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作者 王玉超 刘明坤 《曲靖师范学院学报》 2012年第1期43-46,共4页
明清很多文人都涉足小说评点,他们是著名的小说评点家,也是小说理论家,他们在评点小说时,从评点方式、内容到评点语言、体式,都不约而同地借鉴了八股文理论,其中八股文的死法理论在小说评点中表现得比较明显。八股文死法指文章的基本法... 明清很多文人都涉足小说评点,他们是著名的小说评点家,也是小说理论家,他们在评点小说时,从评点方式、内容到评点语言、体式,都不约而同地借鉴了八股文理论,其中八股文的死法理论在小说评点中表现得比较明显。八股文死法指文章的基本法则,小说评点者对它们的借用,意在说明小说具备文章特性。 展开更多
关键词 小说 评点 八股文 死法
作者 兰荣杰 《江西公安专科学校学报》 2005年第1期29-33,共5页
立法者基于政治精英的功利观念,凭借对话语权和立法权的垄断,意图将精英群体的理性和逻辑转化为社会规范。但是,由于国家理性本身的非完美性,以及国家因身兼立法、管理两职的角色冲突,加之人类本性的非理性、非逻辑因素,立法者的理想化... 立法者基于政治精英的功利观念,凭借对话语权和立法权的垄断,意图将精英群体的理性和逻辑转化为社会规范。但是,由于国家理性本身的非完美性,以及国家因身兼立法、管理两职的角色冲突,加之人类本性的非理性、非逻辑因素,立法者的理想化设计往往遭到现实无情的否定,诸多逻辑化的法律成为空具形式的“死法”。死法”最严重的恶果并非在于不被遵守,而在于不被信仰。法律丧失了应有的指引、评价功能,合法与非法之间的界限变得模糊,人们不再以法律为标准进行逻辑思考来预测自己的行为后果,而是诉诸与国家博弈的实践经验。“死法”个别化的复活又助长了权力寻租的产生。 展开更多
关键词 死法 立法者 违法
作者 李美婧 《中国科教创新导刊》 2013年第32期90-90,共1页
劳伦斯·布洛克(1938年-),美国当代硬汉派侦探推理小说家,被侦探小说界称为“纽约犯罪风景的行吟诗人”.布洛克的作品魅力在于他能在类型小说之上兼具娱乐性和文学性,将推理作为自己文学作品的一种形式,从而深入探讨人性、人生价... 劳伦斯·布洛克(1938年-),美国当代硬汉派侦探推理小说家,被侦探小说界称为“纽约犯罪风景的行吟诗人”.布洛克的作品魅力在于他能在类型小说之上兼具娱乐性和文学性,将推理作为自己文学作品的一种形式,从而深入探讨人性、人生价值等.本文通过分析布洛克代表作品《八百万种死法》,探讨硬汉派小说中的诗情画意. 展开更多
关键词 劳伦斯·布洛克 八百万种死法 硬汉派 诗意语言
《生命与灾害》 2012年第5期40-40,共1页
关键词 智力游戏 内容介绍 《让人高兴的死法 脑筋急转弯
《国家人文历史》 2014年第6期40-40,共1页
关键词 老虎 死法
作者 王玉松 《小学生必读(低年级版)》 2024年第6期42-45,共4页
关键词 春秋时期 死法 屋子
作者 韩磊 《文学自由谈》 2023年第5期106-108,共3页
今年五一假期,在北京见到任理先生,向他打听钟叔河先生近况。任理说,钟老头脑还很清楚,精神也不错,但是说话听起来吃力了,偏瘫的半边身体改善也不大。顿了顿,他接着说:“九十三岁的人了,要想恢复到中风前的状态,很难啦!”我听了,心里一... 今年五一假期,在北京见到任理先生,向他打听钟叔河先生近况。任理说,钟老头脑还很清楚,精神也不错,但是说话听起来吃力了,偏瘫的半边身体改善也不大。顿了顿,他接着说:“九十三岁的人了,要想恢复到中风前的状态,很难啦!”我听了,心里一阵难过。任理先生见状,拍着我的肩膀安慰说:“你也不要太难过,钟老自己一向豁达,对生死看得很开的。”这话倒是不假,让我忽然想起两年前的那个电话来了。 展开更多
关键词 钟叔河 五一假期 死法 豁达
清代滇人学者朱庭珍的《筱园诗话》及诗法主张 被引量:2
作者 徐萍 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期136-138,共3页
诗法是中国古典诗学主要探讨的一个核心命题,但历代诗话对诗法加以系统探讨和关注的论著并不多见,且谈法都显得比较琐碎、零散。古典诗学中对诗法主要持"死法"与"活法"之说,"死法"不可取,"活法"... 诗法是中国古典诗学主要探讨的一个核心命题,但历代诗话对诗法加以系统探讨和关注的论著并不多见,且谈法都显得比较琐碎、零散。古典诗学中对诗法主要持"死法"与"活法"之说,"死法"不可取,"活法"之说又大多语焉不详。《筱园诗话》对诗法持"有定法"与"无定法"有机结合的辩证观,对诗歌创作之技巧与法则作了较为深入和系统的研究,是中国古典诗学史上不可多得的一部诗歌创作之谈。 展开更多
关键词 诗法 死法 “活法” 《筱园诗话》 辩证观
论秦可卿之死 被引量:1
作者 王志尧 仝海天 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1984年第5期103-107,共5页
秦可卿是《红楼梦》作者在书中着意塑造的艺术形象之一。她的死写得含糊其辞,若隐若现,简直象一个深奥莫测的谜语。虽然广大红学研究者下过万千功夫,猜过来猜过去,仍然众说纷纭,莫衷一是,谜底至今尚未被人揭开。但是,不管作者样隐曲,其... 秦可卿是《红楼梦》作者在书中着意塑造的艺术形象之一。她的死写得含糊其辞,若隐若现,简直象一个深奥莫测的谜语。虽然广大红学研究者下过万千功夫,猜过来猜过去,仍然众说纷纭,莫衷一是,谜底至今尚未被人揭开。但是,不管作者样隐曲,其目的总是想让读者解开“其中味”的,只不过是作者的技艺高超,隐喻过晦,致使人们一时难以识破罢了。秦可卿一案在全书中占有至关重要的地位,对此事若不能剖析清楚,势必影响到对通篇的理解。所以欲对《红楼梦》作出深入地研究,获得忠实可靠地结论。 展开更多
关键词 秦可卿 尤氏 秦氏 王熙凤 贾珍 凤姐 死法 鸳鸯 赐死 风月宝鉴
Study on the Acute Toxicity of Rare Earth Yttrium to Earthworms under the Stress of Leaching Agent Ammonium Sulfate 被引量:3
作者 冯秀娟 马彩云 +4 位作者 孙峰 鄱洋 朱易春 高咪 阎思诺 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期177-181,190,共6页
This study aimed to investigate the toxicity of rare earth ion yttrium under the stress of leaching agent ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4. [Method] By using earthworms as indicator organisms of environmental pol ution, a... This study aimed to investigate the toxicity of rare earth ion yttrium under the stress of leaching agent ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4. [Method] By using earthworms as indicator organisms of environmental pol ution, acute toxic ef-fects of rare earth yttrium on earthworms under the stress of ammonium sulfate were investigated with filter paper contact method. [Result] Under single stress of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=213.41 mg/L and LC50=322.63 mg/L, respectively. ② Under single stress of ammonium sul-fate, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 h and 24 h was LC50=13.89 g/L and LC50=15.05 g/L, respectively. ③ In combined treatment of low concentration (10 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal con-centration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=198.65 g/L and LC50=399.85 g/L, respective-ly; in combined treatment of middle concentration (14 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=167.3 mg/L and LC50=256.73 mg/L, respectively; in combined treatment of high concentration (20 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 h and 24 h was LC50=31.03 mg/L and LC50=127.65 mg/L, respectively. [Conclusion] Low concentration of ammonium sulfate could reduce the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms and produce certain antagonism against rare earth yttrium; middle concentration ammonium sulfate in-creased the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms and produced relatively sig-nificant synergistic effects; high concentration ammonium sulfate significantly in-creased the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms. Compared with ammonium sulfate, dead earthworms exposed to rare earth yttrium were more easily fractured, and living earthworms showed insensitive response to acupuncture. 展开更多
关键词 Leaching agent ammonium sulfate Rare earth yttrium Earthworms Se-mi-lethal concentration Filter paper method
Expression Profiles of TRAIL Receptors and Their Clinical Significance in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma 被引量:1
作者 何松青 陈孝平 +4 位作者 赵永忠 张万广 王海平 杨彩虹 王少发 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2003年第1期25-29,59,共6页
Objective To investigate the expression profiles and their clinical significance of TRAIL receptors (TRAILR) in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods The expression profiles of TRAILR were determined in 60 s... Objective To investigate the expression profiles and their clinical significance of TRAIL receptors (TRAILR) in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods The expression profiles of TRAILR were determined in 60 samples from hepatocellular carcinoma, 20 from normal liver tissue and two HCC cell lines HepG2, SMMC-7721 by in situ hybridization. Results Both DR4 and DR5 were present in all HCC tissues as well as normal hepatic tissues. In contrast, 54 HCC tissues did not express DcR1 and 25 did not express DcR2. But both DcR were detectable in all of the normal liver tissues. The expression patterns of DR and DcR in HCC samples (higher DR expression level and lower DcR expression level) were quite different from those in normal tissue. DR5, DR4, and DcR2 expressed in both cell lines, while no DcR1 expression was detected. The expression level of DR was correlated with HCC differentiation and stage. The weaker expression was more commonly found in HCC with poor differentiation and late stage, while the stronger expression was more common in HCC with middle to high-differentiation and early stage. No relationship was found between DR and gender, age, negative or positive HBsAg, tumor size, grade or metastasis. Multidrug resistance cell lines expressed lower level DR. Conclusion TRAILR expression was prevalent and discrepancy of receptor types was exited in HCC. Loss of DcR1 may contribute for TRAIL therapy for HCC. Key words TRAILR - apoptosis - hepatocellular carcinoma Supported by the Major Fundation of Ministry of Health, NO. 2001–2003 展开更多
关键词 TRAILR APOPTOSIS hepatocellular carcinoma
作者 王英志 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1984年第1期114-120,132,共8页
从清初至乾嘉诗坛,在诗的本质、诗的源泉、诗的表现、诗的风格等诗歌美学问题上,一直进行着壁垒分明的论争.王士祯“神韵说”片面标举王孟家数,沈德潜“格调说”恪守“温柔敦厚”的诗教观,倡导诗必盛唐,翁方纲“肌理说”推重考据诗,向... 从清初至乾嘉诗坛,在诗的本质、诗的源泉、诗的表现、诗的风格等诗歌美学问题上,一直进行着壁垒分明的论争.王士祯“神韵说”片面标举王孟家数,沈德潜“格调说”恪守“温柔敦厚”的诗教观,倡导诗必盛唐,翁方纲“肌理说”推重考据诗,向书本讨生活;而叶燮、袁枚性灵派诗人等则主张诗应抒发真情实感,诗离不开现实生活与江山之助,诗的表现应创新,诗的风格宜多样化.后者的观点显然大多符合诗歌艺术规律,具有更高的美学价值.本文所论的乾嘉时代诗人宋湘的诗学观,基本上是站在叶燮、袁枚一方,并且不乏独到的见解,对推动诗歌创作的健康发展作出了相当的贡献. 展开更多
关键词 宋湘 袁枚 诗论 说诗 作诗 红杏山房 诗歌 丘迟 性灵派 死法
作者 王鹏博 《中国人才》 北大核心 1996年第8期38-39,共2页
很多在谢晋执导的影片中担任过主要角色的演员都说:跟谢导拍片,胜过在电影学院学四年表演。 记者在京西一家宾馆里采访了著名演员吕晓禾,问他是不是有此一说?他点点头:“此话确实不假。谢导有学问有水平,凡是跟他拍过片的演员,没有一个... 很多在谢晋执导的影片中担任过主要角色的演员都说:跟谢导拍片,胜过在电影学院学四年表演。 记者在京西一家宾馆里采访了著名演员吕晓禾,问他是不是有此一说?他点点头:“此话确实不假。谢导有学问有水平,凡是跟他拍过片的演员,没有一个不服气的!对他独到的艺术构思和独具的人格力量没有一个不敬佩的。” 吕晓禾曾在谢晋执导的影片《高山下的花环》中扮演男主角、连长梁三喜,并因此夺得了1984年度“百花”、“金鸡”最佳男主角奖。自然,他的回忆是围绕着当年拍摄“花环”谈起的。 首先是谈到了梁三喜的死法。为了开拓演员的思路,在关键戏开拍前,谢晋总是动员演员去构思去设计表演方案。于是,经过苦思冥想,吕晓禾设计了五种“死法”。 展开更多
关键词 谢晋 死法 演员们 人格力量 双眼皮 男主角 艺术构思 小节目 《红色娘子军》 电影学院
作者 顾琴华 《江苏教育》 2022年第16期49-50,共2页
一、“乖乖女”的改变小琳(化名),12岁,六年级女生,体型微胖,智力正常。小琳是家中独女,与父母一起生活,很听父母的话。某天晚上,小琳与父亲发生矛盾,父亲要求她锻炼身体,小琳却躺在地上不动,说自己不想活了。父亲一气之下打了她,这是... 一、“乖乖女”的改变小琳(化名),12岁,六年级女生,体型微胖,智力正常。小琳是家中独女,与父母一起生活,很听父母的话。某天晚上,小琳与父亲发生矛盾,父亲要求她锻炼身体,小琳却躺在地上不动,说自己不想活了。父亲一气之下打了她,这是父亲第一次动手打她。小琳告诉母亲,自己经常觉得活着没意思,早就有想死的念头,还上网查了各种死法。 展开更多
关键词 活着 死法 锻炼身体
作者 文平 《秘书》 1996年第8期42-42,共1页
一日,乾隆与纪晓岚闲谈,乾隆存心捉弄纪晓岚,想看看这位机智过人、能言善辩的翰林大学士怎么个善辩法儿。 乾隆问:“你说说看,忠该如何解释?” 纪晓岚答:“君要臣死,臣不得不死,为忠。” 乾隆说:“我现在以君的身份,命你立即去死。”
关键词 纪晓岚 乾隆 大学士 屈原 善辩 翰林 清法 死法 楚王 主意
作者 徐红玲 《时代风采》 2005年第2期55-55,共1页
我小时候曾听妈妈说,当山羊老了,不能自己找食度命的时候,它便会找一个隐蔽的山洞钻进去,在黑暗的山洞里慢慢地等待生命的终结,而且在它死后,它的眼睛总是睁着的,正所谓"羊死眼不闭"。我虽然小,但听到山羊的这种死法,仍感到... 我小时候曾听妈妈说,当山羊老了,不能自己找食度命的时候,它便会找一个隐蔽的山洞钻进去,在黑暗的山洞里慢慢地等待生命的终结,而且在它死后,它的眼睛总是睁着的,正所谓"羊死眼不闭"。我虽然小,但听到山羊的这种死法,仍感到很伤心。我想,为什么小羊不能像小乌鸦那样反哺呢,让老山羊那么凄惨,最终都是死不瞑目。我将来长大了,一定不会让我的爸爸、妈妈像老山羊那样孤独无助,一定要像小乌鸦那样孝顺父母。 展开更多
关键词 乌鸦 小时候 死法 待生 卷烟厂 长生不老药 开始上学 好孩子 补充说 肯定会
The vital threat of an upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Risk factor analysis of 121 consecutive patients 被引量:16
作者 Peter Schemmer Frank Decker +4 位作者 Genevieve Dei-Anane Volkmar Henschel Klaus Buhl Christian Herfarth Stefan Riedl 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第22期3597-3601,共5页
AIM: To analyze the importance in predicting patients risk of mortality due to upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding under today's therapeutic regimen. METHODS: From 1998 to 2001, 121 patients with the diagnosis ... AIM: To analyze the importance in predicting patients risk of mortality due to upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding under today's therapeutic regimen. METHODS: From 1998 to 2001, 121 patients with the diagnosis of UGI bleeding were treated in our hospital. Based on the patients' data, a retrospective multivariate data analysis with initially more than 270 single factors was performed. Subsequently, the following potential risk factors underwent a logistic regression analysis: age, gender, initial hemoglobin, coumarines, liver cirrhosis, prothrombin time (PT), gastric ulcer (small curvature), duodenal ulcer (bulbus back wall), Forrest classification, vascular stump, variceal bleeding, MalloryWeiss syndrome, RBC substitution, recurrent bleeding, conservative and surgical therapy. RESULTS: Seventy male (58%) and 51 female (42%) patients with a median age of 70 (range: 21-96) years were treated. Their in-hospital mortality was 14%. While 12% (11/91) of the patients died after conservative therapy, 20% (6/30) died after undergoing surgical therapy. UGI bleeding occurred due to duodenal ulcer (n = 36; 30%), gastric ulcer (n = 35; 29%), esophageal varicosis (n = 12; 10%), Mallory-Weiss syndrome (n = 8, 7%), erosive lesions of the mucosa (n = 20; 17%), cancer (n = 5; 4%), coagulopathy (n = 4; 3%), lymphoma (n = 2; 2%), benign tumor (n = 2; 2%) and unknown reason (n = 1, 1%). A logistic regression analysis of all aforementioned factors revealed that liver cirrhosis and duodenal ulcer (bulbus back wall) were associated risk factors for a fatal course after UGI bleeding. Prior to endoscopy, only liver cirrhosis was an assessable risk factor. Thereafter, liver cirrhosis, the location of a bleeding ulcer (bulbus back wall) andpatients' gender (male) were of prognostic importance for the clinical outcome (mortality) of patients with a bleeding ulcer.CONCLUSION: Most prognostic parameters used in clinical routine today are not reliable enough in predicting a patient's vital threat posed by an UGI bleeding.Liver cirrhosis, on the other hand, is significantly more frequently associated with an increased risk to die after bleeding of an ulcer located at the posterior duodenal wall. 展开更多
关键词 UGT bleeding MORTALITY Risk factors
Age-dependent impact of the SYNTAX-score on longer-term mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention in an all-comer population 被引量:4
作者 Madeleine Eickhoff Stefanie Schupke +11 位作者 Alexander Khandoga Julia Fabian Moritz Baquet David Jochheim David Grundmann Manuela Thienel Axel Bauer Hans Theiss Stefan Brunner Jorg Hausleiter Steffen Massberg Julinda Mehilli 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期559-566,共8页
Background The Synergy between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX)-score is a validated tool for risk stratification and revascularization strategy selection in patients with c... Background The Synergy between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX)-score is a validated tool for risk stratification and revascularization strategy selection in patients with complex coronary artery disease. The aim of this study was to analyse its age-related prognostic value. Methods SYNTAX-score was calculated in 1331 all-comer patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): 463 patients ≥ 75 years and 868 patients 〈 75 years. Outcomes of interest were all-cause mortality at one and two years. Results A significant interaction of age and SYNTAX-score for mortality was observed at two-year (Pinteraction= 0.019) but not at one-year follow-up (Pinteraction= 0.594). In multivariable analysis, SYNTAX-score independently predicted 1-year mortality in both age groups (〈 75 years, hazard ratio (HR): 1.43, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.03-2.00, P = 0.034; and 〉 75 years, HR: 1.37, 95% CI: 1.01-1.85, P = 0.042), but only two-year mortality among younger patients (〈 75 years, HR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.01-1.76, P = 0.041; and ≥ 75 years, HR: 1.11, 95% CI: 0.87-1.41, P = 0.394). SYNTAX-score tertiles were useful to stratify 1-year mortality in both, patients 〈 75 years (SYNTAX-score 〈 9, 3.8%; 9-20, 5.3%; 〉 20, 10.3%; P = 0.004) and 〉 75 years (SYNTAX-score 〈 11, 5.7%; 11-22.5, 16.1%; 〉 22.5, 18.7%; P = 0.003), but two-year mortality only among patients 〈 75 years (SYNTAX-score 〈 9, 6.5%; 9-20, 7.6%; ≥ 20, 15%; P 〈 0.001) and not among ≥ 75 years old patients (SYNTAX-score 〈 11, 19.4%; 11-22.5, 26.3%; _〉 22.5, 27.9%; P = 0.138). Conclusions Age modi- fies the impact of the SYNTAX-score on longer-term mortality after PCI. Among patients 〈 75 years, the SYNTAX-score independently predicts the risk of death at one and two years after PCI, while among patients 〉 75 years its predictive role is limited to the first year after PCI. Further studies are needed to evaluate the value of SYNTAX-score for selecting the most appropriate revascularization strategy among elderly patients. 展开更多
关键词 Age MORTALITY Percutaneous coronary intervention Syntax-score The elderly
Complete hepatocellular carcinoma necrosis following sequential porto-arterial embolization 被引量:3
作者 Stéphane Zalinski Olivier Scatton +2 位作者 Bruto Randone Olivier Vignaux Bertrand Dousset 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第44期6869-6872,共4页
Most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are not eligible for curative treatment, which is resection or transplantation. Two recent series have emphasized the potential benefits of preoperative arterio-port... Most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are not eligible for curative treatment, which is resection or transplantation. Two recent series have emphasized the potential benefits of preoperative arterio-portal embolization prior to surgical resection of such tumours. This preoperative strategy offers a better disease free survival rate and a higher rate of total tumor necrosis. In case of non resectable HCC it is now widely accepted that transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) leads to a better survival when compared to conservative treatment. Thus, the question remains whether combined portal vein embolization (PVE) may enhance the proven efficiency of TACE in patients with unresectable HCC. We herein report the case of a 56-year-old cirrhotic woman with a voluminous HCC unsuitable for surgical resection. Yet, complete turnout necrosis and prolonged survival could be achieved a^er a combined porto-arterial embolization. This case emphasizes the potential synergistic effect of a combined arterio-portal embolization and the hypothetical survival benefit of such a procedure, in selected patients, with HCC not suitable for surgery or local ablative therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Sequentialarterio-portal embolization Palliative treatment
Combination of allopurinol and hyperbaric oxygen therapy:A new treatment in experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis? 被引量:4
作者 Bilgin Comert Ahmet Turan Isik +6 位作者 Sezai Aydin Ergun Bozoglu Bulent Unal Salih Deveci Nuket Mas Esref Cinar Mehmet Refik Mas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第46期6203-6207,共5页
AIM: To investigate the individual and combined effects of allopurinol and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on biochemical and histopathological changes, oxidative stress, and bacterial translocation (BT) in the e... AIM: To investigate the individual and combined effects of allopurinol and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on biochemical and histopathological changes, oxidative stress, and bacterial translocation (BT) in the experimental rat acute pancreatitis (AP). METHODS: Eighty-five Sprague-Dawley rats were included in the study. Fifteen of the eighty-five rats were used as controls (sham, Group I ). AP was induced via intraductal taurocholate infusion in the remaining seventy rats. Rats that survived to induction of acute necrotizing pancreatitis were randomized into four groups. Group H received saline, Group m allopurinol, Group IV allopurinol plus HBO and Group v HBO alone. Serum amylase levels, oxidative stress parameters, BT and histopathologic scores were determined. RESULTS: Serum amylase levels were lower in Groups Ⅲ, Ⅳ and v compared to Group H (974 ± 110, 384 ± 40, 851 + 56, and 1664 Ⅳ 234 U/L, respectively, P 〈 0.05, for all). Combining the two treatment optionsrevealed significantly lower median [25-75 percentiles] histopathological scores when compared to individual administrations (13 [12.5-15] in allopurinol group, 9.5 [7-11.75] in HBO group, and 6 [4.5-7.5] in combined group, P 〈 0.01). Oxidative stress markers were significantly better in all treatment groups compared to the controls. Bacterial translocation into the pancreas and mesenteric lymph nodes was lower in Groups m, iV and v compared to Group H (54%, 23%, 50% vs 100% for translocation to pancreas, and 62%, 46%, 58% vs 100% for translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes, respectively, P 〈 0.05 for all). CONCLUSION: The present study confirms the benefit of HBO and allopurinol treatment when administered separately in experimental rat AP. Combination of these treatment options appears to prevent progression of pancreatic injury parameters more effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Experimental pancreatitis AIIopurinol Hyperbaric oxygen
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