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作者 李秀卿 《西昌师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第4期22-25,共4页
关键词 歌学 同源异构
日本中世“幽玄”歌学中的“物哀”形态 被引量:1
作者 雷芳 《北方工业大学学报》 2018年第3期44-49,共6页
"物哀"以不同的形态融入中世歌论家的"幽玄"论中。在藤原基俊和鸭长明的"幽玄"论中,"物哀"作为重要的审美情感为和歌酝酿出"余情";在藤原俊成的歌学中,"物哀"是"狭... "物哀"以不同的形态融入中世歌论家的"幽玄"论中。在藤原基俊和鸭长明的"幽玄"论中,"物哀"作为重要的审美情感为和歌酝酿出"余情";在藤原俊成的歌学中,"物哀"是"狭义的幽玄"的核心审美意蕴,体现为纤细深刻的审美感动、孤独寂寥的余情余韵以及对世界和生命的高度领悟和把握;藤原定家在和歌论中将"物哀"作为优秀和歌的审美理想,又进一步推进和加深"心"的层面从而提出"有心"是"物哀"的审美延伸,主张歌人须具备澄明的审美心胸、高度用心的精神状态和内在真实的心灵世界。 展开更多
关键词 幽玄 歌学 物哀 余情 有心 日本文论 日本美
作者 王海春 《福建广播电视大学学报》 2016年第4期10-13,共4页
开放教育非英语专业专科阶段的开放英语教学过程中,学生的英语听力综合能力整体偏弱,既有的听力教学对他们来说难度较大。任课教师应深入分析开放英语听力教学的不足之处,引入听歌学习英文的教学方法并且充分发挥其优势,提高学生的学习... 开放教育非英语专业专科阶段的开放英语教学过程中,学生的英语听力综合能力整体偏弱,既有的听力教学对他们来说难度较大。任课教师应深入分析开放英语听力教学的不足之处,引入听歌学习英文的教学方法并且充分发挥其优势,提高学生的学习兴趣,引导他们主动参与学习和开展自主学习,进而提高开放英语的听力教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 歌学英文 优势 开放英语 听力教质量
作者 鞠婷 《赤峰学院学报(作文教学研究)》 2016年第3期93-93,共1页
关键词 歌学语文 情理 能力 知识
听歌学英语 提升学生人文素养
作者 林霖 《新课程教学(电子版)》 2020年第3期113-114,共2页
《普通高中英语课程标准》(2017年版)明确提出:英语课程要求教师合理利用并开发课程资料,积极使用科技电教资源,拓宽教学渠道。本文围绕笔者设计的校本教材《听歌学英语》,用理论做支撑,通过实例论证了开设该课程的可行性和现实意义,并... 《普通高中英语课程标准》(2017年版)明确提出:英语课程要求教师合理利用并开发课程资料,积极使用科技电教资源,拓宽教学渠道。本文围绕笔者设计的校本教材《听歌学英语》,用理论做支撑,通过实例论证了开设该课程的可行性和现实意义,并鼓励一线教师大胆运用智慧,积极开展多元化教学的研究和教育实践。 展开更多
关键词 英语教 歌学英语 校本课程
作者 邹民(文/图) 《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》 2020年第11期78-81,共4页
今天几个中学生要购买MP3,有人会问,为什么要买MP3?手机功能不是更强大吗?对于学生,一是用手机,自控力差的人根本不合适,很多同学拿到手机就看电影、看新闻、聊天和玩游戏,哪有时间和精力去学习和休息;二是,现在各大中学都明令禁止携带... 今天几个中学生要购买MP3,有人会问,为什么要买MP3?手机功能不是更强大吗?对于学生,一是用手机,自控力差的人根本不合适,很多同学拿到手机就看电影、看新闻、聊天和玩游戏,哪有时间和精力去学习和休息;二是,现在各大中学都明令禁止携带手机进入学校,即使带了手机,也要上交,而MP3是不限制的。学生空闲时,可以用其听歌放松放松,也可以录课堂内容,练习英语听力和口语。面对市场上品牌繁多、造型各异、功能有别的MP3,真有点眼花缭乱的感觉,该如何选择呢?感兴趣的朋友跟我来吧。 展开更多
关键词 MP3播放器 课堂内容 自控力 手机功能 英语听力 玩游戏 歌学英语
作者 李青 戴诺 《艺术评鉴》 2017年第20期67-68,152,共3页
侗族大歌被誉为"天籁之音",是世界级的非物质文化遗产。但侗族舞蹈与丰富的侗族大歌相比却"相形见绌",无论从舞蹈的种类还是从舞蹈的语汇上均显"凤毛麟角"。侗族舞蹈《侗娃学歌》针对侗族舞蹈"不够... 侗族大歌被誉为"天籁之音",是世界级的非物质文化遗产。但侗族舞蹈与丰富的侗族大歌相比却"相形见绌",无论从舞蹈的种类还是从舞蹈的语汇上均显"凤毛麟角"。侗族舞蹈《侗娃学歌》针对侗族舞蹈"不够丰富"这一现状,积极从侗族大歌中的"天籁之音"中去"捕捉"和"冥想"侗族舞蹈语汇和动律,为丰富侗族舞蹈语汇和动律做了有益的探索和尝试。 展开更多
关键词 侗族大 侗族舞蹈 《侗娃
作者 效迎凯 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)教育科学》 2018年第11期166-166,共1页
现代学生学习观认为,学生的学习应该是主动的、建构式的发现学习而不是被动的、机械式接受性学习,是生活经验体系而非学科知识体系。在教学唱歌的时候,可以采用“五步整体教唱”的方法,也就是分为欣赏、教歌词、熟悉旋律、有感情演唱、... 现代学生学习观认为,学生的学习应该是主动的、建构式的发现学习而不是被动的、机械式接受性学习,是生活经验体系而非学科知识体系。在教学唱歌的时候,可以采用“五步整体教唱”的方法,也就是分为欣赏、教歌词、熟悉旋律、有感情演唱、创编等五个步骤来进行,充分发挥了学生的主体作用,极大地调动了学生的主动性和创造性。 展开更多
关键词 唱新 主动性
孔颖达论诗、乐关系及其诗学史意义 被引量:2
作者 郑伟 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期145-150,共6页
诗、乐关系是诗经学史上的一个根本问题,从汉儒的弃乐言诗,到宋代郑樵的以乐论诗,再到南宋以来的以诗统乐,这种转变离不开唐代孔颖达的先导之功。作为经学史上集中论述诗乐关系的第一人,孔颖达通过“诗乐相将”“诗为乐心”诸说化解了... 诗、乐关系是诗经学史上的一个根本问题,从汉儒的弃乐言诗,到宋代郑樵的以乐论诗,再到南宋以来的以诗统乐,这种转变离不开唐代孔颖达的先导之功。作为经学史上集中论述诗乐关系的第一人,孔颖达通过“诗乐相将”“诗为乐心”诸说化解了先秦季札观乐与汉儒以义说诗之间的矛盾,促进了汉代义理诗经学的流行,启发了宋代以来的诗乐话题,奠定了后世学者以诗统乐的诗学理路。后世学者既要顾及《诗经》的乐歌性质,又要防范一种彻底的“主声”之学危害“思无邪”的正旨,往往就要通过反思郑樵的声歌诗经学从而回到孔颖达的诗乐学说。 展开更多
关键词 毛诗正义 诗乐 诗经 义理诗经
论《所罗门之歌》中的自由与回归主题 被引量:3
作者 徐文培 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2003年第1期65-66,共2页
关键词 《所罗门之》奴隶叙事文 自由 文化回归
作者 黄妙颜 《当代教研论丛》 2014年第8期109-109,共1页
当前,小学阶段英语教学的主要目标是:激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使他们树立学习的自信心,因此,课堂教学手段必须不断更新,用灵活多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动。现代英语教学已经不是仅限于领读、解释词义、讲解课文... 当前,小学阶段英语教学的主要目标是:激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使他们树立学习的自信心,因此,课堂教学手段必须不断更新,用灵活多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动。现代英语教学已经不是仅限于领读、解释词义、讲解课文、语法和句型,而是鼓励并引导学生参与整个学习过程,让学生在课堂教学中动起来,从而使他们乐学、和谐、主动地发展。 展开更多
关键词 英语课堂 创设情景 体验成功
Teaching English in the song of music:Toward a systemic framework for using English songs in EFL teaching 被引量:2
作者 郭惠燕 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期1-4,26,共5页
Guided by dialectical systemic thinking, this paper proposes a systemic framework for using English songs in EFL teaching. It first provides the philosophical, linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, and empirical bas... Guided by dialectical systemic thinking, this paper proposes a systemic framework for using English songs in EFL teaching. It first provides the philosophical, linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, and empirical bases for such an approach, then outlines the major processes in selecting and preparing English songs in lesson planning, and demonstrates the main procedures and aspects of using songs in classroom activities. It argues that the application of this approach will immediately stimulate the learners' interest in EFL learning and enhance the efficiency of EFL teaching. 展开更多
关键词 English songs EFL teaching dialectical systemic thinking
Strategies of Teaching English Poetry
作者 纪启明 李明 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期18-20,29,共4页
This paper deals with how to teach appreciation of English poetry in college by analyzing the following items: introduction of the concept, content and writing style, the realistic meaning, multi-media aided teaching... This paper deals with how to teach appreciation of English poetry in college by analyzing the following items: introduction of the concept, content and writing style, the realistic meaning, multi-media aided teaching and translating English poetry into Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 appreciation of English poetry content and writing style the realistic meaning multi-media aided teaching translating English poetry into Chinese
Writing Haiku in a Second Language: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Emotions of Second Language Learners 被引量:1
作者 Atsushi lida 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1472-1485,共14页
The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen re... The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen regarding writing Japanese poetry, haiku in English. This paper first discussed issues and uses of literature in L2 contexts and addressed the current empirical inquiry into L2 haiku writing as a method for L2 learning. The study was designed as a qualitative research which investigated the participants' reflection on writing L2 haikus for six weeks in an EFL college writing course. The data obtained was analyzed by using the coding system and showed that writing haiku in the target language was a challenging but valuable task for L2 learning among the EFL students. Especially haiku composition allowed them to develop their L2 linguistic awareness 展开更多
关键词 poetry writing HAIKU perceptions and attitudes EFL (English as a Foreign Language) contexts
作者 李雄飞 《交响(西安音乐学院学报)》 1993年第1期41-42,共2页
关键词 郑樵 《通志·乐论》 音乐思想 义理之
作者 王立增 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第6期75-83,96,共10页
当前对古代"歌"的研究面临困境,如条块分割、严齐杂言之辨、单线演进、身份模糊、以今例古等,主要是由于强调学科分类及学术研究的精细化所造成的。其实古人将歌、诗、词、曲视为"一统",认为它们代表了歌辞演进的... 当前对古代"歌"的研究面临困境,如条块分割、严齐杂言之辨、单线演进、身份模糊、以今例古等,主要是由于强调学科分类及学术研究的精细化所造成的。其实古人将歌、诗、词、曲视为"一统",认为它们代表了歌辞演进的不同阶段。任中敏先生则在现代学术视阈中提倡"歌辞总体观念",并通过对词、曲、敦煌歌辞、唐声诗的研究身体力行地践行了这一思想。为推动此项研究,应构建"歌辞学",着手开展歌辞作品的整理、歌辞型态学研究、撰写歌辞通史等各项工作。 展开更多
关键词 辞总体观念 任中敏
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost or Empathic Cognition and the Role of Symbols in Comprehension of Poetry
作者 Irina Kladenova 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期213-218,共6页
The role of empathic cognition is very "great for philosophers and philosophy in general and for ordinary people. Empathic cognition gives people a chance "to let" the emotions of the Other "go" into their minds.... The role of empathic cognition is very "great for philosophers and philosophy in general and for ordinary people. Empathic cognition gives people a chance "to let" the emotions of the Other "go" into their minds. Empathic cognition is based on so-called co-suffering and in-sensation of the feelings of the Other or Others. Clots of energy or certain energy units are formed in consciousness of each person, they are called "subjective representants". It is possible to understand the Other or Others and to decipher the main idea of the poem (if the task to work on translation is given) and to express it in the native language if to find out not only the meanings of the words but the symbols the author has used in his poem. The reader "goes into" the world of the author trying to be near the author and trying to grasp what the author felt working on the poem. There is something what gives us a possibility to enter into the world of a creative personality. This "something" is empathic cognition. 展开更多
关键词 empathic cognition the Other (the Others) subjective representant SYMBOLS POETRY
A Comparative Analysis on Nine English Translations of Mao Zedong Poems
作者 LI Chun-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第8期1140-1148,共9页
A poem can not be interpreted to its exact meaning, which determines the different understanding and translation strategies and the ensuing different translation versions. This paper, by analyzing nine versions of Mao... A poem can not be interpreted to its exact meaning, which determines the different understanding and translation strategies and the ensuing different translation versions. This paper, by analyzing nine versions of Mao Zedong's poems from its form, choice of words, imagery and meters, finds that Prof. Li Zheng-shuan's version has reproduced both the lyrical and spiritual effects in the translation: Looking at it, it's pleasant to the eyes; listening to it, it's agreeable to the ear; thinking about it, it's penetrating to the mind; reading it, it's flowing fluently on the tongue 展开更多
关键词 Mao Zedong Poems English translation COMPARISON
Aspects of Urhobo Grammar Taught Through Poetry: The Verb "Edia" to Be
作者 Carole Ejomafuvwe Akpofure - Okenrentie, Ph.D. 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期663-670,共8页
Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question ... Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question is clearly "no". Many of the Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as those at home have chosen to shift from their own language to other languages. Hence Urhobo language has gradually acquired the status of a second language. Therefore, its teaching would also veer away from language teaching methods that are used for first languages. Based on Noam Chomsky's theory of Generative Grammar, aspects of the Urhobo grammar will be treated as we present specifically the verb "edia"/"to be". As it is, it is being presented as a second language bearing in mind the great population of Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as Mowarin's "miguo generation" of Urhobo children back home in Urhobo land. This being so, the methods applied in this study are the Grammar Translation Method Approach as well as the Direct Method Approach. To facilitate its learning especially for the new generation of Urhobo persons, the poetic approach would also be applied. 展开更多
关键词 Urhobo GRAMMAR VERB "edia"/"to be" POETRY
Pastoral Poets' Different Expectations From Nature in Chinese and Western Cultures
作者 LIANG Yuan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第5期343-348,共6页
Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan ... Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan Shi" (田园诗), which may serve the best similarities, appeared as early as in East-Jin Dynasty (316-420 A.D.). Poets in both cultures praised country life and wanted to have a rest in the nature. Despite these similarities or "parallel", there are also some differences in two kinds of literature which have been widely discussed. Among all the differences, nature's function-spirit purification and consolation or a refuge-in fact varies in Chinese and western pastoral poetries. This means what the authors of these literary works expected from nature by panegyrizing nature highly and indulging themselves in nature differ significantly in two cultures. This phenomenon has been under thoughtful investigation. Different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds in Chinese and western cultures are exploited to explain these differences. However, these explanations are all phenomena themselves and lack the definitiveness and inevitability. The different western history opposite to the absence of subjective rights in China, which can find further resource in cultural geography, is examined in this paper to provide a more desirable answer. 展开更多
关键词 PASTORAL expectations from nature absence of subjective rights
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