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新型水再湿胶的研制 被引量:2
作者 刘洪云 王健 《中国胶粘剂》 CAS 1992年第1期19-23,共5页
以水为反应介质,在过硫酸铵的引发下,合成了糊精(?)丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物,对单体浓度,引发剂浓度,反应温度和反应时间对接枝率的影响进行了研究。然后加入甲醛作为交联剂,研究了交联剂的浓度,pH 值,温度和时间对交联程度的影响。最后在上... 以水为反应介质,在过硫酸铵的引发下,合成了糊精(?)丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物,对单体浓度,引发剂浓度,反应温度和反应时间对接枝率的影响进行了研究。然后加入甲醛作为交联剂,研究了交联剂的浓度,pH 值,温度和时间对交联程度的影响。最后在上述已交联的接枝共聚物中加入各种改性剂,合成了新型再湿胶,经测试各种性能优异,有很好的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 水再湿胶 糊精 丙烯酰胺 共聚物
水再约束等离子弧切割的改进 被引量:3
作者 陈集 张雁亭 解晓梅 《机械》 2002年第3期75-77,共3页
针对现有水再约束等离子弧加工中存在容易断弧等问题 ,提出了把水射流”焦平面”与被切割工件上表面重合的水再约束方案 ,并分析了该方案中再约束水流量对弧柱稳定性及切口质量的影响。
关键词 等离子弧 切割 水再约束 改进
水再约束等离子弧加工的形式与改进 被引量:1
作者 徐文骥 卢毅申 +2 位作者 徐旭 刘爱华 陈集 《电加工》 1997年第2期13-15,共3页
关键词 等离子弧加工 水再约束 形式 改进
我国煤矿矿井水害防治及矿井水再资源化 被引量:2
作者 甘建东 杨增强 董抗抗 《山东煤炭科技》 2010年第3期214-214,216,共2页
关键词 矿井水害 喀斯特型 防治 矿井水再资源化
水再分散型纳米纤维素晶须的制备及表征 被引量:1
作者 陶向文 叶代勇 《林产化学与工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期7-12,共6页
通过硫酸水解脱脂棉制备了纳米纤维素晶须(NCW)悬浮液,在NCW悬浮液中加入一定量阴离子型高分子电解质羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)后,喷雾干燥悬浮液制备出了粉状NCW固体。将NCW固体重新分散于去离子水中得到再分散纳米纤维素晶须(re-NCW)悬... 通过硫酸水解脱脂棉制备了纳米纤维素晶须(NCW)悬浮液,在NCW悬浮液中加入一定量阴离子型高分子电解质羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)后,喷雾干燥悬浮液制备出了粉状NCW固体。将NCW固体重新分散于去离子水中得到再分散纳米纤维素晶须(re-NCW)悬浮液,探究了再分散过程中CMC-Na用量、超声波作用时间、NCW悬浮液的pH值、喷雾干燥入口温度对re-NCW再分散性能的影响,并用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、热失重分析(TGA)等方法对re-NCW进行了表征。结果表明,当CMC-Na添加量为6%、超声波作用时间为5 min,NCW悬浮液的pH值为7,喷雾干燥入口温度为160℃时,制备的re-NCW平均粒径约为170 nm,Zeta电位值约为65 mV,具有良好的可再分散性。 展开更多
关键词 纳米纤维素晶须 羧甲基纤维素钠 水再分散
作者 徐国平 《新型建筑材料》 1995年第4期33-35,共3页
PVC墙纸用水再湿胶的研制马鞍山市玻纤玻钢厂徐国平水再湿胶是一种水活化性胶粘剂,在干燥时无粘性,但遇水后会恢复粘结性。这种胶粘剂过去多用于标签、邮票、信封封口等。在国外,还被用于PVC墙纸背面涂覆,这样用户在墙纸施工... PVC墙纸用水再湿胶的研制马鞍山市玻纤玻钢厂徐国平水再湿胶是一种水活化性胶粘剂,在干燥时无粘性,但遇水后会恢复粘结性。这种胶粘剂过去多用于标签、邮票、信封封口等。在国外,还被用于PVC墙纸背面涂覆,这样用户在墙纸施工中不再需购买墙纸胶,但在国内还处于... 展开更多
关键词 水再湿胶 PVC 墙纸 反应机理 配合比
作者 曹志军 亓德栋 蒋庆伟 《冶金设备管理与维修》 2011年第6期42-44,共3页
针对50MW发电机组高压锅炉配套高压给水再循环系统存在的管道振动剧烈、再循环高压截止阀寿命短和内漏严重造成给水泵电动机过电流从而制约锅炉负荷等问题进行技术攻关。通过实施泵保护阀改造和再循环管路优化改造等措施,不仅彻底解决... 针对50MW发电机组高压锅炉配套高压给水再循环系统存在的管道振动剧烈、再循环高压截止阀寿命短和内漏严重造成给水泵电动机过电流从而制约锅炉负荷等问题进行技术攻关。通过实施泵保护阀改造和再循环管路优化改造等措施,不仅彻底解决了以上问题而且实现了再循环自动控制,为50MW机组满发稳发提供了保障,经济效益和安全效益显著。 展开更多
关键词 水再循环系统 振动 泵保护阀 改造
作者 陆雨非 《现代制造技术与装备》 2023年第9期86-88,100,共4页
关键词 低压给水再循环系统 低温腐蚀 仿真 数字孪生
作者 李修 《湖南农业》 2001年第6期20-20,共1页
关键词 养鱼池 水再循环系统 生物过滤器 流水养殖系统 消耗量 产量
水挟点技术研究进展 被引量:1
作者 邹艳云 陈银杯 华贲 《广州化工》 CAS 2001年第2期12-17,共6页
废水减量是通过改进流程尽量以减少废水生成量而节约水资源的环保课题。在国外,水挟点技术(简写为WPT),用于废水减量问题的研究,已经发展到一定深度,并已成功地用于多个工厂的废水减量问题。但是,在国内这方面的研究尚处于空... 废水减量是通过改进流程尽量以减少废水生成量而节约水资源的环保课题。在国外,水挟点技术(简写为WPT),用于废水减量问题的研究,已经发展到一定深度,并已成功地用于多个工厂的废水减量问题。但是,在国内这方面的研究尚处于空白阶段。为了使广大科技工作者了解这方面的研究进展,本文着重介绍了水挟点技术的基本原理、发展过程、现状及展望。 展开更多
关键词 废水减量 水挟点技术 水再用目标 网络设计
作者 马艾松 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1998年第Z2期38-38,共1页
《水的用途》这一课内容分为“水的分布,水的用途和节约用水”三个部分。在讲完水的分布和用途后,我告诉学生: “水资源是有限的,无休止地开采会给我们造成很大的危害。我们应该节约用水。”学生们很吃惊:我们整天用水怎没见把水用完?... 《水的用途》这一课内容分为“水的分布,水的用途和节约用水”三个部分。在讲完水的分布和用途后,我告诉学生: “水资源是有限的,无休止地开采会给我们造成很大的危害。我们应该节约用水。”学生们很吃惊:我们整天用水怎没见把水用完?老师骗我们!我问谁这几天听广播了?有的说几乎每天都听。我就问经常听广播的同学听到河南人民广播电台报道的“河南省驻马店市地面不再下降”的报道没有,知道为什么地面下再下降吗? 展开更多
关键词 节约用水 用途 水的分布 驻马店市 教学 地面下降 地面下沉 水资源 水再用 课内
作者 丁耀忠 《农村百事通》 2003年第7期19-19,共1页
关键词 大豆 咖啡因 黑龙江省 利用价值 加工技术 原料处理 无豆腥味 消化吸收 经济效益 水再用
作者 王廷兆 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1998年第18期13-13,共1页
小儿耳、咽喉、气道、食道异物若不及时处理,可能危及生命,应重视加强宣传教育和预防工作。 外耳道异物 小儿喜将小玩物、豆、珠、果核等塞入耳内,如属植物性异物,因游泳、洗澡,吸收水分膨胀,以致外耳道炎及听力障碍,可用95%酒精滴耳,... 小儿耳、咽喉、气道、食道异物若不及时处理,可能危及生命,应重视加强宣传教育和预防工作。 外耳道异物 小儿喜将小玩物、豆、珠、果核等塞入耳内,如属植物性异物,因游泳、洗澡,吸收水分膨胀,以致外耳道炎及听力障碍,可用95%酒精滴耳,使异物脱水再用耳钩钩出。夏秋时节,蚊、蛾、小蟑螂、小飞虫等虫类进入外耳道内,挣扎时可产生难忍的疼痛、噪音与眩晕,甚至损伤鼓膜。 展开更多
关键词 鼻腔异物 食道异物 外耳道异物 难忍的疼痛 植物性异物 听力障碍 气管切开术 外耳道炎 呼吸困难 水再用
作者 Zhang HUICHUN Chen JINLONG Zhang QUANXING 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 1999年第1期76-81,共6页
Systematic studies on the treatment and reuse of the acid industrial wastewatercontaining Sodium 2-Naphthylsulfonate (β-salt) from 2--Naphthanol of production processby ND--910 resin (made by self)is reported in this... Systematic studies on the treatment and reuse of the acid industrial wastewatercontaining Sodium 2-Naphthylsulfonate (β-salt) from 2--Naphthanol of production processby ND--910 resin (made by self)is reported in this paper.Under the operation conditionsof initial β-salt concentration of 10000-25000mg/L and initial CODcr of 2000040000mg/L, the removal rates of Sodium 2-Naphthylsulfonate and CODcr are over 95%and over 89%, respectively. The effluent can be discharged directly after biologicaldegradation. The working sorption capacity of ND-910 Resin for β-salt is over 230g/Kg.An alkali-water wash procedure is utilized to regenerate resin and the reclaiming rate ofβ-salt is over 98%. 展开更多
关键词 2-Naphthanol SODIUM 2-Naphthylsulfonate Wastewater treatment SORPTION
An Integrated Planning for Rense and Wetland Strategyof Waste Water from Rural Enterprises: A Case Stndy 被引量:2
作者 ZHOUQI-XING R.W.BELL 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第3期237-243,共7页
A waste water reuse engineering was designed and then operated in Hongshan, a small town in ZhejiangProvince, China, in order to solve pollution and shortage of water resources due to the development of ruralenterpris... A waste water reuse engineering was designed and then operated in Hongshan, a small town in ZhejiangProvince, China, in order to solve pollution and shortage of water resources due to the development of ruralenterprises. The results showed that series-structure design and cycling model were two effective modes ofsaving water and decreasing pollutants into environment, and wetland strategy should be a component partof the integrated planning for waste water reuse of rural enterprises. This case study could provide a basisfor the optimum utilization and pollution avoidance of water resources. 展开更多
关键词 environmental planning waste water reuse wetland strategy
Minimization of the Flowrate of Fresh Water and Corresponding Regenerated Water in Water-using System with Regeneration Reuse 被引量:1
作者 徐冬梅 胡仰栋 +1 位作者 华贲 王修林 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期257-263,共7页
A sequential three-step programming method is proposed for determining the minimum flowrate of fresh water and corresponding regenerated water in water-using system of single contaminant with regeneration reuse. In st... A sequential three-step programming method is proposed for determining the minimum flowrate of fresh water and corresponding regenerated water in water-using system of single contaminant with regeneration reuse. In step 1, a programming with the objective of min fws is used to determine the minimum flowrate of fresh water, in which the mathematical representation is a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP1). Then under the same constraints with step 1, a programming with the objective of min freg in step 2 and a programming with the objective of min Cr in step 3 are subsequently used to determine the minimum flowrate of regenerated water and the minimum inlet concentration to regeneration process corresponding to the minimum flowrate of fresh water based on step 1. The method is easy to apply because we only need to change the objective function but keep the constraints constant to go along the following steps after step 1. In addition, the relationship between the fresh water flowrate required, fws and inlet concentration to regeneration process, Cr, is investigated. It is found that there exist three relationships between fws and Cr, which indicate three possibilities for C\>: below the pinch, above the pinch or at the pinch. Therefore, a new conclusion is drawn, which differs from that 'regeneration of water at pinch minimizes fresh water flowrate' derived in literature and indicates that in some cases, regeneration at other point also minimizes fresh water flowrate. 展开更多
关键词 wastewater minimization water-using system REUSE REGENERATION mass exchange network
Potential contributions to Beijing's water supply from reuse of storm-and greywater
作者 刘栗 Marina Bergen Jensen 孟庆一 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期150-157,共8页
In order to find new approaches to alleviating the water crisis in Beijing which is caused by among others dwindling precipitation and rapid growth of population and manifests in a rapidly declining groundwater table ... In order to find new approaches to alleviating the water crisis in Beijing which is caused by among others dwindling precipitation and rapid growth of population and manifests in a rapidly declining groundwater table this study explores decentralized stormwater harvesting and greywater reuse at household level as a means to reduce groundwater abstraction and water transfer from other regions.Based on a desktop case study two concepts for combined harvesting and reusing of storm-and greywater are presented.With rough pre-assumptions calculations show that a saving of 67.8%of tap water consumption can be achieved with the upgrading concept compared with 5.9% with the simple downgrading concept.The saving with the upgrading concept equals 0.545 ×109 m3 annual water volume if 20 million Beijing people apply this approach.Despite numerous prerequisites such as water treatment technology space demand energy and cost and public acceptance this paper advocates combining stormwater harvesting and greywater reuse in households with other measures for Beijing’s sustainable water management. 展开更多
关键词 urban water cycle water supply water reuse
A stepwise optimal design of water network 被引量:1
作者 Ying Li Jintao Guan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期787-794,共8页
In order to take full advantage of regeneration process to reduce fresh water consumption and avoid the accumulation of trace contaminants, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle should be distinctive. A stepwise... In order to take full advantage of regeneration process to reduce fresh water consumption and avoid the accumulation of trace contaminants, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle should be distinctive. A stepwise optimal design for water network is developed to simplify solution procedures for the formulated MINLP problem. In this paper, a feasible water reuse network framework is generated. Some heuristic rules from water reuse network are used to guide the placement of regeneration process. Then the outlet stream of regeneration process is considered as new water source. Regeneration reuse network structure is obtained through an iterative optimal procedure by taking the insights from reuse water network structure. Furthermore, regeneration recycle is only utilized to eliminate fresh water usage for processes in which regeneration reuse is impossible. Compared with the results obtained by relevant researches for the same example, the present method not only provides an appropriate regeneration reuse water network with minimum fresh water and regenerated water flow rate but also suggests a water network involving regeneration recycle with minimum recycle water flow rate. The design can utilize reuse, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle step by step with minor water network structure change to achieve better flexibility. It can satisfy different demands for new plants and modernization of existing plants. 展开更多
关键词 Water networkReuseRegeneration reuseRegeneration recycleStepwise
Design of Water Network with Multiple Contaminants and Zero Discharge 被引量:2
作者 李英 都健 姚平经 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第5期559-564,共6页
The paper presents a procedure to design water network. First of all, water reuse system, water regeneration reuse system (including regeneration recycle) and wastewater treatment system are designed separately. But t... The paper presents a procedure to design water network. First of all, water reuse system, water regeneration reuse system (including regeneration recycle) and wastewater treatment system are designed separately. But the interaction between different parts demands that each part is designed iteratively to optimize the whole water network. Therefore, on the basis of the separated design a water netvrork superstructure including reuse, regeneration and wastewater treatment is established from the system engineering point of view. And a multi-objective adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm is adopted to simultaneously integrate the overall water netvrork to balance the economic and environmental effects. The algorithm overcomes the defect of local optimum of simulated annealing (SA), avoids the pre-maturation of genetic algorithm (GA) and finds a set of solutions (pareto front) in acceptable computer time. Prom the pareto front, a point with minimum fresh water consumption will be extended to zero discharge as our ultimate goal. 展开更多
关键词 water network wastewater treatment REUSE regeneration reuse multi-objective adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm zero discharge
水处理技术在水产养殖中的应用 被引量:2
作者 刘云龙 《畜禽业》 2019年第7期40-40,共1页
传统的水产养殖需要大量的水资源,水产养殖产生的部分废水也会污染周围环境和水体。因此,水处理技术在水产养殖中具有十分重要的意义。综述了对于水产养殖水的处理研究以及现状,如何实施才能做到经济适用的综合处理模式,以及养殖用水的... 传统的水产养殖需要大量的水资源,水产养殖产生的部分废水也会污染周围环境和水体。因此,水处理技术在水产养殖中具有十分重要的意义。综述了对于水产养殖水的处理研究以及现状,如何实施才能做到经济适用的综合处理模式,以及养殖用水的再利用。 展开更多
关键词 水处理技术 养殖用水再利用:水产养殖
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