fluidized bed(MFB)with the binary mixture of Geldart-B magnetizable and nonmagnetizable particles,the magnetically induced segregation between these two kinds of particles occurs at high magnetic fi... For the magnetized fluidized bed(MFB)with the binary mixture of Geldart-B magnetizable and nonmagnetizable particles,the magnetically induced segregation between these two kinds of particles occurs at high magnetic field intensities(H),leading to the deterioration of the fluidization quality.The critical intensity(H_(ms))above which such segregation commences varies with the gas velocity(U_g).This work focuses on establishing a segregation model to theoretically derive the H_(ms)–U_g relationship.In a magnetic field,the magnetizable particles form agglomerates.The magnetically induced segregation in essence refers to the size segregation of the binary mixture of agglomerates and nonmagnetizable particles.Consequently,the segregation model was established in two steps:first,the size of agglomerates(d_A)was calculated by the force balance model;then,the H_(ms)–U_g relationship was obtained by substituting the expression of d_Ainto the basic size segregation model for binary mixtures.As per the force balance model,the cohesive and collision forces were 1_2 orders of magnitude greater than the other forces exerted on the agglomerates.Therefore,the balance between these two forces largely determined d_A.The calculated d_A increased with increasing H and decreasing U_g,agreeing qualitatively with the experimental observation.The calculated H_(ms)–U_ g relationship agreed reasonably with the experimental data,indicating that the present segregation model could predict well the segregation behavior in the MFB with the binary mixture. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetized fluidized bed Binary mixture SEGREGATION Model AGGLOMERATE Force balance
Numerical Simulation of Erosion-Corrosion in the Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flow 被引量:8
作者 张政 程学文 +2 位作者 郑玉贵 柯伟 姚治铭 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第4期347-355,共9页
Erosion-corrosion of liquid-solid two-phase flow occurring in a pipe with sudden expansion in cross-section is numerically simulated in this paper. The global model for erosion-corrosion process includes three main co... Erosion-corrosion of liquid-solid two-phase flow occurring in a pipe with sudden expansion in cross-section is numerically simulated in this paper. The global model for erosion-corrosion process includes three main components: the liquid-solid two-phase flow model, erosion model and corrosion model. The Eulerian-Lagrangian approach is used to simulate liquid-solid two-phase flow, while the stochastic trajectory model was adopted to obtain properties of particle phase. Two-way coupling effect between the fluid and the particle phase is considered in the model. The accuracy of the models is tested by the data in the reference. The comparison shows that the model is basically correct and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 EROSION-CORROSION liquid-solid two-phase flow stochastic trajectory model two-way coupling
Study on heat transfer for falling liquid film flow with consideration of interfacial evaporation 被引量:1
作者 张金涛 王补宣 +1 位作者 彭晓峰 杜建华 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第2期145-149,共5页
The interfacial evaporative heat transfer was included in the semi-empirical study of the heat transfer for the falling liquid film flow. The investigations showed that, the inclusion of the interfacial eveiporative h... The interfacial evaporative heat transfer was included in the semi-empirical study of the heat transfer for the falling liquid film flow. The investigations showed that, the inclusion of the interfacial eveiporative heat transfer in the turbulent model would lower the predicted convective heat transfer coefficient. Predictions of the new model resulted in a prominent deviation from that predictions of the normal model in the case of large mass flow rate and low wall heat flux. This deviation will be decreased with increasing wall heat flux, such that it will be asymptotic zero at very high wall heat flux. Predictions of the new model agreed well with the current experimental measurements. This study has verified that the Reynolds number is not the sole crucial parameter for heat transfer of falling liquid film flow, and wall heat flux will be another important independent parameter. This result is consistent with our previous studies. 展开更多
关键词 falling liquid film convective heat transfer turbulent model
Estimate of Global Sea-Air CO_2 Flux with Sea-State-Dependent Parameterization 被引量:2
作者 HU Wei GUAN Changlong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期237-240,共4页
Although the annual global sea-air CO2 flux has been estimated extensively with various wind-dependent-k parameterizations,uncertainty still exists in the estimates. The sea-state-dependent-k parameterization is expec... Although the annual global sea-air CO2 flux has been estimated extensively with various wind-dependent-k parameterizations,uncertainty still exists in the estimates. The sea-state-dependent-k parameterization is expected to improve the uncertainty existing in these estimates. In the present study,the annual global sea-air CO2 flux is estimated with the sea-state-dependent-k parameterization proposed by Woolf(2005) ,using NOAA/NCEP reanalysis wind speed and hindcast wave data from 1998 to 2006,and a new estimate,-2.18 Gt C year-1,is obtained,which is comparable with previous estimates with biochemical methods. It is interesting to note that the averaged value of previous estimates with various wind-dependent-k parameterizations is almost identical to that of previous estimates with biochemical methods by various authors,and that the new estimate is quite consistent with these averaged estimates. 展开更多
关键词 sea-air CO2 exchange global CO2 flux: gas transfer velocity sea-state wave development status
Combustion simulation and key parameter optimization for opposite axial piston engine in small-scale 被引量:2
作者 张雷 徐海军 +1 位作者 潘存云 徐小军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3397-3408,共12页
As potential alternative power sources used in portable electric generators, opposite axial piston engines in small-scale were investigated to show their advantages in power density. A novel cylinder charge system was... As potential alternative power sources used in portable electric generators, opposite axial piston engines in small-scale were investigated to show their advantages in power density. A novel cylinder charge system was introduced, based on which a quasi-dimension model and a CFD(computational fluid dynamics) model were established. Comparison of those two models was carried out to validate the quasi-dimension model. Furthermore, optimal diameter of charge cylinder and speed were determined after evaluating the quasi-dimension model based on different parameters. High agreement between the quasi-dimension model and the CFD model validates the quasi-dimension model. Further studies show that the power of engine increases with the diameter of charge cylinder. However, a too big charge cylinder lowers the fuel efficiency instead. Taking economic influence into consideration the charge cylinder should be 1.4 times power cylinder, which could ensure the power density, volumetric efficiency and fuel economic at the same time. Axial piston engine running at 1.0×104 r/min could achieve a better overall performance. The maximal power of engine with optimal parameters is 0.82 k W, which fits the power need of the portable electric generators completely. 展开更多
关键词 opposite axial piston engine quasi-dimension model computational fluid dynamics(CFD) optimal design
Simulation of the Clustering Phenomenon in a Fast Fluidized Bed: The Importance of Drag Correlation 被引量:9
作者 王维 李佑楚 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期335-341,共7页
Drag force is a key parameter in the numerical modeling of gas-particle flow in circulating fluidized beds. The reliability of current drag force correlations over the regime of fast fluidization has, however, not bee... Drag force is a key parameter in the numerical modeling of gas-particle flow in circulating fluidized beds. The reliability of current drag force correlations over the regime of fast fluidization has, however, not been thoroughly investigated. In this article, a drag force correlation accounting for the clustering effects for Geldart A particles is used to simulate the behaviors typical of fast fluidization, including dynamic evolution of clusters as well as time- averaged axial and lateral voidage profiles. Diverse images of clusters are captured and the time-averaged profiles of voidage are shown to be in quantitative agreement with the present empirical correlation. The results based on different constitutive correlations of drag force show the importance of the choice of drag force in modeling fast-fluidized beds. This drag force correlation, based on a simple averaging assumption, could give some basic insights about the magnitude of the drag reduction. 展开更多
关键词 drag force kinetic theory granular materials fast fluidization multiphase flow SIMULATION
Geometric Design of Anode-Supported Micro-Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Multiphysics Simulations
作者 施红玉 朱江 林子敬 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期411-417,I0001,共8页
High volumetric power density (VPD) is the basis for the commercial success of micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (mtSOFCs). To find maximal VPD (MVPD) for anode-supported mtSOFC (as-mtSOFC), the effects of ... High volumetric power density (VPD) is the basis for the commercial success of micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (mtSOFCs). To find maximal VPD (MVPD) for anode-supported mtSOFC (as-mtSOFC), the effects of geometric parameters on VPD are analyzed and the anode thickness, tan, and the cathode length, lea, are identified as the key design parameters. Thermo-fluid electrochemical models were built to examine the dependence of the electrical output on the cell parameters. The multiphysics model is validated by reproducing the experimental I-V curves with no adjustable parameters. The optimal lea and the corresponding MVPDs are then determined by the multiphysics model for 20 combinations of rin, the inner tube radius, and tan. And all these optimization are made at 1073.15 K. The results show that: (i) significant performance improvement may be achieved by geometry optimization, (ii) the seemingly high MVPD of 11 and 14 W/cm^3 can be easily realized for as-mtSOFC with single- and double-terminal anode current collection, respectively. Moreover, the variation of the area specific power density with/cac(2 mm, 40 mm) is determined for three representative (tin, tan) combinations. Besides, it is demonstrated that the current output of mtSOFC with proper geometric parameters is comparable to that of planar SOFC. 展开更多
关键词 I-V relations Thermal fluid electrochemistry model Parametric optimization Volumetric power density Anode thickness
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