《苍蝇》是新感觉派作家横光利一的代表作之一,讲述了一个因车夫的一己私欲而导致马车坠崖、全员身亡的悲剧。本文引入弗洛伊德的精神分析学,运用人格结构理论、性本能理论等对《苍蝇》中的隐喻和创作主题进行解读。通过分析主人公车夫...《苍蝇》是新感觉派作家横光利一的代表作之一,讲述了一个因车夫的一己私欲而导致马车坠崖、全员身亡的悲剧。本文引入弗洛伊德的精神分析学,运用人格结构理论、性本能理论等对《苍蝇》中的隐喻和创作主题进行解读。通过分析主人公车夫无意识领域中被压抑的性欲和俄狄浦斯情结、在本我和超我双重压迫下发挥作用的移置机制等,梳理横光利一是如何在该作品中践行“在人类悲惨命运的背后是性欲的存在”这一创作理念。A Fly is one of the representative works of Yokomitsu Riichi, a writer of Shinkankaku-ha (Neo-Sensation school). It tells the tragedy of a carriage falling off a cliff due to the driver’s own selfish desire, and all the members died. This paper is based on Freud’s psychoanalysis and uses the theory of personality structure and sexual instinct to interpret the metaphors and theme in A Fly. By analyzing the repressed sexual desire and Oedipus complex in the unconscious field of the driver and the displacement that functions under the double oppression of id and superego, it is possible to sort out how Yokomitsu Riichi put his creation concept—“Behind the tragic fate of human is the existence of sexual desire”—into practice in this work.展开更多
文摘《苍蝇》是新感觉派作家横光利一的代表作之一,讲述了一个因车夫的一己私欲而导致马车坠崖、全员身亡的悲剧。本文引入弗洛伊德的精神分析学,运用人格结构理论、性本能理论等对《苍蝇》中的隐喻和创作主题进行解读。通过分析主人公车夫无意识领域中被压抑的性欲和俄狄浦斯情结、在本我和超我双重压迫下发挥作用的移置机制等,梳理横光利一是如何在该作品中践行“在人类悲惨命运的背后是性欲的存在”这一创作理念。A Fly is one of the representative works of Yokomitsu Riichi, a writer of Shinkankaku-ha (Neo-Sensation school). It tells the tragedy of a carriage falling off a cliff due to the driver’s own selfish desire, and all the members died. This paper is based on Freud’s psychoanalysis and uses the theory of personality structure and sexual instinct to interpret the metaphors and theme in A Fly. By analyzing the repressed sexual desire and Oedipus complex in the unconscious field of the driver and the displacement that functions under the double oppression of id and superego, it is possible to sort out how Yokomitsu Riichi put his creation concept—“Behind the tragic fate of human is the existence of sexual desire”—into practice in this work.