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作者 张玉飞 张向阳 +3 位作者 魏薇 李宁 徐鹏 薛爱荣 《颈腰痛杂志》 2024年第6期1035-1039,共5页
目的探讨薛氏三步调衡法对腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)患者临床症状及血清炎症因子白介素-6、前列腺E2、5-羟色胺含量的影响。方法对2021年1月至2022年12月于河南省中西医结合医院颈肩腰腿痛科门诊的血瘀证LDH患者进行相关纳排标准筛选后,最终... 目的探讨薛氏三步调衡法对腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)患者临床症状及血清炎症因子白介素-6、前列腺E2、5-羟色胺含量的影响。方法对2021年1月至2022年12月于河南省中西医结合医院颈肩腰腿痛科门诊的血瘀证LDH患者进行相关纳排标准筛选后,最终纳入120例,将其随机分为对照组与观察组,每组均60例。对照组接受常规推拿治疗,观察组给予薛氏三步调衡法治疗,两组疗程均为2周,末次治疗结束后比较两组患者的临床疗效、疼痛视觉模拟评分、改良日本骨科协会评估治疗评分变化,并对血清炎症因子水平进行测量。结果治疗结束后,观察组患者临床总有效率为91.67%(55/60),高于对照组的81.67%(49/60),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且治疗后两组患者疼痛视觉模拟评分、改良日本骨科协会评估治疗评分及炎症因子均较治疗前改善(P<0.05),且观察组改善程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。结论薛氏三步调衡法可以有效改善LDH患者临床症状,提高腰椎功能,降低炎症因子水平,疗效突出,优于常规推拿治疗。 展开更多
关键词 薛氏三步调 腰椎间盘突出症 推拿手 炎症因子 血瘀证 临床观察
三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症疗效观察 被引量:18
作者 黄承军 唐福宇 +2 位作者 梁冬波 娄宇明 梁柱 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2011年第7期784-785,792,共3页
目的观察三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的临床疗效。方法应用三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症患者41例,采用中文版Oswestry功能障碍指数(CODI)对临床疗效进行评价和随访观察,并对比观察椎体滑脱的变化情况。结果 CODI评分治疗前为... 目的观察三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的临床疗效。方法应用三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症患者41例,采用中文版Oswestry功能障碍指数(CODI)对临床疗效进行评价和随访观察,并对比观察椎体滑脱的变化情况。结果 CODI评分治疗前为(29.5±4.8)分,疗程结束为(9.9±5.3)分,改善率8.7%~93.5%,平均66.7%。根据疗效标准评价,优11例,良19例,可7例,差4例,总有效率90%,优良率73%。37例随访3个月,CODI评分(13.3±4.6)分,综合满意度优良率为76%(28/37),2例复发占5%。治疗前后滑脱程度比较,1例Ⅱ度滑脱变为Ⅰ度,2例Ⅰ度滑脱椎体序列恢复正常,其余病例滑脱分度无改变。结论三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症有良好的近期效果;手法的作用机制不是以椎体复位为基础,而可能与腰椎动态平衡和稳定的重建有关。 展开更多
关键词 退行性腰椎滑脱 步调衡手
赵翠英主任妇科四步调经法临床经验 被引量:1
作者 候莉莉 《中医药研究》 2000年第6期1-1,17,共2页
本文主要介绍了赵翠英老中医在治疗月经不调中 ,运用中医理论 ,结合妇女月经周期中卵泡期、排卵期、黄体期、行经期四个时期的不同生理特点 ,给以四步调经法的临床经验。体现了中西医结合 ,辨病与辨证相结合的治疗思想 。
关键词 月经不调 中医药疗 赵翠英 步调
四步调经法联合来曲唑对排卵障碍性不孕症的临床疗效研究 被引量:4
作者 杜冰心 梁文珍 +2 位作者 徐云霞 杨璇 汪翠萍 《现代中药研究与实践》 CAS 2021年第5期67-71,共5页
目的探讨四步调经法对肾虚肝郁血瘀型排卵障碍性不孕症(ODI)的临床疗效。方法入组ODI患者,分别给予来曲唑治疗(对照组)和来曲唑联合四步调经法治疗(观察组)。比较两组患者治疗前、后中医证候积分、主卵泡直径、子宫内膜容受性指标及治... 目的探讨四步调经法对肾虚肝郁血瘀型排卵障碍性不孕症(ODI)的临床疗效。方法入组ODI患者,分别给予来曲唑治疗(对照组)和来曲唑联合四步调经法治疗(观察组)。比较两组患者治疗前、后中医证候积分、主卵泡直径、子宫内膜容受性指标及治疗后的总有效率和妊娠结局。结果治疗后观察组中医证候积分低于对照组(P<0.05),两组主卵泡直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后观察组的子宫内膜厚度、A型子宫内膜比例及Ⅲ型内膜下血流分布比例的增幅,以及子宫动脉阻力指数(RI)、搏动指数(PI)的降幅均大于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组的总有效率及妊娠率均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论四步调经法联合来曲唑治疗ODI疗效确切,可能与其促进ODI患者卵泡发育及排卵,提高子宫内膜容受性有关。 展开更多
关键词 排卵障碍性不孕症 步调 来曲唑 卵泡 子宫内膜容受性
三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的疗效 被引量:14
作者 韦克鲁 黄承军 《广东医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第18期2758-2760,共3页
目的观察三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的临床疗效。方法选取60例退行性腰椎滑脱症患者,分成两组,每组30例,分别以三步调衡手法(观察组)和飞燕、拱桥法功能锻炼(对照组)进行治疗。两组均采用VAS评分及改良的中文版Oswestry功能障碍... 目的观察三步调衡手法治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的临床疗效。方法选取60例退行性腰椎滑脱症患者,分成两组,每组30例,分别以三步调衡手法(观察组)和飞燕、拱桥法功能锻炼(对照组)进行治疗。两组均采用VAS评分及改良的中文版Oswestry功能障碍指数(CODI)对临床疗效进行评价和随访2个月观察,分别记录治疗后2、4、6、8周VAS评分及治疗后4、8周的CODI,并于8周后复查X线片观察腰椎滑脱的变化。结果两组治疗后VAS评分、CODI与治疗前比较,差异有统计学意义,观察组治疗2、4周后的VAS评分明显低于对照组;观察组治疗4、8周后的CODI均低于对照组;两组治疗8周后复查X线比较,腰椎滑脱分度的改变上差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论三步调衡手法对退行性腰椎滑脱症的近期疗效满意。 展开更多
关键词 步调衡手 退行性腰椎滑脱 飞燕功能锻炼 拱桥功能锻炼
杨继国运用“三步调气法”临证举隅 被引量:3
作者 付亚辉 杨欣雨 +4 位作者 李旭豪 侯艺 王舒舒 鲁士友 杨继国(指导) 《山东中医杂志》 2022年第3期309-312,共4页
针灸是中医治病调气的常用方式,其最终目的在于调气,“气至”是决定疗效的关键。杨继国教授在临床中总结出“三步调气法”,即针灸得气、以神驭气、点穴导气三步。针灸得气依靠针刺手法和控制灸量达到“气至”,强调“得气”,注重患者的... 针灸是中医治病调气的常用方式,其最终目的在于调气,“气至”是决定疗效的关键。杨继国教授在临床中总结出“三步调气法”,即针灸得气、以神驭气、点穴导气三步。针灸得气依靠针刺手法和控制灸量达到“气至”,强调“得气”,注重患者的“针感”和“灸感”;以神驭气是通过治神、调神引领经气到达病所,用于针灸得气失利之时;点穴导气即运用点按、揣揉、敲打穴位等方式调气,用于前两步均未实现“气至”时。附病案3则以举例说明。 展开更多
关键词 步调 针灸得气 以神驭气 点穴导气 气至病所 杨继国
吴振国应用“四步调周法”辨治月经病经验 被引量:2
作者 曾继保 许爱凤 《河南中医》 2007年第9期18-19,共2页
关键词 月经病 步调 吴振国
三步调衡法治疗颈性眩晕64例 被引量:2
作者 宋永达 黄俊卿 +1 位作者 王宏坤 敬胜伟 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2012年第18期31-32,共2页
目的本研究旨在探讨三步调衡手法治疗颈性眩晕的临床疗效。方法采用随机单盲对照的方案分组,对128例颈性眩晕的患者随机分为2组,治疗组采用三步调衡手法治疗。对照组运用卧位牵引治疗,4周后对比临床效果。结果治疗组愈显率为90.62%,对... 目的本研究旨在探讨三步调衡手法治疗颈性眩晕的临床疗效。方法采用随机单盲对照的方案分组,对128例颈性眩晕的患者随机分为2组,治疗组采用三步调衡手法治疗。对照组运用卧位牵引治疗,4周后对比临床效果。结果治疗组愈显率为90.62%,对照组愈显率34.37%,组间相比有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论三步调衡手法治疗颈性眩晕临床效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 颈性眩晕 步调 复位 临床研究
“五步调摄法”用于糖尿病前期社区干预109例效果分析 被引量:1
作者 杨树国 韩伟祥 +1 位作者 杨俊英 韩巧玲 《内蒙古中医药》 2015年第4期9-10,共2页
目的:观察"五步调摄法"社区干预治疗糖尿病前期人群的临床疗效。方法:选取糖尿病前期患者109例进行为期12个月的综合干预,观察干预前后空腹血糖(FBG)及餐后2h血糖(PBG)、糖化血红蛋白(Hb A1c)、血脂(TG、TC、HDL-C、LDL-C)等... 目的:观察"五步调摄法"社区干预治疗糖尿病前期人群的临床疗效。方法:选取糖尿病前期患者109例进行为期12个月的综合干预,观察干预前后空腹血糖(FBG)及餐后2h血糖(PBG)、糖化血红蛋白(Hb A1c)、血脂(TG、TC、HDL-C、LDL-C)等。结果:回访率98.16%。干预12个月后,有47例血糖逆转至正常水平,逆转率43.92%;有6例进展成为2型糖尿病,占5.61%;FBG、2h PG均较治疗前下降(P<0.05);Hb A1c水平与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);TG、TC均较治疗前显著下降(P<0.01),HDL-C较治疗前升高(P<0.05),LDL-C下降与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:"五步调摄法"社区综合干预,能降低糖尿病前期患者血糖及血脂,可改善其转归。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病前期 社区干预 步调
作者 黄涛 蔡意 安坤 《数理化解题研究》 2019年第9期74-75,共2页
关键词 波的叠加原理 叠加 连线 步调法 公式
薛氏三步调衡法治疗腰椎间盘突出症 被引量:7
作者 李宁 薛爱荣 +1 位作者 徐鹏 宋薛艺 《中医学报》 CAS 2019年第6期1330-1333,共4页
目的:探讨薛氏三步调衡法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法:根据随机数字表法将90例腰椎间盘突出症患者分成观察组和对照组。对照组给予常规推拿治疗,观察组则给予薛氏三步调衡法治疗。比较两组腰椎间盘突出症患者临床疗效、症状改... 目的:探讨薛氏三步调衡法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法:根据随机数字表法将90例腰椎间盘突出症患者分成观察组和对照组。对照组给予常规推拿治疗,观察组则给予薛氏三步调衡法治疗。比较两组腰椎间盘突出症患者临床疗效、症状改善时间、活动障碍解除时间、疼痛消失时间;治疗前后患者日本骨科协会评估治疗评分(Japanese orthopaedic association scores,JOA)、日常生活能力(activities of daily living,ADL)评分、生存质量健康调查简表(the MOS item short from health survey,SF-36)评分和疼痛评分;不良反应发生率。结果:观察组腰椎间盘突出症干预有效率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组症状改善时间、活动障碍解除时间、疼痛消失时间显著优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后观察组JOA评分、ADL评分、SF-36评分和疼痛评分显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。两组均无严重不良反应发生。结论:薛氏三步调衡法治疗腰椎间盘突出症效果确切,可有效改善症状,缓解疼痛,促进腰椎功能改善和活动能力提高,改善患者生存质量,安全有效。 展开更多
关键词 腰椎间盘突出症 薛氏三步调 推拿
Novel two-step process to improve efficiency of bio-oxidation of Axi high-sulfur refractory gold concentrates 被引量:2
作者 刘新星 王国华 +4 位作者 霍强 谢建平 李寿朋 武海艳 郭玉洁 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期4119-4125,共7页
In order to improve the bio-oxidation efficiency of Axi refractory gold concentrate, a two-step process including a high temperature chemical oxidation and a subsequent bio-oxidation, combined with p H control during ... In order to improve the bio-oxidation efficiency of Axi refractory gold concentrate, a two-step process including a high temperature chemical oxidation and a subsequent bio-oxidation, combined with p H control during the bio-oxidation step was used. The results revealed that the optimum mode was to maintain solution p H at 1.0-1.2 during the biological oxidation stage. Under this condition, the activity of mixed culture could be sustained and the formation of jarosite could be diminished, thus the oxidation efficiency was improved. The oxidation levels of iron and sulfur were improved by 12.50% and 15.49%, and the gold recovery was increased by 21.02%. Therefore, the two-step process combined with p H control is an effective method for oxidizing the biohydrometallurgical process of Axi gold concentrate, and it will have a broad prospect of application in dealing with complex refractory gold concentrate. 展开更多
关键词 gold concentrate BIO-OXIDATION p H control two-step oxidation
作者 徐小增 李叶松 秦忆 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第3期195-199,共5页
A fuzzy neural network controller with the teaching controller guidance and parameter regulations for vector-controlled induction motor is proposed. The design procedures of the fuzzy neural controller and the teachin... A fuzzy neural network controller with the teaching controller guidance and parameter regulations for vector-controlled induction motor is proposed. The design procedures of the fuzzy neural controller and the teaching controller are described. The parameters of the membership function are regulated by an on-line learning algorithm. The speed responses of the system under the condition, where the target functions are chosen as I qs and ω, are analyzed. The system responses with the variant of parameter moment of inertial J, viscous coefficients B and torque constant K tare also analyzed. Simulation results show that the control scheme and the controller have the advantages of rapid speed response and good robustness. 展开更多
关键词 induction motor fuzzy neural network vector control speed control system
Improved adaptive filter and its application in acoustic emission signals 被引量:4
作者 Wang Jiajun Xu Feiyun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第1期43-50,共8页
In order to de-noise and filter the acoustic emission(AE) signal, the adaptive filtering technology is applied to AE signal processing in view of the special attenuation characteristics of burst AE signal. According t... In order to de-noise and filter the acoustic emission(AE) signal, the adaptive filtering technology is applied to AE signal processing in view of the special attenuation characteristics of burst AE signal. According to the contradiction between the convergence speed and steady-state error of the traditional least mean square(LMS) adaptive filter, an improved LMS adaptive filtering algorithm with variable iteration step is proposed on the basis of the existing algorithms. Based on the Sigmoid function, an expression with three parameters is constructed by function translation and symmetric transformation.As for the error mutation, e(k) and e(k-1) are combined to control the change of the iteration step. The selection and adjustment process of each parameter is described in detail, and the MSE is used to evaluate the performance. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly increases the convergence speed, reduces the steady-state error, and improves the performance of the adaptive filter. The improved algorithm is applied to the AE signal processing, and the experimental signal is demodulated by an empirical mode decomposition(EMD) envelope to obtain the upper and lower envelopes. Then, the expected function related to the AE signal is established. Finally, the improved algorithm is substituted into the adaptive filter to filter the AE signal. A good result is achieved, which proves the feasibility of adaptive filtering technology in AE signal processing. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic emission adaptive filtering envelope demodulation least mean square(LMS)algorithm variable iteration step
客车骨架的电测技术与分析 被引量:2
作者 李维民 《江苏工学院学报》 1991年第4期77-82,共6页
关键词 客车 骨架 电测 步调
Multi-UAV surveillance implementation under hierarchical dynamic task scheduling architecture 被引量:4
作者 WU Wen-di WU Yun-long +3 位作者 LI Jing-hua REN Xiao-guang SHI Dian-xi TANG Yu-hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2614-2627,共14页
In this paper,we consider a multi-UAV surveillance scenario where a team of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)synchronously covers an area for monitoring the ground conditions.In this scenario,we adopt the leader-follower... In this paper,we consider a multi-UAV surveillance scenario where a team of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)synchronously covers an area for monitoring the ground conditions.In this scenario,we adopt the leader-follower control mode and propose a modified Lyapunov guidance vector field(LGVF)approach for improving the precision of surveillance trajectory tracking.Then,in order to adopt to poor communication conditions,we propose a prediction-based synchronization method for keeping the formation consistently.Moreover,in order to adapt the multi-UAV system to dynamic and uncertain environment,this paper proposes a hierarchical dynamic task scheduling architecture.In this architecture,we firstly classify all the algorithms that perform tasks according to their functions,and then modularize the algorithms based on plugin technology.Afterwards,integrating the behavior model and plugin technique,this paper designs a three-layer control flow,which can efficiently achieve dynamic task scheduling.In order to verify the effectiveness of our architecture,we consider a multi-UAV traffic monitoring scenario and design several cases to demonstrate the online adjustment from three levels,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 prediction-based synchronization dynamic task scheduling hierarchical software architecture
Chaotic pulse position modulation ultra-wideband system based on particle filtering 被引量:1
作者 李辉 Zhang Li 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第1期48-52,共5页
Traditional chaotic pulse position modulation(CPPM)system has many drawbacks.It introduces delay into the feedback loop,which will lead to divergence of chaotic map easily.The wrong decision of data will cause error p... Traditional chaotic pulse position modulation(CPPM)system has many drawbacks.It introduces delay into the feedback loop,which will lead to divergence of chaotic map easily.The wrong decision of data will cause error propagation.Mismatch of parameters and synchronization error between the receiver and transmitter will arouse high bit error rate.To solve these problems,a demodulation algorithm of CPPM based on particle filtering is proposed.According to the mathematical model of the system,it tracks the real signal by online separation in demodulation.Simulation results show that the proposed method can track the true signal better than the traditional CPPM scheme.What's more,it has good synchronization robustness,reduced error propagation by wrong decision and low bit error rate. 展开更多
关键词 chaotic communications chaotic pulse position modulation (CPPM) particle filtering ULTRA-WIDEBAND
作者 Wang Wenjie Wei Gang (institute of Radio and Automatic Control, South China Univ. of Tech., Guangzhou 510640) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第2期204-208,共5页
A QoS-aware input-queued scheduling algorithm, called Smallest Timestamp First (STF), is proposed, which is improved upon iSLIP and can allocate bandwidth among inputs sharing a common output based on their reservatio... A QoS-aware input-queued scheduling algorithm, called Smallest Timestamp First (STF), is proposed, which is improved upon iSLIP and can allocate bandwidth among inputs sharing a common output based on their reservation by assigning suitable finishing tiniest-amps to contending cells. STF can also provide isolation between flows that share a common output, link. Misbehaving flows will be restricted to guarantee the behaving flows' bandwidth. Simulations prove the feasibility of our algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Asynchronous transfer mode Input-queued Scheduling algorithm QOS
蜡染印花工艺废水处理设计及运行 被引量:2
作者 李婧 刘亮 +2 位作者 高冠道 安晓红 周蕾 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期1-3,17,共4页
设计运行了整个蜡染印花废水处理工程,皂化脱蜡废水松香回收新工艺,即采用两步调pH法-周边自重力进水法,回收率可达98%以上;机械洗蜡废水分流后经双级气浮处理,蜡回收率和处理水回用率可达90%以上;洗蜡废水经蜡回收后出水与其他废水混... 设计运行了整个蜡染印花废水处理工程,皂化脱蜡废水松香回收新工艺,即采用两步调pH法-周边自重力进水法,回收率可达98%以上;机械洗蜡废水分流后经双级气浮处理,蜡回收率和处理水回用率可达90%以上;洗蜡废水经蜡回收后出水与其他废水混合后经初级混凝沉淀-水解酸化-好氧生化(A/O工艺)-辐流沉淀组合工艺处理,出水ρ(COD)均值约为130 mg/L,ρ(NH3-N)为3.36 mg/L,然后进入市政管网进行深度处理。 展开更多
关键词 蜡染 皂化松香回收 步调pH A/O
Distributed sparse bundle adjustment algorithm based on three-dimensional point partition and asynchronous communication 被引量:5
作者 Xiao-long SHEN Yong DOU +3 位作者 Steven MILLS David M EYERS Huan FENG Zhiyi HUANG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第7期889-904,共16页
Sparse bundle adjustment(SBA) is a key but time-and memory-consuming step in three-dimensional(3 D) reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a 3 D point-based distributed SBA algorithm(DSBA) to improve the speed and ... Sparse bundle adjustment(SBA) is a key but time-and memory-consuming step in three-dimensional(3 D) reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a 3 D point-based distributed SBA algorithm(DSBA) to improve the speed and scalability of SBA. The algorithm uses an asynchronously distributed sparse bundle adjustment(A-DSBA)to overlap data communication with equation computation. Compared with the synchronous DSBA mechanism(SDSBA), A-DSBA reduces the running time by 46%. The experimental results on several 3 D reconstruction datasets reveal that our distributed algorithm running on eight nodes is up to five times faster than that of the stand-alone parallel SBA. Furthermore, the speedup of the proposed algorithm(running on eight nodes with 48 cores) is up to41 times that of the serial SBA(running on a single node). 展开更多
关键词 Sparse bundle adjustment Parallel Distributed sparse bundle adjustment Three-dimensional reconstruction ASYNCHRONOUS
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