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户外旅游三宝——水具 灯具 刀具
作者 刘萱 《旅游时代》 2004年第7期50-53,共4页
青山绿水的季节,让我们到户外去!到丛林中探险,徒步走过山野,这一切多么令人向往啊。别急,出发之前先打点一下行装,有什么是你的户外之行必须要带的?帐篷、睡袋、背包、登山鞋这些自不必说,别忘了还有一些小装备。如果不足够重视的话,... 青山绿水的季节,让我们到户外去!到丛林中探险,徒步走过山野,这一切多么令人向往啊。别急,出发之前先打点一下行装,有什么是你的户外之行必须要带的?帐篷、睡袋、背包、登山鞋这些自不必说,别忘了还有一些小装备。如果不足够重视的话,可会让你在旅途中大吃苦头哦。 展开更多
关键词 参考价格 水具 灯具 三宝 灯泡 刀具 手电筒 开罐头器 水袋 水壶
非防洪功能泡沼蓄洪风险识别与评估 被引量:3
作者 许士国 王雪妮 刘建卫 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2010年第9期44-47,共4页
针对洪水具有资源和灾害双重属性且洪水资源利用过程中的风险研究必不可少,在分析平原地区泡沼蓄洪利用过程的基础上,对泡沼蓄洪的主要风险因子进行了识别,建立了二维泡沼蓄洪风险估算模型,并以白城市茨勒泡在7、8月间的蓄洪为例,计算... 针对洪水具有资源和灾害双重属性且洪水资源利用过程中的风险研究必不可少,在分析平原地区泡沼蓄洪利用过程的基础上,对泡沼蓄洪的主要风险因子进行了识别,建立了二维泡沼蓄洪风险估算模型,并以白城市茨勒泡在7、8月间的蓄洪为例,计算了不同蓄洪量所对应的风险率。结果表明,茨勒泡在7、8月间蓄洪风险的等级基本上为轻险。为制定泡沼在适宜时机引蓄适当洪量提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 防洪功能 蓄洪量 风险识别 水资源利用过程 双重属性 平原地区 理论依据 估算模型 风险因子 风险研究 风险率 等级基 白城市 灾害 水具 结果 计算 基础 分析 二维
雨水集蓄的若干立法设想及建议 被引量:2
作者 贾登勋 《科学.经济.社会》 CSSCI 2007年第1期99-101,104,共4页
干旱缺水地区人民的雨水集蓄权是一项基本的生存权,属于水人权范畴;人们取得雨水的方式应该是先占,雨水收集人对雨水行使完全的所有权全能;集蓄雨水具备了市场化的基本前提。在现阶段,雨水集蓄的技术理论和实践已经能够相当完善,但是相... 干旱缺水地区人民的雨水集蓄权是一项基本的生存权,属于水人权范畴;人们取得雨水的方式应该是先占,雨水收集人对雨水行使完全的所有权全能;集蓄雨水具备了市场化的基本前提。在现阶段,雨水集蓄的技术理论和实践已经能够相当完善,但是相关法律还不够完善。雨水集蓄的上述若干特征需要以法律的形式加以规定和体现。 展开更多
关键词 雨水集蓄 干旱缺水地区 雨水收集 人权范畴 技术理论 法律 所有权 市场化 生存权 蓄雨 特征 水具 实践 人民
作者 吕春影 《兰台世界(上旬)》 北大核心 2010年第1期33-,共1页
李清照(1084-约1151),自号易安居士,济南人,我国文学史上著名的女作家,宋代词坛上别于诸家而独树一帜、可与第一流作家抗衡的女词人.同时,李清照也是一位金石档案收藏家与学者,其收藏年代上自夏、商、周,下迄五代,收藏种类有乐器、炊具... 李清照(1084-约1151),自号易安居士,济南人,我国文学史上著名的女作家,宋代词坛上别于诸家而独树一帜、可与第一流作家抗衡的女词人.同时,李清照也是一位金石档案收藏家与学者,其收藏年代上自夏、商、周,下迄五代,收藏种类有乐器、炊具、食器、盥洗具、舀水具、大酒器、盛物器及刻铸文字拓片等.李清照出生在一个学术气息十分浓厚的家庭.父亲李格非在当时颇有名气,与廖正一、李禧、董荣号为"后四学士". 展开更多
关键词 李清照 收藏家 女作家 易安居士 宋代词坛 金石档案 文学史 女词人 廖正一 济南人 种类 学者 学术 五代 文字 拓片 水具 气息 乐器 酒器
作者 汪雅婷 《艺术科技》 2017年第6期251-251,共1页
"但凡遇水,皆潜神灵,造物用物,敬畏虔诚",这是对藏族"凡水为灵"造物观的简单阐释。藏族水缸亭和水具,其造型、装饰和使用方法承载了设计者、使用者对水的敬畏,设计的精神需求甚至高于使用需求、仪式感重于便利性。... "但凡遇水,皆潜神灵,造物用物,敬畏虔诚",这是对藏族"凡水为灵"造物观的简单阐释。藏族水缸亭和水具,其造型、装饰和使用方法承载了设计者、使用者对水的敬畏,设计的精神需求甚至高于使用需求、仪式感重于便利性。现代设计重视简洁、便利、大批量,人与物之间缺乏温情与连接。使用需求和心理需求到底孰轻孰重?如何把握与平衡?本文将就此进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 水具 水柜 “凡水为灵”造物观 精神需求 仪式感
作者 袁梅 焦凤华 《医学信息(医学与计算机应用)》 2014年第1期374-374,共1页
酸性氧化电位水具有较强的氧化能力和快速杀灭微生物作用,对人体的无毒副作用、对环境污染小等特点,在国内外医疗领域已用于手消毒、内窥镜的清洗消毒、血液透析装置的消毒、医院环境的消毒等;我们将研究酸性氧化电位水用于清洗灭菌前... 酸性氧化电位水具有较强的氧化能力和快速杀灭微生物作用,对人体的无毒副作用、对环境污染小等特点,在国内外医疗领域已用于手消毒、内窥镜的清洗消毒、血液透析装置的消毒、医院环境的消毒等;我们将研究酸性氧化电位水用于清洗灭菌前的手术器械消毒,为该技术的推广应用提供理论依据,现报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 酸性氧化电位水 水应用 手术 器械消毒 杀灭微生物作用 血液透析装置 现报道如下 无毒副作用 医院环境 医疗领域 氧化能力 推广应用 清洗消毒 环境污染 手消毒 内窥镜 水具 人体 灭菌 理论
作者 高启安 《克拉玛依学刊》 2022年第1期56-65,F0002,共11页
柳斗,就是用杞柳枝条编织的一种用于井中汲水的盛器,北方许多地区都有流行,名称不一,古代或称柳罐、柳棬、凉罐,现在有谓“兜子”者。河西汉简中数有关于汲水用具的记载。金塔县尖泉子烽燧曾出土一件用某种蒲草编制的器物,另出土一件用... 柳斗,就是用杞柳枝条编织的一种用于井中汲水的盛器,北方许多地区都有流行,名称不一,古代或称柳罐、柳棬、凉罐,现在有谓“兜子”者。河西汉简中数有关于汲水用具的记载。金塔县尖泉子烽燧曾出土一件用某种蒲草编制的器物,另出土一件用杞柳编织物残件,证之以现当代田野资料和出土明器形状,正是用来汲水的柳斗,说明当时的守边将士也利用当地材料编织柳斗用于井中汲水。除柳斗外,汉简所记汲水用具(包括辅助用具)还有“长枓”、“折橐”、“汲桐”、“桐绳”、辘轳、汲瓨、汲落、汲垂等,构成了汉代河西边塞一整套的汲水方式和汲水用具。 展开更多
关键词 汉代 汲水柳斗 其他水具
作者 潘月映 《农村百事通》 1999年第13期5-5,共1页
我的小孩在小学读书时,学校每学期都发一叠手工劳作材料,给学生上劳动技能课剪贴使用。要剪贴就要用胶水,而市面上卖的胶水(?)性不好,粘贴手工劳作材料非常不便。我想:做一种粘性强的胶水,专供小学生粘贴手工劳作材料使用,一定会受欢迎... 我的小孩在小学读书时,学校每学期都发一叠手工劳作材料,给学生上劳动技能课剪贴使用。要剪贴就要用胶水,而市面上卖的胶水(?)性不好,粘贴手工劳作材料非常不便。我想:做一种粘性强的胶水,专供小学生粘贴手工劳作材料使用,一定会受欢迎。我进行了试制,经过几十次的试验,高粘性胶水终于研制生产成功了。 展开更多
关键词 高粘 水厂 研制生产 学校 受欢迎 劳动技能 抗冻力 粘性 水具 小学生
Virtual prototype simulation on underwater hydraulic impingement shovel 被引量:4
作者 LIU He-ping LUO A-ni MENG Qing-xin 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2007年第1期58-62,共5页
The virtual prototype technology is applied to the design of the hydraulic impingement shovel, which is to increase the reliability of the design. The work principle of hydraulic impingement shovel is expatiated, and ... The virtual prototype technology is applied to the design of the hydraulic impingement shovel, which is to increase the reliability of the design. The work principle of hydraulic impingement shovel is expatiated, and its dynamic equations are established. The 3D model of virtual prototype is built by PRO/E. Then the couple between the mechanical body of prototype and the hydraulic system is completed by virtue of ADAMS. Finally, the simulation is made on the virtual prototype. The simulation results show that the design of underwater hydraulic impingement shovel is rational. The virtual prototype technology could lay sound foundation of successful manufacturing of physical prototype for the first time and offer highly effective and feasible means for the design and production of underwater equipments. 展开更多
关键词 naval gun lock-breechblock cam artillery cartridge extractor
作者 ZHANG Xue-song, HAO Fang-hua, CHENG Hong-guang, LI Dao-feng (State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation,Institute of Environmental Sciences, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期334-339,共6页
In the Huanghe (Yellow) River basin,soil erosion is a serious problem,while runoff and sediment yield simulation has not been extensively studied on the basis of GIS (Geographic Information System) and distributed hyd... In the Huanghe (Yellow) River basin,soil erosion is a serious problem,while runoff and sediment yield simulation has not been extensively studied on the basis of GIS (Geographic Information System) and distributed hydrological model. GIS-based SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was used to simulate runoff and sediment in the Huanghe River basin. The objective of this paper is to examine the applicability of SWAT model in a large river basin with high sediment runoff modulus,which could reach 770t/(km2·a). A two-stage "Brute Force" optimization procedure was used to calibrate the parameters with the observed monthly flow and sediment data from 1992 to 1997,and with input parameters set during the calibration process without any change the model was validated with 1998-1999’s observed data. Coefficient of examination (R2) and Nash-Suttcliffe simulation efficiency (Ens) were used to evaluate model prediction. The evaluation coefficients for simulated flow and sediment,and observed flow and sediment were all above 0.7,which shows that SWAT model could be a useful tool for water resources and soil conservation planning in the Huanghe River basin. 展开更多
关键词 luohe river WATERSHED SWAT model SEDIMENT FLOW
Design and evaluation of a hierarchical control architecture for an autonomous underwater vehicle 被引量:3
作者 边信黔 秦政 严浙平 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第1期53-58,共6页
This paper researches on a kind of control architecture for autonomous undelwater vehicle (AUV). After describing the hybrid property of the AUV control system, we present the hierarchical AUV control architecture. ... This paper researches on a kind of control architecture for autonomous undelwater vehicle (AUV). After describing the hybrid property of the AUV control system, we present the hierarchical AUV control architecture. The architecture is organized in three layers: mission layer, task layer and execution layer. State supervisor and task coordinator are two key modules handling discrete events, so we describe these two modules in detail. Finally, we carried out a series of tests to verify this architecture The test results show that the AUV can perform autonomous missions effectively and safely. We can conclude the control architecture is valid and practical. 展开更多
关键词 hierarchical control architecture AUV state supervisor task coordinator lake tests
Expert S-surface control for autonomous underwater vehicles 被引量:1
作者 张磊 庞永杰 +2 位作者 苏玉民 赵福龙 秦再白 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第4期236-242,共7页
S-surface control has proven to be an effective means for motion control of underwater autonomous vehicles(AUV).However there are still problems maintaining steady precision of course due to the constant need to adjus... S-surface control has proven to be an effective means for motion control of underwater autonomous vehicles(AUV).However there are still problems maintaining steady precision of course due to the constant need to adjust parameters,especially where there are disturbing currents.Thus an intelligent integral was introduced to improve precision.An expert S-surface control was developed to tune the parameters on-line,based on the expert system,it provides S-surface control according to practical experience and control knowledge.To prevent control output over-compensation,a fuzzy neural network was included to adjust the production rules to the knowledge base.Experiments were conducted on an AUV simulation platform,and the results show that the expert S-surface controller performs better than an S-surface controller in environments with currents,producing good steady precision of course in a robust way. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicle S-surface control expert control intelligent integral fuzzy neural network
Spatiotemporal Variation of Riverine Nutrients in a Typical Hilly Watershed in Southeast China Using Multivariate Statistics Tools 被引量:2
作者 NIE Xiao-fei LI Heng-peng +2 位作者 JIANG Jia-hu DIAO Ya-qin LI Peng-cheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期983-998,共16页
The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthrop... The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthropogenic activities.Monthly water quality measurements of eight water quality variables were analyzed for two years at 16 sites of the Tianmuhu watershed.The variables were examined using hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA) and factor analysis/principal component analysis(FA/PCA) to reveal the spatiotemporal variations in riverine nutrients and to identify their potential sources.HCA revealed three geographical groups and three periods.Two drainages comprising towns and large villages were the most polluted, six drainages comprising widely distributed tea plantations and orchards were moderately polluted, and eight drainages without the factors were the least polluted.The river was most polluted in June when the first heavy rain(daily rainfall > 50 mm) occurs after fertilization and the number of rainy days is most(monthly number of rainy days > 20 days).Moderate pollution was observed from October to May, during which morethan 60% of the total nitrogen fertilizer and all of the phosphorus fertilizer are applied to the cropland, the total manure is applied to tea plantations and orchards, and a monthly rainfall ranging from 0 mm to 164 mm occurs.The remaining months were characterized by frequent raining(i.e., number of rainy days per month ranged from 5 to 24) and little use of fertilizers, and were thus least polluted.FA/PCA identified that the greatest pollution sources were the runoff from tea plantations and orchards,domestic pollution and the surface runoff from towns and villages, and rural sewage, which had extremely high contributions of riverine nitrogen, phosphorus,and chemical oxygen demand, respectively.The tea plantations and orchards promoted by the agricultural comprehensive development(ACD) were not environmentally friendly.Riverine nitrogen is a major water pollution parameter in hilly watersheds affected by ACD, and this parameter would not be reduced unless its loss load through the runoff from tea plantations and orchards is effectively controlled. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen Phosphorus Chemical oxygen demand Spatial variation Temporal variation Water quality FERTILIZATION Tianmuhu watershed
Simulating an underwater vehicle self-correcting guidance system with Simulink 被引量:1
作者 范辉 张宇文 李文哲 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第3期205-211,共7页
Underwater vehicles have already adopted self-correcting directional guidance algorithms based on multi-beam self-guidance systems, not waiting for research to determine the most effective algorithms. The main challen... Underwater vehicles have already adopted self-correcting directional guidance algorithms based on multi-beam self-guidance systems, not waiting for research to determine the most effective algorithms. The main challenges facing research on these guidance systems have been effective modeling of the guidance algorithm and a means to analyze the simulation results. A simulation structure based on Simulink that dealt with both issues was proposed. Initially, a mathematical model of relative motion between the vehicle and the target was developed, which was then encapsulated as a subsystem. Next, steps for constructing a model of the self-correcting guidance algorithm based on the Stateflow module were examined in detail. Finally, a 3-D model of the vehicle and target was created in VRML, and by processing mathematical results, the model was shown moving in a visual environment. This process gives more intuitive results for analyzing the simulation. The results showed that the simulation structure performs well. The simulation program heavily used modularization and encapsulation, so has broad applicability to simulations of other dynamic systems. 展开更多
关键词 SIMULINK self-correcting ahead angle arithmetic vehicle acoustic homing system MODULARIZATION
Earth Observation as a Support to Improve Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture 被引量:2
作者 E. V. Palacios L. S. Palacios +1 位作者 J. C. Rodriguez J. E. S. Palacios 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第6期1-9,共9页
By the end of sixties, several satellites were launched to observe the earth; among them the Landsat missions have been important to study natural resources, especially in agriculture. Currently, Landsat 7, with some ... By the end of sixties, several satellites were launched to observe the earth; among them the Landsat missions have been important to study natural resources, especially in agriculture. Currently, Landsat 7, with some problems, and Landsat 5 are useful to evaluate crop development. A project called "Participatory multi-Level EO-assisted tools for Irrigation water management and Agricultural Decision-Support" (PLEIADES) was financed by the European Commission. This project considers eleven countries and 23 research institutions, Mexico being one of the selected countries. Landsat images are a basic tool of this project. Some of the results obtained in this study are presented in this article. By using w^getation indices obtained by the combinations of reflectances in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, it has been possible to estimate the behavior of several biophysical parameters of crops which are used to evaluate plant development, water stress, spatial soil variation, and the effect of plagues and crop diseases. To facilitate this process, a visor was developed, named SPIDER (System of Participatory Information Decision support and Expert knowledge for River basin management) whose use in this work is explained. 展开更多
关键词 SATELLITES reflectances vegetation indices water stress SPIDER.
Planning method for AUV region detection under ocean current 被引量:1
作者 ZHANGMing-jun HANZhi-xue 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2004年第1期46-51,共6页
In this paper we present two strategies of AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) region detection and an approach to decompose the detection region according to the direction of the ocean current. In the task of local d... In this paper we present two strategies of AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) region detection and an approach to decompose the detection region according to the direction of the ocean current. In the task of local detection and identification, the algorithm against the ocean current was proposed. In the tasks of closing obstacle, going back or moving, the fuzzy logic theory was used to solve the effect of ocean current. In one of our strategies the concept of weighted journey based on the angle between heading and ocean current is suggested and the TSP's exact optimal result is utilized to solve the global path planning. Simulations demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. 展开更多
关键词 AUV ocean current region detection planning method
Experimental research on influence of emulsifier on crystallization quantity of emulsion explosives under dynamic pressure
作者 HUANG Wen-yao YAN Shi-long WU Hong-bo YUAN Sheng-fang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期100-103,共4页
Dynamic pressure was applied on emulsion explosive by using an underwater explosion measuring apparatus, and the crystallization quantity was measured by dissolution method after emulsion explosive was pressed; the in... Dynamic pressure was applied on emulsion explosive by using an underwater explosion measuring apparatus, and the crystallization quantity was measured by dissolution method after emulsion explosive was pressed; the influence of emulsi- fier content and type was analyzed. The experimental results show that emulsifier content and type have an important effect on crystallization quantity of emulsion explosive. The crystallization quantity will reduce with Span-g0 content from 2% to 4%, so the demulsification and crystallization will decrease if the emulsifier content improves appropriately and the dynamic pressure resistance will increase. For emulsion explosive emulsified by T-152 and Span-g0, the crystallization quantity with T-152 is less than that of Span-g0 under the same dynamic pressure. This shows that the emulsifying effect ofT-152 is better than Soan-80. 展开更多
关键词 emulsion explosives CRYSTALLIZATION EMULSIFIER dynamic pressure applied chemistry
Tensiometer as an Irrigation Management Tool and Its Effect on Water Use and Yield of Open Field Grown Cucumber
作者 Rola Jad Allah Nasser Jeber Yousef Sholi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第5期303-306,共4页
Water is scarce in Palestine and water saving is becoming very important issue. Water management is one of the promising solutions to save water. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of two types of irriga... Water is scarce in Palestine and water saving is becoming very important issue. Water management is one of the promising solutions to save water. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of two types of irrigation regimes on water consumption, yield and growth parameters of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under open field conditions. Cucumbers were grown on a silty-clay soil in Palestinian local conditions. The irrigation regimes used were farmer based irrigation (FI) and tensiometer based irrigation (TI). The results showed that there were no significant difference in crop yield between FI (3.5 kg/plant) and TI (3.4 kg/plant). Dry matter was 14.7% less in TI treatment than that in FI treatment, while water saving was 35.7% in TI treatment. Thus, proper use of tensiometer could be utilized for a better use and management of water resource. Selection of proper water potential set-points according to the cultivation season is crucial for satisfactory results. 展开更多
关键词 TENSIOMETER CUCUMBER water use efficiency water saving.
Simulation platform of navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicle
作者 QIN Zheng BIAN Xin-qian 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第4期33-37,共5页
In view of the characteristics of underwater navigation, the simulation platform of navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicle has been developed based on Windows platform. The system architecture, net commun... In view of the characteristics of underwater navigation, the simulation platform of navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicle has been developed based on Windows platform. The system architecture, net communication and the information flow are discussed. The methods of software realization and some key techniques of the Vehicle Computer and the Navigation Equipment Computer are introduced in particular. The software design of Terrain Matching Computer is introduced also. The simulation platform is verified and analyzed through simulation. The results show that the architecture of the platform is reasonable and reliable, and the mathematic models and simulation algorithms of sub-systems are also valid and practicable. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicle simulation platform inertial navigation terrain-aided navigation
COSMO-RS: An ionic liquid prescreening tool for gas hydrate mitigation
作者 Cornelius B.Bavoh Bhajan Lal +3 位作者 Omar Nashed Muhammad S.Khan Lau K.Keong Mohd.Azmi Bustam 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期1619-1624,共6页
Recently ionic liquids(ILs) are introduced as novel dual function gas hydrate inhibitors. However, no desired gas hydrate inhibition has been reported due to poor IL selection and/or tuning method. Trial & error a... Recently ionic liquids(ILs) are introduced as novel dual function gas hydrate inhibitors. However, no desired gas hydrate inhibition has been reported due to poor IL selection and/or tuning method. Trial & error as well as selection based on existing literature are the methods currently employed for selecting and/or tuning ILs. These methods are probabilistic, time consuming, expensive and may not result in selecting high performance ILs for gas hydrate mitigation. In this work, COSMO-RS is considered as a prescreening tool of ILs for gas hydrate mitigation by predicting the hydrogen bonding energies(E_(HB)) of studied IL inhibitors and comparing the predicted E_(HB) to the depression temperature(?) and induction time. Results show that, predicted EHBand chain length of ILs strongly relate and significantly affect the gas hydrate inhibition depression temperature but correlate moderately(R = 0.70) with average induction time in literature. It is deduced from the results that, ? increases with increasing IL EHBand/or decreases with increasing chain length. However, the cation–anion pairing of ILs also affects IL gas hydrate inhibition performance. Furthermore, a visual and better understanding of IL/water behavior for gas hydrate inhibition in terms of hydrogen bond donor and acceptor interaction analysis is also presented by determining the sigma profile and sigma potential of studied IL cations and anions used for gas hydrate mitigation for easy IL selection. 展开更多
关键词 Gas hydrates COSMO-RS Hydrogen bonding energies Ionic liquids Tuning
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