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基于自适应横程走廊的再入滑翔飞行器改进预测校正算法 被引量:1
作者 贺杨超 李炯 +2 位作者 邵雷 周池军 雷虎民 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期692-702,共11页
针对再入滑翔飞行器(reentry gliding vehicle,RGV)预测校正制导算法中规避逻辑和制导逻辑相分离的问题,提出了一种基于自适应横程走廊的融合算法。首先,通过飞行器侧向运动轨迹与禁飞区的相交关系,动态引入规避逻辑;同时,提出禁飞区有... 针对再入滑翔飞行器(reentry gliding vehicle,RGV)预测校正制导算法中规避逻辑和制导逻辑相分离的问题,提出了一种基于自适应横程走廊的融合算法。首先,通过飞行器侧向运动轨迹与禁飞区的相交关系,动态引入规避逻辑;同时,提出禁飞区有效映射横程来量化影响飞行轨迹的禁飞区区域;最后,设计自适应横程走廊,动态调整走廊边界,控制倾侧角的翻转,实现规避逻辑和侧向制导逻辑的融合。仿真结果表明,在本文方法下,飞行器可以针对不同情况的禁飞区实现有效制导,对再入扰动具有一定的鲁棒性,并与制导逻辑和规避逻辑分离设计的算法相比,在保证制导精度的同时,具备更少的倾侧角翻转次数。 展开更多
关键词 预测校正算法 自适应横程走廊 禁飞区有效映射横程
利用高斯伪谱法求解具有最大横程的再入轨迹 被引量:20
作者 周文雅 杨涤 李顺利 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1038-1042,共5页
为了使升力式飞行器再入大气层后取得最大横程,采用高斯伪谱方法求解最优再入轨迹。利用微分形式高斯伪谱方法将飞行器三自由度再入轨迹优化问题转化为非线性规划问题,选取高斯节点上的状态量和控制量作为待优化参数,并将最优性能指标... 为了使升力式飞行器再入大气层后取得最大横程,采用高斯伪谱方法求解最优再入轨迹。利用微分形式高斯伪谱方法将飞行器三自由度再入轨迹优化问题转化为非线性规划问题,选取高斯节点上的状态量和控制量作为待优化参数,并将最优性能指标选为横程最大,然后对再入轨迹进行了求解。通过与按最大升阻比飞行方案所得结果进行对比,表明按所提方法求取的再入轨迹优于后者。此外,仿真过程还说明高斯伪谱法对状态猜测值并不敏感,算法容易收敛,适用于轨迹优化问题的求解。 展开更多
关键词 飞行器控制技术 再入轨迹 高斯伪谱法 最大横程 非线性规划
横程动态约束的预测-校正再入制导方法 被引量:8
作者 张科 石国祥 王佩 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期429-437,共9页
针对大升阻比飞行器再入滑翔制导问题,基于预测-校正制导法,提出一种横程动态约束的侧向制导策略。利用再入过程中横程与剩余航程的近似线性关系,设计边界约束动态变化的横程走廊控制倾侧角反转。对大气密度和飞行器气动参数扰动引起的... 针对大升阻比飞行器再入滑翔制导问题,基于预测-校正制导法,提出一种横程动态约束的侧向制导策略。利用再入过程中横程与剩余航程的近似线性关系,设计边界约束动态变化的横程走廊控制倾侧角反转。对大气密度和飞行器气动参数扰动引起的预测模型不确定性进行在线参数估计。以CAV-L高超声速飞行器为研究对象,进行再入制导仿真。结果表明,对不同航程的再入任务该制导法均能精确引导飞行器飞向目标,侧向制导倾侧角反转时机分布合理,反转次数少。Monte Carlo仿真校验了横程动态约束制导法对再入状态误差和过程扰动具有良好的自适应性和鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 再入制导 高超声速飞行器 预测-校正制导 侧向制导 横程约束
间接法求解具有最大横程的再入轨迹 被引量:2
作者 李永远 姜毅 +1 位作者 高伟涛 黄春平 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期665-668,共4页
针对运用间接法进行弹道优化时存在共轭变量初值高度敏感难以估计而无法获得全局最优解的缺点,引入混合遗传算法对弹道优化时的共轭变量初值进行搜索,并求解获得具有最大横程的再入轨迹.求解时考虑了热流约束、过载约束和动压约束,约束... 针对运用间接法进行弹道优化时存在共轭变量初值高度敏感难以估计而无法获得全局最优解的缺点,引入混合遗传算法对弹道优化时的共轭变量初值进行搜索,并求解获得具有最大横程的再入轨迹.求解时考虑了热流约束、过载约束和动压约束,约束的处理采用惩罚函数方法,通过对不可行解的惩罚转换为无约束问题.数值仿真验证了该算法实用性. 展开更多
关键词 再入飞行器 混合遗传算法 最大横程 再入轨迹
升力体飞行器全程弹道规划与制导研究进展 被引量:2
作者 陈万春 于琦 +2 位作者 杨劲 余文斌 杨良 《导弹与航天运载技术(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期43-50,共8页
升力体飞行器具有飞行速度快、机动范围大、反拦截能力强等特点,是国内外的研究热点。由于既要满足严苛力热约束又需要考虑机动反拦截和智能化,给弹道规划和制导带来了更高的要求。针对弹道振荡、能量管理、禁飞区规避、高精度交班、弹... 升力体飞行器具有飞行速度快、机动范围大、反拦截能力强等特点,是国内外的研究热点。由于既要满足严苛力热约束又需要考虑机动反拦截和智能化,给弹道规划和制导带来了更高的要求。针对弹道振荡、能量管理、禁飞区规避、高精度交班、弹道优化、末段反拦截等问题,开展了持续、广泛和比较深入的研究,取得了弹道阻尼控制技术、多禁飞区规避解析弹道规划方法、广义标控脱靶量制导方法、伪谱收敛性证明、末段反拦截弹道规划方法等多项重要成果,为高超滑翔弹道规划与制导方法的实际应用打下了良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 平稳机动滑翔 解析弹道规划 智能横程机动 禁飞区约束 广义标控脱靶量制导 机动反拦截
Gauss伪谱法的再入可达域计算方法 被引量:11
作者 王涛 张洪波 +1 位作者 李永远 汤国建 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期75-80,共6页
为了加快优化速度和提高优化质量,提出一种基于Gauss伪谱法的再入可达域计算方法。鉴于再入时一般采用固定的攻角剖面,将攻角作为状态变量,仅对倾侧角进行单变量寻优。优化过程中,再入纵程被视为终端约束,以获取不同纵程下的最大横程,... 为了加快优化速度和提高优化质量,提出一种基于Gauss伪谱法的再入可达域计算方法。鉴于再入时一般采用固定的攻角剖面,将攻角作为状态变量,仅对倾侧角进行单变量寻优。优化过程中,再入纵程被视为终端约束,以获取不同纵程下的最大横程,将速度倾角视为过程约束,以消除弹道的跳跃现象。通过仿真,求解出了通用航空飞行器的再入可达域,结果与间接法的理论证明一致。 展开更多
关键词 再入 可达域 GAUSS伪谱法 攻角剖面 横程
月球返回舱再入制导律设计 被引量:3
作者 沈红新 李海阳 彭祺擘 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期7-12,共6页
针对以接近甚至超过第二宇宙速度再入地球的登月飞行器制导任务,研究了满足热流、过载、落区等约束的返回舱再入制导律。月球返回舱是低升阻比弹道升力式再入飞行器,控制策略是改变倾侧角的符号和大小。倾侧角大小的确定转化为一个单变... 针对以接近甚至超过第二宇宙速度再入地球的登月飞行器制导任务,研究了满足热流、过载、落区等约束的返回舱再入制导律。月球返回舱是低升阻比弹道升力式再入飞行器,控制策略是改变倾侧角的符号和大小。倾侧角大小的确定转化为一个单变量非线性方程求根的问题,倾侧角符号的确定依倾侧反转逻辑来满足横向走廊,其中横向走廊设计成速度的函数。通过综合偏差的Monte Carlo仿真评价制导算法的性能,仿真结果表明制导的纵向标准偏差在30km左右,横向标准偏差小于5km。此外,分析了影响滚转速率的因素,给出了调整反馈增益系数和减小滚转速率及制导精度的关系。 展开更多
关键词 月球返回 再入 制导算法 偏差 横程偏差
再入返回离轨时机及制动策略 被引量:6
作者 王献忠 汤敏兰 +1 位作者 张丽敏 刘禹 《航天控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期53-58,共6页
水平定点着落再入返回飞行器对再入角、再入点至着落点的纵程和横程有较严格的要求,飞行器侧向机动能力决定最大横程误差和可返回时机。为设计满足上述要求的飞行轨迹,提出了一种离轨时机及制动策略计算方法。根据再入轨迹分析和着落点... 水平定点着落再入返回飞行器对再入角、再入点至着落点的纵程和横程有较严格的要求,飞行器侧向机动能力决定最大横程误差和可返回时机。为设计满足上述要求的飞行轨迹,提出了一种离轨时机及制动策略计算方法。根据再入轨迹分析和着落点经纬度,估计再入轨道最优升交点地理经度;利用横程误差计算返回圈升交点地理经度范围,并推算升交点地理经度优选离轨时机;通过地固系下再入角估计惯性系下速度倾角,由再入点经纬高和速度倾角推算离轨制动时刻及速度增量,由迭代修正生成离轨制动策略,并经算例仿真验证。 展开更多
关键词 再入飞行器 制动 离轨 再入轨迹 再入返回 横程 再入角
Effect of landform on aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains in cutting under cross wind 被引量:18
作者 刘堂红 张洁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期830-836,共7页
The effects of the different landforms of the cutting leeward on the aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains were analyzed based on the three-dimensional, steady, and incompressible Navier-Stokes equation and k-e... The effects of the different landforms of the cutting leeward on the aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains were analyzed based on the three-dimensional, steady, and incompressible Navier-Stokes equation and k-e double-equation turbulent model. Results show that aerodynamic forces increase with the cutting leeward slope decreasing. The maximum adding value of lateral force, lift force, and overturning moment are 147%, 44.3%, and 107%, respectively, when the slope varies from 0.67 to -0.67, and the changes in the cutting leeward landform have more effects on the aerodynamic performance when the train is running in the line No. 2 than in the line No. 1. The aerodynamic forces, except the resistance force, sharply increase with the slope depth decreasing. By comparing the circumstance of the cutting depth H=-8 m with that of H=8 m, the resistance force, lateral force, lift force, and overturning moment increase by 26.0%, 251%, 67.3% and 177%, respectively. With the wind angle increasing, the resistance force is nonmonotonic, whereas other forces continuously rise. Under three special landforms, the changes in the law of aerodynamic forces with the wind angle are almost similar to one another. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train cross wind special landform aerodynamic performance
Prediction of Transverse Permeability for Unidirectional Fiber Tows Based on the Homogenization Theory
作者 吴晓青 李嘉禄 冯驰 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期573-577,共5页
The transverse permeability of unidirectional fiber tows is calculated using homogenization method.Each fiber tow consisting of 21 filaments is arranged in uniform square packing.Stokes governing equation is analogize... The transverse permeability of unidirectional fiber tows is calculated using homogenization method.Each fiber tow consisting of 21 filaments is arranged in uniform square packing.Stokes governing equation is analogized with Lame equation used in the linear elasticity problem and is solved by the finite element code ANSYS.The prediction for transverse permeability of unidirectional fiber obtained by the homogenization approach is compared with other analytical methods.The result shows a good agreement with Kozeny-Carman equation and Gebart square packing model.A model for nonuniform fiber distribution and measurement technology are proposed.It can be found that the experimental result is in excellent agreement with predicted permeability in the nonuniform distribution model. 展开更多
关键词 homogenization theory Stokes equation Lame equation transverse permeability measurement PREDICTION
Simulation of coupled THM process in surrounding rock mass of nuclear waste repository in argillaceous formation 被引量:1
作者 蒋中明 HOXHA Dashnor +1 位作者 HOMAND Fran?oise 陈永贵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期631-637,共7页
To investigate and analyze the thermo-hydro-mechanical(THM) coupling phenomena of a surrounding rock mass in an argillaceous formation, a nuclear waste disposal concept in drifts was represented physically in an in-si... To investigate and analyze the thermo-hydro-mechanical(THM) coupling phenomena of a surrounding rock mass in an argillaceous formation, a nuclear waste disposal concept in drifts was represented physically in an in-situ test way. A transversely isotropic model was employed to reproduce the whole test process numerically. Parameters of the rock mass were determined by laboratory and in-situ experiments. Based on the numerical simulation results and in-situ test data, the variation processes of pore water pressure, temperature and deformation of surrounding rock were analyzed. Both the measured data and numerical results reveal that the thermal perturbation is the principal driving force which leads to the variation of pore water pressure and deformations in the surrounding rock. The temperature, pore pressure and deformation of rock mass change rapidly at each initial heating stage with a constant heating power. The temperature field near the heater borehole is relatively steady in the subsequent stages of the heating phase. However, the pore pressure and deformation fields decrease gradually with temperature remaining unchanged condition. It also shows that a transversely isotropic model can reproduce the THM coupling effects generating in the near-field of a nuclear waste repository in an argillaceous formation. 展开更多
关键词 argillaceous formation thermo-hydro-mechanical(THM) process in-situ test
作者 屈勇 梅向东 屈慧 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2006年第3期19-22,共4页
Objective: To compare the clinical therapeutic effects on the syndrome of L3 transverse process between thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture. Methods: One hundred and twenty cases of the syndrome of ... Objective: To compare the clinical therapeutic effects on the syndrome of L3 transverse process between thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture. Methods: One hundred and twenty cases of the syndrome of L3 transverse process were randomized into observation group and the control, 60 cases for each one. Thick silver warming needling was applied in observation group and electric acupuncture in the control. Results: The curative rate was 81.7% in observation group and 58.3% in the control, indicating significant difference (P<0.01). The significant difference in the therapeutic effects between two groups had not been discovered yet for the cases within 3 months of sickness (P>0.05), but, the therapeutic effect in observation group was superior to that in the control for the cases over 3 months of sickness (P<0.01). Conclusion: The therapeutic effects of thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture were quite advantageous on the syndrome of L3 transverse process, but that of thick silver warming needling was superior to electric acupuncture. 展开更多
关键词 Syndrome of L_3 transverse process Thick silver needle Electric acupuncture
The analysis and application of simplified two-parameter moveout equation for C-waves in VTI anisotropy media
作者 李晓明 陈双全 李向阳 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期477-487,512,共12页
Several parameters are needed to describe the converted-wave (C-wave) moveout in processing multi-component seismic data, because of asymmetric raypaths and anisotropy. As the number of parameters increases, the con... Several parameters are needed to describe the converted-wave (C-wave) moveout in processing multi-component seismic data, because of asymmetric raypaths and anisotropy. As the number of parameters increases, the converted wave data processing and analysis becomes more complex. This paper develops a new moveout equation with two parameters for C-waves in vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) media. The two parameters are the C-wave stacking velocity (Vc2) and the squared velocity ratio (7v,i) between the horizontal P-wave velocity and C-wave stacking velocity. The new equation has fewer parameters, but retains the same applicability as previous ones. The applicability of the new equation and the accuracy of the parameter estimation are checked using model and real data. The form of the new equation is the same as that for layered isotropic media. The new equation can simplify the procedure for C-wave processing and parameter estimation in VTI media, and can be applied to real C-wave processing and interpretation. Accurate Vc2 and Yvti can be deduced from C-wave data alone using the double-scanning method, and the velocity ratio model is suitable for event matching between P- and C-wave data. 展开更多
关键词 Converted-wave moveout equation double-scanning ANISOTROPY normal moveout correction
Mechanical response of bridge piles in high-steep slopes and sensitivity study 被引量:11
作者 赵衡 尹平保 李夕兵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期4043-4048,共6页
The bridge piles located in high-steep slopes not only endure the loads from superstructure, but also the residual sliding force as well as the resistance from the slope. By introducing the Winkler foundation theory, ... The bridge piles located in high-steep slopes not only endure the loads from superstructure, but also the residual sliding force as well as the resistance from the slope. By introducing the Winkler foundation theory, the mechanical model of piles-soils-slopes system was established, and the equilibrium differential equations of pile were derived. Moreover, an analytic solution for identifying the model parameters was provided by means of power series method. A project with field measurement was compared with the proposed method. It is indicated that the lateral loads have great influences on the pile, the steep slope effect is indispensable, and reasonable diameter of the pile could enhance the bending ability. The internal force and displacements of pile are largely based upon the horizontal loads applied on pile, especially in upper part. 展开更多
关键词 BRIDGE mechanical response high-steep slope inclined load power series method
Variational Approach of Timoshenko Beams with Internal Elastic Restraints
《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第8期491-498,共8页
An exact approach for free transverse vibrations of a Timoshenko beam with ends elastically restrained against rotation and translation and arbitrarily located internal restraints is presented. The calculus of variati... An exact approach for free transverse vibrations of a Timoshenko beam with ends elastically restrained against rotation and translation and arbitrarily located internal restraints is presented. The calculus of variations is used to obtain the equations of motion, the boundary conditions and the transitions conditions which correspond to the described mechanical system. The derived differential equations are solved individually for each segment of the beam with the corresponding boundary and transitions conditions. The derived mathematical formulation generates as particular cases, and several mathematical models are used to simulate the presence of cracks. Some cases available in the literature and the presence of some errors are discussed. New results are presented for different end conditions and restraint conditions in the intermediate elastic constraints with their corresponding modal shapes. 展开更多
关键词 Calculus of variations Yimoshenko beams elastically restrained ends exact result.
Quark-Quark Scattering
作者 Zaheer Uddin Khursheed Ather Siddiqui 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第4期139-142,共4页
Scattering process always reveal valuable information. For example scattering of alpha particle in Rutherford's well known experiment revealed the existence of nucleus. Physicists have been studying collision process... Scattering process always reveal valuable information. For example scattering of alpha particle in Rutherford's well known experiment revealed the existence of nucleus. Physicists have been studying collision process both experimentally as well as theoretically to know much about particle Physics. It is believed that the quark-quark scattering results are same as those of lepton-lepton systems and they are mass independent. The aim of this work was to calculate amplitude cross section for heavy quarks. Our results reveal a mass dependence of these results for heavy quarks. 展开更多
关键词 Particles scattering scattering amplitude QUARKS quarks scattering.
作者 陈万春 陈中原 龚晓鹏 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1-9,共9页
随着人工智能技术的发展,机动突防策略研究迎来了更多的可能性,也为未来复杂多变的战场环境提供了新的技术支撑。近年来,智能方法在协同拦截、机动突防等问题上得到了广泛的应用。在深入理解模型内在机理的基础上,将深度神经网络、强化... 随着人工智能技术的发展,机动突防策略研究迎来了更多的可能性,也为未来复杂多变的战场环境提供了新的技术支撑。近年来,智能方法在协同拦截、机动突防等问题上得到了广泛的应用。在深入理解模型内在机理的基础上,将深度神经网络、强化学习等技术与最优机动、微分对策、高超声速飞行器纵程解析解等经典研究相结合,在智能制导方面取得了一系列相关成果。对相关研究进行了系统总结,为智能机动突防的实际应用打下了良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 最优机动突防 智能主动反拦截 强化学习协同制导 智能横程机动
作者 A. AROSIO(Dipatimento di Matematica, Univ. Parma, v. d’Azeglio 85A, 43100 Parma, Italy)E-mail: arosio@prmat.math.unipr.it 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1999年第4期495-506,共12页
When an elastic string with fixed ends is subjected to transverse vibrations, its length varies with the time: this introduces changes of the tension in the string. This induced Kirchhoff to propose a nonlinear correc... When an elastic string with fixed ends is subjected to transverse vibrations, its length varies with the time: this introduces changes of the tension in the string. This induced Kirchhoff to propose a nonlinear correction of the classical D’Alembert equation. Later on, WoinowskyKrieger (Nash & Modeer) incorporated this correction in the classical Euler-Bernoulli equation for the beam (plate) with hinged ends.Here a new equation for the small transverse vibrations of a simply supported beam is proposed. Such equation takes into account Kirchhoff’s correction, as well as the correction for rotary inertia of the cross section Of the beam and the influence of shearing strains, already present in the Timoshenko beam equation (of the Mindlin-Timoshenko equation for the plate).The model is inspired by a remark of Rayleigh, and by a joint paper with Panizzi & Paoli. It looks more complicated than the one proposed by Sapir & Reiss, but as a matter of fact it is easier to study if a suitable change of variables is performed.The author proves the local well-posedness of the initial-boundary value problem in Sobolev spaces of order ≥2.5. The technique is abstract, i.e. the equation is rewritten as a fourth order evolution equation in Hilbert space (thus the results could be applied also to the formally analogous equation for the plate). 展开更多
关键词 Timoshenko-Kirchhiff beam equation Local well-posedness Fourth order evolution equation
Geometrically nonlinear dynamic response of stiffened plates with moving boundary conditions
作者 MA NiuJing WANG RongHui +1 位作者 HAN Qiang LU YiGang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1536-1546,共11页
An approach is presented to investigate the nonlinear vibration of stiffened plates.A stiffened plate is divided into one plate and some stiffeners,with the plate considered to be geometrically nonlinear,and the stiff... An approach is presented to investigate the nonlinear vibration of stiffened plates.A stiffened plate is divided into one plate and some stiffeners,with the plate considered to be geometrically nonlinear,and the stiffeners taken as Euler beams.Lagrange equation and modal superposition method are used to derive the dynamic equilibrium equations of the stiffened plate according to energy of the system.Besides,the effect caused by boundary movement is transformed into equivalent excitations.The first approximation solution of the non-resonance is obtained by means of the method of multiple scales.The primary parametric resonance and primary resonance of the stiffened plate are studied by using the same method.The accuracy of the method is validated by comparing the results with those of finite element analysis via ANSYS.Numerical examples for different stiffened plates are presented to discuss the steady response of the non-resonance and the amplitude-frequency relationship of the primary parametric resonance and primary resonance.In addition,the analysis on how the damping coefficients and the transverse excitations influence amplitude-frequency curves is also carried out.Some nonlinear vibration characteristics of stiffened plates are obtained,which are useful for engineering design. 展开更多
关键词 stiffened plates moving boundary nonlinear vibration primary parametric resonance and primary resonance the method of multiple scales
Probability density function solution to nonlinear ship roll motion excited by external Poisson white noise 被引量:2
作者 ER GuoKang ZHU HaiTao +1 位作者 IU VaiPan KOU KunPang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1121-1125,共5页
The stationary probability density function (PDF) solution to nonlinear ship roll motion excited by Poisson white noise is analyzed. Subjected to such random excitation, the joint PDF solution to the roll angle and an... The stationary probability density function (PDF) solution to nonlinear ship roll motion excited by Poisson white noise is analyzed. Subjected to such random excitation, the joint PDF solution to the roll angle and angular velocity is governed by the generalized Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equation. To solve this equation, the exponential-polynomial closure (EPC) method is adopted. With the EPC method, the PDF solution is assumed to be an exponential-polynomial function of state variables. Special measure is taken such that the generalized FPK equation is satisfied in the average sense of integration with the assumed PDF. The problem of determining the unknown parameters in the approximate PDF finally results in solving simultaneous nonlinear algebraic equations. Both slight and high nonlinearities are considered in the illustrative examples. The analysis shows that when a second-order polynomial is taken, the result of the EPC method is the same as the one given by the equivalent linearization (EQL) method. The EQL results differ significantly from the simulated results in the case of high nonlinearity. When a fourth-order or sixth-order polynomial is taken, the results of the EPC method agree well with the simulated ones, especially in the tail regions of the PDF. This agreement is observed in the cases of both slight and high nonlinearities. 展开更多
关键词 probability density function ship roll motion Poisson white noise stochastic process NONLINEARITY
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