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作者 匡蓝珺 于涛 +5 位作者 张华健 孙爱扣 陈珍平 谭波 甘斌 陈富财 《强激光与粒子束》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期164-170,共7页
基于开源SALOME平台,采用以体代面思想和栅元层次多叉树方法,开展蒙卡计算模型CAD反向转换及三维可视化研究。基于本文方法开发了CAD反转可视化程序模块SALOME-MC,模块可实现蒙卡计算模型几何建模、材料建模和三维可视化等功能。选取三... 基于开源SALOME平台,采用以体代面思想和栅元层次多叉树方法,开展蒙卡计算模型CAD反向转换及三维可视化研究。基于本文方法开发了CAD反转可视化程序模块SALOME-MC,模块可实现蒙卡计算模型几何建模、材料建模和三维可视化等功能。选取三种典型反应堆蒙卡计算模型对本文方法和程序进行测试验证,测试结果表明,本文方法和程序可妥善处理蒙卡计算模型的复杂几何体与大规模重复结构,并精准地实现蒙卡计算模型CAD三维反转可视化,证明SALOME-MC的蒙卡计算模型反转能力和可视化效果的正确性与可靠性,提高了蒙卡计算模型几何建模效率和展示度。 展开更多
关键词 蒙特卡罗 模型反转 以体代面 层次多叉树 SALOME
作者 杨继云 吴正茂 +3 位作者 梁卿 陈建军 钟祝强 夏光琼 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期112-119,共8页
自旋反转模型是目前用于分析垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSELs)非线性动力学特性最常用的理论模型,因此该模型中相关参量的取值至关重要.本文基于对自由运行和平行光注入时1550 nm垂直腔面发射激光器(1550 nm-VCSELs)输出特性的实验测量结果,... 自旋反转模型是目前用于分析垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSELs)非线性动力学特性最常用的理论模型,因此该模型中相关参量的取值至关重要.本文基于对自由运行和平行光注入时1550 nm垂直腔面发射激光器(1550 nm-VCSELs)输出特性的实验测量结果,对描述1550 nm-VCSELs特性的SFM中光场衰减速率k、总载流子衰减速率γN、线宽增强因子α,有源介质双折射速率γp、自旋反转速率γs、有源介质线性色散速率γa等关键参量进行了估值.在此基础上,利用所测得的这些关键参量的数值,仿真了1550 nm-VCSELs的相关输出特性,所得结果与实验结果符合. 展开更多
关键词 1550 nm垂直腔面发射激光器 平行光注入 自旋模型
作者 王晓兰 郭玲 +1 位作者 周献中 黄志同 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期61-62,121,共3页
通过对连续发音的数字串识别实验的搜索过程进行分析,发现许多误识是由于声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的。因此结合汉语音节结构特点,通过引入了反转HMM,提出了双层搜索策略,较好地解决了单层搜索时音节分界点错位引起的声母段及声... 通过对连续发音的数字串识别实验的搜索过程进行分析,发现许多误识是由于声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的。因此结合汉语音节结构特点,通过引入了反转HMM,提出了双层搜索策略,较好地解决了单层搜索时音节分界点错位引起的声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的误识现象。 展开更多
关键词 语音识别 隐马尔可夫模型 双层搜索策略
软土盾构隧道施工阶段上浮计算模型探讨 被引量:11
作者 王道远 袁金秀 +2 位作者 朱永全 孙明磊 朱正国 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期148-155,共8页
文章首先对管片上浮作用机理进行了分析,确定了盾构隧道施工阶段上浮计算模型荷载分布规律和计算方法;其次指出了弹性支撑法和修正惯用法直接运用于盾构隧道上浮阶段设计所存在的问题,即弹性支撑法计算得到管片底部向下位移,与实际上浮... 文章首先对管片上浮作用机理进行了分析,确定了盾构隧道施工阶段上浮计算模型荷载分布规律和计算方法;其次指出了弹性支撑法和修正惯用法直接运用于盾构隧道上浮阶段设计所存在的问题,即弹性支撑法计算得到管片底部向下位移,与实际上浮阶段管片隆起不符,而修正惯用法又不能考虑拱顶上覆土体反向压缩特性;最后,基于弹性支撑法并利用修正惯用法思想提出了能规避上述两个问题的反转抗力力学模型。结果表明:提出的计算模型与施工阶段管片上浮变形特征吻合度高,施工阶段管片上浮状态下弯矩、轴力和剪力最值较弹性支撑法和修正惯用法获得的结果分别增加68%、21%和51%以及34%、69%和22%,说明按本文推荐计算模型进行上浮管片设计可避免实际工程配筋不足造成的管片破损、开裂或渗漏。其结论可为盾构隧道设计提供一定理论支撑和参考。 展开更多
关键词 盾构 软土隧道 管片上浮 抗力力学模型 弹性支撑法 修正惯用法
作者 吴论生 《科技创新与应用》 2016年第14期62-63,共2页
基于自旋反转模型(SFM)理论研究1550nm垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)在光电正反馈下的非线性动力学特性。在反馈延迟时间和反馈强度的参数空间,画出表示各种动力学状态的色图,从图中可以清晰看出各种状态的演变。同时随着反馈延迟时间变化... 基于自旋反转模型(SFM)理论研究1550nm垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)在光电正反馈下的非线性动力学特性。在反馈延迟时间和反馈强度的参数空间,画出表示各种动力学状态的色图,从图中可以清晰看出各种状态的演变。同时随着反馈延迟时间变化,画出激光器输出功率极大值随光电反馈延迟时间变化的分岔图。仿真结果表明,通过改变光电反馈的延迟时间,1550nm垂直腔面发射激光器沿着一种准周期路径最终进入混沌状态。 展开更多
关键词 自旋模型(SFM) 垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL) 非线性动力学 光电正
作者 陈中杰 黄文杰 奚申佳 《中国外资》 2013年第20期86-91,共6页
从现在起到2025年,持续增长的人口、经济发展的需要和对环境保护管理的疏漏无疑会使中国的用水供求和水污染情况更为严重。因而对中国水资源的使用和挖掘制定一个行之有效的策略迫在眉睫。我们用模型推导出的水策略是包括水资源调度,海... 从现在起到2025年,持续增长的人口、经济发展的需要和对环境保护管理的疏漏无疑会使中国的用水供求和水污染情况更为严重。因而对中国水资源的使用和挖掘制定一个行之有效的策略迫在眉睫。我们用模型推导出的水策略是包括水资源调度,海水淡化,水资源存储和水资源保护在内的四个方面的一个完整优化的规划和策略。首先,我们对中国到2025年的水资源供求关系做出预测。第二步,我们研究了水资源调度问题。先计算出了一条最短的管道,随后优化模型,通过计算每个缺水区域到每个多水区域的最短路径的总和排列出了优先考虑调度区域的顺序。再根据平衡分析的方法,总结出多水区域调度到缺水区域的顺序和具体的水资源量。第三步,我们考虑了海水淡化的方法。通过列出约束方程和使用一步反转模型,我们详细罗列了每个沿海区域在每个年周期内需要种植的用于海水淡化的大小植物的数量。第四步,我们通过物流与供应链管理探究了水资源存储的方法。第五步,则利用微分法和静态优化计算出在某个区域要种植用来净化水资源的植物的数量和具体污染问题能够被解决的年份。第六步,我们通过分层分析模型权衡了以上提到的四个方案的优先度。接下来,针对每一步建立的模型和方法,我们进行了评估,讨论,并提出了改进的余地。 展开更多
关键词 回归和正态分布 最短路径 一步模型 微分法和静态优化 物流与供应链管理 层次分析法
气井积液预测研究进展 被引量:18
作者 张烈辉 罗程程 +4 位作者 刘永辉 赵玉龙 谢春雨 张琦 艾先婷 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期57-63,共7页
准确预测气井积液时间并及时采取排水采气工艺措施,对于维持低产气井稳定生产至关重要。为此,基于对国内外气井积液预测方法及积液气井数值模拟方法的广泛调研和总结,综合分析了目前解释气井积液的液滴反转模型、液膜反转模型和气井稳... 准确预测气井积液时间并及时采取排水采气工艺措施,对于维持低产气井稳定生产至关重要。为此,基于对国内外气井积液预测方法及积液气井数值模拟方法的广泛调研和总结,综合分析了目前解释气井积液的液滴反转模型、液膜反转模型和气井稳定性分析方法,阐述了积液气井瞬态数值模拟的研究进展。研究结果表明:(1)不同积液预测模型计算值之间及不同类型气藏气井携液临界气量之间存在着巨大的偏差,引起气井积液的机理不仅仅由单一液体反转现象造成,而是地层与井筒共同作用的结果 ;(2)液体反转理论在解释气井出现动液面上有悖于气液两相管流的基本规律,气井动液面的产生与气井受到瞬态扰动相关。在上述研究的基础上,指出了气井积液机理研究的发展方向:结合地层数值模拟,建立合理井筒压力波动模型并将其考虑为内边界条件,开展地层—井筒耦合实验及理论研究,揭示不同类型气藏积液的控制机理并建立相应积液预测模型,以期为气井排水采气工艺设计提供理论依据和技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 气井积液 液滴模型 液膜模型 气井稳定性分析 地层-井筒耦合 数值模拟 实验室试验
中国消费者的延迟购买偏好是如何反转的?——计划行为视角 被引量:6
作者 李晓 屠采撷 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期10-17,共8页
中国消费者普遍存在的延迟购买意向构成了企业销售的一大瓶颈,基于此,本文在延迟理论和反转理论的基础上提出消费者延迟购买偏好的反转,并借助计划行为理论构建了反转模型。研究发现,消费者的延迟购买偏好存在着三条反转路径(态度改善... 中国消费者普遍存在的延迟购买意向构成了企业销售的一大瓶颈,基于此,本文在延迟理论和反转理论的基础上提出消费者延迟购买偏好的反转,并借助计划行为理论构建了反转模型。研究发现,消费者的延迟购买偏好存在着三条反转路径(态度改善、面子意识及群体评价提升、感知行为控制增强),其中,第三条路径效果最佳,消费者对于"我能"的感知超过了对"我喜欢"、"我应该"的感知,即对改变延迟偏好的控制度越高,越觉得改变容易,该延迟偏好发生反转的可能性也就越大。本研究结果对更好地认识中国消费者延迟购买意向的权变性,帮助中国企业引导消费者反转、有效促销有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 延迟偏好 计划行为理论 模型 感知行为控制
尺寸和空间分布对电沉积Co纳米线矫顽力的影响 被引量:1
作者 张志城 程宝华 +3 位作者 钟克华 吴青云 刘美梅 黄志高 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期46-49,共4页
研究了室温下不同直径的Co纳米线在不同取向下的磁化行为.实验结果表明:不同直径Co纳米线的矫顽力随着纳米线与外加磁场之间角度θ的增大而减小.理论上,应用蒙特卡罗模拟研究了纳米线矫顽力对角度θ的依赖关系.对比理论和实验的结果,得... 研究了室温下不同直径的Co纳米线在不同取向下的磁化行为.实验结果表明:不同直径Co纳米线的矫顽力随着纳米线与外加磁场之间角度θ的增大而减小.理论上,应用蒙特卡罗模拟研究了纳米线矫顽力对角度θ的依赖关系.对比理论和实验的结果,得到如下结论:磁晶各向异性对Co纳米线磁特性起着重大的影响,Co纳米线的磁化反转过程不能简单地用球链模型中经典的一致转动模型来解释. 展开更多
关键词 阳极氧化铝模板 磁化模型 纳米线 矫顽力 蒙特卡罗模拟 磁晶各向异性 一致
基于残差收益的动量或反转效应:来自中国A股市场的经验证据 被引量:10
作者 宁欣 王志强 《投资研究》 北大核心 2012年第12期123-136,共14页
因不能有效反映股票盈利的相对强弱,基于总收益排序的动量或反转组合,通常包含大量高Be-ta值和小市值股票,承担着较大风险。为此,本文采用风险调整后的收益评价,即基于残差收益排序,考察中国A股市场月度数据的动量或反转效应,结果发现:... 因不能有效反映股票盈利的相对强弱,基于总收益排序的动量或反转组合,通常包含大量高Be-ta值和小市值股票,承担着较大风险。为此,本文采用风险调整后的收益评价,即基于残差收益排序,考察中国A股市场月度数据的动量或反转效应,结果发现:在全样本阶段存在显著的残差反转效应,不存在残差动量效应,这在股权分置改革之后更明显;相对于总收益反转组合,残差反转组合不仅具有更高的显著收益和Sharpe比率,还具有较小的系统风险,并受公司规模因素影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 残差动量 策略 总收益动量 策略 Fama-French三因素模型
1550 nm垂直腔面发射激光器的特征参量随温度的变化
作者 马凌华 夏光琼 +1 位作者 陈建军 吴正茂 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第21期163-169,共7页
在采用自旋反转模型分析垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSELs)动力学行为的过程中,为了正确预测VCSELs的动力学行为,需要准确给出自旋反转模型中光场衰减速率k、总反转载流子衰减速率γN、线性二向色性系数γa、线性双折射系数γp、自旋反转速率... 在采用自旋反转模型分析垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSELs)动力学行为的过程中,为了正确预测VCSELs的动力学行为,需要准确给出自旋反转模型中光场衰减速率k、总反转载流子衰减速率γN、线性二向色性系数γa、线性双折射系数γp、自旋反转速率γs和线宽增强因子α这6个特征参量.本文对1550 nm VCSELs在自由运行和平行光注入下的输出特性进行实验分析,获取了这6个特征参量的值,并着重研究了当激光器温度在10.00—30.00℃范围内变化时,这6个特征参量呈现的变化趋势.研究结果表明,随着温度的逐渐升高,γp整体呈现逐渐增加的趋势,γa,γs,γN和k呈现复杂的变化趋势,而α则呈现逐渐减小的趋势. 展开更多
关键词 1550 nm垂直腔面发射激光器 自旋模型 特征参量 温度变化
Evaluation of Spectral Scale Effects in Estimation of Vegetation Leaf Area Index Using Spectral Indices Methods 被引量:6
作者 DU Huishi JIANG Hailing +2 位作者 ZHANG Lifu MAO Dehua WANG Zongming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期731-744,共14页
Spectral index methodology has been widely used in Leaf Area Index(LAI) retrieval at different spatial scales. There are differences in the spectral response of different remote sensors and thus spectral scale effect ... Spectral index methodology has been widely used in Leaf Area Index(LAI) retrieval at different spatial scales. There are differences in the spectral response of different remote sensors and thus spectral scale effect generated during the use of spectral indices to retrieve LAI. In this study, PROSPECT, leaf optical properties model and Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Layers(SAIL) model, were used to simulate canopy spectral reflectance with a bandwidth of 5 nm and a Gaussian spectral response function was employed to simulate the spectral data at six bandwidths ranging from 10 to 35 nm. Additionally, for bandwidths from 5 to 35 nm, the correlation between the spectral index and LAI, and the sensitivities of the spectral index to changes in LAI and bandwidth were analyzed. Finally, the reflectance data at six bandwidths ranging from 40 to 65 nm were used to verify the spectral scale effect generated during the use of the spectral index to retrieve LAI. Results indicate that Vegetation Index of the Universal Pattern Decomposition(VIUPD) had the highest accuracy during LAI retrieval. Followed by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), Modified Simple Ratio Indices(MSRI) and Triangle Vegetation Index(TVI), although the coefficient of determination R^2 was higher than 0.96, the retrieved LAI values were less than the actual value and thus lacked validity. Other spectral indices were significantly affected by the spectral scale effect with poor retrieval results. In this study, VIUPD, which exhibited a relatively good correlation and sensitivity to LAI, was less affected by the spectral scale effect and had a relatively good retrieval capability. This conclusion supports a purported feature independent of the sensor of this model and also confirms the great potential of VIUPD for retrieval of physicochemical parameters of vegetation using multi-source remote sensing data. 展开更多
关键词 spectral index vegetation leaf area index radiative transfer model spectral response scale effect
The Interacting Boson Model for Anomalous Rotational Bands
作者 QIANCheng-De LIUDang-Bo 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第5期591-596,共6页
The interacting boson model for anomalous rotational bands is proposed. In the rotational SU(3) limit,an asymptotic limit is discussed. Within the framework of the model several analytic relations for energies and ele... The interacting boson model for anomalous rotational bands is proposed. In the rotational SU(3) limit,an asymptotic limit is discussed. Within the framework of the model several analytic relations for energies and electro-magnetic transition rates are derived. 展开更多
关键词 g(-) boson-like excitation anomalous rotational bands M1 transtion Hf-176
Influence on Atomic Inversion Evolution in Medium System from Compton Scattering
作者 HAO Xiao-fei HAO Dong-shan 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期51-55,共5页
In Jaynes-Cummings model,by using the modulation of the coupling coefficient formed by the atom,medium and scattering optical,atomic inversion evolution of arbitrary forms has been worked out.Its feasibility has been ... In Jaynes-Cummings model,by using the modulation of the coupling coefficient formed by the atom,medium and scattering optical,atomic inversion evolution of arbitrary forms has been worked out.Its feasibility has been proved,and the curvature of the atomic inversion evolution of the arbitrary forms is obtained.It announces that the atom and coupling medium system are to express the operators of the atom and optical field quantum in Jaynes-Cummings model.These operators can express arbitrary medium system.In these systems,the coupling coefficient can be changed and exactly controlled in the longer coherent times. 展开更多
关键词 Jaynes-Cummings model atom inversion Rabi oscillation multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering
Kinetic Model and Simulation Analysis for Toluene Disproportionation and C9-Aromatics Transalkylation 被引量:4
作者 徐欧官 苏宏业 +2 位作者 计建炳 金晓明 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期326-332,共7页
A new kinetic model for commercial unit of toluene disproportionation and C9-armatiocs transalkylation is developed based on the reported reaction scheme.A time based catalyst deactivation function taking weight hourl... A new kinetic model for commercial unit of toluene disproportionation and C9-armatiocs transalkylation is developed based on the reported reaction scheme.A time based catalyst deactivation function taking weight hourly space velocity(WHSV)into account is incorporated into the model,which reasonably accounts for the loss in activity because of coke deposition on the surface of catalyst during long-term operation.The kinetic parameters are benchmarked with several sets of balanced plant data and estimated by the differential variable metric optimiza- tion method.Sets of plant data at different operating conditions are applied to make sure validation of the model and the results show a good agreement between the model predictions and plant observations.The simulation analysis of key variables such as temperature and WHSV affecting process performance is discussed in detail,giv- ing the guidance to select suitable operating conditions. 展开更多
关键词 toluene disproportionation and C9-armatiocs transalkylation kinetic model catalyst deactivation func-tion parameter estimation simulation analysis
Application of Mean-Field Jordan-Wigner Transformation to Antiferromagnet System 被引量:1
作者 LI Jia-Liang LEI Shu-Guo JIANG Yu-Chi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期243-247,共5页
By using the mean-field Jordan-Wigner transformation analysis,this paper studies the one-dimensionalspin-1/2 XYZ antiferromagnetic chain in the transverse field with uniform long-range interactions among the z-compone... By using the mean-field Jordan-Wigner transformation analysis,this paper studies the one-dimensionalspin-1/2 XYZ antiferromagnetic chain in the transverse field with uniform long-range interactions among the z-components of the spins.The thermodynamic quantities,such as Helmholtz free energy,the internal energy,the specificheat,and the isothermal susceptibility,are obtained.Under degenerating condition,our results agree with numericalresults of the other literatures. 展开更多
关键词 XYZ antiferromagnetic chain mean-field Jordan-Wigner transformation long-range interactions
Unusual Charge Transport and Spin Response of Doped Bilayer Triangular Antiferromagnets 被引量:3
作者 LIANGying MATian-Xing FENGShi-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第6期749-756,共8页
Within the t-J model, the charge transport and spin response of the doped bilayer triangular antiferromagnetare studied by considering the bilayer interaction. Although the bilayer interaction leads to the band splitt... Within the t-J model, the charge transport and spin response of the doped bilayer triangular antiferromagnetare studied by considering the bilayer interaction. Although the bilayer interaction leads to the band splitting in theelectronic structure, the qualitative behaviors of the physical properties are the same as in the single layer case. Theconductivity spectrum shows the low-energy peak and unusual midinfrared band, the temperature-dependent resistivityis characterized by the nonlinearity metallic-like behavior in the higher temperature range and the deviation from themetallic-like behavior in the lower temperature range and the commensurate neutron scattering peak near the half-fillingis split into six incommensurate peaks in the underdoped regime, with the incommensurability increasing with the holeconcentration at lower dopings, and saturating at higher dopings. 展开更多
关键词 charge transport spin response t-J model
A Simulation Study of Higee Rotor Auto-balancing Based on Iterative Learning Control
作者 曹晰 袁洪芳 高金吉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第5期669-672,共4页
Hypergravity technology has a wide application prospect on many industry areas for its powerful ability on multiphase flow transport and reaction.In its long-term operation,vibration control of higee rotor is an impor... Hypergravity technology has a wide application prospect on many industry areas for its powerful ability on multiphase flow transport and reaction.In its long-term operation,vibration control of higee rotor is an important guarantee for high-quality continuous outputs.Offline approach has great influence on continuity of the whole production line.In order to study online auto-balancing control strategy,a mathematical model of higee rotor was established.Then basic Iterative Learning Control(ILC)algorithm and its improved structure based on vector analysis were introduced.Pure injection balancer and electromagnetic balancer were separately used as the actuator.Three different control algorithms(P control using Cohen-Coon parameter tuning law,basic ILC,and improved ILC based on vector analysis)were compared under single eccentric mass disturbance and continuous ones.Simulation results manifested the effects of ILC in rotor auto-balancing control,especially on the "over-control" issue during the balancing process. 展开更多
关键词 higee rotor auto-balancing rotor model Iterative Learning Control "over-control"
Near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motion effect on high-speed railway bridge 被引量:8
作者 陈令坤 张楠 +3 位作者 蒋丽忠 曾志平 陈格威 国巍 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2425-2436,共12页
The vehicle-track-bridge(VTB)element was used to investigate how a high-speed railway bridge reacted when it was subjected to near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motions.Based on the PEER NAG Strong Ground Motion... The vehicle-track-bridge(VTB)element was used to investigate how a high-speed railway bridge reacted when it was subjected to near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motions.Based on the PEER NAG Strong Ground Motion Database,the spatial analysis model of a vehicle-bridge system was developed,the VTB element was derived to simulate the interaction of train and bridge,and the elasto-plastic seismic responses of the bridge were calculated.The calculation results show that girder and pier top displacement,and bending moment of the pier base increase subjected to near-fault directivity pulse-like ground motion compared to far-field earthquakes,and the greater deformation responses in near-fault shaking are associated with fewer reversed cycles of loading.The hysteretic characteristics of the pier subjected to a near-fault directivity pulse-like earthquake should be explicitly expressed as the bending moment-rotation relationship of the pier base,which is characterized by the centrally strengthened hysteretic cycles at some point of the loading time-history curve.The results show that there is an amplification of the vertical deflection in the girder's mid-span owing to the high vertical ground motion.In light of these findings,the effect of the vertical ground motion should be used to adjust the unconservative amplification constant 2/3 of the vertical-to-horizontal peak ground motion ratio in the seismic design of bridge. 展开更多
关键词 ELEMENT near-fault ground motion directivity pulse high-speed railway bridge earthquake response
Methodology for Design of Reactive Distillation Column and Kinetics for Isoamylene Etherification Catalysed by Amberlyst 35 被引量:1
作者 Wu Yanli Li Wenying +1 位作者 Li Qiang Feng Jie 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第4期128-136,共9页
Isoamylene from the Fischer-Tropsch syncrude can be transformed to valuable fuel oxygenate additives through an equilibrium limited etherification reaction with methanol. A reactive distillation process is established... Isoamylene from the Fischer-Tropsch syncrude can be transformed to valuable fuel oxygenate additives through an equilibrium limited etherification reaction with methanol. A reactive distillation process is established to increase isoamylene conversion. Facing the challenge of improving product purity at the same time, an equilibrium stage model based design methodology is proposed and illustrated step-by-step for converting the Fischer-Tropsch C_5 olefins to tert-amyl methyl ether(TAME) process by using Aspen Plus. Under the guide of the proposed methodology, the design leads to a TAME product purity of higher than 95% and an isoamylene conversion of higher than 90%. The etherification kinetics over Amberlyst 35 is also studied within a temperature range of 60 ℃ to 75 ℃ to shed more light on the feasibility of process development. The methodology provides an effective reactive distillation column design to achieve the target reactant conversion and product purity simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 Amberlyst 35 design methodology etherification isoamylene reactive distillation column
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