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倾斜摄影三维模型测图与传统摄影测量测图试验分析探讨 被引量:3
作者 郑华 齐东宏 +1 位作者 陈向阳 刘书冬 《测绘技术装备》 2018年第4期81-83,共3页
关键词 无人机倾斜摄影 三维模型 三维模型测图 传统航空摄影
作者 杨成坡 乔晓星 牛向波 《电力勘测设计》 2020年第S02期116-119,共4页
关键词 正摄航拍 三维实景模型 模型测图
消费级无人机倾斜摄影大比例尺测图技术 被引量:18
作者 王虎 吕伟才 +2 位作者 苏晓刚 童子良 赵祥硕 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第4期507-511,共5页
近年来,随着倾斜摄影测量技术的迅速发展,采用该技术生产的实景三维模型能够很好地应用于各领域中。由于用于测绘领域的主流飞行平台价格昂贵,且操作复杂,对作业人员素质要求较高,文章以消费级无人机搭载普通相机进行倾斜摄影构建三维模... 近年来,随着倾斜摄影测量技术的迅速发展,采用该技术生产的实景三维模型能够很好地应用于各领域中。由于用于测绘领域的主流飞行平台价格昂贵,且操作复杂,对作业人员素质要求较高,文章以消费级无人机搭载普通相机进行倾斜摄影构建三维模型,根据消费级无人机搭载传感器的特点,手动设置兴趣点环绕式飞行路线进行倾斜影像采集;采用Context Capture自动建模软件构建实景三维模型,进行三维测图工作,对消费级无人机倾斜摄影大比例尺测图能力进行分析和测图成果精度评定。结果表明在使用兴趣点环绕式飞行航线基础上,消费级无人机测图结果的平面精度能够满足1∶500大比例尺地形图的精度要求。采用消费级无人机进行大比例尺测图工作,大大降低了工作成本、缩短了成图时间,为倾斜摄影大比例尺测图工作提供新的参考方案。 展开更多
关键词 消费级无人机 倾斜摄影 实景三维模型 三维模型测图 大比例尺地形
作者 谢国华 《甘肃科技》 2016年第7期33-34,46,共3页
三线阵卫星测绘系统能够同时获取前视、下视和后视三个视角影像,可两两组合成立体像对,为组建立体模型提供了多种选择。为了选择更合适的立体模型,本论述对单模型之间、单模型与区域网整体平差同名特征点及模型连接点的偏差进行了试验... 三线阵卫星测绘系统能够同时获取前视、下视和后视三个视角影像,可两两组合成立体像对,为组建立体模型提供了多种选择。为了选择更合适的立体模型,本论述对单模型之间、单模型与区域网整体平差同名特征点及模型连接点的偏差进行了试验分析。试验表明:前后视立体像对测图精度相对其他类别像对来讲,整体偏差及模型间接边偏差都较小,观测盲区也较小,在不考虑视差对测图人员影响的情况下,可优先选择前后视立体模型测图。 展开更多
关键词 三线阵卫星 无控:立体模型
基于消费级无人机倾斜影像的三维测图技术探讨 被引量:40
作者 吴献文 张鹏 曾琳 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期92-95,共4页
倾斜摄影测量技术作为一项新兴的测绘新技术,在各领域中得到了较好的应用,但是用于测绘专业的主流航测飞行器价值昂贵、操控复杂。本文提出了一种利用由消费级无人机获取的倾斜影像制作而成的实景三维模型测绘大比例尺地形图的方法,该... 倾斜摄影测量技术作为一项新兴的测绘新技术,在各领域中得到了较好的应用,但是用于测绘专业的主流航测飞行器价值昂贵、操控复杂。本文提出了一种利用由消费级无人机获取的倾斜影像制作而成的实景三维模型测绘大比例尺地形图的方法,该方法充分利用了消费无人机价格低廉、操控简便的优点和自动化建模优势,可在短时间内生产出高质量、高精度的实景三维模型和1∶500地形图。实践表明,该方法操作简单,技术路线可行,产品精度符合相关标准规范要求,整体效率优于传统测绘方式,具有推广普及意义。 展开更多
关键词 消费级无人机 倾斜摄影 实景三维 三维模型测图 大比例尺地形
城市复杂地形环境下倾斜模型结合LiDAR点云的大比例尺地形图更新方法 被引量:10
作者 晏晓红 荣延祥 +1 位作者 孙可心 李旭民 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期93-99,共7页
针对无人机倾斜摄影技术受遮挡影响较大和难以穿透植被茂密地区的问题,本文提出了城市复杂地形环境下倾斜模型结合LiDAR点云进行小区域大比例尺数字地形图的更新方法。首先采用五镜头六旋翼无人机分别以垂直和平行主要建筑物楼群方向进... 针对无人机倾斜摄影技术受遮挡影响较大和难以穿透植被茂密地区的问题,本文提出了城市复杂地形环境下倾斜模型结合LiDAR点云进行小区域大比例尺数字地形图的更新方法。首先采用五镜头六旋翼无人机分别以垂直和平行主要建筑物楼群方向进行2次全区域拍摄,以及无人机机载激光雷达全区域采集点云,并对高度不足10 m的别墅区进行单镜头低空补飞。然后融合倾斜影像点云与机载激光点云建模,经过3种建模方案对比,融合建模的倾斜三维模型的位置精度和模型质量均最优。最后基于此模型进行测图。精度评定结果表明,城市复杂地形环境下在飞行方案和像控点布设合理的情况下,通过倾斜三维模型采集的数字地形图的平面和高程精度完全满足并优于深圳市1∶1000数字地形图动态更新的精度指标。 展开更多
关键词 倾斜摄影 LiDAR 点云 三维模型测图 地形更新
基于倾斜摄影建模多技术融合的1∶500地形图测绘 被引量:6
作者 张秋义 王笑 +3 位作者 王晓旭 叶梓 秦海超 周爱华 《地理信息世界》 2022年第3期13-17,共5页
针对雄安新区快速测制1∶500地形图并同步生产多种地理信息产品的现实需求,本文结合平原和丘陵地区地貌特征,提出了一种将区域高程拟合、倾斜摄影测量、三维模型立体测图等技术方法融合的快速测图模式,以内业立体测图代替传统全野外测... 针对雄安新区快速测制1∶500地形图并同步生产多种地理信息产品的现实需求,本文结合平原和丘陵地区地貌特征,提出了一种将区域高程拟合、倾斜摄影测量、三维模型立体测图等技术方法融合的快速测图模式,以内业立体测图代替传统全野外测图。该模式在雄安新区1∶500地形图测制工作中得到了验证,地形图成果平面和高程精度优于12 cm,提高近40%的作业效率,还可提供正射影像图、实景三维模型、高程拟合参数、二维实体成果等多种地理信息产品。 展开更多
关键词 1∶500地形 区域高程拟合 倾斜摄影 三维模型立体
浅谈无人机倾斜摄影测量在地籍底图测绘中的应用——以“平潭综合实验区(平原镇、苏澳镇、芦洋乡)农村地籍和房屋调查项目”为例 被引量:6
作者 黄晨东 《福建建设科技》 2018年第5期79-82,共4页
本文从近年来全国开展农村地籍和房屋调查工作对大比例尺高精度地籍底图的快速获取和更新的迫切需求出发,以"平潭综合实验区(平原镇、苏澳镇、芦洋乡)农村地籍和房屋调查项目"工作为例,分析了全野外数字1:500地形图数据采集... 本文从近年来全国开展农村地籍和房屋调查工作对大比例尺高精度地籍底图的快速获取和更新的迫切需求出发,以"平潭综合实验区(平原镇、苏澳镇、芦洋乡)农村地籍和房屋调查项目"工作为例,分析了全野外数字1:500地形图数据采集方法的缺点,结合倾斜摄影、三维模型测图新技术手段,阐述了无人机倾斜摄影测量测制1:500地籍底图的方法和流程,并做了该方法成图精度分析与评定,最后总结了该方法作业过程中的要点及注意事项,可为类似项目提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地籍 倾斜摄影 三维模型测图
基于无人机倾斜摄影的农村“房地一体”测量技术研究 被引量:1
作者 王建超 陈学彬 +1 位作者 王重天 陈佳利 《无线互联科技》 2022年第17期104-109,共6页
传统基于全站仪和RTK等的野外测量方法工作效率低、成本高,难以满足农村不动产调查大范围测量、高频度更新需求。无人机倾斜摄影技术具有采集效率高、成本低、建模精度高等优点,广泛应用于地形、地表建模和测量。文章详细论述了基于无... 传统基于全站仪和RTK等的野外测量方法工作效率低、成本高,难以满足农村不动产调查大范围测量、高频度更新需求。无人机倾斜摄影技术具有采集效率高、成本低、建模精度高等优点,广泛应用于地形、地表建模和测量。文章详细论述了基于无人机倾斜摄影的农村不动产“房地一体”测量技术流程,提出了集“数据采集+模型构建+不动产测量数据生产”的技术方案。开展江苏某地农村房地一体测绘项目,验证了技术流程的有效性,采用RTK全站仪实测方法对技术成果进行精度评定。结果表明技术流程可生产符合不动产精度要求的测绘数据,有效提高农村不动产测绘外业生产工作效率,解决了传统作业方式周期长、成本高、效率低和变更测绘时效性差的问题。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 倾斜摄影 农村房地一体 三维建模 模型测图
无人机倾斜摄影技术在地籍测绘中的应用 被引量:3
作者 屈国兴 何杰 《宁夏工程技术》 CAS 2022年第1期56-59,66,共5页
为解决传统地籍图测绘方法成本高、效率低、工作量大等问题,提出了基于单镜头无人机倾斜摄影技术的地籍图测绘方法。利用单镜头无人机获取倾斜影像,通过建模软件对影像处理生成三维模型,在此基础上进行内业采编,最后对采编成果的精度进... 为解决传统地籍图测绘方法成本高、效率低、工作量大等问题,提出了基于单镜头无人机倾斜摄影技术的地籍图测绘方法。利用单镜头无人机获取倾斜影像,通过建模软件对影像处理生成三维模型,在此基础上进行内业采编,最后对采编成果的精度进行分析。选取广东省湛江市某村为研究对象进行了测绘,结果表明,该方法不仅能满足《地籍调查规程》(TD/T 1001—2012)中一级界址点相对于邻近控制点的点位中误差的精度要求,同时具有成本低、作业效率高等优势。 展开更多
关键词 单镜头无人机 倾斜摄影 实景三维 三维模型测图
Transect-based Three-Dimensional Road Modeling and Visualization 被引量:6
作者 LIQingquan TANGLuliang ZUOXiaoqing LIHanwu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第1期14-17,共4页
On the basis of the study on road elements and th e existing three-dimensional road data models, this paper puts forward the transe ct-based road modeling, resolves the modeling of the simplest road with two roa d tra... On the basis of the study on road elements and th e existing three-dimensional road data models, this paper puts forward the transe ct-based road modeling, resolves the modeling of the simplest road with two roa d transects, and fulfils the visualization of the road. OpenGL is applied as the tool of visualization. The map texture technology, LOD algorithm and dynamic mu lti-differentiating texture technology are of benefit to the construction of 3D road GIS, and improve the speed of roaming and effective visualization. This pa per also disusses the combination of 2D digitall road map and 3D road scene, and the dynamic response between them. Finally, on the basis of the research on the transect-based road model, this paper develops the three-dimensional road geo graphic information system called virtual road ( VRoad ), which not only suppli es road designers with a set of tool which can turn the designed 2D road data in to 3D road and the high road assistant function area in computer, but also suppl ies the road management with a set of tool which can realize the road real time and interactive roaming, high-efficiency management. 展开更多
关键词 3DGIS road modeling virtual reality LOD
Quality Assessment of Attribute Data in GIS Based on Simple Random Sampling 被引量:1
作者 LIU Chun SHI Wenzhong LIU Dajie LIU Chun, Ph. D, postdoctoral fellow, Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, China. 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第2期13-19,共7页
On the basis of the principles of simple random sampling, the statistical model of rate of disfigurement (RD) is put forward and described in detail. According to the definition of simple random sampling for the attri... On the basis of the principles of simple random sampling, the statistical model of rate of disfigurement (RD) is put forward and described in detail. According to the definition of simple random sampling for the attribute data in GIS, the mean and variance of the RD are deduced as the characteristic value of the statistical model in order to explain the feasibility of the accuracy measurement of the attribute data in GIS by using the RD. Moreover, on the basis of the mean and variance of the RD, the quality assessment method for attribute data of vector maps during the data collecting is discussed. The RD spread graph is also drawn to see whether the quality of the attribute data is under control. The RD model can synthetically judge the quality of attribute data, which is different from other measurement coefficients that only discuss accuracy of classification. 展开更多
关键词 quality assessment simple random sampling rate of disfigurement attributedata
Single Camera 3-D Coordinate Measuring System Based on Optical Probe Imaging 被引量:4
作者 MAShu-ying YUZhi-jing 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第4期235-240,共6页
A new vision coordinate measuring system--single camera 3 D coordinate measuring system based on optical probe imaging is presented. A new idea in vision coordinate measurement is proposed. A linear model is deduced w... A new vision coordinate measuring system--single camera 3 D coordinate measuring system based on optical probe imaging is presented. A new idea in vision coordinate measurement is proposed. A linear model is deduced which can distinguish six freedom degrees of optical probe to realize coordinate measurement of the object surface. The effects of some factors on the resolution of the system are analyzed. The simulating experiments have shown that the system model is available. 展开更多
关键词 Three dimensional measurement Vision coordinate measurement Optical probe Linear model
Mining Data Correlation from Multi-Faceted Sensor Data in Internet of Things 被引量:1
作者 曹栋 乔秀全 +2 位作者 Judith Gelernter 李晓峰 孟洛明 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期132-138,共7页
Sensors are ubiquitous in the Internet of Things for measuring and collecting data. Analyzing these data derived from sensors is an essential task and can reveal useful latent information besides the data. Since the I... Sensors are ubiquitous in the Internet of Things for measuring and collecting data. Analyzing these data derived from sensors is an essential task and can reveal useful latent information besides the data. Since the Internet of Things contains many sorts of sensors, the measurement data collected by these sensors are multi-type data, sometimes contai- ning temporal series information. If we separately deal with different sorts of data, we will miss useful information. This paper proposes a method to dis- cover the correlation in multi-faceted data, which contains many types of data with temporal informa- tion, and our method can simultaneously deal with multi-faceted data. We transform high-dimensional multi-faeeted data into lower-dimensional data which is set as multivariate Gaussian Graphical Models, then mine the correlation in multi-faceted data by discover the structure of the multivariate Gausslan Graphical Models. With a real data set, we verifies our method, and the experiment demonstrates that the method we propose can correctly fred out the correlation among multi-faceted meas- urement data. 展开更多
关键词 multi-faceted data SENSORS Internet of Things Gaussian Graphical Models
Block-based test data adequacy measurement criteria and test complexity metrics
作者 陈卫东 杨建军 +1 位作者 叶澄清 潘云鹤 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第1期37-41,共5页
On the basis of software testing tools we developed for programming languages, we firstly present a new control flowgraph model based on block. In view of the notion of block, we extend the traditional program\|based ... On the basis of software testing tools we developed for programming languages, we firstly present a new control flowgraph model based on block. In view of the notion of block, we extend the traditional program\|based software test data adequacy measurement criteria, and empirically analyze the subsume relation between these measurement criteria. Then, we define four test complexity metrics based on block. They are J\|complexity 0; J\|complexity 1; J\|complexity \{1+\}; J\|complexity 2. Finally, we show the Kiviat diagram that makes software quality visible. 展开更多
关键词 block NODE SEGMENT control flowgraph model test data adequacy measurement criteria test complexity metric Kiviat diagram
Investigation of Flow in Data Rack
作者 Manoch Lukas Novotny Jan Novakova Ludmila 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第12期1685-1694,共10页
The main purpose of this paper was to set up a functioning numerical model of data rack verified by an experimental measurement. The numerical model will serve for the flow simulation inside the data rack. For the aim... The main purpose of this paper was to set up a functioning numerical model of data rack verified by an experimental measurement. The numerical model will serve for the flow simulation inside the data rack. For the aim of experimental verification of the server model, a PIV (particle image velocimetry) method was used. The server model was projected based on the original Rack Workstation Dell Precision 17,5400 (2U rack space). The flow rate in each channel was implemented with the help of pressure loss, which was set up so that the server flow rate corresponded with the measured values. The verification of the correct functioning of the numerical model of the server was carded out together with verifying the numerical model of a small data rack. The experiment was compared with the numerical model for the case of data rack (12U rack space) fitted with two 2U rack workstations Dell Precision R5400, on which the simulation of several phases of the entire data rack with given configuration was carried out. 展开更多
关键词 Data rack PIV numerical simulation flow field.
Influence of Adoptment of Geocentric 3D Coordinate System on Chinese Existent Maps
作者 CHENJunyong DANGYamin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第2期79-84,103,共7页
If a geocentric 3D coordinate system is adopted in China to replace 2D non-geocentric coordinate system, the coordinates of the surface points will be changed accordingly. The influences on the current maps of China, ... If a geocentric 3D coordinate system is adopted in China to replace 2D non-geocentric coordinate system, the coordinates of the surface points will be changed accordingly. The influences on the current maps of China, especially the topographic maps, are discussed due to the replacement of the coordinate systems. Taking the replacement of Xi’an 80 coordinate system by GRS80 for a numerical example, this paper analyzes the changes of latitude, longitude, Gauss plane coordinates of the surface points, as well as the orientation and the length changes between the points on the map, including the changes of map border lines and sheet corner points. 展开更多
关键词 replacement of coordinate system MAP geocentric 3D coordinate system
Testable model specification via statechart schema
作者 CAIGuo-yong GUTian-long CHIOUPengLam 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期254-258,共5页
XML is an important technology for Internet-based data exchange with far reaching capabilities be-yond for just data exchange. The paper describes the first results of a project that aims to explore the applicabil-ity... XML is an important technology for Internet-based data exchange with far reaching capabilities be-yond for just data exchange. The paper describes the first results of a project that aims to explore the applicabil-ity of XML technology for web-based software engineering with the emphasis on collaborative software testing in-volving the use of statechart. The paper presents the approach of building the statechart schema with XML Sche-ma. It also describes the use of the schema in a web-based collaborative software testing CASE environment. 展开更多
关键词 XML STATECHART test specification
New Contour Detection Model Working on Gray-Scale Image of Blended Yarn Cross-Section
作者 杨宝娣 陶晨 顾平 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期611-615,共5页
The traditional Contour Tracing algorithm works on the binary image. It is developed that a new model called Facula Diffusion which can work directly on gray-scaled images according to the principle of human vision. T... The traditional Contour Tracing algorithm works on the binary image. It is developed that a new model called Facula Diffusion which can work directly on gray-scaled images according to the principle of human vision. The diffusion operation is controlled by four factors including approximation, closing, length-limiting, and hit-rate. Based on this model, three shape indices, i. e., dimension index, abnormity index, and fluctuation index, were put forward to describe the shape of objects. The rule of shape indices selection was discussed subsequently. Finally, the fibers in polyester/cotton blended yam are classified and the blending ratio is determined. 展开更多
关键词 blended yarn blending ratio image analysis contour tracing facula diffusion feature index
A Joint Model of Device Load and User Intention in Load Monitoring 被引量:1
作者 Bin Yang 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第11期1835-1842,共8页
In this paper, a concept for the joint modeling of the device load and user intention is presented. It consists of two coupled models, a device load model to characterize the power consumption of an electric device of... In this paper, a concept for the joint modeling of the device load and user intention is presented. It consists of two coupled models, a device load model to characterize the power consumption of an electric device of interest, and a user intention model for describing the user intentions which cause the energy consumption. The advantage of this joint model is the ability to predict the device load from the user intention and to reconstruct the user intention from the measured device load. This opens a new way for load monitoring, simulation and prediction from the perspective of users instead of devices. 展开更多
关键词 Device load model user intention model joint modeling finite state machine.
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