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作者 李步嘉 杨仙 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 2002年第6期729-733,共5页
Jing Ji Zhuan Gu is a large and special lexicography on conical interpretation of ancient texts, which was compiled in the middle of Qing Dynasty and divided into the original and its addendum when published. The orig... Jing Ji Zhuan Gu is a large and special lexicography on conical interpretation of ancient texts, which was compiled in the middle of Qing Dynasty and divided into the original and its addendum when published. The original was printed and published in the second half of the fourth year of Em peror Jiaqing, and the addendum was finished before the ninth year during the sa me emperor reigned and it was turned over to the printing shop about four yeas l ater. In the arrangement of both parts there is careless omission which in turn reflects the problems during the compilation. 展开更多
关键词 经籍Zhuan诂 正编 补遗 刊行
作者 贾立翌 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第11期137-139,共3页
《胜旅景程正编》是一部弥足珍贵的《天路历程》(第一部)汉译本。译者胡德迈在翻译时结合晚清语境,赋予这一文本中国传统小说形式的特色。在此试图分析特定时期跨文化交流和翻译的过程中为了最终传达源语文本的异域思想,翻译文本形态的... 《胜旅景程正编》是一部弥足珍贵的《天路历程》(第一部)汉译本。译者胡德迈在翻译时结合晚清语境,赋予这一文本中国传统小说形式的特色。在此试图分析特定时期跨文化交流和翻译的过程中为了最终传达源语文本的异域思想,翻译文本形态的建构以及对附文本的深度阐释。 展开更多
关键词 胡德迈 《胜旅景程正编 文本形态建构
《古谣谚》的真正编者是谁? 被引量:1
作者 王旋伯 《高校教育管理》 1980年第2期70-71,共2页
我国古代的歌谣和谚语,数量丰富,但由于分散在各种书籍中,全面探讨很不容易.清同治年间,出现了《古谣谚》一书,按照经、史、子、集四类出处分卷,引用书籍八百多种,总共一百卷,洋洋大观.解放以后,北京中华书局校点印行,更广泛地被人们引... 我国古代的歌谣和谚语,数量丰富,但由于分散在各种书籍中,全面探讨很不容易.清同治年间,出现了《古谣谚》一书,按照经、史、子、集四类出处分卷,引用书籍八百多种,总共一百卷,洋洋大观.解放以后,北京中华书局校点印行,更广泛地被人们引用了.本书的署名编者杜文澜,字小舫,浙江秀水县(令嘉兴市)人.他善于写作公牍文字,对填词有较深的造诣,著有《采香词》、《词律校勘记》。 展开更多
关键词 谣谚 正编 杜文澜 刘文淇 词律 子名 文集 李慈铭 清同治年间 书籍
从《伤寒论崇正编》看黎庇留对明清伤寒学派的继承与研究 被引量:2
作者 周登威 徐志伟 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期4355-4357,共3页
《伤寒论崇正编》是岭南医学中伤寒学派的代表著作。通过对《伤寒论崇正编》的整理、发掘,探寻岭南伤寒名家黎庇留对明清伤寒学派的继承与研究。黎庇留跨越各伤寒学派,不自限于一系一派,兼收并蓄,注重从实际临证中阐释张仲景心法。开岭... 《伤寒论崇正编》是岭南医学中伤寒学派的代表著作。通过对《伤寒论崇正编》的整理、发掘,探寻岭南伤寒名家黎庇留对明清伤寒学派的继承与研究。黎庇留跨越各伤寒学派,不自限于一系一派,兼收并蓄,注重从实际临证中阐释张仲景心法。开岭南《伤寒论》实践研究之风,其"览百家,评诸注得失,抉其微,撷其华""以书勘证,以证勘书"的写作方式,突破地域限制,在岭南大胆使用经方的精神,暗合岭南医学重视实践、善于总结归纳、由博返约的实用特色,为岭南医学的发展树立了一面旗帜。 展开更多
关键词 伤寒论崇正编 黎庇留 伤寒学派 岭南医学
《函海》述略——一部以收蜀人著述为主的丛书 被引量:4
作者 李春光 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期89-91,共3页
清代是我国丛书发展的黄金时期.除《四库全书》外,其它各类丛书也竞相而出。其中,以收蜀人著述为主的《函海》,是一部较有影响的私刻丛书。《函海》为清代著名学者李调元所辑。李调元,字雨村,四川绵竹人。乾隆二十八年进士。他勤奋好学... 清代是我国丛书发展的黄金时期.除《四库全书》外,其它各类丛书也竞相而出。其中,以收蜀人著述为主的《函海》,是一部较有影响的私刻丛书。《函海》为清代著名学者李调元所辑。李调元,字雨村,四川绵竹人。乾隆二十八年进士。他勤奋好学,自经史百家以及稗官野乘,无不博览;在经学、小学方面有许多著述;又性喜收藏典籍,遇有善本珍籍无不抄录;家富藏书,有藏书楼称万卷楼,是蜀中有名的大藏书家。当时清政府正编修《四库金书》,搜采遗书,他监司畿辅,有幸参与了这项工作。 展开更多
关键词 四库全书 知不足斋 四川 乾隆 李氏 私刻 绵竹 典籍 正编 文献通考
作者 苏迅 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第4期32-32,共1页
关键词 袁枚 古籍整理 重点项目 清代文坛 清代文学 正编 诗论 性灵诗派 乾嘉诗坛 科学编排
作者 张厚生 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期57-57,共1页
《古今中外人物传记指南录》(正编)的问世,可以说是图书馆文献参考工作者辛勤耕作的结晶。作者邵延淼先生系南京图书馆副研究馆员。结合多年参考工作实践,邵先生又经过多年的资料收集工作,将收集来的资料著录提要,终于汇集而成这本88万... 《古今中外人物传记指南录》(正编)的问世,可以说是图书馆文献参考工作者辛勤耕作的结晶。作者邵延淼先生系南京图书馆副研究馆员。结合多年参考工作实践,邵先生又经过多年的资料收集工作,将收集来的资料著录提要,终于汇集而成这本88万字的作品正编。本书收录人物三万有余,收有关图书三千余种。1949—1983年间出版的图书全部收入。 展开更多
关键词 人物传记 古今中外 南京图书馆 资料著录 图书馆文献 参考工作 收集工作 研究馆员 指南 正编
作者 尹洛 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 1991年第Z1期208-210,共3页
【正】 在西南联大老同学中间,尤其文学院同学,流传过一段刘文典侮慢沈从文的故事,刘沈两位先生,一旧一新,都是联大的名教授.学生们好奇,对名人逸事津津乐道也乐闻,但大抵都不甚以为意,当作趣闻传说的为多,最多也不过持通常观点,认为是... 【正】 在西南联大老同学中间,尤其文学院同学,流传过一段刘文典侮慢沈从文的故事,刘沈两位先生,一旧一新,都是联大的名教授.学生们好奇,对名人逸事津津乐道也乐闻,但大抵都不甚以为意,当作趣闻传说的为多,最多也不过持通常观点,认为是文人相轻一类话头而已,这段掌故若断若续地传说了将近半个世纪,近年只偶而还听人提起.忽然最近听到Y君,他从广州暨大到北京出差,路过济南来看看我,告诉我说:有一位老联大,正编纂校史的SH君,表示应为刘沈事件正名,说过去传说刘文典侮辱沈从文先生的事不实,没有那回事,应予辟谣,以正听闻.刘沈两先生都已作古,真正有谣,自然是辟了的好,不但可以为两造洗刷干净,还卫护了学校的声誉,一举数得,确是美事.但回头又一想,也不能不想,如果所谓辟谣仍然是春秋为尊者讳、为贤者讳的老一套,实在不如不辟,何必多此一举. 展开更多
关键词 刘文典 沈从文 西南联大 朱希祖 刷干净 逸事 正编 读书人 闻一多 陈独秀
《出版广角》 1999年第10期86-87,共2页
1.毛泽东诗词毛泽东著,人民文学出版社1986年9月出版。该书是为纪念毛泽东逝世十周年而出版的,共收诗词50首,分正编、副编两部分,各以写作时间先后为序。在副编后面的附录里,收入作者致臧克家、胡乔木、陈毅3人的3封谈诗的信函。正编的... 1.毛泽东诗词毛泽东著,人民文学出版社1986年9月出版。该书是为纪念毛泽东逝世十周年而出版的,共收诗词50首,分正编、副编两部分,各以写作时间先后为序。在副编后面的附录里,收入作者致臧克家、胡乔木、陈毅3人的3封谈诗的信函。正编的作品为作者生前校订定稿并正式发表过的,副编的作品大多均未发表过。以往的版本均无正式注释,这次对所有的作品都加注,共270余条。此外,每首诗词之后都注明其最早发表的报刊,为以往所没有。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东诗词 文学作品 写作时间 出版社 胡乔木 臧克家 长篇小说 正编 作者 注释
《古籍整理研究学刊》 1992年第5期16-38,共2页
关键词 兵法 白话 兵书 正编 底本 集成性 小传 史料笔记 子集 金代
作者 宋海林 《学术论坛》 1981年第3期56-59,共4页
在目前研究越南封建王朝侵略老挝史的过程中,往往会遇到这样一个问题:越南封建王朝向西的侵略扩张究竟始于何时?弄清楚这个问题,对越南封建王朝侵略扩张史的研究,是有所裨益的。越南封建王朝最早的西侵地区和时间考在越南正史《大越史... 在目前研究越南封建王朝侵略老挝史的过程中,往往会遇到这样一个问题:越南封建王朝向西的侵略扩张究竟始于何时?弄清楚这个问题,对越南封建王朝侵略扩张史的研究,是有所裨益的。越南封建王朝最早的西侵地区和时间考在越南正史《大越史记全书》和《越史通鉴纲目》里都记载了一件不可忽略的事件,就是越南封建王朝屡次发动吞并莒隆地区的战争。因为莒隆地区与本文后面论述的越南封建王朝侵略老挝地区的始期有着密切的联系,因此有必要先考证莒隆地区的范围和方位。关于莒隆,《越史通鉴纲目》注云:“莒隆,蛮名。丁、黎为莒隆蛮。李灭之。 展开更多
关键词 封建王朝 时间考 史通 元和郡县图志 纲目 史记 西南地区 商务印书馆 正编 战争
作者 曹亦冰 《古籍整理研究学刊》 1989年第5期1-5,共5页
自1983年全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会及各研究机构建立以来,古籍整理与研究的科研工作一直在有计划、有步骤地进行.广大专家学者以极大的热情、运用科学的理论与方法对我国现存的古籍去粗取精,去伪存真,系统地加以整理研究,经过几... 自1983年全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会及各研究机构建立以来,古籍整理与研究的科研工作一直在有计划、有步骤地进行.广大专家学者以极大的热情、运用科学的理论与方法对我国现存的古籍去粗取精,去伪存真,系统地加以整理研究,经过几年的努力,古籍整理研究成果,逐步显现出来.迄今为止,据不完全统计约有1536种,其中专著379种,校点461种,注释377种,译注96种,资料汇编130种,工具书93种. 展开更多
关键词 古籍整理研究 别集 译丛 全宋文 古代文 高校 明诗 正编 总集 宋诗纪事
作者 杨正光 《出版参考》 1997年第4期6-6,共1页
收字头21833个、总篇幅达570万字的《汉语大字典·简编本》,经过湖北省学术界、出版界的共同努力,历时八载,现已正式出版发行。这是继《汉语大字典·正编本》、《缩印本》之后的又一丰硕成果,是社会主义精神文明建设中的一朵奇... 收字头21833个、总篇幅达570万字的《汉语大字典·简编本》,经过湖北省学术界、出版界的共同努力,历时八载,现已正式出版发行。这是继《汉语大字典·正编本》、《缩印本》之后的又一丰硕成果,是社会主义精神文明建设中的一朵奇葩。 《汉语大字典》集国内外汉语字典之大成,汇古今汉语言文字研究之精粹,是我国辞书史上的里程碑,被无可争辩地载入《吉尼斯世界之最纪录大全》,不仅彻底改变了“大国家小字典”的历史状况,而且在联合国图书馆取代了台湾版的汉语字典。为了将《汉语大字典》从学术的殿堂上请下来,惠及更广大的读者,湖北省由武汉大学教授李格非领衔担任主编。 展开更多
关键词 《汉语大字典》 汉语字典 正编 古今汉语 台湾版 缩印本 上请 历史状况 湖北省 世界之最
New scale factor correction scheme for CORDIC algorithm 被引量:1
作者 戴志生 张萌 +1 位作者 高星 汤佳健 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期313-315,共3页
To overcome the drawbacks such as irregular circuit construction and low system throughput that exist in conventional methods, a new factor correction scheme for coordinate rotation digital computer( CORDIC) algorit... To overcome the drawbacks such as irregular circuit construction and low system throughput that exist in conventional methods, a new factor correction scheme for coordinate rotation digital computer( CORDIC) algorithm is proposed. Based on the relationship between the iteration formulae, a new iteration formula is introduced, which leads the correction operation to be several simple shifting and adding operations. As one key part, the effects caused by rounding error are analyzed mathematically and it is concluded that the effects can be degraded by an appropriate selection of coefficients in the iteration formula. The model is then set up in Matlab and coded in Verilog HDL language. The proposed algorithm is also synthesized and verified in field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The results show that this new scheme requires only one additional clock cycle and there is no change in the elementary iteration for the same precision compared with the conventional algorithm. In addition, the circuit realization is regular and the change in system throughput is very minimal. 展开更多
关键词 coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) algorithm scale factor correction field-programmable gate array (FPGA)
作者 Xu Yajie Ma Zhi Zhang Chunyuan 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第1期64-70,共7页
It is a regular way of constructing quantum error-correcting codes via codes with self-orthogonal property, and whether a classical Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code is self-orthogonal can be determined by its des... It is a regular way of constructing quantum error-correcting codes via codes with self-orthogonal property, and whether a classical Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code is self-orthogonal can be determined by its designed distance. In this paper, we give the sufficient and necessary condition for arbitrary classical BCH codes with self-orthogonal property through algorithms. We also give a better upper bound of the designed distance of a classical narrow-sense BCH code which contains its Euclidean dual. Besides these, we also give one algorithm to compute the dimension of these codes. The complexity of all algorithms is analyzed. Then the results can be applied to construct a series of quantum BCH codes via the famous CSS constructions. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum error-correcting codes Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes Self-orthogonal Euclidean dual Hermitian dual
How to repair the Hill cipher 被引量:1
作者 ISMAIL I.A. AMIN Mohammed DIAB Hossam 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第12期2022-2030,共9页
The Hill cipher algorithm is one of the symmetric key algorithms that have several advantages in data encryption. However, a main drawback of this algorithm is that it encrypts identical plaintext blocks to identical ... The Hill cipher algorithm is one of the symmetric key algorithms that have several advantages in data encryption. However, a main drawback of this algorithm is that it encrypts identical plaintext blocks to identical ciphertext blocks and cannot encrypt images that contain large areas of a single color. Thus, it does not hide all features of the image which reveals patterns in the plaintext. Moreover, it can be easily broken with a known plaintext attack revealing weak security. This paper presents a variant of the Hill cipher that overcomes these disadvantages. The proposed technique adjusts the encryption key to form a dif- ferent key for each block encryption. Visually and computationally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed variant yields higher security and significantly superior encryption quality compared to the original one. 展开更多
关键词 Hill cipher Image encryption Modified Hill cipher Quality of encryption
Effective Packet-level FEC Software Coding 被引量:1
作者 胡飞 Zhu +2 位作者 Yaoting Zhu Guangxi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2002年第1期23-25,共3页
This paper introduces an effective software-based FEC redundant packets generating algorithm. The algorithm is based on Reed-Solomon coding over Galois Field. By operating on words of packets and performing polynomial... This paper introduces an effective software-based FEC redundant packets generating algorithm. The algorithm is based on Reed-Solomon coding over Galois Field. By operating on words of packets and performing polynomial multiplication via lookup tables, software coding efficiency is achieved to satisfy the needs of most of computer network applications. The approach to generate lookup tables is detailed. 展开更多
关键词 FEC Coding SOFTWARE Computer Communication
作者 Shao Feng Jiang Gangyi +1 位作者 Yu Mei Chen Xiexiong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第6期721-727,共7页
Color inconsistency between views is an important problem to be solved in multi-view video applications, such as free viewpoint television and other three-dimensional video systems. In this paper, by combining with mu... Color inconsistency between views is an important problem to be solved in multi-view video applications, such as free viewpoint television and other three-dimensional video systems. In this paper, by combining with multi-view video coding, a coding-oriented multi-view video color correction method is proposed. We first separate foreground and background in first Group Of Pictures (GOP) by using SKIP coding mode. Then by transferring means and standard deviations in backgrounds, color correction is performed for each frame in GOP, and multi-view video coding is performed and used to renew the backgrounds. Experimental results ances in color correction and multi-view video show the proposed method can obtain better performcoding. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-view video Color correction Multi-view video coding BACKGROUND
Quantum BCH Codes Based on Spectral Techniques
作者 GUO Ying ZENG Gui-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期283-286,共4页
When the time variable in quantum signal processing is discrete, the Fourier transform exists on the vector space of n-tuples over the Galois field F2, which plays an important role in the investigation of quantum sig... When the time variable in quantum signal processing is discrete, the Fourier transform exists on the vector space of n-tuples over the Galois field F2, which plays an important role in the investigation of quantum signals. By using Fourier transforms, the idea of quantum coding theory can be described in a setting that is much different from that seen that far. Quantum BCH codes can be defined as codes whose quantum states have certain specified consecutive spectral components equal to zero and the error-correcting ability is also described by the number of the consecutive zeros. Moreover, the decoding of quantum codes can be described spectrally with more efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier transform BCH code quantum error-correction code
A passive optical network based on optical code division multiplexing and time division multiple access technology
作者 张崇富 Qiu Kun 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第3期302-306,共5页
A passive optical network (PON) scheme based on optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) for the downstream traffics is proposed and analyzed in detail. In the PON, the downstream traffics are broadcasted by OCDM... A passive optical network (PON) scheme based on optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) for the downstream traffics is proposed and analyzed in detail. In the PON, the downstream traffics are broadcasted by OCDM technology to guarantee the security, while the upstream traffics pass through the same optical fiber by the common time division multiple access (TDMA) technology to decrease the cost. This schemes are denoted as OCDM/TDMA-PON, which can be applied to an optical access network (OAN) with full services on demand, such as Internet protocol, video on demand, tele-presence and high quality audio. The proposed OCDM/TDMA-PON scheme combines advantages of PON, TDMA, and OCDM technology. Simulation results indicate that the designed scheme improves the OAN performance, and enhances flexibility and scalability of the system. 展开更多
关键词 passive optical network (PON) optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) time division multiple access (TDMA) optical orthogonal code (OOC) optical line terminator (OLT) optical network units (ONU)
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