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东亚人群毛干蛋白中单氨基酸多态性检测方法建立与个体识别应用 被引量:1
作者 吴佳蕾 季安全 +2 位作者 丁冬升 丰蕾 叶健 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1774-1784,共11页
目的毛干是案件现场常见的生物物证,目前缺少有效的个体识别方法而未能在案件调查和法庭诉讼中发挥作用。毛干蛋白质组中的单氨基酸多态性(SAP)蕴含着个体遗传差异信息,可应用于个体识别。方法为研究毛干物证SAP个体差异,本文使用离子... 目的毛干是案件现场常见的生物物证,目前缺少有效的个体识别方法而未能在案件调查和法庭诉讼中发挥作用。毛干蛋白质组中的单氨基酸多态性(SAP)蕴含着个体遗传差异信息,可应用于个体识别。方法为研究毛干物证SAP个体差异,本文使用离子液体对12份2 cm长的毛干样本(6人,每人2根)经过前处理后,进行LC-MS/MS质谱检测,分析毛干中的蛋白质组成。然后利用自建的东亚人群SAP蛋白质序列数据库,对质谱数据进行搜库分析,依据自建的SAP与SNP对应注释表信息,推导出SAP对应的nsSNP分型,并且与外显子测序nsSNP结果比较,进而验证SAP检测的准确性。最后,利用验证准确的SAP分型进行随机匹配概率的计算。结果12份样品共计获得321个SAP,每个样本平均为(131±17)个。6人的随机匹配概率数值范围为1.4×10^(-4)~1.0×10^(-9)。结论本文建立了东亚人群毛干蛋白中SAP检测方法,并验证了个体识别应用的能力,为法庭科学中毛干个体识别提供了有力的工具和新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 毛干蛋白质组 氨基酸多态性 个体识别
作者 桂虚 吴佳蕾 +2 位作者 季安全 丰蕾 叶健 《刑事技术》 2023年第2期128-137,共10页
本文建立了毛干蛋白单氨基酸多态性(single amino acid polymorphism,SAP)的质谱检测方法,以DNA测序验证方法的准确性,并设计多组样本检验SAP鉴定的重现性。对来自6个人的25份毛干样本的SAP鉴定结果进行分析,并与毛干来源人的血液外显... 本文建立了毛干蛋白单氨基酸多态性(single amino acid polymorphism,SAP)的质谱检测方法,以DNA测序验证方法的准确性,并设计多组样本检验SAP鉴定的重现性。对来自6个人的25份毛干样本的SAP鉴定结果进行分析,并与毛干来源人的血液外显子测序结果相比较,对于不一致位点进一步使用Sanger法测序确定SAP对应的SNP分型。共设计四组重复性实验测试,对不同直径/生长部位毛干的分型结果进行了一致性验证。通过设计的376对引物进行PCR扩增,成功检测了522个SNP分型,其中32个(6.1%)与前期外显子测序分型不一致,152个(29.1%)为外显子测序中未检测的分型,338个(64.8%)与外显子分型结果一致。四组重复性实验中,组内SAP鉴定准确率平均值为93.6%(95%CI:92.8%~94.5%),鉴定重现率平均值为96.0%(95%CI:94.3%~97.6%)。在所有25份样本中,有283个SAP位点在至少两个样本中检出,其中23个位点在全部样本中都被检出。因此,毛干蛋白SAP鉴定方法具有较高的准确性和重现性,得到的23个高检出率SAP位点可作为候选位点构建有效位点组合,呈现出潜在的法医学应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 法医遗传学 毛干蛋白质组 氨基酸多态性 非同义单核苷酸多态性 DNA测序
幽门螺杆菌cagL氨基酸多态性与消化性溃疡及胃癌的关系 被引量:12
作者 李勇 徐内卫 +2 位作者 谭峥嵘 蔡露 陈波 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2019年第2期189-194,共6页
目的探讨幽门螺杆菌cagL氨基酸多态性与消化性溃疡及胃癌的关系。方法选取2015年2月至2016年10月在本院诊治的85例消化性溃疡病患者为消化性溃疡组,另选取同期于本院诊治的90例胃癌患者为胃癌组,选取同期于本院体检的74例健康人员为对... 目的探讨幽门螺杆菌cagL氨基酸多态性与消化性溃疡及胃癌的关系。方法选取2015年2月至2016年10月在本院诊治的85例消化性溃疡病患者为消化性溃疡组,另选取同期于本院诊治的90例胃癌患者为胃癌组,选取同期于本院体检的74例健康人员为对照组。三组人员均幽门螺杆菌阳性。采集三组受试人员的胃活检标本提取DNA,经两对引物-聚合酶链式反应(PCR?CTPP)检测幽门螺杆菌cagL氨基酸D58、E59基因多态性,Hardy?weinberg遗传平衡定律验证两组基因型频率是否具有代表性;采用Logistic回归分析cagL氨基酸多态性与胃癌发生风险之间的关系;观察并分析其与胃癌患者临床病理参数的关系。结果 cagL在D58位点存在单核苷酸多态性,分别为野生型纯合子AA型、突变杂合子AG型、突变纯合子GG型;cagL在E59存在单核苷酸多态性,分别为野生型纯合子GG型、突变杂合子AG型、突变纯合子AA型;D58、E59基因多态性基因型频率分布符合Hardy?weinberg定律;与对照组、消化性溃疡组相比,cagL D58、E59位点基因型频率在胃癌组间分布对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与对照组相比,消化性溃疡组cagL D58、E59位点基因型分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析结果显示胃癌组中cagL D58 AG、GG与cagL E59 AG、AA均为胃癌发生的危险基因型;胃癌患者临床分析结果显示cagL D58、E59基因多态性位点各基因型与患者淋巴结转移、TNM分期及浸润深度显著相关(P<0.05)。结论幽门螺杆菌cagL氨基酸多态性与胃癌及消化性溃疡发病有关,而D58位点GG、AG基因型与E59位点AA、AG基因型可增加胃癌的发病风险。 展开更多
关键词 幽门螺杆菌 cagL 氨基酸多态性 消化性溃疡病 胃癌
人群变异的分子基础:从单核苷酸多态性到单氨基酸多态性 被引量:4
作者 苏智端 林旭 +1 位作者 曾嵘 吴家睿 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期16-22,共7页
单核苷酸多态性可以划分为位于基因编码区的SNP和非编码区的SNP两大种类;而在基因编码区的SNP还可以进一步划分为两个亚类:不改变氨基酸序列的同义SNP和改变氨基酸序列的非同义SNP.显然,非同义SNP将导致氨基酸序列的改变,即形成单氨基... 单核苷酸多态性可以划分为位于基因编码区的SNP和非编码区的SNP两大种类;而在基因编码区的SNP还可以进一步划分为两个亚类:不改变氨基酸序列的同义SNP和改变氨基酸序列的非同义SNP.显然,非同义SNP将导致氨基酸序列的改变,即形成单氨基酸多态性.基于蛋白质组学方法,对亚洲人群血浆样本中的SAP进行了系统研究,发现某一特定SAP在纯合人群和杂合人群中可能与生理或病理性状有着不同的关联.更为重要的是,近期有研究发现,在生物体中广泛存在着RNA序列与DNA序列不一致的现象.导致这种差异的主要原因是在转录水平上存在着规模化的RNA编辑(被称为RNA编辑组,RNA editome).该发现表明,个体拥有的SAP中可能有一部分与基因组SNP无关,而是源于RNA编辑组.进一步推论,可能在翻译水平上存在着不依赖DNA和RNA序列的全新的SAP. 展开更多
关键词 单核苷酸多态性(SNPs) 氨基酸多态性(SAPs) RNA编辑组 蛋白质编辑 中心法则
绵羊和人主要组织相容性复合体DRB1基因外显子2多态性及生物信息学分析 被引量:3
作者 陈月娥 李建华 +3 位作者 苟亚峰 王文文 朱军保 高剑峰 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第4期66-70,共5页
本试验旨在研究绵羊和人的主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)DRB1基因外显子2(exon2)单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)和单氨基酸多态性(SAPs),并进行生物信息学分析。运用生物基因组学数据库,利用生物信息学及比较基因组学方法对人与绵羊MHC-DRB1基因exon... 本试验旨在研究绵羊和人的主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)DRB1基因外显子2(exon2)单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)和单氨基酸多态性(SAPs),并进行生物信息学分析。运用生物基因组学数据库,利用生物信息学及比较基因组学方法对人与绵羊MHC-DRB1基因exon2序列多态性进行分析,采用生物信息学软件对绵羊MHC-DRB1的蛋白质结构及生物学功能进行预测和分析。结果显示,人主要组织相容性复合体(HLA)和绵羊主要组织相容性复合体(OLA)的DRB1exon2均存在丰富的SNPs位点和SAPs位点,单一多态位点和简约多态位点数不尽相同,二者相比仅有14个SNPs位点相同,其余位点均不同。序列分析结果表明,二者MHC-DRB1exon2序列具有高度相似性。进一步生物信息学分析结果显示序列变异引起的单氨基酸变化引发了蛋白质二级结构和三级结构的改变,可能因此会引起基因功能的异常,从而引发抗病性和疾病易感性的变异。 展开更多
关键词 绵羊主要组织相容性复合体DRB1 人主要组织相容性复合体DRB1 单核苷酸多态性 氨基酸多态性 生物信 息学
基于毛干蛋白质组的族群推断技术的建立与验证 被引量:4
作者 丰蕾 江丽 +6 位作者 李姗飞 张建 刘海渤 季安全 叶健 王桂强 李彩霞 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期81-88,共8页
毛干是一种案件现场常见的生物物证,由于核DNA含量极少且高度降解,难以采用现有的短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat,STR)检验方法进行个人识别鉴定,目前仅使用线粒体DNA检验进行母系亲缘关系的判定,利用率非常低.毛干中蛋白质非常稳... 毛干是一种案件现场常见的生物物证,由于核DNA含量极少且高度降解,难以采用现有的短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat,STR)检验方法进行个人识别鉴定,目前仅使用线粒体DNA检验进行母系亲缘关系的判定,利用率非常低.毛干中蛋白质非常稳定,而且具有遗传多态性,表现为基因组中的非同义单核苷酸多态性(non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms,ns SNPs),转录翻译后形成蛋白质序列中的单氨基酸多态性(single amino acid polymorphisms,SAPs).充分利用毛干蛋白质中蕴含的遗传信息,为案件提供线索和证据,是实际公安业务的迫切需求,具有重要的应用价值.本文选取了104份中国汉族的毛干样本进行蛋白质组的检测,共获得了703个SAP位点,位于460个蛋白质上,共推导出552个nsSNP位点.进一步筛选在所有样本中检出率超过15%的位点,获得了88个nsSNP位点,使用毛干样本对应的口腔拭子DNA对88个ns SNP位点进行一代测序验证.为评估发现的nsSNP位点对于人群的区分能力,以千人数据库(1 000 Genome Project)为参考数据库,采用聚类分析和群体匹配概率等方法对检测的19份毛干样本进行人群来源推断.结果显示,通过检测毛干蛋白质组中的ns SNP可以实现东亚、欧洲、非洲三大洲际人群的区分. 展开更多
关键词 毛干蛋白质组 氨基酸多态性 非同义单核苷酸多态性 祖先来源推断
作者 刘修良 李艳娇 +5 位作者 陈伟杰 王雨茜 高其乐 胡晶晶 张志杰 熊成龙 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2023年第7期626-633,共8页
【目的】以甲型流感病毒(IAV)毒株的完整内部蛋白编码基因为基础,发现并分析IAV传播过程中出现的影响宿主嗜性类型的单个或相互作用的关键氨基酸位点,为研究IAV的人类宿主适应性突变提供依据。【方法】在全球流感共享数据库(GISAID)EpiF... 【目的】以甲型流感病毒(IAV)毒株的完整内部蛋白编码基因为基础,发现并分析IAV传播过程中出现的影响宿主嗜性类型的单个或相互作用的关键氨基酸位点,为研究IAV的人类宿主适应性突变提供依据。【方法】在全球流感共享数据库(GISAID)EpiFluTM数据库中,根据查询条件获得43671个IAV毒株对应的6个内部基因节段全长核苷酸序列,通过质控与去冗余后保留698个嗜人类亚型(HU)和1266个嗜禽类亚型(AV)代表株,使用R代码比较2种嗜性类别代表株的氨基酸共义序列,获得氨基酸差异位点及其多态性,并对差异位点进行多位点组合分析。【结果】AV与HU中H1N1、H3N2亚型代表株分别进行共有序列比对,各发现49个、57个保守差异位点。差异位点的多位点组合分析,在HU与AV间分别发现79个三位点组合与65个四位点组合。共有11个保守差异位点同时存在于2种组合内:PB2蛋白的271、684位点;PB1蛋白的336、486、581、621位点;PA蛋白的204、356位点;NP蛋白的33、305、357位点;M1和NS1中未发现符合条件的差异位点。【结论】IAV的嗜人和嗜禽类毒株间在PB2、PB1、PA与NP蛋白中存在若干保守氨基酸差异位点,这些位点彼此间可能存在一定形式的互相作用并进而形成特定的组合,共同(而非各自)决定着病毒的宿主嗜性。 展开更多
关键词 甲型流感病毒 基因 宿主 嗜性 氨基酸多态性
Flotation performances of polymorphic pyrrhotite 被引量:9
作者 HE Ming-fei QIN Wen qing +1 位作者 LI Wei-zhong JIAO Fen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期238-243,共6页
The floatability of different crystalline structures of pyrrhotite(monoclinic and hexagonal) was studied.It is shown that the floatability of monoclinic and hexagonal has obvious difference,and that the flotation reco... The floatability of different crystalline structures of pyrrhotite(monoclinic and hexagonal) was studied.It is shown that the floatability of monoclinic and hexagonal has obvious difference,and that the flotation recovery of monoclinic pyrrhotite is larger than that of hexagonal pyrrhotite using different collectors.When butyl dithiophosphate is used as the collector,the recovery is larger than that by sodium butyl xanthate and sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate.At the pH values ranging from 6 to 9,monoclinic pyrrhotite can be floated well,and the flotation recovery is higher than 90%.Monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites are more easily activated by Cu2+ in acidic conditions than in alkaline conditions.But Cu2+ cannot activate hexagonal pyrrhotite using sodium diethyldithiocarbamate as the collector.By the measurement of contact angle,it is indicated that monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites float well and are easily activated by Cu2+ when dithiophosphate is used as the collector.Using sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate as a collector,the relationship between potential and pH range for pyrrhotite flotation is established.At pH 5,the optimal potential range for flotation of monoclinic pyrrhotite is about 125-580 mV(vs SHE),with the maximum flotation occurring at about 350 mV(vs SHE);the optimal potential range for flotation of hexagonal pyrrhotite is 200?580 mV(vs SHE),with the maximum flotation occurring at about 300 mV(vs SHE). 展开更多
关键词 FLOTATION PYRRHOTITE pulp potential contact angle
Mutation and polymorphism in the tyrosine kinase domain of KDR in Chinese human lung cancer patients
作者 Shejuan An Zhihong Chen Jian Su Jiaying Lin Ying Huang Hongyan Tang Yilong Wu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第6期309-313,共5页
Objective: Although the kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) gene play an very important role in the metastasis of cancer and is also as one of the molecular targets used in cancer therapy, mutation in th... Objective: Although the kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) gene play an very important role in the metastasis of cancer and is also as one of the molecular targets used in cancer therapy, mutation in the tyrosine kinase (TK) domain of the KDR gene has not been reported. Here we detected the mutations and polymorphisms in the TK domain of KDR gene in human lung cancer patients and to give the basic evidence and clue for cancer prevention and target therapy. Methods: The entire sequence of exons 21, 22, 23 and 27 (which contain the coding sequence of tyrosine phosphorylation) in the TK domain of KDR gene in the patients with lung cancer and control healthy individuals were assayed by PCR and DNA sequencing. We also analyzed one non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the KDR gene. Results: No mutations were found in exon 22, 23 and 27. One heterozygous mutation of c.+2837 in exon 21 was found at a frequency of 2.08% (2/96) in the patients with lung cancer and none were detected in the healthy control individuals. The mutation was from a G to a A resulting in substitution of arginine with histidine residue. Conclusion: Our data suggested that we should focus on the mutation or SNP in the other regions or the expression levels of KDR gene, and the function of c.+2837 mutation of KDR .qene may be needed further study in the future. 展开更多
关键词 lung cancer MUTATION kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) POLYMORPHISM
Polymorphisms of clip domain serine proteinase and serine proteinase homolog in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus andtheir associationwith Vibrio alginolyticus
作者 刘盟 刘媛 +2 位作者 惠敏 宋呈文 崔朝霞 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期235-243,共9页
Clip domain serine proteases (cSPs) and their homologs (SPHs) play an important role in various biological processes that are essential components of extracellular signaling cascades, especially in the innate immu... Clip domain serine proteases (cSPs) and their homologs (SPHs) play an important role in various biological processes that are essential components of extracellular signaling cascades, especially in the innate immune responses of invertebrates. Here, polymorphisms of PtcSP and PtSPH from the swimming crab Portunus tritubereulatus were investigated to explore their association with resistance/ susceptibility to Vibrio alginolyticus. Polymorphic loci were identified using Clustal X, and characterized with SPSS 16.0 software, and then the significance of genotype and allele frequencies between resistant and susceptible stocks was determined by a Zz test. A total of 109 and 77 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the genomic fragments of PtcSP and PtSPH, respectively. Notably, nearly half of PtSPH polymorphisms were found in the non-coding exon 1. Fourteen SNPs investigated were significantly associated with susceptibility/resistance to I1. alginolyticus (P〈0.05). Among them, eight SNPs were observed in introns, and one synonymous, four non-synonymous SNPs and one ins-del were found in coding exons. In addition, five simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were detected in intron 3 of PtcSP. Although there was no statistically significant difference of allele frequencies, the SSRs showed different polymorphic alleles on the basis of the repeat number between resistant and susceptible stocks. After fiarther validation, polymorphisms investigated here might be applied to select potential molecular markers ofP. trituberculatus with resistance to I1. alginolyticus. 展开更多
关键词 Portunus trituberculatus clip domain serine proteinase serine proteinase homolog POLYMORPHISM susceptibility/resistance
作者 曾嵘 顾培明 +2 位作者 李荣霞 苏智端 吴家睿 《生命科学》 CSCD 2012年第7期611-613,共3页
近年来,随着生活水平的提高和生活方式的转变,我国糖尿病的发病率呈快速上升趋势。然而,目前对糖尿病的发生发展机制仍缺乏系统了解。最近本课题组结合多种蛋白质组学技术对糖尿病的发生发展过程进行研究,发现在大鼠2型糖尿病的发生发... 近年来,随着生活水平的提高和生活方式的转变,我国糖尿病的发病率呈快速上升趋势。然而,目前对糖尿病的发生发展机制仍缺乏系统了解。最近本课题组结合多种蛋白质组学技术对糖尿病的发生发展过程进行研究,发现在大鼠2型糖尿病的发生发展过程中,肝脏线粒体的多个代谢通路蛋白质表达及其修饰发生改变。在人群研究中发现,单氨基酸多态性与肥胖以及糖尿病的发展密切相关。此外,还发现了一些潜在糖尿病相关生物标志物,如载脂蛋白C-I、Ficolin-3等。这些研究有助于完善对糖尿病发病机制的认识,同时也为防治糖尿病提供新的思路与方向。 展开更多
关键词 生物标记物 肝脏线粒体 氨基酸多态性 糖尿病
Association between NMDA receptor subunit 2b gene polymorphism and Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese Han population in Shanghai
作者 陈超 李霞 +4 位作者 王涛 王海红 傅燚 张雷 肖世富 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期395-400,共6页
Objective N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA)receptor has been indicated to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease(AD).The NMDA receptor subunit 2b(NR2B)has attracted more attention due to its characteri... Objective N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA)receptor has been indicated to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease(AD).The NMDA receptor subunit 2b(NR2B)has attracted more attention due to its characteristic distribution and selective reduction in AD brain.The present study aimed to explore the association between NMDA gene polymorphism and AD.Methods A total of 63 AD patients and 68 normal controls in Shanghai city were employed in this study.Genotype of C2664T variant(rs1806201)in the exon13 of GRIN2B gene was determined by gene sequencing. Results Among AD patients,15(23.6%)subjects were identified as C/C genotype,and 35(55.6%)were identified as C/T genotype.The left 13(20.6%)subjects were identified as T/T genotype.In normal controls,15(22.1%)subjects were identified as C/C genotype,39(57.4%)as C/T genotype and 14(20.6%)as T/T genotype.The distribution frequency of neither GRIN2B C2664T genotype(P=0.895)nor allele(P=0.790)was significantly different between AD patients and normal controls,even when the subjects were stratified by gender and age of disease onset in AD patients.Conclusion The results suggest that there is no relation between GRIN2B C2664T polymorphism and AD in Chinese Han population of Shanghai City. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer’s disease N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor single nucleotide polymorphism
De novo identification and quantification of single amino-acid variants in human brain 被引量:2
作者 Zhi-Duan Su Quan-Hu Sheng +8 位作者 Qing-Run Li Hao Chi Xi Jiang ZhengYan Ning Fu Si-Min He Philipp Khaitovich Jia-Rui Wu Rong Zeng 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期421-433,共13页
The detection of single amino-acid variants (SAVs) usually depends on single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) database. Here, we describe a novel method that discovers SAVs at proteome level independent of SNPs dat... The detection of single amino-acid variants (SAVs) usually depends on single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) database. Here, we describe a novel method that discovers SAVs at proteome level independent of SNPs data. Using mass spectrometry-based de novo sequencing algorithm, peptide-candidates are identified and compared with theoretical protein database to generate SAVs under pairing strategy, which is followed by database re-searching to control false discovery rate. in human brain tissues, we can confidently identify known and novel protein variants with diverse origins. Combined with DNA/RNA sequencing, we verify SAVs derived from DNA mutations, RNA alternative splicing, and unknown post-transcriptional mechanisms. Furthermore, quantitative analysis in human brain tissues reveals several tissue-specific differential expressions of SAVs. This approach provides a novel access to high-throughput detection of protein variants, which may offer the potential for clinical biomarker discovery and mechanistic research. 展开更多
关键词 single amino-acid variants (SAVs) de novo PROTEOMICS human brain tissues
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