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草原建设工程项目效益评价实证研究——以甘南州天然草原恢复与建设项目为例 被引量:3
作者 李新文 陈耀 +1 位作者 陈强强 景喆 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期193-199,共7页
运用草原建设工程项目效益评价理论和指标体系,以甘肃省甘南藏族自治州天然草原恢复与建设项目为例,利用多指标综合评价模型对草原建设工程项目的综合效益进行了实证研究。结果表明,实施天然草原恢复与建设项目后,项目区的生态效益、经... 运用草原建设工程项目效益评价理论和指标体系,以甘肃省甘南藏族自治州天然草原恢复与建设项目为例,利用多指标综合评价模型对草原建设工程项目的综合效益进行了实证研究。结果表明,实施天然草原恢复与建设项目后,项目区的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益都得到了不同程度的提高,分别提高了6.135%、5.433%和14.042%。项目区的景观效益维持在0.110水平不变,而环境效益则从0.105下降到0.103,下降了1.905%。 展开更多
关键词 草原建设工程项目 效益评价 指标综合评价模型 甘南藏族自治州
三江源区生态旅游资源的定量评价 被引量:5
作者 李春花 《青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第2期77-80,共4页
本文采用指标权重的层次分析法,建立了三江源区旅游资源的多指标综合评价模型,定量地评价了自然和人文生态旅游资源。从对三江源区的24处风景区所得的评分结果来看,分值均较低,这和它们的旅游开发条件较差有直接的关系。但由于生态旅游... 本文采用指标权重的层次分析法,建立了三江源区旅游资源的多指标综合评价模型,定量地评价了自然和人文生态旅游资源。从对三江源区的24处风景区所得的评分结果来看,分值均较低,这和它们的旅游开发条件较差有直接的关系。但由于生态旅游本身的特点是以不破坏环境为前提,它对生态旅游者有较高的要求,所以恰好可以扬长避短来开发这些旅游景区(点)。 展开更多
关键词 三江源区 指标综合评价模型 生态旅游资源
基于正交模拟的采场结构参数研究 被引量:1
作者 杨宁 刘斌 《采矿技术》 2023年第4期249-253,共5页
针对某铅锌矿现有的采场结构参数不合理的情况,采用FLAC3D正交试验对采场的顶柱厚度、矿房走向长度、间柱厚度进行模拟研究,建立了多指标综合评价模型,针对各个指标进行满意度分析,并通过回归曲线分析得出了最佳的采场结构参数。研究结... 针对某铅锌矿现有的采场结构参数不合理的情况,采用FLAC3D正交试验对采场的顶柱厚度、矿房走向长度、间柱厚度进行模拟研究,建立了多指标综合评价模型,针对各个指标进行满意度分析,并通过回归曲线分析得出了最佳的采场结构参数。研究结果表明:在间柱厚度为12 m,矿房走向长度为38 m,顶柱厚度为8 m时,模型综合满意度指标处于高峰值,结合矿山实际生产条件,此时的采场结构参数对矿山实际生产具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 采场结构参数 FLAC3D 正交模拟 指标综合评价模型 回归分析
泛场景自适应优化的多输出最小二乘SVR光谱反射率重建方法 被引量:3
作者 樊煜 王慧琴 +2 位作者 王可 王展 甄刚 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期342-356,共15页
针对传统回归模型在多种场景光谱重建中存在的泛化性能较差的问题,提出一种自适应优化的多输出最小二乘支持向量回归光谱反射率重建方法,满足泛场景下最优光谱重建模型应用需求。首先使用多输出最小二乘支持向量回归作为重建模型,该模... 针对传统回归模型在多种场景光谱重建中存在的泛化性能较差的问题,提出一种自适应优化的多输出最小二乘支持向量回归光谱反射率重建方法,满足泛场景下最优光谱重建模型应用需求。首先使用多输出最小二乘支持向量回归作为重建模型,该模型具有良好的收敛速度及小样本拟合精度。同时为了提高模型在多种场景下的泛化性能,提出一种融合拟合精度与变化趋势,且具有自适应权重的综合评价指标,作为混沌麻雀搜索算法的适应度函数,对重建模型进行不同场景的参数动态寻优,解决特定场景的模型参数最优化问题。实验结果表明,在不同彩绘文物参考色块光谱重建中,该方法的平均光谱均方根误差降低了0.0292、适应度系数提高了1.29%、色差降低了3.38,能够针对不同重建场景自适应优化模型参数,在不同重建场景中均获得了较好的光谱反射率重建效果。 展开更多
关键词 多光谱成像 光谱反射率重建 多输出最小二乘支持向量回归 麻雀搜索算法 模型综合评价指标 参数自适应优化
目标树经营对杉木人工林林分空间结构的影响 被引量:8
作者 黄晓霞 尤美子 +3 位作者 徐伟涛 赖敏华 林嘉源 赖日文 《森林与环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期131-140,共10页
为探究目标树经营对杉木人工林林分空间结构的改善效果,在3个林龄(8、12、21 a)的杉木人工林中分别设置3块标准地,选取4个空间结构参数(角尺度、大小比数、开敞度和竞争指数)与胸径因子构建单木综合评价指标模型来确定目标树、干扰木和... 为探究目标树经营对杉木人工林林分空间结构的改善效果,在3个林龄(8、12、21 a)的杉木人工林中分别设置3块标准地,选取4个空间结构参数(角尺度、大小比数、开敞度和竞争指数)与胸径因子构建单木综合评价指标模型来确定目标树、干扰木和一般木,通过模拟采伐干扰木,计算并分析间伐前后林分空间结构参数的变化。结果表明,林分空间结构单元多以1株中心木和5~6株近邻木构成;林龄为8、12和21 a的杉木人工林样地的干扰木数量分别占林分的33.93%、31.80%、11.20%;3个林龄各样地林木均为随机分布,林木分化明显,生长空间不足,竞争压力较大。经目标树抚育模拟间伐干扰木后,林龄为8、12和21 a的杉木人工林样地大小比数和竞争指数的平均值均降低,林木间竞争压力减小,竞争优势地位提升;林龄为8、12 a的杉木人工林样地角尺度和开敞度的平均值均增大,林木空间分布格局越来越优,生长空间大幅增加,而林龄为21 a的杉木人工林样地的改善程度不明显。 展开更多
关键词 杉木人工林 目标树经营 林分空间结构 单木综合评价指标模型 VORONOI图
上海世博会的经济综合影响力指数模型 被引量:2
作者 陈修素 陈睿 +1 位作者 郭洋成 罗国劲 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期11-18,共8页
分析上海世博会在世博筹备建设和举办时期对上海市经济方面影响.筛选了世博会影响经济的四个方面(国民经济,财政收支,固定资产投资和对外经济贸易与旅游)的10个主要指标,构建了世博会影响经济的评价指标体系,针对每一项指标,利用1995年... 分析上海世博会在世博筹备建设和举办时期对上海市经济方面影响.筛选了世博会影响经济的四个方面(国民经济,财政收支,固定资产投资和对外经济贸易与旅游)的10个主要指标,构建了世博会影响经济的评价指标体系,针对每一项指标,利用1995年到2002的实际数据用指数回归拟合模型测算出2003-2010年在未筹办世博会情况下各项经济指标的估计(拟合)数据,并建立单指标的影响力指数模型,在分析2003年后的实际数据与拟合数据差异基础上,获得了上海世博会在每个指标方面对上海的影响力指数;建立了多指标综合影响力指数模型,得出总的经济影响力的指数为0.2403.考虑到2008年底金融危机势必会削弱世博会对经济的影响,通过参照另外两个同为中国直辖市的重庆和天津相同指标的变化,运用单独建立的模型,剔除金融危机对经济的影响,从而获得更客观地揭示世博对上海地区经济的真实影响程度.并就两个典型的指标给出了具体的演算过程,最后得到了消除了金融危机后的所有指标的影响力指数值,最终获得总的经济影响力的指数为0.2531,即世博会对上海市经济的实际贡献率为25.31%. 展开更多
关键词 世博会 经济影响力 指标综合评价模型 影响力指数 回归拟合
作者 黎智辉 张猛 +3 位作者 刘嘉慧 王河燕 唐鑫 马雅洁 《建筑与文化》 2016年第8期114-116,共3页
本文选取南京市浦口区江浦街道、盘城街道和汤泉街道三个涉农街道作为研究区域,将三个街道内利用村庄集体土地从事非农生产的企业作为研究对象。从社会、经济和环境三个方面选取12个评价因子构建乡村非农产业可持续性评价指标体系。通... 本文选取南京市浦口区江浦街道、盘城街道和汤泉街道三个涉农街道作为研究区域,将三个街道内利用村庄集体土地从事非农生产的企业作为研究对象。从社会、经济和环境三个方面选取12个评价因子构建乡村非农产业可持续性评价指标体系。通过建立多指标综合评价模型对调查区域内非农产业可持续发展能力进行综合评估,并对第二业和第三产企业进行社会、经济、环境可持续性比较分析。最后对乡村非农产业可持续发展方向提出相应建议。 展开更多
关键词 非农产业 可持续性比较研究 指标综合评价模型
Optimization model of unascertained measurement for underground mining method selection and its application 被引量:6
作者 刘爱华 董蕾 董陇军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第4期744-749,共6页
An optimization model of underground mining method selection was established on the basis of the unascertained measurement theory.Considering the geologic conditions,technology,economy and safety production,ten main f... An optimization model of underground mining method selection was established on the basis of the unascertained measurement theory.Considering the geologic conditions,technology,economy and safety production,ten main factors influencing the selection of mining method were taken into account,and the comprehensive evaluation index system of mining method selection was constructed.The unascertained evaluation indices corresponding to the selected factors for the actual situation were solved both qualitatively and quantitatively.New measurement standards were constructed.Then,the unascertained measurement function of each evaluation index was established.The index weights of the factors were calculated by entropy theory,and credible degree recognition criteria were established according to the unascertained measurement theory.The results of mining method evaluation were obtained using the credible degree criteria,thus the best underground mining method was determined.Furthermore,this model was employed for the comprehensive evaluation and selection of the chosen standard mining methods in Xinli Gold Mine in Sanshandao of China.The results show that the relative superiority degrees of mining methods can be calculated using the unascertained measurement optimization model,so the optimal method can be easily determined.Meanwhile,the proposed method can take into account large amount of uncertain information in mining method selection,which can provide an effective way for selecting the optimal underground mining method. 展开更多
关键词 mining engineering underground mining method optimization model unascertained measurement theory information entropy
Development and Application of Oil-Spill Risk Assessment Model for Offshore Pipeline 被引量:2
作者 LU Yan WANG Jia +2 位作者 WEI Wenpu YANG Yong AN Wei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期415-420,共6页
To the potential oil-spill risk caused by offshore pipeline more attention has been paid after the Dalian oil spill incident from oil-pipeline explosion. Since then an issue about how to prevent and control the sudden... To the potential oil-spill risk caused by offshore pipeline more attention has been paid after the Dalian oil spill incident from oil-pipeline explosion. Since then an issue about how to prevent and control the sudden oil-spill from the offshore pipeline has been raised. In this paper, we proposed an optimized model to analyze the main causes(probability) of spill and the consequence with the fuzzy comprehensive assessment model. Considering the complicated assessment process for oil-spill, the assessment factor system involving the spill probability and consequence was established based on the operative manual and statistic leakage/damage data of offshore pipeline in order to estimate the integrated spill risk score automatically. The evaluated factors of spill probability could be grouped into five aspects: corrosion, fatigue, national damage, third party, and operational fault; the consequence evaluated factors of spill included hazard of oil and impact-controlling capability. With some modifications based on experts' opinions, each of the evaluated factors in our work was developed with a relative weight and evaluation criterion. A test example for an offshore pipeline in the Bohai waters was described to show how the model can be used for an actual case in more detail. By using the oil-spill risk assessment model, it is easy to determine the risk level associated with the ongoing activity and management level and hence to take the risk mitigation action immediately. 展开更多
关键词 oil spill risk assessment spill probability spill consequence fuzzy comprehensive assessment model offshore pipeline
Application of the catastrophe progression method in predicting coal and gas outburst 被引量:18
作者 ZHANG Tian-jun REN Shu-xin +2 位作者 LI Shu-gang ZHANG Tian-cai XU Hong-jie 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第4期430-434,共5页
Based on catastrophe theory,we used the catastrophe progression method to predict the risk of coal and gas outbursts in coal mines.According to the major factors affecting coal and gas outbursts,we built a comprehensi... Based on catastrophe theory,we used the catastrophe progression method to predict the risk of coal and gas outbursts in coal mines.According to the major factors affecting coal and gas outbursts,we built a comprehensive evaluation index system and a coal and gas outburst prediction model.In addition,we performed a standard transformation for each index system;based on the degree the various indices affect the risk of an outburst,to make the data dimensionless.Based on the outburst data from eight mines,we determined catastrophe progression values and verified these values.The results show that:1) converting multi-dimensional problems into one-dimensional problems using this catastrophe progression method can simplify the steps of predicting coal and gas outbursts;2) when pre-determined catastrophe progression values are used to predict coal and gas outbursts,the predicting accuracy rate can be as high as 87.5%;3) the various coal mines have different factors inducing outbursts with varying importance of these factors and 4) the catastrophe progression values,calculated based on these factors,can be used effectively to predict the risk of outbursts in coal mines. 展开更多
关键词 standard transformation catastrophe progression method coal and gas outburst
A practical framework for scenario-based optimal decision-making on water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas
作者 Sen YU Ming-Yu WANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第4期566-572,共7页
Mining activities may cause serious damages to the river ecological environment in mining areas. It has been realized that challenging is faced for optimal decision-making on the river ecological restoration resulting... Mining activities may cause serious damages to the river ecological environment in mining areas. It has been realized that challenging is faced for optimal decision-making on the river ecological restoration resulting from system complexity, multi-objectives, long term restoration in which multiple stages may be needed to take, and difficulty in detailed process quan- tification. By analyzing and fully reflecting the differences between the central zone and surrounding zones of the restored river passing through the mining area, the comprehensive evaluation index systems of the central zone and surrounding zones are separately suggested firstly. Then a scenario-based optimization decision-making model for river ecological restoration in min- ing areas was established with taking advantages of spatial divisions and following procedure of first going through optimiza- tion by sub-region level, then optimizing by integration. Then, a framework for scenario-based optimal decision-making on water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas is proposed in which a multi-objective and multi-stage spatial division optimization method is considered to improve decision-making efficiency and enhance its practicability. It is indicated that this optimization framework is reasonable and practical, which is expected to offer reliable decision support in identifying the effective solutions on optimal management of the water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas. At the same time, it has implications in general land reclamation and ecological restoration in the mining areas. 展开更多
关键词 river ecological restoration optimization model scenario analysis
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