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作者 欧育湘 《聚氨酯工业》 1990年第4期40-42,共3页
关键词 氯氟碳 CFC 发泡剂 替代物
作者 吴晓军 吴学军 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第3期30-34,共5页
关键词 氯氟碳化合物 臭氧层
作者 安德逊 鲁宾内西 姜尔宁 《制冷技术》 1993年第1期28-31,共4页
为了保护臭氧层,在1987年9月16日美国和其它23个国家以及欧洲经济共同体签署了《关于消耗臭氧层的物质》的蒙特利尔议定书。这是国际协议的里程碑,用以控制某些CFC以及卤化合物(Halon)的生产与消费。在美国制冷与空调用去了35%以上的全... 为了保护臭氧层,在1987年9月16日美国和其它23个国家以及欧洲经济共同体签署了《关于消耗臭氧层的物质》的蒙特利尔议定书。这是国际协议的里程碑,用以控制某些CFC以及卤化合物(Halon)的生产与消费。在美国制冷与空调用去了35%以上的全部CFC产量。制冷工程师们已经在迅速而且负责地致力于保护臭氧层。本文概述了所建议的国际、国内的规定和目前在技术上和商业化方面所取得的成就,并概括地阐述了摆在我们面前的任务。 展开更多
关键词 制冷剂 环境质量 氯氟碳化合物
制冷工质CFCs、HCFC的限制使用及其对策 被引量:11
作者 郑晓斌 《福建能源开发与节约》 2004年第1期32-34,共3页
大气臭氧层的破坏和全球气候变化 ,是当前世界所面临的主要环境问题。制冷空调行业广泛以CFCs与HCFC类物质作为制冷工质 ,它对臭氧层的破坏及其产生温室效应日趋显著 ,使这一行业面临严重的挑战。本文讨论了保护臭氧层和防止全球气候变... 大气臭氧层的破坏和全球气候变化 ,是当前世界所面临的主要环境问题。制冷空调行业广泛以CFCs与HCFC类物质作为制冷工质 ,它对臭氧层的破坏及其产生温室效应日趋显著 ,使这一行业面临严重的挑战。本文讨论了保护臭氧层和防止全球气候变化对制冷空调行业所使用的制冷剂提出的要求与国际社会所采取的相应对策 ,综述了 2 展开更多
关键词 CFCS HCFC 制冷剂替代物 氯氟碳化合物 制冷工质
当前威胁人类生存的十大环境问题 被引量:1
《地球》 2018年第4期17-17,共1页
(一)全球气候变暖由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮、氯氟碳化合物、四氯化碳、一氧化碳等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化,大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势。较... (一)全球气候变暖由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮、氯氟碳化合物、四氯化碳、一氧化碳等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化,大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势。较高的温度可使极地冰川融化,淹没一些海岸地区。全球变暖还可能影响到降雨和大气环流的变化,使气候反常,易造成旱涝灾害,这些都可能导致生态系统发生变化和破坏,对人类生活产生一系列重大影响。 展开更多
关键词 人类生存 环境问题 全球气候变暖 氯氟碳化合物 大气质量 发生变化 一氧化二氮 生产活动
冷藏集装箱冷冻机制冷剂替代趋势 被引量:1
作者 蒋云雨 王世魁 《集装箱化》 2012年第1期18-21,共4页
臭氧层破坏导致气候变暖是当今世界面临的严峻的环境问题之一。自1987年24个国家共同签署《关于消耗臭氧层的蒙特利尔协定书》(以下简称《蒙特利尔协定书》)以来,发达国家逐步淘汰氯氟碳化合物(Chlorofluorocarbons,CFCs)的生产和... 臭氧层破坏导致气候变暖是当今世界面临的严峻的环境问题之一。自1987年24个国家共同签署《关于消耗臭氧层的蒙特利尔协定书》(以下简称《蒙特利尔协定书》)以来,发达国家逐步淘汰氯氟碳化合物(Chlorofluorocarbons,CFCs)的生产和消费。由《联合国气候变化框架公约》参加国于1997年制定的《京都议定书》对温室气体排放进行限制, 展开更多
关键词 制冷剂替代 冷藏集装箱 《联合国气候变化框架公约》 冷冻机 《京都议定书》 氯氟碳化合物 温室气体排放 蒙特利尔
作者 刘波 杨永忠 《有机氟工业》 CAS 2000年第2期51-55,共5页
关键词 制冷剂 CFCS 替代物 氯氟碳
作者 田烈光 《合成润滑材料》 CAS 1993年第4期13-19,共7页
关键词 推进剂 气溶胶 氯氟碳 氟碳
作者 章文 《精细化工原料及中间体》 2006年第6期3-8,11,共7页
关键词 化工领域 跨国公司 现状 精细 中国 投资 氯氟碳化合物 替代产品 臭氧层破坏 氢氟烃
《集团经济研究》 1990年第1期59-61,29,共4页
用水作冷却剂的空调装置众所周知,空调系统的一个大问题是使用氯氟碳剂充当冷却剂,这会破坏大气上空臭氧层,使地球的温室效应加剧,气温趋升。瑞典 Munters 公司开发出一种工业用空调装置,其中使用水代替化学剂充当冷却剂。
关键词 科技信息 氯氟碳 冷却剂 汽车空调系统 空调装置 臭氧层 喷雾器 温室效应 汽车发动机 塑料袋
作者 李鹏辉 《世界环境》 2015年第5期94-94,共1页
何塞·马里奥·莫利纳(JoséMario Molina)是一位墨西哥化学家,发现南极臭氧层空洞的主要人物之一。他成功解释了氯氟碳化合物(CFCs)破坏地球臭氧层的机理,因"他们对大气化学的研究工作,特别是臭氧的形成与分解",与... 何塞·马里奥·莫利纳(JoséMario Molina)是一位墨西哥化学家,发现南极臭氧层空洞的主要人物之一。他成功解释了氯氟碳化合物(CFCs)破坏地球臭氧层的机理,因"他们对大气化学的研究工作,特别是臭氧的形成与分解",与弗兰克·舍伍德·罗兰(Frank Sherwood Rowland)、保罗·克鲁岑(Paul Jozef Crutzen)共同获得1995年诺贝尔化学奖,同时也是第一位获得诺贝尔奖科学奖项的墨西哥人。 展开更多
关键词 马里 臭氧层空洞 氯氟碳化合物 诺贝尔化学奖 大气化学 诺贝尔奖 墨西哥 化学家
《科学之友》 2012年第4期14-15,共2页
1.全球气候变暖 由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮、氯氟碳化合物、四氯化碳、一氧化碳等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化。大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势。... 1.全球气候变暖 由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮、氯氟碳化合物、四氯化碳、一氧化碳等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化。大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势。由于全球气候变暖,将会对全球产生各种不同的影响,较高的温度可使极地冰川融化, 展开更多
关键词 环境问题 全球气候变暖 氯氟碳化合物 大气质量 一氧化二氮 生产活动 二氧化碳 化碳
作者 吴新华 《苏州教育学院学报》 1998年第1期96-100,共5页
大气是人类生命息息相关的物质,它直接参与人体新陈代谢和体温调节等生理过程.每个人每天呼吸空气约10-16m<sup>3</sup>重16公斤左右,为每人每天所需食物和饮水量的5-8倍.据有关资料表明,一个人如断粮3-5周,断水5天尚能勉... 大气是人类生命息息相关的物质,它直接参与人体新陈代谢和体温调节等生理过程.每个人每天呼吸空气约10-16m<sup>3</sup>重16公斤左右,为每人每天所需食物和饮水量的5-8倍.据有关资料表明,一个人如断粮3-5周,断水5天尚能勉强生存,但断绝空气3-5分钟就会死亡.地球上的大气约重六千亿万吨,其中95%以上集中在距地面十几公里范围的对流层中,但随着现代工业和交通的迅猛发展,燃料消耗与日俱增,烟尘和汽车尾气的超量排放,远远超越了大气的自净能力,使大气遭受严重污染.现在公认的大气污染物有飘尘、粉灰、液滴以及SO<sub>x</sub>、CO、NO<sub>x</sub>、烃类和H<sub>2</sub>S、NH<sub>3</sub>等其它化学物质约100余种.这些污染物使城市呼吸道疾病、癌症、心血管疾病和其它疾病急剧上升,成为人类关注的一个十分严峻的问题. 展开更多
关键词 光化学烟雾 氯氟碳化合物 呼吸道疾病 臭氧层 汽车尾气 心血管疾病 伦敦烟雾事件 硝酸酯 皇家化学学会会员 燃料消耗
Study of Dissolved Chlorofluorocarbons in Lake Washington 被引量:1
作者 韩丽君 John L. Bullister David P. Wisegarver 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期171-179,共9页
Measurements of three chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) and trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC-113), along with methyl chloroform (CH 3CCl 3) and carbon tetrachlo... Measurements of three chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) and trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC-113), along with methyl chloroform (CH 3CCl 3) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) were made in water samples from Lake Washington, using Electron Capture-Gas Chromatography (EC-GC). The samples were collected in mid-autumn, a period when the lake’s upper layer undergoes rapid cooling. At the time of sampling, a strong vertical temperature gradient was present in the lake, with surface temperatures of ~14℃, and near bottom (50 meters) temperatures of ~8℃. The concentrations of dissolved CFC-12 and CFC-11 increased with depth, as expected from the higher solubilities of these gases at lower temperatures. Atmospheric measurements made at the sampling site at the time of the cruise, showed that CFC-11 and CFC-12 saturations in the near surface samples were 100 % and 106%, respectively. For the deepest sample (52 meters) CFC-11 and CFC-12 saturations were 102 % and 126 %. Because the surface layer of the lake responds to changes in atmospheric CFCs on a time scale of several weeks, the higher than equilibrium concentrations of CFC-12 observed at the time of sampling may reflect earlier episodes of elevated levels of atmospheric CFC-12 in this urban area. High concentrations of dissolved CFCs in runoff or industrial effluent might also lead to elevated CFC levels in the lake. The cold, deep water of Lake Washington is relatively isolated from the effects of surface gas exchange except during winter, and the supersaturations observed in the deep layer may reflect periods of elevated atmospheric CFC-12 levels from the previous winter season. These results were compared to summertime profiles of CFC-11 and CFC-12 made in 1994. 展开更多
关键词 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) SOLUBILITIES saturations Electron Capture-Gas Chromatography (EC-GC)
Children's participatory design for sustainable development and community planning 被引量:2
作者 TASHIRO Kumi 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第1期44-50,共7页
The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of s... The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of sustainable living environments, not only on the construction side but also the residents. In recent years, the number of cases of residents' participation in planning, maintaining, and repairing increased. However, sometimes youths and children, who might spend a lifetime longer than adults in a city after the developments have been done, are not included in this "Residents". Conceming youth and children's participation, CFC (child friendly city) is one of the good practices for sustainable development. It was launched by UNICEF (United Nations Intemational Children's Emergency Fund) and UN-Habitat in the Habitat II in 1996. City governments, especially in European countries, started to view CFC as their key concept for preservation and/or sustainable development. CFC means not only being "Children" friendly but also "All people" friendly. Various effects have been reported since the Historic Cities/districts included CFC in their city planning as a common concept, especially in education, community re-development, and operation and maintenance by the community. It is expected that better city planning in preservation and sustainable development can be achieved by adding CFC concept. In this research, an ideal way of city planning involving resident participation and the possibility in the future are analyzed based on case studies. Then a strategy of sustainable development and community planning involving youth and children's participation is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 child-friendly city participatory design design education urban planning SUSTAINABILITY
Carbon Dioxide Control-Technology for the Future
作者 C.D. Cooper 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第11期1-16,共16页
The world is experiencing global climate change, and most scientists attribute it to the accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. Because of its enormous emiss... The world is experiencing global climate change, and most scientists attribute it to the accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. Because of its enormous emission rate, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main culprit. Almost all the anthropogenic CO2 emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation. Emissions of COg can be reduced by conservation, increased use of renewable energy sources, and increased efficiencies in both the production of electrical power and the transportation sector. Capture of CO2 can be accomplished with wet scrubbing, dry sorption, or biogenic fixation. After CO2 is captured, it must be transported either as a liquid or a supercritical fluid, which realistically can only be accomplished by pipeline or ship. Final disposal of CO2 will either be to underground reservoirs or to the ocean; at present, the underground option seems to be the only viable one. Various strategies and technologies involved with reduction of CO2 emissions and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) are briefly reviewed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Global climate change carbon dioxide CO2 emissions carbon capture and sequestration CO2 reduction strategies CO2 control technology.
新型氟醚的制备及其去油能力的研究 被引量:1
作者 杨勇 郑芙旻 +2 位作者 曹伟 陈秉堄 施宪法 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期967-970,共4页
以四氟丙醇和卤代烃为原料,合成了三种新型氟醚.运用正交实验方法确定了优选合成条件.用气相色谱、红外和质谱初步表征了合成的氟醚.测定了三种氟醚的物理性质及其去油能力.与常用溶剂相比,合成的新型氟醚具有优良的去除油污的能力、良... 以四氟丙醇和卤代烃为原料,合成了三种新型氟醚.运用正交实验方法确定了优选合成条件.用气相色谱、红外和质谱初步表征了合成的氟醚.测定了三种氟醚的物理性质及其去油能力.与常用溶剂相比,合成的新型氟醚具有优良的去除油污的能力、良好的环境效应和应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 CFC替代品 氟醚 清洗剂 制备 去油能力 氯氟碳化合物
《国外石油化工快报》 2001年第9期13-14,共2页
关键词 CFC 破坏技术 氯氟碳 臭氧层破坏 破坏效率
作者 郑振航 《电子外贸》 2003年第4期34-34,40,共2页
关键词 IT产品 绿色标志 产品设计 信息技术 电子产品 氯氟碳”标志 CFC
In-situ measurement of atmospheric CFC-11 at the Shangdianzi Global Atmosphere Watch(GAW) Regional Station 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Fang ZHOU LingXi +6 位作者 YAO Bo ZHANG XiaoChun XU Lin ZHANG XiaoLing ZHOU HuaiGang DONG Fan ZHOU LiYan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期298-304,共7页
An in-situ GC-ECD system was used to measure halocarbons at Shangdianzi (SDZ) GAW regional station. In this paper, we reported observational results of atmospheric CFC- 11 (CCI3F) mixing ratios from April 2007 to ... An in-situ GC-ECD system was used to measure halocarbons at Shangdianzi (SDZ) GAW regional station. In this paper, we reported observational results of atmospheric CFC- 11 (CCI3F) mixing ratios from April 2007 to March 2008. The CFC- 11 time series showed large variability. Approximately 62% observed values were filtered as non-background data. The median, 10% and 90% percentiles of CFC-11 background mixing ratios were 245.4 ppt (10-12 mol/mol), 244.6 ppt and 246.1 ppt, respectively; whereas those of non-background CFC- 11 mixing ratios were 254.7, 246.6 and 272.1 ppt, respectively. Significant differences in background and non-background CFC-11 mixing ratios were observed between summer and autumn, mainly because of the CFC-11 stored in loam being prone to atmospheric release in hot seasons. Comparison of tile SDZ data with the five AGAGE stations suggested agreement with mid-high latitude Northern Hemisphere stations MHD, THD and RPB. The SDZ data were higher than that of Southern Hemisphere stations CGO and SMO. Higher CFC-11 mixing ratios measured in different seasons were always associated with winds from the W-WSW-SW sector, indicating that the airflow coming from this wind sector has a positive contribution to CFC- 11 concentrations. The CFC-11 mixing ratios were higher in autumn and summer than in spring and winter, in which its mixing ratios were very close to the atmospheric background level. This was happened especially when airflow originated from the NNE-NE-ENE-E sector, indicating the air masses coming from these wind directions was relatively clean. 展开更多
关键词 SDZ background CFC-11 seasonal variation winds
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