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浅议指纹系统提高比中效率的方法和技巧 被引量:4
作者 孙东晓 《北京警察学院学报》 2014年第1期94-97,共4页
计算机指纹自动识别系统作为"科技强警"的一个重要组成部分已在全国公安机关得到了广泛应用。技术人员应了解识别系统的工作原理,掌握正确的查询方法和编辑技巧,提高比中效率,最大限度地挖掘识别系统的潜能,为侦查破案提供更... 计算机指纹自动识别系统作为"科技强警"的一个重要组成部分已在全国公安机关得到了广泛应用。技术人员应了解识别系统的工作原理,掌握正确的查询方法和编辑技巧,提高比中效率,最大限度地挖掘识别系统的潜能,为侦查破案提供更多更快的技术支持,真正体现"科技强警"的内涵。 展开更多
关键词 计算机指纹自动识别系统 比中效率 查询方法 编辑技巧
修正变形指纹提高比中概率的案例思考 被引量:2
作者 陶桂兰 董大刚 《刑事技术》 2019年第6期562-564,共3页
现场指纹受环境、犯罪嫌疑人接触客体种类、作案过程中用力程度等因素影响,常常会发生一定变形,变形现场指纹的特征点相对位置间距会发生变化,在指纹自动识别系统查询比对过程中比中概率降低。利用图像处理软件对变形现场指纹进行合理... 现场指纹受环境、犯罪嫌疑人接触客体种类、作案过程中用力程度等因素影响,常常会发生一定变形,变形现场指纹的特征点相对位置间距会发生变化,在指纹自动识别系统查询比对过程中比中概率降低。利用图像处理软件对变形现场指纹进行合理修正是一种提高比中概率的有效方法。笔者利用Photoshop_CS5图像处理软件对一枚变形现场指纹进行修正,修正前、后在同一指纹自动识别系统进行比对检验,样本指纹分别位于第134位和第1位,表明合理修正变形指纹可提高指纹比中概率。 展开更多
关键词 指纹自动识别系统 细节点特征 修正变形指纹 比中概率
作者 苗春雨 李甫 +4 位作者 徐磊 蔺晨 秦叶 凃政 徐珍 《刑事技术》 2022年第3期322-326,共5页
目的统计分析4454例盗窃案件在全国公安机关DNA数据库中的比中情况,为提高DNA证据在侦破盗窃案件中的应用价值提供参考。方法选取2014—2018年间在全国公安机关DNA数据库中有比中信息的盗窃案件(95934起),于DNA实验室检验分析管理系统... 目的统计分析4454例盗窃案件在全国公安机关DNA数据库中的比中情况,为提高DNA证据在侦破盗窃案件中的应用价值提供参考。方法选取2014—2018年间在全国公安机关DNA数据库中有比中信息的盗窃案件(95934起),于DNA实验室检验分析管理系统和现场勘验系统中查询关联信息,形成4454条数据,经设置作案手段/时段、生物检材类型、主要提取部位所处空间、入库比中率、不同作案手段的主要提取部位等6个分类指标,对数据进行统计分析,总结盗窃案件易于形成DNA比中关系的现场生物检材主要提取部位。结果本文列举了形成DNA比中关系数量较多的主要提取部位,DNA总比中率为4.64%,现场物证入库率40.49%,入库比中率为11.46%。结论不同作案手段类型的盗窃案件,其最终DNA比中率较高的提取部位各有不同。现场勘验人员发现和提取的生物检材有较高的检出率、比中率是提高DNA侦破盗窃案件效率的关键。 展开更多
关键词 法医物证学 盗窃案件 DNA 主要提取部位 比中关系
提高指纹识别系统指纹比中率的几种有效措施 被引量:2
作者 郭卫平 《刑事技术》 2005年第6期35-36,共2页
关键词 指纹识别系统 比中 有效措施
提高指纹比中率初探 被引量:1
作者 王斌 李军朝 +4 位作者 王安民 许晓伟 李卫峰 王晓辉 赵春燕 《刑事技术》 2010年第4期50-51,共2页
关键词 指纹比对 比中 同一认定
利用指纹自动识别系统比中特大盗窃案的思考 被引量:1
作者 李琴 周波 《云南警官学院学报》 2016年第1期121-124,共4页
关键词 指纹自动识别系统 比中 特大盗窃案
作者 甘少颖 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2017年第1期192-192,214,共2页
新课程标准强调,要扎实、灵活、有序地全面提高学生的语文素养,努力开拓学生的视野,注重培养创新精神,提高文化品位和审美情趣。根据这一要求,我们要积极调整教育理念,研究教学方法,探索教学模式,联系生活,开展丰富多彩的语文... 新课程标准强调,要扎实、灵活、有序地全面提高学生的语文素养,努力开拓学生的视野,注重培养创新精神,提高文化品位和审美情趣。根据这一要求,我们要积极调整教育理念,研究教学方法,探索教学模式,联系生活,开展丰富多彩的语文实践活动,我们对诗歌鉴赏活动进行了积极的尝试、探索,积累了丰富的诗歌鉴赏经验,形成了诗歌鉴赏课堂教学模式的雏形。本文分别从山水田园、咏史、咏物、边塞等诗词题材入手,例拳古典诗词鉴赏中的比较阅读法的运用。 展开更多
关键词 诗词鉴赏 比较阅读 求异 比中求解
作者 郑云林 《计量与测试技术》 2011年第1期43-44,共2页
关键词 便携夹装式超声气体流量计 现场比中 信号强度 声速
作者 李康 李健恺 《警察技术》 2018年第1期33-36,共4页
目的:研究改变指纹中心半径与角度对PU-AFIS系统比中率的影响,并得出最佳半径与角度。方法:比较实验研究,利用屏幕尺子工具和屏幕量角器工具,分别对指纹中心半径、角度和方向进行定量改变,然后发送比对查询,记录并比较比对结果的查中概... 目的:研究改变指纹中心半径与角度对PU-AFIS系统比中率的影响,并得出最佳半径与角度。方法:比较实验研究,利用屏幕尺子工具和屏幕量角器工具,分别对指纹中心半径、角度和方向进行定量改变,然后发送比对查询,记录并比较比对结果的查中概率、得分及排名。结果:改变指纹上中心半径,当半径为0.75cm左右时,查中概率或得分最高;改变上中心角度,当角度为50°左右时,查中概率或得分最高;改变上中心方向,顺时针和逆时针旋转5°左右范围内,查中概率、得分和排名与中心方向未改变时一样,在旋转超过5°后,查中概率、得分和排名出现降低。结论:在标注现场指纹上中心时,最好将半径设置为0.75cm左右,角度设置为50°左右,指纹中心方向顺时针逆时针偏转各不超过5°左右。 展开更多
关键词 指纹自动识别系统 指纹 半径 角度 方向 比中
贵州省盘州比中滑坡形成机制和稳定性分析 被引量:1
作者 廖德武 陈寿稀 +3 位作者 郑冰 张君恺 杜艳松 兰中孝 《土工基础》 2022年第4期541-546,共6页
以盘州比中滑坡为研究对象,研究滑坡的地质背景条件及基本特征,对其形成机制和稳定性进行分析。通过对滑坡地形地貌、岩土组合、降雨条件及人为活动等影响因素进行分析,结果表明:后缘土体蠕滑推挤中下部土体,形成推移-挤压破坏模式;在... 以盘州比中滑坡为研究对象,研究滑坡的地质背景条件及基本特征,对其形成机制和稳定性进行分析。通过对滑坡地形地貌、岩土组合、降雨条件及人为活动等影响因素进行分析,结果表明:后缘土体蠕滑推挤中下部土体,形成推移-挤压破坏模式;在定性评价的基础上采取定量计算滑坡的稳定性系数进行分析。滑坡在自然工况稳定状态为基本稳定~稳定,暴雨工况为欠稳定状态,对滑坡影响较大的是降雨作用,降雨是滑坡形成主要诱因。 展开更多
关键词 盘州比中滑坡 形成机制 稳定性分析 推移-挤压破坏模式
作者 任文彦 陆春 +3 位作者 吴微微 郝宏蕾 苏艳佳 傅燕芳 《刑事技术》 2022年第4期433-436,共4页
目的分析入室盗窃类案件中提取的现场生物检材,为提高DNA技术侦破入室盗窃案件的应用成效提供参考。方法收集近两年在本文所涉行政区内提取并送检的202起入室盗窃案的349份检材,对其检验比中情况进行分析,探讨勘查人员、提取部位及送检... 目的分析入室盗窃类案件中提取的现场生物检材,为提高DNA技术侦破入室盗窃案件的应用成效提供参考。方法收集近两年在本文所涉行政区内提取并送检的202起入室盗窃案的349份检材,对其检验比中情况进行分析,探讨勘查人员、提取部位及送检时间对有效检出率和案件比中率的影响。结果202起入室盗窃现场提取的349份检材中,70份检出有效分型,有效检出率为20.06%;比中30起案件,案件比中率为14.85%。不同勘查人员的有效检出率和案件比中率具有统计学差异,反映了勘查质量的高低。不同提取部位的有效检出率和案件比中率也存在差异。随着送检时间延长,有效检出率和案件比中率都会下降,提示提取后应尽快送检。结论入室盗窃案中检材有效检出率和案件比中率与勘查人员、提取部位、送检时间等因素有关,日常工作中需合理提取,及时送检。同时在应用DNA技术时应注意避免污染、提取所有涉案人员的物证材料、快速比对、快速反馈、分析透彻到位。 展开更多
关键词 法医物证学 DNA 入室盗窃 有效检出率 案件比中
Economic Competitiveness of China and the US:Comparison,Dynamic Change and Global Position 被引量:2
作者 倪鹏飞 王海波 《China Economist》 2017年第4期2-31,共30页
Research of competitiveness of China and the United States is of great significance to enhancing China's economic competitiveness and achieving the objective of national rejuvenation. By creating a competitiveness fr... Research of competitiveness of China and the United States is of great significance to enhancing China's economic competitiveness and achieving the objective of national rejuvenation. By creating a competitiveness framework and a system of heterogeneous indicators, this paper investigates the competitiveness of China and the US in terms of current status, historic change and global environment. Our research led to the following findings: core factors determine the level of competitiveness for China and the US; the national competitiveness of both countries is evolving towards structural homogeneity; and China and the US lead most countries in many common areas. China has the potential to overtake the US in competitiveness in the future. We suggest that China increase its competitiveness by promoting its advantages, addressing its weaknesses and focusing on core areas. 展开更多
关键词 national competitiveness comparison between China and the US factor eterogeneity
Revealed comparative advantage and competitiveness of China’s agricultural products 被引量:2
作者 詹晶 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2005年第1期10-13,共4页
This paper deals with the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products, base on the index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) using lots of data for the period of 1980 to 2003. The index is useful in identifyi... This paper deals with the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products, base on the index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) using lots of data for the period of 1980 to 2003. The index is useful in identifying the demarcation between comparative advantage and comparative disadvantage. The research indicates that some agro-products in China such as edible vegetables and tea have a comparative advantage, but the RCA values have been declining over the 24-year period, which has vast impacts on future reform in China’s agricultural structure. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural product EXPORT revealed comparative advantage (RCA) competitiveness.
Spatial channel pairing-based maximum ratio combining algorithm for cooperative relay networks
作者 胡锦松 束锋 +4 位作者 许正文 阙非 黄晓晖 刘婷婷 陆锦辉 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第2期146-150,共5页
To improve the reliable performance of information transmission in cooperative relay networks, the scheme of the max-rate spatial channel pairing (SCP) based on maximum ratio combining (MRC) is proposed. The schem... To improve the reliable performance of information transmission in cooperative relay networks, the scheme of the max-rate spatial channel pairing (SCP) based on maximum ratio combining (MRC) is proposed. The scheme includes three steps: channel phase cancellation, MRC, and SCP. Eventually, the solution of the scheme is modeled as convex optimization. The objective function of the optimization problem is to maximize the transmission rate and the optimization variable is the strategy of pairing between the uplink spatial sub-channels of each user and the corresponding downlink spatial ones. The theorem of the arrangement inequalities is adopted to obtain the approximate closed-form solution of the optimal pairing for this convex optimization. Simulation results demonstrate that compared to the existing distributed space-time block coding and coherent combined schemes without SCP, the proposed max-rate SCP plus MRC algorithm achieves appreciable improvements in symbol error rate in medium and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes. The achievable performance gain is due to the use of maxrate SCP. 展开更多
关键词 RELAY maximum ratio combining coherentcombining spatial channel pairing distributed space-timeblock coding
Research on Comparative Advantage and Typical Models of Circular Agriculture Economy in Eastern and Mid-China Region
作者 周颖 周清波 甘寿文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2573-2580,共8页
Developing agricultural circular economy is the important measures of relieving the pressure on agricultural resources, preserving the ecological environment and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture an... Developing agricultural circular economy is the important measures of relieving the pressure on agricultural resources, preserving the ecological environment and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy. Based on the idea of circulation of agricultural research as the breakthrough point, the research firstly detailed the concept and scientific connotation of circular egdculture in an all-round way and described and analyzed the advantages and conditions of the development of circular agriculture in eastern and middle regions of China from three aspects including resources endowment, conditions of economic development and industrial base conditions. Furthermore, the research analyzed the model char- actedstics and summarized the successful ex^dence to provide a reference for promoting the models with consideration of Taihu Lake Basin in South of Jiangsu, Yi- meng mountain areas in Southeast of Shandong and hills and mountains region in northwest Henan. Finally, the reseach put forward the development orientation of agricultural circular economy and countermeasures and suggestions to further enhance the level of development. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural circular economy Comparative advantages Typical model Mid-Eastem China
Prognostic significance of combined fibrinogen concentration and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with resectable non-small cell lung cancer 被引量:29
作者 Wuhao Huang Shengguang Wang +2 位作者 Hua Zhang Bin Zhang Changli Wang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期88-96,共9页
Objective:Cancer-associated inflammation and coagulation cascades play vital roles in cancer progression and survival.In this study,we investigated the significance of the combination of preoperative fibrinogen and th... Objective:Cancer-associated inflammation and coagulation cascades play vital roles in cancer progression and survival.In this study,we investigated the significance of the combination of preoperative fibrinogen and the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio(NLR)in predicting the survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).Methods:We retrospectively enrolled 589 patients with NSCLC who underwent surgery.The univariate and multivariate Cox survival analyses were used to evaluate the prognostic indicators,including the combination of fibrinogen and NLR(F-NLR).The cut-off values for fibrinogen,NLR,and clinical laboratory variables were defined by the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis.According to the ROC curve,the recommended cut-off values for fibrinogen and the NLR were 3.48 g/L and 2.30,respectively.Patients with both a high NLR(≥2.30)and hyperfibrinogenemia(≥3.48 g/L)were given a score of 2,whereas those with one or neither were scored as 1 or 0,respectively.Results:Our results showed that F-NLR was an independent prognostic indicator for disease-free survival(DFS)[hazard ratio(HR),1.466;95%confidence interval(CI),1.243–1.730;P<0.001]and overall survival(OS)(HR,1.512;95%CI,1.283–1.783;P<0.001).The five-year OS rates were 66.1%,53.5%,and 33.3%for the F-NLR=0,F-NLR=1,and F-NLR=2,respectively(P<0.001).Correspondingly,their five-year DFS rates were 62.2%,50.3%,and 30.4%,respectively(P<0.001).In the subgroup analyses of the pathological stages,the F-NLR level was significantly correlated with DFS and OS in stage I and IIIA cancers.Conclusions:Preoperative F-NLR score can be used as a valuable prognostic marker for patients with resectable early-stage NSCLC. 展开更多
关键词 Non-small cell lung cancer neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio fibrinogen prognosis
Waxy allelic diversity in common millet(Panicum miliaceum L.) in China 被引量:12
作者 Ruiyun Wang Haigang Wang +6 位作者 Xiaohuan Liu Xu Ji Ling Chen Ping Lu Minxuan Liu Bin Teng Zhijun Qiao 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期377-385,共9页
A set of 132 accessions of commonmillet, Panicum miliaceum L., from12 provinces of China were assessed for endosperm starch type (waxy or non-waxy) using I2-KI staining, amylose and amylopectin contents using the du... A set of 132 accessions of commonmillet, Panicum miliaceum L., from12 provinces of China were assessed for endosperm starch type (waxy or non-waxy) using I2-KI staining, amylose and amylopectin contents using the dual-wavelength colorimetric method, and genotype of Waxygenes conditioning amylose content by gene sequencing. Endosperm starch content varied from 57.69% to 74.70%, while the amylose and amylopectin contents of the starch ranged from 0 to 23.29% and from 41.99% to 70.24%, respectively. Sequencing two Wx genes, including Wx-L (intron 5-exon 7 and intron 8–9) andWx-S (exon 9–intron 10) revealed several polymorphisms (S0, S?15, LC, LF, LY). Marker M5-R11 linking to the Wx-S gene may be used to discriminate waxy common millet accessions from non-waxy ones. Among the 132 accessions, 68 with the S?15 allele had waxy endosperm starch with the amylose content range 0–2.58% and 64 accessions with the S0 allele had non-waxy endosperm starch with amylose content range 3.94%–23.29%. Five genotypes including So15/LF (45% of the accessions), S0/LF (25%), S0/LY (12%), S0/LC (11%), and S?15/LY (7%) were identified. Six new SNPs were detected at the Wx-L locus. These results will facilitate common millet breeding, especially of cultivars free of amylose. 展开更多
关键词 Common millet Waxy gene SNP STARCH
Deep metallogenic mechanism in southeastern China based on receiver function data 被引量:1
作者 Jian-xin LIU Syed muzyan SHAHZAD +4 位作者 Ya SUN Asim SHAHZAD Chuan LI Meryem FANIDI Ishfaque MUHAMMAD 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期273-284,共12页
Crustal deformation and deep metallogenic mechanisms in southeastern(SE)China are still debated.In this study,we applied the receiver function method to measure crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio for crustal rock ... Crustal deformation and deep metallogenic mechanisms in southeastern(SE)China are still debated.In this study,we applied the receiver function method to measure crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio for crustal rock using teleseismic data recorded at 207 seismic stations from China Earthquake Administration Network.The results showed that crustal thickness varied from~27 km in the eastern part to~43 km in the western part of the study area,with an average crustal thickness of 31 km.The crust is thick in the west and thin in the east.The observed Poisson’s ratio for crustal rock was relatively high in the southern Cathaysia Block(CB),with an average of 0.295,while in the Qinling—Dabie terrane,it was relatively low,with an average of 0.257.In the middle of the Yangtze craton and central east of the CB,Poisson’s ratio for crustal rock varied from 0.257 to 0.286.By comparing Poisson’s ratio of the intrusive deposits with that of igneous rocks in volcanic complexes,we deduced that the metallic mineral system might be associated with orogenic and hydrothermal deposits.These results indicated that multistage magma and mineralization in the study area might be attributed to the tectonic-magma-thermal event.The high Poisson’s ratio for crustal rock in the southeastern margin of the CB and northeastern Upper Yangtze Craton might be related to Mesozoic lower crustal mafic partial melt,which provides an important environment for various magmatic intrusions and metallogenies. 展开更多
关键词 deep metallogenic mechanism Poisson’s ratio southeastern China crustal thickness
Comparative study of Chinese and British taboos 被引量:1
作者 肖素芳 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期74-77,共4页
In the west and east, taboo is a prevailing social and cultural phenomenon. In different cultures, taboo is varied. Comparative analysis of the Sino-British taboo helps people understand the cultural connotation and d... In the west and east, taboo is a prevailing social and cultural phenomenon. In different cultures, taboo is varied. Comparative analysis of the Sino-British taboo helps people understand the cultural connotation and different concepts of values and ethics. It is helpful for international communication and cultural exchange. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-British TABOO comparative analysis
作者 鲍名 黄荣辉 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第1期10-22,共13页
Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPC... Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPCC-Special Report in Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenario. We examined their ability in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation over China from 1951 to 1990. The difference before and after the mid-1960’s and the late 1970’s is given respectively to check the capability of the models, especially in reproducing the rainfall jump in North China. We also investigated the interdecadal variations simulated by the models in the 1990’s and the average of 2001-2020 in the future under the scenario A2 and B2. The analysis shows that the current AOGCMs is not good enough in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China. The interdecadal variations of summer rainfall simulated by most of the models cannot reproduce the observation in North China. Higher resolution models are suggested to well simulate the interdecadal variability in regional scale. 展开更多
关键词 interdecadal variations summer precipitation in China coupled atmosphere-ocean models
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