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作者 唐聪 温旭 刘静 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第S01期177-184,197,共9页
目的针对目前少数民族乡村地区文创产品深度挖掘不够、千篇一律等问题,提出基于KANO—AHP—EWM模型的少数民族乡村文创大众满意度评价方法,并制定优化策略,助力少数民族乡村旅游发展与乡村振兴建设。方法运用KANO模型对少数民族乡村地... 目的针对目前少数民族乡村地区文创产品深度挖掘不够、千篇一律等问题,提出基于KANO—AHP—EWM模型的少数民族乡村文创大众满意度评价方法,并制定优化策略,助力少数民族乡村旅游发展与乡村振兴建设。方法运用KANO模型对少数民族乡村地区文创产品大众需求指标进行统计、分类与筛选,确定大众需求因子。从需求层面出发,基于AHP对各项指标进行系统分类,并确定指标主观权重,利用EWM确定指标客观权重。以云南大理剑川县文创产品为案例,对该县文创产品的大众满意度评价数据进行结果分析,以此得出相应的优化策略。结果通过KANO—AHP—EWM模型来对少数民族乡村文创产品进行大众满意度评价,民族特色、传统文化传达、品牌故事等因素深刻影响着大众对于乡村文创产品的满意程度。结论根据评价结果表明,该评价方法可以有效指导产品研发,提升大众满意度,届时可为同类型少数民族乡村文创设计优化和流程设计提供科学的设计思路,从而推动少数民族乡村文创建设的多样化发展。 展开更多
关键词 KANO AHP 少数民族 满意度评价 设计
元宇宙理念下黑龙江省少数民族非遗文创加密艺术品创新设计 被引量:2
作者 孙莹 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2022年第12期74-77,共4页
本文以发展黑龙江省数字经济、实现产业结构优化为出发点,把黑龙江省少数民族非遗文创产品设计纳入区域数字经济发展的大环境中,依托少数民族文化将文创产品铸造在区块链上,促进其加密、持有和流通。综合运用跨学科研究方法,在阅读文献... 本文以发展黑龙江省数字经济、实现产业结构优化为出发点,把黑龙江省少数民族非遗文创产品设计纳入区域数字经济发展的大环境中,依托少数民族文化将文创产品铸造在区块链上,促进其加密、持有和流通。综合运用跨学科研究方法,在阅读文献的基础上,对黑龙江省少数民族文化发展脉络进行梳理和历史溯源;提取出可利用的艺术元素,并依据顾客价值需求及产品定位,将其转化成文化创意加密艺术品,实现艺术品溯源与确权,增加艺术品的可交易价值,探索非遗文创加密艺术品开发设计路径;积极思考黑龙江省少数民族非遗文创加密艺术品发展策略,总结新经验,并从中获得当代启示。 展开更多
关键词 设计艺术学 元宇宙 少数民族非遗文 加密艺术品
浅析民族民间舞蹈编创中融入“现代性”元素的重要性 被引量:2
作者 魏树发 张萌 《今古文创》 2021年第10期89-90,共2页
随着科技的发展,人们对文化水平要求不断提升,传统文化因此也得到了弘扬,民族民间舞蹈也因此得到了很大的发展,得到了创新性的传承。舞蹈编创的"根"应该扎在民族民间舞蹈的土壤之中,并融入"现代性"元素,使这一文化... 随着科技的发展,人们对文化水平要求不断提升,传统文化因此也得到了弘扬,民族民间舞蹈也因此得到了很大的发展,得到了创新性的传承。舞蹈编创的"根"应该扎在民族民间舞蹈的土壤之中,并融入"现代性"元素,使这一文化瑰宝得到不断的传承和发扬。 展开更多
关键词 民族民间舞蹈编 “现代性”元素 重要性
流行唱法在少数民族音乐元素歌曲中的运用——以彝族音乐元素创作歌曲为例 被引量:7
作者 卓淳 《当代音乐》 2020年第7期159-161,共3页
近年来,随着信息社会的普及,大众音乐快速传播,新媒体迅猛发展,各类选秀节目兴起,许多音乐人开始对少数民族音乐元素进行采集,融入流行音乐风格加以创作,运用流行唱法加以演绎,呈现一种全新的听觉、视觉给大众,让人们耳目一新。流行音... 近年来,随着信息社会的普及,大众音乐快速传播,新媒体迅猛发展,各类选秀节目兴起,许多音乐人开始对少数民族音乐元素进行采集,融入流行音乐风格加以创作,运用流行唱法加以演绎,呈现一种全新的听觉、视觉给大众,让人们耳目一新。流行音乐具有传播快、受众广、内容丰富、演唱方式和形式独特等特征,对让大众快速认识少数民族音乐元素有一定促进作用。彝族是一个能歌善舞的民族,是我国第六大少数民族,20世纪90年代以来,出现了一大批优秀的彝族音乐人,及对彝族音乐进行改编创作的作曲家,他们创作了一系列运用流行音乐为载体,兼具民族独特气质特点的音乐作品。彝族原创流行音乐在少数民族原创歌曲中占据较大比例,此文通过阐述流行唱法在彝族原创流行音乐作品中的运用,继而对流行唱法在少数民族原创歌曲中的运用进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 流行唱法 少数民族音乐 彝族原音乐流行化
高职院校民族手工文化创意产品传播研究 被引量:1
作者 潘慧鸣 覃莉 《传播力研究》 2018年第13期28-28,共1页
当前互联网快速发展的环境下,传媒产业在国家的支持与引导下不断地进行着改革,一些传统媒介的传播方式已经日益与用户需求脱节,只能在市场的竞争中不断地优胜劣汰。而传统的传播模式已经不能够满意人们日益增长的精神需求及形式需求,所... 当前互联网快速发展的环境下,传媒产业在国家的支持与引导下不断地进行着改革,一些传统媒介的传播方式已经日益与用户需求脱节,只能在市场的竞争中不断地优胜劣汰。而传统的传播模式已经不能够满意人们日益增长的精神需求及形式需求,所以需要从传媒产业平台当中选择新的传播方式进行研究,从而进行民族手工文化创意产品的价值传播。 展开更多
关键词 广西文化 民族手工文产品 传播研究
《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期148-148,共1页
关键词 《各民族中华:藏族、门巴族、珞巴族、羌族的贡献》 中国 民族文化 书评
作者 谭焱方 《明日风尚(下旬)》 2021年第4期20-21,共2页
在民族舞蹈中,技术技巧是展现舞者内心思想情感和舞蹈作品中表达内容的重要媒介,对于舞者而言,需要通过一定时间的专业性、系统性的舞蹈训练才能够达到较好的完成度,因此,在民族舞蹈技术技巧编创的训练中,更多地针对专业舞蹈学生。 如... 在民族舞蹈中,技术技巧是展现舞者内心思想情感和舞蹈作品中表达内容的重要媒介,对于舞者而言,需要通过一定时间的专业性、系统性的舞蹈训练才能够达到较好的完成度,因此,在民族舞蹈技术技巧编创的训练中,更多地针对专业舞蹈学生。 如何对专业类舞蹈学生进行培养与训练,以及当前的民族舞技术技巧体系中存在有哪些现象,值得每一位舞蹈工作者进行深入的探讨。 从而提出民族舞技术技巧创编的着重点,并在创编和训练模式上加以改善。 展开更多
关键词 民族舞技术技巧 民族舞技术技巧编
“四个共同”:统一的多民族国家理论的多维解析 被引量:12
作者 陈永亮 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期35-40,共6页
"四个共同"是对统一的多民族国家理论的提升,其形成和发展是中国共产党对中国民族和民族问题认识不断深化的体现,充分吸收了学术界对统一的多民族国家理论的探讨,从开拓疆域、书写历史、创造文化、培养精神四个方面有效地回... "四个共同"是对统一的多民族国家理论的提升,其形成和发展是中国共产党对中国民族和民族问题认识不断深化的体现,充分吸收了学术界对统一的多民族国家理论的探讨,从开拓疆域、书写历史、创造文化、培养精神四个方面有效地回答了统一的多民族国家的基本国情,在肯定各民族作为中华民族大家庭成员的同时,平等而客观地承认了各民族对国家的历史和文化贡献,为铸牢中华民族共同体意识奠定了历史基础和文化基础。 展开更多
关键词 “四个共同” 统一的多民族国家 民族中华 中华民族
当好新时代民族团结的践行者 促进者 守护者:中国民族工作的新趋势 被引量:6
作者 刘荣 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2018年第2期5-16,共12页
2017年11月27日,习近平总书记对云南民族大学学生去信回复中指出:"将各民族一家亲的信念播撒到更多人的心上,当好新时代民族团结的践行者、促进者、守护者",为民族工作指明了方向,提出了新的要求。为更好地完成民族工作所肩... 2017年11月27日,习近平总书记对云南民族大学学生去信回复中指出:"将各民族一家亲的信念播撒到更多人的心上,当好新时代民族团结的践行者、促进者、守护者",为民族工作指明了方向,提出了新的要求。为更好地完成民族工作所肩负的历史使命,切实服务好决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义事业的伟大胜利,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦,要着重做好民族工作创新化,实现治理经验政策化、实施团结进步示范化、推进中国智慧国际化的转型和发展,构建新时代民族工作的科学理论与科学体系。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 民族工作新化 治理经验政策化 团结进步示范化 中国智慧国际化
作者 金泽 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期10-16,25,共8页
民族与宗教的关系问题,既涉及我们如何理解宗教,也涉及我们如何理解民族。学界有不同的主张。近30多年来,中国的宗教学领域和民族学领域开始系统地研究民族与宗教问题。我们提出原生性民族与创生性民族的概念,试图对在漫长历史进程中自... 民族与宗教的关系问题,既涉及我们如何理解宗教,也涉及我们如何理解民族。学界有不同的主张。近30多年来,中国的宗教学领域和民族学领域开始系统地研究民族与宗教问题。我们提出原生性民族与创生性民族的概念,试图对在漫长历史进程中自发形成的民族群体与近现代世界上与民族-国家相伴出现的民族有所区分,为进一步探索民族与宗教关系的生成机制与作用机制提供契机。 展开更多
关键词 民族与宗教 原生性民族 生性民族
“Even I Can Do It”:Chinese Ethnolinguistic Minority Learners’Investment in Creative Writing and Its Impact 被引量:1
作者 Shizhou YANG Barry Lee REYNOLDS 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第3期340-359,484,共21页
Although much is known about the benefits of providing creative writing courses to English learners, little research is available on Chinese ethnolinguistic minority learners’ creative writing in formal education. In... Although much is known about the benefits of providing creative writing courses to English learners, little research is available on Chinese ethnolinguistic minority learners’ creative writing in formal education. In response, this ethnographic study explored three ethnolinguistic minority learners’ engagement with a three-month elective English creative writing course at a Chinese university. Data(drafts, interviews, and reflection) were analyzed to reveal the three learners’ investment in creative writing and its impact. It was found that creative writing helped the learners to develop more confident writer identities, that they became more proficient in writing, and that their language proficiency also grew. The study suggests creative writing can serve as identity texts,which reflect back on their emergent creative writer identity, and can be a beneficial pedagogical option for ethnolinguistic minority learners. 展开更多
关键词 ethnolinguistic minority learners investment creative writing writer identity identity texts
Chinese Contemporary Art Design from the Perspective of National Culture 被引量:1
作者 Wang Gongmin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期111-112,共2页
The progress of social economy drives the progress of humanity art. Due to historical condition reason, the pace of art design development in China is late. Since the reform and opening up, the art design obtains a lo... The progress of social economy drives the progress of humanity art. Due to historical condition reason, the pace of art design development in China is late. Since the reform and opening up, the art design obtains a long-term development in China. In order to adapt to the trend of world economy integration, all aspects of art design fields in China are learning from the foreign countries, however, it is hard to have a breakthrough creation in itself, and it lacks of domestic art design "localization" , which can not fully reflect the national culture and national elements. At the same time, the self-innovation power is weak, and the creation ability is insufficient, which also restricts the independent development of art design field to a higher level in China. The art design, as a comprehensive subject, is affected by many factors of society, science and technology and market for its own improvement. This paper mainly discusses from national culture level for art design, thinking that if the art design in China wants to develop higher, it needs to be based on the national culture and profound cultural base, constructing the art design products with Chinese national styles. 展开更多
关键词 national culture art design PERSPECTIVE
作者 林语辰 《明日风尚》 2019年第15期109-110,共2页
关键词 民族情感 民族舞蹈编 主导作用
The Innovation of the Theory of She Minority Music
作者 Ma Haisheng 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期200-204,共5页
In recent years, China increasingly pays attention to problems of quality education to produce more high-quality personnels. Today, quality education in our country is in full swing, and music art education in our cou... In recent years, China increasingly pays attention to problems of quality education to produce more high-quality personnels. Today, quality education in our country is in full swing, and music art education in our country is going through a series of reforms, and has made rapid development to a certain extent. For a long time, She minority music in our country's national music plays a special role, and in today's construction of socialist market economy, innovation of traditional music is of great significance. This paper introduces the status of development of the traditional music culture, expounds the significance of the innovation of traditional music and puts forward some suggestions about innovation to traditional music 展开更多
关键词 She minority music QUALITY INNOVATION
Discussion on the Embodiment of the National Style in the Thorn Birds
作者 Mingming LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期38-39,共2页
In literary creation, the formation of style is a sign for if the creation of a writer is mature, which is an intensive reflection to the unique creative personality of the writer. There are many kinds of writer' s c... In literary creation, the formation of style is a sign for if the creation of a writer is mature, which is an intensive reflection to the unique creative personality of the writer. There are many kinds of writer' s creation styles, among which the national style is a very prominent level, which can very excellently reflect the cultural characteristics of a nation. The Thorn Birds, which was created by Australian author Lynn McCullough, has the characteristics of a very strong national style. In the works, the national style of Australia is very well reflected from the depiction of the natural environment, the composition way of the novel, and the shape of character image. 展开更多
关键词 The Thorn Birds National Style REFLECTION
The value selection in the socialist public cultural services system innovation of colleges
作者 Min-Li Feng-Guo Jiang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期16-18,共3页
The development of a national culture represents the quality of the citizens of this country, the cultural connotation of a national spirit. With the development of society, citizens demand more exuberant cultural ser... The development of a national culture represents the quality of the citizens of this country, the cultural connotation of a national spirit. With the development of society, citizens demand more exuberant cultural services. Therefore, strengthening the construction of public cultural service system is imperative, at the same time, the public cultural system construction is the development and prosperity of socialist advanced culture, and building a harmonious society, the government system of public cultural services for the public and cultural life, which also constitutes a multifaceted innovative public cultural service system Building model in the public service, is the focus of the new era of cultural undertakings . 展开更多
关键词 public culture service system corporate social responsibility
Research on the Development Dilemma and Response Strategy of Contemporary Chinese Classical Dance
作者 ZHANG Le 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期52-54,共3页
Chinese classical dance contains a profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture, with distinctive forms of performance and aesthetic characteristics. In the world of multi-cultttral communion, the development o... Chinese classical dance contains a profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture, with distinctive forms of performance and aesthetic characteristics. In the world of multi-cultttral communion, the development of Chinese classical dance needs to be inherited on the basis of traditional culture to inject more innovation, highlight its unique artistic aesthetic value and deep national culture contains. In this paper, the development course, aesthetic characteristics and classical dance form of Chinese classical dance are expounded. From the perspectives of historical cultural inheritance, classical dance culture cultivation and dance culture innovation, the feasibility measures and measures are put forward in order to explore the effective path and methods to developing Chinese classical dance, which gives excellent national dance art inheritance, development and innovation. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese classical dance Cultural connotation Formal style Development dilemma Inheritance and innovation
作者 郦亚旦 《才智》 2009年第7期99-100,共2页
关键词 初中音乐 学生造力 独立思考能力 中小学音乐教师 兴趣小组 教学效果 造性思维 牧马之歌 民族创
The Impact of Cultural and Creative Products Arising from Intangible Cultural Heritage on Economic Development:A Case Study of Ebian County,China
作者 ZHANG Lei WAN Jialing 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1106-1112,共7页
With the promotion of the rural revitalization strategy,cultural and creative industries of tourism have gradually become an important driving force for rural revitalization.Since the economic level of minority areas ... With the promotion of the rural revitalization strategy,cultural and creative industries of tourism have gradually become an important driving force for rural revitalization.Since the economic level of minority areas is low and the concept of industrial development lags behind,developing the cultural and creative industries of tourism has a positive role in cultural revitalization and economic structure transformation.In recent years,Ebian Yi Autonomous County(Ebian County)has relied on rich intangible cultural heritage resources and achieved fruitful results in the development of cultural and creative products of rural tourism,adding vitality to its rural tourism and rural revitalization.Starting from the economy and the development of cultural and creative industries empowered by intangible cultural heritage(ICH),this study analyzed the impact of related cultural and creative products of Ebian County on its economic development in the five-year period from 2018 to 2022 by means of qualitative and quantitative research methods.Three main conclusions could be drawn.(1)The impact of intangible cultural heritage cultural and creative industries of Ebian County on the economy has been positive and expanding gradually with time.(2)The number of inheritors and workshops,and the business income of workshops are the three major factors affecting the development of cultural and creative industries.(3)Ebian already has a good foundation of cultural and creative industries of intangible cultural heritage,so the investment of funds and training of talents have played a major role in promoting the development of cultural and creative industries of intangible cultural heritage. 展开更多
关键词 intangible cultural heritage cultural and creative products minority areas economic growth
固本强基 建设一流校长队伍 更新观念 追求一流学校管理
作者 杨快利 《安徽教育》 2004年第8期14-15,共2页
关键词 校长队伍 学校管理 教育工作 品德修养 体育特色 学生评价 办学风格 语言表达能力 教育质量 民族创
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