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肖大成、陆大公智斗毛森 被引量:1
作者 张正 《世纪》 2000年第1期30-31,共2页
肖大成,1919年4月出生,祖籍山西寿阳。在北京完成大学学业后,于1937年投奔新四军,1938年加入中国共产党。曾因作战勇敢受到邓子恢的通令嘉奖。解放战争中,他在隐蔽战线对敌人斗智、斗勇,特别是在1948年我党组织派肖大成对上海市警察局... 肖大成,1919年4月出生,祖籍山西寿阳。在北京完成大学学业后,于1937年投奔新四军,1938年加入中国共产党。曾因作战勇敢受到邓子恢的通令嘉奖。解放战争中,他在隐蔽战线对敌人斗智、斗勇,特别是在1948年我党组织派肖大成对上海市警察局搞策反工作,与陆大公一起策反蒋军王牌军全美式装备的快速中队成功。 展开更多
关键词 毛森 命令 电话 代理 司令部 电信 中共党员 中国共产党党员 警察局
作者 郭学焕 《古今谈》 2007年第2期60-61,共2页
1992年6月的一天,我收到了毛森先生从大洋彼岸发来的一封信。信这样写道——学焕市长先生: 森等返乡过衢,多承热情接待,亲切欢宴,感甚谢甚!我亲眼见衢州市面繁荣,到处高楼大厦,街道宽敞整洁,郊区则工程处处,烟囱林立。足见衢... 1992年6月的一天,我收到了毛森先生从大洋彼岸发来的一封信。信这样写道——学焕市长先生: 森等返乡过衢,多承热情接待,亲切欢宴,感甚谢甚!我亲眼见衢州市面繁荣,到处高楼大厦,街道宽敞整洁,郊区则工程处处,烟囱林立。足见衢州工业建设、教育、经济等等,都属先进领前,令人钦佩!谨此致敬,并申谢忱!敬祝:康泰如意! 展开更多
关键词 衢州市 毛森 工业建设 工程处 大洋 市长 返乡 热情
作者 陈广相 《文史春秋》 2003年第5期17-20,1,共4页
关键词 国民党 毛森 军统特务 上海 厦门
作者 董芳 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1994年第1期87-91,86,共6页
毛泽东是中国人民的伟大领袖,又是全党全心全意为人民服务的典范。他的廉政思想和实践,为全党同志树立了榜样,也为后代留下了一分珍贵的遗产。毛泽东的廉政实践给我们如下的启示:反腐创廉必须实行廉政立法,防止权力运行无序与权力... 毛泽东是中国人民的伟大领袖,又是全党全心全意为人民服务的典范。他的廉政思想和实践,为全党同志树立了榜样,也为后代留下了一分珍贵的遗产。毛泽东的廉政实践给我们如下的启示:反腐创廉必须实行廉政立法,防止权力运行无序与权力的滥用;完善监督机制,保证党和国家权力的正常运行;加强执政意识,全心全意为人民服务。 展开更多
关键词 执政意识 廉政思想 党员干部 监督机制 延安时期 毛森 群众监督 纪律检查机关 杨开智 整党运动
略论毛泽东的用人思想及其实践 被引量:1
作者 钱静 《攀登(哲学社会科学版)》 1994年第3期68-72,84,共6页
关键词 用人思想 杨开智 领导集团 知人 用人艺术 总政治部主任 东北军区 毛森 用人原则 牺牲精神
作者 杨云 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期31-33,共3页
194 6年 4月 ,上海富商荣德生遭上海帮、嵊县帮绑架 ,6月底 。
关键词 荣德生 史料 上海帮 嵊县帮 汤恩伯 毛森
作者 董亚军 并文 《电影评介》 北大核心 1990年第9期19-19,共1页
由上海戏剧学院和黄山电视台近日开拍的上下集电视剧《夜猫行动》,叙述了解放前夕,国民党军统局上海站为一网打尽共产党上海地下组织制定了“夜猫行动”计划,但军统头子毛森怎么也没想到自己一手栽培的机要秘书兼保健医生金玲,就是共产... 由上海戏剧学院和黄山电视台近日开拍的上下集电视剧《夜猫行动》,叙述了解放前夕,国民党军统局上海站为一网打尽共产党上海地下组织制定了“夜猫行动”计划,但军统头子毛森怎么也没想到自己一手栽培的机要秘书兼保健医生金玲,就是共产党打进军统的地下党员。该剧导演蒋连生。 展开更多
关键词 解放前夕 军统局 地下组织 毛森 机要秘书 黄山电视台 上海站 保健医生 上海戏剧学院 金玲
作者 张万金 《江淮法治》 2021年第23期59-61,共3页
1944年3月8日,下午5点多,刚刚训练结束回到房间洗完澡的许文浦被郭履洲叫到了会议室。偌大的会议桌只坐了6个人,副主任郭履洲、办公室主任王柯、军需科科长吴永红、安全科苏科长,还有两位许文浦不认识。郭履洲指着他身旁的那个人向许文... 1944年3月8日,下午5点多,刚刚训练结束回到房间洗完澡的许文浦被郭履洲叫到了会议室。偌大的会议桌只坐了6个人,副主任郭履洲、办公室主任王柯、军需科科长吴永红、安全科苏科长,还有两位许文浦不认识。郭履洲指着他身旁的那个人向许文浦介绍道:“这位就是大名鼎鼎的毛森少将。” 展开更多
关键词 毛森 许文 吴永 办公室主任 会议室
作者 萧宏 《党史博采(上)》 2003年第9期12-15,共4页
此文记载的事件,发端于改天换地前夕的上海。 50余年过去,弹指一挥间。这一段中共党史上重大的历史,几乎已经消散在都市百千余条长街短弄之中。也许,当年当事人警惕而又匆忙的身影,曾经刻在了周遭房屋的墙上。只是,半个多世纪前的重重... 此文记载的事件,发端于改天换地前夕的上海。 50余年过去,弹指一挥间。这一段中共党史上重大的历史,几乎已经消散在都市百千余条长街短弄之中。也许,当年当事人警惕而又匆忙的身影,曾经刻在了周遭房屋的墙上。只是,半个多世纪前的重重风雨和脉脉人烟,终究还是湮没了以后的撰写者需求的诸多细节。 上海的天空里,至今还在浮动着当年中国共产党人的身影。 上海永远铭记着这些在上海土地上战斗过的英雄们,无名的或有名的英雄们。 本文主人公陆久之先生当年堪称上海滩上的人物。如今百岁之年回眸半世沧桑,笑谈亲历之事,道出的却是鲜为人知的情节—— 展开更多
关键词 汤恩伯 解放前夕 中共党史 蔡叔 毛森 黄竞白 弹指一挥 地下党组织 胡允恭 中共地下党
作者 李动 《天津政协公报》 2013年第2期48-49,共2页
虽然当年国民党的军队像雪崩一样地瓦解了,但国民党保密局派一些训练有素的特务不断地潜入内地搞暗杀。面对严峻的形势,新成立的上海市公安局主动出击,一举生擒企图暗杀陈毅市长的"天字特号"刺客。"天字特号"秘密任... 虽然当年国民党的军队像雪崩一样地瓦解了,但国民党保密局派一些训练有素的特务不断地潜入内地搞暗杀。面对严峻的形势,新成立的上海市公安局主动出击,一举生擒企图暗杀陈毅市长的"天字特号"刺客。"天字特号"秘密任务1949年中秋节前的一个黄昏,蜗居在台湾岛上的蒋介石,对身边的国民党保密局长毛人凤说:"仿昔日暗杀伪人员的办法,制裁匪首和附逆分子。最好是派几个得力的人。 展开更多
关键词 国防部保密局 李士英 毛人凤 江西省吉水县 解放军战士 毛森 卜士 仲达 总司令部 蒋钦
Temperature dependence of nitrogen mineralization and microbial status in O_H horizon of a temperate forest ecosystem 被引量:2
作者 Ali Bagherzadeh Rainer Brumme Friedrich Beese 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期37-43,共7页
It was hypothesized that increasing air and/or soil temperature would increase rates of microbial processes including litter decomposition and net N mineralization, resulting in greater sequestration of carbon and nit... It was hypothesized that increasing air and/or soil temperature would increase rates of microbial processes including litter decomposition and net N mineralization, resulting in greater sequestration of carbon and nitrogen in humus, and consequently development in OH horizon (humus horizon). To quantify the effect of temperature on biochemical processes controlling the rate of OH layer development three adjacent forest floors under beech, Norway spruce and mixed species stands were investigated at Soiling forest, Germany by an incubation experiment of OH layer for three months. Comparing the fitted curves for temperature sensitivity of OH layers in relation to net N mineralization revealed positive correlation across all sites. For the whole data set of all stands, a Q10 (temperature sensitivity index) value of 2.35-2.44 dependent on the measured units was found to be adequate for describing the temperature dependency of net N mineralization at experimental site. Species-specific differences of substrate quality did not result in changes in biochemical properties of OH horizon of the forest floors. Temperature elevation increased net N mineralization without significant changes in microbial status in the range of I to 15℃. A low Cmic /Corg (microbial carbon/organic carbon) ratio at 20℃ indicated that the resource availability for decomposers has been restricted as reflected in significant decrease of microbial biomass. 展开更多
关键词 BEECH SPRUCE nitrogen mineralization forest floor TEMPERATURE temperature sensitivity index (Q10)
How do soil fauna and soil microbiota respond to beech forest growth?
作者 Matthieu CHAUVAT Andrei S.ZAITSEV +1 位作者 Ernst GABRIEL Volkmar WOLTERS 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期272-278,共7页
The dynamics and performance of soil biota during forest rotation were studied in monoculture beech stands forming a chronosequence of four different age-classes(30,62,111,153 yr).Biomass was monitored in major groups... The dynamics and performance of soil biota during forest rotation were studied in monoculture beech stands forming a chronosequence of four different age-classes(30,62,111,153 yr).Biomass was monitored in major groups of microflora,microfauna,mesofauna,and macrofauna.Resource availability(litter layer,soil organic mater),biomass of the two dominant decomposer groups(microflora,earthworms)as well as the biomass of mesofauna and microfauna were found to remain quite stable during forest succession.Nevertheless,the marked increase of the biomasses of primary decomposers(fungi,saprophagous macroinvertebrates)in the 62-year-old stand,followed by an increase of the biomasses of macropredators in the 111-year-old stand,indicate substantial changes of several components of edaphic communities during forest development.However,constant values of soil respiration suggest that the overall performance of the soil food web does not change during beech forest succession.Thus,the decomposer system of lowland managed beech forests on calcareous soils seems to be very stable over time.We suggest that earthworm activity might have masked impacts of forest development on other soil biota and led to an astounding stability of decomposer assemblages during beech forest rotation. 展开更多
关键词 BEECH CHRONOSEQUENCE Ecosystem performance Soil food-web Forest
The fate of ^(15)N-labeled nitrogen inputs to pot cultured beech seedlings
作者 Ali Bagherzadeh Rainer Brumme Friedrich Beese 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期314-322,I0005,共10页
The partitioning of nitrogen deposition among forest soil (including forest floor), leachate and above- and belowground biomass of pot cultured beech seedlings in comparison to non-cultured treatments were investiga... The partitioning of nitrogen deposition among forest soil (including forest floor), leachate and above- and belowground biomass of pot cultured beech seedlings in comparison to non-cultured treatments were investigated by adding 1.92 g.m^-2 ^15N tracer in throughfall for two successive growing seasons at a greenhouse experiment. Ammonium and nitrate depositions were simulated on four treatments (cultured and non-cultured) and each treatment was labeled with either ^15N-NH4^+ or ^15N-NO3^-. Total recovery rates of the applied ^15N in the whole system accounted for 74.9% to 67.3% after ^15N-NH4^+ and 85.3% to 88.1% after ^15N-NO3^-in cultured and non-cultured treatments, respectively. The main sink for both ^15N tracers was the forest soil (including forest floor), where 34.6% to 33.7% of ^15N-NH4^+ and 13.1% to 9.0% of ^15N-NO3^-were found in cultured and non-cultured treatments, respectively, suggesting strong immobilization of both N forms by hetero- trophic microorganisms. Nitrogen immobilization by microorganisms in the forest soil (including forest floor) was three times higher when ^15N-NH4^+ was applied compared to ^15N-NO3^-. The preferential heterotrophic use of ammonium resulted in a two times higher retention of deposited ^15N-NH4^+ in the forest soil as compared to plants. In contrast, nitrate immobilization in the forest soil was lower compared to plants, although statistically it was not significantly different. In total the immobilization of ammonium in the plant-soil system was about 60% higher than nitrate, indicating the importance of the N-forms deposition for retention in forest ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 ^15N tracer nitrogen retention and recovery beech seedling forest soil IMMOBILIZATION nitrogen budget
Soil Microbial Activity and Functional Diversity in Primeval Beech Forests
作者 Lyudmila Symochko Volodymyr Patyka +1 位作者 Vitaly Symochko Antonina Kalinichenko 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第6期363-371,共9页
Virgin forests are unique ecosystems, which can be used as etalon for basic biocoenotic investigation. Soil microorganisms are very sensitive reagents on influence of biotical factors, and at the same time are the act... Virgin forests are unique ecosystems, which can be used as etalon for basic biocoenotic investigation. Soil microorganisms are very sensitive reagents on influence of biotical factors, and at the same time are the active producers of phytotoxic and phytostimulating exometabolites. Studies of soil microbiota were conducted in virgin beech forests of Shyrokoluzhansky massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. It was found the ratio and the number of different ecological-trophic groups of soil microorganisms changes with altitude. So the number of ammonificators with increasing of altitude above sea level was reduced. The soil at altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level was characterized by minimum content of organotrophes -1.22 × 10^6 (CFU-colony forming units/lg.a.d.s.). At the altitude of 500 meters content of ammonificators increased at six times and was 7.07 ×10^6 CFU/lg.a.d.s., which indicates to accumulation of the soil organic matter. Similar changes occurred with the number of bacteria which are using mineral forms of nitrogen for their nutrition. Their maximum quantity (4.32 × 10^6 CFU/lg.a.d.s.) was in the soil of biotope disposed at altitude of 500 meters above sea level. Fluctuations in the number of soil micromycetes of virgin forest ecosystems have not been as significant as the bacterial microbiota (within 17 ×10^3-28 × 10^3 CFU/lg.a.d.s.). Among a wide spectrum of bacterial microbiota were isolated strains with high phytostimulating action. 展开更多
关键词 Soil microorganisms primeval beech forests biological activity of soil phytotoxicity of soil biocoenotic activity ofmicroorganisms.
Simulating Impact of Larch Caterpillar(Dendrolimus superans)on Fire Regime and Forest Landscape in Da Hinggan Mountains,Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Hongwei HU Yuanman +3 位作者 CHANG Yu BU Rencang LI Yuehui LIU Miao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期575-586,共12页
Larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans) is very common in the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China, affecting fire regime and forest ecosystem change at large spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we used a spatial... Larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans) is very common in the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China, affecting fire regime and forest ecosystem change at large spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we used a spatially explicit landscape model, LANDIS, to simulate the changes of fire regime and forest landscape under four larch caterpillar disturbance intensity levels scenarios in Huzhong forest area, northern of Da Hinggan Mountains. The results indicate that larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease fine fuel load and increase coarse fuel load in the 300 simulation years. Larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease fire frequency in the first 200 years, and the disturbances also decrease fire intensity and fire risk in the early and late stage of simulation. Larch caterpillar disturbances would decrease the area percent of larch cohorts and increase the proportion of white birch, and increase the degree of aggregation of white birch as a result of its strong seed dispersal and colonization ability. Disturbances would also decrease the mature and over-mature larch cohorts and increase all cohorts of white birch, especially the mature and over-mature cohorts. Larch caterpillar disturbances will decrease the stability of forest landscape, therefore,some measures preventing in- sect outbreak and ensuring the sustainable management of forest ecosystem should been taken in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 forest landscape larch caterpillar FIRE DISTURBANCE LANDIS model
作者 陈真 《检察风云》 2003年第24期62-64,共3页
关键词 陈仪 杭州 上海 周亚卫 浙江 汤恩伯 毛森
作者 李树柯 《福建党史月刊》 2002年第7期31-32,共2页
关键词 毛泽东 湖南省 南屏 蒋竹如 毛森 同学
作者 庄志坚 《福建党史月刊》 1993年第6期32-33,共2页
1949年11月,德化县城一解放,就迅速拉开了剿匪序幕。德化县历来民军蜂起,土匪横行,在当时不到10万人口的小县里,竟有土匪3000余众,是福建匪患较大的县份之一。1949年,百万雄师横渡长江,蒋介石慌忙派汤恩伯、毛森到厦门,召集刘子宽、陈... 1949年11月,德化县城一解放,就迅速拉开了剿匪序幕。德化县历来民军蜂起,土匪横行,在当时不到10万人口的小县里,竟有土匪3000余众,是福建匪患较大的县份之一。1949年,百万雄师横渡长江,蒋介石慌忙派汤恩伯、毛森到厦门,召集刘子宽、陈伟彬等当地匪首布置“应变”计划。并任命刘子宽为“东南反共救国军”闽南军区副司令,兼任闽中军分区指挥官。土匪头林青龙为副指挥官,林荣春为团长。 展开更多
关键词 汤恩伯 毛森 民军 林荣 陈伟 刘子 戴云山 闽中 中央军校 重重包围
作者 刘静 《龙门阵》 2013年第12期13-20,共8页
1950年6月18日,台湾"国民政府国防部高等军法合议庭"以"煽惑军人逃叛罪",判处"陆军二级上将"、"前浙江省主席"陈仪死刑,"褫夺公权终身,除留其家属必需生活费外,全部财产没收"。此案... 1950年6月18日,台湾"国民政府国防部高等军法合议庭"以"煽惑军人逃叛罪",判处"陆军二级上将"、"前浙江省主席"陈仪死刑,"褫夺公权终身,除留其家属必需生活费外,全部财产没收"。此案的另一涉嫌人汤恩伯虽"旧时受陈仪私惠甚深",但在关键时刻"迫于忠党爱国之诚",举报在先,免于追究。但从此之后,汤恩伯完全失去了蒋氏父子的信任,备受排挤打击,61岁因忧郁而死于日本。陈仪缘何反蒋?汤恩伯为何会举报?请看下面的"龙门阵"。 展开更多
关键词 汤恩伯 二级上将 蒋介石政府 蒋氏 毛森 特务机构 北平和平解放 解放前夕 中共地下党员 全部财产
作者 梁灵光 《福建党史月刊》 2009年第9X期157-170,共14页
关键词 福州战役 九军 漳厦战役 国民党军 梁灵光 禾山区 黄国璋 毛森 作战命令 华东局
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