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太湖水体理化指标在夏季短时间尺度上的分层及其控制因素 被引量:17
作者 赵林林 朱梦圆 +4 位作者 冯龙庆 刘笑菡 朱广伟 陈元芳 秦伯强 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期649-656,共8页
通过连续9d(2010年7月24日至2010年8月1日)对太湖水体理化指标垂向分层的高频率观测,揭示太湖多指标垂向分层规律.观测表明:(1)太湖中各水质指标频繁出现分层现象,但不稳定;(2)分层的主要控制因素包含气温的日变化、蓝藻水华堆积与风浪... 通过连续9d(2010年7月24日至2010年8月1日)对太湖水体理化指标垂向分层的高频率观测,揭示太湖多指标垂向分层规律.观测表明:(1)太湖中各水质指标频繁出现分层现象,但不稳定;(2)分层的主要控制因素包含气温的日变化、蓝藻水华堆积与风浪扰动等;(3)气温和太阳辐射日变化影响水温分层,水温垂向变幅可达3.94℃,进而影响其他水质理化指标分层;(4)蓝藻水华堆积是影响水体理化指标垂向分层最强烈的因子,堆积发生时水体各理化指标垂向分层明显,垂向变幅溶氧达8.67mg/L,溶解氧饱和度达122.8%,电导率达48μC/cm,pH达1.49,叶绿素达9.1μg/L,浊度达26.5NTU;(5)随着风速的增加,除浊度外其他指标分层明显减弱,在大风期水体理化指标基本无分层现象,小风期则容易形成分层,但对分层的影响程度小于蓝藻水华堆积.研究表明,尽管太湖是大型浅水湖泊,长时间的分层不会形成,但是水体各理化指标昼夜或1-2d的短时期尺度垂向分层现象经常出现,对水生物、水气界面和水土界面物质交换的影响不容忽视,在湖泊水质高频观测等调查方案设计中应充分考虑. 展开更多
关键词 浅水湖泊 水体理化指标 垂向分层 蓝藻水华 风浪扰动
低鱼粉饲料中添加4种添加剂对花鲈生长性能、血清生化指标及养殖水体理化指标的影响 被引量:1
作者 符兵 伏枥龙 +5 位作者 曹俊明 王国霞 彭凯 朱喜锋 赵红霞 陈冰 《饲料工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期45-51,共7页
试验旨在研究低鱼粉饲料中添加4种添加剂(包膜赖氨酸+包膜蛋氨酸、复合核苷酸、植酸酶、复合芽孢杆菌)对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)生长性能、血清生化指标及养殖水体理化指标的影响。选用初始体重为(13.50±0.06)g的花鲈400尾,... 试验旨在研究低鱼粉饲料中添加4种添加剂(包膜赖氨酸+包膜蛋氨酸、复合核苷酸、植酸酶、复合芽孢杆菌)对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)生长性能、血清生化指标及养殖水体理化指标的影响。选用初始体重为(13.50±0.06)g的花鲈400尾,随机分为5组,每组4个重复,每个重复20尾鱼。以含28%鱼粉的饲料作为基础饲料(对照组,G0组),在G0组基础上分别添加0.71%包膜赖氨酸和1.30%包膜蛋氨酸(G1组)、0.04%复合核苷酸(G2组)、0.04%植酸酶(G3组)、0.10%复合芽孢杆菌(G4组)配制4种试验饲料。饲养周期56 d。结果表明:与G0组相比,G2组和G3组的增重率和特定生长率显著升高(P<0.05),饲料系数显著降低(P<0.05);各组间花鲈的全鱼粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分均无显著差异(P>0.05);G3组的血清总蛋白、白蛋白、高密度脂蛋白含量均显著高于G0组(P<0.05),各添加组血清超氧化物歧化酶活性均高于对照组,其中G2组达到显著水平(P<0.05);G1组和G3组的过氧化氢酶活性显著高于G0组(P<0.05);各添加组总抗氧化能力均高于G0组,其中G2组和G3组达到显著水平(P<0.05);G3组水体总磷含量显著低于其他各组(P<0.05),水体总氮和氨氮含量各组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。由此可见,低鱼粉饲料中添加植酸酶或复合核苷酸能显著提高花鲈的生长性能、抗氧化能力,增强花鲈对植物蛋白的利用率,其中植酸酶作用效果最明显;此外,添加植酸酶可降低花鲈养殖水体总磷含量,提高花鲈对饲料磷的利用率。 展开更多
关键词 花鲈 包膜氨基酸 核苷酸 植酸酶 芽孢杆菌 生长性能 血清生化指标 水体理化指标
作者 陈水土 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期51-59,共9页
闽南-台湾浅滩渔场上升流区研究(1987年12月至1988年11月)及台湾海峡上升流区研究(1987年7月至1988年7月)结果表明,各种形态磷含量变化对上升流生态系具有重要作用.因此,提出以涌升水体中有机、颗粒形态磷和溶解无机态磷的相对... 闽南-台湾浅滩渔场上升流区研究(1987年12月至1988年11月)及台湾海峡上升流区研究(1987年7月至1988年7月)结果表明,各种形态磷含量变化对上升流生态系具有重要作用.因此,提出以涌升水体中有机、颗粒形态磷和溶解无机态磷的相对比率来表示上升流水体的老化程度,即上升流水体老化指标(AIU)为(DOP+PP)与(DIP+DOP+PP)之比值.研究资料表明AIU这一表达式对于上述两上升流区是合适的,海域AIU的季节性变化与其近岸上升流的消长变化规律相一致.AIU较小的区域,其水体为新涌升水,与上升流中心位置相吻合. 展开更多
关键词 上升流水体老化指标 福建 台湾
作者 孟江槐 肖尚斌 +6 位作者 康满春 刘佳 纪道斌 龙良红 朱怡帆 付陈乐 韩燕星 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期6302-6312,共11页
针对丹江口水库溶存CH_4浓度(C_(CH4))和水-气界面CH_4通量(F_(CH4))及其理化性质,本研究采用高分辨率装置(FaRAGE)于2023年8月20~22日在浪河库湾开展为期2d的定点昼夜监测和多点位垂向断面监测,结果表明:库湾表层C_(CH4)、F_(CH4)具有... 针对丹江口水库溶存CH_4浓度(C_(CH4))和水-气界面CH_4通量(F_(CH4))及其理化性质,本研究采用高分辨率装置(FaRAGE)于2023年8月20~22日在浪河库湾开展为期2d的定点昼夜监测和多点位垂向断面监测,结果表明:库湾表层C_(CH4)、F_(CH4)具有显著的空间差异性.表层C_(CH4)、F_(CH4)分别为(0.54±0.16)μmol/L、(89.35±27.23)μg/(m^(2)·h),其F_(CH4)与其它水源地水库相近,但总体低于非水源地水库.垂向上,C_(CH4)具有表层低、底层高的分层现象.时间上,夜间表层C_(CH4)、F_(CH4)均高于白天.结构方程模型结果显示:库湾表层C_(CH4)与pH值变化较大有关(解释度为39.17%).垂向上,水温与溶解氧(DO)是C_(CH4)变化的主要原因,对其解释度分别为56.14%和35.25%.昼夜C_(CH4)变化的主导因素是DO(解释度为52.32%).根据水体综合营养指数(TLI(Σ)),丹江口水库为贫营养水库.库湾表层TLI(Σ)(47.36±8.28)从上游(LH00)到下游(LH05)逐渐下降.垂向上,TLI(Σ)(均小于50)总体呈表、底层高而中层低分布趋势.与其它研究不同的是,丹江口水库C_(CH4)与TLI(Σ)并无显著正相关关系.研究表明中营养水源地水库水体降低了水体藻华爆发风险,进而保持水源地水库水质和减少CH_4排放,但在中营养水库中并不能用TLI(Σ)评估CH_4排放水平. 展开更多
关键词 丹江口水库 溶存CH_4 水体综合营养级指标 溶解氧 PH值
作者 熊勇 赵春艳 +1 位作者 杨青松 吴沁红 《云南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第3期200-204,共5页
采用蚕豆根尖微核技术与常规的物理化学相结合方法来检测水质,对昆明呈贡大学城部分水域污染情况进行了研究.利用蚕豆微核技术对各水样进行监测统计蚕豆根尖细胞对微核千分率(MCN)及污染指数(PI),并与水体中COD_(cr)、BOD_5、DO水体污... 采用蚕豆根尖微核技术与常规的物理化学相结合方法来检测水质,对昆明呈贡大学城部分水域污染情况进行了研究.利用蚕豆微核技术对各水样进行监测统计蚕豆根尖细胞对微核千分率(MCN)及污染指数(PI),并与水体中COD_(cr)、BOD_5、DO水体污染指标进行了相关性比较;蚕豆根尖微核技术监测结果与水体污染指标的综合评价结果相一致.水体的污染程度与蚕豆的微核率、污染指数呈正相关;蚕豆微核率与COD_(cr)水体指标呈正相关的关系,与DO水体指标呈负相关的关系,与BOD_5水体指标的相关性不明显.水体中COD_(cr)、DO、BOD_5等含量,对蚕豆微核的形成会起到直接或间接的促进作用,水体的污染程度也直接影响了蚕豆微核的形成. 展开更多
关键词 微核技术 微核率 污染指数 水体污染指标
基于Google Earth Engine的湖泊水位与水体面积关系研究 被引量:4
作者 王诗蕾 罗晋 陈泽强 《计算机系统应用》 2021年第6期238-245,共8页
对于传统的湖泊水位-面积关系模型研究,长时间序列遥感影像水体提取存在数据下载和处理繁琐、大量使用专业软件和人工干预多等问题,研究过程耗时长、效率低.基于Google Earth Engine,对2002年至2016年长时间序列Landsat影像数据进行预处... 对于传统的湖泊水位-面积关系模型研究,长时间序列遥感影像水体提取存在数据下载和处理繁琐、大量使用专业软件和人工干预多等问题,研究过程耗时长、效率低.基于Google Earth Engine,对2002年至2016年长时间序列Landsat影像数据进行预处理,利用NDWI提取东洞庭湖水体范围并计算水域面积,结合城陵矶水文站日水位数据,设计水位加权平均法、阈值法和单点水位法比较并确定影像对应的最优水位,建立水位-水体面积关系曲线.研究结果表明:(1)东洞庭湖水域范围随季节变化大,面积在7~9月最大,在1~3月最小;(2)利用阈值法计算最优水位的精度(R^(2)=0.9628)优于加权平均水位法(R^(2)=0.8322)和单点水位法(R^(2)=0.9457);(3)五次多项式模型建立水位-面积关系曲线拟合精度最高(R2=0.9628). 展开更多
关键词 Google Earth Engine 东洞庭湖 Landsat 常态化水体差异指标(NDWI) 水位-水体面积关系
高原深水湖泊水温日成层对溶解氧、酸碱度、总磷浓度和藻类密度的影响:以云南阳宗海为例 被引量:22
作者 袁琳娜 杨常亮 +5 位作者 李晓铭 李世玉 申时立 李智圆 刘仍兵 刘楷 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期161-168,共8页
弄清深水湖泊夏季水温分层及其对水体各理化指标的影响对于湖泊的保护和治理有重要意义.以云南阳宗海为例,在夏季选择湖泊内有代表性的6个样点,以1 m为间隔对每个样点不同水深的水温、藻蓝蛋白、DO、pH和叶绿素a含量进行同步测定,同时... 弄清深水湖泊夏季水温分层及其对水体各理化指标的影响对于湖泊的保护和治理有重要意义.以云南阳宗海为例,在夏季选择湖泊内有代表性的6个样点,以1 m为间隔对每个样点不同水深的水温、藻蓝蛋白、DO、pH和叶绿素a含量进行同步测定,同时在实验室测定TP.结果表明:(1)夏季晴天阳宗海上午没有明显的分层,中午开始慢慢形成4层,随后转化到3层,在14:00时达到分层相对稳定,稳定时温跃层出现在水深9~13 m处,湖表层与深水层的最大温差为7.8℃;(2)随着水温出现分层,DO和pH呈现出与水温分层相似的垂直分层结构,而这种分层过程基本上与水温成层过程同步;(3)藻类和浮游植物随水温分层而逐渐成层,但有迟滞性,迟滞时间约2 h;(4)TP对水温分层不敏感,只有接近湖底的水体总磷浓度才明显升高,9 m以上的水层总磷浓度分布均匀,水温的分层与消失过程不影响上层水的总磷浓度,全湖泊的总磷平均浓度为0.033±0.03 mg/L. 展开更多
关键词 水体理化指标 阳宗海 水温分层 叶绿素A 垂向分布
五种水培观赏植物对城市污水净化效果的研究 被引量:3
作者 周洋洋 刘红乾 +3 位作者 董如梦 王静静 李威亚 王简简 《山东林业科技》 2014年第6期21-24,共4页
本研究以鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、绿萝(Scindapsus aureun)、常春藤(Hedera nepalensis K,Koch var.sin ensis(Tobl.)Rehd)、吊兰(Chlorophytum)、麦冬(O.japonicus(L.f.)Ker-Gawl.)5种观赏植物为试材,水培驯化后放入取定的污水中,比较各... 本研究以鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、绿萝(Scindapsus aureun)、常春藤(Hedera nepalensis K,Koch var.sin ensis(Tobl.)Rehd)、吊兰(Chlorophytum)、麦冬(O.japonicus(L.f.)Ker-Gawl.)5种观赏植物为试材,水培驯化后放入取定的污水中,比较各植物对污水的净化效果。试验结果表明,各植物处理组均表现了较强净化效果,其中:鸢尾对污水总氮去除效果最好,去除率为56.43%;绿萝除总磷效果较好,为41.80%;麦冬和绿萝对EC值降低较好,分别下降31.59%、31.83%;各植物组铵态氮去除效果也较对照组显著。 展开更多
关键词 观赏植物 水培驯化 污水 水体指标 净化效果
Water Quality Evaluation Index System for Freshwater Aquaculture Pond 被引量:5
作者 刘曼红 于洪贤 +1 位作者 刘其根 王瑞梅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期1025-1028,1038,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to establish the water quality evaluation index system for freshwater aquaculture pond.[Method] The expert survey,DELPHI,field research and other methods were used.Based on the analysis of fact... [Objective] The aim was to establish the water quality evaluation index system for freshwater aquaculture pond.[Method] The expert survey,DELPHI,field research and other methods were used.Based on the analysis of factors influencing water quality of freshwater aquaculture pond,and the importance degree of 14 factors influencing water quality of freshwater aquaculture pond was ordered.Then,five factors were selected as index to establish the water quality evaluation index system of freshwater aquaculture with the determination for thresholds of these factors.[Result] The importance degree of water quality of freshwater aquaculture pond showed an order of Dissolved oxygenpHPhytoplankton biomassSecchi depthTotal NitrogenZooplankton biomassWater temperatureBiochemical Oxygen DemandWater colorSalinityTotal hardness;according to the value of importance degree,the dissolved oxygen,pH,secchi depth,phytoplankton biomass and total nitrogen these five factors were selected as the index system of water quality evaluation of pond.The level of water quality of freshwater aquaculture pond was divided into five,and the tolerance range of fish to each index was obtained by expert observation.[Conclusion] This study had provided a scientific basis for water quality evaluation system of freshwater aquaculture pond. 展开更多
关键词 Freshwater aquaculture Water quality assessment Indexes system
Study on the Changes of Physiological Indexes of Water Spinach in Eutrophication Water 被引量:1
作者 李艳蔷 李兆华 +2 位作者 姜应和 宛晶 赵丽娅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期73-76,共4页
[Objective] Effect of hypoxic water culture on physiological characteristic of water spinach and its hypoxia tolerance were studied.[Method] Water spinach was planted in soil and eutrophication water by means of float... [Objective] Effect of hypoxic water culture on physiological characteristic of water spinach and its hypoxia tolerance were studied.[Method] Water spinach was planted in soil and eutrophication water by means of floating bed,respectively,and the change of physiological indexes including chlorophyll,proline(Pro),malondialdehyde(MDA),soluble sugar and soluble protein in water spinach leaves at mature stage was researched,while the hypoxia tolerance of water spinach and the effect of plant density on water spinach growth were discussed in our paper.[Result] In the hypoxic eutrophication water,the content of total chlorophyll,malondialdehyde,soluble sugar and soluble protein in water spinach leaves was lower than that of soil culture,with higher proline content,which showed that water spinach had better tolerance to hypoxic eutrophication water;the higher the plant density,the lower the chlorophyll content in water spinach leaves,and there was no significant effect of plant density on proline and malondialdehyde content,while soluble protein content was higher under high plant density.[Conclusion] The best plant density of water spinach was 66 plants per floating bed with the area of 2 m2,which could provide theoretical basis for the application of water spinach in floating bed. 展开更多
关键词 Water spinach Eutrophication water Plant density Physiological index
Eco-Environment Status of the Bohai Bay and the Impact of Coastal Exploitation 被引量:3
作者 聂红涛 陶建华 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2009年第2期81-96,共16页
With the rapid economic development in the surrounding coastal zone, more and more wastewater has been discharged into the Bohai Bay. And with the scale of coastal exploitation being expanded year by year, the eco-env... With the rapid economic development in the surrounding coastal zone, more and more wastewater has been discharged into the Bohai Bay. And with the scale of coastal exploitation being expanded year by year, the eco-environment of the Bohai Bay has been confronted with great pressure. In this paper, the main problems in the eco-environment of the Bohai Bay were summarized firstly. Red tides occurred more frequently and more seriously; salinity rose in inshore area, the fishery resources degenerated; all the above indicate that the eco-environment of the Bohai Bay is under a severe situation Next, to make a concrete study of the existing status of the Bohai Bay, the eco-environment index system was set up. Then the principal components analytic method and grey relation method were adopted to carry on a comprehensive analysis on the status. The results show that serious pollution of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate, and poor species diversity are the main presentations of the bad quality of the inshore aquatic eco-environment of the Bohai Bay, which is mainly induced by the massive discharge of pollutant from land and the overexploitation in the surrounding coastal zone. At last, the variations of hydrodynamic characteristics and the pollutant transport caused by coastal exploitations such as reclamation and seawater desalination are analyzed. The results show that reclamation in coastal water not only decreases the tidal prism and weakens the tidal current action, but also influences the pollution distribution in the coastal water. The seawater desalination project would cause tremendous influence to the aquatic eco-environment of the Bohai Bay as the pollutant's pulse impact. Much more attention would be paid to the reasonable use of the coastal zone resources and the control of pollution from land-based sources. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Bay aquatic Eco-environment indicator system RECLAMATION seawater desalination
作者 项贤领 胡好远 席贻龙 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第2期98-100,共3页
海绵动物是最原始、最简单的多细胞动物,是研究生命科学的良好试验材料;也常作为监测水环境变化的标志;就药用价值而言,海绵可提取抗菌、抗病毒及抗肿瘤物质。作者在安徽省芜湖市郊区汀棠公园内采集到大量针海绵(Spongillasp.),并对其... 海绵动物是最原始、最简单的多细胞动物,是研究生命科学的良好试验材料;也常作为监测水环境变化的标志;就药用价值而言,海绵可提取抗菌、抗病毒及抗肿瘤物质。作者在安徽省芜湖市郊区汀棠公园内采集到大量针海绵(Spongillasp.),并对其所在水体的理化指标进行了测定。 展开更多
关键词 海绵动物 针海绵 水体理化指标
Impacts of Agricultural Non-point Pollution on Water-source Area in Songhua Dam 被引量:2
作者 钟萍 段宗亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2375-2378,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to research impacts of agricultural non-point pol- lution on water-source region in Songhua Dam, laying foundation for control of water pollution and scientific protection of water-source regio... [Objective] The aim was to research impacts of agricultural non-point pol- lution on water-source region in Songhua Dam, laying foundation for control of water pollution and scientific protection of water-source region. [Method] Water in Muyang River, lengshui River and Zizania aquatica region were sampled to measure content of pollutants in water and conclude relation between water contamination and agri- cultural non-point pollution to find the major cause of pollution. [Result] Organic pollu- tant in Muyang River was higher; N and P contents in Lengshui River were higher; the measured indices in Zizania aquatica region excessively exceeded related stan- dard. [Conclusion] The chemical fertilizers and pesticides are the toxic materials lead- ing to water contamination and constitute a major cause of pollution in Songhua Dam water-source region. Agricultural non-point pollution should be controlled in a scientific way. 展开更多
关键词 Songhua Dam Reservoir Water-source region Agricultural non-pointpollution
Study on the Multi-dimension Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Water Resources in Liaoning Province 被引量:2
作者 陈金良 石丽忠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期780-782,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. [Method] Delphi method in conjunction with AHP method was adopted to establ... [Objective] This study aimed to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. [Method] Delphi method in conjunction with AHP method was adopted to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province, and all the indexes in each hierarchy were ranked overall according to their weights. [Result] There were three hierarchies in this index system, totally including 21 indexes, among which water resource exploitation and utilization rate, sewage treatment rate and utilization of available water resources were the three crucial factors influencing the sustainable development. [Conclusion] This evaluation index system can reflect the true sustainable situation of the agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. 展开更多
关键词 Delphi method Analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method Agricultural water resources Index system
松花江(哈尔滨段)底栖无脊椎动物群落构成与水质状况的研究 被引量:6
作者 李再培 程英 吕琳 《黑龙江环境通报》 2000年第2期114-116,共3页
作者于1990~1999年利用10年时间对松花江哈尔滨段的水生生物监测重点项目底栖无脊椎动物群落构成进行了详细的调查。共观察到底栖动物142种 ,隶属于3门21目54科114属。本文对底栖动物的种类、生物量、优势种群等进行了研究 ;并对底栖... 作者于1990~1999年利用10年时间对松花江哈尔滨段的水生生物监测重点项目底栖无脊椎动物群落构成进行了详细的调查。共观察到底栖动物142种 ,隶属于3门21目54科114属。本文对底栖动物的种类、生物量、优势种群等进行了研究 ;并对底栖动物的种群分布与水质的有机污染关系进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 底栖无脊椎动物 种群分布 水体污染指标 水质
氧化还原电位的测定及在水族中的应用 被引量:12
作者 赵夕旦 张和森 宋宇然 《北京水产》 2000年第6期44-45,共2页
氧化还原反应是氧化剂和还原剂之间在水溶液中进行的电子交换过程。氧化还原电位(oxidation reductionpotential:ORP)就是还原剂和氧化剂之间的电位差,是反映水体氧化还原能力的量度,单位通常用伏(V)或毫伏表示(mV)。 氧化还原电位是反... 氧化还原反应是氧化剂和还原剂之间在水溶液中进行的电子交换过程。氧化还原电位(oxidation reductionpotential:ORP)就是还原剂和氧化剂之间的电位差,是反映水体氧化还原能力的量度,单位通常用伏(V)或毫伏表示(mV)。 氧化还原电位是反映水体的一个综合性指标,它虽然不能明确表明某种氧化物质与还原物质的浓度,但是能帮助我们了解水体中可能存在什么样的氧化还原物质及存在量,了解水质状态;同时,氧化还原电位法灵敏度高、并可在线测定,从而为许多水族馆所采用。 氧化还原电位可以解释为水质的“活力”,水体的氧化能力或还原能力,当水体的氧化还原电位高时,表示水体氧化能力强,即处理生物代谢的还原性有机物能力强,系统可更快更有效地处理污染物。因此,一般水族馆水体皆保持相对较高的氧化还原电位值。 展开更多
关键词 氧化还原电位 水体综合性指标 测定方法 水族馆 应用
Design of an Index System for Deep Groundwater Management Efficiency Evaluation: A Case Study in Tianjin City, China 被引量:1
作者 NAN Tian SHAO Jingli +2 位作者 CAO Xiaoyuan ZHANG Qiulan CUI Yali 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期325-338,共14页
An effective evaluation system can provide specific and practical suggestions to the deep groundwater management. But such kind of evaluation system has not been proposed in China. In this study, an evaluation index s... An effective evaluation system can provide specific and practical suggestions to the deep groundwater management. But such kind of evaluation system has not been proposed in China. In this study, an evaluation index system is specifically developed to evaluate deep groundwater management efficiency. It is composed of three first-level indicators(law enforcement capability, management ability, and management effectiveness) and eleven second-level indicators. The second-level indicators include seven mandatory indicators and four optional indicators. Piecewise linear function is used to normalize the quantitative indicators, and expert scoring method and questionnaire survey method are used to normalize the qualitative indicators. Then a comprehensive indicator weighting evaluation method is used to evaluate the first-level indicators and the target topic. A case study is carried out to evaluate deep groundwater management efficiency in Tianjin City. According to the evaluation score in each period, the management efficiency of every district in Tianjin City gradually improved. The overall evaluation score in the early deep groundwater extraction period is 0.12. After a series of deep groundwater protection efforts, this score reached to 0.61 in 2007, and met the regulation criteria. The evaluation results also showed that the further groundwater management efforts in Tianjin City should be focused on building a dynamic database to collect comprehensive deep well-log data; and on a reasonable design and distribution of the groundwater monitoring network. It demonstrated that the index system is suitable to locate the deficiencies of current groundwater management systems and to guide further improvements. It can then be used to protect deep groundwater. 展开更多
关键词 deep groundwater management evaluation index system law enforcement capability management ability management effectiveness
Development and Application of Oil-Spill Risk Assessment Model for Offshore Pipeline 被引量:2
作者 LU Yan WANG Jia +2 位作者 WEI Wenpu YANG Yong AN Wei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期415-420,共6页
To the potential oil-spill risk caused by offshore pipeline more attention has been paid after the Dalian oil spill incident from oil-pipeline explosion. Since then an issue about how to prevent and control the sudden... To the potential oil-spill risk caused by offshore pipeline more attention has been paid after the Dalian oil spill incident from oil-pipeline explosion. Since then an issue about how to prevent and control the sudden oil-spill from the offshore pipeline has been raised. In this paper, we proposed an optimized model to analyze the main causes(probability) of spill and the consequence with the fuzzy comprehensive assessment model. Considering the complicated assessment process for oil-spill, the assessment factor system involving the spill probability and consequence was established based on the operative manual and statistic leakage/damage data of offshore pipeline in order to estimate the integrated spill risk score automatically. The evaluated factors of spill probability could be grouped into five aspects: corrosion, fatigue, national damage, third party, and operational fault; the consequence evaluated factors of spill included hazard of oil and impact-controlling capability. With some modifications based on experts' opinions, each of the evaluated factors in our work was developed with a relative weight and evaluation criterion. A test example for an offshore pipeline in the Bohai waters was described to show how the model can be used for an actual case in more detail. By using the oil-spill risk assessment model, it is easy to determine the risk level associated with the ongoing activity and management level and hence to take the risk mitigation action immediately. 展开更多
关键词 oil spill risk assessment spill probability spill consequence fuzzy comprehensive assessment model offshore pipeline
Research on Energy Consumption Evaluation Combined with Endogenous Pollutants of China Based on Entropy-Topsis
作者 Zhao Ao Wu Chunyou Wang Enxu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期71-76,共6页
The traditional evaluation of energy consumption mostly introduces pollutants as a negative economic output into evaluating model,ignoring the configuration relationship among the energy input,pollutants as well as ec... The traditional evaluation of energy consumption mostly introduces pollutants as a negative economic output into evaluating model,ignoring the configuration relationship among the energy input,pollutants as well as economic output.This paper considers the overall process of energy consumption and constructs an evaluation indication system of energy consumption level combined with endogenous pollutants based on entropytopsis method,then makes empirical research.The results show that China's energy consumption level presents a fluctuant rise in the premise of emission.Energy consumption level depends on the relationship among energy input,pollutants and economic output.The raise of energy consumption level should not increase economic output and reduce pollutant emission at the expense of environment.Finally,the whole paper puts forward the countermeasures to improve the overall level of energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 entropy-topsis POLLUTANTS energy consumption
A practical framework for scenario-based optimal decision-making on water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas
作者 Sen YU Ming-Yu WANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第4期566-572,共7页
Mining activities may cause serious damages to the river ecological environment in mining areas. It has been realized that challenging is faced for optimal decision-making on the river ecological restoration resulting... Mining activities may cause serious damages to the river ecological environment in mining areas. It has been realized that challenging is faced for optimal decision-making on the river ecological restoration resulting from system complexity, multi-objectives, long term restoration in which multiple stages may be needed to take, and difficulty in detailed process quan- tification. By analyzing and fully reflecting the differences between the central zone and surrounding zones of the restored river passing through the mining area, the comprehensive evaluation index systems of the central zone and surrounding zones are separately suggested firstly. Then a scenario-based optimization decision-making model for river ecological restoration in min- ing areas was established with taking advantages of spatial divisions and following procedure of first going through optimiza- tion by sub-region level, then optimizing by integration. Then, a framework for scenario-based optimal decision-making on water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas is proposed in which a multi-objective and multi-stage spatial division optimization method is considered to improve decision-making efficiency and enhance its practicability. It is indicated that this optimization framework is reasonable and practical, which is expected to offer reliable decision support in identifying the effective solutions on optimal management of the water-deficient river ecological restoration in mining areas. At the same time, it has implications in general land reclamation and ecological restoration in the mining areas. 展开更多
关键词 river ecological restoration optimization model scenario analysis
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