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以诗比诗 以诗悟诗——《古诗两首》教学反思
作者 汤春霞 《内蒙古教育(D)》 2016年第5期86-86,共1页
古诗的鉴赏教学着眼点是改变只凭借注释、教师讲解读懂内容、识记背诵诗句的教学模式,而应以诗的语言品味为基础,让学生学会鉴赏诗的语言美、情感美、意境美.笔者尝试着在古诗教学中“以诗比诗、以诗悟诗、对比鉴赏”,激发学生的求知欲... 古诗的鉴赏教学着眼点是改变只凭借注释、教师讲解读懂内容、识记背诵诗句的教学模式,而应以诗的语言品味为基础,让学生学会鉴赏诗的语言美、情感美、意境美.笔者尝试着在古诗教学中“以诗比诗、以诗悟诗、对比鉴赏”,激发学生的求知欲,培养学生感悟、想象和表达的能力,有效提高学生的古诗鉴赏能力.纵观这节课的实施效果,发现“对比教学”模式中的学生,认真倾听,发言踊跃,适时追问,机智应答,敏锐发现问题、深入感悟文本. 展开更多
关键词 比诗 对比鉴赏
作者 黄建华 《中州学刊》 1987年第2期87-89,共3页
在元代诗坛上占盟主地位的散曲,是继近体诗和词之后出现的一种崭新的诗歌样式,它在体式上比诗词有显著的演变进化。在句法上,因为有衬字的加入,长短句形式比词更接近口语,同时也更富有表现力。在韵律方面,由于用韵遵从口语语音和实行平... 在元代诗坛上占盟主地位的散曲,是继近体诗和词之后出现的一种崭新的诗歌样式,它在体式上比诗词有显著的演变进化。在句法上,因为有衬字的加入,长短句形式比词更接近口语,同时也更富有表现力。在韵律方面,由于用韵遵从口语语音和实行平仄通押,更显得和谐而合理,容易得心应手。另外,它的本色的语言比起诗词来大大地接近口语,有着鲜明的白话化的倾向。只是在声律方面,有着某些比词更为严格的要求。但这些要求在实际运用中也有被突破、变通的情况。 展开更多
关键词 元散曲 中国歌史 近体 比诗 词曲 自由化 小令 白话 传统 艳科
作者 李云起 G.A.奥尔格塞比 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第2期116-118,共3页
关键词 沙特阿拉伯 比诗 柏拉图 旅行队 再创造 紧束缚 求爱者 漂泊者 四行 太阳
作者 石琳琳 《新校园(中旬刊)》 2014年第1期235-235,共1页
教师要让古诗不“古”,改变古板的教学方式,以通俗易懂的方法、寓教于乐的方式,采用有效多样的教学形式,激发学生的学习兴趣.绘诗,绘出诗情画意;比诗,比个千姿百态;演诗,演活诗外之音.教师要根据实际情况,寻求最佳的教学思路,多角度、... 教师要让古诗不“古”,改变古板的教学方式,以通俗易懂的方法、寓教于乐的方式,采用有效多样的教学形式,激发学生的学习兴趣.绘诗,绘出诗情画意;比诗,比个千姿百态;演诗,演活诗外之音.教师要根据实际情况,寻求最佳的教学思路,多角度、多层次地鉴赏,有的放矢,让学生在情趣盎然的古诗学习氛围之中发现美、创造美. 展开更多
关键词 通俗易懂 寓教于乐 比诗
以诗赏诗 别有天地
作者 徐莹 《中国校外教育》 2009年第S1期254-254,共1页
中国古典诗歌是小学生接触古典文学的最佳启蒙教材,古诗词的鉴赏能力是小学生应该具有的语文能力,也是语文素养的一种境界,古诗词教学也应该为培养学生的鉴赏能力打基础,为学生学会鉴赏方法作启蒙。古诗词的鉴赏教学是以诗的语言品味为... 中国古典诗歌是小学生接触古典文学的最佳启蒙教材,古诗词的鉴赏能力是小学生应该具有的语文能力,也是语文素养的一种境界,古诗词教学也应该为培养学生的鉴赏能力打基础,为学生学会鉴赏方法作启蒙。古诗词的鉴赏教学是以诗的语言品味为基础,使学生学会鉴赏诗的形象美、语言美、情感美、意境美。 展开更多
关键词 启蒙教材 综合解读 比诗
作者 施立松 《学生阅读世界(初中生)》 2010年第10期37-37,共1页
关键词 《左宗棠比诗招亲》 中学生 语文学习 阅读
作者 唐飞凤 黄建军 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期25-30,共6页
魏源,湘学代表人物,中国睁眼看世界第一批人物,其《海国图志》之"师夷长技以制夷"的战略性主张鼓舞着一代又一代的中国人。至于其《诗比兴笺》同样表现了一个深受传统文化影响的儒家学子的高尚人格。从这些笺诗中,读者可以感... 魏源,湘学代表人物,中国睁眼看世界第一批人物,其《海国图志》之"师夷长技以制夷"的战略性主张鼓舞着一代又一代的中国人。至于其《诗比兴笺》同样表现了一个深受传统文化影响的儒家学子的高尚人格。从这些笺诗中,读者可以感知:魏源语言上崇古尚雅,讲究引经据典;内容上追求诗史合一,体现关注现实的求真之美;当然,其最终的归宿与其经学思想一样,表现魏源忧国忧民、经世致用的实用之美。 展开更多
关键词 魏源 比兴笺》 引经据典 求真 经世致用
论《离骚》的结构──中国古代戏剧的一个活化石 被引量:3
作者 刘士林 《艺术百家》 北大核心 1998年第3期46-50,共5页
关键词 结构 比诗 古代剧本
作者 刘士林 《云梦学刊》 1997年第3期9-11,共3页
关键词 结构 比诗 古代剧本
作者 罗悠 《创作与评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第1期80-80,共1页
娇儿(外二首)罗悠那沁人肺腑的暗香来自你纯净的躯体你比鲜花更亮的脸比凝脂更洁的肌肤你的美被大自然妒嫉玫瑰或美女月或草无福消受你轻轻二吻你比诗人更纯粹小妹你有一种圣洁的力量以鲜花的速度占据春天你是花朵唯一的使者可爱的花... 娇儿(外二首)罗悠那沁人肺腑的暗香来自你纯净的躯体你比鲜花更亮的脸比凝脂更洁的肌肤你的美被大自然妒嫉玫瑰或美女月或草无福消受你轻轻二吻你比诗人更纯粹小妹你有一种圣洁的力量以鲜花的速度占据春天你是花朵唯一的使者可爱的花的影子你的灵魂在旷野行走翻过大雾和... 展开更多
关键词 大自然 鲜花 鸣唱 比诗 妒嫉 凝脂 玫瑰 使者 影子 花朵
What Writings Match Poet's Suffering
作者 Xiaohui Gong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期46-48,共3页
The author found the text and poem writing had not always been correspondent to his personal experience through observation and reading. The poets really meant that their own poems could not express his suffering when... The author found the text and poem writing had not always been correspondent to his personal experience through observation and reading. The poets really meant that their own poems could not express his suffering when he said he had been afraid that he could not match his suffering. People often think the rich experieuce is the key to the depth of writing, but the truth is not like that. The author concluded that the content of poem shall keep certain gap with the ethic meaning through research on the experience and writing of the great poets and give an ontological questioning and then he can embody common humanity and emotion without blank teaching. A poet shall be in face of the difficulty of writing and learn to handle with the challenge of difficulty, and then the difficulty can be transferred into skill of writing, 展开更多
关键词 EXILE SUFFERING REBELLION shock doubting ontological questioning
Comparing Two Latin Poetic Dedications by Anthony Munday and Robert Greene
作者 W. Ron Hess 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1310-1335,共26页
This article compares two Latin poem dedications which may contain hidden sub-meanings and possible displays of a basic puzzle method called acrostics, each dedicated to the same nobleman. The Latin verse in 1579 by A... This article compares two Latin poem dedications which may contain hidden sub-meanings and possible displays of a basic puzzle method called acrostics, each dedicated to the same nobleman. The Latin verse in 1579 by Anthony Munday follows acrostic English poems and may refer to his patron as "a lover of Pallas Athena" (the Spear-shaker of Greek mythology). The Latin verse in Robert Greene's 1584 book may contain a Latin acrostic and appears to identify Cupid, the "winged Love," as a companion of the same patron as Munday's from five years earlier. That Cupid trope appears similar to "the little love god" allusions to Cupid in several of Shakespeare's sonnets (e.g., #s 153 and 154). More than these discussions, this article explores difficulties of translating from Latin into English, or vice versa, and the pitfalls which can occur. 展开更多
关键词 Latin Translations Anthony Munday Robert Greene Edward DeVere 17th Earl of Oxford Shakespeare's Sonnets
作者 牛耕 《档案》 北大核心 1994年第4期48-48,共1页
关键词 档案档案 白纸黑字 农家乐 阴谋诡计 坐标线 荒漠 曲板 比诗 镜鉴 额纹
作者 毛惠云 《当代矿工》 1997年第8期58-58,共1页
死亡 我一直在理解死亡。 一次次心灵的洗礼,终于把这个词洗成了纯的牛奶样的白。 我说:“死亡像一个老人,宽容地抚我受伤的肩头。” 那天见了一个小学同学,他说:康英死了。 康英是那时我们班上最漂亮的女生,爱甜甜地笑,眼特大,脸是纯... 死亡 我一直在理解死亡。 一次次心灵的洗礼,终于把这个词洗成了纯的牛奶样的白。 我说:“死亡像一个老人,宽容地抚我受伤的肩头。” 那天见了一个小学同学,他说:康英死了。 康英是那时我们班上最漂亮的女生,爱甜甜地笑,眼特大,脸是纯纯的让人怜爱的白,使人很小便有了喜欢一个人的体会。 展开更多
关键词 札记 女生 翻字典 比诗 特大 留在家里 小便 牛奶 泪流 初中二年级
On the Construction of World Poetics
作者 王宁 Lin Wanping 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第3期186-196,共11页
Since "world literature" has in recent years become a topic of heated international discussion in the humanities, we need to formulate a concept of world poetics. This is for the following theoretical reasons. First... Since "world literature" has in recent years become a topic of heated international discussion in the humanities, we need to formulate a concept of world poetics. This is for the following theoretical reasons. Firstly, world poetics is a natural theoretical sublation of research achievements in the field of world literature and comparative poetics. The current dominance of Western literary theories does not do justice to the experience of the literatures and literary theories of other countries and peoples. Secondly, to date, all influential literary interpretations and theories have been produced in a Western setting. However, due to the limitations of the linguistic and cultural background of such interpretations, they cannot simultaneously cover the categories and experiences of Eastern and Western literatures and literary theories. Thirdly, Chinese scholars have a long history of research in cutting-edge Western literary theories and abundant experience in indigenous Eastern literatures and critical theory. Formulating the concept of world poetics will improve world literary theories and concepts and will remap the scenario of existing world literatures and literary theories. 展开更多
关键词 world poetics CONSTRUCTION comparative poetics open discourse incomplete state
On Translation of Cultural Images in Chang Hen Ge from the Perspective of Reception Theory
作者 Yiying YANG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2019年第4期527-541,544,共16页
Based on concepts of horizon of expectation and indeterminacy in reception theory,this paper reports a comparative analysis of Chang Hen Ge,a narrative poem written by Chinese poet Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty,and its... Based on concepts of horizon of expectation and indeterminacy in reception theory,this paper reports a comparative analysis of Chang Hen Ge,a narrative poem written by Chinese poet Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty,and its English translations by William John Bainbrigge Fletcher,Herbert Allen Giles,Xu Yuanchong as well as Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang.Results are as follows:1)Xu’s translation is the best in that he adds annotations and combines literal and free translations so as to explicate cultural connotations and underlying implications of images while meeting and broadening target readers’horizon of expectation.In addition,he tries to replicate figurative characteristics and transform rhetorical techniques of original cultural images to retain the source text’s indeterminacy and aesthetic value and to provide target readers with intense aesthetic experience.2)There are inappropriate and inaccurate translations of cultural images in all the four English translations,and they are caused by differences in ethnic history,religious belief,mode of thinking,features of English and Chinese as well as the subjectivity of translators. 展开更多
关键词 Chang Hen Ge reception theory horizon of expectation INDETERMINACY translation strategies of cultural imagery comparative analysis poetry translation
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