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作者 宋健 王洁 司彤 《中国农学通报》 2024年第27期20-26,共7页
本研究旨在探索结荚层和根系层施氮对花生生长、氮素积累和产量的影响。通过模拟大田试验,在花针期采用相同氮素施用条件下,比较了不同施肥方式的效果。结果表明,在结荚期,结荚层施肥比对照处理的株高和第一对侧枝长显著提高12%和9%以上... 本研究旨在探索结荚层和根系层施氮对花生生长、氮素积累和产量的影响。通过模拟大田试验,在花针期采用相同氮素施用条件下,比较了不同施肥方式的效果。结果表明,在结荚期,结荚层施肥比对照处理的株高和第一对侧枝长显著提高12%和9%以上;与对照相比,结荚层和根系层施肥均可以提高花生总果针数,其中2022年结荚层比根系层处理的总果针数重显著提高了5.97%;在饱果成熟期,结荚层施肥比对照处理的株高显著提高10%以上;与对照相比,结荚层和根系层施肥均可以提高花生第一对侧枝长和总果针数;结荚层和根系层施肥处理的根、茎、叶、果针、荚果等干物质积累量和氮素积累量均比对照处理显著提高;与对照组相比,结荚层施肥处理单株果重、单株果数、饱果数、百果重比对照组普遍提高20%以上;结荚层施肥植株单株果重和单株果数均显著高于根系层施肥15%以上。综上,本研究证明,在结荚层追施氮肥有利于花生生长、氮素积累和提高花生产量。 展开更多
关键词 花生 施氮部位 生长 氮素积累 产量 氮素施用 结荚层施肥 根系层施肥
氮素用量和密度对玉米营养体产量的影响 被引量:36
作者 何世炜 常生华 +2 位作者 张建全 王夏仙 杨虹民 《草业学报》 CSCD 2003年第1期74-79,共6页
研究了氮素施用量和密度对玉米营养体产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮素和增加种植密度对玉米营养体产量有显著的增产效应,在密度为15万株/hm2,施氮237kg/hm2时,玉米营养体产量最高,为32584.7kg/hm2;比常规种植密度9万株/hm2增产26%。玉米... 研究了氮素施用量和密度对玉米营养体产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮素和增加种植密度对玉米营养体产量有显著的增产效应,在密度为15万株/hm2,施氮237kg/hm2时,玉米营养体产量最高,为32584.7kg/hm2;比常规种植密度9万株/hm2增产26%。玉米营养体产量乳熟期最大,适宜收割期宜在灌浆期。营养体生产较籽实生产收获期提前了50d,利用玉米营养体收获后的生长余季(8月1日10月20日)生产毛叶苕子营养体,二者合计生产绿色营养体3.88万kg/hm2,粗蛋白5638.51kg/hm2,分别是籽实生产的1.5、3.77倍。光、热、水生产效率较籽实生产提高了47.8%。 展开更多
关键词 玉米营养体 产量 氮素施用 种植密度
不同氮、硅用量对水稻产量和品质的影响 被引量:43
作者 陆福勇 江立庚 +1 位作者 秦华东 唐茂艳 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期846-850,共5页
关键词 氮素施用 产量和品质 水稻 硅素 氮肥施用 群体成穗率 稻米外观品质 整精米率 营养元素 施用技术
追肥运筹对不同品种春小麦蛋白质含量及组分的影响 被引量:4
作者 王春枝 郭世乾 +1 位作者 刘凤芹 李东晶 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第B06期204-207,共4页
利用盆栽试验,在棕壤土上施N 0.28 g/kg条件下,于2005年5月在沈阳农业大学肥料长期定位试验站研究等量氮肥不同施肥方式对春小麦产量和籽粒中蛋白质含量及组分的影响。结果表明,等氮量前提下,一次性底施氮肥有利于小麦产量的提高,随着... 利用盆栽试验,在棕壤土上施N 0.28 g/kg条件下,于2005年5月在沈阳农业大学肥料长期定位试验站研究等量氮肥不同施肥方式对春小麦产量和籽粒中蛋白质含量及组分的影响。结果表明,等氮量前提下,一次性底施氮肥有利于小麦产量的提高,随着施氮时间的后延,产量呈下降趋势,平均下降26.44%。氮素在对春小麦籽粒蛋白质含量及其组分的影响上表现为:随着春小麦施氮时期的后延,籽粒中蛋白质含量呈增长的趋势,平均增加6.86%,其中定西29号增加幅度最大,增加了48.78%;清蛋白和球蛋白的含量以底施+分蘖期+拔节期+抽穗期施氮最高,其分别为4.09%,0.36%;而醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白的含量在分蘖期施氮达到最高为5.36%,4.16%。各蛋白组分在蛋白质中的分配表现为:清蛋白和麦谷蛋白相对含量在底施+分蘖期施氮下都达到最大,分别占18.90%,20.10%;而对于球蛋白和醇蛋白相对含量在4种施氮方式下,随着施氮时间的后延呈降低趋势,分别降低了53.37%,28.84%。 展开更多
关键词 氮素施用方式 产量 蛋白质含量 蛋白质组分
水稻精确定量施氮研究 被引量:366
作者 凌启鸿 张洪程 +6 位作者 戴其根 丁艳锋 凌励 苏祖芳 徐茂 阙金华 王绍华 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期2457-2467,共11页
以水稻高产优质为目标,以斯坦福方程为理论基础,配合现有阶段性的、单项的定量测试方法,对水稻精确定量施氮技术理论的3个参数进行测定及验证,初步找到了一些研究思路和方法。提出了按产量等级测定需氮量的新方法,形成把秸秆还田归为土... 以水稻高产优质为目标,以斯坦福方程为理论基础,配合现有阶段性的、单项的定量测试方法,对水稻精确定量施氮技术理论的3个参数进行测定及验证,初步找到了一些研究思路和方法。提出了按产量等级测定需氮量的新方法,形成把秸秆还田归为土壤氮素供应量的研究新思路,并发现氮素化肥前后分配比例对氮肥的当季利用率有巨大影响。研究解决了施氮总量及施氮量分配两个方面的精确定量技术问题,使精确定量施氮技术的应用成为可能,同时为“3S”技术的应用提供知识支持。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 斯坦福方程 精确定量施氮 产量等级 氮素阶段施用比例
作者 陈宗懋 《中国茶叶》 2005年第2期29-31,共3页
60.采用被覆肥料和石灰氮作为茶园环境优化中减少施氮量的技术 茶园中氮肥施用量高时,茶芽氨基酸含量也会升高,因此茶鲜叶质量提高。但施用的氮素,茶树通常只能利用其50%。氮素施用量过高时,大量的氮素未被茶树吸收利用,从茶园... 60.采用被覆肥料和石灰氮作为茶园环境优化中减少施氮量的技术 茶园中氮肥施用量高时,茶芽氨基酸含量也会升高,因此茶鲜叶质量提高。但施用的氮素,茶树通常只能利用其50%。氮素施用量过高时,大量的氮素未被茶树吸收利用,从茶园中被溶脱,从而造成茶园周围水系的硝酸盐污染,还使土壤环境恶化,造成土壤中的铝离子被洗脱、微生物活性降低,并有大量氧化亚氮形成。解决地下水中硝酸盐含量增加的问题,关键是要减少茶园中氮素的施用量。 展开更多
关键词 科研成果 茶叶 日本 土壤环境恶化 氮肥施用 氨基酸含量 氮素施用 硝酸盐污染 微生物活性 硝酸盐含量 环境优化 鲜叶质量 吸收利用 氧化亚氮 茶园 施氮量 石灰氮 铝离子 地下水 茶树 肥料 茶芽
水氮调控对作物碳代谢影响的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 张雨珊 杨恒山 +4 位作者 葛选良 张瑞富 邰继承 孟繁昊 张明伟 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2021年第3期253-257,共5页
关键词 作物 碳代谢 灌溉措施 氮素施用
拔节期不同施氮量对夏玉米产量及产量构成因素的影响 被引量:1
作者 邵珠海 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第17期5393-5395,共3页
[目的]在玉米(Zea mays L.)拔节期施用不同量氮肥,研究玉米产量与产量构成因素,以提高玉米产量。[方法]试验于2012年6~11月在菏泽学院农场进行。拔节期玉米氮肥施用量分别为O、20、45kg/hm2,测定玉米茎部性状、穗部性状和干物... [目的]在玉米(Zea mays L.)拔节期施用不同量氮肥,研究玉米产量与产量构成因素,以提高玉米产量。[方法]试验于2012年6~11月在菏泽学院农场进行。拔节期玉米氮肥施用量分别为O、20、45kg/hm2,测定玉米茎部性状、穗部性状和干物质质量,分析夏玉米收获指数。找到既适合夏玉米生长又能够降低生产成本的氮素施用量区间。[结果]氮肥施用量并不是越多越好,施用量过多不仅会减小茎粗,降低玉米抗倒伏能力,减少叶干重,从而影响产量,而且会增加玉米生产成本。从产量因素和经济效益角度考虑,拔节期夏玉米氮肥施用量在20~45kg/hm2时,既有利于提高玉米产量,又能够降低玉米生产成本。[结论]菏泽地区,玉米拔节期氮肥适宜施用量为20~45kg/hm2。 展开更多
关键词 氮素施用 玉米 拔节期 产量因素
Nitrogen recovery and nitrate leaching of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer in irrigated paddy soil 被引量:3
作者 郑圣先 聂军 +1 位作者 戴平安 郑颖俊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2004年第3期2-10,共9页
Ordinary high nitrogen fertilizer often results in nitrate (NO3--N) leaching and low recovery. Microplot and field plot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (CRN... Ordinary high nitrogen fertilizer often results in nitrate (NO3--N) leaching and low recovery. Microplot and field plot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (CRNF) on reco very and nitrate leaching on paddy soils. During two early rice cropping seasons (2002 and 2003), a single basal application of CRNF at 90 kg N ha-1 increased grain yields by 7.7%to 11.6%compared with two applications of urea. Estimated by the difference method fertilizer N recovery of CRNF (mean 76.3%) was 38.9 pe rcentage point higher than that of urea (mean 37.4%); estimated by 15N isotope method (mean 49.6%) CRNF (mean 67.1%) was 35.9 percentage point higher than ur ea (mean 31.2%). NO3--N leaching losses were 9.19 and 6.70 kg ha-1 for urea and CRNF, respectively. NO3--N leaching during the early rice cropping season was 27.1 %lower from CRNF than from two applications of urea. These losses repr esent 10.2%and 7.4%of applied urea-N and CRNF-N. Results from this study ind icate that CRNF improves N recovery and reduces NO3--N leaching and increases rice yield. 展开更多
关键词 controlled release nitrogen fertilizer nitrogen recovery nitrate leaching rice yield
作者 林建军 《江西农业科技》 2003年第9期8-9,共2页
关键词 甜玉米 高产栽培 种植密度 氮素施用 去雄比例
^(15)N Isotope Techniques for Estimating Effects of Urea-N Fertilizer Application Rate on Yields and Nutrient Contents of Pakchoi Cabbage and Asparagus Lettuce and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency 被引量:1
作者 LIAO Yu-lin ZHENG Sheng-xian +2 位作者 RONG Xiang-min LIU Qiang FAN Mei-rong 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期151-156,共6页
A pot experiment combined with15N isotope techniques was conducted to evaluate effects of the varying rates of urea-N fertilizer application on yields,quality,and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of pakchoi cabbage (Bras... A pot experiment combined with15N isotope techniques was conducted to evaluate effects of the varying rates of urea-N fertilizer application on yields,quality,and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of pakchoi cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) and asparagus lettuce (Lactuca saiva L.).15N-labbled urea (5.3515N atom %) was added to pots with 6.5 kg soil of 0.14,0.18,0.21,0.25,and 0.29 g N/kg soil,and applied in two splits:60 percent as basal dressing in the mixture and 40 percent as topdressing.The fresh yields of two vegetable species increased with the increasing input of urea-N,but there was a significant quadratic relationship between the dose of urea-N fertilizer application and the fresh yields.When the dosage of urea-N fertilizer reached a certain value,nitrate readily accumulated in the two kinds of plants due to the decrease in NR activity; furthermore,there was a linear negative correlation between nitrate content and NR activity.With the increasing input of urea-N,ascorbic acid and soluble sugar initially increased,declined after a while,and crude fiber rapidly decreased too.Total absorbed N (TAN),N derived from fertilizer (Ndff),and N derived from soil (Ndfs) increased,and the ratio of Ndff and TAN also increased,but the ratio of Ndfs and TAN as well as NUE of urea-N fertilizer decreased with the increasing input of urea-N.These results suggested that the increasing application of labeled N fertilizer led to the increase in unlabeled N (namely,Ndfs) presumably due to "added nitrogen interaction" (ANI),the decease in NUE of urea-N fertilizer may be due to excess fertilization beyond the levels of plant requirements and the ANI,and the decrease in the two vegetable yields with the increasing addition of urea-N possibly because the excess accumulation of nitrate reached a toxic level. 展开更多
关键词 ^15N N utilization ratio Pot experiment Vegetable Nutrition quality Yield
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Development and Nitrogen Utilization of Japonica Super Rice
作者 Yuefeng CUI Guocai SUN +2 位作者 Tiegang LU Xiaoqiu WU Helin LUAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期250-255,共6页
With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen uti... With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen utilization characteristics of Shennong265 were investigated. The results showed that when the BTF-EGF ratio was 8:2 or 7:3, the yield of Shennong 265 increased with the increased nitrogen application amount; when the BTF-EGF ratio was 6:4, medium nitrogen level was more conducive to improving the yield of Shennong 265; under the condition of same BTF-EGF ratio, with the increased nitrogen application amount, the total nitrogen uptake increased, and the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index decreased. At low and medium nitrogen levels, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the higher the yield, total nitrogen uptake and nitrogen recovery ratio were; at high nitrogen level, the BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3 was more favorable; at the same nitrogen level, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the lower the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index were. Under conditions of nitrogen application level of 255 kg/hm^2 and BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3, the dry matter accumulation in the leaves, stems and spikes of Shennong265 was higher in the late growth period. Higher effective panicle number and grain number per panicle led to higher yield(9581.5 kg/hm^2, 2.4%-20.1% higher than those in the other treatment groups) and higher nitrogen use efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen application RICE YIELD Nitrogen use
Response of Yield, Yield Components and Fiber Properties of Cotton to Different Application Rates of Nitrogen and Boron
作者 M. Rashidi M. Seilsepour 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第9期1147-1154,共8页
Nitrogen (N) was applied at rates of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg.ha^-1 and boron (B) was applied as foliar at rates 0, 500 and 1000 g.ha^-1 to study the effect of different application rates of nitrogen and boron ferti... Nitrogen (N) was applied at rates of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg.ha^-1 and boron (B) was applied as foliar at rates 0, 500 and 1000 g.ha^-1 to study the effect of different application rates of nitrogen and boron fertilizers on yield, yield components and fiber properties of cotton. Statistical results of study showed that N application significantly (P 〈 0.05) enhanced boll number, boll weight, seed cotton weight of boll, seed cotton yield and lint yield. Results of study also indicated that the maximum seed cotton yield was recorded in case of 200 kg.ha^-1 N application rate, and this application rate resulted in 19.6% increased seed cotton yield. Statistical results also indicated that foliar application of B significantly enhanced boll number, boll weight, seed cotton yield and lint yield. Results also demonstrated that the maximum seed cotton yield was obtained in case of 1000 g.hal foliar application of B, and this foliar application rate resulted in 25% increased seed cotton yield. Statistical results showed that effect of different application rates of N was not significant for all fiber properties (fiber length, fiber strength and fiber fineness). Conversely, results of study indicated that different application rates of B significantly affected some fiber properties. 展开更多
关键词 NITROGEN BORON COTTON YIELD yield components fiber properties Iran.
油菜“2+X”氮总量控制田间肥效研究 被引量:1
作者 陈其军 徐丽萍 杨步银 《农家致富顾问》 2014年第04X期22-25,共4页
关键词 油菜 氮素施用 优化氮 研究
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