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作者 罗本华 《中国民族医药杂志》 2014年第1期67-68,共2页
1目前壮医学科研的基本现状 1.1壮医学科研的主要科研机构和科研人员主要集中在广西中医药大学壮医药学院和广西民族医药研究所。多年来,壮医学科研人员先后承担了包括国家自然科学基金项目在内的数十项壮医药研究课题,发表了300多... 1目前壮医学科研的基本现状 1.1壮医学科研的主要科研机构和科研人员主要集中在广西中医药大学壮医药学院和广西民族医药研究所。多年来,壮医学科研人员先后承担了包括国家自然科学基金项目在内的数十项壮医药研究课题,发表了300多篇壮医药方面的学术论文,出版了20多部壮医药专著等。 展开更多
关键词 加强民族特异性 壮医学 科研 基础性作用
作者 田华 刘艳华 《风景名胜》 2019年第12期0114-0114,共1页
作为中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,少数民族文化在“中国文化走出去”战略中起着重要作用。鉴于此本文以阜新市蒙古族自治县王府镇烟台营子村为例,以传播学理论为基础,对少数民族特色村寨进行译介研究,旨在探讨少数民族特色村寨译介... 作为中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,少数民族文化在“中国文化走出去”战略中起着重要作用。鉴于此本文以阜新市蒙古族自治县王府镇烟台营子村为例,以传播学理论为基础,对少数民族特色村寨进行译介研究,旨在探讨少数民族特色村寨译介的有效策略和途径。 展开更多
关键词 传播学 少数民族特色村寨 译介
舞蹈生态与中国民族舞蹈的特异性 被引量:22
作者 史红 《文艺研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期92-104,共13页
每一个民族都有自己独特的原生态舞蹈,它们在舞蹈语言(形态、节奏、步伐、呼吸、显要动作与部位、动律)上都有一定的差异,从而形成了民族的特异性。舞蹈的民族特异性与社会文化环境、自然环境即舞蹈生态环境的影响有关,我们应尊重并保... 每一个民族都有自己独特的原生态舞蹈,它们在舞蹈语言(形态、节奏、步伐、呼吸、显要动作与部位、动律)上都有一定的差异,从而形成了民族的特异性。舞蹈的民族特异性与社会文化环境、自然环境即舞蹈生态环境的影响有关,我们应尊重并保护舞蹈的民族特异性,优化民族舞蹈的原生态环境。 展开更多
关键词 舞蹈 民族特异性 生态环境
大理白族自治州5个民族育龄女性叶酸代谢关键酶基因SNPs的分布特征 被引量:1
作者 余云志 杜梅 +5 位作者 黄静 段桂芬 朱金惠 杨姝淼 胡季芳 鲁衍强 《中外女性健康研究》 2020年第12期1-3,85,共4页
目的:探讨大理白族自治州汉族、白族、彝族、回族、傈僳族育龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法:以到大理白族自治州妇幼保健院做孕检的7331例女性为研... 目的:探讨大理白族自治州汉族、白族、彝族、回族、傈僳族育龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法:以到大理白族自治州妇幼保健院做孕检的7331例女性为研究对象,其中汉族3203人,白族3140人,彝族694人,回族212人,傈僳族82人,提取口腔上皮细胞DNA,采用荧光定量PCR,进行编码基因MTHFR和MTRR的相关多态性位点检测。结果:1)各民族入组对象的基因多态性分布符合遗传平衡定律;2)大理州汉族女性MTHFR 677CC、CT、TT的基因型频率分别为40.0%、45.3%、14.7%,白族女性为43.6%、44.4%、12.0%,彝族女性为45.4%、43.7%、11.0%,回族女性为42.9%、43.4%、13.7%,傈僳族女性为47.6%、37.8%、14.6%,其中汉族与白族、彝族女性的MTHFR C677T基因型和等位基因频率多态性分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),回族与傈僳族的MTHFR C677T基因与以上民族比较无统计学差异(P>0.05),汉族与白族的MTHFR A1298C、MTRR A66G基因型分布相比较有统计学差异(P<0.05),其中汉族女性MTHFR 1298AA、AC、CC的基因型频率分别为65.2%、31.6%、3.2%,白族女性为65.8%、29.7%、4.5%,汉族女性MTRR 66AA、AG、GG的基因型频率分别为53.9%、38.1%、8.0%,白族女性为49.1%、41.9%、9.0%,傈僳族女性的MTHFR A1298C基因型频率和等位基因频率分布与汉族、白族、彝族都有统计学差异(P<0.05)。3)两位点连锁情况677CC/1298AA双野生型频率以汉族(19.8%)最低,傈僳族(32.9%)最高;汉族、白族、彝族、回族都以CT/AA基因连锁型出现频率最高,傈僳族CC/AA和CT/AA出现频次一致,且远高于其他基因型。5个民族均未见CT/CC及TT/CC组合,TT/AC组合仅存在于汉族及白族中。结论:大理州各民族育龄女性叶酸代谢关键酶基因位点多态性有其自身特点,具有民族特性,可以有针对性的制定符合当地民族特征的个性化叶酸补服方案。 展开更多
关键词 5 10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 甲硫氨酸合成还原酶 基因多态性 民族特异性
作者 于敏 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2022年第5期77-81,共5页
云南省内聚居着阿昌、德昂、普米等七个人口不足10万的特少民族,由于只有本民族语言没有独立的文字体系,因而其颇具特色、内涵丰富的民族文化大都依靠民间故事等口传文学来传承。其民族文化中蕴含的生态认知和对自然万物的伦理关怀,通... 云南省内聚居着阿昌、德昂、普米等七个人口不足10万的特少民族,由于只有本民族语言没有独立的文字体系,因而其颇具特色、内涵丰富的民族文化大都依靠民间故事等口传文学来传承。其民族文化中蕴含的生态认知和对自然万物的伦理关怀,通过类型多样的民间故事得到多维呈现,对于倡导生态文化和生态文明的当今社会,极富启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 云南民族 民间故事 生态 伦理
云南特少民族民间故事与宗教信仰之关系探析——以生态文化为研究视点 被引量:1
作者 于敏 《大理大学学报》 CAS 2016年第3期31-37,共7页
云南特少民族的民间故事中蕴含着丰富的文化资源,其中既包含着生态文化的因子,又有宗教信仰的印记。特少民族的民间故事、生态文化、宗教信仰等观念文化之间相互影响渗透,以生态文化为研究视角,对特少民族民间故事与宗教信仰间的关系进... 云南特少民族的民间故事中蕴含着丰富的文化资源,其中既包含着生态文化的因子,又有宗教信仰的印记。特少民族的民间故事、生态文化、宗教信仰等观念文化之间相互影响渗透,以生态文化为研究视角,对特少民族民间故事与宗教信仰间的关系进行研究,扩展和深化了特少民族民间故事研究的广度和深度。 展开更多
关键词 云南民族 民间故事 生态文化 宗教信仰
作者 文春蓉 渠巍 +3 位作者 梁璐 潘朝夕 鲁衍强 胡季芳 《中外女性健康研究》 2021年第10期3-6,共4页
目的探讨贵州省汉族、苗族、布依族、土家族孕龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法以2016年12月至2018年12月贵州省3532例汉族、苗族、布依族、土家族孕... 目的探讨贵州省汉族、苗族、布依族、土家族孕龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法以2016年12月至2018年12月贵州省3532例汉族、苗族、布依族、土家族孕龄女性为研究对象,提取口腔上皮细胞DNA,采用荧光定量PCR,进行编码基因MTHFR和MTRR的相关多态性位点检测。结果贵州省汉族与苗族、布依族MTHFR C677T和MTHFR A1298C基因位点多态性分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而MTRR A66G位点多态性的分布差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);MTHFR C677T、MTHFR A1298C和MTRR A66G基因位点多态性在汉族与土家族的分布差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。土家族与布依族、苗族MTHFR C677T基因位点基因型多态性和基因频率分布差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。MTHFR C677T、A1298C两位点连锁情况CC/AA双野生型频率以土家族最低为15.0%,TT/AC组合仅存在于土家族,4个民族均未见CT/CC组合及TT/CC双纯合突变。汉族、苗族、布依族均存在3种单倍型组合,且都为两位点间完全连锁不平衡D’=1。结论贵州省少数民族育龄女性叶酸代谢关键酶基因位点多态性有其自身特点,部分与当地汉族育龄女性有区别,具有民族特性,可以有针对性地制定符合当地民族特征的个性化叶酸补服方案。 展开更多
关键词 5 10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 甲硫氨酸合成还原酶 基因多态性 民族特异性
民族考古学:定义问题 被引量:8
作者 徐坚 《江汉考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期49-55,共7页
中国考古学中关于民族考古学的歧义是由于其定义模糊而引起的。现阶段西方考古学中的民族考古学是作为新考古学的民族考古学,而中国考古学引介的民族考古学仍然从属于第二次世界大战前的研究范式,以殖民主义视角和单线进化主义为基础的... 中国考古学中关于民族考古学的歧义是由于其定义模糊而引起的。现阶段西方考古学中的民族考古学是作为新考古学的民族考古学,而中国考古学引介的民族考古学仍然从属于第二次世界大战前的研究范式,以殖民主义视角和单线进化主义为基础的两种类比观仍被视为民族考古学的主要方法。新考古学范式下的民族考古学以行为研究为诉求,对比研究对象不再局限在生活在边缘地区的前工业社会少数族群,因此可能称之为人类考古学更为恰当。 展开更多
关键词 民族考古学 类比 《纽纳米民族考古学》 宾福德
六盘水市5个少数民族育龄女性叶酸代谢关键酶基因SNPs的分布特征 被引量:1
作者 田艳 王辉 +6 位作者 胡秀颀 董慧 李熙 任洁 鲁衍强 胡季芳 杨琦 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2020年第21期4052-4055,共4页
目的探讨六盘水市苗族、穿青族、布依族、白族及回族育龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法以2016年10月-2019年5月六盘水市683例少数民族(苗族221例、穿... 目的探讨六盘水市苗族、穿青族、布依族、白族及回族育龄女性5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)C677T、A1298C及甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)A66G基因多态性的频率特征。方法以2016年10月-2019年5月六盘水市683例少数民族(苗族221例、穿青族198例、布依族98例、白族90例、回族76例)育龄女性为研究对象,提取口腔上皮细胞DNA,采用荧光定量PCR,进行编码基因MTHFR和MTRR的相关多态性位点检测。结果六盘水市苗族女性与回族女性的MTHFR C677T等位基因频率多态性分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),回族女性与布依族女性、白族女性的MTHFR C677T位点基因型频率和等位基因频率多态性分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两位点连锁情况677CC/1298AA双野生型频率以回族最低;CT/CC组合仅存在于苗族;5个民族均未见677TT/1298AC组合及TT/CC双纯合突变。结论六盘水市少数民族育龄女性叶酸代谢关键酶基因位点多态性有其自身特点,具有民族特性,可以有针对性的制定符合当地民族特征的个性化叶酸补服方案。 展开更多
关键词 5 10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 甲硫氨酸合成还原酶 基因多态性 民族特异性
少数民族题材反特片的文化分析——以“十七年”时期影片为例 被引量:8
作者 邹赞 《文艺争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9X期15-18,共4页
作为一种较成功的惊险片亚/准类型,"十七年"时期的少数民族题材反特片处于十分特殊的叉合位置,耦合着新中国成立之初的社会语境。一方面,此类电影关联着冷战的国际情势,但内在的根本诉求与其说是寻找某种对冷战的应答,不如说... 作为一种较成功的惊险片亚/准类型,"十七年"时期的少数民族题材反特片处于十分特殊的叉合位置,耦合着新中国成立之初的社会语境。一方面,此类电影关联着冷战的国际情势,但内在的根本诉求与其说是寻找某种对冷战的应答,不如说更多地关切新生政权内在秩序的调整;另一方面,少数民族题材反特片以特定的视觉呈现,将欲望想象投射到边地少数民族群体,通过欲望他者化的镜像结构,有效地实践着新生的文化领导权。 展开更多
关键词 少数民族题材反 “十七年” 文化地理学 民族国家话语 性别/欲望政治 文化领导权
作者 刘萍 王蓉 +4 位作者 王娟 刘静 王贵秋 袁璐 王达 《黔南民族医专学报》 2023年第1期21-24,共4页
目的:分析黔南布依族苗族自治州都匀市育龄女性不良孕产发生风险程度与叶酸代谢关键酶5,10-甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)和甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)基因多态性分布的关系,明确相关基因型对于预测不良孕产的实际意义,为进一步普及推广... 目的:分析黔南布依族苗族自治州都匀市育龄女性不良孕产发生风险程度与叶酸代谢关键酶5,10-甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTHFR)和甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(MTRR)基因多态性分布的关系,明确相关基因型对于预测不良孕产的实际意义,为进一步普及推广产前基因筛查提供科学依据。方法:以2018年8月至2022年4月在贵州省黔南州妇幼保健院门诊就诊的育龄妇女及孕早中期建卡孕妇为研究对象,采集检查者的口腔黏膜细胞提取样本。采用Taqman-MGB探针荧光定量PCR检测MTHFR C677T/A1298C和MTRR A66G位点多态性风险分布,结合不良孕产风险等级诊断结果,分析比较基因多态性的分布特征。结果:根据产前筛查结果,不同风险程度的各组,MTHFR C677T基因型分布差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),高风险组TT型所占比例高于其他各组,T等位基因频率显著高于其他各组。MTHFR A1298C基因型分布差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),高风险组CC型所占比例高于其他各组,C等位基因频率显著高于其他各组。MTRR A66G基因型分布差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),AA型频率及A等位基因频率显著低于低风险组和未发现风险组。结论:产前筛查叶酸代谢关键酶基因相关位点可以预测叶酸利用能力欠缺的育龄妇女发生不良孕产风险程度,针对性给出叶酸增补的科学指导。 展开更多
关键词 5 10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶 基因多态性 育龄女性 民族特异性
Cultural Connotation and Contemporary Value of Japanese Garden
作者 Wei LIU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1929-1931,1934,共4页
Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographica... Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographical environment and national culture, Japanese gardens combine Chinese culture with local national characteristics, forming a unique garden culture in Japan. Based on the research on Japanese gardens like pond garden, rock garden and tea garden, this study analyzed the cultural connotation in Japanese garden landscape design, made in-depth understanding of Japanese landscape development, explored the value existing in the contemporary garden design of Japanese gardens, with the aim to make use of the excellent experience to the garden landscape design in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese garden Cultural connotation Contemporary value National characteristics
Verbal Abuse Russian View
作者 V. I. Zhelvis 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期645-647,共3页
An important part of human communication--verbal abuse--shows signs of specifically national features. So far the Russian language of law is sadly lacking a few terms necessary in legal procedures concerning cases of ... An important part of human communication--verbal abuse--shows signs of specifically national features. So far the Russian language of law is sadly lacking a few terms necessary in legal procedures concerning cases of human rights violation. The "Westernization" of Russian collectivist mentality makes the solution of the problem still more urgent. 展开更多
关键词 verbal abuse hate speech fighting words HARASSMENT offense INSULT obscenity indecency
Demographic and Infrastructure Problems of Villages in the Hilly-Mountainous Areas of Prilep
作者 Cane Koteski Dushko Josheski Zlatko Jakovlev Snezana Bardarova Vladimir Kitanov 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期569-581,共13页
In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area siz... In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area size, absolute density and agrarian population in hilly-mountainous villages, the distance of the hill-mountain villages of the municipality center and institutional infrastructure hilly-mountainous areas in Prilep. Despite the demographic decline that was made in the past 45 years, the municipality and the country will have even more incentive in the coming years to invest in infrastructure to improve little very bad living conditions and foremost here we think of infrastructure, roads, water drinking, clinics, veterinary stations, public transportation, gas stations, stores, construction of ethnic restaurants and small hotels so that at least the older generations of the cities as the least retirement to spend at home, to create minimum conditions for living and so that villages in hilly and mountainous villages to be attractive to younger generations of the cities and migrant workers from European countries and America Australia frequently to visit home, and to be able to invest in small commercial buildings in the area of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Demographic structure geographical location agricultural density institutional structure Prilep.
Progress in Enclave Tourism Study of Overseas:A Literature Review
作者 Liu Aili Liu Jiaming Liu Min 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第3期76-81,共6页
In response to the "isolated island" phenomenon emerging from the development of tourist resorts in China, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism overseas, which has similar features to the resort &... In response to the "isolated island" phenomenon emerging from the development of tourist resorts in China, this paper reviews the study of enclave tourism overseas, which has similar features to the resort "island". Based on the literatures related to enclave tourism from Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research, this paper reviews the study of enclave tour- ism from the following aspects: definition discussion, theories used, causation of enclaves, characteristics and impacts of enclave tourism. The understanding of the overseas researches on enclave tourism would provide instructions for the study on the problems of Chinese resorts, such as enclavity and "island effects", and suggest measures for the sustainable development of resorts in China. This paper is divided into three sections. Section 1 briefly introduces the development of enclave tourism in developing countries and the outline of enclave tourism study. Section 2 elaborates on the contents of enclave tourism research and gives deep insights into the study on concepts, characteristics, causations and effects respectively, which is the key part of this paper; Section 3 concludes the review and proposes suggestions for the enclave tourism study in China. 展开更多
关键词 enclave tourism characteristics impacts study progress
Sino-Western Regional Differences and Translation
作者 ZHAO You-bin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第4期441-444,共4页
Cultuare difference always exists in many aspects. Due to the national characters, regionalism, and times, translation can not be in a position when we try to translate without considering the language culture. Cultur... Cultuare difference always exists in many aspects. Due to the national characters, regionalism, and times, translation can not be in a position when we try to translate without considering the language culture. Cultural difference between English and Chinese, determines the different features between English and Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-Western cultures regional culture TRANSLATION
China's National Characteristics,Government-Market Relationship and the Development of Its Financial System
作者 马勇 陈雨露 《China Economist》 2014年第6期34-41,共8页
This study seeks to determine an effective boundary between government and market in light of modern financial theories.According to the findings of this paper,the relationship between government and market must be co... This study seeks to determine an effective boundary between government and market in light of modern financial theories.According to the findings of this paper,the relationship between government and market must be conceived of as under the "continuous spectrum of change" resulting from economic development.In practice,an effective frontier between government and market not only transforms continuously with the process of economic development but also demonstrates significant contrasts internationally according to the different national characteristics existing in each country.Determining a frontier between government and market requires that the relationship between the two be embedded into a broader set of institutional environmental constraints that incorporate consideration of the dynamic processes and mechanisms of economic development.The key issue is that government and market act with regard to the principle of comparative advantage as they play their respective roles. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNMENT MARKET national character&tics
Research on the Relationship of Cross-Cultural Context and English Teaching from the Perspective of the Development of Linguistics and Pedagogy: A Theoretical Review
作者 Tingting Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第11期4-6,共3页
In this paper, we conduct theoretical review on the relationship of cross-cultural context and the English teaching from the perspective of the development of linguistics and pedagogy. To learn a foreign language is m... In this paper, we conduct theoretical review on the relationship of cross-cultural context and the English teaching from the perspective of the development of linguistics and pedagogy. To learn a foreign language is mainly used for the purpose of intercultural communication and successful communication depends on not only good language structure knowledge depends on understanding and grasp of the cultural context in communication. Diversified teaching mode should be designed according to different teaching goal. Teachers should according to the actual circumstance of various other class teaching, planning and design to reflect the personalized teaching. The words carry each other' s national culture information and reflect the national mentality of the humanities, represent the cultural background of different languages which have distinct and unique ethnic characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Cross-Cultural Context English Teaching Linguistics and Pedagogy Review.
Exploration of the Spiritual Pursuit of Traditional Chinese Painting Similarity and Dissimilarity
作者 Yuanpeng Song 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期95-97,共3页
Chinese painting has a long history and distinctive national characteristics, self-contained in the field of world art. It is unique and become the mainstream of oriental art. Traditional Chinese painting is artistic ... Chinese painting has a long history and distinctive national characteristics, self-contained in the field of world art. It is unique and become the mainstream of oriental art. Traditional Chinese painting is artistic conception as the soul, melting into poetry, books, paintings as a whole, poetic romance as the connotation, expressing feelings and thoughts. It exhibited virtual static beauty in thinking of Taoist philosophy of nature, becoming a unique Chinese aesthetic art. Artistic spirit is an important part and aesthetic standard of Chinese painting aesthetics, in the "paintings goods recorded," "Lively spirit" is defined as the highest state of painting, artistic spirit is not a very mysterious thing, it was born from the pen and ink. NO pen and ink, no artistic spirit. Pursuing vivid artistic spirit, emphasizing ink skills, giving vent to feelings of oneself for its purpose, Chinese painting has generated a large number of outstanding works of art in thousands of years, constructed a unique cultural spirit, shaped the nation ' s aesthetic temperament and character. 展开更多
关键词 Spiritual Pursuit Traditional Chinese Painting Similarity and Dissimilarity.
Play the role of the university libraries in the research and heritage of the local cultural protection
作者 LI Shunqian 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期24-28,共5页
The libraries, especially the university libraries, are the important gathering places of the human cultural knowledge and the inheritance, which usually house some important and rare historical literature books and m... The libraries, especially the university libraries, are the important gathering places of the human cultural knowledge and the inheritance, which usually house some important and rare historical literature books and materials. Especially the local university libraries in the minority agglomeration regions collect the cultural resources with the local ethnic characteristics, so the local university libraries should have the better geographical advantages and the advantages of the subject resources to give full play to the unique functions and values to study and inherit the local cultural protection. 展开更多
关键词 University library local cultures protection and inheritance
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