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高效亚硝酸型反硝化菌生长特性及脱氮研究 被引量:8
作者 张云霞 周集体 袁守志 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期180-186,共7页
采用定向筛选法,对反硝化污泥进行驯化和富集,得到了富含亚硝酸型反硝化菌的混合菌体.采用批式试验考察了不同环境因子对该菌体生长和脱氮速率的影响,构建了亚硝酸盐降解动力学模型,初步探讨了菌体在填料床生物膜反应器中的脱氮性... 采用定向筛选法,对反硝化污泥进行驯化和富集,得到了富含亚硝酸型反硝化菌的混合菌体.采用批式试验考察了不同环境因子对该菌体生长和脱氮速率的影响,构建了亚硝酸盐降解动力学模型,初步探讨了菌体在填料床生物膜反应器中的脱氮性能.结果表明,该菌体属于兼性厌氧菌,只有在氧缺乏的环境下才能发生反硝化作用;最适的生长和脱氮条件是以柠檬酸三钠为碳源,ρ(TOC):ρ(N)=4,温度30℃,pH=9.菌体在此条件下具有很高的活性,比脱氮速率达0.25h^-1,是相关文献报道的6~10倍;具有较强的耐盐特性,可耐受13%的盐浓度;在填料床生物膜反应器中运行稳定,具有较强的抗碳氮源冲击负荷的能力.本研究有利于促进新型短程硝化反硝化工艺的实施以及解决传统反硝化过程中亚氮积累的问题. 展开更多
关键词 生物 亚硝酸型反硝化菌 比脱氮速率 亚硝酸盐降解动力学
脱硫技术中几个问题的探讨 被引量:2
作者 王小敏 《河北环境保护》 2006年第2期34-36,共3页
本文给出了钙硫比的三个定义,考虑到灰渣中CaO的自脱硫作用,计算钙硫比时,根据所用的脱硫工艺不同以及脱硫装置在净化流程中的位置不同,应该选用不同的定义式。给出了脱硫效率的二个定义,考虑到脱硫系统漏风的影响,计算脱硫效率... 本文给出了钙硫比的三个定义,考虑到灰渣中CaO的自脱硫作用,计算钙硫比时,根据所用的脱硫工艺不同以及脱硫装置在净化流程中的位置不同,应该选用不同的定义式。给出了脱硫效率的二个定义,考虑到脱硫系统漏风的影响,计算脱硫效率时,建议采用基于质量守恒的定义2。在其他条件相同时,存在一个最佳原始SO2浓度值,使脱硫效率达到最高,原始SO2浓度高于或低于这个值,都会导致脱硫效率降低。 展开更多
关键词 钙硫比脱硫效率 SO2浓度
不同硫源对小球诺卡氏菌R-9生长和脱硫活性的影响 被引量:5
作者 罗明芳民 邢建民 +5 位作者 缑仲轩 李珊 刘国梁 谢渝春 刘会洲 陈家镛 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期1413-1417,共5页
用氯化钡沉淀结合傅里叶变换红外光谱法 ,证明小球诺卡氏菌 (Nocardiagloberula)R 9从二苯并噻吩中脱除的含硫产物以硫酸盐的形式存在于水相 .比较了R 9分别以二苯并噻吩、硫酸钠和二甲基亚砜作为惟一硫源时的生长和脱硫活性 .结果表明 ... 用氯化钡沉淀结合傅里叶变换红外光谱法 ,证明小球诺卡氏菌 (Nocardiagloberula)R 9从二苯并噻吩中脱除的含硫产物以硫酸盐的形式存在于水相 .比较了R 9分别以二苯并噻吩、硫酸钠和二甲基亚砜作为惟一硫源时的生长和脱硫活性 .结果表明 ,二苯并噻吩、硫酸钠和二甲基亚砜均可以作为R 9的生长硫源 ,且高浓度 ( 2 5mmol·L- 1 )硫酸钠和二甲基亚砜对细胞的生长不产生抑制作用 .2mmol·L- 1 左右的硫酸钠或二甲基亚砜作为硫源时培养的细胞脱硫活性最高 .提高硫源和碳源浓度可以提高R 9在发酵罐中的比生长速率和细胞浓度 (OD6 0 0 ) . 展开更多
关键词 比脱硫活性 二苯并噻吩 NOCARDIA globerula 生长 生物
作者 叶君健 《当代学生(探秘)》 2005年第6期6-7,共2页
关于安徒生,我们知道些什么? 是《海的女儿》的凄美哀婉,是《拇指姑娘》的浪漫迷人,是《卖火柴的小女孩》的现实批判?……不不,这只是很小很小的一部分,是安徒生献上的一小杯开胃酒。作为人类历史上最伟大的作家之一,安徒生笔下的世界... 关于安徒生,我们知道些什么? 是《海的女儿》的凄美哀婉,是《拇指姑娘》的浪漫迷人,是《卖火柴的小女孩》的现实批判?……不不,这只是很小很小的一部分,是安徒生献上的一小杯开胃酒。作为人类历史上最伟大的作家之一,安徒生笔下的世界绝不仅止于此。如果浅尝辄止,你就体会不到它们陈年佳酿般的芬芳与香醇。你可以读一读《邻居们》,品味“美”和“不朽”的内涵;读一读《踩着面包走的女孩》,理解感恩与救赎的意义;读一读《世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰》, 感受亲情的伟大力量; 读一读《癞蛤蟆》,体会“永恒的渴望与追求”对于我们的生命有多么珍贵……也可以读一读我们摘编在下面的这篇《贝脱、比脱和比尔》——只用极少的文字, 就可以将生与死诠释得如此唯美透脱的,也许只有安徒生。就从现在开始。用心阅读。 展开更多
关键词 安徒生童话 拇指姑娘 比脱 开胃酒 邻居们 海的女儿 现实批判 青浮 告诉我
作者 郑淑娟 《世界热带农业信息》 2015年第5期14-14,共1页
阿根廷的科技工作者Valeria Soledad Montiglioni对脱水菠萝做科学实验,并证明该食品是一种新型有益于健康的食品。并通过简单的方法测定菠萝干蛋白酶的存在。报告指出在新鲜菠萝和脱水菠萝蛋白酶活性的变化。通过明胶光环液化,在恒温3... 阿根廷的科技工作者Valeria Soledad Montiglioni对脱水菠萝做科学实验,并证明该食品是一种新型有益于健康的食品。并通过简单的方法测定菠萝干蛋白酶的存在。报告指出在新鲜菠萝和脱水菠萝蛋白酶活性的变化。通过明胶光环液化,在恒温30℃持续3 h,每半小时对温度进行监测。在阿根廷FASTA综合性大学营养学的本科生做了该科技实验。 展开更多
关键词 蛋白酶活性 科技工作者 酶活力 饮食生活 比脱 认知性 种植情况
作者 邹小平 《农业知识》 1996年第4期23-23,共1页
关键词 水技术 热风干燥 比脱 综合性边缘学科 维生素含量 营养成分 黄发
中温两相厌氧消化工艺处理混合污泥的效能 被引量:11
作者 尹军 赵纯广 +1 位作者 张立国 刘蕾 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1-4,共4页
采用中温(35℃)两相厌氧消化工艺处理初沉污泥与剩余污泥的混合样(1∶1),以实现污泥的稳定化。结果表明,在水力停留时间约为10 d、有机负荷为2.75 kgVS/(m^3·d)时,对TCOD的去除率可达46%,对VS的去除率为41%;产甲烷相反应器... 采用中温(35℃)两相厌氧消化工艺处理初沉污泥与剩余污泥的混合样(1∶1),以实现污泥的稳定化。结果表明,在水力停留时间约为10 d、有机负荷为2.75 kgVS/(m^3·d)时,对TCOD的去除率可达46%,对VS的去除率为41%;产甲烷相反应器的最大比产甲烷活性为0.19LCH4/(gVS·d),并保持相对稳定;两相反应器内污泥的比脱氢酶活性都出现了增长,并维持在25~32μgINTF/(mgVS·h)之间;经消化后污泥的沉降性和脱水性变差。 展开更多
关键词 两相厌氧消化 剩余活性污泥 比产甲烷活性 比脱氢酶活性
ABR反应器处理低浓度污水启动试验研究 被引量:8
作者 宋铁红 高艳娇 张勇 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期26-27,共2页
为了探讨了四室ABR反应器启动规律,以低浓度污水为研究对象,通过控制酸化菌INT比脱氢酶活性、酸化率、OLR和H RT来实现反应器内部微生物相分离。结果表明:在水力停留时间3h,有机负荷2.4kgCOD/(m 3.d)条件下,酸化菌INT比脱氢酶活性与酸... 为了探讨了四室ABR反应器启动规律,以低浓度污水为研究对象,通过控制酸化菌INT比脱氢酶活性、酸化率、OLR和H RT来实现反应器内部微生物相分离。结果表明:在水力停留时间3h,有机负荷2.4kgCOD/(m 3.d)条件下,酸化菌INT比脱氢酶活性与酸化率有关,且随流向逐渐降低,同一格室内中部比INT脱氢酶活性高于底部;一室、二室的酸化率占总酸化率的70%,确定一、二室为产酸反应器,三、四室为产甲烷反应器,实现了微生物相分离;反应器的启动时间为18d,稳定运行时,COD去除率可以达到35% ̄40%。 展开更多
关键词 ABR反应器 INT比脱氢酶 酸化率 相分离
不同温度下难降解工业废水水解酸化预处理的启动研究 被引量:3
作者 傅金祥 曹威 +2 位作者 任翔青 杨洪旭 王智 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S1期276-279,共4页
通过对比试验进行了水解酸化反应器在不同温度下的启动研究,结果表明:温度为(30±1)℃时,反应器可以在1个月左右完成启动阶段,COD_(Cr)的去除率稳定在30%左右,BOD/COD可由进水的0.212~0.263提高到0.351~0.421,此时TTC-比脱氢酶活... 通过对比试验进行了水解酸化反应器在不同温度下的启动研究,结果表明:温度为(30±1)℃时,反应器可以在1个月左右完成启动阶段,COD_(Cr)的去除率稳定在30%左右,BOD/COD可由进水的0.212~0.263提高到0.351~0.421,此时TTC-比脱氢酶活性为41.52 mg/L;而在低温10~12℃启动反应器时,大概需要2个月完成启动阶段,COD_(Cr)的去除率为25%左右,此时TTC-比脱氢酶活性为35.8 mg/L。试验表明在处理难降解工业废水时水解酸化反应器建议采用室温启动。 展开更多
关键词 水解酸化 难降解废水 CODCr去除率 TTC-比脱氢酶活性
异波折板水解酸化反应装置启动试验研究 被引量:4
作者 叶长兵 刘文 +1 位作者 韩相奎 刘全阳 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第6期32-35,40,共5页
在研究高效水解酸化工艺处理啤酒废水时,采用自然挂膜的方法启动异波折板高效水解酸化反应装置.通过深入系统研究,得出反应装置在启动过程中各阶段的水力停留时间(HRT)、pH值范围、进水COD浓度、容积负荷等最佳启动参数,使反应装置得以... 在研究高效水解酸化工艺处理啤酒废水时,采用自然挂膜的方法启动异波折板高效水解酸化反应装置.通过深入系统研究,得出反应装置在启动过程中各阶段的水力停留时间(HRT)、pH值范围、进水COD浓度、容积负荷等最佳启动参数,使反应装置得以快速、稳定启动,并一直处于最佳运行状态. 展开更多
关键词 异波折板反应装置 弹性立体填料 啤酒废水 TTC-比脱氢酶活性
水解酸化工艺高效性的机理研究 被引量:1
作者 叶长兵 韩相奎 +1 位作者 汤洁 张春利 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第4期411-414,共4页
异波折板水解酸化反应装置极具高效性,在水力停留时间为4 h时,其SCOD的去除率高达43%.经分析可知,系统的高效性是由于异波折板水解酸化装置的高效传质、系统中微生物的高生化活性以及系统内维持较高的生物量等因素所造成的.
关键词 水解酸化 高效性 机理 TFC-比脱氢酶活性 传质
NH_3 selective catalytic reduction of NO: A large surface TiO_2 support and its promotion of V_2O_5 dispersion on the prepared catalyst 被引量:3
作者 刘欣 李俊华 +4 位作者 李想 彭悦 王虎 江晓明 王兰武 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期878-887,共10页
A titania support with a large surface area was developed, which has a BET surface area of 380.5 m^2/g, four times that of a traditional titania support. The support was ultrasonically impregnated with 5 wt% vanadia. ... A titania support with a large surface area was developed, which has a BET surface area of 380.5 m^2/g, four times that of a traditional titania support. The support was ultrasonically impregnated with 5 wt% vanadia. A special heat treatment was used in the calcination to maintain the large surface area and high dispersion of vanadium species. This catalyst was compared to a common V2O5-TiO2 catalyst with the same vanadia loading prepared by a traditional method. The new catalyst has a surface area of 117.7 m^2/g, which was 38% higher than the traditional V2O5-TiO2 catalyst. The selective catalytic reduction(SCR) performance demonstrated that the new catalyst had a wider temperature window and better N2 selectivity compared to the traditional one. The NO conversion was 80% from 200 to 450 °C. The temperature window was 100 °C wider than the traditional catalyst. Raman spectra indicated that the vanadium species formed more V-O-V linkages on the catalyst prepared by the traditional method. The amount of V-O-Ti and V=O was larger for the new catalyst. Temperature programmed desorption of NH3, temperature programmed reduction by H2 and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results showed that its redox ability and total acidity were enhanced. The results are helpful for developing a more efficient SCR catalyst for the removal of NOx in flue gases. 展开更多
Kinetics of Fe_3O_4 formation by air oxidation 被引量:6
作者 杨喜云 龚竹青 刘丰良 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第2期152-155,共4页
The kinetics of Fe3O4 formation by air oxidation of slightly acidic suspension of Fe(OH)2 was studied. The effects of initial concentration of Fe(Ⅱ), temperature, partial pressure of oxygen, air flow rate and sti... The kinetics of Fe3O4 formation by air oxidation of slightly acidic suspension of Fe(OH)2 was studied. The effects of initial concentration of Fe(Ⅱ), temperature, partial pressure of oxygen, air flow rate and stirring rate on the oxidation rate were investigated. The results show that Fe3O4 formation is composed of two-step reaction, the first step is the formation of Fe(OH)+2 by oxidation of Fe(OH)+ complex ions, the second step is the formation of magnetite by dehydration and deprotonation of Fe(OH)+ and Fe(OH)+2. The oxidation reaction is zero-order with respect to the concentration of Fe(Ⅱ) and around 0.5-order with respect to partial pressure of oxygen, and oxygen transfer process is rate-limiting step of oxidation reaction with apparent activation energy of 2.74 kJ·mol-1. 展开更多
关键词 Fe_3O_4 KINETICS air oxidation
Al-modified mesocellular silica foam as a superior catalyst support for dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization 被引量:2
作者 Shaotong Song Xu Yang +7 位作者 Bo Wang Xiaofeng Zhou Aijun Duan Kebin Chi Zhen Zhao Chunming Xu Zhentao Chen Jianmei Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1347-1359,共13页
A series of Al‐containing mesostructured cellular silica foams(Al‐MCFs)with different Si/Al molar ratios(x;x=10,20,30,40,or50)were prepared by a post synthetic method using aluminum isopropoxide as an alumina source... A series of Al‐containing mesostructured cellular silica foams(Al‐MCFs)with different Si/Al molar ratios(x;x=10,20,30,40,or50)were prepared by a post synthetic method using aluminum isopropoxide as an alumina source.The corresponding NiMo catalysts supported on Al‐MCFs were prepared and evaluated using dibenzothiophene(DBT)as the probe reactant.All the synthesized samples were characterized by small‐angle X‐ray scattering,scanning electron microscopy,nitrogen adsorption‐desorption,UV‐Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,H2temperature‐programmed reduction,27Al MAS NMR,temperature‐programmed desorption of ammonia,pyridine‐FTIR,Raman spectroscopy,HRTEM,and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy to analyze their physicochemical properties and to gain a deeper insight of the interrelationship between the structures and the catalytic performance.The synthesis mechanism was proposed to involve the formation of Br?nsted acid and Lewis acid sites through the replacement of Si4+with Al3+.Aluminum introduced into MCFs by the post synthetic method has a negligible influence on the mesostructure of the parent MCFs but can form silicoaluminate materials with moderate Br?nsted acidity.For Al‐MCFs(x)materials,the detection of tetrahedrally coordinated Al3+cations demonstrated that the Al species had been successfully incorporated into the silicon frameworks.Furthermore,the DBT hydrodesulfurization(HDS)catalytic activity of the NiMo/Al‐MCFs(x)catalysts increased with increasing Si/Al molar ratio,and reached a maximum at a Si/Al molar ratio of20.The interaction of Ni and Mo species with the support became stronger when Al was incorporated into the MCFs supports.The high activities of the NiMo/Al‐MCFs catalysts for the DBT HDS were attributed to the suitable acidity properties and good dispersions of the Ni and Mo active phases. 展开更多
关键词 Al‐MCFs Si/Al ratio Post‐synthesis Hydrodesulfurization catalyst DIBENZOTHIOPHENE
Comparison of Frontal Analysis and Elution-Curve Method for Determining Adsorption Isotherms
作者 Ju-Weon LEE Kyung Ho ROW 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第6期720-722,共3页
Adsorption isotherm is the most fundamental information related to chromatography. To calculate the parameters of Langmuir ad-sorption isotherm of thymidine, frontal analysis (FA) and elution-curve method (ECM) were a... Adsorption isotherm is the most fundamental information related to chromatography. To calculate the parameters of Langmuir ad-sorption isotherm of thymidine, frontal analysis (FA) and elution-curve method (ECM) were adopted in reversed-phase high performance liguid chromatography (RP-HPLC). In FA, the concentration of stationary phase was measured from the elution curves and the isotherm was deter-mined by regression analysis, while the parameters by ECM were obtained by parameter optimization. The adsorption isotherms of thymidine from the two methods were very similar. The superiority of ECM over FA was that the consumption of sample was less and only one or two in-jections of sample were required. 展开更多
关键词 frontal analysis elution-curve method adsorption isotherm reversed-phase high performance liguid chromatography *
Physical properties and filter cake structure of fine clean coal from flotation 被引量:4
作者 Zhang Yingjie Gong Guanqun +1 位作者 Wu Guoguang Wang Yuelun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期281-284,共4页
In order to improve the dewatering rate and the effect of fine clean coal(FCC), the advanced method offine coal( 0.5 mm) dewatering and the correlated basic theory were investigated in this study. It was found that th... In order to improve the dewatering rate and the effect of fine clean coal(FCC), the advanced method offine coal( 0.5 mm) dewatering and the correlated basic theory were investigated in this study. It was found that the dewatering by sleeve type press filter was an efficient way of FCC dewatering. On the other hand, the results also proved that particle size distribution, volatile matter, ash content, pore size distribution and specific surface area of coal particles of FCC samples, as well as viscosity and density of FCC slurry, were important parameters in determining the process of efficient dewatering. Especially, wet mass to dry mass, specific resistance of average mass, compressibility factor and microstructure of filter cake explained the reasons and mechanisms of fine clean coal efficient dewatering. 展开更多
关键词 Fine clean coal Coal slurry Filter cake Dewatering
Fractal desulfurization kinetics of high-sulfur coal 被引量:7
作者 Xu Longjun Peng Tiefeng +1 位作者 Zhang Dingyue Zhang Fukaia 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期111-114,共4页
The pore structure characteristics of high-sulfur coal from Wansheng in Chongqing have been studied by a nitrogen adsorption method (BET). The effects of grinding and pre-treating with nitric acid on the inorganic s... The pore structure characteristics of high-sulfur coal from Wansheng in Chongqing have been studied by a nitrogen adsorption method (BET). The effects of grinding and pre-treating with nitric acid on the inorganic sulfur content of coal have been investigated. Organic sulfur in coal pretreated with nitric acid was desulfurized by using propylene-glycol-KOH (PG-KOH). Fractal kinetic properties of these two desulfurization procedures were investigated by using fractal geometric theory. The results show that both the specific surface area and pore volume increased with the decrease in particle diameter. The microspore surface of coal had fractal characteristics; the fractal dimension was 2.48. The sulfur content decreased with the decrease in particle diameter by grinding. After pretreatment with nitric acid, the desulfurization ratio (DFR) of inorganic sulfur increased to over 99% and the DFR of total sulfur to over 70%. The desulfurization procedure of inorganic sulfur had fractal kinetic characteristics; its reactive frac- tal dimension was 2.94. The organic sulfur desulfurization procedure by PG-KOH was also tallied with fractal kinetic properties; the reactive fracta! dimension was 2.57. The effect of temperature on the desul- furization ratio of organic sulfur can be described with an Arrhenius empirical equation. The rate constant, pre-exponential factor and the activation energy of the reaction increased with the decrease in particle diameter. 展开更多
关键词 COAL Desulfurization kinetics FRACTAL Particle diameter Nitric acid Propylene-glycoI-KOH
Removal of elemental mercury by modified bamboo carbon 被引量:1
作者 谭增强 牛国平 陈晓文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1875-1880,共6页
The mercury removal performance of modified bamboo charcoal (BC) was investigated with a bench-scale fixedbed reactor, A simple impregnation method was used to modify the BC with ZnCI2 and FeCI3 separately. BET and ... The mercury removal performance of modified bamboo charcoal (BC) was investigated with a bench-scale fixedbed reactor, A simple impregnation method was used to modify the BC with ZnCI2 and FeCI3 separately. BET and XPS were used to determine the pore structure and surface chemistry of the sorbents. The role of Fe3 + in the removal of elemental mercury by modified sorbents was discussed. The experimental results suggest that the modified BCs have excellent adsorption potential for elemental mercury at a relatively higher temperature, 140 ℃. The BET surface area and average pore size of modified sorbents do not show noticeable priority compared to unmodified BC, XPS spectra indicate that Fe atoms mainly exist in the form of Fe3 + for the FeC1j-impregnated BC. Better performance of FeCl3-impregnated BC at different temperatures (20, 140 and 180 ℃) suggests the enhancement of non-chloride functional groups (Fe3 +). Inhibition effect of SOx and NO for Hg removal by BC samples is present in the study. 展开更多
关键词 Elemental mercuryBamboo charcoalFeCI3ZnCl2
Effects of Nut Proportion and Storage Temperature on Some Chemical Parameters of Pistachio Nut Cream
作者 Omer Faruk Gaml Ibrahim Hayoglu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第1期15-23,共9页
Pistachio nut cream is a new product that was produced by mixing powdered sugar, roasted pistachio nut, defatted powdered milk, lecithin, vanilla and margarine. Pistachio nut cream was stored at 4 and 20 °C in se... Pistachio nut cream is a new product that was produced by mixing powdered sugar, roasted pistachio nut, defatted powdered milk, lecithin, vanilla and margarine. Pistachio nut cream was stored at 4 and 20 °C in sealed jars. Nut creams were analyzed by chemical analysis such as peroxide values (meq kgt), total and free fatty acidity (%), moisture content (%), pH, 2-tiobarbutric acid and browning indices. Sensory evaluations of the cream were examined according to the color, odour, texture, taste, aroma and feelings by the panelists. Samples containing 10% and 15% pistachio nut that were stored at 4 °C were better and more acceptable with respect to the chemical properties of pistachio nut cream compared to the nut cream samples that were stored at 20 °C. 展开更多
关键词 Cream production pistachio nut nut proportion quality.
作者 熊娅 杜理智 +2 位作者 鲍立新 宋英豪 贾立敏 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第15期1-4,共4页
为解决污水厂在冬季脱氮效果欠佳的问题,将水解酸化与反硝化过程耦合于水解池中而形成水解反硝化工艺。在温度为10.3~17.6cc条件下,利用水解反硝化工艺处理城镇污水,当进水COD、NH;-N、TN和TP的平均浓度分别为446、23.6、36.5... 为解决污水厂在冬季脱氮效果欠佳的问题,将水解酸化与反硝化过程耦合于水解池中而形成水解反硝化工艺。在温度为10.3~17.6cc条件下,利用水解反硝化工艺处理城镇污水,当进水COD、NH;-N、TN和TP的平均浓度分别为446、23.6、36.5和7.3mg/L时,对其平均去除率分别为93.6%、96.6%、75.6%、92.3%;在无外加碳源的条件下,出水COD、NH4-N、TN浓度均可达到一级A排放标准,通过投加少量化学除磷药剂也可实现TP浓度达标排放。在温度为8℃条件下,水解反硝化工艺中污泥的比脱氮速率是AAO工艺中缺氧池污泥的1.6倍,而反硝化所消耗的碳源仅为缺氧池污泥的81.7%。 展开更多
关键词 水解 反硝化 氮除磷 低温 比脱氮速率
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