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作者 都恩奇 Alessandra 《留学》 2015年第19期84-87,共4页
对于90后的意大利设计师Alessandra来说,中国是她实现时尚设计师梦想的最佳舞台,因为这里既有悠久的文化,又是个创意十足的地方。我叫Alessandra,中文名叫方霭仙,我今年22岁。作为一个意瑞混血儿,我的骨子里蕴藏着两种特质:对艺术极为敏... 对于90后的意大利设计师Alessandra来说,中国是她实现时尚设计师梦想的最佳舞台,因为这里既有悠久的文化,又是个创意十足的地方。我叫Alessandra,中文名叫方霭仙,我今年22岁。作为一个意瑞混血儿,我的骨子里蕴藏着两种特质:对艺术极为敏感,对技术格外苛求。刚上大学时,我在瑞士的一个法语节目里看到了关于中国云南的介绍,那一刻,我便被它的美丽所折服,也让我开始着迷于中国文化,同时也使我萌发了学中文的念头。 展开更多
关键词 欧洲学 文化特质 最新设计 设计构想 坊里 我自己 千里之外 史蒂芬 内饰材料 语言传达
作者 鸥岩 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1991年第5期55-56,共2页
1991年8月13日至15日,中国欧洲学会(原中国西欧学会)在北京召开第一次中青年学术研讨会,会议主题为"90年代的欧洲"。来自北京、上海、南京、兰州、天津等地科研单位、高等院校和新闻单位的代表聚集一堂,就近年来欧洲局势的变... 1991年8月13日至15日,中国欧洲学会(原中国西欧学会)在北京召开第一次中青年学术研讨会,会议主题为"90年代的欧洲"。来自北京、上海、南京、兰州、天津等地科研单位、高等院校和新闻单位的代表聚集一堂,就近年来欧洲局势的变化及其影响、欧洲一体化问题和世界形势等问题展开了热烈的讨论。中国欧洲学会会长陈乐民教授到会讲话,提出研究欧洲问题必须要在"侧重欧洲"的同时,"目有全局,立足中国"。他认为90年代欧洲最值得重视的问题是:1.东西欧关系问题。 展开更多
关键词 中国欧洲学 欧洲一体化 学术研讨会 欧洲经济 欧共体 中青年 欧洲外交 欧洲政治一体化 高等院校 经济一体化
作者 张敏 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1997年第4期92-94,共3页
中国欧洲学会第五届年会综述张敏1997年5月6—9日,中国欧洲学会和江苏省吴江市人民政府共同举办了中国欧洲学会第5届年会。本次会议的中心议题为《欧盟与世界———纪念罗马条约40周年》。参加本次年会的有来自全国各地高等... 中国欧洲学会第五届年会综述张敏1997年5月6—9日,中国欧洲学会和江苏省吴江市人民政府共同举办了中国欧洲学会第5届年会。本次会议的中心议题为《欧盟与世界———纪念罗马条约40周年》。参加本次年会的有来自全国各地高等院校、科研机构和政府研究部门的13... 展开更多
关键词 中国欧洲学 经货联盟 欧洲经济与货币联盟 欧盟一体化 欧洲单一货币 趋同标准 欧洲联盟 经贸关系 经济一体化 世界格局
作者 高博 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1999年第6期78-80,共3页
关键词 中国欧洲学 第三条道路 “新干涉主义” 英国 联合国 世界政治 布莱尔 英欧关系 共同外交和安全政策 国家共同体
《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1995年第6期87-92,共6页
中国欧洲学会英国研究会年会纪要1995年10月11—12日,中国欧洲学会英国研究会在北京召开第三届年会,来自北京、上海和兰州等地有关研究机构、高等院校和新闻出版部门的50多名会员出席了会议。英国纽卡斯尔大学社会政治系... 中国欧洲学会英国研究会年会纪要1995年10月11—12日,中国欧洲学会英国研究会在北京召开第三届年会,来自北京、上海和兰州等地有关研究机构、高等院校和新闻出版部门的50多名会员出席了会议。英国纽卡斯尔大学社会政治系教授MichaelHill也出席了... 展开更多
关键词 中国欧洲学 英国社会 研究会 英国地方政府 对外政策 社会福利制度 中英关系 货币机制 香港问题 经济发展
《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1995年第3期90-91,共2页
中国欧洲学会召开第四届年会1995年3月21日-23日,中国欧洲学会在上海召开第四届年会,来自全国40多所高等院校、研究机构及新闻出版等有关部门的100多名会员出席了会议。本届年会以“中国-欧洲:合作与发展”为主题进... 中国欧洲学会召开第四届年会1995年3月21日-23日,中国欧洲学会在上海召开第四届年会,来自全国40多所高等院校、研究机构及新闻出版等有关部门的100多名会员出席了会议。本届年会以“中国-欧洲:合作与发展”为主题进行了讨论,选举了新一届的欧洲学会理... 展开更多
关键词 中国欧洲学 欧盟一体化 欧洲联盟 世界经济 政治一体化 中欧关系 德国统一 欧洲货币联盟 欧洲研究 合作与发展
《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 1998年第1期81-82,26,共3页
中国欧洲学会德国研究专业委员会第七届年会综述刘立群1997年11月11—12日,中国欧洲学会德国研究专业委员会与国务院发展研究中心世界发展研究所在北京共同举办了第七届年会。正在北京访问的联邦议院议员、前副总理兼外长根... 中国欧洲学会德国研究专业委员会第七届年会综述刘立群1997年11月11—12日,中国欧洲学会德国研究专业委员会与国务院发展研究中心世界发展研究所在北京共同举办了第七届年会。正在北京访问的联邦议院议员、前副总理兼外长根舍和德国驻华大使赛康德博士、中国人... 展开更多
关键词 中国欧洲学 中德关系 德国研究 专业委员会 社民党 欧盟东扩 经济与货币联盟 欧洲一体化进程 德国经济 中国人民外交学会
作者 周弘 《欧洲研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期1-22,I0002,共23页
欧洲研究的学科定位涉及该研究领域的研究范围、主题和方法等关键性问题,历来受到欧洲研究界的关注。针对欧洲研究既不隶属国际政治、世界经济、欧洲历史等学科,但又囊括上述学科的方法的特性,中国的欧洲学界自21世纪初以来即尝试从欧... 欧洲研究的学科定位涉及该研究领域的研究范围、主题和方法等关键性问题,历来受到欧洲研究界的关注。针对欧洲研究既不隶属国际政治、世界经济、欧洲历史等学科,但又囊括上述学科的方法的特性,中国的欧洲学界自21世纪初以来即尝试从欧洲研究本位出发,进行学科定位和整合,确立了多学科综合研究的发展方向。本文从欧洲概念的由来、民族国家和区域组织的形成,以及运行方式等角度,讨论作为区域国别学典型案例的欧洲研究所要涉猎的重要领域、议题和方法,揭示区域与国别之间错综复杂的关系,并尝试定位各社会科学学科在欧洲研究中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 区域国别学 欧洲研究 欧洲学
《社会科学论坛》 1999年第4期2-2,共1页
20世纪即将过去,人类已然走向21世纪。在这新旧世纪之交,经济、政治、社会、文化产生的空前碰撞,以及对未来社会发展轨迹的关注,促使我们要对世界文明(尤其是欧洲文明和中华文明)发展的历程,从历史和哲学相统一的角度去寻绎其内在的规... 20世纪即将过去,人类已然走向21世纪。在这新旧世纪之交,经济、政治、社会、文化产生的空前碰撞,以及对未来社会发展轨迹的关注,促使我们要对世界文明(尤其是欧洲文明和中华文明)发展的历程,从历史和哲学相统一的角度去寻绎其内在的规律性。为此,本刊特约记者李洪卫专门采访了曾任中国社会科学院欧洲研究所所长、中国欧洲学会会长的陈乐民教授。——《文明世界发展的历史哲学寻绎》。 展开更多
关键词 公有制经济 中国欧洲学 历史哲学 国有企业 发展轨迹 潘光旦 中华文明 世纪之交 《共产党宣言》 向21世纪
中生代戏骨和新生代明星薪火相传 英格兰2008年标杆之作《公爵夫人》
作者 春花满枝 《南腔北调》 2008年第10期45-46,共0页
欧洲学传媒的大学生都听过这样一句话:"假如有一天英国王室不复存在了,最悲伤的或许不是女王,而是《太阳报》的主编。"作为一份日发行量逾300万份的通俗小报,《太阳报》热衷于通过披露王室成员桃色事件以抬升销量的行为,为《... 欧洲学传媒的大学生都听过这样一句话:"假如有一天英国王室不复存在了,最悲伤的或许不是女王,而是《太阳报》的主编。"作为一份日发行量逾300万份的通俗小报,《太阳报》热衷于通过披露王室成员桃色事件以抬升销量的行为,为《泰晤士报》、《卫报》等严肃媒体所不齿。但读者们的趋之若鹜和那个绝妙的类比一样。 展开更多
关键词 《太阳报》 乔治安娜 欧洲学 王室成员 《卫报》 日发行量 《泰晤士报》 制片方 奥利弗 英国王室
Three Models of English Education in China's Universities ——-A Historical Perspective 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Qiang, LI Jie-hong QIAO Hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期676-683,共8页
In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in g... In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in government-managed educational institutions and in institutions sponsored by church-related organizations; English education was well-knit with both general education and specialty education; and self-motivating learning was encouraged. In the second period (1950-1966), almost everything was tinted with a shady color of politics: A halt was addressed drastically to EEC (English education in China) in 1952. In the gradual recovery that started four years later, the second format was sawed and hammered, showing the following features: All non-government-mamaged institutions vanished from the stage; English was taught solely as a language or a system of verbal parts, almost deprived of all cultural loading. The third period (1978 onwards) has witnessed a barrier-free and rapid development of over three decades, resulting in the unprecedented pervasion of EECU. Yet in the third tbrmat, learners' efforts have turned wholly test-oriented, degenerating into the saddening disintegrity of learning as a process into isolated charges to the target of a test at a time; the ignorant reduction of the learning methods to "Vocabulary Booklets Plus Collections of Test Papers". Such a comparison not only provides a multi-dimensional perspective of EECU and a better understanding of it, but also offers some important experiences and lessons for the search of an effective solution to the pervasive problem of"Time-Consumingness and Low-Efficiency". 展开更多
关键词 EECU (English education in China's universities) MODEL LEARNING
Advanced Research Projects in the Humanities: New Trends on Literature, Languages, and Linguistics Studies
作者 Carlos Francisco Mafra Ceia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第12期903-913,共11页
Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contr... Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contributing to reinforce the importance of research in these areas in a time of crisis in the humanities. The organization and funding of science and scholarship in Europe has been promoting anything else but social sciences research, including educational areas. The author will follow the recent call from the Board of Trustees da Academia Europaea to redirect policies toward the organization of multidisciplinary research projects. Among these so-called "small subjects", we will find original, inspired, and valuable research projects in the humanities, It is worth mentioning that the crisis that has been diminishing this type of scholarship strangely cohabits with several policies promoted by the European Commission and the Council of Europe to develop programs for plurilingual education and linguistic diversity, new framework strategies for multilingualism, and the use of new technologies for language teaching and learning. A strong emphasis on research projects leading to interdisciplinary studies involving literature and pure sciences, plus the development of outreach research projects will be proposed. 展开更多
Analysis of lower-boundary climate factors contributing to the summer heatwave frequency over eastern Europe using a machine-learning model
作者 Ruizhi Zhang Xiaojing Jia Qifeng Qian 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第5期49-54,共6页
A machine-learning(ML)model,the light gradient boosting machine(LightGBM),was constructed to simulate the variation in the summer(June-July-August)heatwave frequency(HWF)over eastern Europe(HWFUR)and to analyze the co... A machine-learning(ML)model,the light gradient boosting machine(LightGBM),was constructed to simulate the variation in the summer(June-July-August)heatwave frequency(HWF)over eastern Europe(HWFUR)and to analyze the contributions of various lower-boundary climate factors to the HWFUR variation.The examined lower-boundary climate factors were those that may contribute to the HWFUR variation—namely,the sea surface temperature,soil moisture,snow-cover extent,and sea-ice concentration from the simultaneous summer,preceding spring,and winter.These selected climate factors were significantly correlated to the summer HWFUR variation and were used to construct the ML model.Both the hindcast simulation of HWF EUR for the period 1981-2020 and its real-time simulation for the period 2011-2020,which used the constructed ML model,were investigated.To evaluate the contributions of the climate factors,various model experiments using different combinations of the climate factors were examined and compared.The results indicated that the LightGBM model had comparatively good performance in simulating the HWFUR variation.The sea surface temperature made more contributions to the ML model simulation than the other climate factors.Further examination showed that the best ML simulation was that which used the climate factors in the preceding winter,suggesting that the lower-boundary conditions in the preceding winter may be critical in forecasting the summer HWFUR variation. 展开更多
关键词 Heatwave frequency Eastern Europe SUMMER Machine learning
Remote sensing retrieval of total absorption coefficient in the Bohai Sea 被引量:1
作者 青松 张杰 +1 位作者 崔廷伟 包玉海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期806-813,共8页
Temporal and spatial patterns of inherent optical properties in the Bohai Sea are very complex. In this paper, we used 77 groups of field data of AOPs (apparent optical properties) and IOPs (inherent optical proper... Temporal and spatial patterns of inherent optical properties in the Bohai Sea are very complex. In this paper, we used 77 groups of field data of AOPs (apparent optical properties) and IOPs (inherent optical properties) collected in June, August, and September of 2005 in the Bohai Sea, to retrieve the spectral total absorption coefficient a(2) with the quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA). For QAA implementation, different bands in the region 680-730 nm (in 5 nm intervals) were selected and compared, to determine the optimal band domain of the reference wavelength. On this basis, we proposed a new algorithm (QAA-Com), a combination of QAA-685 and QAA-715, according to turbidity characterized by a(440). The percentage difference of model retrievals in the visible domain was between 4.5%-45.1%, in average of 18.8% for a(2). The QAA model was then applied to Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) radiometric products, which were temporally and spatially matched with in-situ optical measurements. Differences between MERIS retrievals and in-situ values were in the range 9.2%-27.8% for a(2) in the visible domain. Major errors in satellite retrieval are attributable to uncertainties of QAA model parameters and in-situ measurements, as well as imperfect atmospheric correction of MERIS data by the European Space Agency (ESA). During a storm surge in April 2009, time series of MERIS images together with the QAA model were used to analyze spatial and temporal variability of the total absorption coefficient pattern in the Bohai Sea. It is necessary to collect more independent field data to improve this algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 remote sensing retrieval total absorption coefficient quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) Bohai Sea
Performance Assessment of European Football Teams: Using Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis Model
作者 Basma E. El-Demerdash Ihab A. El-Khodary +1 位作者 Assem A. Tharwat Eslam R. Shaban 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2016年第10期409-414,共6页
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful mathematical optimization method widely used for measuring, evaluating and improving the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs). These used in the various forms, ... Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful mathematical optimization method widely used for measuring, evaluating and improving the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs). These used in the various forms, such as hospitals, government agencies, educational institutions, air force, bank branches, business finns, sport teams and even people including the performance of countries, regions, etc. Recently DEA has been extended to examine the performance through the different sport types. In this paper, a Stochastic Input Oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (SIODEA) Model is conducted for measuring and evaluating the relative efficiency scores of football teams selected from different European countries during 2014/2015 season each with some of inputs are stochastic with normally distributed and recent inputs are deterministic and outputs, to shed light on the professional football teams performance. 展开更多
关键词 Data Envelopment Analysis Stochastic Variables Efficiency Measurement Football Efficiency PerformanceAssessment.
Management Practices Towards the Embeddedness of Sustainability in European Universities
作者 Solomon Chukwuemeka Ugbaja Refika Bakoglu 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期563-588,共26页
This research observed and evaluated the sustainability practices in universities. This study emphasizes the connection between theory and practice in research frame. It is intended by this research using content anal... This research observed and evaluated the sustainability practices in universities. This study emphasizes the connection between theory and practice in research frame. It is intended by this research using content analysis of UI GreenMetric, universities' websites and sustainability annual reports observing universities' practices related to sustainability to answer the research question, which is: How are university managements embedding sustainability-oriented practices in sustainability focused European universities as far as CORE system (Curriculum, Operations, Research, and Engagement) is considered? The employed research methodology mainly relies on content analysis of the studied universities from the UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index. The UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index was selected since it considers the Operations, Curriculum, Research, and Engagements (CORE system) of universities with indicators such as Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste, Water, Transportation, and Education. This covers the triple bottom line of sustainability (Environment, Economy, and Society) and other indexes like GASU, AASHE, STARS and others, focused mostly on operational Eco-efficiency. UI GreenMetric index is the first and the only ranking that measures each participating university's commitment in developing an "environmentally friendly" infrastructure. The total sample of the study observed and evaluated in this study are five (5) top European Sustainable Universities according to UI GreenMetric sustainable ranking index. The result shows a significant progress in Operational practices except in the area of Campus Setting and Infrastructure. There was a less significant progress in the Curriculum, Research, and Engagement practices of the CORE system of sustainability-oriented practices which are being integrated into the studied universities. This research provides a state of the art result regarding the embeddedness of sustainable practice in European universities. It has the potential to help any university to better integrate sustainability in their management system. 展开更多
关键词 management and sustainability practices content analysis system CORE European universities
Humanistic Principles in the Circle of European Literature Themes
作者 Gordana Pokrajac 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期552-563,共12页
There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence o... There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence of essential humanistic points. As the historial period, humanism means revival of classical culture, and as a specific culturological phenomenon, it means erudite education created by Hellens and developed by Romans, who recovered "humanitas" as global education. Italy was the first who helped humanists to contemplate on classical culture; and in post-medieval age, Italian humanists achieved a supreme measure of humanism through their "humanistic studies." We will try to point out good achievements of humanism erudite education in European culture in later epochs. Humanism leads man to turn over to world--after medieval stricture--and it becomes self-conscious revolution, what we can see in Latin literature till the 18th century. Rise of individualism, development of libraries and humanistic academies give chance to latin tradition in European literature as universal discipline, including erudite education in international corpus (Ragusa also). High-intellectual and latinized elites with humanistic state of mind develop complex spiritual inteligency with science requests in later epochs too. We will try to explain in which degree humanism, with its synthetic point of view, influences on later corpus of European literary themes and how great its actuallity is nowdays. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM latinism ERUDITION studia humana ITALY Ragusa encyclopedism
A Comparison between the Chinese and European Patients in Acupuncture Treatment
作者 胡金生 王新中 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期157-160,共4页
Based on my teaching and working experience in Europe, I have made a comparison between the Chinese and European patients in acupuncture treatment, and hope it is of some significance in acupuncture clinical practice.
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Asian Continental Ancestry Group Comparative Study European Continental Ancestry Group Humans MOXIBUSTION Patient Compliance
Determinants of Female Employment Rate in the European Union 被引量:1
作者 Irena Spasenoska Merale Fetahu-Vehapi 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第11期1076-1090,共15页
The aim of this paper is to provide a clear insight about the determinants of female employment rate in the European Union where we have used panel data analyses of 27 countries members of the European Union from 1995... The aim of this paper is to provide a clear insight about the determinants of female employment rate in the European Union where we have used panel data analyses of 27 countries members of the European Union from 1995 till 2009. Applying dynamic modeling, i.e, generalized method of moments (GMM) econometrics findings have driven us to system estimated model where the following institutional variables have been tested: maternity leave, child care facilities, college education, fertility rate, GDP growth, female unemployment rate and part-time employment. We expect these variables to have a positive impact on the female employment rate except for the female unemployment rate and maternity leave 展开更多
关键词 female employment rate European Union dynamic panel data analysis
American, Asian and European Scientists and Practitioners View on ICT Project Managers Soft Skills
作者 Lent Bogdan Pinkowska Malgorzata 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第6期601-614,共14页
USA as an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) innovative leader, Europe with its knowledge offensive and Asia as the fastest growing economies share the common fate: ICT projects do under perform. Numero... USA as an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) innovative leader, Europe with its knowledge offensive and Asia as the fastest growing economies share the common fate: ICT projects do under perform. Numerous surveys point at human factor as a source of this malheur. The question emerge to what extent project manager is responsible for improvements there, and which particular skills are demanded to turn the ICT projects course towards more predictable, more efficient and better budget able endeavours. Authors examined and compared the scientific and practitioners views. Twenty-nine journal and conference papers and 46 monographs and standards dedicated to project manager skills have been scrutinized. Further 324 jobs advertisements for the ICT project managers in USA, Switzerland, Poland and Thailand underwent an analysis related to the demanded soft skills of the project manager. The L-Timer~ taxonomy of human factor related processes in project management is applied as comparison vehicle. Methodology extracted main (global) terms and detailed aspects, both weighted appropriately. The practitioners on all continents expect primarily communication skills followed by the team management abilities. Human resource is partially treated, while conflict management is underrepresented. The science seems to be focused on leadership followed by the communication skills, neglecting self management skills of project managers. The last are surprisingly well represented in the US advertisement. The USA job advertisements are the most comprehensive and elaborated one--and, what might be explained by high impact of American science on job definition--close to the scientific details of skill description, self management excluded. In Poland, team management appears to be a problem, while Thailand's companies seek leaders first. The best balanced approach might be found in Swiss job advertisements. The inter-cultural differences point at impact of cultural heritage, which call for differentiated view of science on demanded project manager human factor related skills. Authors pursue this fascinating research. 展开更多
关键词 project management processes soft skills COMPETENCY human factor L-Timer job requirements
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