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毛人及正常人头发扫描电镜的比较观察 被引量:7
作者 张云汉 张绍敏 +2 位作者 范章宪 高冬铃 许平 《解剖学杂志》 CAS 1988年第2期98-100,147,共4页
本文报道最近在河南省发现的母子两代毛人各一例,其母亲为罕见的毛人合并豆乳及多乳。为研究毛人毛发的特点,我们对毛人及正常人的头发进行了扫描电镜比较观察。通过表面观察、截面观察和数据分析,发现二者的毛小皮虽均呈叠瓦样排列,但... 本文报道最近在河南省发现的母子两代毛人各一例,其母亲为罕见的毛人合并豆乳及多乳。为研究毛人毛发的特点,我们对毛人及正常人的头发进行了扫描电镜比较观察。通过表面观察、截面观察和数据分析,发现二者的毛小皮虽均呈叠瓦样排列,但在毛小皮的谷峰距离、疏密度、排列方向以及毛干截面特征等方面均有一定的差异。另外对毛小皮游离缘的微突微凹值、毛小皮的数据分析等亦进行了比较观察。 展开更多
关键词 毛人 头发 毛小皮
政权初建背景下的政府与乡村——山东省郯城县一九五三年“毛人”谣言的传播与平息 被引量:3
作者 侯松涛 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期49-60,共12页
1953年"毛人"谣言于郯城县的传入与传播,很大程度上体现了革命政权建设轨迹与当地乡村百姓心理感受的"共鸣"。因此,谣言的"恐慌者"和"乘机活动者"体现了"全民性"和"集体性"... 1953年"毛人"谣言于郯城县的传入与传播,很大程度上体现了革命政权建设轨迹与当地乡村百姓心理感受的"共鸣"。因此,谣言的"恐慌者"和"乘机活动者"体现了"全民性"和"集体性"的特征,皆包含了乡村社会所有阶层人群,不仅有中共革命的受冲击者,亦包括许多中共革命的利益获得者。谣言的矛头指向中共干部,显示了乡村基层政权初建时遭遇的尴尬,谣言的平息过程从而成为乡村社会对新生政权接纳与认可的过程,新生政权由此得以有力巩固;同时,将诸类问题皆纳入阶级斗争框架内处理的工作模式进入乡村,其后续影响显而易见。 展开更多
关键词 毛人”谣言 政府 乡村 革命 反革命
安徽“水鬼毛人”谣言的意识形态化与地方政府应对(1953~1954) 被引量:4
作者 黄文治 《党史研究与教学》 CSSCI 2016年第2期80-91,共12页
1953至1954年间,在安徽省的淮河及长江水网地区发生大规模"水鬼毛人"谣言,并造成颇多群体性事件。但安徽省这次"水鬼毛人"谣言并非本地内生,而是从邻省江苏传入,由东向西,多在水网密布地区爆发与蔓延。该谣言在安... 1953至1954年间,在安徽省的淮河及长江水网地区发生大规模"水鬼毛人"谣言,并造成颇多群体性事件。但安徽省这次"水鬼毛人"谣言并非本地内生,而是从邻省江苏传入,由东向西,多在水网密布地区爆发与蔓延。该谣言在安徽波及范围非常之广,达30余县。谣言在传播过程中,逐渐走向意识形态化。"刑事犯罪分子"、"不法分子"和"反革命分子"这两类人是促使谣言走向意识形态化的制造者与煽动者。由于较早受到邻省江苏的警示,安徽省官方早在谣言大面积爆发之前即自上而下地应对,但处理过程中依然造成颇多干群冲突及乱果。在一些市县爆发尖锐的干群冲突之后,这种应对更是强力作为。其最大特点即采取"争取教育"、"严厉镇压"双管齐下的方式,通过组织、干部及意识形态化处理,逐步实现督责式政治解决。应该说,社会治安领域里这种"地方督责政治"模式,确实能够带来实效,却又暗含两难政治困境。 展开更多
关键词 “水鬼毛人 意识形态化 政府应对 督责政治
平谣术:安徽省无为县“水鬼毛人”谣言治理(1953-1954)研究 被引量:2
作者 赵凯欣 李俊杰 +1 位作者 严飞 侯晋轩 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期179-198,10,共21页
20世纪50年代,有一场名为"水鬼毛人"的谣言在中国南方暴发。安徽省无为县在谣言暴发初期一直处于上下级之间的尴尬境地,情况较为混乱,激起了一系列干群冲突,但在政府采取严厉措施后,地方局势迅速稳定。过去学者受材料与视角所... 20世纪50年代,有一场名为"水鬼毛人"的谣言在中国南方暴发。安徽省无为县在谣言暴发初期一直处于上下级之间的尴尬境地,情况较为混乱,激起了一系列干群冲突,但在政府采取严厉措施后,地方局势迅速稳定。过去学者受材料与视角所限,研究重心主要放在县级政权上。本文结合第一手的档案材料和田野访谈,将县级政权对谣言的处理政策放置在诸级政权之间的互动之中,对无为县政治谣言的事件史进行了社会学思路的再考察。本文指出,在理解地方政府的应对策略时,不能将之视作铁板一块。县级政权的应对策略——无论是"温和"/"严厉"的措施的实施,还是"群众闹事"/"反革命事件"的话语使用,都是在县级政权与上下级不断互动、反复修正中形成的。在这一过程中,县级与省级政权一直保持着非常紧密的联系而非对立。 展开更多
关键词 “水鬼毛人 谣言 话语 治理术
谣言散布与乡村社会心态——以“水鬼毛人”风波为中心的考察(1947~1961) 被引量:2
作者 张江波 《党史研究与教学》 CSSCI 2020年第1期61-75,共15页
新中国成立前后的十数年时间里,苏北、鲁南等地广泛流传起一场关于"水鬼毛人"或"水怪"的谣言风波。事实上,该谣言自1947年夏秋之交即已初见端倪,其最早的故事形态缘于上海发生的"水怪"传闻,后由流动群体... 新中国成立前后的十数年时间里,苏北、鲁南等地广泛流传起一场关于"水鬼毛人"或"水怪"的谣言风波。事实上,该谣言自1947年夏秋之交即已初见端倪,其最早的故事形态缘于上海发生的"水怪"传闻,后由流动群体传至江浙局部地区。这一谣言虽几经潜伏,但于1949年7月至1950年4月、1953年4月至10月、1953年底至1954年夏及1956年4月至9月数次集中爆发,波及江苏、山东、安徽、河南及湖北多省乡村地区。谣言初起时往往只是突发性行为,涉事个体亦希望通过传述谣言寻求未知事件的合理性解释,进而释放内心焦虑。但个体恐惧之所以很快转化为集体恐慌,战争忧虑、灾害频仍、政权变易与制度更替等动荡不安的特定历史语境,充当了重要激发因子。经久不息的谣言风波既是社会动荡的结果,亦为社会失序的表征,体现了政权鼎革之际乡村社会惶惑不安与焦虑彷徨的集体心态。 展开更多
关键词 “水鬼毛人”谣言 乡村社会 社会心态
The Nucleosides Contents and Their Variation in Natural Cordyceps sinensis and Cultured Cordyceps Mycelia 被引量:15
作者 李绍平 李萍 +3 位作者 季晖 朱荃 董婷霞 詹华强 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第4期175-179,共5页
Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleos... Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleosides were determined by using high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Beckman P/ACE System 5010 apparatus equipped with a UV detector and a Beckman untreated fused-silica capillary (57 cm 75 mm, 50 cm effective length) was used. Before sample injection, the capillary was rinsed with 1 molL-1 sodium hydroxide solution and running buffer for 5 min, respectively. A voltage of 20 kV was applied for the separation. Pressure injection was 586 kPa for 6 seconds, and the wavelength of detector was 254 nm. The running time was 20 min at 20 oC. The effect of humidity and heat on the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia was observed for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days at temperature 40 oC, and relative humidity 75%. Results: The content of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis was higher than that from cultured Cordyceps mycelia. But the contents of nucleosides from freshly collected natural Cordyceps sinensis were very low, even below the limit of quantitation. The contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis were significantly increased by humidity and heat, but this phenomenon was not observed in cultured Cordyceps mycelia. Conclusion: There are differences between the nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia. The nucleosides in natural Cordyceps sinensis may be derived from the degradation of nucleic acids. This implies that adenosine being used for the quality control of natural Cordyceps sinensis may have to be reconsidered. 展开更多
Population dynamics of marine ciliate Euplotes vannus (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in different artificial seawaters 被引量:3
作者 许恒龙 朱明壮 +3 位作者 姜勇 高珊 MIN Gi-Sik AL-RASHEID Khaled A.S. 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期109-117,共9页
To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice ... To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice media for five types of ASW and natural seawater (NSW). The results show that: (1) the population growth rate was in the order of NSW〉Flack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW and was considerably higher in rice media than in beef extract media (apart from Subow ASW); (2) the maximum density of E. vannus in stationary phase in each treatment was ranked as Hack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉NSW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW, and was again higher in rice media than in beef extract media (except for Subow ASW); (3) the exponential and stationary phases were longer in rice media than in beef extract media; (4) strains of E. vannus that had been domesticated for 〉1 year in ASW grew significantly slower, with lower maximum density and longer stationary phase than those isolated and maintained in NSW. It was demonstrated that: (1) E. vannus may grow well in Flack, Nakamula and Schmads ASW compared with NSW (mainly in terms of growth rate); and (2) Oshima ASW is the preferred choice for stock cultures of E. vannus, but the ASWs Flack, Nakamula and Schmadz are preferred for mass culture. These findings suggest that these three ASWs are effective for the cultivation of marine protozoa for experimental studies on ecology, toxicology and molecular biology. 展开更多
关键词 artificial seawater culture ECOLOGY marine ciliate population dynamics
Food-borne parasitic zoonosis: Distribution of trichinosis in Thailand 被引量:6
作者 Natthawut Kaewpitoon Soraya Jatesadapattaya Kaewpitoon Prasit Pengsaa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第22期3471-3475,共5页
Trichinosis is among the most common food-borne parasitic zoonoses in Thailand and many outbreaks are reported each year. This paper investigates the distribution of the disease in regions of north, north-east, centra... Trichinosis is among the most common food-borne parasitic zoonoses in Thailand and many outbreaks are reported each year. This paper investigates the distribution of the disease in regions of north, north-east, central and south Thailand. Between the earliest recorded of outbreak of trichinosis in Mae Hong Son Province in 1962 and 2006, there have been 135 outbreaks involving 7340 patients and 97 deaths in Thailand. The highest number of cases, 557, was recorded in 1983. Most infected patients were in the 35-44 year age group, and the disease occurred more frequently in men than women during 1962-2003, with no significant sex difference during 2004-2006. Outbreaks were most common in the northern areas, especially in rural areas where raw and under-cooked pork and/or wild animals are eaten. Human infections occur annually in northern Thailand during communal feasts celebrating the Thai New Year. Trichinosis causes have been reported every year, supporting the need for planning education programs. 展开更多
关键词 Food-born parasitic ZOONOSIS TRICHINOSIS Thailand
Gastric choriocarcinoma admixed with an α-fetoprotein-producing adenocarcinoma and separated adenocarcinoma 被引量:4
作者 Bang Wool Eom So-Youn Jung +4 位作者 Hongman Yoon Myeong-Cherl Kook Keun Won Ryu Jun Ho Lee Young-Woo Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第40期5106-5108,共3页
We report a case of gastric choriocarcinoma admixed with an α-fetoprotein (AFP)-producing adeno-carcinoma. A 70-year-old man was hospitalized for gastric cancer that was detected during screening by esophagogastroduo... We report a case of gastric choriocarcinoma admixed with an α-fetoprotein (AFP)-producing adeno-carcinoma. A 70-year-old man was hospitalized for gastric cancer that was detected during screening by esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Initial laboratory data showed the increased serum level of AFP and EGD revealed a 5-cm ulcerofungating mass in the greater curvature of the gastric antrum. The patient underwent radical subtotal gastrectomywith D2 lymph node dissection and Billroth gastrojejunostomy. Histopathological evaluation confirmed double primary gastric cancer: gastric choriocarcinoma admixed with an AFP-producing adenocarcinoma and separated adenocarcinoma. At 2 wk postoperatively, his human chorionic gonadotropin and AFP levels had reduced and six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy were initiated. No recurrence or distant metastasis was observed at 4 years postoperatively. 展开更多
关键词 α-fetoproteins ADENOCARCINOMA CHORIOCARCINOMA Stomach neoplasms
Second-trimester maternal β-human chorionic gonadotropin level associated with subsequent development of pregnancy-induced hypertension 被引量:2
作者 Tang Longying Chen Qizhen +3 位作者 Zuo Wanxin Sun Tingwei Wang Yianshu Jin Hua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第5期293-297,共5页
Objective:To determine whether maternal β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-hCG) level in second-trimester may be associated with subsequent development of pregnancy-induced hypertension(PIH).Methods:Seven hundred and ... Objective:To determine whether maternal β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-hCG) level in second-trimester may be associated with subsequent development of pregnancy-induced hypertension(PIH).Methods:Seven hundred and sixty-two women in mid-trimester were to have maternal urine β-hCG standardized concentrations and maternal serum β-hCG measurements.Their case histories were recorded and reviewed from mid-trimester to delivery.The relation was observed between maternal urine,serum markers and subsequent development of PIH.Results:Among 762 women,504 cases were normal pregnancies,42 cases had PIH,94 cases had premature rupture of membrane (PROM),69 cases had preterm delivery (PD),53 other cases were excluded by various reasons.The levels of maternal urine,serum β-hCG in PIH were (61.75±9.78) IU/L and (304.56±54.17) ng/mg respectively,which were higher significantly than normal pregnancy group ([20.65±7.61] IU/L and [146.34±47.81] ng/mg,P<0.05).When maternal serum,urine β-hCG levels ≥2 MOM(multiple of mean),the incidences of developing PIH were increased significantly as compared with those of β-hCG <2 MOM women.The incidence of PIH increased from 5.1% in pregnancies with urine β-hCG ≥2 MOM to 11.7% in cases with urine β-hCG ≥4 MOM.Conclusion:The elevation of maternal mid-trimester urine,serum β-hCG levels is not only an early signal for dysfunction of placenta but also a dangerous signal for development of PIH.Second-trimester maternal urine β-hCG measurement proves to be superior to serum marker in clinical prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Second-trimester β-human chorionic gonadotropin Pregnancy-induced hypertension PLACENTA
Recent Possibilities for the Diagnosis and Pharmacological Control of Pregnancy Loss in Dairy Cow 被引量:2
作者 Otto Szenci 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第4期171-180,共10页
One of the most recent techniques for the diagnosis of EP (early pregnancy) in cattle on the farm is B-mode ultrasonography. Under field conditions, acceptable results may be achieved with ultrasonography from days ... One of the most recent techniques for the diagnosis of EP (early pregnancy) in cattle on the farm is B-mode ultrasonography. Under field conditions, acceptable results may be achieved with ultrasonography from days 25 to 30 post-AI. The reliability of the test greatly depends on the frequency of the transducer used, the skill of the examiner, the criterion used for a positive PD (pregnancy diagnosis) and the position of the uterus in the pelvic inlet. Pregnancy protein assays (PAG, PSPB) may provide an alternative method to ultrasonography for determining EP or LEM/EFM (late embryonic/early foetal mortality) in the cow. Although early pregnancy factor is the earliest specific indicator for fertilization, its detection is entirely dependend on the use of the RIT (rosette inhibition test), therefore its use in the field needs further inventions. Preventive pharmaceutical treatments with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), GnRH (gonadotropin realising hormone), PRID (progesterone-releasing intravaginal device) or CIDR (controlled internal drug release) inserts at different time periods at or post-AI may have some benefit in decreasing PL (pregnancy loss), however further examinations are warranted to determine how and when these treatments may influence PL in the field. 展开更多
关键词 Dairy cow embryonic mortality foetal mortality ULTRASONOGRAPHY pregnancy proteins GNRH HCG progestagens.
The Process Analysis of the Roller Stretching for Wool Slenderization 被引量:1
作者 刘洪玲 于伟东 章悦庭 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期49-53,共5页
A theoretical estimation for the multiple-drawing has been derived under the consideration of fiber length distribution for the wool fiber stretching system. The functions of the roller drawing system and the paramete... A theoretical estimation for the multiple-drawing has been derived under the consideration of fiber length distribution for the wool fiber stretching system. The functions of the roller drawing system and the parameters in stretching process have also been analyzed. The theoretical algorithms have been verified by the experimental results and can be used for the estimation of fiber length and its distribution after the stretching. 展开更多
关键词 slenderization ROLLER STRETCHING WOOL draft ratio
Albendazole versus metronidazole treatment of adult giardiasis:An open randomized clinical study 被引量:2
作者 OguzKarabay AliTamer +3 位作者 HuseyinGunduz HuseyinArinc HarikaCelebi Derya Kayas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第8期1215-1217,共3页
AIM:To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of albendazole and metranidazole treatment in giardiasis. METHODS:The open comparative randomized trial was carried out prospectively from December 1999 to July 2001 in... AIM:To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of albendazole and metranidazole treatment in giardiasis. METHODS:The open comparative randomized trial was carried out prospectively from December 1999 to July 2001 in Duzce City of Turkey.The diagnosis was based on the presence of signs and symptoms compatible with giardiasis including a positive stool examination of giardia cysts or trophozoite.Metranidazole group consisted of 29 patients and was given metranidazole 500 mg,three times a day for 5 d and albendazole group was consisted of 28 patients and was given albendazole 400 mg/d for 5 d. RESULTS:There were no significant differences in demographical and therapeutical effects and patient's compliance between both groups.But side effects were seen more in metranidazole group than in albendazole group. CONCLUSION:Albendazole is as effective as metranidazole in adults' giardiasis.Albendazole has less side effect potentials than metranidazole in the treatment of giardiasis. 展开更多
关键词 ADULT ALBENDAZOLE DOSAGE Antiprotozoal Agents Antitrichomonal Agents Comparative Study Female GIARDIASIS Humans Male METRONIDAZOLE Middle Aged Prospective Studies Treatment Outcome
Impact of the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles on binding characteristics of a new contrast agent targeted to choriocarcinoma cells in vitro
作者 Lixue Zhou Ruike Pan +2 位作者 Na Di Yan Li Jing Wei 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第5期255-259,共5页
Objective:To evaluate the impact of the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles on binding characteristics, including the adhesion rate and stability, of a new contrast agent targeted to choriocarcinoma cells(JARs) in vitro,... Objective:To evaluate the impact of the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles on binding characteristics, including the adhesion rate and stability, of a new contrast agent targeted to choriocarcinoma cells(JARs) in vitro, in order to establish a foundation to explore targeted ultrasound imaging for localization of tumor cell antigens and increase the early diagnostic rate for tumors.Methods:The objects were divided into three groups:the large microbubble group(n = 15), the middling microbubble group(n = 15) and the tiny microbubble group(n = 15).The rosette formation rate was counted.JARs were calculated by flow cytometry(FCM).The targeted contrast agent was prepared by mixing SonoVue microbubbles of different diam-eter with rabbit anti-human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG) antibody.The binding rates of the targeted contrast agent to JARs before and after PBS rinse were analyzed.Results:The binding rate was significantly lower in the large microbubble group(61.7 ± 1.8)% than in the middling microbubble group(82.6 ± 4.5)% and the tiny microbubble group(91.3 ± 5.8)%(P < 0.05).The binding rates of different diameter microbubbles to JARs before and after PBS rinse were different.The middling microbubbles were the most stable ones, with the binding rate of(82.3 ± 4.5)% and(80.4 ± 3.9)% before and after PBS rinse(P > 0.05).The binding rates of the targeted microbubbles labeled with fluorescence to JARs were 68.6%, 81.3% and 89.3% in the large microbubble group, the middling microbubble group and the tiny microbubble group, respectively(P < 0.05).Conclu-sion:The binding capacity of the targeted SonoVue microbubbles to JARs is related to the diameter of the microbubble, which is determined by the shaking method before preparation.Modulating the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles may increase the binding rate and stability of targeted microbubbles to JARs, thus to improve the image of JARs. 展开更多
关键词 SonoVue microbubbles diameter of microbubbles choriocarcinoma cell (JAR) binding rate
作者 Wang Haifeng Xu Yutai +2 位作者 Ren Rougli Tang Lei Wang Hairen 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 1995年第1期39-44,共6页
Seperation and purifitation of human chorionic gonadotropion (HCG) in theurine sample of early pregnant women by D3520 resin adsorption chromatographyis repaied. The crude product obtained by DEAE - Cellulose 23 and ... Seperation and purifitation of human chorionic gonadotropion (HCG) in theurine sample of early pregnant women by D3520 resin adsorption chromatographyis repaied. The crude product obtained by DEAE - Cellulose 23 and DEAE Sephadex A50 column chromatography showed a high activity of HCG. Furtherpurifikation of the sample by gel filtration chromatography on a Sephadex G75 column gives a final preparation of 6000~ 6500 IU/mg. The preparation meets therequiTements of the pyrogn test in Chinese Law of Pharmacopoeia. 展开更多
关键词 CHROMATOGRAPHY human chorionic gonadotorpion D3520 resin
Expression of a fusion protein of human ciliary neurotrophic factor and soluble CNTF-Receptor and identification of its activity
作者 陈益 MārzPia +2 位作者 OttenUwe 葛霁光 Rose-JohnStefan 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第3期340-345,共6页
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has pleiotropic actions on many neuronal populations as well as on glia. Signal transduction by CNTF requires that it bind first to CNTF R, permitting the recruitment of gp130 and L... Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has pleiotropic actions on many neuronal populations as well as on glia. Signal transduction by CNTF requires that it bind first to CNTF R, permitting the recruitment of gp130 and LIF R, forming a tripartite receptor complex. Cells that only express gp130 and LIF R, but not CNTF R are refractory to stimulation by CNTF. On many target cells CNTF only acts in the presence of its specific agonistic soluble receptors. We engineered a soluble fusion protein by linking the COOH terminus of sCNTF R to the NH 2 terminus of CNTF. Recombinant CNTF/sCNTF R fusion protein (Hyper CNTF) was successfully expressed in COS 7 cells. The apparent molecular mass of the Hyper CNTF protein was estimated from western blots to be 75 kDa. Proliferation assays of transfected BAF/3 cells in response to CNTF and Hyper CNTF were used to verify the activity of the cytokines. The proliferative results confirmed that CNTF required homodimerization of the gp130, CNTF R and LIF R receptor subunit whereas Hyper CNTF required heterodimerization of the gp130 and LIF R receptor subunit. We concluded that the fusion protein Hyper CNTF had superagonistic activity on target cells expressing gp130 and LIF R, but lacking membrane bound CNTF R. 展开更多
关键词 Ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF) Soluble CNTF Receptor Fusion protein Biological activity
Translation of Allusions in Fortress Besieged
作者 ZHANG Qun-xing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期345-350,共6页
The wide application of Chinese and foreign allusions is a big feature of QIAN Zhong-shu's only novel and masterpiece Fortress Besieged, which was first published in 1947. The paper makes an attempt to categorize and... The wide application of Chinese and foreign allusions is a big feature of QIAN Zhong-shu's only novel and masterpiece Fortress Besieged, which was first published in 1947. The paper makes an attempt to categorize and analyze the strategies in translating allusions adopted by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao in the only English version. The strategies include literal translation, literal translation plus endnote, literal translation plus explanation added in the text, interpretation of the implied meaning plus endnote, and interpretation of the implied meaning in the text. In particular, the strategy of literal translation plus endnote is mostly adopted. This is indicative of the translators' wish to be as faithful as possible to the source text. What's more, the literal translation strategy and use of endnotes is of a big help to communicate the Chinese culture to foreigners 展开更多
关键词 ALLUSION Fortress Besieged translation strategies
New Leader's Image-shaping of Hua Guofeng
作者 Ye Juanjuan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期353-355,共3页
The process ofHua Guofeng's image shows how political manipulates the literature and art, it is also a performance process of ideology. As Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng used the the model of god-man to copy-write his... The process ofHua Guofeng's image shows how political manipulates the literature and art, it is also a performance process of ideology. As Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng used the the model of god-man to copy-write his own image, which is naturally related to the CCP's leadership, and related to psychological expectations of the Chinese people in time. And the image-shaping process ofHua Guofeng has the obvious transitional characteristic and was a sense of its apotheosis, meanwhile it was a humanization too. The paradox and mix of the two gives us a great space of research. 展开更多
关键词 Iraage-shaping Hua Guofeng Leader Politic Momentum-making
Existence and Functions of Neurotens in Human Early Placental Villi
作者 张崇理 程丽仁 +2 位作者 沈卫斌 殷红 黄威权 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1994年第2期25-33,T001,共10页
Neurotensin was found present in human early placenta using RIA and its release was demonstrated by in vitro perfusion experiment.Immunohistochemical staining revealed lots of NT-positive granules in early placental ... Neurotensin was found present in human early placenta using RIA and its release was demonstrated by in vitro perfusion experiment.Immunohistochemical staining revealed lots of NT-positive granules in early placental villi. Functional testing displayed NT′s inhibitory effect on release of hCG and progesterone from incubated early placenta. This result suggests the potential use of NT as an agent for terminating early pregnancy. 展开更多
关键词 Neurotensin (NT) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Progesterone Radioimmunoassay (RIA) IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Inhibition of angiogenesis by DADAG in vivo and in vitro 被引量:1
作者 刘敬弢 徐波 +2 位作者 李敏 周瑛 崔景荣 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2010年第3期177-185,共9页
1,2,5,6-Dianhydro-3,4-diacetyl-galactitol (DADAG), an alkylating sugar alcohol derivative, has been shown effective against tumor growth. In this research, we explored the effect of DADAG on angiogenesis in chick ch... 1,2,5,6-Dianhydro-3,4-diacetyl-galactitol (DADAG), an alkylating sugar alcohol derivative, has been shown effective against tumor growth. In this research, we explored the effect of DADAG on angiogenesis in chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model and on the proliferation and migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). We also studied the possible mechanism of the anti-angiogenesis effect of DADAG. The results showed that DADAG (100, 500 and 1000μnol/L) inhibited angiogenesis in CAM model dose-dependently. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay indicated that DADAG (45, 90, 135, 180 and 225 μmol/L) suppressed HUVECs proliferation in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. High Content Screening (HCS, Cellomics) assay, in which the influence of cell proliferation on migration could be excluded, indicated that DADAG (45, 135 and 225 ~xmol/L) directly inhibited the motility ofHUVECs. Immunofiuorescence assay suggested that DADAG inhibited angiogenesis possibly by decreasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in HUVECs. Our findings reveal that DADAG show anti-angiogenic activity in vivo and in vitro, which is related to the downregulation of VEGF expression in endothelial cells. 展开更多
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