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杜文秀回民起义政治纲领辨伪 被引量:4
作者 王胞生 马立忠 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1984年第2期57-64,共8页
十九世纪中叶,在太平天国农民革命风暴影响下,发生于云南大理的以杜文秀为首的回民起义,是近代史上重大事件之一。不少学者曾对它的政治、经济、文化、外交各方面进行了探讨,撰写了大量文章。涉及到大理回民政权的政治纲领这一重大课题... 十九世纪中叶,在太平天国农民革命风暴影响下,发生于云南大理的以杜文秀为首的回民起义,是近代史上重大事件之一。不少学者曾对它的政治、经济、文化、外交各方面进行了探讨,撰写了大量文章。涉及到大理回民政权的政治纲领这一重大课题。史学界也有论述。本文特就这个问题谈谈自己的看法。 展开更多
关键词 起义 十九世纪中叶 管理军政条例 文特 志稿 云贵总督 清军入关 地方志书 民政权 辨伪
作者 申恒胜 刘晓慧 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第6期80-84,共5页
在惠农背景下,科层体制与惠农资源双重形构下的官民互动模式发生了重大翻转。农民的角色行为逐步打破传统的政治冷漠状态,转而在治理实践中积极与基层政府围绕资源分配展开各种利益博弈。农民利用国家的政策话语进行非正式性的“反抗”... 在惠农背景下,科层体制与惠农资源双重形构下的官民互动模式发生了重大翻转。农民的角色行为逐步打破传统的政治冷漠状态,转而在治理实践中积极与基层政府围绕资源分配展开各种利益博弈。农民利用国家的政策话语进行非正式性的“反抗”,与科层体制约束下的基层政府之间产生种种张力,进而在乡村治理中呈现出“弱官——强民”这一官民强弱关系倒置的具体样态,展现出乡村治权的弱化与基层治理的困难。这种状况的改善要求在乡村社会建立合理合法的博弈规则,建构公平合理的博弈平台,确保政治上的利益博弈纳入规范化的制度渠道,促进基层政权与农民互动良性发展。 展开更多
关键词 基层政权:弱官强 压力型体制 角色转换
作者 刘长胜 《语文建设》 1957年第9期19-23,共2页
关于文字改革,我也来谈谈几点粗浅的体会。中国的汉字,在历史上有过伟大的贡献,在目前和今后一个相当时期内它仍然是社会交际的一个重要工具。但不可否认,汉字存在着严重的缺点,主要是难学、难用。我们的小学生一般要比外国小学生多好... 关于文字改革,我也来谈谈几点粗浅的体会。中国的汉字,在历史上有过伟大的贡献,在目前和今后一个相当时期内它仍然是社会交际的一个重要工具。但不可否认,汉字存在着严重的缺点,主要是难学、难用。我们的小学生一般要比外国小学生多好几年时间来认字、写字,艰难的程度远超过用拼音文字的国家,在学校学习的年限因此也比那些国家长。今天,有不少大学生,念了十几年书,还不会写一篇较通顺的文章,汉字的艰难不能不说是一个重要原因。对于广大的工人和农民来说,不可否认,我们几年来在扫盲工作中取得了极其伟大的成绩。但汉字难学,在学习上增加他们很多困难,学习了也往往难以巩固,这对于普遍提高工农群众的文化水平是一个很不利的因素。如果我们体会到广大的工人。 展开更多
关键词 文化水平 工农群众 拉丁化新文字 中国文字 社会交际 教育工作者 普文 冠超 释名 民政权
作者 严广 《国际展望》 1988年第23期22-24,共3页
(三) 在列宁去世后同斯大林之间爆发的斗争中,托洛茨基力图利用社会民主主义思想作为武器,尽管这种思想同他格格不入。他更接近于波拿巴主义、沙皇专制主义和军事独裁,而不是真正的人民政权思想。他与斯大林同岁(生于1879年,相差1个半月... (三) 在列宁去世后同斯大林之间爆发的斗争中,托洛茨基力图利用社会民主主义思想作为武器,尽管这种思想同他格格不入。他更接近于波拿巴主义、沙皇专制主义和军事独裁,而不是真正的人民政权思想。他与斯大林同岁(生于1879年,相差1个半月)。但托洛茨基的智力更敏锐、学识更丰富。许多传记作品都证明,他思想活跃,具育良好的欧洲文化修养,精力过人,博学强记,风度翩翩。但托洛茨基过高估计自己个人的重要性,对所有的人(除了列宁)都傲慢无礼,妄自尊大,专横武断。 展开更多
关键词 托洛茨基 波拿巴主义 民政权 传记作品 主主义思想 精力过人 季诺维也夫 欧洲文化 耐普曼 马尔托夫
Is a Human Right to Democracy Justifiable?
作者 Tetsu Sakurai 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期983-996,共14页
In this article, I examine the view that there is a human right to democracy, and consider why we should regard this issue as decisive in solving the problems of foreign interference in the protection of human rights.... In this article, I examine the view that there is a human right to democracy, and consider why we should regard this issue as decisive in solving the problems of foreign interference in the protection of human rights. I also note that there has been almost no discussion about the holder of the human right to democracy, that is, who is to hold this right. After comparing John Rawls' argument against the human right to democracy and Thomas Christiano's argument for it and showing similarities and critical differences among their arguments, I insist that we ought to be sensitive when proclaiming that democracy--be it a minimally egalitarian democracy or a more exacting one--is a universal value. We have sufficient cause to consider carefully not only the political circumstances but also the political infrastructure of the country before we proceed to an even limited intervention in the name of the protection of a human right to democracy. If the human right to democracy is not just a right to vote, but a right to the whole process of establishment and enjoyment of democracy, it should be understood as a group right that pertains to a human population that legitimately claims political self-determination. Any human population that insists on the democratic self-determination of their political will is both able and entitled to establish and administer democratic institutions, regardless of the diversity of its ascribed or cultural characteristics. The establishment of such a group with a firm political identity should be considered as the political infrastructure to claim and exercise the human right to democracy. 展开更多
关键词 human rights DEMOCRACY LIBERALISM TOLERATION SELF-DETERMINATION humanitarian intervention group right
Rights and Disagreement
作者 Alexander Kaufman 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期228-245,共18页
Constitutionally protected rights remove political issues from the control of the democratically elected legislature. Since such rights therefore limit the power of the majority, recent work in rights theory argues th... Constitutionally protected rights remove political issues from the control of the democratically elected legislature. Since such rights therefore limit the power of the majority, recent work in rights theory argues that the constitutional protection of rights is inconsistent with the fundamental democratic idea of government by the people. According to this view, democracies should assign the power to resolve questions regarding the nature and extent of individual rights to the majority. Constitutional attempts to remove such questions from the public agenda, it is argued, are disrespectful to citizens who disagree with the views embodied in the constitutionalized rights. I argue that this critique: (1) is insufficiently attentive to the question of when legislation by the majority constitutes a legitimate exercise of political power; and (2) underestimates the importance of securing the constitutive conditions of democratic self-government. 展开更多
关键词 RIGHTS DEMOCRACY CONSTITUTIONALISM judicial review representative government LEGITIMACY
Knowledge, Understanding and Attitude Toward Civic Rights and Duties in Administrative Affairs and People's Participation in Local Administration of Mahasarakham Municipality
作者 Yupaporn Yupas 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期269-277,共9页
This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of kn... This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs was at a high level but participation in the local administration was rated at a low level. The relationship between knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs of the community was positive correlated. The relationship between knowledge and understanding toward civic rights and duties and participation in the community administration and the relationship between attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs and participation in the local government administration were not correlated. Some recommendations were the local government organizations should promote and provide more information to build the right understandings and improve good attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs. Local administrators and local leaders should play an important role to advocate and encourage public opinions toward a political ideology to ensure the public mind and make the vision "people-centered". Most importantly, the State shall pursue directive principles of State policies in relation to public participation. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative affairs ATTITUDES civic rights and duties PARTICIPATION
作者 刘堂伟 《集邮博览》 2016年第9期52-52,共1页
这是一件20世纪50年代初的东北区印刷品实寄封,此实寄封其实为内蒙古人民银行印制的“XX市五日物价调查表”,由满洲里人民银行办事处填毕,之后寄出时折叠而成(图1)。1948年11月2日,沈阳、营口解放,标志着东北全境的彻底解放,辽沈战役... 这是一件20世纪50年代初的东北区印刷品实寄封,此实寄封其实为内蒙古人民银行印制的“XX市五日物价调查表”,由满洲里人民银行办事处填毕,之后寄出时折叠而成(图1)。1948年11月2日,沈阳、营口解放,标志着东北全境的彻底解放,辽沈战役胜利结束。东北解放后,人民政府面临两大新的任务:一是组织、发动工人阶级和人民群众,迅速恢复生产建设,发展经济,支援全国的完全解放;二是关注并稳定人民群众生活,密切了解人民日常生活必需品(粮食、肉类、食用油、布匹、棉花、煤炭等)之物价的频繁变动,并制定政策稳定物价。 展开更多
关键词 实寄封 东北区 内蒙古人银行 生活必需品 胜利结束 群众 银行分行 大新 邮政日戳 民政权
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