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作者 刘华明 《雁北师范学院学报》 2001年第2期9-10,共2页
我国社会主义初级阶段基本纲领与新民主主义基本纲领具有一脉相承的关系 ,两者都带有鲜明的中国特色 ,都是在马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合的实践中形成的 。
关键词 民主主 社会义初级阶段 基本纲领 现实 比较研究 社会理论 毛泽东
浅议杜威的民主主义思想中的师生关系 被引量:1
作者 卞千 《才智》 2010年第21期146-146,共1页
杜威努力将民主概念引申到社会的各个领域,并试图将其实现。杜威关于民主的概念在他的著作中均有所体现。其中,杜威阐述了关于政治上,生活上,以及教育上的民主,其中杜威的民主主义思想关于教育上的民主主要体现在自由与平等上,教育中的... 杜威努力将民主概念引申到社会的各个领域,并试图将其实现。杜威关于民主的概念在他的著作中均有所体现。其中,杜威阐述了关于政治上,生活上,以及教育上的民主,其中杜威的民主主义思想关于教育上的民主主要体现在自由与平等上,教育中的自由是要给与学生,还有学校作为一种社会的教育机构也要给予充分的自由,但是因为教育要受到各方面限制的关系,所以不能完全达到。在教学活动中,教师与学生作为教学活动中两个重要的因素,建立怎样的合理的师生关系是至关重要的,因为只有这样,学生对于教师所要传授的知识才能更好的内化为自己的经验,教师也能在这种和谐的关系中享受到育人的快乐。 展开更多
关键词 师生关系 民主主义思想 自由与平等 教学活动 教育观点 教育机构 体性 教育思想 传统教育 民主主
作者 胡志鑫 《襄樊职业技术学院学报》 2002年第4期11-14,共4页
人民民主专政思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。邓小平深刻揭示了人民民主专政的本质和特点 ;高瞻远瞩地指出 ,巩固和发展社会主义制度 ,需要一个很长的历史阶段 ,人民民主专政必须讲 ;要建设“高度民主” ,必须加强国家专政职能 ;依法... 人民民主专政思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。邓小平深刻揭示了人民民主专政的本质和特点 ;高瞻远瞩地指出 ,巩固和发展社会主义制度 ,需要一个很长的历史阶段 ,人民民主专政必须讲 ;要建设“高度民主” ,必须加强国家专政职能 ;依法从重从快打击各种犯罪。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 人民民主专政 法制建设 邓小平思想 社会义民主 党风建设
作者 李光福 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第1期28-35,共8页
作为政治制度的民主与作为价值观的民主并不是一回事。为了克服君主专制集权的弊端 ,具有现代精神的民主价值观在明清之际得到了展现。民本、权力制约。
关键词 民主价值观"天下为 君为客" 分权 学校议会
作者 杨燕 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期17-18,共2页
民主社会主义是当代社会主义思潮中一支重要的理论体系,而民主观是社会党人建构社会主义社会的理论基石。研究民主社会主义民主观的基本内涵和具体形式,对于我们在转型时期推进民主制,建设适合我国发展的社会主义民主有重要的理论和实... 民主社会主义是当代社会主义思潮中一支重要的理论体系,而民主观是社会党人建构社会主义社会的理论基石。研究民主社会主义民主观的基本内涵和具体形式,对于我们在转型时期推进民主制,建设适合我国发展的社会主义民主有重要的理论和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 民主社会 社会党 民主
民主逻辑的辩证法——西方错误民主逻辑的辩证唯物主义批判 被引量:1
作者 蒉凯频 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期15-21,共7页
"民主"一词是西方人的发明,西方几千年来的政治发展也一直自称遵循和沿袭了民主政治的思想传统。然而纵观西方民主理论与现实政治的发展,西方世界对民主的理解似乎也并非尽善尽美,甚至还存在着十分重大的逻辑漏洞。然而一些... "民主"一词是西方人的发明,西方几千年来的政治发展也一直自称遵循和沿袭了民主政治的思想传统。然而纵观西方民主理论与现实政治的发展,西方世界对民主的理解似乎也并非尽善尽美,甚至还存在着十分重大的逻辑漏洞。然而一些西方政客和学者们似乎不仅不急于纠正这些错误的民主逻辑,反而还"弄假成真",利用手中的意识形态宣传机器将这些错误逻辑装扮成了"民主的真理"。这不仅掩盖了民主的本质,让人们无法洞见民主的真相,了解民主发展的历史,还对一些正在自主学习与发展未来民主政治的国家造成了极大的困扰。因此,可借助马克思辩证唯物主义的分析方法与西方民主理论中一些符合唯物辩证法要求的民主逻辑,正确地认识民主的本质,辩证地理解民主同其他社会经济发展因素之间的互动关系,以还"民主"的本真面目。 展开更多
关键词 意识形态民主逻辑 乌托邦民主逻辑 “选民主逻辑 辩证唯物民主逻辑
作者 李锐 《工会博览(理论研究)》 2011年第5期113-114,共2页
社会主义产生于欧洲,不仅表现在它能够极大地解放和发展社会生产力,而且表现在它能够创造出高度的精神文明,保证社会的全面进步。在与其它社会主义国家的比较中,我国的社会主义发展具体独特的文化优势。本文针对中国特色社会主义与... 社会主义产生于欧洲,不仅表现在它能够极大地解放和发展社会生产力,而且表现在它能够创造出高度的精神文明,保证社会的全面进步。在与其它社会主义国家的比较中,我国的社会主义发展具体独特的文化优势。本文针对中国特色社会主义与民主社会主义的基本理论特征进行对比分析,提出社会主义比较中的中国文化优势,并就社会主义建设中如何加强与巩固中国文化优势提出两点建议,以期通过本文的阐述为进一步发展中国特色社会主义文化提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色社会 民主社会 文化优势 马克思
三民主义:整合近代中国民主革命政治资源的一面旗帜 被引量:2
作者 王侃 杨树标 《历史教学问题》 CSSCI 2005年第3期18-24,94,共8页
孙中山先生创立的三民主义,在中国近代史上有着显著的历史地位,它是顺应时代而产生,顺应时代而发展,是我们中华民族的宝贵财富。中山先生在《三民主义自序》中说及三民主义是“以作宣传之课本,则其造福于吾民族吾国家诚未可限量也。”... 孙中山先生创立的三民主义,在中国近代史上有着显著的历史地位,它是顺应时代而产生,顺应时代而发展,是我们中华民族的宝贵财富。中山先生在《三民主义自序》中说及三民主义是“以作宣传之课本,则其造福于吾民族吾国家诚未可限量也。”尤其需要指出的是,三民主义作为整合近代中国民主革命政治资源的大纛,其影响巨大,其作用不朽。 展开更多
关键词 民主 民主主 国民革命 抗战救国
伯恩施坦实践活动与思想理论初议 被引量:1
作者 张佩侠 《聊城大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第5期64-66,共3页
伯恩施坦从一个反封建的自由主义者和民主主义者 ,转变为一个反资本主义的社会主义者 ;他长期流亡国外 ,奔走呼号 ,为德国工人运动和国际工人运动作出积极贡献 ;他参加苏黎世三人团 ,犯了右倾投降主义错误 ,但认识错误态度诚恳 ;他在担... 伯恩施坦从一个反封建的自由主义者和民主主义者 ,转变为一个反资本主义的社会主义者 ;他长期流亡国外 ,奔走呼号 ,为德国工人运动和国际工人运动作出积极贡献 ;他参加苏黎世三人团 ,犯了右倾投降主义错误 ,但认识错误态度诚恳 ;他在担任《社会民主党人报》等报刊编辑的 15年 ,是他马克思主义者的 15年 ;他坚持和平长入社会主义的主张 ,创立自己的理论体系 ,其中有不少合理因素 ;但他否定马克思主义的基本原理 。 展开更多
关键词 德国社会民主 苏黎世三人团 《社会民主党人报》 伯恩施坦理论代表作
作者 刘立丰 《岭南师范学院学报》 2016年第5期34-39,共6页
伯恩施坦曾经是《爱尔福特纲领》的主要制定与倡导者,之后他却成为这一纲领的主要批判者。《格尔利茨纲领》是伯恩施坦修正主义渗入德国社会民主党党纲的一次重要的尝试,其确立的改良主义的原则影响深远。自此之后,德国社会民主党开始... 伯恩施坦曾经是《爱尔福特纲领》的主要制定与倡导者,之后他却成为这一纲领的主要批判者。《格尔利茨纲领》是伯恩施坦修正主义渗入德国社会民主党党纲的一次重要的尝试,其确立的改良主义的原则影响深远。自此之后,德国社会民主党开始逐渐转向伦理社会主义,转向在民主的框架内实现社会主义,从而也为指导思想上去马克思主义化埋下了隐患。 展开更多
关键词 伯恩施坦 《格尔利茨纲领》 社会民主
Trojan Terrorism:Revenge Colonists or Condition of Evolution? (To the Problem "Your/Alien") 被引量:2
作者 Menshikova Elena Rudolfovna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期191-208,共18页
Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Gre... Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Greek world to the east, which led to the flourishing of Greek culture, creating a precedent of justified colonialism, provided strategy and tactics-the causal apology of violence-all subsequent wars, colonial campaigns, which was no exception for the migratory flows of the XX century, as a result of which the word "terrorism" sounded with by force of the song of B. Brecht. The theme of "space"-chucked away, lost, taken away, destroyed, compressed, anarchic, empty, boundless, virtual-remains vital in our time, when the limitless possibilities lead to the limitation of man himself, his emptiness, and "complete shortuess" (Platonov), when the treaty as the basis of human existence is rejected, and when you become the Other yourself. The metaphysics of "violence" is buried in anthropology-in ignorance of one's limits by man, in denying the boundaries of "another's," in unwillingness to ask a question mad find the answer, in laziness and, in fact, in the loss of oneself. 展开更多
关键词 MYTH space TERRORISM Own/Alien's TREATY another happiness
In Quest of"Answers" in the Colonial Sands: A Comparative Study of Waliullah and Camus' "Absurd" Protagonists
作者 Sanyat Sattar Abu Saleh Md. Raft 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期867-871,共5页
Syed Waliullah (1922-1971) and Albert Camus (1913-1960) are two distinct writers from two different continents. These writers have interesting commonness, especially in two of their novels—Chander Amabasya (Nigh... Syed Waliullah (1922-1971) and Albert Camus (1913-1960) are two distinct writers from two different continents. These writers have interesting commonness, especially in two of their novels—Chander Amabasya (Night of No Moon), by Walilullah and The Outsider by Camus. The protagonists in both of these novels, ArifAli and Meursault respectively, suffer from existentialist crisis, mainly fueled by the impacts of the tarnished history of colonialism and the aftermaths. Even though the stories of the these protagonists take place almost halfway round the world in entirely different settings, the impacts and facades of the crisis are strikingly similar. This paper is a comparative study of soul-searching Arif Ali and Meursault. 展开更多
关键词 EXISTENTIALISM COLONIALISM postcolonialism ABSURDITY meaninglessness death
Cosmopolitan Democracy and Democratic Public Law
作者 Mohammad Tohidfam 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第8期567-578,共12页
Cosmopolitan democracy model is presented by David Held, beyond idealistic perspectives of left and right ideologies, mainly with a legal view, and found a global impact. As a prominent theorist in the field of democr... Cosmopolitan democracy model is presented by David Held, beyond idealistic perspectives of left and right ideologies, mainly with a legal view, and found a global impact. As a prominent theorist in the field of democracy studies, David Held, by integrating the principle of autonomy in the model of constitutional democracy with the principle of participation in the model of participatory democracy, introduces a novel composition named "cosmopolitan democracy" that is a conception of democratic legal relations. Held is the first man who seeks to investigate democracy separated from the ideological models in relation to general human rights and identifies main areas of power in human life. He considers totally seven sets of rights necessarily enabling people to enjoy a free and equal participation in setting their communities. These rights include: right to health, welfare rights, cultural rights, civil rights, economic rights, political rights, and the right to enjoy a peaceful livelihood. Held's ultimate desire is to realize ideals of cosmopolitan democracy model in the global sphere, beyond the lessons of the West and the East. Through rethinking the theoretical and practical frameworks of this theory in today's world, the current paper seeks to study its role in reproducing democratic realism so that it would prepare the ground for the global consensus far from the ideal models. 展开更多
关键词 David Held DEMOCRACY global democracy democratic public law cosmopolitan democracy
The Centurial Achievements and Problems in Ancient Chinese Literary Theory and Its Re-sinicization
作者 HU Jian-sheng ZHONG Yu-tian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期669-688,共20页
The centurial study in ancient Chinese literary theory has gained certain achievements, which is embodied in the reorganization of materials, the construction of subject, and the establishment of system. However, some... The centurial study in ancient Chinese literary theory has gained certain achievements, which is embodied in the reorganization of materials, the construction of subject, and the establishment of system. However, some problems, including literary aphasia, objectified objectivism and de-contextualization, have revealed during our rethinking of Westernization, scientism and systematism, showing that we have been trapped by Western-centralism, scientism and post-colonialism. Faced with the demand from modem knowledge pattern of de-sinicization, de-contextualization and de-subjectification, we propose reconstruction strategies of re-sinicization and re-pragmatism in order to provide theoretical conception of rebuilding modem system for ancient literary theory study. 展开更多
关键词 WESTERNIZATION objectified de-contextualization re-sinicization and re-pragmatism
Kosik's Dialectics of Concrete Totality
作者 Denko Skalovski 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期273-281,共9页
Setting out from the categories of totality and histori(ci)sm in Kosik's Dialectics of the Concrete, we look at the relationship between theory and praxis: empty, abstract totality versus concrete, reified and ali... Setting out from the categories of totality and histori(ci)sm in Kosik's Dialectics of the Concrete, we look at the relationship between theory and praxis: empty, abstract totality versus concrete, reified and alienated practice (Lukacs, Habermas, Honneth); a bad totality, in which the real polydimensional subject is replaced by the one-dimensional, mythologized, fetishized, and economistically reduced "subject" of consummation (Marcuse, Baudrillard). The dialectics of concrete totality implies a marxistic critique of the ethical and juristic universalism, in the context of the "positive" side of globalization and political unilateralism, as a concrete, militant, hegemonistic, post-colonial, and neo-imperial practice (Apel, Habermas, Chomsky, Zinoviev); globalization as totali(tari)zation, the "last man," the "end of history," and the "end" of dialectics in its neo-liberal, eschatological, empty ideological "realization" (Hegel, Marx, Fukuyama, Arendt); the totality of the (invariable) being as a pseudo-concrete and pseudo-dialectical ontologistic speculation (Heidegger): A "return" to a concrete history and a return of the "positive" dialectics as a critical awareness, mind, and method in the discourse "game" of human's cognitive, creative, and practical powers. The assumption of Kosik's humanism is a synchrony of nature and history in the "absolute" totality of human's concrete existence (Lukacs, Goldmann, Adorno, Sartre, Kosik). 展开更多
The Philosophy of Social Segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools
作者 Arie Kizel 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1042-1050,共9页
Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates--Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas---together with Paulo Fr... Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates--Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas---together with Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings's pedagogy of care and concern, and even Gadamer's integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on exams and achievement. This article describes the dual discourse connected to the schools. The first is the inner dialogical, which is devoted to student freedom and progress, the child being placed at the center. The second is the exterior discourse, which represents the school as a place of counter-education that provides personal and group development and comprises a site of liberty and choice. The schools in Israel are described as test case and indicating the existence of a sophisticated form of deception via the use of alluring terminology. The democratic private schools should be recognized for what they really are--agents of commodification that undermine democracy rather than enhance it. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of educational segregation emancipatory pedagogical project democratic schools
Education and Democracy
作者 Salome Pataridze Tinatin Sakhelashvili Tinatin Sabauri 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期764-767,共4页
Over the past decades, there were questions often asked: What is education? What is it purpose in the world whether it helps an individual or not to understand himself and connect his views with existing beliefs and... Over the past decades, there were questions often asked: What is education? What is it purpose in the world whether it helps an individual or not to understand himself and connect his views with existing beliefs and critical thinking about education to deal with daily practical challenges enable in a new way. The founder of instrumentalism philosophical school, ]ohn Dewey remarks that knowledge is practical instrument that purpose must be to solve all problems that a person encounters during his/her lifetime. According to instrumentalism theoretical concepts, theories are instruments by means of that relationship with surrounding world is established (communication becomes possible). Representatives of traditional epistemology make distinct difference between "world" and "mind". In accordance with Dewey's genetic epistemology mind, constitutes the result of living being-environment relationship as the universe is defined by our mind and the development of a human's knowledge is adaptive response to the environment. 展开更多
Democracy on the Road toward the Rule of Law Started from Umbrella Movement
作者 XUE Yang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期123-125,共3页
This paper had started its words from the hot current Umbrella Movement in Hongkong, with putting forward the questions that " What is the democracy? " and " How should the democracy develop? " . And then, it ha... This paper had started its words from the hot current Umbrella Movement in Hongkong, with putting forward the questions that " What is the democracy? " and " How should the democracy develop? " . And then, it had reviewed the historical development of the concept of democracy, on that basis, it had explored the socialist democratic system in China and analyzed the dilemmas in the construction of socialist democracy. And it gave the responses to questions in the beginning of the article and explained the reasons in details. At the last, some notes on the construction of democracy in China' s journey toward rule of law were written in this article. 展开更多
关键词 DEMOCRACY people' s right legal construction rule of law
The West and the Middle East: Liberal Nationalism, Instrumental Nationalism
作者 Gadi Hitman 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第3期161-174,共14页
This paper argues that there is no real nationalism in the Middle East and if is, then it is an instrumental. The historical process of the region which relates to nationalism has had three stages: (1) the European... This paper argues that there is no real nationalism in the Middle East and if is, then it is an instrumental. The historical process of the region which relates to nationalism has had three stages: (1) the European conquest that forced the indigenous people to battle both for freedom and confront a secular idea such as nationalism; (2) arbitrarily marked borders by the West disregarding ethnic religious and tribal lines and affinity; (3) the creation of Arab nation states with no solid infrastructure of shared national values. This perspective can help understand current political developments in light of the Arab spring upheavals, in Iraq, Syria and Libya. 展开更多
关键词 Arab spring LIBERALISM NATIONALISM instrumental-ism tribalism
A Postmodern Study of Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook in the Light of Jean-Francois Lyotard's Ideas
作者 Shahram Kiaei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第2期136-142,共7页
In the first two-thirds of The Golden Notebook (1962), the theme of the crack-up or breakdown is elaborated in the novels representation of national and global politics. Soviet-inspired communism, European coloniali... In the first two-thirds of The Golden Notebook (1962), the theme of the crack-up or breakdown is elaborated in the novels representation of national and global politics. Soviet-inspired communism, European colonialism and emperialism, Britain society, and national liberation struggles in the Third World are disintegrating, collapsing, crumbling, and fragmenting, under the pressures both internal and external. The last third of the novel relocates the crack-up in the person, [...], of Anna herself. In this paper, the author attempts to show that L The Golden Notebook on the central theme of "Breakdown, Fragmentation, and Disintegration", essing has written which shows that sometimes when people "crack-up", it is a way of self-healing. This theme finds an expression in the novel and this paper shows how Anna Wulf, the protagonist, tries to deal with her inner self-divisions, what part is played by each of Anna's four notebooks in her struggle to integrate her fragmented inner world and personality, what enables the notebooks to come together in the golden notebook at the end of the novel, and finally, how about her relationships to others, especially to Saul Green, contribute to her "crack-up" and "self-healing" 展开更多
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