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浙闽樱桃地理分布模拟及气候限制因子分析 被引量:16
作者 朱弘 尤禄祥 +2 位作者 李涌福 王华辰 王贤荣 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期315-322,共8页
为了解浙闽樱桃(Cerasus schneideriana)地理分布特征及与气候限制因子之间的关系,基于DIVA-GIS平台获取实际地理分布点的气候资料,利用BIOCLIM模型预测当下适生区范围以及预测其未来潜在分布。结果表明,浙闽樱桃实际分布区覆盖浙江、... 为了解浙闽樱桃(Cerasus schneideriana)地理分布特征及与气候限制因子之间的关系,基于DIVA-GIS平台获取实际地理分布点的气候资料,利用BIOCLIM模型预测当下适生区范围以及预测其未来潜在分布。结果表明,浙闽樱桃实际分布区覆盖浙江、福建、安徽、江西、广西及湖南6省,浙闽交界的山区是自然分布的核心区,浙皖交界是其分布的北界。未来气候变化情境(CCM3)下,浙闽樱桃的潜在分布区概率将增大,且有北扩的趋势。主成分分析(PCA)表明,年降水量(bio12)、最湿季降雨量(bio16)、最暖季降雨量(bio18)、温度季节变化方差(bio4)是影响浙闽樱桃当下适生区的气候限制因子,频率直方图进一步确定他们的适宜范围分别为1503~2003 mm、604~951 mm、528~791 mm和601~872(标准差*100)。ROC曲线检验表明BIOCLIM对浙闽樱桃分布预测的精度很高(AUC=0.998),结果是可信的。因此,浙闽樱桃适合生长在我国北亚热带温暖湿润区,水热因子是造成其分布格局的主导气候限制因子。 展开更多
关键词 浙闽樱桃 地理分布 气候限制因子 BIOCLIM模型 潜在分布区预测
中国植被覆盖气候限制性分区及时空变化 被引量:5
作者 李小燕 任志远 +2 位作者 张翀 梁瑞 党珍珍 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期76-81,共6页
基于GIMMS NDVI数据、气象站点数据、植被类型图等相关资料,用长时间序列相关分析法对中国植被覆盖进行气候限制性分区.结果表明:西部干旱区主要属降水限制区,高纬度和高海拔区为气温限制区,东南沿海降水丰沛区为辐射限制区,荒漠戈壁、... 基于GIMMS NDVI数据、气象站点数据、植被类型图等相关资料,用长时间序列相关分析法对中国植被覆盖进行气候限制性分区.结果表明:西部干旱区主要属降水限制区,高纬度和高海拔区为气温限制区,东南沿海降水丰沛区为辐射限制区,荒漠戈壁、水域等属不显著区,还存在双因素限制区;中国植被覆盖具有明显的纬向和经向年内变化规律,1982—2006年植被覆盖变化复杂,总体趋势受国家相关政策影响,西北地区植被覆盖好转;受经济快速发展和人类活动影响,东南植被覆盖降低.中国植被生长的气候限制性因素规律性很强,需结合植被气候限制性因子进行区域生态恢复和农业生产工作. 展开更多
关键词 植被覆盖 气候限制性分区 时空变化
高盆樱桃与钟花樱桃的地理分布模拟及生态特征比较分析 被引量:11
作者 朱淑霞 朱弘 +2 位作者 程琳 伊贤贵 王贤荣 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期1398-1406,共9页
该研究以高盆樱桃( Cerasus cerasoides )及其近缘种钟花樱桃( C. campanulata )为对象,通过收集其实际分布的地理坐标,运用BIOCLIM模型模拟现代适生区范围并预测其未来气候下(CCM3,2100)潜在分布区的变化;结合主成分分析和相关性分析... 该研究以高盆樱桃( Cerasus cerasoides )及其近缘种钟花樱桃( C. campanulata )为对象,通过收集其实际分布的地理坐标,运用BIOCLIM模型模拟现代适生区范围并预测其未来气候下(CCM3,2100)潜在分布区的变化;结合主成分分析和相关性分析确定其主导气候因子,并比较两者在气候限制因子方面的差异;利用受试者工作特征曲线(Receiver operation characteristic, ROC)评估模型预测效果。结果表明:(1)高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃主要分布于我国长江以南大部分省区,两者现代分布中心分布位于云贵高原,武夷山脉和南岭山脉。(2)未来气候变化情境下(CCM3),高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃的适生范围将缩小。二者在中国西南部(高盆樱桃)和东南部(钟花樱桃)的适生范围可能大幅减小,而钟花樱桃在湖南西部的适生区可能增加。(3)主成分(PCA)及相关性分析表明,年降水量(bio12)、最湿季降水量(bio16)、最暖季降水量(bio18)、温度季节变化方差(bio4)是影响高盆樱桃及钟花樱桃当下适生区的主要气候因子,“热量变异幅度”是造成二者分布存在差异的最主要环境因子。(4)钟花樱桃(0.816)和高盆樱桃(0.799)的AUC值均高于随机测试(0.500),说明BIOCLIM模型可以准确预测高盆樱桃及钟花樱桃的分布。这为高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃资源保护、物种鉴定和谱系地理学的研究提供重要指导。 展开更多
关键词 高盆樱桃 钟花樱桃 地理分布 气候限制因子 BIOCLIM 模型
作者 张丽敏 郭建平 +1 位作者 赵宇涵 栾青 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期3295-3302,共8页
明确农作物生长发育的主要气候限制因子及限制程度,可为农业应对气候变化和高效利用气候资源提供科学依据。基于辽宁省葫芦岛市玉米主栽区绥中县和建昌县1980-2018年逐日气象观测数据和农业气象观测数据,采用生态气候适宜度方法,分析了... 明确农作物生长发育的主要气候限制因子及限制程度,可为农业应对气候变化和高效利用气候资源提供科学依据。基于辽宁省葫芦岛市玉米主栽区绥中县和建昌县1980-2018年逐日气象观测数据和农业气象观测数据,采用生态气候适宜度方法,分析了玉米出苗-拔节、拔节-抽雄、抽雄-成熟3个阶段的主要限制因子及限制程度。结果表明:效能模型可以用于明晰玉米不同生育阶段的环境限制因子并定量评估限制程度;研究区气候平均限制程度达30%以上,拔节-抽雄期气候限制程度最大,出苗-拔节期气候限制程度随年份逐渐下降;降水因子对葫芦岛市气候资源有效性限制程度最大,为27%~61%,其次是日照因子,温度因子限制程度最小;气候限制程度与玉米产量有密切关系,气候的剧烈波动是导致雨养玉米产量不稳的重要环境因素,因此提高气候资源利用率是保障玉米高产稳产的重要举措。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 效能模型 气候限制因子 气候资源
基于DIVA-GIS的广东适生樱花预测分析 被引量:5
作者 赖铭婕 吴保欢 崔大方 《广东园林》 2020年第4期37-41,共5页
目前广东省内栽培的樱花种类品种较为单一,为筛选出适生于广东省的樱花种类,将基于19个气候因子和233个地理分布记录,利用DIVA-GIS软件结合BIOCLIM生态位模型,对大叶早樱Cerasus subhirtella、高盆樱桃C.cerasoides、山樱花C.serrulata... 目前广东省内栽培的樱花种类品种较为单一,为筛选出适生于广东省的樱花种类,将基于19个气候因子和233个地理分布记录,利用DIVA-GIS软件结合BIOCLIM生态位模型,对大叶早樱Cerasus subhirtella、高盆樱桃C.cerasoides、山樱花C.serrulata、尾叶樱桃C.dielsiana、迎春樱桃C.discoidea和钟花樱桃C.campanulata共6种原产于我国的野生樱花在当前和未来气候下的适生区进行预测,结果显示:在粤北地区引种除高盆樱桃外的5种樱花种类会有较好表现,也可尝试在广东其他地区引种大叶早樱、山樱花、钟花樱桃等种类,且主成分分析表明年均温是6个种共同的主导气候限制因子。 展开更多
关键词 樱花植物 BIOCLIM 气候限制因子 地理分布 广东
Climatic Factors for Limiting Northward Distribution of Eight Temperate Tree Species in Eastern North America 被引量:3
作者 方精云 李莹 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期199-203,共5页
Eight temperate deciduous tree species, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharinum L., A. saccharum Marsh., Belluta alleghaniensis Britton., Fraxinus nigra Marsh., Quercus rubra L., Titia americana L., and Ulmus americana L. in e... Eight temperate deciduous tree species, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharinum L., A. saccharum Marsh., Belluta alleghaniensis Britton., Fraxinus nigra Marsh., Quercus rubra L., Titia americana L., and Ulmus americana L. in eastern North America, were selected to explore relationship between the northward distribution of temperate tree species and climatic factors. For each species, more than 30 sites at their north limits of distribution were obtained from their distribution maps, and 11 climatic indices at the north limits were computed. The standardized standard deviation (SD) method, which compares the magnitude of variance of climatic indices, was used to detect which climatic parameter was the most important for explaining northward distribution of these species. We presume that the climatic parameter that has the smallest variance at the north limit would be assigned as the dominant climatic factor for limiting the distribution of this species. The results derived from the standardized SD method indicated that the SD value of warmth index (WI) and/or annual biotemperature (ABT) were the smallest among the 11 climatic indices. Since both WI and ABT represent growing season temperature, it suggested that growing season temperature was the most important climatic factor for explaining the northward distribution of these temperate tree species. The relationships between several climatic indices, WI, coldness index (CI), annual precipitation (AP), annual range of temperature (ART) and humid/arid index were also analyzed. As a result, at the north limits of all these species, both WI and CI decreased with an increase of AP, and CI increased with an increase of ART. Besides growing season temperature, precipitation and climatic continentality also have influence on the northward distribution of the temperate trees in eastern North America. 展开更多
关键词 eastern North America northward limit of distribution climatic index growing season temperature precipitation standard deviation
青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下高山林线祁连圆柏径向生长与气候关系的比较 被引量:11
作者 宋文琦 朱良军 +2 位作者 张旭 王晓春 张远东 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期66-77,共12页
为了了解青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下,高山林线处的树木径向生长与气候关系是否存在差异,在青海东北部从西北到东南沿降水梯度设置3个高山林线采样点:乌兰县哈里哈图国家森林公园(HL,年降水量217 mm)、都兰县曲什岗(QS,281 mm)和同德... 为了了解青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下,高山林线处的树木径向生长与气候关系是否存在差异,在青海东北部从西北到东南沿降水梯度设置3个高山林线采样点:乌兰县哈里哈图国家森林公园(HL,年降水量217 mm)、都兰县曲什岗(QS,281 mm)和同德县河北林场(HB,470 mm),运用树轮年轮学方法分析林线优势种祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)的径向生长-气候关系随降水梯度的变化规律。结果表明:不同降水梯度下,降水对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用差异不明显,但温度对祁连圆柏径向生长的影响存在显著差异。在低降水区域(HL),冬、夏季最低气温主要限制祁连圆柏径向生长,并且在不同气候特征年中无明显变化;在中降水区域(QS),祁连圆柏的径向生长明显受冬季最低气温影响,与低降水区域相比,春、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用减弱,并且主要限制因子在不同气候特征年存在显著变化;在高降水区域(HB),冬、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用不显著,而春、秋季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的抑制作用显著增加,并且主要集中在高温年和干旱年。该研究结果并未支持干旱(湿润)区高山林线树木径向生长主要由水分(温度)限制的假说,但是林线处降水量会影响树木生长与温度的关系。随着青藏高原东北部暖湿化加剧,不同地区林线处树木生长的气候限制因子可能存在复杂化趋势。 展开更多
关键词 高山林线 气候限制因子 降水梯度 祁连圆柏 青藏高原 树轮指数
南方小学开展冰雪运动的实践与创新策略 被引量:1
作者 冯绮虹 《冰雪体育创新研究》 2024年第17期31-33,共3页
该文深入分析了位于南方地区的小学在普及和发展冰雪运动方面所采取的具体活动和革新手段,探讨了中国南方地区气候条件如何制约冰雪运动的推广与发展,识别出了在此过程中所面临的问题与挑战。该文提出了一系列创新的教学手段,包括构建... 该文深入分析了位于南方地区的小学在普及和发展冰雪运动方面所采取的具体活动和革新手段,探讨了中国南方地区气候条件如何制约冰雪运动的推广与发展,识别出了在此过程中所面临的问题与挑战。该文提出了一系列创新的教学手段,包括构建虚拟的冰雪环境、利用先进的技术装置,以及推出多元化的冰雪运动教学活动。研究显示,这些策略不仅有效地突破了气候的制约,还增加了学生们的学习兴趣和参与热情。 展开更多
关键词 南方小学 冰雪运动 创新策略 气候限制 教育实践
Considerations of Forest Distribution and Native Tree Species for Afforestation in the High Altitudes on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 SHI Peili ZHENG Lili +2 位作者 ZHOU Tiancai HOU Ge ZHAO Guangshuai 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第1期100-106,共7页
Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation ... Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation had been practiced in areas with rainfall higher than the 400 mm threshold, but the issue of afforestation in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive in both practical experience and theoretical exploration. It is worth thinking further about what principles should be followed in the selection of tree species and suitable altitudes for afforestation in high-altitude areas, as well as what experiences and lessons of previous afforestation efforts should be applied in high-altitude areas. As per the law of vegetation zonal distribution, this paper argues that afforestation at high altitudes should comply with the principle of vegetation zonal distribution and the low temperature limitation,and points out that afforestation is feasible only within the forest distribution area and below the altitudes of climate timberlines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential spatial areas of afforestation, and determine the local tree species that may be used for afforestation based on the existing problems of afforestation in eastern Tibet. In summary, afforestation in high-altitude areas of the eastern Tibetan Plateau must comply with the law of zonal vegetation distribution, focus on the upper limit of altitude and the selection of suitable tree species, and adopt only suitable native tree species. 展开更多
关键词 eastern Tibetan Plateau natural forest distribution climatic treeline low-temperature limitation afforestation upper limit afforestation species selection
Predicting the effect of climate change on a range-restricted lizard in southeastern Australia
作者 Bezeng S. BEZENG Solomon G. TESFAMICHAEL Buddhi DAYANANDA 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期165-171,共7页
Climate change is ranked as one of the most severe threats to global biodiversity. This global phenomenon is particularly true for reptiles whose biology and ecology are closely linked to climate. In this study, we us... Climate change is ranked as one of the most severe threats to global biodiversity. This global phenomenon is particularly true for reptiles whose biology and ecology are closely linked to climate. In this study, we used over 1,300 independent occurrence points and different climate change emission scenarios to evaluate the potential risk of changing climatic conditions on the current and future potential distribution of a rock-dwelling lizard; the velvet gecko. Furthermore, we investigated if the current extent of protected area networks in Australia captures the full range distribution of this species currently and in the future. Our results show that climate change projections for the year 2075 have the potential to alter the distribution of the velvet gecko in southeastern Australia. Specifically, climate change may favor the range expansion of this species to encompass more suitable habitats. The trend of range expansion was qualitatively similar across the different cli- mate change scenarios used. Additionally, we observed that the current network of protected areas in southeast Australia does not fully account for the full range distribution of this species currently and in the future. Ongoing climate change may profoundly affect the potential range distribution of the velvet gecko population. Therefore, the restricted habitat of the velvet geckos should be the focus of intensive pre-emptive management efforts. This management prioritization should be extended to encompass the increases in suitable habitats observed in this study in order to maximize the microhabitats available for the survival of this species. 展开更多
关键词 bioclirnatic variables climate change environmental niche models range expansion reptiles.
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