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基于流固耦合方法的气压密封阀仿真分析 被引量:5
作者 林砺宗 邢东仕 +2 位作者 刘长虹 李怀珍 王天威 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期150-156,共7页
针对气压密封阀的流固耦合问题应用一种解耦分析方法,并利用循环迭代法建立了统一的流固耦合计算模型。在流固耦合模型基础上,使用有限元分析(FEA)和计算流体动力学(CFD)联合计算方法对气压密封阀进行仿真分析,得到气压密封阀在流固耦... 针对气压密封阀的流固耦合问题应用一种解耦分析方法,并利用循环迭代法建立了统一的流固耦合计算模型。在流固耦合模型基础上,使用有限元分析(FEA)和计算流体动力学(CFD)联合计算方法对气压密封阀进行仿真分析,得到气压密封阀在流固耦合作用下的工作特性,并且对不同结构参数的模型进行了研究。通过分析不同气体压力、控水环和密封环厚度下气压密封阀的变形,给出了气压密封阀的变形规律,同时还给出流体运动状态,为气压密封阀的优化设计提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 流固耦合 计算流体动力学 有限元分析 气压密封
线切割机上下导轮轴承气压密封装置 被引量:1
作者 王立新 赵秀君 冯欣 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期187-188,共2页
关键词 线切割机 轴承 磨损 气压密封
16V240ZJ型柴油机气缸盖冷却水腔气压密封性试验技术应用 被引量:1
作者 徐世武 《甘肃科技》 2008年第14期57-58,35,共3页
概述了240型气缸盖因空泡及电化学腐蚀产生穴蚀及疲劳裂纹对柴油机运用的危害,以及使用传统的水压法进行气缸盖冷却水腔密封性试验的不足之处;重点介绍了在气缸盖大修作业中,目前较为先进的气压试验技术应用情况及其试验原理、优点;详... 概述了240型气缸盖因空泡及电化学腐蚀产生穴蚀及疲劳裂纹对柴油机运用的危害,以及使用传统的水压法进行气缸盖冷却水腔密封性试验的不足之处;重点介绍了在气缸盖大修作业中,目前较为先进的气压试验技术应用情况及其试验原理、优点;详细介绍了一种既可判断气缸盖是否有裂漏、也可方便找出裂漏部位,而且实用性强、操作简便、免维护、劳动效率高的气动升降式气压密封性试验装置的设计原理、结构及使用特点。 展开更多
关键词 240型气缸盖 冷却水腔 气压密封 试验技术装置
作者 林昌杰 吴沈军 《小水电》 2005年第1期29-30,共2页
介绍了湖北的 1个全贯流式水轮发电机组试验电站在机组试制过程中 ,对轮缘密封部分的设计应用情况。图1幅。
关键词 贯流式水轮机 轮缘密封 气压密封 结构设计
超高压采气井口平板闸阀密封结构技术研究 被引量:6
作者 申会芹 《石油机械》 北大核心 2011年第10期116-119,共4页
通过对平板闸阀几种主要的密封结构进行分析,认为密封副工艺尺寸链及位置公差、密封副之间的加工精度和阀座端面O形圈、非金属密封压缩量或波形弹簧的预紧力是影响平板闸阀密封可靠性的主要因素。为此,提出了实现平板闸阀气密封可靠性... 通过对平板闸阀几种主要的密封结构进行分析,认为密封副工艺尺寸链及位置公差、密封副之间的加工精度和阀座端面O形圈、非金属密封压缩量或波形弹簧的预紧力是影响平板闸阀密封可靠性的主要因素。为此,提出了实现平板闸阀气密封可靠性的有效措施:密封副之间的位置公差必须在规定范围内,并要保证其加工精度和研磨精度,合理计算阀座端面O形圈、非金属密封压缩量或波形弹簧的预紧力。2种通径和结构的平板闸阀水压密封及气压密封试验表明,无论在高压或低压情况下,平板闸阀都能实现可靠密封。 展开更多
关键词 超高压 平板闸阀 密封结构 水压密封 气压密封 试验
超高压采气井口平板闸阀密封结构技术研究 被引量:4
作者 李雪野 《设备管理与维修》 2020年第12期67-69,共3页
关键词 高压环境 平板闸阀 密封构造 水压密封试验 气压密封试验
作者 秦杰 陈艺天 +4 位作者 蔡汝山 莫永文 黄日辉 邱洪灿 丁松 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2023年第6期1-8,共8页
随着我国的航天航空事业的不断发展,对于产品的低气压试验考核的需求量越来越大,在试验中引出的测试线缆越来越多,种类繁杂。选用哪种法兰板进行密封才能提高密封的效率和减少漏气情况的发生就成为了一个难题。目前行业没有过多总结和... 随着我国的航天航空事业的不断发展,对于产品的低气压试验考核的需求量越来越大,在试验中引出的测试线缆越来越多,种类繁杂。选用哪种法兰板进行密封才能提高密封的效率和减少漏气情况的发生就成为了一个难题。目前行业没有过多总结和归纳低气压试验法兰板的型式和种类。对低气压设备引线孔的密封法兰板的固定方式、法兰板的种类、试验过程遇到不同引出线缆该选用哪些法兰板进行密封进而方便试验的开展进行了介绍,对在低气压试验过程中密封工作具有一定的参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 气压密封 法兰板种类 引出线缆密封
作者 董雪明 王敏林 +1 位作者 秦朝俊 杜美林 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1359-1367,共9页
在惯性器件的离心-气压复合校准中,气压箱的结构设计决定了传感器的校准精度。而现有的气压箱结构无法满足高离心加速度下的使用要求,因此提出了一种可抗高离心加速度的气压箱结构,以实现高离心加速度下惯性器件的复合校准。为了解决在... 在惯性器件的离心-气压复合校准中,气压箱的结构设计决定了传感器的校准精度。而现有的气压箱结构无法满足高离心加速度下的使用要求,因此提出了一种可抗高离心加速度的气压箱结构,以实现高离心加速度下惯性器件的复合校准。为了解决在高离心加速度下气压箱气体泄露问题,通过设计气压箱的结构材料和密封技术研制了一种高密封低气压的实验箱,进而对其箱体强度进行校核计算,得到各个部分的最大受力强度。根据所得数据进行数值仿真,分析在不同离心加速度下的箱内气压分布情况,并在高离心加速度条件下进行了不同气压的试验测试,证明所设计的气压箱在高离心加速度环境下仍能保证系统内部气压的稳定性。因此该气压箱能够用于离心-气压复合校准装置中,实现对惯性器件的高精度复合校准。 展开更多
关键词 气压设备 密封气压 数值仿真 离心-气压复合校准装置 高离心加速度 密封技术
作者 李学伟 《冶金设备管理与维修》 2008年第4期33-34,共2页
关键词 机架辊 密封 气压密封 金属密封叠环
Study on hydrostatic gas lubricated non-contacting mechanical seal 被引量:7
作者 李双喜 Zhu Liang Cai Jining Zhang Qiuxiang Gao Jinji 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第4期433-440,共8页
The principle and characteristics of hydrostatic gas lubricated non-contacting mechanical seal (HSGLNMS) are introduced. The flow field of the gas film is established by numerical analysis of end faces of HSGLNMS. T... The principle and characteristics of hydrostatic gas lubricated non-contacting mechanical seal (HSGLNMS) are introduced. The flow field of the gas film is established by numerical analysis of end faces of HSGLNMS. The distribution of gas film pressure and seal performance parameters inclu- ding opening force and leakage are obtained. Influence of operating parameters and sealing configu- ration on the sealing performance is studied. HSGLNMS has been designed and manufactured. Its working film thickness and leakage are measured to verify the theoretical analysis. The investigation results show that HSGLNMS demonstrates good speed adaptability, which means that the seal runs successfully with both low and high speed, showing excellent performance. The seal can be regula- ted and controlled online ; the opening force will not be raised greatly with the increasing of the num- ber of throttle orifices, but the leakage of seal increases apparently ; the uniform pressure groove im- proves the sealing performance, for example, opening force and stiffness are raised obviously. While leakage is reduced. Finally, the theoretical analysis is verified by experiment. 展开更多
关键词 hydrostatic gas lubricated numerical analysis opening torce unitorm pressuregroove seal structure
Study on seal improvement and rotor thrust control of centrifugal compressor
作者 王维民 Gao Jinji Li Shuangxi Jiang Zhinong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第3期273-278,共6页
Fluid pressure variations due to process fluctuations or balance drum seal degradation can result in rotor thrust increasing that may jeopardize thrust bearing and compressor’s reliability. Also, the leakage flow thr... Fluid pressure variations due to process fluctuations or balance drum seal degradation can result in rotor thrust increasing that may jeopardize thrust bearing and compressor’s reliability. Also, the leakage flow through balance drum seal can seriously affect the efficiency of compressor. A method that can improve both the efficiency and reliability of centrifugal compressor is presented. The method focused on rotor thrust control and balance drum seal upgrading. The low leakage feature of Dry-Gas-Seal(DGS), high reliability of labyrinth, and the feasibility of upgrading existing structure are taken into account at the same time to design a combined labyrinth-dry gas seal system on the balancing drum. Based on the combined seal system, a Fault Self-Recovering(FSR) system for the fault of rotor shaft displacement is introduced to assure the safety and reliability of centrifugal compressor. The modern Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) is used to validate this envision. The numerical result and relevant information indicate that the combined sealing system could improve the efficiency of the centrifugal compressor by about 4%. 展开更多
关键词 centrifugal compressor EFFICIENCY dry gas seal rotor thrust FSR
作者 王举邦 《石油库管理与安全》 1998年第2期32-35,6,共5页
关键词 气压(正压)密封卸油系统 工艺 分析
作者 刘德成 《核标准计量与质量》 1995年第2期28-30,共3页
1 引言 根据核行业标准和国家汁量检定规程的要求,在对以高气压电离室做称量传感器的核子皮带秤样机试验中,需要做哪些试验?各项试验的意义是什么?在试验中发现过什么问题?笔者希望核子秤的研制与生产单位重视核子秤的质量,使其在实际... 1 引言 根据核行业标准和国家汁量检定规程的要求,在对以高气压电离室做称量传感器的核子皮带秤样机试验中,需要做哪些试验?各项试验的意义是什么?在试验中发现过什么问题?笔者希望核子秤的研制与生产单位重视核子秤的质量,使其在实际应用中发挥出其应具备的功能与作用。 2 展开更多
关键词 电离室 核子秤 核子皮带秤 样机试验 电离电流 试验检验 零点稳定性 线性度 温度系数 气压密封
Flow Development Through HP&LP Turbines,PartⅡ:Effects of the Hub Endwall Secondary Sealing Air Flow on the Turbine's Mainstream Flow 被引量:4
作者 HU Jialin DU Qiang +4 位作者 LIU Jun WANG Pei LIU Guang LIU Hongrui DU Meimei 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期308-315,共8页
Although many literatures have been focused on the underneath flow and loss mechanism, very few experiments and simulations have been done under the engines' representative working conditions or considering the re... Although many literatures have been focused on the underneath flow and loss mechanism, very few experiments and simulations have been done under the engines' representative working conditions or considering the real cavity structure as a whole. This paper aims at realizing the goal of design of efficient turbine and scrutinizing the velocity distribution in the vicinity of the rim seal. With the aid of numerical method, a numerical model describing the flow pattern both in the purge flow spot and within the mainstream flow path is established, fluid migration and its accompanied flow mechanism within the realistic cavity structure(with rim seal structure and considering mainstream & secondary air flow's interaction) is used to evaluate both the flow pattern and the underneath flow mechanism within the inward rotating cavity. Meanwhile, the underneath flow and loss mechanism are also studied in the current paper. The computational results show that the sealing air flow's ingestion and ejection are highly interwound with each other in both upstream and downstream flow of the rim seal. Both the downstream blades' potential effects as well as the upstream blades' wake trajectory can bring about the ingestion of the hot gas flow within the cavity, abrupt increase of the static pressure is believed to be the main reason. Also, the results indicate that sealing air flow ejected through the rear cavity will cause unexpected loss near the outlet section of the blades in the downstream of the HP rotor passages. 展开更多
关键词 Turbines Sealing air Flow pattern
Experimental Study on Frictional and Sealing Performances of Packing Rings in an Oil-free Gas Compressor
作者 杨学宾 晋欣桥 +2 位作者 杜志敏 崔天生 杨绍侃 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第6期725-731,共7页
To enhance the reliability and to extend service life of packing rings, tribological and sealing perfor- mances are investigated based on the experimental results. Friction force, leakage rate and power consumption of... To enhance the reliability and to extend service life of packing rings, tribological and sealing perfor- mances are investigated based on the experimental results. Friction force, leakage rate and power consumption of three materials of pressure packing seals are measured in a refitted vertical gas compressor. The rings are made of common filled polytetrafiuroethylene (Filled PTFE), PTFE reinforced with 30% mass fraction carbon fiber (30%CF^PTFE), and carbon-carbon composites infiltrated with PTFE (C/C+PTFE), respectively. It is found that packing rings will periodically vibrate with the periodic vibration of pressure packing after the travel direction of motion abruptly turns to the reverse direction. Furthermore, the amplitude of vibration slows down with the increasing crank angle. Approximate value of friction force is available by multiple-point fast Fourier transformation (FFT) employed to process the experimental results by reducing the impact of vibration to a great extent. Of three materials of rings employed in experiments, Filled PTFE presents minimal leakage rate accom- panied with maximum power consumption. And 30%CF+PTFE exhibits minimum friction power and moderate leakage rate. As for C/C+PTFE, its high mechanical and thermal properties are favorable factors to enhance the ability of operating under high pressure and velocity and to improve the wear resistance. Unfortunately, this also leads to a large leakage rate. Comprehensive consideration should be taken into to evaluate the availability, reliability and service life for a type of packing ring under dry running conditions. 展开更多
关键词 frictional performance SEALING experimental study packing rings oil-free lubrication
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