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新质生产力视域下我国新兴气体能源创新发展研究 被引量:3
作者 仲冰 韩颜如 +3 位作者 张国生 梁英波 张博 刘合 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期72-83,共12页
工业革命以来的历次生产力跃升都以能源转型为重要驱动力,能源品种的更新迭代是带动产业转型升级、推动经济秩序重构的变革性力量,催生先进生产力质态;全球正在兴起以非常规天然气、生物天然气(或生物燃气)、氢气、氨气等为代表的新兴... 工业革命以来的历次生产力跃升都以能源转型为重要驱动力,能源品种的更新迭代是带动产业转型升级、推动经济秩序重构的变革性力量,催生先进生产力质态;全球正在兴起以非常规天然气、生物天然气(或生物燃气)、氢气、氨气等为代表的新兴气体能源的发展浪潮,为能源科技创新、经济社会可持续发展持续注入新动能。鉴于已有研究和实践缺乏对于新兴气体能源的综合把握与系统审视,本文在新质生产力视域下概览新兴气体能源发展的宏观背景,剖析我国发展新兴气体能源的现实意义、产业基础、政策支撑,研判新兴气体能源的发展愿景、方向与模式,进而提出新兴气体能源发展建议。研究认为,发展新兴气体能源是能源领域新质生产力形成的重要方向之一,其规模化应用将改变未来能源格局,革新传统天然气工业与燃气行业,塑造新的气体能源工业形态;应结合我国能源转型进程,精准把握新兴气体能源发展的价值、战略、技术、定位,将新兴气体能源列为新型能源体系建设的关键组成部分、实现能源强国的重大战略选择。进一步在顶层设计、制度保障、科技支撑、生态构建等方面探讨发展要点,以期促成我国新兴气体能源产业朝着安全、绿色、多元、融合方向演进。 展开更多
关键词 新兴气体能源 氢能 氨能 多气互补 多能融合 能源转型
我国城市的大气污染与气体能源的地下储存 被引量:2
作者 张杰坤 刘金韬 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期515-521,共7页
汽车尾气污染已成为城市空气污染的主要来源,改善汽车的燃气已成为当务之急。液化石油气与压缩天然气应是首选能源。延用百年的地表钢罐储存,无论从规模上、造价上、还是环境保护等方面已不再适宜。地下水封岩洞储存已应运而生。地下... 汽车尾气污染已成为城市空气污染的主要来源,改善汽车的燃气已成为当务之急。液化石油气与压缩天然气应是首选能源。延用百年的地表钢罐储存,无论从规模上、造价上、还是环境保护等方面已不再适宜。地下水封岩洞储存已应运而生。地下储气库对地质条件提出了非常严格的要求。本文重点论述地下水封洞库的保证性与围岩稳定性,同时还对我国修建地下气库的前景作了展望。 展开更多
关键词 空气污染 气体能源 地下储存 液化石油气
加快发展气体能源是我国可持续发展战略的重要选择 被引量:2
作者 郭焦锋 《国际石油经济》 2013年第12期25-31,103,共7页
加快发展常规天然气、页岩气、煤层气、煤制甲烷、可燃冰等气体能源,既能有效缓解我国面临的能源安全、环境保护和减排等多重压力,又能培育新的经济增长点,应成为我国实现可持续发展的重要战略选择之一。为此,应提升气体能源在我国能源... 加快发展常规天然气、页岩气、煤层气、煤制甲烷、可燃冰等气体能源,既能有效缓解我国面临的能源安全、环境保护和减排等多重压力,又能培育新的经济增长点,应成为我国实现可持续发展的重要战略选择之一。为此,应提升气体能源在我国能源战略中的地位,加快能源领域的市场化改革,建立和完善准入和矿业权管理制度,放宽气体能源的行业准入,改革能源价格形成机制,加强对天然气基干管网的监管,并加大对页岩气开采技术、可燃冰开采技术、碳捕获与存储技术等关键技术开发的支持,从而改变我国能源供应和消费的结构,支持可持续发展和生态文明建设。 展开更多
关键词 气体能源 可持续发展战略 天然气 环境保护 产业政策
作者 于素花 吕应运 《预测》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第3期52-54,共3页
天然气与其它气体能源需求预测于素花,吕应运(清华大学核能技术设计研究院100084)1引言天然气是一种高效清洁能源,随着经济发展能源需求越来越大,为了适应经济发展,减少环境污染,发展天然气及其它气体燃料(液化石油气、... 天然气与其它气体能源需求预测于素花,吕应运(清华大学核能技术设计研究院100084)1引言天然气是一种高效清洁能源,随着经济发展能源需求越来越大,为了适应经济发展,减少环境污染,发展天然气及其它气体燃料(液化石油气、焦炉煤气、炼厂于气、人工煤气)是非... 展开更多
关键词 天然气 气体能源 气体燃料 预测需求
未来我国气体能源发展动向研究 被引量:10
作者 宋科余 龙涛 +3 位作者 段红梅 陈其慎 张艳飞 郑国栋 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期187-195,共9页
“十四五”期间我国能源需求增速将有所放缓,但仍将处于高位,随着经济社会的不断恢复以及环境问题的显现,未来能源安全形势仍然严峻,及早建立清洁、高效、安全、多元化的现代能源体系,调整优化我国能源供给结构迫在眉睫。本文通过判断... “十四五”期间我国能源需求增速将有所放缓,但仍将处于高位,随着经济社会的不断恢复以及环境问题的显现,未来能源安全形势仍然严峻,及早建立清洁、高效、安全、多元化的现代能源体系,调整优化我国能源供给结构迫在眉睫。本文通过判断我国气体能源发展现状,构建气体能源优先发展评价指标体系,运用层次分析法与灰色关联度评价法对各气体能源进行对比分析得出,消耗排放、燃料热值、国际合作、政策扶持、生产成本、资源潜力、生产排放等因素对各气体能源发展影响最大;未来应优先发展致密气、页岩气、煤层气,理性发展煤制气,科学布局可燃冰开发规划;建议加大气体能源勘探投入,提高天然气供能比例,摸清页岩气资源家底,突破核心技术,提升环保监督、安全生产意识,优化统一现有政策。 展开更多
关键词 气体能源 层次分析法 灰色关联度法 发展动向
非能源利用及其引起的温室气体排放核算模型研究 被引量:1
作者 王敏 唐旭 +6 位作者 李忻颖 马美艳 姜钰卿 丁聿 马志达 任凯鹏 张宝生 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期472-482,共11页
以大量文献和报告为据,阐述了“非能源利用环节”的内涵,且对国际现有的非能源利用温室气体(GHG)排放量核算模型的核心特征、搭建理念、框架设计原则、发展历程、适用范围和优缺点进行综述和对比,结果表明,IPCC-RA方法可提高非能源利用... 以大量文献和报告为据,阐述了“非能源利用环节”的内涵,且对国际现有的非能源利用温室气体(GHG)排放量核算模型的核心特征、搭建理念、框架设计原则、发展历程、适用范围和优缺点进行综述和对比,结果表明,IPCC-RA方法可提高非能源利用温室气体排放量的核算效率,IPCC-SA可识别其源项性分布特征;NEAT模型可刻画国际贸易结构对化工产品中碳流动的影响程度;EPA专设模型仅适于美国。IPCC-RA可宏观把控中国非能源利用温室气体排放特征,故基于IPCC-RA核算了中国工业终端部门非能源利用的碳排放与储存量,结果表明,2010—2020年间非能源利用以石油为主,原煤和石脑油对非能碳排放的贡献度高于其他化石燃料。国际既有模型并不能精准描绘我国化工产品贸易结构对非能源利用环节碳流动的作用程度,建议在后续研究中开发出企业层面工艺级别的原料-产品矩阵和非能源利用的本土化碳储存与排放因子,自下向上地搭建符合我国国情的非能源利用温室气体排放量核算模型。 展开更多
关键词 能源利用温室气体(GHG)排放量 IPCC指南法 NEAT模型 原料用能
作者 阿普.,JA 《地质科技动态》 1996年第7期27-29,共3页
关键词 地壳 无机质 成因 天然气 能源气体
作者 王思佳 《中国船检》 2024年第2期38-42,共5页
国际天然气联盟(IGU)是世界燃气行业最权威的非营利性国际组织,由来自80多个国家和地区的150多个政府部门、行业协会和企业组成,代表了全球97%的天然气生产和消费市场。它成立于1931年,秘书处设在英国伦敦。IGU的使命是倡导气体能源作... 国际天然气联盟(IGU)是世界燃气行业最权威的非营利性国际组织,由来自80多个国家和地区的150多个政府部门、行业协会和企业组成,代表了全球97%的天然气生产和消费市场。它成立于1931年,秘书处设在英国伦敦。IGU的使命是倡导气体能源作为全球可持续能源系统的重要组成部分,促进世界燃气行业在政治、技术和经济方面的进步,提高气体能源在全球能源市场中的竞争力,推动燃气供应链每一环节的革新。 展开更多
关键词 燃气行业 行业协会 可持续能源 供应链 替代燃料 气体能源 生产和消费 非营利性
温度对干化污泥水蒸气气化产气特性的影响 被引量:7
作者 何丕文 焦李 肖波 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1-3,42,共4页
采用固定床气化装置,在水蒸气流量为0.32 kg/h条件下进行了污泥水蒸气气化实验。研究了温度对污泥气化气体产率、氢气产率、气体成分与低位热值、气体能源转化率的影响。结果表明:随着反应温度从700℃上升到1 000℃;气体产率从0.39 m3/k... 采用固定床气化装置,在水蒸气流量为0.32 kg/h条件下进行了污泥水蒸气气化实验。研究了温度对污泥气化气体产率、氢气产率、气体成分与低位热值、气体能源转化率的影响。结果表明:随着反应温度从700℃上升到1 000℃;气体产率从0.39 m3/kg升至0.61 m3/kg;氢气产率从0.18 m3/kg升至0.34 m3/kg;气体能源转化率从54%升至88%;产气的低位热值从10 688.1 kJ/m3提高至11 168.9 kJ/m3。同时产气中H2和CO含量随着温度的升高而增加,CH4、CO2和CnHm含量随温度的升高而减少。因此,为了获得更多的可燃气体,建议在污泥水蒸气气化工艺中,气化温度必须大于800℃。 展开更多
关键词 温度 干化污泥 气化 气体产率 气体能源转化率
作者 何丕文 吴小刚 《长江大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第21期12-16,共5页
采用固定床气化装置,在水蒸气流量为0.5kg/h、反应温度为900℃条件下进行了污泥水蒸气气化试验,研究了污泥在气化炉固相停留时间(Solid residence time,SRT)对污泥气化气体产率、气体成分与低位热值、气体能源转化率的影响。结果表明,随... 采用固定床气化装置,在水蒸气流量为0.5kg/h、反应温度为900℃条件下进行了污泥水蒸气气化试验,研究了污泥在气化炉固相停留时间(Solid residence time,SRT)对污泥气化气体产率、气体成分与低位热值、气体能源转化率的影响。结果表明,随着SRT从11s提高到26s,气体产率从0.49Nm3/kg上升至0.61Nm3/kg,气体能源转化率从0.52上升至0.73,产气的低位热值从10083.7kJ/m3提高至11357.9kJ/m3;同时,产气中H2和CO含量随着STR的升高而升高,CO_2含量随STR的升高而降低,CH_4和CnHm含量变化较小。因此,延长污泥在气化炉反应时间是提高污泥气化效率的有效手段,在污泥气化工艺设计时,应适当延长污泥在气化炉中停留时间。 展开更多
关键词 SRT 干化污泥 气化 气体产率 气体能源转化率
Overview of Past, Present and Future Marine Power Plants 被引量:6
作者 M.Morsy EI-Gohary 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第2期219-227,共9页
In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent n... In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent need for energy sources that provide sustainable, safe and economic supplies for the world is imperative. The current fossil fuel energy system must be improved to ensure a better and cleaner transportation future for the world. Despite the fact that the marine transportation sector consumes only 5% of global petroleum production; it is responsible for 15% of the world NOx and SOx emissions. These figures must be the engine that powers the scientific research worldwide to develop new solutions for a very old energy problem. In this paper, the most effective types of marine power plants were discussed. The history of the development of each type was presented first and the technical aspects were discussed second. Also, the fuel ceils as a new type of power plants used in marine sector were briefed to give a complete overview of the past, present and future of the marine power plants development. Based on the increased worldwide concerns regarding harmful emissions, many researchers have introduced solutions to this problem, including the adoption of new cleaner fuels. This paper was guided using the same trend and by implementing the hydrogen as fuel for marine internal combustion engine, gas turbines, and fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 marine power plants alternative fuels gas turbines diesel engines hydrogen engines fuel cells hydrogen fuel
Clean Coal Technologies in China: Current Status and Future Perspectives 被引量:49
作者 Shiyan Chang Jiankun Zhuo +2 位作者 Shuo Meng Shiyue Qin Qiang Yao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期447-459,共13页
Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal... Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal technologies (CCTs) are necessary. This paper presents a review of recent research and development of four kinds of CCTs: coal power generation; coal conversion; pollution control; and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. It also outlines future perspectives on directions for technology re search and development (R&D). This review shows that China has made remarkable progress in the R&D of CCTs, and that a number of CCTs have now entered into the commercialization stage. 展开更多
关键词 Clean coal technologies Power generation Coal conversion Pollution control Carbon capture utilization and storage
Investigation of the environmental impacts of steel deck pavement based on life cycle assessment 被引量:4
作者 Bo Wu Ren Haisheng +2 位作者 Geng Wei Gao Hui Qian Zhendong 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第3期334-340,共7页
To investigate the environmental impacts of steel deck pavement through the whole life cycle,the steel deck pavement was divided into five stages:raw materials production,asphalt mixture mixing,pavement construction,o... To investigate the environmental impacts of steel deck pavement through the whole life cycle,the steel deck pavement was divided into five stages:raw materials production,asphalt mixture mixing,pavement construction,operation management,and pavement removing stage.Based on the process-based life cycle assessment(PLCA)method,the calculation methods of energy consumption and gas emissions of two typical steel deck pavement systems(EA+EA pavement and GA+SMA pavement)were determined.The data lists of two pavements were analyzed,and the calculation model was built.Four characteristic indices including primary energy demand(PED),global warming potential(GWP),acidification potential(AP)and respiratory inorganics(RI)were used to quantify the environmental impacts of two pavements.The results show that the environmental impact of the GA+SMA pavement is more than 1.3 times that of the EA+EA pavement.Moreover,the critical stage of energy-saving and emission-reduction of EA+EA pavement and GA+SMA pavement are the raw material production stage and asphalt mixture mixing stage,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 steel deck pavement environmental impact life cycle assessment energy consumption gas emission
Safety and effective developing nuclear power to realize green and low-carbon development 被引量:3
作者 YE Qi-Zhen 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期10-16,共7页
This paper analyzes the role of nuclear power of China's energy structure and industry system. Comparing with other renewable energy the nuclear power chain has very low greenhouse gas emission, so it will play mo... This paper analyzes the role of nuclear power of China's energy structure and industry system. Comparing with other renewable energy the nuclear power chain has very low greenhouse gas emission, so it will play more important role in China's low-carbon economy. The paper also discussed the necessity of nuclear power development to achieve emission reduction, energy structure adjustment, nuclear power safety,environmental protection, enhancement of nuclear power technology, nuclear waste treatment, and disposal, as well as nuclear power plant decommissioning. Based on the safety record and situation of the existing power plants in China, the current status of the development of world nuclear power technology, and the features of the independently designed advanced power plants in China, this paper aims to demonstrate the safety of nuclear power. A nuclear power plant will not cause harm either to the environment and nor to the public according to the real data of radioactivity release, which are obtained from an operational nuclear plant. The development of nuclear power technology can enhance the safety of nuclear power. Further, this paper discusses issues related to the nuclear fuel cycle, the treatment, and disposal strategies of nuclear waste, and the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant, all of which are issues of public concern. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear power and nuclear energy Role of nuclear power Scale development Nuclear safety Radioactivity release Nuclear fuel cycle
CDM Project Activities in China's Iron and Steel Industry:Current Status,Barriers and Development Strategies
作者 Rong Fang Zeng Shaojun +1 位作者 Yu Huijin Lan Yuxin 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期47-54,共8页
China is now facing huge pressure from both the domestic concern of energy security and the global community's call for emission reduction commitment.As one of the major energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitter... China is now facing huge pressure from both the domestic concern of energy security and the global community's call for emission reduction commitment.As one of the major energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitters,China's iron and steel industry has a huge clean development mechanism(CDM) potential.This article both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes the current status of CDM project activities in the iron and steel industry in China,including characteristics of approved project types,applicable methodologies,and potential technology fields.From the perspective of project implementation,the article summarizes development barriers such as high investment risk,difficulty in project identification,strict requirements on PPDs,long registration waiting time,and etc.Policy suggestions are also put forwarded to help better promote the development of CDM projects in the iron and steel industry. 展开更多
关键词 climate change clean development mechanism iron and steel industry energy conservation
Development of Biomass Utilization in Latvia
作者 Peteris Shipkovs Galina Kashkarova +1 位作者 Kristina Lebedeva Lana Migla 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第1期96-101,共6页
This paper describes an efficient and appropriate use of biomass in Latvian conditions as well as analyzing the current situation, leading to recommendations for rational use of biomass and the full implementation of ... This paper describes an efficient and appropriate use of biomass in Latvian conditions as well as analyzing the current situation, leading to recommendations for rational use of biomass and the full implementation of the Latvian energy sector. In recent year's, Latvian energy sector development analysis shows, that there is a positive tendency--an increase of local and renewable energy share of energy balance. The paper will be identified for future development opporttmities, and will undertake an analysis of renewable energy consumption forecasting in accordance with the renewable energy potential assessment, taking into account the effective use of innovative technologies and ecological aspects of the energy sector. Increasing use of biomass for district heating (and cogeneration), also increase the efficient use ofbiomass in cost efficiency and reducing of GHG emissions. Efficient use of biomass analyzed in the paper, taking into account technical, legislative, institutional/organizational, economic, information and financial aspects. Promoting of the efficient use of biomass will increase national energy independence. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS energy balance COGENERATION district heating biomass utilization.
A Novel Technology for Generation of Electricity and Cold by Using Energy Potential of Transmission Line's High Pressure Gas 被引量:1
作者 Zohrab Melikyan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第10期852-859,共8页
The main objective of this paper is to develop a novel technology for combined generation of electricity and cold by using energy potential of transmission line's high pressure gas. For this purpose, the reduction of... The main objective of this paper is to develop a novel technology for combined generation of electricity and cold by using energy potential of transmission line's high pressure gas. For this purpose, the reduction of high pressure of the gas in gas distribution station instead of useless expansion throttling process is suggested to realize by adiabatic expansion, which is executed in a gas expanding turbine. Herewith, the gas distribution station is turned into energy and cold generating plant. Simultaneous operation of energy and cold generating plant is described. A method and appropriate formulas for determination of design characteristics of considered plant are suggested. A new method for reveres order of calculation and design of the cold store based on the use of expanded cold gas as cooling agent is developed. Calculations and analysis prove high energy efficiency of suggested technology, the wide use of which will provide significant production of cheap electricity and cold and as well as reduction of fossil fuel consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Natural gas gas distribution station throttling valve turbo-expander isenthalpic adiabatic.
Nuclear Power Development for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in China 被引量:2
作者 Ziying Jiang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第2期75-78,共4页
It is a consensus of international community to promote the development of low carbon economy in order to face the challenges of climate change. According to the features of nuclear energy, the greenhouse gas (GHG) ... It is a consensus of international community to promote the development of low carbon economy in order to face the challenges of climate change. According to the features of nuclear energy, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of nuclear energy chain and other energy chain are compared and analyzed, and the results indicate that the GHG emission of nuclear power chain is the least in all types of power generation. The status of nuclear power development and the potential benefit in GHGs emission reduction by developing nuclear power in China are also analyzed. Active nuclear power development is a smart choice for constructing low-carbon energy structure and for addressing global climate changes in China. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear power GHG emission climate change
New progress and future prospects of CBM exploration and development in China 被引量:12
作者 Vun Jian Xu Fengyin +2 位作者 Liu Lin Zhong Ningning Wu Xiaobin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期363-369,共7页
Efforts to speed up China's coal bed methane (CBM) exploration developments related to production safety, optimization of energy structures, prevention of energy waste and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are... Efforts to speed up China's coal bed methane (CBM) exploration developments related to production safety, optimization of energy structures, prevention of energy waste and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are all of great significance. In order to strengthen CBM exploration and development in China and to encourage increased growth in the CBM industry, we firstly give a general overview of the recent technological innovations and other developments in CBM exploration in the U.S., Canada and other countries. Using this background information as the starting point, we further present observations and analyses of CBM exploration and development, preferential policies, technical support and implications of R&D for CBM development in China. The results show that the problems related to CBM exploration technology development and lack of a complete set of management policies are still the major issues slowing down the growth of domestic CBM industry. Development of resource exploration and technology, R&D and establishment of favorable government policy to support the industry and the creation of a relevant information platform, etc. are finally recommended. 展开更多
关键词 ChinaCBMExploration and developmentProspectProposal
Research Paper on Design and Implementation of Solid Organic Waste Managing System
作者 Ramesh Prasad Dahal 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2017年第3期133-140,共8页
During the energy crisis of the nation and normal day-to-day activities, biogas technology can be a potential alternative source of energy. Conventional biogas has considerably low output methane gas for a given organ... During the energy crisis of the nation and normal day-to-day activities, biogas technology can be a potential alternative source of energy. Conventional biogas has considerably low output methane gas for a given organic input. Considering the need for efficient biogas plant, SOWMS (solid organic waste managing system) has been designed and implemented on a trial basis by constructing community bin at ward number 4 of Gothatar VDC, Nepal. When composition of output biogas from the SOWMS was tested for five times, at different days, the average composition of gas was 55% methane and 35% carbon dioxide. The gas produced from 1 kg of waste is calculated to be 45 liters and pH value of slurry was found to be 7.8. These values indicate that designed system has good performance and that it can be optimized in the future research. Finally, this research work has some social implications that can have potential impact to uplift the society. 展开更多
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