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作者 周洲 《中国果业信息》 2013年第5期75-76,共2页
据《Journal of Agricultural Science》(2013年2月)的一篇研究报道,来自西班牙的研究人员研究了硝化抑制剂DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸)对柑桔树氮吸收率的影响。
关键词 硝化抑制剂 氮吸收率 柑桔树 DMPP 二甲基吡唑 研究人员 西班牙
高寒草甸植物叶片氮和磷重吸收率对养分添加的响应及机理 被引量:2
作者 黎鹏宇 李佳璞 +2 位作者 何奕成 田大栓 纪宝明 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期93-103,共11页
【目的】本研究旨在揭示植物叶片氮和磷重吸收率对氮磷添加及交互作用的响应和机理,明确高寒草甸植物养分利用策略多样性。【方法】以高寒草甸优势植物(垂穗披碱草、发草、灰苞蒿和鹅绒委陵菜)为研究对象,基于氮和磷添加两因子交互试验... 【目的】本研究旨在揭示植物叶片氮和磷重吸收率对氮磷添加及交互作用的响应和机理,明确高寒草甸植物养分利用策略多样性。【方法】以高寒草甸优势植物(垂穗披碱草、发草、灰苞蒿和鹅绒委陵菜)为研究对象,基于氮和磷添加两因子交互试验,研究高寒植物叶片养分重吸收率对养分添加的响应。【结果】(1)禾本科叶片氮重吸收率随氮添加而增加,但杂类草叶片不受影响;此外,4种植物叶片磷重吸收率均不受氮添加的影响。(2)磷添加对所有植物叶片氮重吸收率和两种杂类草叶片磷重吸收率没有显著影响,但提高了禾本科叶片的磷重吸收率。(3)氮和磷共同添加降低了垂穗披碱草、灰苞蒿和鹅绒委陵菜叶片氮重吸收率,但提高了发草叶片的氮重吸收率。此外,氮和磷同时添加对4种植物叶片磷重吸收效率没有显著影响。【结论】综上所述,本研究揭示了养分富集下高寒植物3种不同的养分重吸收策略,即对外源获取的养分全部重吸收(绿叶养分增加但凋落叶不增加)、部分重吸收(绿叶和凋落叶同时增加,但凋落叶增加较慢)和不进行重吸收(绿叶和凋落叶均增加,但凋落叶的幅度大于或等于绿叶;或绿叶和凋落叶不响应)。这些研究结果为理解高寒植物养分内循环策略的多样性和互补性提供了一定的启示。 展开更多
关键词 高寒草甸 养分添加 吸收率 磷重吸收率
低氮胁迫对不同基因型玉米生物产量和氮吸收率动态变化的影响 被引量:12
作者 刘宗华 卫晓轶 +2 位作者 胡彦民 谭晓军 汤继华 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期53-59,共7页
通过盆栽试验,在施氮和不施氮条件下,对6种不同基因型的玉米材料在拔节、开花、灌浆和成熟等不同生育时期的生物产量、体内氮素含量、氮素积累量和氮素吸收率等性状进行了分析。结果表明:施氮条件下,开花期之后的生物产量、氮素含量和... 通过盆栽试验,在施氮和不施氮条件下,对6种不同基因型的玉米材料在拔节、开花、灌浆和成熟等不同生育时期的生物产量、体内氮素含量、氮素积累量和氮素吸收率等性状进行了分析。结果表明:施氮条件下,开花期之后的生物产量、氮素含量和氮素积累量显著或极显著高于不施氮处理,而氮素吸收率仅灌浆期不施氮处理显著高于施氮处理;不同遗传背景材料对低氮胁迫反应不同,除农大108杂种优势表现明显外,许178开花期和灌浆期的生物产量、氮积累量和氮吸收率等均居前列,高于或显著高于其他自交系,而其他材料波动较大。拔节后随生育时期推进,植株氮素含量稳中有降,而生物产量、氮积累量和氮吸收率呈递增态势,其间存在极显著正相关(R>0.98),增幅因材料而异,开花后变异系数约为拔节期3倍,尤其不施氮处理>施氮处理,农大108、许178和L2增幅较大,证明其在低氮胁迫条件下更能显示其氮高效利用特性。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 基因型 生物产量 胁迫 氮吸收率
凉水和宝天曼地区乔木叶片氮素再吸收过程中δ^(15)N的变化 被引量:2
作者 岳玉麒 郭大立 +1 位作者 熊燕梅 陈正侠 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期379-386,共8页
植物自然丰度的稳定性N同位素(δ15N)在植物N吸收和N转运过程中会发生变化,但植物叶片在凋落之前的N素的再吸收如何影响δ15N变化还不清楚。本研究以凉水地区的14个常见树种和宝天曼地区的16个常见树种为研究对象,测定各树种新鲜叶和凋... 植物自然丰度的稳定性N同位素(δ15N)在植物N吸收和N转运过程中会发生变化,但植物叶片在凋落之前的N素的再吸收如何影响δ15N变化还不清楚。本研究以凉水地区的14个常见树种和宝天曼地区的16个常见树种为研究对象,测定各树种新鲜叶和凋落叶及其对应土壤中的C、N质量分数和δ15N值。结果表明,凉水树种新鲜叶N质量分数和δ15N值显著高于宝天曼树种,这与凉水土壤的N质量分数和δ15N值都高于宝天曼土壤相对应。此外,凉水树种叶片N吸收率(47%)与宝天曼树种(40%)无显著差异。宝天曼树种凋落叶中的δ15N显著高于新鲜叶中的δ15N值,即叶片N再吸收过程中存在N同位素的分馏效应,而凉水树种凋落叶与新鲜叶中的δ15N无显著性差异。本研究首次报道在植物叶片N再吸收过程中存在显著的同位素分馏效应,而且分馏效应的程度与N再吸收率显著负相关。此外,植物叶片N再吸收过程中是否存在同位素分馏效应可能取决于叶片的N再吸收率;乔木新鲜叶片N质量分数和δ15N值在地区间的差异可能取决于土壤N质量分数和δ15N值的地区差异;叶片N再吸收率可能与N在叶片中的存在形态有关,而与土壤N质量分数不相关。 展开更多
关键词 稳定性同位素 质量分数 吸收率 凉水 宝天曼
作者 A.Y.Kamara J.G.Kling 邱敦莲 《国外作物育种》 2003年第3期26-27,共2页
关键词 玉米 品系 根系 垂直拉力 抗性 氮吸收率 利用率 抗倒性
作者 洪如水 汤惠华 《核农学通报》 1996年第1期25-28,共4页
用两种红壤性水稻土种稻,施用^(15)N标记豇豆绿肥、红萍和稻草分别与硫铵配合成的肥料。结果表明,配合施肥使低肥土水稻吸收的总氮量下降,肥料氮吸收率平均减低10%;而熟化土相应指标有增有减,稻谷增产。低肥土对肥料氮利用,以无机肥氮... 用两种红壤性水稻土种稻,施用^(15)N标记豇豆绿肥、红萍和稻草分别与硫铵配合成的肥料。结果表明,配合施肥使低肥土水稻吸收的总氮量下降,肥料氮吸收率平均减低10%;而熟化土相应指标有增有减,稻谷增产。低肥土对肥料氮利用,以无机肥氮占总吸收量及谷实回收氮的优势(60%与68%);而熟化土两态氮吸收与谷实回收都接近平衡(5.3/4.7与4.8/5.2)。低肥土的肥料氮增产率高于熟化土。总体表明了低肥土以无机氮营养为主导,而熟化土则表现出发挥地力与无机有机肥氮综合效果的特征。 展开更多
关键词 有机肥 无机肥 氮吸收率 红壤 水稻
不同湿地植物土壤氮、磷去除能力比较 被引量:24
作者 李胜男 崔丽娟 +8 位作者 宋洪涛 张岩 高常军 郭嘉 韦玮 赵欣胜 张曼胤 王义飞 李伟 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1870-1874,共5页
湿地植物是湿地的重要组成部分,也是决定湿地降解污染物、发挥净化功能的决定性因素之一。选取黄花鸢尾、睡莲和芦苇作为研究对象,采用野外氮、磷控制试验对植物吸收和去除土壤氮、磷能力进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同湿地植物的净增... 湿地植物是湿地的重要组成部分,也是决定湿地降解污染物、发挥净化功能的决定性因素之一。选取黄花鸢尾、睡莲和芦苇作为研究对象,采用野外氮、磷控制试验对植物吸收和去除土壤氮、磷能力进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同湿地植物的净增生物量差异较大,变化范围在12.81~119.43 g.m-2之间,其中黄花鸢尾净增生物量最大,芦苇最小;3种湿地植物地上部分植株氮、磷吸收率差异明显,对氮、磷的吸收贡献率分别在23.96%~41.86%和2.18%~12.73%之间,其中睡莲的氮、磷吸收贡献率最大;3种湿地植物土壤氮、磷去除率也有明显的差异,分别在12.20%~45.28%和33.3%~52.56%之间,土壤氮的去除率由高到低依次是黄花鸢尾、睡莲、芦苇,土壤磷的去除率依次是黄花鸢尾、芦苇、睡莲,3种湿地植物对土壤磷的去除效果要优于对土壤氮的去除效果。对土壤氮、磷去除率与湿地植物净增生物量、植株氮、磷含量、植物氮、磷吸收率的相关分析表明,湿地植物的净增生物量是决定湿地植物土壤氮、磷净化能力的一个重要因素。因此,在选择利用湿地植物的净化功能时,应优先考虑去除率高的植物种,从通过收割植物去除氮、磷的角度看,植物地上部分植株氮、磷含量越高越有利于通过收割植物去除氮、磷,可以大大提高净化效果,以达到净化的目的。本研究为进一步揭示湿地植物对过剩营养物质的净化机理奠定基础,为湿地生态恢复植物筛选工程提供科学依据,对湿地保护与恢复具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 湿地植物 湿地土壤 植株氮吸收率 植株磷吸收率 去除率 磷去除率
环境因子及藻体密度对条斑紫菜生长与氮磷去除效率的影响 被引量:9
作者 邵飞 费岚 +4 位作者 吴海龙 张建恒 胡明 韦章良 何培民 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第21期6164-6171,共8页
以条斑紫菜为材料,系统探究实验室条件下光照强度、温度、光周期、盐度和干出等生态因子和藻体密度对条斑紫菜生长和氮磷去除的影响,为今后条斑紫菜大规模栽培的生态修复潜力研究及海洋富营养化治理奠定理论基础。实验室条件下不同藻体... 以条斑紫菜为材料,系统探究实验室条件下光照强度、温度、光周期、盐度和干出等生态因子和藻体密度对条斑紫菜生长和氮磷去除的影响,为今后条斑紫菜大规模栽培的生态修复潜力研究及海洋富营养化治理奠定理论基础。实验室条件下不同藻体密度、光照强度、光周期、温度、盐度和干出时间对条斑紫菜生长及氮磷去除效率的影响。结果表明:条斑紫菜在藻体密度0.1 g/L、光照强度为120μmol m-2s-1时特定生长率最大,为38.1%。随着藻体密度增加,光照强度减小,其特定生长率逐渐减小,当藻体密度为1.6 g/L、光照强度为30μmol m-2s-1时,特定生长率最小为12.6%;藻体密度0.1—0.8 g/L时随着藻体密度的增加条斑紫菜对NO-3-N和PO3-4-P的去除效率显著增加,藻体密度为0.8—1.6 g/L时藻体对NO-3-N和PO3-4-P去除效率差异不大,其中藻体密度1.6 g/L、光照强度90μmol m-2s-1时条斑紫菜对NO-3-N和PO3-4-P去除效率均达到93%以上。为进一步探究其他环境因子的影响,因此在温度和光周期实验中选择氮磷去除率适中的藻体密度0.4 g/L和最适光照强度90μmol m-2s-1。温度为15℃、光周期为16L∶8D条件下条斑紫菜特定生长率最大,为36.9%,且氮和磷去除效率也最大,分别为91.9%和81.6%。条斑紫菜生长适宜盐度为10—35,最佳盐度为25,干出时间越长生长越慢,氮磷去效率也越低,且有较大交互作用,但干出后的紫菜光合作用更强。以上研究将为应用大型海藻条斑紫菜大规模栽培进行生态修复奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 条斑紫菜 生态修复潜力 特定生长率 吸收率
Variation of Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization Efficiency of Mid-Season Hybrid Rice at Different Ecological Sites under Different Nitrogen Application Levels 被引量:3
作者 徐富贤 熊洪 +4 位作者 张林 郭晓艺 朱永川 周兴兵 刘茂 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期1001-1009,1012,共10页
[Objective] The study aimed at investigating the effects of different geographic sites,soil chemical characteristics and nitrogen application levels on nitrogen accumulation and distribution in different organs and ut... [Objective] The study aimed at investigating the effects of different geographic sites,soil chemical characteristics and nitrogen application levels on nitrogen accumulation and distribution in different organs and utilization efficiency for mid-season hybrid rice.[Method] By using mid-season rice varieties II-you 7 and Yuxiangyou203 as the experimental materials,field experiment was conducted at seven ecological sites in four provinces or cities in Southwestern China in 2009.A total of four nitrogen application levels were set as follows:by using 75 kg/hm2 of P2O5 and 75 kg/hm2 of K2O as the base fertilizer,extra 0,90,150 and 210 kg/hm2 of nitrogen fertilizer(in which,base fertilizer,base-tillering fertilizer and base-earing fertilizer respectively accounted for 60%,20% and 20%.) was applied,respectively.In the split-plot design,fertilizer was considered as the main factor while rice variety was taken as the secondary factor.A total of eight treatments were set with three replications.[Result] Highly significant differences of grain yield were found among seven locations,two varieties,four nitrogen application levels,interactions of site × variety and site × nitrogen application level,but the interaction of variety ×nitrogen application level had no significant influence on rice yield.There were highly significant effects of site,varieties and nitrogen application level on dry matter production,nitrogen content,nitrogen utilization efficiency.Highly significant negative correlations between uptake efficiency and utilization efficiency for nitrogen were found;and multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that nitrogen uptake-utilization efficiency were significantly influenced by different ecological sites,chemical quality of soil and the levels of nitrogen application.[Conclusion] The research will provide theoretical and practical basis for the highly efficient application of nitrogen in mid-season hybrid rice cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Mid-season hybrid rice Ecological site Soil chemical characteristics Nitrogen application level Nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
Effects of Slow-release Fertilizer and Balanced Fertilization on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Peppers 被引量:1
作者 张忠武 王建新 +4 位作者 鲁耀 段宗颜 彭荣珍 周敏 杨景华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1457-1461,共5页
Field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of two slow-re- lease fertilizers and balanced fertilization on dry matter accumulation, yield, fertilizer use efficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium up... Field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of two slow-re- lease fertilizers and balanced fertilization on dry matter accumulation, yield, fertilizer use efficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake of peppers at Jiangna Town, Yanshan County, Yunnan Province in 2011. The results showed that the dry matter accumulation in dried pepper plant, pepper yield, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium uptake in peppers were significantly increased in all the fertilizer treat- ments, compared with those in control (no fertilizer). Compared with conventional fertilization, balanced fertilization, slow-release compound fertilizer and slow-release urea fertilizer significantly increased dried pepper economic output by 20.94%, 17.5% and 14.54%, nitrogen uptake in dried peppers by 21.53%,18.46% and 13.19%, phosphorus uptake in dried peppers by 14.08%, 15.76% and 10.44%, potassium uptake in dried peppers by 22.66%, 15.73% and 16.28%; they also in- creased nitrogen and potassium use efficiency, but reduced potassium use efficiency due to the increased potassium addition. In treatments with balanced fertilization, slow-release compound fertilizer and slow-release urea fertilizer, the nitrogen utiliza- tion was 5.84%, 7.14% and 8.33% higher and the phosphorus utilization was 3.32%, 3.27% and 2.47% higher than those in treatment with conventional fertiliza- tion. In addition, the nitrogen application could be reduced by 20%-50% by bal- anced fertilization and the two slow-release fertilizers, thereby reducing environmen- tal pollution. Slow-release fertilizers could also reduce the frequency of fertilization and labor costs. 展开更多
关键词 Slow-release fertilizer Balanced fertilization Dried pepper NPK uptake Fertilizer use efficiency
杉木N、P代谢对模拟土壤增温及隔离降雨的响应 被引量:2
作者 方璇 王健 +7 位作者 王彬 朱锦懋 杨智杰 熊德成 杨玉盛 陈光水 陈龙龙 林婉玉 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期3526-3536,共11页
全球气候变化改变了陆地生态系统植物的生理状态,使植物氮(N)、磷(P)代谢发生了变化。为揭示全球气候变暖及干旱环境下植物N、P代谢特征的变化,以典型的亚热带植物杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,按照两因素两水平试验设计设... 全球气候变化改变了陆地生态系统植物的生理状态,使植物氮(N)、磷(P)代谢发生了变化。为揭示全球气候变暖及干旱环境下植物N、P代谢特征的变化,以典型的亚热带植物杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,按照两因素两水平试验设计设置对照、增温(+5℃)、隔离降雨(-50%)和增温×隔离降雨4个处理,根据“主干法”确定针叶龄级,采集一年生、二年生、三年生及四年生叶片,同时收集每个处理的凋落叶,分别测定鲜叶及凋落叶的生态化学计量学特征,并计算其N、P吸收率。结果表明:(1)增温及隔离降雨对凋落叶N浓度及C/N比值均无显著影响,隔离降雨使凋落叶P浓度显著增加23.32%,C/P比值显著下降18.57%(P<0.05)。(2)增温、增温×隔离降雨处理使杉木二年生鲜叶N浓度较对照组均有显著差异(P<0.05),三、四年生叶片N浓度在隔离降雨处理下分别极显著增加18.15%和25.33%(P<0.01),增温及隔离降雨使P浓度均呈下降趋势但未造成显著差异。(3)N吸收率(NRE)在处理间及叶龄间均无显著差异;P吸收率(PRE)随叶龄增加呈下降趋势,其中仅隔离降雨处理下不同叶龄杉木叶PRE未有显著差异。(4)增温、隔离降雨及二者交互作用均增加鲜叶N浓度及NRE之间拟合关系,其中增温及增温×隔离降雨拟合度呈显著相关(P<0.05),而增温、隔离降雨及二者共同作用均显著降低鲜叶P浓度及PRE的拟合关系(P<0.05),其中隔离降雨处理对其影响最大。在中亚热带地区,杉木生长受P元素限制显著,土壤温度和水分都是叶片P素变化的重要因素,而杉木叶片N素对水分较为敏感,适当的水分亏缺能使叶片的N浓度增加,尤其对成熟叶片影响显著。 展开更多
关键词 土壤增温 隔离降雨 杉木 生态化学计量学特征 吸收率
Effects of ambient DIN:DIP ratio on the nitrogen uptake of harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum and Prorocentrum donghaiense in turbidistat 被引量:6
作者 李纪 Patricia M. GLIBERT Jeffrey A. ALEXANDER 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期746-761,共16页
The effects of varying nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P) ratios on the growth and N-uptake and assimilation of the harmful dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Prorocentrum donghaiense were examined in turbidistat... The effects of varying nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P) ratios on the growth and N-uptake and assimilation of the harmful dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Prorocentrum donghaiense were examined in turbidistat culture experiments. Algal cultures were supplied with media containing PO4^3- in various concentrations to obtain a wide range of N:P ratios. Experiments to determine rates of N uptake and assimilation of different N sources (NO^3-, NH4^+, urea and glycine by P. minimum and NO3^-, NH4^+ by P. donghaiense) were conducted using ^15-N tracer techniques at each N:P ratio. The growth rates suggested nutrient limitation at both high and low N:P ratios relative to the Redfield ratio. On a diel basis, the growth of both species was regulated by the light-dark cycle, which may be a result of regulation of both lightdependent growth and light-independent nutrient uptake. Maximum growth rates of both species always occurred at the beginning of light phase. In P-rich medium (low N:P ratio), both species had higher N assimilation rates, suggesting N limitation. Low assimilation coefficients at high N:P ratios suggested P limitation of N uptake and assimilation. NO3 ^-and NH4^+ contributed more than 90% of the total N uptake of P. minimum. Reduced N sources were more quickly assimilated than NO3^-. Highest average daily growth rates were recorded near an N:P ratio of 12 for both species. The N uptake rates of cultures at N:P ratios near Redfield ratio were more balanced with growth rates. The linkage between growth rates and N uptake/assimilation rates were conceptually described by the variation of cell N quota. The N:P ratios affect the N uptake and growth of Prorocentrum spp., and may regulate their bloom progression in eutrophic ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 harmful dinoflagellate N:P ratio nitrogen uptake continuous culture Prorocentrum spp
Effects of temperature,algae biomass and ambient nutrient on the absorption of dissolved nitrogen and phosphate by Rhodophyte Gracilaria asiatica 被引量:2
作者 杜荣斌 刘立明 +1 位作者 王爱敏 王勇强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期353-365,共13页
Gracilaria asiatica, being highly efficient in nutrient absorption, is cultivated in sea cucumber ponds to remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate. It was cultured in a laboratory simulating field conditions, ... Gracilaria asiatica, being highly efficient in nutrient absorption, is cultivated in sea cucumber ponds to remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate. It was cultured in a laboratory simulating field conditions, and its nutrient absorption was measured to evaluate effects of environmental conditions. Ammonia nitrogen (AN), nitrate nitrogen (NN), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) uptake rate and removal efficiency were determined in a 4~2 factorial design experiment in water temperatures (T) at 15~C and 25~C, algae biomass (AB) at 0.5 g/L and 1.0 g/L, total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) at 30 ~tmol/L and 60 ~tmol/L, and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) at 3 and 6 ~tmol/L. AB and ambient TIN or SRP levels significantly affected uptake rate and removal efficiency of AN, NN, TIN, and SRP (P〈0.001). G. asiatica in AB of 0.5 g/L showed higher uptake rate and lower removal efficiency relative to that with AB of 1.0 g/L. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rate rose with increasing ambient nutrient concentrations; nutrient removal efficiency decreased at higher environmental nutrient concentrations. The algae preferred to absorb AN to NN. Uptake rates of AN, NN, and SRP were significantly affected by temperature (P〈0.001); uptake rate was higher for the 25~C group than for the 15~C group at the initial experiment stage. Only the removal efficiency of AN and SRP showed a significant difference between the two temperature groups (P〈0.01). The four factors had significant interactive effects on absorption of N and P, implying that G. asiatica has great bioremedial potential in sea cucumber culture ponds. 展开更多
关键词 ALGAE Gracilaria asiatica Chang et Xia nutrient removal NITROGEN soluble reactive phosphate
Combination of Ozonation Process and Absorption through Membrane Contactor Using Natural Hot Spring Water as Absorbent to Remove Ammonia from Wastewater 被引量:1
作者 Sutrasno Kartohardjono Milasari Herdiana Putri Sri Fahmiati Elvina Fitriasari Candrika Ajeng SetijoBismo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第4期428-433,共6页
Ammonia in wastewater is a major pollutant produced in industrial and agricultural wastewaters. Ammonia is often removed by conventional technologies such as pack tower aeration, biological treatment or adsorption as ... Ammonia in wastewater is a major pollutant produced in industrial and agricultural wastewaters. Ammonia is often removed by conventional technologies such as pack tower aeration, biological treatment or adsorption as ammonium ion onto zeolites. In many cases, conventional methods are very costly and inefficient, and therefore there is a need for an alternative separation technique for more efficient removal of ammonia from wastewaters. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of combination of ozonation and absorption through membrane processes to remove ammonia from wastewater using NHSW (natural hot spring water) as absorbent. Experimental results show that hollow fiber membrane contactor has potential application for ammonia removal from wastewater. Operating variables such as time and pH of absorbent solution are found to remarkably influence the removal process efficiency.. Based on experimental results ozonation can improve ammonia removal efficiency through hollow fiber membrane contactor. Ammonia removal efficiencies and overall mass transfer coefficients increase with decreasing pH of absorbent solution. 展开更多
关键词 AMMONIA mass transfer membrane OZONATION removal efficiency.
Effect of Nitrogen Starvation on the Responses of Two Rice Cultivars to Nitrate Uptake and Utilization 被引量:6
作者 YIN Xiao-Ming LUO Wei +2 位作者 WANG Song-Wei SHEN Qi-Rong LONG Xiao-Hua 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期690-698,共9页
Ammonium(NH+4) is the main nitrogen(N) form for rice crops, while NH+4near the root surface can be oxidized to nitrate(NO-3)by NH+4-oxidizing bacteria. Nitrate can be accumulated within rice tissues and reused when N ... Ammonium(NH+4) is the main nitrogen(N) form for rice crops, while NH+4near the root surface can be oxidized to nitrate(NO-3)by NH+4-oxidizing bacteria. Nitrate can be accumulated within rice tissues and reused when N supply is insufficient. We compared the remobilization of NO-3stored in the tissue and vacuolar between two rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, Yangdao 6(YD6, indica)with a high N use efficiency(NUE) and Wuyujing 3(WYJ3, japonica) with a low NUE and measured the uptake of NO-3, expression of nitrate reductase(NR), NO-3transporter genes(NRTs), and NR activity after 4 d of N starvation following 7-d cultivation in a solution containing 2.86 mmol L-1NO-3. The results showed that both tissue NO-3concentration and vacuolar NO-3activity were higher in YD6 than WYJ3 under N starvation. YD6 showed a 2- to 3-fold higher expression of OsNRT2.1 in roots on the 1st and 4th day of N starvation and had significantly higher values of NO-3uptake(maximum uptake velocity, Vmax) than the cultivar WYJ3.Furthermore, YD6 had significantly higher leaf and root maximum NR activity(NRAmax) and actual NR activity(NRAact) as well as stronger root expression of the two NR genes after the 1st day of N starvation. There were no significant differences in NRAmax and NRAact between the two rice cultivars on the 4th day of N starvation. The results suggested that YD6 had stronger NRA under N starvation, which might result in better NO-3re-utilization from the vacuole, and higher capacity for NO-3uptake and use, potentially explaining the higher NUE of YD6 compared with WYJ3. 展开更多
关键词 nitrate reductase activity nitrate transpoters nitrogen use efficiency Oryza sativa L. REMOBILIZATION
Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest 被引量:1
作者 Xiao-Ni Xu Jian-Yang Xia +1 位作者 Xu-Hui Zhou Li-Ming Yan 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期649-656,共8页
Aims The functions of global forests are threatened by the increasing frequency of severe drought.Due to drought inducing reductions in soil nutrient availability,efficiencies of nutrient use and resorption of trees b... Aims The functions of global forests are threatened by the increasing frequency of severe drought.Due to drought inducing reductions in soil nutrient availability,efficiencies of nutrient use and resorption of trees become crucial for forest functions and biogeochemical cycles.However,understanding the dynamics of responses of foliar nutrient use and resorption efficiencies to drought,especially in tropical or subtropical forests,is still limited.Our goal was to detect whether and how the importance of leaf nutrient use and resorption changes across different species in the hot and wet forests when suffering drought stress in different months.Methods Based on a 70%throughfall exclusion experiment in a subtropical forest,we collected green and senesced leaves of Schima superba and Lithocarpus glaber in different months from October 2016 to May 2019,to estimate the effects of drought on leaf nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)use and resorption efficiencies(i.e.NUE and PUE,NRE and PRE).Important Findings The effects of drought on nutrient use and resorption efficiencies varied between species and months.Based on a 2-year observation,drought had no effect on S.superba,but significantly decreased NUE,NRE and PRE of L.glaber by 3.4%,20.2%and 7.1%,respectively.Furthermore,the negative drought effects were aggravated by the natural summer drying in 2017.As a result,NUE and PUE of L.glaber were significantly depressed by 17.2%and 58.1%,while NRE and PRE were significantly reduced by 56.5%and 53.8%in August 2017.Moreover,the responses of NRE,PRE and NUE to drought were related with soil moisture(SM)for L.glaber,and when SM decreased to a threshold near 9 v/v%,drought effects were shifted from unresponsive to negative.Our results highlight a species-specific threshold response of nutrient use under drought in a subtropical forest. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT nitrogen nutrient resorption efficiency nutrient use efficiency PHOSPHORUS subtropical forest
N limitation increases along a temperate forest succession:evidences from leaf stoichiometry and nutrient resorption 被引量:6
作者 Peng Zhang Xiao-Tao Lu +2 位作者 Mai-He Li Tonggui Wu Guangze Jin 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第5期1021-1035,共15页
Forest productivity and carbon(C) sequestration largely depend on soil N and P availability.To date,however,the temporal variation of nutrient limitation along forest succession is still under debate.Leaf stoichiometr... Forest productivity and carbon(C) sequestration largely depend on soil N and P availability.To date,however,the temporal variation of nutrient limitation along forest succession is still under debate.Leaf stoichiometry and nutrient resorption are important indicators for predicting nutrient limitation of plant growth.Here,we measured nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)concentrations in green leaves and leaf liter for all woody species at four stages of temperate forest succession,and analyzed how abiotic and biotic factors affect leaf stoichiometry and nutrient resorption along forest succession.At the individual scale,leaf N and P concentrations had a significant increase at the end of the succession,while no change in leaf N:P ratio was detected.Nitrogen resorption efficiency(NRE)increased significantly with succession,but P resorption efficiency(PRE)first increased and then decreased.Significant increases in NRE:PRE ratios only occurred at the end of the succession.Moreover,plant N cycling was less responsive to soil nutrient than P cycling.At the community scale,we found that leaf N and P concentrations first decreased and then increased along forest succession,which were mainly affected by Shannon-Wiener index and species richness.Leaf N:P ratio significantly varied with succession and was mainly determined by community-weighted mean diameter at breast height(DBH).NRE increased and was significantly influenced by species richness and DBH,while PRE was relatively stable along forest succession.Thus,the NRE:PRE ratios significantly increased,indicating that N limitation is exacerbated with the temperate forest succession.These results might reflect the intense interspecific competition for limiting resource in a higher biodiversity community.In conclusion,our findings highlight the importance of biotic factors in driving forest ecosystem nutrient cycling and provide valuable information for sustainable fertilizer management practices in China's temperate and boreal forests. 展开更多
关键词 abiotic and biotic factors forest succession N limitation N:P ratio nutrient resorption efficiency temperate forest
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