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作者 任佳 李宇航 《内蒙古艺术》 2024年第5期14-20,共7页
《大地音诗》是秦文琛近年来创作的一部具有代表性的室内乐作品。这部作品充分展现了作曲家宏大的音乐构思,通过丰富的音响设计,为听众带来了丰富多彩的音乐体验。在这部以音色和音响设计为主要创作手段的作品中,作曲家秦文琛深入挖掘... 《大地音诗》是秦文琛近年来创作的一部具有代表性的室内乐作品。这部作品充分展现了作曲家宏大的音乐构思,通过丰富的音响设计,为听众带来了丰富多彩的音乐体验。在这部以音色和音响设计为主要创作手段的作品中,作曲家秦文琛深入挖掘不同乐器的音色潜力,以及不同乐器组合产生的音响形态,同时进行巧妙设计,从而使得室内乐焕发出新的生机。 展开更多
关键词 《大地诗》 非常规 织体响设计 民族音声构建
“仪式音声民族志”文本建构——谈少数民族音乐研究的民族志书写 被引量:19
作者 周凯模 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 CSSCI 2009年第3期46-54,共9页
民族志是少数民族音乐研究的基本方法。民族志书写实践,是把握各种理论真谛的有效途径。实验民族志探索,是世纪之交人文学科修辞困境焦点的产物。笔者以自身数年数个版本的"仪式音声民族志"书写,参与了解释学民族志文本实验... 民族志是少数民族音乐研究的基本方法。民族志书写实践,是把握各种理论真谛的有效途径。实验民族志探索,是世纪之交人文学科修辞困境焦点的产物。笔者以自身数年数个版本的"仪式音声民族志"书写,参与了解释学民族志文本实验的探求:仪式音声民族志的"行为深描文本",由口述文本、书写文本和现场文本建构;仪式音声民族志的"意义阐释文本",由民族志行为阐释、音乐学音响阐释和符号学意义阐释建构。解释学民族志的书写实验使笔者获得:一种互为文本的观察视角、一种互相阐释的角色理念、一种深度描写的解读方法和一个发现——在意义阐释文本中,当"音声符号"在仪式的具象层面呈现着象征符号与外在行为过程的结构意义、在信仰的意象层面揭示着象征符号与内在文化理念的认知意义时,"仪式音声"(音乐)作为一种贯通化合"行为符号"和"意义符号"的文化符号象征,不仅能完成对一个特色知识体系从表征系统至意义系统的全程阐释,并能在形而上的意义追寻中消融"音乐学"与"人类学"在形而下研究中的生涩组合。 展开更多
关键词 少数民族音乐研究 民族志书写 仪式民族 解释学文本建构
作者 林涛 《艺术探索》 2009年第3期45-48,共4页
广西民族音画《八桂大歌》是近年来广西艺术舞台上出现的一部艺术精品。它取材于民间、扎根于民族土壤,辅以舞蹈、民族器乐、民族服饰,充满浓郁的民族风情。本文较系统地对该作品中的音乐部分,从音乐创作、音乐素材、音乐风格等进行全... 广西民族音画《八桂大歌》是近年来广西艺术舞台上出现的一部艺术精品。它取材于民间、扎根于民族土壤,辅以舞蹈、民族器乐、民族服饰,充满浓郁的民族风情。本文较系统地对该作品中的音乐部分,从音乐创作、音乐素材、音乐风格等进行全面而有条理的分析和鉴赏,来阐述其浓郁的音乐特色。 展开更多
关键词 八桂大歌 民族音 乐特色
作者 任家瑶 《艺术评鉴》 2024年第14期7-13,共7页
《塔克拉玛干掠影》是我国著名作曲家金湘于1985年创作的一部民族交响音画,由《漠原》《漠楼》《漠舟》《漠洲》四个乐章构成。该作品是金湘运用中西合璧的思维以及传统与现代结合的技术手段,将中国民族乐器与西方体裁融合,创作出的具... 《塔克拉玛干掠影》是我国著名作曲家金湘于1985年创作的一部民族交响音画,由《漠原》《漠楼》《漠舟》《漠洲》四个乐章构成。该作品是金湘运用中西合璧的思维以及传统与现代结合的技术手段,将中国民族乐器与西方体裁融合,创作出的具有交响性的民族音乐作品。它对我国民族交响音乐的创作具有重要的参考价值。本文基于结构、旋律、多声技术与配器等方面进行技术分析与总结,解读金湘的“古今接轨、中西合璧”思维在作品中的体现,以及对中国传统音乐文化的继承与发展。 展开更多
关键词 民族交响乐 《塔克拉玛干掠影》 乐创作 作曲家金湘
绚丽的歌舞奇葩——评民族音画《八桂大歌》 被引量:2
作者 田玉斌 《舞蹈》 北大核心 2004年第12期6-7,共2页
由广西壮族自治区柳州市歌舞团创作演出的广西民族音画《八桂大歌》,于不久前在浙江举办的“第七届中国艺术节”上荣获了“文华大奖”。据我所知,这是文化部自设置此奖项以来,第一台获此殊荣的歌舞类节目。我觉得这的确是一部很成功... 由广西壮族自治区柳州市歌舞团创作演出的广西民族音画《八桂大歌》,于不久前在浙江举办的“第七届中国艺术节”上荣获了“文华大奖”。据我所知,这是文化部自设置此奖项以来,第一台获此殊荣的歌舞类节目。我觉得这的确是一部很成功的作品。 展开更多
关键词 歌舞剧 戏剧评论 《八桂大歌》中国 民族音画”
作者 方环海 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期83-87,共5页
在整个 2 0世纪 ,汉语音韵学研究领域内的许多研究者都在自己的研究中创获了许多行之有效的科学研究方法 ,其中民族对音比较法就为近代汉语语音研究提供了很有启发的方法论尝试。民族对音比较法在汉语音韵学上具有独特的方法论价值 ,但... 在整个 2 0世纪 ,汉语音韵学研究领域内的许多研究者都在自己的研究中创获了许多行之有效的科学研究方法 ,其中民族对音比较法就为近代汉语语音研究提供了很有启发的方法论尝试。民族对音比较法在汉语音韵学上具有独特的方法论价值 ,但也存在不足。 展开更多
关键词 民族比较法 近代汉语 韵学 研究方法
作者 吕晶晶 《黄河之声》 2020年第11期164-165,共2页
在二十世纪西方音乐的历史上,阿诺尔德·勋伯的“十二音作曲法”的问世为音乐语言开辟了新的天地。作为新维也纳的代表人物,他不仅仅留下了大量的音乐作品,同时也在音乐美学思想观念上颇有建树。本文通过对勋伯格的书信、论著等整理... 在二十世纪西方音乐的历史上,阿诺尔德·勋伯的“十二音作曲法”的问世为音乐语言开辟了新的天地。作为新维也纳的代表人物,他不仅仅留下了大量的音乐作品,同时也在音乐美学思想观念上颇有建树。本文通过对勋伯格的书信、论著等整理,对他的民族主义音乐观以及音乐教育观进行简要分析。 展开更多
关键词 勋伯格 民族主义乐观 乐教育观
作者 吾峰 《影视技术》 2003年第4期39-39,共1页
关键词 16mm民族语电影光盘还系统 民族语电影 译制 时间码同步技术 数字声还
论齐尔品音乐教育观之核心思想及其形成与运用 被引量:2
作者 王文 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期53-56,共4页
美籍俄裔音乐家齐尔品作为一名作曲家、钢琴家享誉世界,国内外学术界已有了不少关于其音乐作品的研究成果出现。然而,作为教育家的齐尔品之音乐教育思想却很少受到关注。文章通过齐尔品访问中国和日本期间的教育活动,研究齐尔品受教育过... 美籍俄裔音乐家齐尔品作为一名作曲家、钢琴家享誉世界,国内外学术界已有了不少关于其音乐作品的研究成果出现。然而,作为教育家的齐尔品之音乐教育思想却很少受到关注。文章通过齐尔品访问中国和日本期间的教育活动,研究齐尔品受教育过程,分析其思想的形成以及他的音乐教育实践经验,探索齐尔品的音乐教育观及其对中日现代音乐教育的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 齐尔品 乐教育思想 民族音乐观
宋元以来汉语与民族语对音所见几种语音现象 被引量:2
作者 徐朝东 仝正涛 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期11-17,103,共8页
明清时期在西北地区流行的河西宝卷中存在11种典型性的语音现象,与宋元以来汉语与西夏语、女真、契丹、蒙古语等对音资料有一些对应关系,这些语音资料揭示了宋元以来汉语官话的发展一些规律,一种类似全浊声母清化、阳声尾-m并入-n、入... 明清时期在西北地区流行的河西宝卷中存在11种典型性的语音现象,与宋元以来汉语与西夏语、女真、契丹、蒙古语等对音资料有一些对应关系,这些语音资料揭示了宋元以来汉语官话的发展一些规律,一种类似全浊声母清化、阳声尾-m并入-n、入声塞尾丢失等,是汉语官话的普遍规律;一种如麻歌读音相近,鱼入支微,宕江、曾(一等)、梗(二等)摄入声读入歌戈韵,是宋元以来中原地区通语的普遍特征;一种是知照组与日微等合口字读为唇擦音[f][v],这是明清以来西北方音区别特征。 展开更多
关键词 宋元以来 汉语与民族语对 汉语语 演变
Science of Music in the Education System of Uzbekistan
作者 Saida Kasymhodjaeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期578-581,共4页
Perceiving musicology as a combination of scientific and academic disciplines, and considering the history and the way of its development, the author pays more attention to the problem of understanding the evolution o... Perceiving musicology as a combination of scientific and academic disciplines, and considering the history and the way of its development, the author pays more attention to the problem of understanding the evolution of music and musical science. Music education is presented in the relationship of the two main areas: science and education. There is evidence of a gradual expansion and changes in the content and methods of the science of music. The 21st century rapidly and dynamically entered in our lives in terms of the development of information communication, technological progress and unprecedented rise of scientific thought. Social upheavals of this period of history, a powerful wave of liberation movements have caused an unprecedented intensification of national creative forces committed to the development, expansion of contacts, attached to the other cultures. To date, the science of music has evolved so much on what grew out of it and separated into clearly separate spheres with their problems, trends, directions: music theory, music history, ethnomusicology, musical philosophy, and also music source studying. And it should be noted that each of these areas has its embodiment in materialized form of faculties, departments in the conservatory. Development of new standards, new plans, programs, new courses is a related process of development of these sciences in general. 展开更多
On the Inheritance and Development of Folk Music
作者 Kai GUO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期57-59,共3页
Folk music in the past was inherited through family tradition, apprenticeship, social folk life, etc., mainly by the way of oral teaching method. Since the founding of New China, the country in addition to investigate... Folk music in the past was inherited through family tradition, apprenticeship, social folk life, etc., mainly by the way of oral teaching method. Since the founding of New China, the country in addition to investigate and research the minority musicians, takes into consideration the special education and minority musical heritage and the establishment of different forms and characteristics of art institutions. In the inheritance and development of folk music, the advantages of school education cannot be ignored. We should pay attention to the inheritance and development of folk music in college music reform, so that music education has become a platform to promote the national music culture. 展开更多
Realism of Movie Arts and Ecology folk cultural heritage in Southern Shaanxi Province --Taking the real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" for example
作者 Jun Su 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期22-24,共3页
The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the ... The real movie "Lang singing folk songs in the door" is the triangle love story among Xiao Yang, Feng Gang and Zhang Xuefeng. the three characters are the main line. folk songs in Nan Kang Ziyang of Shaanxi are the carrier, full of musical charm and cultural values. Folk songs, and love reveal the tragic loss and suffering in modern youth life-changing period, and reflect the gap between ideal and reality. Movie inspires people, developing and upholding heritage of folk music and cultural needs the whole community' s concern and support, a cavity blood alone and personal ideals are not enough, only rely on social groups and cultural media, can Southern folk ecological culture be in sustainable development, and fly out of the country to the world. 展开更多
关键词 "Lang singing folk songs in the door" artistic expression Southern folk songs cultural heritage
The Innovation of the Theory of She Minority Music
作者 Ma Haisheng 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期200-204,共5页
In recent years, China increasingly pays attention to problems of quality education to produce more high-quality personnels. Today, quality education in our country is in full swing, and music art education in our cou... In recent years, China increasingly pays attention to problems of quality education to produce more high-quality personnels. Today, quality education in our country is in full swing, and music art education in our country is going through a series of reforms, and has made rapid development to a certain extent. For a long time, She minority music in our country's national music plays a special role, and in today's construction of socialist market economy, innovation of traditional music is of great significance. This paper introduces the status of development of the traditional music culture, expounds the significance of the innovation of traditional music and puts forward some suggestions about innovation to traditional music 展开更多
关键词 She minority music QUALITY INNOVATION
Reflection of the development of the national musicology in the college music education
作者 Zhang Yanjun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期132-134,共3页
The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should c... The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should carry out the innovation base on the "used doctrine". According to China's national conditions and the characteristics of the cultures, improve the research methodology of the national musicology, so that the national musicology can have the Chinese characteristics. The national musicology is an independent basic discipline in the university education. In China, the music education and research work in colleges and universities has an important role in the inheritance and development of the national music. In this paper, combined with the present situations of the music education in colleges and universities, from the perspectives of the education and the research, the author expounds the ideas of the development trends of the national musicology in the music education in colleges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 National musicology music education in colleges and universities development and thinking
Music of the Arab-Anglicans in Israel: Dynamics of Ethno-Religious Identity 被引量:1
作者 Alexander Rosenblatt 《Sociology Study》 2014年第7期649-659,共11页
The paper focuses on music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican communities in Israel in their dynamics over the last years. The analysis is based on field recordings and other ethnography collected by the author in 2006... The paper focuses on music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican communities in Israel in their dynamics over the last years. The analysis is based on field recordings and other ethnography collected by the author in 2006-2011. The music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican churches in Israel comprises different styles, which might be decoded as indices of group identity, and transmits different signifiers of belonging to diverse branches of the contemporary world Anglican tradition. A remarkable feature of this Christian community is the ongoing shift of subaltern identities when their most "Western" component--association with a particular sub-division of the Church--receives its musical expression by means of "local motif', that is, the tunes associated with regional repertories. The dynamics of ethno-religious identity of Arab-Anglicans in Israel manifests itself through several tendencies, such as ecumenical tendency and some other trends. Though the study is situated in the context of an interdisciplinary academic discourse, music is the main text addressed. "Reading" this music allowed the author to uncover tenets, trends, and interrelations within the communities under study. 展开更多
关键词 Arab-Anglicans group identity subaltern identity local motif
Learn a rich foreign language research on teaching voice Chinese language of minority
作者 Kaiyan Wan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期26-28,共3页
Foreign teaching and Chinese language teaching of minority are two different forms of teaching in nature, both the nature and the system of teaching are different, but in the teaching objectives, content, principles, ... Foreign teaching and Chinese language teaching of minority are two different forms of teaching in nature, both the nature and the system of teaching are different, but in the teaching objectives, content, principles, methods, and therefore there are many similarities, so two studies outcomes can learn from each other. In this paper, with voice teaching as an example, we will talk about foreign language studies in ethnic minority Chinese Teaching. I think, in the teaching program design, the teaching Chinese minorities can learn from the simplified idea of teaching phonological Mr. Zhao Jin ruing, which is proposed foreign teaching Chinese, to simplify Voice teaching. In teaching principles, we should emphasize specific principles, instructional design based on students' different characteristics. In the teaching content, teaching should not only pay attention phonetic syllables within the system, but also more emphasis on syllables voice level teaching, especially teaching speech flow. In teaching methods, we should learn teaching, research tone, softly and so on. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language teaching the teaching of ethnic minorities voice teaching.
浅谈音乐教学中如何体现创新教育 被引量:2
作者 李丽华 《课程教材教学研究(教育研究)》 2007年第4期88-89,共2页
创新教育的基本价值取向是培养人的创新精神和创新能力,其核心是着重研究和解决基础教育如何培养中小学生的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力的问题。创新是一种观念,一种精神,一种能力,一种机制,一个系统,涉及到一系列理论和实践问题。概... 创新教育的基本价值取向是培养人的创新精神和创新能力,其核心是着重研究和解决基础教育如何培养中小学生的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力的问题。创新是一种观念,一种精神,一种能力,一种机制,一个系统,涉及到一系列理论和实践问题。概括地说,创新教育也就是根据创新原理,以培养学生具有一定的创新意识、创新思维、创新能力以及创新个性为目的的教育理论和方法。 展开更多
关键词 新教育 价值取向 兴趣小组 课程标准 现代教学设备 理念要求 发散性 现代教育观 内容与形式 民族音
论三弦左手演奏技术与训练 被引量:2
作者 刘慧 《中国音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期99-102,共4页
作为一件极富表现力和感染力的民族弹拨乐器,三弦形制的独特性,对其左手技术和乐器风格的形成具有重要的影响。在三弦演奏过程中,为了表现出这些音色层次变化,需要演奏者对我国民族传统音乐音腔特点进行深入领悟,并结合左、右手一起进... 作为一件极富表现力和感染力的民族弹拨乐器,三弦形制的独特性,对其左手技术和乐器风格的形成具有重要的影响。在三弦演奏过程中,为了表现出这些音色层次变化,需要演奏者对我国民族传统音乐音腔特点进行深入领悟,并结合左、右手一起进行全面的、协调合理的配合,才能触及三弦演奏的至高境界。本文将就三弦形制的独特性,结合一些民族传统音乐音腔特点来逐一阐述三弦左手演奏技术及其训练要点。 展开更多
关键词 三弦形制 民族传统 左手演奏技术 训练要点
作者 陈宇京 《三峡文化研究》 2007年第1期311-320,共10页
前言"三峡船工号子"概念,出自20世纪80年代末三峡工程正式上马暨"三峡文化"这一新生人类文化学概念之后。三峡库区蓄水,船运便利,"三峡船工号子"与人力船运劳动形式必将共趋消亡,作为华夏文化精元之一,... 前言"三峡船工号子"概念,出自20世纪80年代末三峡工程正式上马暨"三峡文化"这一新生人类文化学概念之后。三峡库区蓄水,船运便利,"三峡船工号子"与人力船运劳动形式必将共趋消亡,作为华夏文化精元之一,对其抢救性挖掘、研究,势在必行。 展开更多
关键词 船工号子 乐概论 人文研究 汉族民歌概论 船渔号子 中国民歌 库区蓄水 乐文化 乐本体 民族音
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