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油蒿群落演替中的植物密度对土壤氮/磷比的响应 被引量:14
作者 邬畏 何兴东 +2 位作者 张宁 王海涛 马迪 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期472-479,共8页
选择腾格里沙漠东缘内蒙古阿拉善左旗境内的油蒿+冷蒿群落为研究对象,在80 m×80 m样地400个4 m×4 m样方中,调查了油蒿和冷蒿的密度,测定了0~20 cm土层中的全氮和有效磷,分析了土壤氮/磷比与植物密度之间及其空间异质性之间... 选择腾格里沙漠东缘内蒙古阿拉善左旗境内的油蒿+冷蒿群落为研究对象,在80 m×80 m样地400个4 m×4 m样方中,调查了油蒿和冷蒿的密度,测定了0~20 cm土层中的全氮和有效磷,分析了土壤氮/磷比与植物密度之间及其空间异质性之间的关系。结果表明,油蒿密度随土壤氮/磷比的增大而减小,冷蒿密度随土壤氮/磷比的增大而增大;油蒿密度的空间异质性随土壤氮/磷比的空间异质性的增大而减小,冷蒿密度空间异质性与土壤氮/磷比空间异质性无关。分析表明,植物密度的变化与土壤氮/磷比的变化密切相关,随着土壤氮/磷比的增大,油蒿逐渐退出,冷蒿逐渐侵入。因而,土壤氮/磷比的变化是干旱区油蒿群落演替的一个原因。 展开更多
关键词 腾格里沙漠 油蒿群落 植物密度 土壤氮/磷比 空间异质性
潜流湿地中植物对脱氮除磷效果的影响中试研究 被引量:76
作者 张荣社 李广贺 +1 位作者 周琪 张旭 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期83-86,共4页
通过潜流湿地的中试,研究了芦苇和茭草在潜流湿地中的氮磷吸收量变化,植物收割对系统的影响以及植物对改善系统流态的作用.结果表明,依靠收割植物去除氮磷是不显著的,氮磷吸收量占去除量在5%左右.同时证明植物在进入冬季前开始出现释放... 通过潜流湿地的中试,研究了芦苇和茭草在潜流湿地中的氮磷吸收量变化,植物收割对系统的影响以及植物对改善系统流态的作用.结果表明,依靠收割植物去除氮磷是不显著的,氮磷吸收量占去除量在5%左右.同时证明植物在进入冬季前开始出现释放氮磷现象,最佳收割期应该在9~10月份.植物对维持根系周围微生态环境起着重要的作用,收割会导致系统出水水质的波动.流态试验表明,植物根系能够改善系统的流态,植物床较空白床死区率减少5%~10%,增加系统的空间利用率,延长系统的水力停留时间. 展开更多
关键词 潜流湿地 氮/ 芦苇 茭草 滇池面源污染
干旱条件下氮磷添加对羊草干草产量及饲用品质的影响 被引量:11
作者 李文晶 王俊锋 +2 位作者 高晓荻 石玉杰 穆春生 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期743-748,共6页
本研究以松嫩平原单优种羊草(Leymus chinensis)为研究对象,分析营养添加对其产量及饲用品质的影响。试验采用全因子随机区组设计,设置降雨量(对照、减雨30%)以及氮(0、纯氮100 kg·ha^(-1)·a^(-1))、磷(0、纯磷100 kg·ha... 本研究以松嫩平原单优种羊草(Leymus chinensis)为研究对象,分析营养添加对其产量及饲用品质的影响。试验采用全因子随机区组设计,设置降雨量(对照、减雨30%)以及氮(0、纯氮100 kg·ha^(-1)·a^(-1))、磷(0、纯磷100 kg·ha^(-1)·a^(-1))添加3个因素。结果表明:对照降雨条件下,氮添加和氮磷同时添加处理分别使羊草干草产量、粗蛋白含量、粗脂肪含量显著增加79.9%和97.1%,3.2%和2.5%,0.8%和1.0%,但酸性洗涤木质素含量显著降低4.3%和10.1%;减雨30%条件下,所有处理中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量不变,而氮添加与氮磷同时添加时粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量有所提高,磷添加对二者均无显著影响;同时,不论降雨量如何变化,磷添加均使酸性洗涤木质素和灰分含量增加。因此,就羊草草地而言,无论降雨正常还是干旱,氮添加和氮磷同时添加均能提高羊草产量和品质,而磷添加对牧草产量和品质没有促进作用。实际生产中,推荐只施氮肥或者氮磷配施,不单独施用磷肥。 展开更多
关键词 干旱 氮/添加 羊草 干草产量 饲用品质
氮/磷双掺杂聚吡咯基多孔碳的制备和电容特性 被引量:4
作者 陈楠楠 季辰辰 +1 位作者 李志伟 米红宇 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期176-183,189,共9页
以聚吡咯为碳源,通过一步碳化-活化法制备了氮/磷双掺杂分级孔结构的多孔碳。在6mol/L KOH和1mol/L Na2SO4电解液中研究了所制备多孔碳的电化学电容性能。研究表明,活化后的碳材料A-Z0比表面积高达1 433m^2/g,总孔体积为0.96cm^3/g,氮... 以聚吡咯为碳源,通过一步碳化-活化法制备了氮/磷双掺杂分级孔结构的多孔碳。在6mol/L KOH和1mol/L Na2SO4电解液中研究了所制备多孔碳的电化学电容性能。研究表明,活化后的碳材料A-Z0比表面积高达1 433m^2/g,总孔体积为0.96cm^3/g,氮和磷元素的含量分别为1.78%和0.24%,证明A-Z0为氮/磷双掺杂的高比表面积的多孔碳。由于高的比表面积、分级孔道结构以及氮/磷官能团的协同作用,A-Z0材料表现出较为优异的电化学特性。在电流密度为0.5和30A/g时,其比电容分别达到209.3和176F/g,显示出高的比电容和倍率特性。此外,该材料也显示出优异的循环稳定性(4A/g下循环10 000圈后电容保持率为98%)。在中性电解液中,A-Z0组装成的对称两电极电容器呈现出高的能量密度(13.3 Wh/kg),表明该材料在超级电容器等领域具有潜在应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 聚吡咯 氮/双掺杂 多孔碳 超级电容器
基于Meta分析的关中平原冬小麦-夏玉米施氮/磷增产效应研究 被引量:4
作者 李梦月 胡田田 +2 位作者 崔晓路 罗利华 陈绍民 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期300-311,共12页
为明确施用氮肥和磷肥对关中平原冬小麦/夏玉米产量的影响及其控制因素,以公开发表的试验数据为基础,采用Meta分析法定量分析了施氮及施磷条件下,试验年份、作物品种、生育期降水量、种植密度、施氮量、灌水量、土壤质地、施磷量以及施... 为明确施用氮肥和磷肥对关中平原冬小麦/夏玉米产量的影响及其控制因素,以公开发表的试验数据为基础,采用Meta分析法定量分析了施氮及施磷条件下,试验年份、作物品种、生育期降水量、种植密度、施氮量、灌水量、土壤质地、施磷量以及施磷比例对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系作物产量的影响。结果表明,就试验年份来讲,2007年以后施氮的增产效果更为稳定,这可能与品种更替和农艺措施的变迁有关。与不施氮处理相比,施氮处理夏玉米品种为郑单958、生育期降水量≥350 mm、种植密度≥60000株·hm^(-2)、灌水量≥75 mm、土壤质地为粘壤土、施氮量为151~210 kg·hm^(-2)时,夏玉米增产率最大,分别为36.92%、34.00%、18.19%、42.37%、67.88%、47.96%。施氮能够显著增加冬小麦产量,冬小麦品种为小偃22,生育期降水>230 mm,灌水量为46~75 mm,土壤质地为粉砂质粘壤土、施氮量为90~150 kg·hm^(-2)时施氮的增产率最大,分别为77.91%、79.63%、75.94%、52.06%、69.27%。施磷总量为90~150 kg·hm^(-2)、夏玉米、冬小麦施磷比例为0∶1时(磷肥全部施于小麦季),冬小麦、夏玉米单季及轮作体系总产量均表现出最佳的增产效果。施氮量、灌水量、施磷量、施磷比例、作物品种、种植密度以及土壤质地是影响施肥增产效果的主要因素,分别控制在上述范围时可使施肥的增产效果得到充分发挥,这可作为关中平原氮/磷肥合理施用的依据。 展开更多
关键词 氮/ 增产效应 冬小麦 夏玉米 META分析 关中平原
作者 高连应 钱利炜 +2 位作者 董浩宇 吴鹏飞 王磊 《化工管理》 2021年第12期22-26,共5页
文章在现场采样分析的基础上,结合多因素分析法研究了上海九段沙湿地水域N/P营养盐的主要形态及其时空分布格局,解析了其主要的赋存形式,探究了其主要来源。通过对4个区域、12个采样点、不同季节的采样数据的分析,得出以下结论:九段沙... 文章在现场采样分析的基础上,结合多因素分析法研究了上海九段沙湿地水域N/P营养盐的主要形态及其时空分布格局,解析了其主要的赋存形式,探究了其主要来源。通过对4个区域、12个采样点、不同季节的采样数据的分析,得出以下结论:九段沙湿地水域TN的主要赋存形式为溶解态,约占90%甚至更高,NO3-N占TN比例达70%;九段沙湿地水域TP的主要赋存形式为不溶态,约占75%;九段沙湿地水域的TN主要来自于上游点源排放,TP主要来自于水体中的泥沙携带,而上游点源排放和湿地植物的腐烂释放都可能是湿地水域AP的主要来源。 展开更多
关键词 氮/污染物 时空分布 赋存特征 污染物溯源
作者 张一凡 曾庆军 +1 位作者 易苁利 冯春华 《当代化工研究》 2022年第11期1-5,共5页
氮/硫/磷等元素构成的化合物是河涌底泥中广泛存在的污染物,常引发河涌黑臭问题。近年来,利用电化学技术用于底泥修复受到广泛关注。本文以深圳铁排河实际底泥及上覆水为研究对象,构建基于铁(Fe)及混合金属氧化物(MMO)双阳极体系,实现... 氮/硫/磷等元素构成的化合物是河涌底泥中广泛存在的污染物,常引发河涌黑臭问题。近年来,利用电化学技术用于底泥修复受到广泛关注。本文以深圳铁排河实际底泥及上覆水为研究对象,构建基于铁(Fe)及混合金属氧化物(MMO)双阳极体系,实现多重污染物同步、原位修复。研究结果表明,双阳极作用下上覆水中氨氮和磷在30min内即可得到有效转化,实现初始浓度5.0mg/L NH_(4)^(+)-N以及3.2mg/L总磷的99%去除;底泥中的污染物,如NH_(4)^(+)-N、S^(2-)和总有机碳在60min内也能得到一定程度去除,去除率分别为72%、79%、39%,底泥中磷的形态从NH_(4)Cl-P向更稳定的结合态P转化。相较于单阳极体系,双阳极协同作用于底泥中氮/硫/磷等元素,展现出更优异的性能。 展开更多
关键词 底泥原位修复 氮//磷 电氧化 电絮凝 双阳极
氮源和N/P对眼点拟微球藻的生长、总脂含量和脂肪酸组成的影响 被引量:55
作者 魏东 张学成 +1 位作者 隋正红 徐怀恕 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第7期46-50,共5页
报道了NaNO3,NH4Cl和NH4NO3 3种氮源及N/P对海洋微藻眼点拟微球藻(Nannochloropsisoculata)的生长、总脂含量和脂肪酸组成的影响。结果表明 ,N/P从10增加到90 ,对细胞生长的影响不大 ,总脂含量最终都稳定在干重的20 %左右。16∶0、16∶1... 报道了NaNO3,NH4Cl和NH4NO3 3种氮源及N/P对海洋微藻眼点拟微球藻(Nannochloropsisoculata)的生长、总脂含量和脂肪酸组成的影响。结果表明 ,N/P从10增加到90 ,对细胞生长的影响不大 ,总脂含量最终都稳定在干重的20 %左右。16∶0、16∶1n 9和20∶5n 3 (EPA)是脂肪酸的主要组分 ,三者之和占总脂肪酸的70 %~80 %。在培养基N/P>20时 ,20∶5n 3和PUFA占总脂肪酸的比例接近30 %和35 %。在3种氮源中 ,使用NaNO3 可获得更高的生长速率 ,并在相对较低的N/P下 (N/P=54)时获得约30 %的EPA ,故NaNO3 是眼点拟微球藻生长、合成和积累EPA的最佳氮源。将培养基中所有营养盐增加4倍 ,EPA含量可提高到35 % ,说明富含氮、磷的培养基可使细胞始终保持旺盛生长、富含EPA的状态 ,这也是该种微藻大规模培养中高产EPA的关键措施。 展开更多
关键词 眼点拟微球藻 总脂 脂肪酸 EPA 氮/
滇池草海间隙水与上覆水氮磷时空变化特征 被引量:17
作者 王一茹 王圣瑞 +3 位作者 焦立新 张云 高秋生 杨枫 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期2336-2344,共9页
本文连续12个月监测了滇池草海柱状沉积物间隙水和上覆水不同形态氮磷浓度的垂向变化,揭示了不同季节间隙水与上覆水氮磷浓度差异及其形态组成贡献率,探讨了间隙水氮磷组成及氮/磷比值在湖泊富营养化及内负荷控制中的重要意义.结果表明:... 本文连续12个月监测了滇池草海柱状沉积物间隙水和上覆水不同形态氮磷浓度的垂向变化,揭示了不同季节间隙水与上覆水氮磷浓度差异及其形态组成贡献率,探讨了间隙水氮磷组成及氮/磷比值在湖泊富营养化及内负荷控制中的重要意义.结果表明:(1)草海间隙水NH_4^+-N浓度显著高于上覆水,而上覆水中NO_3^--N浓度显著高于间隙水,春、夏和秋季(2~11月)间隙水SRP浓度显著高于上覆水,而冬季(12月和1月)则与之恰好相反;(2)草海间隙水以NH_4^+-N和SRP贡献为主,分别占DTN和DTP的61%和78%,而上覆水则以DON和DOP贡献为主,分别占DTN和DTP的44%和81%,与春季和冬季相比,夏、秋季间隙水NH_4^+-N和SRP贡献率显著增加,而NO_3^--N、DON和DOP贡献率明显下降;(3)草海间隙水DTN/DTP、(NH_4^+-N+NO_3^--N)/SRP和DON/DOP比值均表现为春季>冬季>夏季>秋季,而上覆水氮/磷比值则以春季较高,夏、秋和冬季相对较低. 展开更多
关键词 滇池草海 沉积物间隙水 时空分布 组成 氮/磷比
作者 赵绚 何兴东 张京磊 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期79-85,共7页
通过开展柴油单因素实验和锯末、硝酸铵、磷酸二氢钾3因素改良实验,对黑麦草幼苗生长指标及氮磷含量进行测定分析,以探讨黑麦草在柴油污染土壤中及土壤改良后生长情况的变化。结果表明,柴油质量分数为0.9%时,黑麦草幼苗株高、地上部和... 通过开展柴油单因素实验和锯末、硝酸铵、磷酸二氢钾3因素改良实验,对黑麦草幼苗生长指标及氮磷含量进行测定分析,以探讨黑麦草在柴油污染土壤中及土壤改良后生长情况的变化。结果表明,柴油质量分数为0.9%时,黑麦草幼苗株高、地上部和地下部生物量分别较对照显著下降了58.87%、98.07%、91.23%,叶片和根部全氮含量和氮/磷比也较对照显著降低。在质量分数为0.9%的柴油污染土壤中添加3种土壤改良剂后,10%体积分数的锯末可使黑麦草幼苗株高和地上部生物量分别显著增加27.48%和24.70%,同时10%体积分数的锯末具有显著增加叶片全氮含量和氮/磷比的作用。可见,在柴油浓度为0.9%的污染土壤中施加体积分数为10%的锯末可显著增强黑麦草幼苗的生长适应性。 展开更多
关键词 黑麦草 柴油污染土壤 氮/磷比 土壤改良剂
水热法一步合成N/P-掺杂碳点及其荧光性能研究 被引量:5
作者 杨凤 廖彩云 +4 位作者 王美娜 郑保战 肖丹 吴莉 郭勇 《化学研究与应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期313-318,共6页
本文采用水热合成法一步合成具有不同荧光性能的N/P-掺杂碳点。利用X-ray光电子能谱(XPS)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对所得碳点的元素组成和微观形貌进行测试和分析。通过荧光光谱研究了不同碳点的光学性能,并考察了合成体系、碳源和掺杂情... 本文采用水热合成法一步合成具有不同荧光性能的N/P-掺杂碳点。利用X-ray光电子能谱(XPS)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对所得碳点的元素组成和微观形貌进行测试和分析。通过荧光光谱研究了不同碳点的光学性能,并考察了合成体系、碳源和掺杂情况对所得碳点荧光性能的影响。研究表明,通过加入植酸作为磷源成功实现了P-掺杂,所得碳点粒径约为2.3 nm。合成体系和碳源将影响所得碳点的荧光发射光谱和量子产率,通过P-掺杂可使其峰位发生明显移动,并改善碳点的荧光量子产率。 展开更多
关键词 碳点 氮/掺杂 荧光性能
Optimal Light Intensity and Nitrogen-to-Phosphorus Ratio for Growth of Nitzschia capitellata Hust. 被引量:1
作者 晏妮 胡晓红 陈椽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期453-456,共4页
Objective] The aim was to explore the potential of Nitzschia capitel ata as excel ent baits and bioenergy, and the optimal light intensity and nitrogen-to-phos-phorus (N/P) ratio suitable for its growth were researc... Objective] The aim was to explore the potential of Nitzschia capitel ata as excel ent baits and bioenergy, and the optimal light intensity and nitrogen-to-phos-phorus (N/P) ratio suitable for its growth were researched as wel . [Method] With light intensity gradient set, Nitzschia capitel ata was cultured with the same nutrients at (25 ±1) ℃ and light cycle at 12 h/d to select optimal light intensity. Then, Nitzschia capitel ata was cultured with the same condition, and nitrogen-to-phospho-rus ratios at 5∶1, 6∶1, 7∶1 and 8∶1. [Result] With light intensity at 3 000 lx, specific growth rate and standing stock achieved the highest at 0.51 d-1 and 7.97×104 cel s/ml. The growth condition with nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio at 6∶1 was the most suitable for Nitzschia capitel ata growth. [Conclusion] The optimal light intensity and nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio were 3 000 lx and 6∶1, respectively, for Nitzschia capitel ata. 展开更多
关键词 Nitzschia capitellata Hust. Light intensity Specific growth rate Standingstock Nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio
Influences of Nitrogen-phosphorus Ratio on the Growth and Competition of Chlorella vulga and Anabaena sp. strain PCC
作者 王菁 裘丽萍 +3 位作者 孟顺龙 范立民 宋超 陈家长 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1757-1762,共6页
This paper studied the effects of different ratios of nitrogen and phospho- rus on the growth and competition of Anabaena sp. strain PCC and chloralla vul- gads (low nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group: N/P=16:1; Mediu... This paper studied the effects of different ratios of nitrogen and phospho- rus on the growth and competition of Anabaena sp. strain PCC and chloralla vul- gads (low nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group: N/P=16:1; Medium low nitrogen-phospho- rus ratio group: N/P=32:1; Medium high nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group: N/P=64:1; High nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group: N/P=320:1). Results suggested that the largest amount of anabaena sp.strain PCC survived in medium high nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group. The nitrogen-phosphorus ratio showed no significant influences on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris, but it exerted dramatic influences on the growth of Chlore/la vulgaris of the mixed cultivation system. The largest amount of Ch/orel/a vulgaris can be found in the medium-high nitrogen-phosphorus ratio group. The inhi- bition parameter of nitrogen-phosphorus on the algae was distinctive. Anabaena sp. strain PCC had advantages in the competition with the low nitrogen-phosphorus ra- tio and medium-low nitrogen-phosphorus ratio. Potential instability existed between anabaena sp.strain PCC and Chlorella vulgaris when the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio was medium-high and high. 展开更多
关键词 Anabaena sp. strain PCC Chlorel/a vulgaris The ratio of nitrogen tophosphorus Interspecies competition
Effects of Regulation of C/N Ratio Wheat Straw Application on Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Tobacco 被引量:13
作者 段宗颜 王瑞宝 +3 位作者 鲁耀 殷寿安 胡万里 陈拾华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期77-81,共5页
[Objective]The aim was to study the effects of regulation of C/N ratio wheat straw application on tobacco nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptake. [Method]Effects of regulation C/N ratio wheat straw application on th... [Objective]The aim was to study the effects of regulation of C/N ratio wheat straw application on tobacco nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptake. [Method]Effects of regulation C/N ratio wheat straw application on the flue-cured tobacco yield,output value,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium content and cumulative uptake of the upper,middle and bottom leaf were studied by using the field plot experiments at Banqiao town,Qujing city,Yunnan Province during the 2008-2009 summer growing seasons. [Result]The results showed that the application of wheat straw alone or after C/N regulation,could significantly increase tobacco production,potassium content,the potassium and nitrogen accumulation amount of leaf,and was more conducive to the potassium uptake of tobacco leaf with wheat straw application after C/N regulation. Compared with non-straw application,the yield of tobacco increased by 6.59%,3.58%,5.98%,8.80% with application of wheat straw alone,wheat straw and vetch,wheat straw and oilseed cake,wheat straw and urea nitrogen,the potassium content in tobacco leaf increased by 3.85%,7.76%,8.82%,11.21%,respectively,the total potassium cumulative amount of leaf increased by 10.71%,11.62%,15.32% ,21.01% and the total nitrogen cumulative amount increased by 9.76%,1.22%,8.14%,14.00%. However,the differences of tobacco leaf nitrogen content among the different treatments were not significant,the phosphorus uptake of tobacco leaf decreased. [Conclusion]application of high C/N ratio wheat straw in flue-cured tobacco production,which should be concerned not only to adjust C/N ratio by adding nitrogen,but also considering additional phosphorus application. 展开更多
关键词 Wheat straw C/N ratio regulation Flue-cured tobacco N P K uptake
Characterization of the Growth,Chlorophyll Content and Lipid Accumulation in a Marine Microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta under Different Nitrogen to Phosphorus Ratios 被引量:3
作者 SONG Donghui XI Bo SUN Jing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期124-130,共7页
Microalgal lipids are regarded as main future feedstock of biofuels for its higher efficiency of accumulation and sus- tainable production. In order to investigate the effect of various nitrogen to phosphorus ratios o... Microalgal lipids are regarded as main future feedstock of biofuels for its higher efficiency of accumulation and sus- tainable production. In order to investigate the effect of various nitrogen to phosphorus ratios on cells growth, chlorophyll content and accumulation of lipids in Dunaliella tertiolecta, experiments were carried out in modified microalgal medium with inorganic nitrogen (nitrate-nitrogen) or organic nitrogen (urea-nitrogen) as the sole nitrogen source at initial N:P ratios ranging from 1:1 to 32:1. The favorable N:P of 16:1 in the nitrate-N or urea-N medium yielded the maximum cell density and specific growth rate. Decrease in chlorophyll content were observed at the N:P of 4:1 in both nitrate-N and urea-N cultures. It was also observed that the maximum lipids concentration was obtained at the N:P of 4:1 in both nitrate and urea nutrient medium. The lipid productivity and lipid content of cultures in the urea-N medium at the N:P of 4: lwere markedly higher than those from cultures with other N:P ratios (p〈 0.05). The results of this work illustrate the possibility that higher ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus have enhancing effect on cells growth of D. tertiolecta. Conversely, higher lipid accumulation is associated with a decrease in chlorophyll content under lower ratios of nitro- gen to phosphorus. The results confirm the hypothesis of this study that a larger metabolic flux has been channeled to lipid accumu- lation in D. tertiolecta cells when the ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus drop below a critical level. 展开更多
关键词 Dunaliella tertiolecta lipid accumulation ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration
Scaling of Soil Carbon,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and C:N:P Ratio Patterns in Peatlands of China 被引量:12
作者 ZHANG Zhongsheng XUE Zhenshan +2 位作者 LYU Xianguo TONG Shouzheng JIANG Ming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期507-515,共9页
Inspired by the importance of Redfield-type C:N:P ratios in global soils,we looked for analogous patterns in peatlands and aimed at deciphering the potential affecting factors.By analyzing a suite of peatlands soil da... Inspired by the importance of Redfield-type C:N:P ratios in global soils,we looked for analogous patterns in peatlands and aimed at deciphering the potential affecting factors.By analyzing a suite of peatlands soil data(n = 1031),mean soil organic carbon(SOC),total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorous(TP) contents were 50.51%,1.45% and 0.13%,respectively,while average C:N,C:P and N:P ratios were 26.72,1186.00 and 46.58,respectively.C:N ratios showed smaller variations across different vegetation coverage and had less spatial heterogeneity than C:P and N:P ratios.No consistent C:N:P ratio,though with a general value of 1245:47:1,was found for entire peatland soils in China.The Northeast China,Tibet,Zoigê Plateau and parts of Xinjiang had high soil SOC,TN,TP,and C:P ratio.Qinghai,parts of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,and the coast zones have low TP and N:P ratio.Significant differences for SOC,TN,TP,C:N,C:P and N:P ratios were observed across groups categorized by predominant vegetation.Moisture,temperature and precipitation all closely related to SOC,TN,TP and their pairwise ratios.The hydrothermal coefficient(RH),defined as annual average precipitation divided by temperature,positively and significantly related to C:N,C:P and N:P ratios,implying that ongoing climate change may prejudice peatlands as carbon sinks during the past 50 years in China. 展开更多
关键词 peatlands C:N:P ratio stoichiometry climate change
作者 林荣根 W.D.Yoon +1 位作者 吴景阳 马丽 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期384-388,共5页
Study of horizontal and vertical distributions of the N/P (nitrogen versus phosphate) atom ratio in the northern South Yellow Sea showed that the ratio varied greatly in upper waters of the investigated area and was a... Study of horizontal and vertical distributions of the N/P (nitrogen versus phosphate) atom ratio in the northern South Yellow Sea showed that the ratio varied greatly in upper waters of the investigated area and was always much greater than the theoretical Redfield ratio of 16:1 found below the thermocline zone. It was in general higher near the coast and lower in the central part. With increasing depth, the ratio became smaller and smaller. This distribution pattern is attributed to: 1) the anthropogenic influence of the surface N and P which makes the N/P ratio differ from the normal value; 2) the easy adsorption of P on particles hinders P transport to the central part; 3) below the thermocline zone, the N and P mainly come from the remineralization of the sedimented phytoplankton residues which have almost the theoretical Redfield value and; 4) the existence of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water which inhibits the vertical exchange of the water. 展开更多
关键词 N/P ratio horizontal and vertical distributions South Yellow Sea
Responses of Seed Yield and Economic Benefit of Winter Oilseed Rape(Brassica napus L.) to Different NPK Ratio and Dose 被引量:2
作者 Yingzi WANG Chang TIAN +5 位作者 Xuan ZHOU Wenming WANG Jianwei PENG Zhenhua ZHANG Haixing SONG Chunyun GUAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2361-2366,共6页
Field experiments were conducted during 2008-2010 to investigate the ef- fects of NPK fertilization on seed yield and economic benefit of a new hybrid cultivar of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) - Xiangzayou... Field experiments were conducted during 2008-2010 to investigate the ef- fects of NPK fertilization on seed yield and economic benefit of a new hybrid cultivar of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) - Xiangzayou763, and to determine the optimum NPK ratio and dose in Hunan, China. The results showed that NPK ratio (1:0.50:0.50) with 180 kg/hm2 N, 90 kg/hm2 P2O5 and 90 kg/hm2 K20 was the optimum combination for the highest seed yield (2 231.13 kg/hm2) and economic benefit (9 816.97 Yuan/hm2), of which 1 641.23 Yuan/hm2 being set for fertilizer in- vestment (VCR=4.11). Besides, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on seed yield and oil production of winter oilseed rape were not identical. N had the greatest ef- fect on plant growth of winter oilseed rape, followed by P and K. Total leaf number, green leaf number, leaf length and width, rhizome diameter, branch number, dry weight per plant and other agronomic characters in high N treatments were higher than those in low N treatments. By correlation and path analysis of yield components, the contribution rate to seed yield was found: effective silique number per plant〉seed number per silique〉l 000-seed weight. 展开更多
关键词 NPK ratio anddose Seed yield Economic benefit Winter oilseed rape
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Runoff Losses from Orchard Soils in South China as Affected by Fertilization Depths and Rates 被引量:25
作者 ZENG Shu-Cai SU Zhi-Yao +2 位作者 CHEN Bei-Guang WU Qi-Tang OUYANG Ying 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期45-53,共9页
Fertilizers are heavily applied in orchards of the hilly and mountainous topography of South China and may increase nutrient loadings to receiving waters.A simple runoff collecting system was used to measure the effec... Fertilizers are heavily applied in orchards of the hilly and mountainous topography of South China and may increase nutrient loadings to receiving waters.A simple runoff collecting system was used to measure the effects of different fertilization treatments on total N and P concentrations of surface runoff in a Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) orchard in Dongyuan County,Guangdong Province,China.In such orchards,fertilizer was typically applied in two short furrows or pits on either side of each tree.Treatments included three application depths (surface,10cm and 20 cm),and three application rates (low,median and high).Results showed that 90.5% of the runoff water samples had a total N concentration higher than 0.35 mgL^(-1) and 54.2% had a total P concentration higher than 0.1 mgL^(-1).Fertilizer application at all depths and at all but the lowest rate significantly increased total N and P concentrations in runoff water.Fertilization with chemical compound fertilizer at a soil depth of 20cm produced significantly lower (P<0.05) total N concentration in runoff than both surface and 10-cm depth fertilization,and significantly lower (P<0.05) total P concentration in runoff than surface fertilization.Total N and P concentrations in runoff significantly increased with the application rate of organic fertilizers.With the exception of total P concentrations,which were not significantly different between the control and fertilization at a rate of 119 kg P ha-1 in organic form,all the other fertilization treatments produced significantly higher total N and total P concentrations in runoff than the control.A fertilization depth≥20cm and an application rate≤72 kg N ha^(-1) or 119 kg P ha^(-1) for compound organic fertilizer was suggested to substantially reduce N and P runoff losses from hillslope orchards and to protect receiving waters in South China. 展开更多
关键词 fertilization depth fertilization rate RUNOFF total N total P
Ecological stoichiometry of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur in China's forests 被引量:3
作者 Yuntao Wu Hongyan Liu +4 位作者 Zhaoliang Song Xiaomin Yang Zichuan Li Qian Hao Linan Liu 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期525-530,共6页
Much attention has been paid to the stoichiometry of carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorus(P) because of their significance for plant growth and climate change. However, other nutrients, such as sulfur(S), are often ... Much attention has been paid to the stoichiometry of carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorus(P) because of their significance for plant growth and climate change. However, other nutrients, such as sulfur(S), are often ignored. In this study, we analyzed the stoichiometry of N, P, and S in leaves of 348 plant species in China's forests. The results show higher N content and higher molar ratios of N/P and P/S in Angiospermae than in Gymnospermae. At the family level, Ulmaceae absorbed more N and P from soils than other families, and Cupressaceae absorbed more S than other families. In addition,except for bamboo and other tropical forests, leaf N and P content of China's forests generally increased from low to middle latitudes and then slightly decreased or plateaued at high latitudes. Plant ecotypes, taxonomic groups, environmental conditions, atmospheric S precipitation, and soil-available N and P significantly affected the distribution and stoichiometry of leaf N, P, and S in China's forests.Our study indicates that China's forests are likely limited by P and S deficiencies which may increase in the future. 展开更多
关键词 FOREST STOICHIOMETRY Nitrogen Phosphorous SULFUR China
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