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作者 华志辰 乔志远 金捷 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2024年第11期33-36,41,共5页
[目的]当全自动运行列车第一次停站对标超出开门允许的范围时,需要ATO(列车自动运行)系统自动进行重新准确对标。仅使用牵引和制动指令的传统ATO二次对标方法耗时久,单次移动的距离不能满足性能需求,会影响运营服务。对此,有必要基于轻... [目的]当全自动运行列车第一次停站对标超出开门允许的范围时,需要ATO(列车自动运行)系统自动进行重新准确对标。仅使用牵引和制动指令的传统ATO二次对标方法耗时久,单次移动的距离不能满足性能需求,会影响运营服务。对此,有必要基于轻制动指令对ATO二次对标方法进行优化。[方法]引入车辆在实际运行过程中的牵引系统及空气制动系统延时,分析了仅使用牵引指令和制动指令的传统ATO二次对标方法时单次移动距离超过了1 m的原因,基于轻制动指令对ATO二次对标方法进行优化。优化后的ATO二次对标方法通过提前施加固定级位制动,在停车过程中消除了空气制动延时的影响,使得单次移动的过程仅存在牵引系统的延时,从而缩短了单次移动的距离,满足了ATO二次对标功能的性能需求。对基于轻制动指令优化后的ATO二次对标方法的单次移动距离进行理论计算,验证该方法的可行性。[结果及结论]目前,开门授权精度范围为±0.5 m,二次对标功能必须实现小于1.0 m的列车单次移动距离,才能满足停站精度纠偏的需求。传统ATO二次对标方法中,空气制动系统响应时间和执行时间过长,致使单次移动距离超过了1.0 m,无法满足停站精度纠偏需求。理论计算表明,基于轻制动指令优化后的ATO二次对标方法可以满足列车单次移动小于1.0 m的需求。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 全自动运行 ATO二 空气制动 最小移动距离 轻制动
浙江省污水处理厂二次提标现状与技术工艺研究 被引量:3
作者 张敏东 孔令为 +4 位作者 梅荣武 邵卫伟 王晓敏 王震 蒋涛 《环境与可持续发展》 2018年第1期111-117,共7页
针对浙江省污水处理厂二次提标的迫切需求,课题组从浙江省污水处理厂的工艺以及存在问题以及从预处理技术、生物强化技术、深度处理技术等从污水处理不同的工艺阶段研究了国内外技术的最新进展,为浙江省下一步污水处理厂的深度提标提供... 针对浙江省污水处理厂二次提标的迫切需求,课题组从浙江省污水处理厂的工艺以及存在问题以及从预处理技术、生物强化技术、深度处理技术等从污水处理不同的工艺阶段研究了国内外技术的最新进展,为浙江省下一步污水处理厂的深度提标提供了技术支撑和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 污水处理厂提 预处理技术 生物强化技术 深度处理
深圳市二次供水设施提标改造工程探讨 被引量:1
作者 丁晓欣 陈欢 +1 位作者 高静思 朱佳 《海河水利》 2023年第1期83-86,共4页
随着城市快速发展,高层建筑增多,深圳市二次供水问题逐渐凸出,如小区二次供水设施设备老旧锈蚀、供水不稳定且易出现锈水、市政基础设施更新慢、早期建设小区水压不稳定,导致小区物业加装管道泵在市政供水管直抽,影响城市供水安全。201... 随着城市快速发展,高层建筑增多,深圳市二次供水问题逐渐凸出,如小区二次供水设施设备老旧锈蚀、供水不稳定且易出现锈水、市政基础设施更新慢、早期建设小区水压不稳定,导致小区物业加装管道泵在市政供水管直抽,影响城市供水安全。2018年全市纳入二次供水设施提标改造工程范围的居民小区约2900个,目前已完工1111个。通过调研供水设施提标改造工程,总结深圳市二次供水设施现状、管理体制、改造目标和改造方案,并对改造工程存在的二次供水方式选择、工程进度滞后、质量控制问题进行了分析,提出相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 城市供水安全 供水设施提改造 管理体制 改造方案
浙江省城镇污水处理厂二次提标现状、工艺技术及工程案例研究 被引量:8
作者 孔令为 王晓敏 +5 位作者 张敏东 梅荣武 邵卫伟 王震 蒋涛 李亚 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1315-1320,1326,共7页
针对浙江省城镇污水处理厂二次提标的迫切需求,从浙江省城镇污水处理厂的背景、工艺以及存在问题等方面进行了研究,同时研究了预处理技术、生物强化技术以及深度处理技术的发展现状和进展,并借助具有代表性的案例剖析了不同技术在污水... 针对浙江省城镇污水处理厂二次提标的迫切需求,从浙江省城镇污水处理厂的背景、工艺以及存在问题等方面进行了研究,同时研究了预处理技术、生物强化技术以及深度处理技术的发展现状和进展,并借助具有代表性的案例剖析了不同技术在污水处理厂二次提标中的工程应用,为浙江省下一步城镇污水处理厂的深度提标改造提供了技术借鉴和支撑。 展开更多
关键词 城镇污水处理厂 生物强化技术 深度处理 工程案例
作者 侯玉华 夏晓君 +1 位作者 沈红梅 李敬田 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 1995年第11期519-520,共2页
离子选择电极二次加标法测定雨水中的氟河北医学院卫生化学教研室(石家庄050017)侯玉华,夏晓君,沈红梅,李敬田用离子选择电极测氟因其简便、准确和线性范围宽,已被列为多种样品中氟测定的标准方法(1,2)。但是一般氟电... 离子选择电极二次加标法测定雨水中的氟河北医学院卫生化学教研室(石家庄050017)侯玉华,夏晓君,沈红梅,李敬田用离子选择电极测氟因其简便、准确和线性范围宽,已被列为多种样品中氟测定的标准方法(1,2)。但是一般氟电极的线性范围在10-1~10-5m... 展开更多
关键词 雨水 测定 离子选择电极
作者 戚建彪 《无机化工产品标准质量信息网刊》 2003年第1期31-31,共1页
关键词 “两 准加入法 电极法 测定 应用 氟化物 水样
作者 杨合鸣 王金芳 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 2003年第1期98-102,共5页
所谓多标被动句 ,即句中含有两个以上语标的被动句。按句中含语标多少 ,可将多标被动句分为三种类型 ,即双标被动句、三标被动句及四标被动句。多标被动句是由单标或双标被动句杂糅而成的。无论是双标被动句 ,还是三标、四标被动句 ,其... 所谓多标被动句 ,即句中含有两个以上语标的被动句。按句中含语标多少 ,可将多标被动句分为三种类型 ,即双标被动句、三标被动句及四标被动句。多标被动句是由单标或双标被动句杂糅而成的。无论是双标被动句 ,还是三标、四标被动句 ,其中有一个语标为主标 ,其他一个或二个、三个语标则为次标。主标表明句子的被动性质 ,次标起凑足音节。 展开更多
关键词 古代汉语 被动句 次标
复杂场景机械交错拼接遥感相机在轨相对定标 被引量:1
作者 闫钧华 倪越 +2 位作者 姜宇 范君杰 张寅 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期131-139,共9页
为了实现机械交错拼接型(TDICCD)遥感相机高频次、高精度相对辐射定标,本文提出一种面向复杂场景的在轨非均匀性校正方法。该方法在相机绕偏航轴旋转前后进行正交二次成像,利用所获取的偏航成像数据、常规成像数据分别对阵列内、阵列间... 为了实现机械交错拼接型(TDICCD)遥感相机高频次、高精度相对辐射定标,本文提出一种面向复杂场景的在轨非均匀性校正方法。该方法在相机绕偏航轴旋转前后进行正交二次成像,利用所获取的偏航成像数据、常规成像数据分别对阵列内、阵列间探元进行相对定标;结合复杂场景宽辐射动态范围的特点,利用多点曲线拟合的方法实现相对定标参数解算,最终达到非均匀性校正的目的。利用仿真成像数据对均匀场景以及复杂场景进行相对辐射定标试验,结果表明,在非均匀场景中经复杂场景正交二次成像定标(OSICCS)后图像非均匀性NU系数相较于常用方法定标后图像非均匀性NU系数降低了0.4991%以上,条纹条带噪声以及残余条带噪声得到有效去除。 展开更多
关键词 交错拼接型相机 复杂场景 正交二成像定 在轨非均匀性校正
有线电视放大器的最大输出电平和标称输出电平 被引量:3
作者 林挺逵 《中国有线电视》 2007年第14期1333-1337,共5页
全面分析有线电视放大器最大输出电平Somax和标称输出电平Sa的差别,说明基于两种输出电平的两类放大器输出电平计算公式的适用条件和适用时期,指出当前不能继续使用基于最大输出电平的计算公式,必须采用基于标称输出电平的系统满载... 全面分析有线电视放大器最大输出电平Somax和标称输出电平Sa的差别,说明基于两种输出电平的两类放大器输出电平计算公式的适用条件和适用时期,指出当前不能继续使用基于最大输出电平的计算公式,必须采用基于标称输出电平的系统满载计算公式来设计计算放大器输出电平。 展开更多
关键词 有线电视放大器 最大输出电平 称输出电平 交调比(CM) 称三差拍比(CTBa)
Configuration optimization model of multi-energy distributed generation system 被引量:2
作者 徐青山 徐敏姣 +1 位作者 李国栋 蒋菱 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第2期182-188,共7页
To integrate different renewable energy resources effectively in a microgrid, a configuration optimization model of a multi-energy distributed generation(DG) system and its auxiliary equipment is proposed. The model... To integrate different renewable energy resources effectively in a microgrid, a configuration optimization model of a multi-energy distributed generation(DG) system and its auxiliary equipment is proposed. The model mainly consists of two parts, the determination of initial configuration schemes according to user preference and the selection of the optimal scheme. The comprehensive evaluation index(CEI), which is acquired through the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) weight calculation method, is adopted as the evaluation criterion to rank the initial schemes. The optimal scheme is obtained according to the ranking results. The proposed model takes the diversity of different equipment parameters and investment cost into consideration and can give relatively suitable and economical suggestions for system configuration.Additionally, unlike Homer Pro, the proposed model considers the complementation of different renewable energy resources, and thus the rationality of the multi-energy DG system is improved compared with the single evaluation criterion method which only considers the total cost. 展开更多
关键词 multi-energy complementation distributed generation(DG) optimal configuration energy management comprehensive evaluation index(CEI) analytic hierarchy process(AHP)
作者 王亮 王占林 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2000年第1期24-26,共3页
关键词 遗传算法 PID控制 多项式定
作者 严永官 《办公室业务》 1994年第3期2-3,共2页
为了规范国家行政机关的公文处理工作,国务院办公厅自1981年至今先后发布了三个规范性文件。一个是1981年2月27日发布的《国家行政机关公文处理暂行办法》;一个是1987年2月18日发布的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称《原办法》)... 为了规范国家行政机关的公文处理工作,国务院办公厅自1981年至今先后发布了三个规范性文件。一个是1981年2月27日发布的《国家行政机关公文处理暂行办法》;一个是1987年2月18日发布的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称《原办法》);一个是1993年11月21日发布,并于1994年1月1日施行的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称《新办法》)。通观这些办法的产生和实践检验过程,我们可以发现每次都有更显科学和发展之处,现笔者试就《新办法》与《原办法》的比较,体会其新的发展之处。 展开更多
关键词 公文处理工作 《国家行政机关公文处理办法》 新办法 公文工作 公文用纸 阿拉伯数字 次标 实践检验过程 显科学 公文办理
作者 林育人 《交通与运输》 1995年第4期34-34,共1页
美国是个汽车王国。在美国生活,没有汽车,寸步难行,有了汽车,走遍全国。每家每户都拥有汽车,少则一辆,多则几辆,既有价值十几万乃至几十万美元的高级轿车,也有仅值几百元或千来元的超龄破烂车,不同的档次标帜着车主人不同的身份和财富,... 美国是个汽车王国。在美国生活,没有汽车,寸步难行,有了汽车,走遍全国。每家每户都拥有汽车,少则一辆,多则几辆,既有价值十几万乃至几十万美元的高级轿车,也有仅值几百元或千来元的超龄破烂车,不同的档次标帜着车主人不同的身份和财富,差别十分明显。 汽车多了,与之相应的销售。 展开更多
关键词 汽车俱乐部 汽车社会 职业性体育 民间服务组织 高级轿车 车门 娱乐场所 应急服务 女婿 次标
Study on Land Use Regionalization in Henan Province
作者 田燕 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2139-2143,2184,共6页
According to the natural ecology and socio-economic conditions in Henan Province, a land use regionalization index system with 6 factors and 24 factor layers was constructed by combining with the characteristics of la... According to the natural ecology and socio-economic conditions in Henan Province, a land use regionalization index system with 6 factors and 24 factor layers was constructed by combining with the characteristics of land use in Henan Province. Expert scoring method was used to determine the weights of the indicators. Based on the similarities and differences of these factors in the index system at county (city, district) levels, hierarchical clustering method was used to make the quantitative analysis to the land use regionalization in Henan Province. And constrastive analysis and qualitative analysis were made to the regionalization scheme by combining with the acutal conditions in the counties (cities, districts), and finally, Henan Province was classified into 6 regions. 展开更多
关键词 Land use regionalization Index system Hierarchical clustering analysis method Henan Province
Multi-level access control model for tree-like hierarchical organizations
作者 於光灿 李瑞轩 +3 位作者 卢正鼎 Mudar Sarem 宋伟 苏永红 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期393-396,共4页
An access control model is proposed based on the famous Bell-LaPadula (BLP) model.In the proposed model,hierarchical relationships among departments are built,a new concept named post is proposed,and assigning secur... An access control model is proposed based on the famous Bell-LaPadula (BLP) model.In the proposed model,hierarchical relationships among departments are built,a new concept named post is proposed,and assigning security tags to subjects and objects is greatly simplified.The interoperation among different departments is implemented through assigning multiple security tags to one post, and the more departments are closed on the organization tree,the more secret objects can be exchanged by the staff of the departments.The access control matrices of the department,post and staff are defined.By using the three access control matrices,a multi granularity and flexible discretionary access control policy is implemented.The outstanding merit of the BLP model is inherited,and the new model can guarantee that all the information flow is under control.Finally,our study shows that compared to the BLP model,the proposed model is more flexible. 展开更多
关键词 multi-level access control hierarchical organization multiple security tags
Study and Implementation on the Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Support System of Ecocity 被引量:2
作者 黄鹍 陈森发 +1 位作者 孙燕 亓霞 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第4期356-360,共5页
According to basic connotation and design principles of ecocity, a comparatively integrated index system is constructed in the paper. And at the same time using hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation method, a hierar... According to basic connotation and design principles of ecocity, a comparatively integrated index system is constructed in the paper. And at the same time using hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation method, a hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation model of ecocity is established, then on the basis of the model, a comprehensive evaluation support system is developed, and the theoretical guidance supplied for construction of ecocity is provided. 展开更多
关键词 ecocity index system evaluating level hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation evaluation support system
A personalized trustworthy service selection method 被引量:3
作者 吴晓娜 李必信 李超 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第1期16-21,共6页
A personalized trustworthy service selection method is proposed to fully express the features of trust, emphasize the importance of user preference and improve the trustworthiness of service selection. The trustworthi... A personalized trustworthy service selection method is proposed to fully express the features of trust, emphasize the importance of user preference and improve the trustworthiness of service selection. The trustworthiness of web service is defined as customized multi-dimensional trust metrics and the user preference is embodied in the weight of each trust metric. A service selection method combining AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and PROMETHEE (preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations) is proposed. AHP is used to determine the weights of trust metrics according to users' preferences. Hierarchy and pairwise comparison matrices are constructed. The weights of trust metrics are derived from the highest eigenvalue and eigenvector of the matrix. to obtain the final rank of candidate services. The preference functions are defined according to the inherent characteristics of the trust metrics and net outranking flows are calculated. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively express users' personalized preferences for trust metrics, and the trustworthiness of service ranking and selection is efficiently improved. 展开更多
关键词 service selection trust metrics PREFERENCE trustworthiness analytic hierarchy process preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations
Light pen whole space coordinate measuring system based on a tracking turntable
作者 WANG Sen LIU Shugui MAO Qing 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2021年第4期379-389,共11页
Light pen coordinate measuring system(LPCMS)is a kind of portable coordinate measuring technique based on vision metrology.In classical LPCMS,the measuring range is limited to the camera’s field of view.To overcome t... Light pen coordinate measuring system(LPCMS)is a kind of portable coordinate measuring technique based on vision metrology.In classical LPCMS,the measuring range is limited to the camera’s field of view.To overcome this defect,a new LPCMS is designed in this paper to fulfil whole space coordinate measurement.The camera is installed on a turntable instead of a tripod,so that the camera can rotate to track the movement of the light pen.The new system can be applied to large scale onsite measurement,and therefore it notably extends the application of LPCMS.To guarantee the accuracy of the new system,a method to calibrate the parameters of the tracking turntable is also proposed.Fixing the light pen at a stationary position,and changing the azimuth angles of the turntable’s two shafts,so that the camera can capture the images of the light pen from different view angles.According to the invariant spatial relationship between the camera and the pedestal of the tracking turntable,a system of nonlinear equations can be established to solve the parameters of the turntable.Experimental results show that the whole space coordinate measuring accuracy of the new system can reach 0.25 mm within 10 m.It can be concluded that the newly designed system can significantly expand the measuring range of LPCMS without losing too much accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 light pen whole space coordinate measuring system tracking turntable vision metrology parameter calibration homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix
An Approach to Representing Heterogeneous Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline Objects
作者 臧婷 徐安平 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第4期275-279,共5页
The representation method of heterogeneous material information is one of the key technologies of heterogeneous object modeling, but almost all the existing methods cannot represent non-uniform rational B-spline (NU... The representation method of heterogeneous material information is one of the key technologies of heterogeneous object modeling, but almost all the existing methods cannot represent non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) entity. According to the characteristics of NURBS, a novel data structure, named NURBS material data structure, is proposed, in which the geometrical coordinates, weights and material coordinates of NURBS heterogene- ous objects can be represented simultaneously. Based on this data structure, both direct representation method and inverse construction method of heterogeneous NURBS objects are introduced. In the direct representation method, three forms of NURBS heterogeneous objects are introduced by giving the geometry and material information of con- trol points, among which the homogeneous coordinates form is employed for its brevity and easy programming. In the inverse construction method, continuous heterogeneous curves and surfaces can he obtained by interpolating discrete points and curves with specified material information. Some examples are given to show the effectiveness of the pro- posed methods. 展开更多
关键词 heterogeneous object non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) material data structure direct represen- tation method inverse construction method
Time-variant reliability analysis of three-dimensional slopes based on Support Vector Machine method 被引量:4
作者 陈昌富 肖治宇 张根宝 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2108-2114,共7页
In the reliability analysis of slope, the performance functions derived from the most available stability analysis procedures of slopes are usually implicit and cannot be solved by first-order second-moment approach. ... In the reliability analysis of slope, the performance functions derived from the most available stability analysis procedures of slopes are usually implicit and cannot be solved by first-order second-moment approach. A new reliability analysis approach was presented based on three-dimensional Morgenstem-Price method to investigate three-dimensional effect of landslide in stability analyses. To obtain the reliability index, Support Vector Machine (SVM) was applied to approximate the performance function. The time-consuming of this approach is only 0.028% of that using Monte-Carlo method at the same computation accuracy. Also, the influence of time effect of shearing strength parameters of slope soils on the long-term reliability of three-dimensional slopes was investigated by this new approach. It is found that the reliability index of the slope would decrease by 52.54% and the failure probability would increase from 0.000 705% to 1.966%. In the end, the impact of variation coefficients of c andfon reliability index of slopes was taken into discussion and the changing trend was observed. 展开更多
关键词 slope engineering Morgenstern-Price method three dimension Support Vector Machine time-variant reliability
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