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作者 黄龙春 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1998年第3期48-53,共6页
关键词 冲击式扳机 性能 测试系统 气板机
作者 李明旭 郭法德 《山东煤炭科技》 1991年第4期24-29,共6页
关键词 巷道 支架 机具 配套 气板机 矿用
冲击式气扳机扭矩测量中的问题及对策 被引量:2
作者 黄龙春 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1994年第4期54-57,37,共5页
冲击式气扳机扭矩测量中的问题及对策天水凿岩机械气动工具研究所黄龙春冲击式气扳机属量大面广的手工具产品之一,其重要的性能指标之一扭矩的检测一直沿用油压试验台的方法进行。由于此种方法得到的是累积扭矩值,因此与实际使用有一... 冲击式气扳机扭矩测量中的问题及对策天水凿岩机械气动工具研究所黄龙春冲击式气扳机属量大面广的手工具产品之一,其重要的性能指标之一扭矩的检测一直沿用油压试验台的方法进行。由于此种方法得到的是累积扭矩值,因此与实际使用有一定的可比性,所以凿岩机械气动工具行... 展开更多
关键词 冲击式气板机 扭矩 测量
气扳机的扭矩测量及数据处理 被引量:1
作者 黄龙春 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1989年第2期44-49,60,共7页
一、气扳机扭矩测量概述在机器制造行业,零部件的组装、设备的安装大量采用螺纹连接。使用气扳机紧固螺纹连接件,可以显著地提高工效及安装质量,还可大大地减轻操作者的劳动强度。因此气扳机已成为工业生产中不可缺少的机动手工具。对... 一、气扳机扭矩测量概述在机器制造行业,零部件的组装、设备的安装大量采用螺纹连接。使用气扳机紧固螺纹连接件,可以显著地提高工效及安装质量,还可大大地减轻操作者的劳动强度。因此气扳机已成为工业生产中不可缺少的机动手工具。对于气扳机来说,其输出的扭矩(在一定时间内)是很重要的指标。使用单位可根据扭矩的大小来选择气扳机。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 扭矩测量 数据处理 手工具
液压脉冲气扳机 被引量:2
作者 甘作霖 王鹤 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1991年第3期15-20,共6页
液压脉冲气扳机是以压缩空气为动力介质而冲击机构是利用液压冲击原理的新型螺纹安装工具。日本、美国等国已批量生产,投放市场。在要求安装扭矩稳定而精确的小轿车等生产线上得到应用。我国在1985年摩托车生产线已引进日本瓜生公司的U-... 液压脉冲气扳机是以压缩空气为动力介质而冲击机构是利用液压冲击原理的新型螺纹安装工具。日本、美国等国已批量生产,投放市场。在要求安装扭矩稳定而精确的小轿车等生产线上得到应用。我国在1985年摩托车生产线已引进日本瓜生公司的U-800和U~900型液压脉冲气扳机。日本的瓜生公司、不二空机公司已有系列产品,以瓜生公司的品种,规格为多。就日前资料可知,瓜生公司生产的液压脉冲气扳机有4个系列50多种型号。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 液压脉冲机构
作者 朱广达 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1991年第3期52-54,42,共4页
BG30型高速气扳机是我厂1984年试制的新产品,1985年投入批量生产,经用户(长春第一汽车制造厂)使用,有几种易损件(扳轴,摆锤、托架)过早损坏,有的件仅能用5~6小时,针对这一具体问题我们组织了攻关小组,采用人工模拟的可靠性寿命试验(在... BG30型高速气扳机是我厂1984年试制的新产品,1985年投入批量生产,经用户(长春第一汽车制造厂)使用,有几种易损件(扳轴,摆锤、托架)过早损坏,有的件仅能用5~6小时,针对这一具体问题我们组织了攻关小组,采用人工模拟的可靠性寿命试验(在试验室里进行)。它的作用是通过对试验结果的统计分析和失效(或故障)分析,对该产品进行可靠性评价,找出薄弱环节,提出改进措施,以提高该产品的可靠性。所以可靠性试验也是可靠性工作中的重要环节之一。可靠性是产品的一项重要的质量指标。随着国民经济发展和科学技术的进步,无论是工农业生产、科学研究。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 高速 BG30型 可靠性 寿命
不二空机公司的液压脉冲气扳机 被引量:1
作者 王敬梅 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1994年第2期40-44,共5页
不二空机公司的液压脉冲气扳机日本不二空机公司生产一种大功率的双叶片液压脉冲气扳机,与传统的液压脉冲气扳机相比,其单位重量输出功率大得多。液压脉冲气扳机(又称气液扳机)是液压技术与气动技术相结合的高技术应用产品,是一种... 不二空机公司的液压脉冲气扳机日本不二空机公司生产一种大功率的双叶片液压脉冲气扳机,与传统的液压脉冲气扳机相比,其单位重量输出功率大得多。液压脉冲气扳机(又称气液扳机)是液压技术与气动技术相结合的高技术应用产品,是一种新型螺纹安装工具。这种气扳机的冲击... 展开更多
关键词 气板机 液压冲击机构 凿岩机
作者 郭法德 李明旭 史永全 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 1991年第5期53-55,共3页
关键词 锚杆 支架 U型钢 气板机 矿用
作者 虞万钧 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1989年第3期68-71,共4页
B30高速气扳机是测绘国外的一种高速气扳机。该机性能好、重量轻、结构简单,特别是冲击机构较为新颖。但冲击块形状复杂(见图1,图2为扳轴截形),很难测绘准确,这势必会影响冲击机构原设计性能。本文从对冲击块的两点基本要求出发,以冲击... B30高速气扳机是测绘国外的一种高速气扳机。该机性能好、重量轻、结构简单,特别是冲击机构较为新颖。但冲击块形状复杂(见图1,图2为扳轴截形),很难测绘准确,这势必会影响冲击机构原设计性能。本文从对冲击块的两点基本要求出发,以冲击块的几个测绘尺寸为基础,对冲击块的另一些尺寸进行精确的几何计算和验算,求出测绘尺寸的误差值,为提高该冲击机构的冲击性能提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 高速 冲击块 形状 测绘仪
作者 叶发仁 王米武 张国志 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1991年第4期2-5,共4页
关键词 气板机 静扭式 减速器 参数 优化
作者 虞万钧 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1991年第3期60-61,58,共3页
近年来,国内有些厂家从国外引进了几种规格的高速气扳机,该机性能好,重量轻,冲击机构也较新颖,见图1。经几年的生产和使用,发现存在一些问题。现以B30型高速气扳机为例,谈几点看法。 1.冲击块3的形状为封闭腔型,切削加工工艺性很差,又... 近年来,国内有些厂家从国外引进了几种规格的高速气扳机,该机性能好,重量轻,冲击机构也较新颖,见图1。经几年的生产和使用,发现存在一些问题。现以B30型高速气扳机为例,谈几点看法。 1.冲击块3的形状为封闭腔型,切削加工工艺性很差,又因某些部位的尺寸很小,很难全部靠模加工,一部分加工面还需进行插削、锉修,很难达到图纸的技术要求,这样必然会影响整机的性能,又会使生产成本增加。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 高速 B30型 冲击机构 改进
作者 时建平 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1989年第1期44-52,共9页
一、前言储能冲击式气扳机(以下简称气扳机)冲击机构的运动可靠性条件的定量分析,是气扳机设计程序中一个颇为重要的环节。迄今为至,尚未发现关于这方面的较为完整的计算方法。因而对机构中一些关键的性能参数还难以在设计中加以控制。... 一、前言储能冲击式气扳机(以下简称气扳机)冲击机构的运动可靠性条件的定量分析,是气扳机设计程序中一个颇为重要的环节。迄今为至,尚未发现关于这方面的较为完整的计算方法。因而对机构中一些关键的性能参数还难以在设计中加以控制。本文着重从机构运动可靠性的角度为出发点,定量分析推导各运动件在动作过程中须满足的运动条件,对冲击机构中一些主要零件的运动规律列出方程,并对其运算求解。 展开更多
关键词 气板机 冲击机构 运动 可靠性
作者 吴浩中 《凿岩机械气动工具》 北大核心 1989年第4期1-4,共4页
关键词 气板机 QB系列 引进技术
Modified Reynolds Equation for Squeeze-Film Air Damping of Slotted Plates in MEMS Devices
作者 孙远程 鲍敏杭 +1 位作者 杨恒 黄宜平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期473-477,共5页
A differential equation for calculating squeeze-film air damping in slotted plates is developed by modifying the Reynolds equation. A term is added to account for the effect of airflow through the slots on the air dam... A differential equation for calculating squeeze-film air damping in slotted plates is developed by modifying the Reynolds equation. A term is added to account for the effect of airflow through the slots on the air damping of the plate. The end effect of the airflow in the slots is also treated by substituting an effective channel length for the geometric channel length (i. e. the thickness of the plate)..The damping pressure distribution, damping force, and damping force coefficient of the slotted plates can be found by solving the equation under appropriate boundary conditions. With restrictions on the thickness and the lateral dimensions of the slotted plate removed,the equation provides a useful tool for analysing the squeeze-film air damping effect of slotted plates with finite thickness and finite lateral dimensions. For a typical slotted plate structure, the damping force coefficient obtained by this equation agrees well with that generated by ANSYS. 展开更多
关键词 squeeze-film air damping MEMS slotted plate Reynolds equation
Evaluation of pneumatic inclined deck separator for high-ash Indian coals 被引量:6
作者 Nikhil Gupta 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第2期198-205,共8页
Application of pneumatic separators in coal beneficiation is increasing rapidly over the last decade primarily due to their low capital and operating costs, and waste handling problems associated with traditional wet ... Application of pneumatic separators in coal beneficiation is increasing rapidly over the last decade primarily due to their low capital and operating costs, and waste handling problems associated with traditional wet processing methods. Large amount of shale/rock that is extracted in coal production can be removed prior to transportation at the mine face by using this methodology. Due to the limited washing facilities in India, most of the thermal power plants burn raw coal from run-of-mine (ROM) to generate electricity. This practice causes poor utilization efficiency, high operating and maintenance costs, and high emission rates for the power plants. One potential method that can be utilized is the air-fluidized inclined vibrating deck technology. The technology was demonstrated on a pilot-scale at different coal washeries in India at a feed rate of 5-ton per hour. The pilot-scale evaluation showed that 20 %-25 % high-ash incombustible material can be eliminated from ROM feed with only minor losses in energy content (〈10 %) from respective ROM coal. Furthermore, a feasibility analysis showed significant economic gains in terms of transportation cost, improving power-plant efficiency, and reducing emissions rates by using the technology. 展开更多
关键词 Coal deshaling Pneumatic separation Inclined deck Vibrating table FLUIDIZATION
Parameterization Modeling of a Gas Turbine Coverplate
作者 Nacim Mesbah Sandy Seifert +2 位作者 Bruno Chatelois Francois Gamier Hany Moustapha 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第8期1378-1385,共8页
In order to reduce product development cycle time, aerospace companies tend to develop various correlations integrating geometric and performance parameters. This paper covers the development of a parameterization mod... In order to reduce product development cycle time, aerospace companies tend to develop various correlations integrating geometric and performance parameters. This paper covers the development of a parameterization modeling, to be used in the preliminary design phase, for the turbine cover plate of an aero-engine. The parameterization modeling of the turbine cover plate is achieved by using commercial CAD (computer aided design) software processing in batch mode. Two main approaches are presented the outer face and the skeleton models. These models can then be integrated into an iterative process for designing optimal shapes. Both models are capable of reproducing existing cover plate with reasonable accuracy in relatively shorter time periods. However, the skeleton approach provides probably the best results in terms of flexibility and accuracy, but increases programming complexity and requires greater run times. 展开更多
关键词 Aero engine TURBINE cover plate preliminary design OPTIMIZATION
Subtransus deformation mechanisms of TC11 titanium alloy with lamellar structure 被引量:2
作者 宋鸿武 张士宏 程明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期2168-2173,共6页
Isothermal compression tests are applied to study the deformation mechanisms of TCll titanium alloy with lamellar structure under the deformation temperature range of 890-995 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-10 s^-1. ... Isothermal compression tests are applied to study the deformation mechanisms of TCll titanium alloy with lamellar structure under the deformation temperature range of 890-995 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-10 s^-1. According to the flow stress data obtained by compression tests, the deformation activations are calculated based on kinetics analysis of high temperature deformation, which are then used for deformation mechanism analysis combined with microstructure investigation. The results show that deformation mechanisms vary with deformation conditions: at low strain rate range, the deformation mechanism is mainly dislocation slip; at low temperature and high strain rate range, twinning is the main mechanism; at high temperature and high strain rate range, the deformation is mainly controlled by diffusion offl phase. 展开更多
关键词 TC11 titanium alloy lamellar structure deformation activation deformation mechanism
Measurement and Prediction of Interfacial Area on a DistiIlation Tray
作者 宋海华 李天一 李红海 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第1期29-34,共6页
In this paper the modern electron optical equipment is used to translate the clear image of speed moving bubbles in bubbling liquid on a sieve tray into the digital information stored in computer, and the computer aid... In this paper the modern electron optical equipment is used to translate the clear image of speed moving bubbles in bubbling liquid on a sieve tray into the digital information stored in computer, and the computer aided image processing technique is utilized to measure the bubble size distributions and interfacial areas under various operating conditions. And the dynamic behavior of bubbles in turbulent liquid is analyzed theoretically; the mechanism of bubble deformation and breakage is explored on the basis of Kolmogoroff′s isotropic turbulence hypothesis; the mathematical model for predicting the gas liquid interfacial area is proposed. The comparison between the simulated results and the experimental data shows that the model is higher in accuracy, simple in form and convenient in use. 展开更多
关键词 bubble size distribution interfacial area multiphase turbulent dynamics computer aided image analysis distillation tray
Aerodynamic Performances of Wind Turbine Airfoils Using a Panel Method
作者 M.M. Oueslati A.W. Dahmouni +3 位作者 M. Ben Salah F. Askri C. Kerkeni S. Ben Nasrallah 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第9期1175-1182,共8页
One of the key features of Laplace's Equation is the property that allows the equation governing the flow field to be converted from a 3D problem throughout the field to a 2D problem for finding the potential on the ... One of the key features of Laplace's Equation is the property that allows the equation governing the flow field to be converted from a 3D problem throughout the field to a 2D problem for finding the potential on the surface. The solution is then found using this property by distributing "singularities" of unknown strength over discretized portions of the surface: panels. Hence the flow field solution is found by representing the surface by a number of panels, and solving a linear set of algebraic equations to determine the unknown strengths of the singularities. In this paper a Hess-Smith Panel Method is then used to examine the aerodynamics of NACA 4412 and NACA 23015 wind turbine airfoils. The lift coefficient and the pressure distribution are predicted and compared with experimental result for low Reynolds number. Results show a good agreement with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 Panel method wind turbine airfoils incompressible potential flow pressure distribution
Impact of Mechanical Aeration on the Soil Resistance to Penetration and Density of Grassy Sward
作者 Khaoula Abrougui Sayed Chehaibi Mohamed Khelifi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第5期683-687,共5页
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of mechanical perforation of a golf course grassy sward, subject to maintenance machinery traffic and golf players trampling on its compaction and density. The evolutio... The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of mechanical perforation of a golf course grassy sward, subject to maintenance machinery traffic and golf players trampling on its compaction and density. The evolution of soil compaction state after aeration was also conducted in four stages of measurement. This operation aims to improve the structure and soil texture, which is also called "perforation" or "coring". The taken cores leaving on the soil holes of adjustable depth and density (350 holes/mE) are made with an aerator machine called Vertidrain. Soil resistance to penetration and density were determined at the initial state before aeration as well as 10, 20, and 30 days after aeration. Compared to the initial state, the results show that mechanical aeration greatly affects the grassy sward ground by reducing its resistance to penetration as 35% and 43% decrease in penetration resistance were noticed at 5 cm depth l0 and 20 days after aeration, respectively. Also, resistance to penetration decreased by 41% and 48% at 15 cm depth during the same two periods of time with a relatively constant moisture content. However, soil resistance to penetration at 5 and 15 cm depths only decreased by 21% and 26%, respectively. Regarding the soil density measured after aeration, a significant improvement at the 1% level with the method of variance analysis was observed compared to that at the initial state (e.g. 1.33 g·cm^-3) Indeed, the density was 1.29, 1.26 and 1.30 gcm^-3 10, 20 and 30 days after aeration, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Grassy sward soil compaction mechanical aeration soil resistance soil density.
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