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涡轮气冷技术研究进展 被引量:5
作者 韩俊 王松涛 王仲奇 《节能技术》 CAS 2012年第1期29-33,共5页
提高涡轮前进口温度是提升涡轮总体性能的有效方法,而叶片材料成为制约高性能涡轮发展的瓶颈。气冷技术可以满足现有叶片材料在更高温度环境中工作的需求。因此,研究冷气喷射技术的特性和规律,对于高性能涡轮的发展具有重要意义。本文... 提高涡轮前进口温度是提升涡轮总体性能的有效方法,而叶片材料成为制约高性能涡轮发展的瓶颈。气冷技术可以满足现有叶片材料在更高温度环境中工作的需求。因此,研究冷气喷射技术的特性和规律,对于高性能涡轮的发展具有重要意义。本文重点介绍了近年国内外涡轮气冷技术的研究现状,提出研究过程中存在的问题,为后续的研究工作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 涡轮 气冷技术 特性 规律
燃气轮机进气冷却技术及应用 被引量:7
作者 尹琦岭 《化工科技市场》 CAS 2004年第3期22-25,14,共5页
关键词 燃气轮机 性能 冷却器 经济效益 热力循环 气冷技术
我国火力发电厂空气冷却技术的发展现状 被引量:44
作者 伍小林 《国际电力》 2005年第1期15-18,共4页
目前我国火力发电厂多采用水冷技术,面对越来越紧迫的水资源缺乏问题,火力发电行业的发展受到极大挑战,而空气冷却相比普通湿冷塔技术可以节水大约2/3。文章介绍目前在国外许多大型火电机组项目中采用的各种类型的空气冷却技术及我国火... 目前我国火力发电厂多采用水冷技术,面对越来越紧迫的水资源缺乏问题,火力发电行业的发展受到极大挑战,而空气冷却相比普通湿冷塔技术可以节水大约2/3。文章介绍目前在国外许多大型火电机组项目中采用的各种类型的空气冷却技术及我国火力发电行业采用空气冷却技术的历史和发展现状。 展开更多
关键词 火力发电厂 火电机组 气冷技术 汽轮机 凝汽器
高温气冷堆发电技术的发展和应用前景 被引量:2
作者 周苏军 王迎苏 池金铭 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第12期8-10,共3页
关键词 高温气冷堆发电技术 核能利用 气冷堆核电厂
进气冷却技术提高燃气轮机的出力和热效率 被引量:1
作者 叶志平 《科技与创新》 2022年第10期39-41,共3页
主要论述了大气温度对燃气轮机和联合循环性能产生的影响,发现环境温度对燃气轮机、联合循环性能有直接影响,想要解决此问题可以将蒸发冷却、表面式冷却、电制冷、冰蓄冷制冷、蒸汽或者热水制冷技术应用到燃气轮机电厂中,以提高燃气轮... 主要论述了大气温度对燃气轮机和联合循环性能产生的影响,发现环境温度对燃气轮机、联合循环性能有直接影响,想要解决此问题可以将蒸发冷却、表面式冷却、电制冷、冰蓄冷制冷、蒸汽或者热水制冷技术应用到燃气轮机电厂中,以提高燃气轮机电厂出力和效率,保证在不同区域范围中可以使用不同的燃气轮机电厂,结合不同的环境温度、湿度,采用合适的进气冷却技术方式。 展开更多
关键词 气冷技术 燃气轮机 出力 热效率
作者 陈显峰 《活力》 2014年第19期61-61,共1页
为响应国家节能减排号召,大唐黑龙江节能服务有限公司经过对哈一热电厂锅炉及厂区热力系统的深入研究分析后,对锅炉烟气系统和厂区热力系统进行一系列的改造,降低了脱硫装置入口烟气温度,减少脱硫系统的补水量,同时利用烟气的余热... 为响应国家节能减排号召,大唐黑龙江节能服务有限公司经过对哈一热电厂锅炉及厂区热力系统的深入研究分析后,对锅炉烟气系统和厂区热力系统进行一系列的改造,降低了脱硫装置入口烟气温度,减少脱硫系统的补水量,同时利用烟气的余热,加热厂内生活水,并在厂内建设热水站,为市区热水用户供应热水。这项技术改造的实施充分利用了烟气的余热,起到了节能降耗,增加经济效益的理想效果。 展开更多
关键词 气冷技术 热水系统改造 热网系统改造
作者 王佩璋 《热机技术》 2004年第2期74-75,共2页
华北电力科研院有限责任公司为配合大唐山西平旺热电公司于近期投运了国内首台200MW火电直接空冷机组,该公司信息所组织力量于2003年12月出版了《火力发电厂直接空气冷却技术资料汇编》[内部刊物](全书共299页,约40万字)。该汇编收集... 华北电力科研院有限责任公司为配合大唐山西平旺热电公司于近期投运了国内首台200MW火电直接空冷机组,该公司信息所组织力量于2003年12月出版了《火力发电厂直接空气冷却技术资料汇编》[内部刊物](全书共299页,约40万字)。该汇编收集了50篇火电直接空冷论文,概括了从1970年∽2003年的34年经验是历史来最为全面的技术参考资料。 展开更多
关键词 《火力发电厂直接空气冷技术资料汇编》 热力系统 华北电力科研院有限责任公司 大唐山西平旺热电公司
作者 徐仁杰 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2024年第6期0022-0025,共4页
本文研究了燃气轮机空气冷却技术在提高效率和降低排放方面的应用。采用空气冷却技术后,燃气轮机的整体效率显著提升,燃料消耗比率降低,同时减少了冷却水的需求,节约了水资源。虽然初始投资较高,但长期运营中可通过节约的能源费用回收... 本文研究了燃气轮机空气冷却技术在提高效率和降低排放方面的应用。采用空气冷却技术后,燃气轮机的整体效率显著提升,燃料消耗比率降低,同时减少了冷却水的需求,节约了水资源。虽然初始投资较高,但长期运营中可通过节约的能源费用回收投资成本。然而,技术复杂性、高成本及环境和操作条件多样性仍是挑战。未来发展方向包括技术革新、智能化管理、可持续性发展及应用领域的拓展。燃气轮机空气冷却技术具有广阔的应用前景,为人类的可持续发展作出重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 燃气轮机 气冷技术 效率提升 排放降低 经济效益 技术挑战 未来发展方向
大气参数对燃气轮机进气冷却效果的影响 被引量:3
作者 李云 陈坚红 +1 位作者 盛德仁 李蔚 《机电工程》 CAS 2015年第4期566-570,共5页
针对燃气轮机进气冷却的效果在不同大气参数下变化很大的问题,对燃气轮机进气冷却装置的热力过程、影响因素、经济效果等方面进行了研究。基于某电厂燃气轮机和燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组的运行数据,利用热平衡仿真软件Gate Cycle对两种发... 针对燃气轮机进气冷却的效果在不同大气参数下变化很大的问题,对燃气轮机进气冷却装置的热力过程、影响因素、经济效果等方面进行了研究。基于某电厂燃气轮机和燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组的运行数据,利用热平衡仿真软件Gate Cycle对两种发电机组系统进行模块化建模,并增加进气冷却装置,定量分析了两种发电机组进气被冷却后输出功率的增加量(即进气冷却效果)在不同大气参数(温度、相对湿度和压力)下的变化情况。研究结果表明,大气参数的变化,会对燃气轮机进气冷却的效果产生很大影响,两者之间呈现出一定的数值关系。 展开更多
关键词 大气参数 燃气轮机 气冷技术 效果
直接空冷机组间接空气尖峰冷却技术研究 被引量:4
作者 刘月正 《节能技术》 CAS 2019年第1期73-77,共5页
直接空冷(以下简称ACC)机组在夏季高温时段背压升高,不能满负荷运行,需采用尖峰冷却技术降低背压。基于此,提出零水耗、近零传热端差的间接空气尖峰冷却技术,以某电厂660直接空冷机组为对象,对其加装间接空气冷却系统的热力性能进行研... 直接空冷(以下简称ACC)机组在夏季高温时段背压升高,不能满负荷运行,需采用尖峰冷却技术降低背压。基于此,提出零水耗、近零传热端差的间接空气尖峰冷却技术,以某电厂660直接空冷机组为对象,对其加装间接空气冷却系统的热力性能进行研究分析。结果表明,加装间接空气冷却系统机组全年背压降低3.01~7.2 kPa,折算全年平均煤耗降低4.7 g/kWh,实现了尖峰冷却目的。 展开更多
关键词 直接空冷机组 背压 煤耗 尖峰冷却 间接空气冷技术
热电联产工程E级燃机入口空气冷却可行性分析 被引量:2
作者 周军 《江苏电机工程》 2012年第5期76-78,81,共4页
关键词 E级燃机 入口空气冷技术 喷雾蒸发冷却
In-Vessel Melt Retention of Pressurized Water Reactors: Historical Review and Future Research Needs 被引量:16
作者 马卫民 元一单 Bal Raj Sehgal 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期112-118,共7页
After the first concrete was poured on December 9, 2012 at the Shidao Bay site in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China, the construction of the reactor building for the world's first high-temperature gas- cooled react... After the first concrete was poured on December 9, 2012 at the Shidao Bay site in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China, the construction of the reactor building for the world's first high-temperature gas- cooled reactor pebble-bed module (HTR-PM) demonstration power plant was completed in June, 2015. Installation of the main equipment then began, and the power plant is currently progressing well to- ward connecting to the grid at the end of 2017. The thermal power of a single HTR-PM reactor module is 250 MW,h, the helium temperatures at the reactor core inlet/outlet are 250/750 ℃, and a steam of 13.25 MPa/567 ~C is produced at the steam generator outlet. Two HTR-PM reactor modules are connect- ed to a steam turbine to form a 210 MW nuclear power plant. Due to China's industrial capability, we were able to overcome great difficulties, manufacture first-of-a-kind equipment, and realize series ma- jor technological innovations. We have achieved successful results in many aspects, including planning and implementing R&D, establishing an industrial partnership, manufacturing equipment, fuel produc- tion, licensing, site preparation, and balancing safety and economics; these obtained experiences may also be referenced by the global nuclear community. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear energy High-temperature gas-cooled reactorPebble bedModular high-temperature gas-cooledreactorHigh-temperature gas-cooled reactorpebble-bed module
The Shandong Shidao Bay 200 MW_e High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble-Bed Module(HTR-PM) Demonstration Power Plant: An Engineering and Technological Innovation 被引量:22
作者 张作义 董玉杰 +10 位作者 李富 张征明 王海涛 黄晓津 李红 刘兵 吴莘馨 王宏 刁兴中 张海泉 王金华 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期119-123,共5页
In 2005, the US passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandating the construction and operation of a high-temperature gas reactor (HTGR) by 2021. This law was passed after a multiyear study by national experts on what... In 2005, the US passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandating the construction and operation of a high-temperature gas reactor (HTGR) by 2021. This law was passed after a multiyear study by national experts on what future nuclear technologies should be developed. As a result of the Act, the US Congress chose to develop the so-called Next-Generation Nuclear Plant, which was to be an HTGR designed to produce process heat for hydrogen production. Despite high hopes and expectations, the current status is that high temperature reactors have been relegated to completing research programs on advanced fuels, graphite and materials with no plans to build a demonstration plant as required by the US Con- gress in 2005. There are many reasons behind this diminution of HTGR development, including but not limited to insufficient government funding requirements for research, unrealistically high temperature requirements for the reactor, the delay in the need for a "hydrogen" economy, competition from light water small modular light water reactors, little utility interest in new technologies, very low natural gas prices in the US, and a challenging licensing process in the US for non-water reactors. 展开更多
关键词 High temperature gas reactor Next-Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) LICENSING Nuclear Regulatory CommissionEnergy Policy Act of 2005Research status
Heat Transfer in Nucleate Pool Boiling of Binary and Ternary Refrigerant Mixtures 被引量:2
作者 赵耀华 刁彦华 +1 位作者 鹤田隆治 西川日出男 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期351-356,共6页
Heat transfer coefficients in nucleate pool boiling were measured on a horizontal copper surface for refrigerants, HFC-134a, HFC-32, and HFC-125, their binary and ternary mixtures under saturated conditions at 0.9MPa.... Heat transfer coefficients in nucleate pool boiling were measured on a horizontal copper surface for refrigerants, HFC-134a, HFC-32, and HFC-125, their binary and ternary mixtures under saturated conditions at 0.9MPa. Compared to pure components, both binary and ternary mixtures showed lower heat transfer coefficients.This deterioration was more pronounced as heat flux was increased. Experimental data were compared with some empirical and semi-empirical correlations available in literature. For binary mixture, the accuracy of the correlations varied considerably with mixtures and the heat flux. Experimental data for HFC-32/134a/125 were also compared with available correlated equation obtained by Thome. For ternary mixture, the boiling range of binary mixture composed by the pure fluids with the lowest and the medium boiling points, and their concentration difference had important effects on boiling heat transfer coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 pool boiling heat transfer nucleate pool boiling HFC-134A HFC-32 HFC-125
垃圾焚烧与二恶英控制 被引量:1
作者 徐铁兵 李家胜 刘晓刚 《河北环境科学》 2004年第2期15-17,共3页
关键词 二恶英 垃圾焚烧工艺 PCDDS 生活垃圾 催化降解技术 气冷技术
Applying Neural Network in Evaporative Cooler Performance Prediction
作者 强天伟 沈恒根 +1 位作者 黄翔 宣永梅 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期400-403,共4页
The back-propagation (BP) neural network is created to predict the performance of a direct evaporative cooling (DEC) air conditioner with GLASdek pads. The experiment data about the performance of the DEC air cond... The back-propagation (BP) neural network is created to predict the performance of a direct evaporative cooling (DEC) air conditioner with GLASdek pads. The experiment data about the performance of the DEC air conditioner are obtained. Some experiment data are used to train the network until these data can approximate a function, then, simulate the network with the remanent data. The predicted result shows satisfying effects. 展开更多
关键词 neural network direct evaporative cooling airconditioner (evaporative cooler) TRAIN simulate
《中国高新区》 2006年第7期7-7,共1页
关键词 高温气冷实验堆技术 脑机接口系统 科技 HTR-10
Application of Liquid Nitrogen Cold Trap for Purification of Hydrogen Gas Stream Generated from NaBH4
作者 Wameath S. Abdul-Majeed Gulcan M. Seradaroglu William B. Zimmerman 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第5期425-434,共10页
The feasibility of using liquid nitrogen cold trap (LNCT) for the removal of water vapour and alkaline mist from the hydrogen gas stream which is generated from the catalytic and acidic decomposition of sodium boroh... The feasibility of using liquid nitrogen cold trap (LNCT) for the removal of water vapour and alkaline mist from the hydrogen gas stream which is generated from the catalytic and acidic decomposition of sodium borohydride is investigated. Practically, the target application is mobile fuel cells based on hydrogen production from storage in chemical hydrides. The LNCT would be used as a one step purification method with less cost and space requirements instead of applying the conventional purification techniques. Two catalysts were investigated for the production of hydrogen from the aqueous solution of NaBH4 in a small scale packed bed reaction column. The hydrogen generated from the catalytic decomposition of NaBH4 was accompanied by limited quantity of water vapour and alkaline mist. Nonetheless, higher quantities were generated when applying the acidic decomposition of NaBH4 and consequently the utilization of LNCT for H2 purification has proved useful and lead to a reduction in the content of these impurities; thereby the concentration of hydrogen in the outlet stream has increased. 展开更多
关键词 Solid state hydrogen storage hydrogen generation from sodium borohydride liquid nitrogen cold trap.
Current Status and Prospects of Supercomputing Used for Gas Turbine Engines Design
作者 Omair Alhatim 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第2期82-92,共11页
The engineering analysis techniques used for the GTE (gas turbine engines) design are presented, the physical effects, which impact is not currently taken into account are described, further research directions to s... The engineering analysis techniques used for the GTE (gas turbine engines) design are presented, the physical effects, which impact is not currently taken into account are described, further research directions to strengthen core design competencies are identified, the requirements for computing power are formulated. Internal cooling techniques for gas turbine blades have been studied for several decades. The internal cooling techniques of the gas turbine blade includes: jet impingement, rib turbulated cooling, and pin-fin cooling which have been developed to maintain the metal temperature of turbine vane and blades within acceptable limits in this harsh environment. 展开更多
关键词 Engineering analysis GTE design aerodynamics of impeller machines heat-and-mass transfer blade internal cooling.
垃圾焚烧炉尾气净化技术的研究与实践 被引量:2
作者 毛志伟 韩冰 《水泥科技》 2002年第4期5-9,共5页
关键词 垃圾焚烧炉 尾气净化 垃圾处理 二次污染 高温烟气冷技术 湿法净化
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