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氮退火对SiC MOSFET栅源电压漂移的影响 被引量:1
作者 高秀秀 邱乐山 戴小平 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第11期893-898,共6页
为了准确地表征4H-SiC MOSFET经过高温栅偏(HTGB)测试后的栅源电压漂移,优化氮退火工艺条件以改善MOSFET栅源电压的稳定性,在n型4H-SiC(0001)外延片上制备了横向扩散MOSFET(LDMOSFET)和纵向扩散MOSFET(VDMOSFET)。对栅氧化层采用不同温... 为了准确地表征4H-SiC MOSFET经过高温栅偏(HTGB)测试后的栅源电压漂移,优化氮退火工艺条件以改善MOSFET栅源电压的稳定性,在n型4H-SiC(0001)外延片上制备了横向扩散MOSFET(LDMOSFET)和纵向扩散MOSFET(VDMOSFET)。对栅氧化层采用不同温度、时间和气氛进行氮退火,并对制备的MOSFET进行了HTGB测试,探讨了栅压应力大小、应力时间、温度对栅源电压漂移的影响。结果表明:相比LDMOSFET,VDMOSFET可以更有效地表征栅源电压漂移趋势;氮退火对栅源电压正向漂移影响较小;NO退火后增加高温N_(2)退火、提高NO退火的温度和增加NO退火的时间均会引起VDMOSFET栅源电压负向漂移量增加;当栅压应力为-16 V、应力时间为500 s时,1200℃、70 min NO退火的VDMOSFET的栅源电压漂移比1250℃、40 min NO退火的小0.1~0.3 V。 展开更多
关键词 4H-SIC MOSFET 高温栅偏(HTGB) 氮退火 栅源电压漂移
作者 梁永林 《江南半导体通讯》 1992年第5期23-27,共5页
关键词 晶体管 表面 特性 湿氮退火 退火
氢对PbZr_(0.5)Ti_(0.5)O_3在氮氢混合气氛退火中铁电性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 赵庆勋 耿波 +3 位作者 王书彪 边芳 关丽 刘保亭 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期183-186,共4页
采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理,针对PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3无氢和含氢的顺电相和铁电相的二层超晶胞,分别计算了Ti沿c轴位移时体系总能量的变化、电子云密度分布和Ti—O、Zr—O和H—O的重叠布居数.结果表明,含氢铁电相的Ti—O键和Zr—O键... 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理,针对PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3无氢和含氢的顺电相和铁电相的二层超晶胞,分别计算了Ti沿c轴位移时体系总能量的变化、电子云密度分布和Ti—O、Zr—O和H—O的重叠布居数.结果表明,含氢铁电相的Ti—O键和Zr—O键相对无氢铁电相明显减弱,氢氧之间较强的轨道杂化使它们趋于形成共价键;晶格中氢氧键的钉扎效应使含氢情况下的顺电相能量始终低于铁电相能量,说明氢的引入阻碍了PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3从立方顺电相到四方铁电相的相变,并推断其为含氢气氛退火过程中PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3铁电性能下降的主要原因之一.所得结果对于深入理解铁电材料在氮氢混合气氛退火后铁电性能下降的微观机制具有参考价值. 展开更多
关键词 氢混合气氛退火 铁电相 PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 第一性原理
作者 刘成银 杨国华 《铸锻热(热处理实践)》 1992年第4期32-34,共3页
广东韶关铸锻总厂,引进奥地利艾协林公司生产的DRZs150/40~575/115/1010/485直通式辊底炉,配用国产氮一甲醇保护气氛,在该炉内进行GCr15SiMn球轴承锻件退火生产,其能力为:750kg/h。退火件大小为外径φ20~92毫米,工件技术要求:珠光体... 广东韶关铸锻总厂,引进奥地利艾协林公司生产的DRZs150/40~575/115/1010/485直通式辊底炉,配用国产氮一甲醇保护气氛,在该炉内进行GCr15SiMn球轴承锻件退火生产,其能力为:750kg/h。退火件大小为外径φ20~92毫米,工件技术要求:珠光体晶粒为3级,脱碳层<0.2毫米;表面硬度179~207HB。一。 展开更多
关键词 轴承 套圈 基气氛退火 设备 工艺
石英衬底上磁控溅射SiC膜退火形成SiC纳米线 被引量:2
作者 安霞 庄惠照 +1 位作者 薛成山 杨利 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 2002年第1期37-39,共3页
用射频磁控溅射法在石英片上溅射SiC膜,然后在氮气气氛下1150℃退火3h后,在石英衬底上生长出SiC纳米线。用x射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和x光电子能谱(XPS)对样品进行了结构、形貌及组分分析。SEM结果表明,SiC纳米线的直径为20~80纳... 用射频磁控溅射法在石英片上溅射SiC膜,然后在氮气气氛下1150℃退火3h后,在石英衬底上生长出SiC纳米线。用x射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和x光电子能谱(XPS)对样品进行了结构、形貌及组分分析。SEM结果表明,SiC纳米线的直径为20~80纳米,其长度可达7~8微米,甚至于长达十几个微米。 展开更多
关键词 磁控溅射 氮退火 纳米线 薄膜 石英衬底 碳化碳
一种新型的6H-SiC MOS器件栅介质制备工艺 被引量:1
作者 吴海平 徐静平 李春霞 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期56-59,共4页
采用干 O2 +CHCCl3(TCE)氧化并进干 /湿 NO退火工艺生长 6H-Si C MOS器件栅介质 ,研究了 Si O2 /Si C界面特性。结果表明 ,NO退火进一步降低了 Si O2 /Si C的界面态密度和边界陷阱密度 ,减小了高场应力下平带电压漂移 ,增强了器件可靠... 采用干 O2 +CHCCl3(TCE)氧化并进干 /湿 NO退火工艺生长 6H-Si C MOS器件栅介质 ,研究了 Si O2 /Si C界面特性。结果表明 ,NO退火进一步降低了 Si O2 /Si C的界面态密度和边界陷阱密度 ,减小了高场应力下平带电压漂移 ,增强了器件可靠性 ,尤其是湿 NO退火的效果更为明显。 展开更多
关键词 碳化硅 一氧化氮退火 金属一氧化物一半导体电容 界面态密度 可靠性
氧化钒热敏薄膜的制备及其性质的研究 被引量:11
作者 周进 茹国平 +1 位作者 李炳宗 梁平治 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期291-295,共5页
报道一种制备氧化钒热敏薄膜的新方法 .采用离子束溅射 V2 O5粉末靶淀积和氮氢混合气体热处理相结合的薄膜技术 ,可制备热敏性能较好的低价氧化钒薄膜 VOx(x<2 .5 ) .对不同温度退火后氧化钒薄膜在 10~ 10 0℃范围内测定了薄层电阻... 报道一种制备氧化钒热敏薄膜的新方法 .采用离子束溅射 V2 O5粉末靶淀积和氮氢混合气体热处理相结合的薄膜技术 ,可制备热敏性能较好的低价氧化钒薄膜 VOx(x<2 .5 ) .对不同温度退火后氧化钒薄膜在 10~ 10 0℃范围内测定了薄层电阻随温度的变化 ,得到的电阻温度系数 (TCR)值为 (- 1~ - 4) % K- 1 .研究结果表明通过这种方法可在较低温度下制备氧化钒薄膜 ,这种薄膜具有较低的电阻率和较高的 TCR值 。 展开更多
关键词 氧化钒 非致冷红外微测辐射热计 离子束溅射 电阻温度系数 退火 热敏薄膜
用于微测辐射热计的氧化矾热敏材料的温度特性 被引量:8
作者 曹永峰 蒋玉龙 +3 位作者 段鹏 茹国平 李炳宗 陈永平 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期58-62,共5页
氧化矾作为非制冷微测辐射热计的热敏材料,电阻率ρ和电阻温度系数TCR(Temperature Co-efficient of Resistance)是表征其性能的重要参数。通过对用离子束溅射得到的氧化矾薄膜在相同时间不同温度下的N2+H2退火实验,我们发现氧化矾薄膜... 氧化矾作为非制冷微测辐射热计的热敏材料,电阻率ρ和电阻温度系数TCR(Temperature Co-efficient of Resistance)是表征其性能的重要参数。通过对用离子束溅射得到的氧化矾薄膜在相同时间不同温度下的N2+H2退火实验,我们发现氧化矾薄膜的电阻率ρ和电阻温度系数TCR之间存在着密切的正相关关系,AES结果表明它们的变化对应着氧化矾热敏材料的O/V比例(或氧空位浓度)的变化。这三个参量随着退火温度的改变而变化,在350~500 ℃的退火温度范围内,我们发现电阻率ρ,电阻温度系数TCR以及O/V比例随着温度的变化均出现一个峰值。通过对氧化矾的电阻温度特性的分析,我们讨论了氧化矾薄膜的导电机制。我们认为,用本方法制备的氧化矾薄膜在室温下导电的载流子主要来自于相对较深能级杂质的电离。 展开更多
关键词 微测辐射热计 氧化矾 热敏材料 温度特性 电阻温度系数 退火 红外探测器
作者 赵庆勋 马继奎 +3 位作者 耿波 魏大勇 关丽 刘保亭 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期8042-8047,共6页
采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理研究了在氮氢混合气氛中退火后Bi4Ti3O12铁电性的退化机理.分别计算了无氢、含氢模型中Ti沿c轴位移时体系总能量的变化,电子云密度分布,以及电子结构的总能态密度的变化.结果表明含氢Bi4Ti3O12铁电相Ti... 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理研究了在氮氢混合气氛中退火后Bi4Ti3O12铁电性的退化机理.分别计算了无氢、含氢模型中Ti沿c轴位移时体系总能量的变化,电子云密度分布,以及电子结构的总能态密度的变化.结果表明含氢Bi4Ti3O12铁电相Ti-O,Bi-O间的电子云重叠布居分布较无氢情况下变化明显,氢氧之间较强的轨道杂化使它们趋于形成共价键;晶格中氢氧键的钉扎效应使含氢情况下顺电相能量低于铁电相能量,表明氢的引入阻碍了Bi4Ti3O12从四方顺电相到正交铁电相的相变,同时造成Bi4Ti3O12晶体的导电性能增强,并推断其为含氢气氛退火过程中Bi4Ti3O12铁电性能退化的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 氢混合气氛退火 铁电性 BI4TI3O12 第一性原理
Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene via Thermal Annealing Graphene with Urea 被引量:3
作者 Xin-jing Li Xin-xin Yu +5 位作者 Jin-yang Liu Xiao-dong Fan Kun Zhang Hong-bing Cai Nan Pan Xiao-ping Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期325-329,374,共6页
Chemical doping is an effective method to intrinsically modify the chemical and electronic property of graphene. We propose a novel approach to synthesize the nitrogen-doped graphene via thermal annealing graphene wit... Chemical doping is an effective method to intrinsically modify the chemical and electronic property of graphene. We propose a novel approach to synthesize the nitrogen-doped graphene via thermal annealing graphene with urea, in which the nitrogen source can be controllably released from the urea by varying the annealed temperature and time. The doped N content and the configuration N as well as the thermal stabilities are also evaluated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectra. Electrical measurements indi- cate that the conductivity of doped graphene can be well regulated with the N content. The method is expected to produce large scale and controllable N-doped graphene sheets for a variety of potential applications. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE DOPING CONDUCTIVITY X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Ramanspectrum
Effect of annealing on microstructure and properties of Si_3N_4-AlN composite ceramics 被引量:2
作者 徐鹏 杨建 +1 位作者 丘泰 陈兴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期960-965,共6页
Aiming at developing novel microwave-transparent ceramics with low dielectric loss, high thermal conductivity and high strength, Si3Na-AIN (30%, mass fraction) composite ceramics with La203 as sintering additive wer... Aiming at developing novel microwave-transparent ceramics with low dielectric loss, high thermal conductivity and high strength, Si3Na-AIN (30%, mass fraction) composite ceramics with La203 as sintering additive were prepared by hot-pressing at 1 800 ℃ and subsequently annealed at 1 450 ℃ and 1 850 ℃ for 2 h and 4 h, respectively. The materials were characterized by XRD and SEM. The effect of annealing process on the phase composition, sintering performance, microstructure, bending strength, dielectric loss and thermal conductivity of the materials was investigated. The results showed that both annealing at 1 850 ℃ and 1 450 ℃ promoted the phase transformation of α-Si3N4 to β-Si3N4. After annealing at 1 850 ℃, grain growth to a certain extent occurred in the materials. Especially, the elongated β-Si3N4 grains showed a slight increase in diameter from 0.2 μm to 0.6 μm approximately and a decrease in aspect ratio. As a result, as the annealing time increased to 4 h, the bending strength declined from 456 MPa to 390 MPa, whereas the dielectric loss decreased to 2.15× 10^-3 and the thermal conductivity increased to 16.3 W/(m.K) gradually. When annealed at 1 450 ℃, increasing the annealing time to 4 h significantly promoted the crystallization of glassy phase to La2Si6N803 phase in the materials, which led to the increase in bending strength to 619 MPa and thermal conductivity to 15.9 W/(m·K), respectively, and simultaneously the decrease in dielectric loss to 1.53× 10^-3. 展开更多
关键词 Si3N4-A1N composite ANNEALING La203 bending strength thermal conductivity dielectric loss
Growth of Semi-Insulating GaN Using N2 as Nucleation Layer Carrier Gas Combining with an Optimized Annealing Time
作者 周忠堂 邢志刚 +2 位作者 郭丽伟 陈弘 周均铭 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期1645-1648,共4页
Semi-insulating (SI) GaN is grown using N2 as the nucleation layer (NL) carrier gas combined with an optimized annealing time by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. Influence of using 1-12 and N2 as the NL ca... Semi-insulating (SI) GaN is grown using N2 as the nucleation layer (NL) carrier gas combined with an optimized annealing time by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. Influence of using 1-12 and N2 as the NL carrier gas is investigated in our experiment. It is found that the sheet resistance of unintentionally doped GaN can be increased from 10^4 Ω/sq to 10^10 Ω/sq by changing the NL carrier gas from 1-12 to N2 while keeping the other growth parameters to be constant, however crystal quality and roughness of the tilm are degraded unambiguously. This situation can be improved by optimizing the NL annealing time. The high resistance of GaN grown on NL using N2 as the carrier gas is due to higher density of threading dislocations caused by the higher density of nucleation islands and small statistic diameter grain compared to the one using 1-12 as carrier gas. Annealing the NL for an optimized annealing time can decrease the density of threading dislocation and improve the tilm roughness and interface of AlGaN/GaN without degrading the sheet resistance of as-grown GaN signiticantly. High-quality SI GaN is grown after optimizing the annealing time, and AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors are also prepared. 展开更多
The effect of nitrogen annealing on lithium ion intercalation in nickel-doped lithium trivanadate 被引量:5
作者 Yaguang Liu Cuiping Zhang +3 位作者 Chaofeng Liu Huanqiao Song Xihui Nan Guozhong Cao 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期587-593,共7页
The communication reports an exploratory experimental study on the effects of nitrogen annealing on lithium ion intercalation in nickel-doped lithium trivana- date cathodic electrodes for lithium ion batteries. It sho... The communication reports an exploratory experimental study on the effects of nitrogen annealing on lithium ion intercalation in nickel-doped lithium trivana- date cathodic electrodes for lithium ion batteries. It shows good rate performance with discharge capacities of 348.6, 252.6, 191.9 and 96.7 mAh g-1 at 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 5 C, respectively. Nitrogen annealing resulted in the formation of parasitic secondary-phase LiVzO5 and appreciably increased tetravalent vanadium ions compensated with oxygen vacancies, which would enhance the electronic conductivity and lithium ion diffusivity and promote the interface interaction and deintercalation process, and thus lead to the enhanced lithium ion intercalation properties. The possible impacts of the parasitic secondary-phase LiV205 on the lithium ion intercalation performance have also been discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen annealing Nickel-dopedlithium trivanadate Oxygen vacancies Parasiticsecondary phase
A model for thermal annealing on forming In—N clusters in InGaNP
作者 ZHAO ChuanZhen CHEN Lei +5 位作者 LI NaNa ZHANG HuanHuan CHEN YaFei WEI Tong TANG ChunXiao XIE ZiLi 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期798-801,共4页
We develop a model for the effect of thermal annealing on forming In--N dusters in GalnNP according to thermodynamics. The average energy variation for forming an In--N bond in the model is estimated according to the ... We develop a model for the effect of thermal annealing on forming In--N dusters in GalnNP according to thermodynamics. The average energy variation for forming an In--N bond in the model is estimated according to the theoretical calculation. Using the model, the added number of In--N bonds per mol of InGaNP, the added number of nearest-neighbor In atoms per N atom and the average number of nearest-neighbor In atoms per N atom after annealing are calculated. The different function of In--N clusters in InGaNP and InGaN is also discussed, which is due to the different environments around the In--N clusters. 展开更多
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