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某大型商场楼盖模拟加固前后振动分析 被引量:1
作者 卓炳灿 《四川水泥》 2019年第3期244-245,共2页
关键词 某商场楼盖 模拟加固 振动 舒适度
作者 吴光臣 杨礼东 《电力勘测设计》 2023年第S02期52-57,共6页
本文对阜鹤500 kV输电线路66#号的基础采用了连梁和高压注浆加固措施,对铁塔的损伤杆件进行了十字截面加固,对加固前和加固后铁塔的力学性能进行了评估,并对其在正常运行状态下进行了连续的变形监测,铁塔处于稳定状态。本文中对输电铁... 本文对阜鹤500 kV输电线路66#号的基础采用了连梁和高压注浆加固措施,对铁塔的损伤杆件进行了十字截面加固,对加固前和加固后铁塔的力学性能进行了评估,并对其在正常运行状态下进行了连续的变形监测,铁塔处于稳定状态。本文中对输电铁塔构件采用的快速无损加固方法已加固后铁塔的性能评估方法可以为后续的工程提供工程经验。 展开更多
关键词 输电线路 铁塔倒塌 性能评估 加固模拟
中顺大围东河水闸锚索加固方案数模分析研究 被引量:1
作者 张巍 朱潇潇 陈冬冬 《水利建设与管理》 2021年第12期72-77,共6页
为提升中山市中顺大围干堤东线工程中东河水闸防洪稳定性能,模拟设计加固方案,研究设计参数优化规律。方案中锚固洞最大拉应力随张拉力增大而递减,张拉力每增大200kN,最大拉应力平均降低11.3%,而加固结构中其他特征部位受张拉力大小影... 为提升中山市中顺大围干堤东线工程中东河水闸防洪稳定性能,模拟设计加固方案,研究设计参数优化规律。方案中锚固洞最大拉应力随张拉力增大而递减,张拉力每增大200kN,最大拉应力平均降低11.3%,而加固结构中其他特征部位受张拉力大小影响较小。结构最大压应力受张拉力大小影响亦较小,但随垫板厚度增大呈递增关系。肩部最大拉应力随垫板厚度增大呈递减关系,但锚固结构最大拉应力随垫板厚度增大呈递增关系,但增长幅度在后期有所减小,厚度为30~60mm、60~80mm区间时,每增10mm,锚块最大拉应力分别增长6.3%、14.1%。研究成果表明:方案中锚索次锚索张拉力为2200kN、垫板厚度为60mm时最优。 展开更多
关键词 中顺大围 东河水闸 防洪 模拟加固 应力
磁器口地铁车站施工过程的三维数值模拟分析 被引量:2
作者 杨明 《市政技术》 2008年第2期124-127,共4页
利用ABAQUS软件对北京磁器口地铁车站的施工过程进行了三维仿真模拟。模拟中除考虑洞室开挖和车站结构的建造过程外,还通过提高土体的力学参数来模拟小导管注浆对土层的加固作用。模拟时按不同部位土体加固的先后顺序来修改相应部位土... 利用ABAQUS软件对北京磁器口地铁车站的施工过程进行了三维仿真模拟。模拟中除考虑洞室开挖和车站结构的建造过程外,还通过提高土体的力学参数来模拟小导管注浆对土层的加固作用。模拟时按不同部位土体加固的先后顺序来修改相应部位土体的力学参数,同时,还通过改变初衬的弹性模量模拟了喷射混凝土随时间变化而逐渐硬化的特点。通过这些做法,较好地实现了施工细节的模拟,数值模拟结果与实测结果的比较表明,最大沉降值、沉降槽宽度、沉降趋势、位移场和塑性区分布都基本吻合。 展开更多
关键词 中洞法 数值模拟 喷射混凝土硬化 模拟加固
卸载程度对钢桁梁桥主桁构件加固效果的影响 被引量:6
作者 苏庆田 王思哲 +3 位作者 薛智波 张春雷 王倩 陈亮 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第B06期92-97,105,共7页
早期修建的部分钢桁梁桥已无法满足当前通行能力的要求,需要对原桥主桁进行加固。桥梁加固通常是在负载情况下进行,需要考虑加固构件的分阶段受力,不同的加固施工方案所对应的卸载程度会产生不同的加固效果。该文结合松浦大桥扩宽加固工... 早期修建的部分钢桁梁桥已无法满足当前通行能力的要求,需要对原桥主桁进行加固。桥梁加固通常是在负载情况下进行,需要考虑加固构件的分阶段受力,不同的加固施工方案所对应的卸载程度会产生不同的加固效果。该文结合松浦大桥扩宽加固工程,利用ANSYS单元生死技术模拟加固施工过程,提出了能够考虑加固板件应变滞后的有限元模拟方法。分别计算新旧构件在三种不同卸载程度的加固方案下的应力分布,从构件安全度及材料利用率两方面分析卸载程度对加固效果的影响。最后综合考虑社会影响比选施工方案。结果表明:所提出的构件加固模拟方法能有效考虑应变滞后效应并实现杆件的加固模拟;加固构件安全度和加固材料利用率随着卸载程度的增加而提高;综合社会经济性影响,推荐采用先更换下层桥面,再拆除上层桥面,然后加固主桁结构,最后安装新的上层桥面的施工方案。 展开更多
关键词 钢桁梁桥 钢桥加固 卸载程度 应变滞后 增大截面法 加固模拟方法
基于MidasGTS NX的边坡稳定性分析及加固研究 被引量:1
作者 王鹏飞 《世界有色金属》 2020年第10期190-192,共3页
MidasGTS NX软件中的岩土有限元分析模块是一个重要的边坡数值模拟分析手段,依托于某古矿遗址边坡出现的工程问题,利用本软件建立二维模型模拟分析加固前、后的边坡稳定状态。加固后边坡的安全系数由1.017提高到1.297,客观反映了采用锚... MidasGTS NX软件中的岩土有限元分析模块是一个重要的边坡数值模拟分析手段,依托于某古矿遗址边坡出现的工程问题,利用本软件建立二维模型模拟分析加固前、后的边坡稳定状态。加固后边坡的安全系数由1.017提高到1.297,客观反映了采用锚杆、预应力长锚索加固措施有效提高了边坡的稳定性,验证了Midas软件分析边坡稳定性的实用性与准确性。 展开更多
关键词 MidasGTSNX 数值模拟边坡加固长锚索
异形桥梁墩柱悬挑结构加固技术研究 被引量:3
作者 胡继生 李沛洪 郑昕 《广州建筑》 2020年第4期21-26,共6页
墩柱开裂是桥梁工程常见的病害之一。为探究桥梁墩柱开裂及加固问题,本文针对异形墩柱悬挑结构开裂问题提出了桥梁墩柱悬挑结构加固方法。主要分析异形墩柱开裂现象并提出基于有限元加固模拟的分析方法,根据有限元分析结果有针对性地提... 墩柱开裂是桥梁工程常见的病害之一。为探究桥梁墩柱开裂及加固问题,本文针对异形墩柱悬挑结构开裂问题提出了桥梁墩柱悬挑结构加固方法。主要分析异形墩柱开裂现象并提出基于有限元加固模拟的分析方法,根据有限元分析结果有针对性地提出在墩柱悬挑结构增加墩顶墩侧补强钢筋、浇筑悬挑结构顶面、增厚侧面范围混凝土、预埋预应力筋的加固施工方法。结果表明:通过在开裂区域进行钢筋补强、混凝土加固、预应力筋预埋的方法能有效解决异形桥梁墩柱悬挑结构开裂的问题。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 异形墩柱 悬挑结构 开裂 有限元加固模拟 结构加固
Application of a combined supporting technology with U-shaped steel support and anchor-grouting to surrounding soft rock reinforcement in roadway 被引量:17
作者 王辉 郑朋强 +1 位作者 赵文娟 田洪铭 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1240-1250,共11页
Soft rock surrounding deep roadway has poor stability and long-term rheological effect. More and larger deformation problems of surrounding rock occur due to adverse supporting measures for such roadways, which not on... Soft rock surrounding deep roadway has poor stability and long-term rheological effect. More and larger deformation problems of surrounding rock occur due to adverse supporting measures for such roadways, which not only affects the engineering safety critically but also improves the maintenance costs. This paper takes the main rail roadway with severely deformation in China's Zaoquan coal mine as an example to study the long-term deformation tendency and damage zone by means of in-situ deformation monitoring and acoustic wave testing technique. A three-dimensional finite element model reflecting the engineering geological condition and initial design scheme is established by ABAQUS. Then, on the basis of field monitoring deformation data, the surrounding rock geotechnical and theological parameters of the roadway are obtained by back analysis. A combined supporting technology with U-shaped steel support and anchor-grouting is proposed for the surrounding soft rock. The numerical simulation of the combined supporting technology and in-situ deformation monitoring results show that the soft rock surrounding the roadway has been held effectively. 展开更多
关键词 soft rock roadway rheological effect supporting technology numerical simulation REINFORCEMENT
Comparative analysis by simulating and testing pole impact for hot stamping front crossbeam of automobile 被引量:2
作者 Ma Fangwu Yao Zaiqi +4 位作者 Liu Qiang Wang Xiaona Zhao Fuquan Li Fangfang Lin Jianping 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第6期71-74,78,共5页
Hot stamping 22MnB5 steel plate with ultra-high strength has been widely used for body structural members in consideration of automobile safety and lightweight.This paper presents a verification program of simulating ... Hot stamping 22MnB5 steel plate with ultra-high strength has been widely used for body structural members in consideration of automobile safety and lightweight.This paper presents a verification program of simulating and testing pole impact in order to verify if the front crossbeam reinforcement assembly can meet the design requirements,reduce the overall vehicle simulation and test cost and shorten the operation period.In the same condition,the simulation proved conforming to the design requirements;however,the bumper cracked at the impacting point in the course of pole impact test.The analysis of the crack by optical microscope,Vickers and scanning electron microscope indicates that mixture of ferrite,bainite and martensite was produced in the weld heat-affected zone of the 340/590DP tow hook holder and the 22MnB5 front crossbeam;therefore,their hardness and mechanical property were reduced obviously,so that they fractured when impacted.No welding process with continuous weld but spot welding or other bonding method may be employed for the reason that the capacity of the 22MnB5 steel plate in the weld heat-affected zone was reduced obviously. 展开更多
关键词 hot stamping 22MnB5 front crossbeam assembly seld test for pole impact weld heat-affected zone
Spallation Mechanism of RC Slabs Under Contact Detonation 被引量:5
作者 袁林 龚顺风 金伟良 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第6期464-469,共6页
The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overal... The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overall structures or structural members are not destroyed completely. Correctly predicting the damage caused by any potential contact detonation can lead to better fortification design to withstand the blast Ioadings. It is therefore of great significance to study the mechanism involved in the spallation of concrete slabs and walls. Existing studies on this topic often employ simplified material models and 1D wave analysis, which cannot reproduce the realistic response in the spallation process. Numerical simulations are therefore carried out under different contact blast Ioadings in the free air using LS-DYNA. Sophisticated concrete and reinforcing bar material models are adopted, taking into account the strain rate effect on both tension and compression. The erosion technique is used to model the fracture and failure of materials under tensile stress. Full processes of the deformation and dynamic damage of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs and plain concrete slabs are thus observed realistically. It is noted that with the increase of quantity of explosive, the dimensions of damage crater increase and the slabs experience four different damage patterns, namely explosive crater, spalling, perforation, and punching. Comparison between the simulation results of plain concrete slabs and those of RC slabs show that reinforcing bars can enhance the integrity and shearing resistance of the slabs to a certain extent, and meanwhile attenuate the ejection velocity and decrease the size of the concrete fragments. Therefore, optimizing reinforcement arrangement can improve the anti-spallation capability of the slabs and walls to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 SPALLATION contact detonation reinforced concrete slab numerical simulation
Extraction of locked-up coal by strengthening of rib pillars with FRP--A comparative study through numerical modelling 被引量:7
作者 Das Arka Jyoti Mandal Prabhat Kumar +1 位作者 Ghosh Chandra Nath Sinha Amalendu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期261-267,共7页
In some of the coalfields in India, coal seams are only developed but no extraction of pillars is possible due to the presence of surface or sub-surface structures and also non-availability of stowing materials which ... In some of the coalfields in India, coal seams are only developed but no extraction of pillars is possible due to the presence of surface or sub-surface structures and also non-availability of stowing materials which leads to huge amounts of coal being locked-up underground. Spontaneous heating and fire, accumulation of poisonous gases, severe stability issues leading to unsafe workings and environmental hazards are the major problems associated with the developed coal pillars. So, there is a pressing need for a technology for the mining industry to extract the huge amount of coal locked-up under different constraints. In this study, the locked-up coal is proposed to be extracted by artificially strengthening the rib pillars. The detailed comparative study is carried out to know the increase of extraction percentage of locked-up coal by strengthening the rib pillars with FRP. Extraction methodology is designed and studied through numerical modelling for its stability analysis to evaluate its suitability of application in underground. 展开更多
关键词 Locked-up coal Confined core Yield criterion Strengthened rib pillar Strain softening
Experimental research and numerical simulation of RC beams strengthened with bonded steel plates 被引量:8
作者 LEI Dong CHEN GuangYuan +1 位作者 CHEN YuQuan REN QingWen 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3270-3277,共8页
It is a common method to strengthen the damaged RC structures with bonded steel plates. At present the ultimate bearing ca- pacity of RC structures strengthened with bonded steel plates is calculated mostly using the ... It is a common method to strengthen the damaged RC structures with bonded steel plates. At present the ultimate bearing ca- pacity of RC structures strengthened with bonded steel plates is calculated mostly using the theory based on the test. Four beams, including one reference beam, two strengthened concrete beams in primary force and secondary force respectively, and one strengthened concrete beam which was not anchored enough, were tested under four-point bending (4PB) in order to get the data of strain of longitudinal bars, bonded bottom steel plate in tension and deflection of beams in the middle span. The experimental program was supported by a three-dimensioned finite analysis using ABAQUS. At the end of experiments and finite analysis, it is concluded that the investing strengthening technique can significantly improve the load-carrying capacity and the phenomenon of stress concentration at the end of interface, as well as the damage at interface, can be well simulated with cohesive element provided by ABAQUS. 展开更多
关键词 RC beams strengthened with bonded steel plates secondary force finite element analysis damage of interface
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