Applications of pyrolysis-gas chromatography and pyrolysis capillary gas chromatography in explosive and propellant analysis are reviewed, including the identification of explosives and propel- lants, the investigatio...Applications of pyrolysis-gas chromatography and pyrolysis capillary gas chromatography in explosive and propellant analysis are reviewed, including the identification of explosives and propel- lants, the investigation of the thermal decomposition of nitrocellulose (NC), cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX)and cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX), and the study of the wear- reducing mechanism of polyurethane additive in propellant gain.展开更多
The scattering-model-based(SMB)speckle filtering for polarimetric SAR(Pol SAR)data is reasonably effective in preserving dominant scattering mechanisms.However,the efficiency strongly depends on the accuracies of both...The scattering-model-based(SMB)speckle filtering for polarimetric SAR(Pol SAR)data is reasonably effective in preserving dominant scattering mechanisms.However,the efficiency strongly depends on the accuracies of both the decomposition and classification of the scattering properties.In addition,a relatively weak speckle reduction particularly in distributed media was reported in the related literatures.In this work,an improved SMB filtering strategy is proposed considering the aforementioned deficiencies.First,the orientation angle compensation is incorporated into the SMB filtering process to remedy the overestimation of the volume scattering contribution in the Freeman-Durden decomposition.In addition,an algorithm to select the homogenous pixels is developed based on the spatial majority rule for adaptive speckle reduction.We demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods in terms of scattering property preservation and speckle noise reduction using L-band Pol SAR data sets of San Francisco that were acquired by the NASA/JPL airborne SAR(AIRSAR)system.展开更多
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is developed to investigate the radical motion of single cavitating bubble in the oscillating pressure field of a cavitating water jet. Regarding water as a compressible flu...A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is developed to investigate the radical motion of single cavitating bubble in the oscillating pressure field of a cavitating water jet. Regarding water as a compressible fluid, the simulation is performed at different oscillating frequencies. It is found that the bubble motion presents obvious nonlinear feature, and bifurcation and chaos appear on some conditions. The results manifest the indetermination of the cavitating bubble motion in the oscillating pressure field of the cavitating water jet.展开更多
This paper computed the newest impact solutions of the potentially dangerous asteroid (99942) Apophis based on 4,138 optical observations from March 15.10789 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), 2004 to February 28.0...This paper computed the newest impact solutions of the potentially dangerous asteroid (99942) Apophis based on 4,138 optical observations from March 15.10789 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), 2004 to February 28.089569 UTC, 2014 and 20 radar observations from January 27, 2005 through March 15, 2013, as of June 20, 2014. Using the freely available the OrbFit software Package, this paper followed its orbit forward in the searching for close approaches with the Earth and possible impacts up to year 2116. With the different A2 non-gravitational parameter in the motion of the asteroid (99942) Apophis, this paper computed possible impact solutions using the JPL DE405 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Development Ephemeris) and 25 additional massive perturbed asteroids. Additionally, this paper used weighing and selection methods adopted in the OrbFit software as prepared by the NEODyS (Near Earth Objects--Dynamical Side) Team. Moreover, this paper used method of computing the orbit of Apophis taking into account star catalog debiasing and an error model with assumed astrometric errors RMS (root mean square), deduced from the observational material of the given observatories. JPL's Sentry and NEODyS's CLOMMON2, two automatic monitoring systems routinely scanning for possible impacts in the next hundred years. Only for several dangerous asteroids presented results are computed with the non-gravitational parameters. This paper detected possible impacts of the asteroid (99942) Apophis only with the non-gravitational parameter, A2 〉 0. It was appeared that impacts in 2068, 2087, 2105 and in 2111 were possible only when Apophis rotated in prograde direction.展开更多
Electric propulsion is broadly defined as the acceleration of a working fluid for propulsion by electrical heating and/or by electric and magnetic body forces. Compared with chemical propulsion, electric propulsion ha...Electric propulsion is broadly defined as the acceleration of a working fluid for propulsion by electrical heating and/or by electric and magnetic body forces. Compared with chemical propulsion, electric propulsion has the characteristic of higher specific impulse, lower thrust, lighter weight and longer lifetime. So electric propulsion is generally suitable for satellite attitude control, the orbit transfer and raising, orbit correction, resistance compensate, position keeping, reposi- tion, space exploration and interplanetary flight.展开更多
To analyze the existing schemes of high-speed rotorcrafts and some new technologies, a new conceptual sketch of the high-speed rotor/wing transition helicopter RD15 is proposed. The overall layout of the RD15 is given...To analyze the existing schemes of high-speed rotorcrafts and some new technologies, a new conceptual sketch of the high-speed rotor/wing transition helicopter RD15 is proposed. The overall layout of the RD15 is given out and the transition process from the helicopter mode to the airplane mode is designed. The lift system consists of a circular disk-wing with four retractable blades. The technology of individual blade control is adopted for flight control in hover and low speed flight. The tail is a vectored thrust duct propeller. It can provide the anti-torque in hover, and offer the multi-directional controls and propulsion drive for the airplane mode flight. The aerodynamic characteristics and key technologies in the transition process for this layout, including the nose up angle of disk-wing, the length of the blade, rotation speed, pitch angle and other parameters, are theoretically ana lyzed and experimentally tested. Calculation and experiments show that the shift process of the lift, the power and controls are smooth, and the designed scheme is feasible.展开更多
Recently,the first gas generator-turbopump joint test for the 500-ton LOX/kerosene engine was completed with success.The engine developed independently by the Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology(AALPT)...Recently,the first gas generator-turbopump joint test for the 500-ton LOX/kerosene engine was completed with success.The engine developed independently by the Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology(AALPT)will be used for the heavy-lift rocket.The 500-ton LOX/kerosene engine has the thrust of the largest ever developed by China and in the foreseeable future.展开更多
Rising fuel prices, increasing emission levels and impending environmental regulations made shipping industry to find an alternate for internal combustion engine in 21st century. Fuel cell is a sustainable, emerging t...Rising fuel prices, increasing emission levels and impending environmental regulations made shipping industry to find an alternate for internal combustion engine in 21st century. Fuel cell is a sustainable, emerging technology with negligible pollution. More significantly for a research ship, emission levels need to be substantially low to have quality measurements. A feasibility study is carried-out First time in the world, to drive an ice class multi-disciplinary ORV (Oceanography Research Vessel) Sagarnidbi, using hydrogen powered fuel cell. Sagamidhi is equipped with special equipments viz., Deep Sea winch, specially designed cranes for Launching and retrieval of ROV (Remotely Operable Vehicle), DSMC (Deep Sea Mining Crawler), Tsunami systems, manned/unmanned submersible and ACS (Autonomous Coring System) and other facilities that support research in Indian, International and Antarctic waters. Beside this, the propulsion system along with DP (Dynamic Positioning), centralized air conditioning and special equipments require enormous electrical power. The combustion of diesel oil in an engine, that coupled with an alternator generates electrical power required, along with NOx (Nitrous Oxides), SOx (Sulphur Oxides) and PM (Particulate Matter) emissions. Shipping industry is the fourth largest contributor to air pollution and carbon emissions, particularly in coastal areas, and the growth rate makes the problem even more critical. Stringent international air pollution regulation and increasing fuel price paves the way for an alternative "green emission technology". Various fuel cells were analyzed with different combination of fuel, electrolyte and electrodes. From the analysis, it has been found that SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) is most suitable for the present scenario. A fuel cell designed with hydrogen as fuel, zirconium oxides stabilized with yttrium oxide as electrolyte and zirconium electrodes is used for 1.5 MW power output and 0.5 MW through regenerator. Volume required for storage of hydrogen is in line with volume of fuel and a high standard safety measures were taken using sensors. The present system saves 3000 MT/annum of diesel oil costing 3,000,000 USD approximately.展开更多
Numerical investigation of a supersonic jet from the nose of a lifting-body vehicle opposing a hypersonic flow with the freestream Mach number being 8.0 at 40 km altitude was carried out by solving the three-dimension...Numerical investigation of a supersonic jet from the nose of a lifting-body vehicle opposing a hypersonic flow with the freestream Mach number being 8.0 at 40 km altitude was carried out by solving the three-dimensional, time-accurate Navier-Stokes equations with a hybrid meshes approach. Based on the analysis of the flow field structures and aerodynamic characteristics, the behaviours relevant to the LPM jet were discussed in detail, including the drag reduction effect, the periodic oscillation and the feedback loop. The obtained results show that the flow oscillation characteristic of the LPM jet is low-frequency and high-amplitude while that of the SPM jet is high-frequency and low-amplitude. Compared with the clearly dominant frequencies of the LPM jet, the SPM jet exhibits a broad-band structure. The LPM jet can sustain drag reduction effect until the angle of attack is 8°, and the lift-to-drag ratio of the vehicle is effectively improved by 6.95% at angle of attack of 6°. The self-sustained oscillation process was studied by a typical oscillating cycle of the drag force coefficient and the variation of the instantaneous pressure distribution,which reveals an off-axial flapping motion of the conical shear layer. The variation of the subsonic recirculation zone ahead of the vehicle nose strengthens the understanding of the jet behavior including the source of instability in the long penetration mode and the mechanism of the feedback loop. The aim of this paper is to advance the technology readiness level for the counterflowing jet applied as an active control technology in hypersonic flows by gaining a better insight of the flow physics.展开更多
The Unified S-Band (USB) ranging/Doppler system and the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) system as the ground tracking system jointly supported the lunar orbit capture of both Chang'E-2 (CE-2) and Chang...The Unified S-Band (USB) ranging/Doppler system and the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) system as the ground tracking system jointly supported the lunar orbit capture of both Chang'E-2 (CE-2) and Chang'E-1 (CE-1) missions. The tracking system is also responsible for providing precise orbits for scientific data processing. New VLBI equipment and data processing strategies have been proposed based on CE-1 experiences and implemented for CE-2. In this work the role VLBI tracking data played was reassessed through precision orbit determination (POD) experiments for CE-2. Significant improve- ment in terms of both VLBI delay and delay rate data accuracy was achieved with the noise level of X-band band-width syn- thesis delay data reaching 0.2-0.3 ns. Short-arc orbit determination experiments showed that the combination of only 15 min's range and VLBI data was able to improve the accuracy of 3 h's orbit using range data only by a 1-1.5 order of magnitude, confirming a similar conclusion for CE-1. Moreover, because of the accuracy improvement, VLBI data was able to contribute to CE-2's long-arc POD especially in the along-track and orbital normal directions. Orbital accuracy was assessed through the orbital overlapping analysis (2 h arc overlapping for 18 h POD arc). Compared with about 100 m position error of CE-l's 200 kin x 200 km lunar orbit, for CE-2's 100 km x 100 km lunar orbit, the position errors were better than 31 and 6 m in the radial direction, and for CE-2's 15 km^100 km orbit, the position errors were better than 45 and 12 m in the radial direction. In addi- tion, in trying to analyze the Delta Differential One-Way Ranging (ADOR) experiments data we concluded that the accuracy of ADOR delay was dramatically improved with the noise level better than 0.1 ns and systematic errors better calibrated, and the Short-arc POD tests with ADOR data showed excellent results. Although unable to support the development of an independent lunar gravity model, the tracking data of CE-2 provided evaluations of different lunar gravity models through POD. It is found that for the 100 km x 100 km lunar orbit, with a degree and order expansion up to 165, JPL's gravity model LP165P did not show noticeable improvement over Japan's SGM series models (100x100), but for the 15 kmxl00 km lunar orbit, a higher de- gree-order model can significantly improve the orbit accuracy.展开更多
The lunar probe often has some remaining fuel on completing the predefined Moon exploration mission and may carry out some additional tasks from the Moon orbit using the fuel.The possibility for the lunar probe to esc...The lunar probe often has some remaining fuel on completing the predefined Moon exploration mission and may carry out some additional tasks from the Moon orbit using the fuel.The possibility for the lunar probe to escape from the Moon and the Earth is analyzed.Design and optimization of the trajectory from the Moon orbit to the Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using the spacecraft's residual fuel is studied.At first,the semi-major axis,inclinations and the phase relations with the Earth of all the numbered NEAs are investigated to preliminarily select the possible targets.Based on the Sun-centered two-body problem,the launch window and the asteroid candidates are determined by calculating the minimum delta-v for two-impulse rendezvous mission and one-impulse flyby mission,respectively.For a precise designed trajectory,a full ephemeris dynamical model,which includes gravities of the Sun,the planets and the Moon,is adopted by reading the JPL ephemeris.The departure time,arrival time,burning time duration and thrust angles are set as variables to be designed and optimized.The optimization problem is solved via the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm.Moreover,two feasible NEA flyby missions are presented.展开更多
The high efficiency hydrogen fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor is presented. The sensitive film was a new alliance of palladium-silver (Pd-Ag). In addition, the titanium (Ti) layer was used as the adhesive layer....The high efficiency hydrogen fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor is presented. The sensitive film was a new alliance of palladium-silver (Pd-Ag). In addition, the titanium (Ti) layer was used as the adhesive layer. The presented sensor showed the resolution of more than 60pm/1%H2, and a fast response time of4s - 5s was guaranteed in the 0.1%H2 - 4%H2 range. Moreover, the life time of the sensor was investigated. The obtained results showed that the sensor had an enhanced life time. Furthermore, the sensor was applied in the propulsion system fuel tank model of the aerospace vehicle. The obtained results indicated that it is a prevention system against the disaster aerospace due to hydrogen leakage.展开更多
文摘Applications of pyrolysis-gas chromatography and pyrolysis capillary gas chromatography in explosive and propellant analysis are reviewed, including the identification of explosives and propel- lants, the investigation of the thermal decomposition of nitrocellulose (NC), cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX)and cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX), and the study of the wear- reducing mechanism of polyurethane additive in propellant gain.
基金Project(2012CB957702) supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProjects(41590854,41431070,41274024,41321063) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(Y205771077) supported by the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘The scattering-model-based(SMB)speckle filtering for polarimetric SAR(Pol SAR)data is reasonably effective in preserving dominant scattering mechanisms.However,the efficiency strongly depends on the accuracies of both the decomposition and classification of the scattering properties.In addition,a relatively weak speckle reduction particularly in distributed media was reported in the related literatures.In this work,an improved SMB filtering strategy is proposed considering the aforementioned deficiencies.First,the orientation angle compensation is incorporated into the SMB filtering process to remedy the overestimation of the volume scattering contribution in the Freeman-Durden decomposition.In addition,an algorithm to select the homogenous pixels is developed based on the spatial majority rule for adaptive speckle reduction.We demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods in terms of scattering property preservation and speckle noise reduction using L-band Pol SAR data sets of San Francisco that were acquired by the NASA/JPL airborne SAR(AIRSAR)system.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50074035).
文摘A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is developed to investigate the radical motion of single cavitating bubble in the oscillating pressure field of a cavitating water jet. Regarding water as a compressible fluid, the simulation is performed at different oscillating frequencies. It is found that the bubble motion presents obvious nonlinear feature, and bifurcation and chaos appear on some conditions. The results manifest the indetermination of the cavitating bubble motion in the oscillating pressure field of the cavitating water jet.
文摘This paper computed the newest impact solutions of the potentially dangerous asteroid (99942) Apophis based on 4,138 optical observations from March 15.10789 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), 2004 to February 28.089569 UTC, 2014 and 20 radar observations from January 27, 2005 through March 15, 2013, as of June 20, 2014. Using the freely available the OrbFit software Package, this paper followed its orbit forward in the searching for close approaches with the Earth and possible impacts up to year 2116. With the different A2 non-gravitational parameter in the motion of the asteroid (99942) Apophis, this paper computed possible impact solutions using the JPL DE405 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Development Ephemeris) and 25 additional massive perturbed asteroids. Additionally, this paper used weighing and selection methods adopted in the OrbFit software as prepared by the NEODyS (Near Earth Objects--Dynamical Side) Team. Moreover, this paper used method of computing the orbit of Apophis taking into account star catalog debiasing and an error model with assumed astrometric errors RMS (root mean square), deduced from the observational material of the given observatories. JPL's Sentry and NEODyS's CLOMMON2, two automatic monitoring systems routinely scanning for possible impacts in the next hundred years. Only for several dangerous asteroids presented results are computed with the non-gravitational parameters. This paper detected possible impacts of the asteroid (99942) Apophis only with the non-gravitational parameter, A2 〉 0. It was appeared that impacts in 2068, 2087, 2105 and in 2111 were possible only when Apophis rotated in prograde direction.
文摘Electric propulsion is broadly defined as the acceleration of a working fluid for propulsion by electrical heating and/or by electric and magnetic body forces. Compared with chemical propulsion, electric propulsion has the characteristic of higher specific impulse, lower thrust, lighter weight and longer lifetime. So electric propulsion is generally suitable for satellite attitude control, the orbit transfer and raising, orbit correction, resistance compensate, position keeping, reposi- tion, space exploration and interplanetary flight.
文摘To analyze the existing schemes of high-speed rotorcrafts and some new technologies, a new conceptual sketch of the high-speed rotor/wing transition helicopter RD15 is proposed. The overall layout of the RD15 is given out and the transition process from the helicopter mode to the airplane mode is designed. The lift system consists of a circular disk-wing with four retractable blades. The technology of individual blade control is adopted for flight control in hover and low speed flight. The tail is a vectored thrust duct propeller. It can provide the anti-torque in hover, and offer the multi-directional controls and propulsion drive for the airplane mode flight. The aerodynamic characteristics and key technologies in the transition process for this layout, including the nose up angle of disk-wing, the length of the blade, rotation speed, pitch angle and other parameters, are theoretically ana lyzed and experimentally tested. Calculation and experiments show that the shift process of the lift, the power and controls are smooth, and the designed scheme is feasible.
文摘Recently,the first gas generator-turbopump joint test for the 500-ton LOX/kerosene engine was completed with success.The engine developed independently by the Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology(AALPT)will be used for the heavy-lift rocket.The 500-ton LOX/kerosene engine has the thrust of the largest ever developed by China and in the foreseeable future.
文摘Rising fuel prices, increasing emission levels and impending environmental regulations made shipping industry to find an alternate for internal combustion engine in 21st century. Fuel cell is a sustainable, emerging technology with negligible pollution. More significantly for a research ship, emission levels need to be substantially low to have quality measurements. A feasibility study is carried-out First time in the world, to drive an ice class multi-disciplinary ORV (Oceanography Research Vessel) Sagarnidbi, using hydrogen powered fuel cell. Sagamidhi is equipped with special equipments viz., Deep Sea winch, specially designed cranes for Launching and retrieval of ROV (Remotely Operable Vehicle), DSMC (Deep Sea Mining Crawler), Tsunami systems, manned/unmanned submersible and ACS (Autonomous Coring System) and other facilities that support research in Indian, International and Antarctic waters. Beside this, the propulsion system along with DP (Dynamic Positioning), centralized air conditioning and special equipments require enormous electrical power. The combustion of diesel oil in an engine, that coupled with an alternator generates electrical power required, along with NOx (Nitrous Oxides), SOx (Sulphur Oxides) and PM (Particulate Matter) emissions. Shipping industry is the fourth largest contributor to air pollution and carbon emissions, particularly in coastal areas, and the growth rate makes the problem even more critical. Stringent international air pollution regulation and increasing fuel price paves the way for an alternative "green emission technology". Various fuel cells were analyzed with different combination of fuel, electrolyte and electrodes. From the analysis, it has been found that SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) is most suitable for the present scenario. A fuel cell designed with hydrogen as fuel, zirconium oxides stabilized with yttrium oxide as electrolyte and zirconium electrodes is used for 1.5 MW power output and 0.5 MW through regenerator. Volume required for storage of hydrogen is in line with volume of fuel and a high standard safety measures were taken using sensors. The present system saves 3000 MT/annum of diesel oil costing 3,000,000 USD approximately.
基金supported by the Aerospace International Innovation Talent Cultivation Project of Program China Scholarship Councilthe National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11502291)
文摘Numerical investigation of a supersonic jet from the nose of a lifting-body vehicle opposing a hypersonic flow with the freestream Mach number being 8.0 at 40 km altitude was carried out by solving the three-dimensional, time-accurate Navier-Stokes equations with a hybrid meshes approach. Based on the analysis of the flow field structures and aerodynamic characteristics, the behaviours relevant to the LPM jet were discussed in detail, including the drag reduction effect, the periodic oscillation and the feedback loop. The obtained results show that the flow oscillation characteristic of the LPM jet is low-frequency and high-amplitude while that of the SPM jet is high-frequency and low-amplitude. Compared with the clearly dominant frequencies of the LPM jet, the SPM jet exhibits a broad-band structure. The LPM jet can sustain drag reduction effect until the angle of attack is 8°, and the lift-to-drag ratio of the vehicle is effectively improved by 6.95% at angle of attack of 6°. The self-sustained oscillation process was studied by a typical oscillating cycle of the drag force coefficient and the variation of the instantaneous pressure distribution,which reveals an off-axial flapping motion of the conical shear layer. The variation of the subsonic recirculation zone ahead of the vehicle nose strengthens the understanding of the jet behavior including the source of instability in the long penetration mode and the mechanism of the feedback loop. The aim of this paper is to advance the technology readiness level for the counterflowing jet applied as an active control technology in hypersonic flows by gaining a better insight of the flow physics.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10703011 and11073047)the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai (GrantNo. 06DZ22101)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2010AA122202)
文摘The Unified S-Band (USB) ranging/Doppler system and the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) system as the ground tracking system jointly supported the lunar orbit capture of both Chang'E-2 (CE-2) and Chang'E-1 (CE-1) missions. The tracking system is also responsible for providing precise orbits for scientific data processing. New VLBI equipment and data processing strategies have been proposed based on CE-1 experiences and implemented for CE-2. In this work the role VLBI tracking data played was reassessed through precision orbit determination (POD) experiments for CE-2. Significant improve- ment in terms of both VLBI delay and delay rate data accuracy was achieved with the noise level of X-band band-width syn- thesis delay data reaching 0.2-0.3 ns. Short-arc orbit determination experiments showed that the combination of only 15 min's range and VLBI data was able to improve the accuracy of 3 h's orbit using range data only by a 1-1.5 order of magnitude, confirming a similar conclusion for CE-1. Moreover, because of the accuracy improvement, VLBI data was able to contribute to CE-2's long-arc POD especially in the along-track and orbital normal directions. Orbital accuracy was assessed through the orbital overlapping analysis (2 h arc overlapping for 18 h POD arc). Compared with about 100 m position error of CE-l's 200 kin x 200 km lunar orbit, for CE-2's 100 km x 100 km lunar orbit, the position errors were better than 31 and 6 m in the radial direction, and for CE-2's 15 km^100 km orbit, the position errors were better than 45 and 12 m in the radial direction. In addi- tion, in trying to analyze the Delta Differential One-Way Ranging (ADOR) experiments data we concluded that the accuracy of ADOR delay was dramatically improved with the noise level better than 0.1 ns and systematic errors better calibrated, and the Short-arc POD tests with ADOR data showed excellent results. Although unable to support the development of an independent lunar gravity model, the tracking data of CE-2 provided evaluations of different lunar gravity models through POD. It is found that for the 100 km x 100 km lunar orbit, with a degree and order expansion up to 165, JPL's gravity model LP165P did not show noticeable improvement over Japan's SGM series models (100x100), but for the 15 kmxl00 km lunar orbit, a higher de- gree-order model can significantly improve the orbit accuracy.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos. 10832004 and 11072122)
文摘The lunar probe often has some remaining fuel on completing the predefined Moon exploration mission and may carry out some additional tasks from the Moon orbit using the fuel.The possibility for the lunar probe to escape from the Moon and the Earth is analyzed.Design and optimization of the trajectory from the Moon orbit to the Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using the spacecraft's residual fuel is studied.At first,the semi-major axis,inclinations and the phase relations with the Earth of all the numbered NEAs are investigated to preliminarily select the possible targets.Based on the Sun-centered two-body problem,the launch window and the asteroid candidates are determined by calculating the minimum delta-v for two-impulse rendezvous mission and one-impulse flyby mission,respectively.For a precise designed trajectory,a full ephemeris dynamical model,which includes gravities of the Sun,the planets and the Moon,is adopted by reading the JPL ephemeris.The departure time,arrival time,burning time duration and thrust angles are set as variables to be designed and optimized.The optimization problem is solved via the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm.Moreover,two feasible NEA flyby missions are presented.
文摘The high efficiency hydrogen fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor is presented. The sensitive film was a new alliance of palladium-silver (Pd-Ag). In addition, the titanium (Ti) layer was used as the adhesive layer. The presented sensor showed the resolution of more than 60pm/1%H2, and a fast response time of4s - 5s was guaranteed in the 0.1%H2 - 4%H2 range. Moreover, the life time of the sensor was investigated. The obtained results showed that the sensor had an enhanced life time. Furthermore, the sensor was applied in the propulsion system fuel tank model of the aerospace vehicle. The obtained results indicated that it is a prevention system against the disaster aerospace due to hydrogen leakage.