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作者 陈利鑫 王震宇 +1 位作者 吉锋 郭朋瑜 《人民长江》 北大核心 2024年第9期149-155,164,共8页
平推式滑坡形成于近水平岩层中,地下水对平推式滑坡的启动和运动过程影响非常显著。为揭示平推式滑坡滑动面上水力分布与滑坡启动的相关性,以成都市狮子山滑坡为地质原型,自主研制试验设备,进行水力测试试验,测试近水平倾角(0°~10&... 平推式滑坡形成于近水平岩层中,地下水对平推式滑坡的启动和运动过程影响非常显著。为揭示平推式滑坡滑动面上水力分布与滑坡启动的相关性,以成都市狮子山滑坡为地质原型,自主研制试验设备,进行水力测试试验,测试近水平倾角(0°~10°)条件下,底滑面两种不同连通条件下不同位置的水压力,研究底滑面承压水压力分布规律及启动机理。结果表明:①底滑面渗流条件较差或滑坡前缘堵塞条件下,水压力分布呈现梯形分布;流通条件下,水压力在底滑面方向上呈曲线下降,自后缘至剪出口下降速率先增大后减小,底滑面倾角越增大,下降速率变化越显著。②层间裂隙水扬压力值比传统采用三角分布形式的扬压力值小约27.6%。③薄层状泥岩的软化、变形是滑坡启动的根本原因;暴雨情况下底滑面扬压力和后缘裂隙中高水压下的水平推力联合作用将滑体推出是滑坡启动的直接原因。研究结果对平推式滑坡的稳定性分析评价和治理方案确定具有一定参考和借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 平推式滑坡 水力分布 承压水 孔隙水压力 启动机理 工程地质
地下建筑水力分布的控制模式 被引量:1
作者 阮商陶 《工程技术研究》 2019年第22期163-164,共2页
众所周知,地下水会造成地下建筑物的渗漏、浮起、下陷等困扰安全使用的问题。通过有效的手段,全面获得建筑物周边的水压状态,并且有序地安排(释放或者增进)这种压力状态,就可以在使用中获得良好的效果,包括延长建筑物寿命、提高使用效... 众所周知,地下水会造成地下建筑物的渗漏、浮起、下陷等困扰安全使用的问题。通过有效的手段,全面获得建筑物周边的水压状态,并且有序地安排(释放或者增进)这种压力状态,就可以在使用中获得良好的效果,包括延长建筑物寿命、提高使用效率、减少能源和材料使用。文章对地下建筑水力分布的控制模式进行了研究,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 水力分布 地下建筑 防洪系统 水压力分布云图 常规降压 应变缓冲
我国水力资源分布及开发利用情况 被引量:3
作者 李如成 《贵州水力发电》 2006年第2期1-3,共3页
水力资源是我国常规能源的重要组成部分,我国政府对水力资源的开发利用极为重视,为了摸清家底、制定合理的能源政策,于2000年组织全国各省市开展了水力资源复查工作,并于2005年11月25日向全世界发布了复查成果:我国水力资源理论蕴藏量... 水力资源是我国常规能源的重要组成部分,我国政府对水力资源的开发利用极为重视,为了摸清家底、制定合理的能源政策,于2000年组织全国各省市开展了水力资源复查工作,并于2005年11月25日向全世界发布了复查成果:我国水力资源理论蕴藏量的平均功率为694 400MW,年发电量为60 829亿kW.h;技术可开发量的装机容量为541 640 MW,年发电量为24 740亿kW.h;经济可开发量的装机容量为401 795 MW,年发电量为17 534亿kW.h。这是我国解放以来第4次公布的水力资源权威数据,由于本次复查所采用的方法、技术标准及指标体系都与世界接轨,因此颇受各国关注。 展开更多
关键词 一次能源 水力资源分布 水力资源开发利用情况 中国
MATLAB软件在构建潜流人工湿地水力学模型中的应用 被引量:4
作者 戚景南 黄玉明 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期145-148,共4页
根据示踪试验的数据,由考虑扩散过程的推流模型计算得到的平均水力停留时间τ和水力停留时间分布的标准方差σθ2的理论值;利用数学软件MATLAB7.1模拟潜流人工湿地中的示踪剂浓度——时间响应曲线获得水力停留时间分布(RTD)函数,根据MAT... 根据示踪试验的数据,由考虑扩散过程的推流模型计算得到的平均水力停留时间τ和水力停留时间分布的标准方差σθ2的理论值;利用数学软件MATLAB7.1模拟潜流人工湿地中的示踪剂浓度——时间响应曲线获得水力停留时间分布(RTD)函数,根据MATLAB软件中不同函数拟合得到的τ值与理论值间的比较,发现对数正态概率密度函数可以较好地拟合实际得到的示踪试验浓度——时间曲线,本研究的潜流人工湿地中水流状况为有扩散的推流模式. 展开更多
关键词 潜流人工湿地 MATLAB软件 水力停留时间分布函数 示踪试验 模型
作者 张立凯 周元祥 +1 位作者 崔康平 朱守伟 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期295-299,共5页
文章采用一种自行设计的分区域式电催化反应器,通过调整水力停留时间(HRT)和极板间距,分别对反应器的出水电导率和氯离子质量浓度进行测定分析,实验表明:当极间距为3 cm时E(θ)-θ曲线接近偏正态分布;当HRT为30 min时反应器的流态最平稳... 文章采用一种自行设计的分区域式电催化反应器,通过调整水力停留时间(HRT)和极板间距,分别对反应器的出水电导率和氯离子质量浓度进行测定分析,实验表明:当极间距为3 cm时E(θ)-θ曲线接近偏正态分布;当HRT为30 min时反应器的流态最平稳;在电流密度为20 mA/cm2时,极板间距为1~3 cm时E(θ)曲线的峰值与实际停留时间接近;而当极板间距固定为3 cm,HRT为30 min时的E(θ)曲线的峰值更加接近实际水力停留时间;当HRT为40 min时,水流流态更接近于完全混合。 展开更多
关键词 电催化氧化 水力停留时间分布 水力停留时间
新型一体化污水净化槽的水力行为及脱氮效果研究 被引量:1
作者 王昶 王登辉 +2 位作者 胡洁 曾明 吴楠 《天津科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第6期41-46,共6页
在新型一体化污水净化槽中采用短程硝化与厌氧氨氧化联合脱氮工艺,使用NaCl示踪剂研究在不同进水流量条件下净化槽好氧区和厌氧区的流体水力行为,通过定量反应器的水力学参数为该工艺的数学建模提供基础参数.由停留时间分布所计算的水... 在新型一体化污水净化槽中采用短程硝化与厌氧氨氧化联合脱氮工艺,使用NaCl示踪剂研究在不同进水流量条件下净化槽好氧区和厌氧区的流体水力行为,通过定量反应器的水力学参数为该工艺的数学建模提供基础参数.由停留时间分布所计算的水力学参数推流比率的大小,可以发现反应器中的好氧区表现出全混流的特征,而厌氧区显示出多个反应釜串联的特征;控制溶解氧和pH可以抑制硝酸根的产生,有利于短程硝化.当pH控制在8.0~8.5、好氧区的溶解氧为0.8~1.2,mg/L、进水流量为1,L/h时,好氧区出水中氨态氮和亚硝态氮的比例接近1,为后续厌氧氨氧化提供了有利的条件,净化槽终端出水的氨态氮去除率最高可达到70%,. 展开更多
关键词 短程硝化 厌氧氨氧化 生物膜 水力停留时间分布
作者 张明媛 刘超 袁永博 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期142-146,共5页
为研究灾害环境中供水管网的失效问题,选择管段破坏状态下管网节点失效这一失效形式进行分析。基于传统的水力分析模型,结合灾害环境中管段发生爆管和渗漏2种破坏形式,构建管段关闭和渗漏状态下供水管网的水力分析模型。通过Matlab编程... 为研究灾害环境中供水管网的失效问题,选择管段破坏状态下管网节点失效这一失效形式进行分析。基于传统的水力分析模型,结合灾害环境中管段发生爆管和渗漏2种破坏形式,构建管段关闭和渗漏状态下供水管网的水力分析模型。通过Matlab编程,分别从不同线路上节点水压变化和节点供水级别变化2个方面分析管段正常状态、渗漏状态以及关闭状态下水力分布变化状况,分析管段关闭及渗漏状态下供水管网节点的失效特征。结果表明:管段因爆管被关闭引起的拓扑结构变化,改变了管网系统中节点的供水级别,进而影响节点的供水能力;而管段渗漏对于渗漏线路上节点的影响大于非渗漏线路上的节点,且对离水源点近的节点影响较小,对离水源点远的节点影响较大。 展开更多
关键词 供水管网 水力分析模型 爆管和渗漏 水力分布变化 失效特征
多介质潜流人工湿地的水动力过程模拟 被引量:4
作者 张涛 宋新山 卢守波 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期27-30,43,共5页
水动力过程是湿地净化功能发挥的重要机制之一。根据脉冲示踪试验,获得潜流人工湿地的水力停留时间分布曲线。针对其"多峰"现象,利用数学软件MATLAB7.0分别将对数正态分布、对流扩散模型以及考虑延迟的连续完全混合反应器模... 水动力过程是湿地净化功能发挥的重要机制之一。根据脉冲示踪试验,获得潜流人工湿地的水力停留时间分布曲线。针对其"多峰"现象,利用数学软件MATLAB7.0分别将对数正态分布、对流扩散模型以及考虑延迟的连续完全混合反应器模型对脉冲示踪试验数据进行叠加模拟,同时利用多流弥散模型拟合分析,结果表明:叠加模型和多流弥散模型均能较好的模拟示踪剂的迁移过程,其中对数正态分布叠加拟合模型效果最好,多流弥散模型的模拟结果则更反映了湿地分层结构的实际情况。 展开更多
关键词 潜流人工湿地 示踪试验 水力停留时间分布 叠加模拟 多流弥散模型
不同布水方式下水平潜流人工湿地水动力学机制研究 被引量:4
作者 宋新山 严登华 +1 位作者 陈燕 张涛 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期818-825,共8页
通过6种布水方式(一般推流、多向入流、部分回流、波流、对角流、多点进水),进行了水平潜流人工湿地的脉冲示踪剂试验研究,获得其水力停留时间概率分布密度曲线。分别用4种不同概率分布函数(正态分布、对数正态分布、卡方分布、瑞利分布... 通过6种布水方式(一般推流、多向入流、部分回流、波流、对角流、多点进水),进行了水平潜流人工湿地的脉冲示踪剂试验研究,获得其水力停留时间概率分布密度曲线。分别用4种不同概率分布函数(正态分布、对数正态分布、卡方分布、瑞利分布)对其水力停留时间的概率分布密度进行拟合分析,结果表明:对数正态分布的拟合效果最好。将对流扩散模型和连续反应器模型用于示踪剂的迁移过程模拟,结果表明:连续反应器模型比较适合模拟部分回流式布水方式,对流扩散模型则能够较好模拟其他5种布水方式。考虑多向入流和多点进水的示踪剂浓度叠加作用,进一步利用基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型进行示踪剂迁移过程模拟,结果表明:基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型能够较好模拟多向入流、多点进水类型的水平潜流人工湿地。 展开更多
关键词 水平潜流人工湿地 示踪剂试验 水力停留时间分布 对流扩散模型 连续反应器模型
大型高效厌氧悬浮床反应器流态模型研究 被引量:4
作者 王凯军 方皓 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期721-726,共6页
结合大型高效厌氧悬浮床反应器(275m^3)的运行,在容积负荷10~40kg COD/(m^3·d)的较宽范围,有计划进行了系列流态实验。通过示踪数学模型模拟研究表明,采用组合流态模型描述生产性规模厌氧反应器的流态是适合的,结果优于... 结合大型高效厌氧悬浮床反应器(275m^3)的运行,在容积负荷10~40kg COD/(m^3·d)的较宽范围,有计划进行了系列流态实验。通过示踪数学模型模拟研究表明,采用组合流态模型描述生产性规模厌氧反应器的流态是适合的,结果优于级串和扩散模型。结合反应器的运行探讨了负荷、上升流速和气体负荷等因素对短流率、死区比例和膨胀率等悬浮床反应器的特性参数的影响,获得了确定的结论,可以指导厌氧悬浮床反应器的设计、结构优化和设备开发。 展开更多
关键词 悬浮床反应器 流态 模型研究 水力停留时间分布(RTD) 示踪试验
内循环颗粒污泥床硝化反应器流动模型研究 被引量:8
作者 卢刚 郑平 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期754-757,共4页
采用脉冲刺激响应技术 ,对稳态内循环颗粒污泥床硝化反应器进行了示踪试验。根据试验结果 ,分别运用轴向扩散模型和多釜全混流反应器串联模型 ,对反应器沉淀区和循环区的流态进行了分析和判断。结果表明 ,反应器沉淀区的分散数D uL为 0 ... 采用脉冲刺激响应技术 ,对稳态内循环颗粒污泥床硝化反应器进行了示踪试验。根据试验结果 ,分别运用轴向扩散模型和多釜全混流反应器串联模型 ,对反应器沉淀区和循环区的流态进行了分析和判断。结果表明 ,反应器沉淀区的分散数D uL为 0 0 0 14 8,该区域的流态接近于平推流反应器 (PFR) ;反应器循环区的串联级数为1 0 2 1,该区域的流态接近于全混流反应器 (CSTR)。稳态时 ,反应器的理论水力停留时间为 36 0min ,实际水力停留时间为 341 2min ,反应器中死区所占的体积百分比为 5 2 2 % ,其中生物体死区为 0 75 % ,水力死区为 4 4 7% ,表明反应器结构性能良好。根据试验和分析结果 ,建立了内循环颗粒污泥床硝化反应器的流动模型 ,即全混流和平推流的串联组合模型。由流动模型所得的理论停留时间分布曲线与由试验所得的实际停留时间分布曲线吻合良好 ,两者的平均相对误差为 8 5 6 % ,表明所建模型具有较高的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 内循环颗粒污泥床硝化反应器 稳态 脉冲刺激响应技术 流态 水力停留时间分布 死区 流动模型 含氮废水
作者 宋彦宏 张天翔 +1 位作者 马李 陈有权 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第10期122-126,共5页
为减少在工况多变的液压管网系统中因内流振动导致的管道薄弱原件的寿命降低和形成噪声的问题,通过建立管道流动模型,并利用LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim仿真建模平台和基于Modelica语言的MWorks仿真平台对变径的内流振动进行建模分析。研究... 为减少在工况多变的液压管网系统中因内流振动导致的管道薄弱原件的寿命降低和形成噪声的问题,通过建立管道流动模型,并利用LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim仿真建模平台和基于Modelica语言的MWorks仿真平台对变径的内流振动进行建模分析。研究表明变径小端长度对振动分布影响不大;变径比、介质流速和介质波速对液态流水击振动影响较大。通过仿真可知,试验设计的变径十字花节流孔可以大大消耗振动能量,变径大端的大容腔会降低振动频率,从而降低噪声源的噪声。 展开更多
关键词 变径 水力分布 AMESIM仿真 MWorks仿真 十字花节流孔 减振降噪
Influences of strain softening and seepage on elastic and plastic solutions of circular openings in nonlinear rock masses 被引量:12
作者 杨小礼 黄阜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期621-627,共7页
Considering the influence of strain softening, the solutions of stress, displacement, plastic softening region radius and plastic residual region radius were derived for circular openings in nonlinear rock masses subj... Considering the influence of strain softening, the solutions of stress, displacement, plastic softening region radius and plastic residual region radius were derived for circular openings in nonlinear rock masses subjected to seepage. The radial stress distribution curve, ground reaction curve, and relation curve between plastic softening region radius and supporting force in three different conditions were drawn respectively. From the comparisons among these results for different conditions, it is found that when the supporting force is the same, the displacement of tunnel wall considering both seepage and strain softening is 85.71% greater than that only considering seepage. The increase values of radial displacement at 0.95 m and plastic softening region radius at 6.6 m show that the seepage and strain softening have the most unfavorable effects on circular opening stability in strain softening rock masses. 展开更多
关键词 strain softening SEEPAGE nonlinear yield ground reaction curve rock masses
Study of Vertical Breakwater Reliability Based on Copulas 被引量:1
作者 DONG Sheng LI Jingjing +1 位作者 LI Xue WEI Yong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第2期232-240,共9页
The reliability of a vertical breakwater is calculated using direct integration methods based on joint density functions.The horizontal and uplifting wave forces on the vertical breakwater can be well fitted by the lo... The reliability of a vertical breakwater is calculated using direct integration methods based on joint density functions.The horizontal and uplifting wave forces on the vertical breakwater can be well fitted by the lognormal and the Gumbel distributions,respectively.The joint distribution of the horizontal and uplifting wave forces is analyzed using different probabilistic distributions,including the bivariate logistic Gumbel distribution,the bivariate lognormal distribution,and three bivariate Archimedean copulas functions constructed with different marginal distributions simultaneously.We use the fully nested copulas to construct multivariate distributions taking into account related variables.Different goodness fitting tests are carried out to determine the best bivariate copula model for wave forces on a vertical breakwater.We show that a bivariate model constructed by Frank copula gives the best reliability analysis,using marginal distributions of Gumbel and lognormal to account for uplifting pressure and horizontal wave force on a vertical breakwater,respectively.The results show that failure probability of the vertical breakwater calculated by multivariate density function is comparable to those by the Joint Committee on Structural Safety methods.As copulas are suitable for constructing a bivariate or multivariate joint distribution,they have great potential in reliability analysis for other coastal structures. 展开更多
关键词 vertical breakwater RELIABILITY Archimedean copula goodness of fit bivariate logistic Gumbel distribution bivariateLognormal distribution multivariate distribution
Pore pressure fluctuations of overlying aquifer during residual coal mining and water-soil stress coupling analysis 被引量:1
作者 DONG Qing-hong SUI Wang-hua +1 位作者 ZHANG Xiao-cui MAO Zeng-min 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第5期648-652,共5页
Three test models and a simulation model were constructed based on the prevailing conditions of the Taiping coalmine in order to analyze pore pressure fluctuations of an overlying aquifer during residual coal mining. ... Three test models and a simulation model were constructed based on the prevailing conditions of the Taiping coalmine in order to analyze pore pressure fluctuations of an overlying aquifer during residual coal mining. As well, the relation between pore pressure and soil stress was evaluated. The model tests show the vibrations of pore pressure and soil stress as a result of mining activities. The simulation model tells of the response characteristics of pore pressure after mining and its distribution in the sand aquifer. The comparative analysis reveals that pore pressure and soil stress vibration are activated by unexpected events occurring in mines, such as collapsing roofs. An increased pore pressure zone always lies above the wall in front or behind the working face of a mine. Both pore pressure and vertical stress result in increasing and decreasing processes during movements of the working face of a mine. The vibration of pore pressure always precedes soil stress in the same area and ends with a sharp decline. Changes in pore pressure of sand aquifer are limited to the area of stress changes. Obvious changes are largely located in a very small frame over the mining face. 展开更多
关键词 pore pressure fluctuations water-soil stress coupling analysis residual coal mining
Analytical solution for slope instability assessment considering impact of confined aquifer 被引量:3
作者 冉启华 钱群 +2 位作者 王光谦 傅旭东 苏丹阳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1502-1509,共8页
An analytical approach was presented for estimating the factor of safety(FS) for slope failure, with consideration of the impact of a confined aquifer. An upward-moving wetting front from the confined water was assume... An analytical approach was presented for estimating the factor of safety(FS) for slope failure, with consideration of the impact of a confined aquifer. An upward-moving wetting front from the confined water was assumed and the pore water pressure distribution was then estimated and used to obtain the analytical expression of FS. Then, the validation of the theoretical analysis was applied based on an actual case in Hong Kong. It is shown that the presence of a confined aquifer leads to a lower FS value, and the impact rate of hydrostatic pressure on FS increases as the confined water pressure increases, approaching to a maximum value determined by the ratio of water density to saturated soil density. It is also presented that the contribution of hydrostatic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure to the slope stability vary with the confined aquifer pressure. 展开更多
关键词 confined/artesian groundwater slope stability factor of safety analytical approach
Calculation method of first collapse span with superhigh water material backfill mining 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Li-ya DENG Ka-zhong 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期374-378,共5页
It is critical for the material to be of active supporting capacity before initial collapse ot mare root wltn supermgn water material backfill mining, and the maximum bending moment should be first calculated in order... It is critical for the material to be of active supporting capacity before initial collapse ot mare root wltn supermgn water material backfill mining, and the maximum bending moment should be first calculated in order to determine the initial collapse span. In the light of principal of virtual work, the simple expression of deflection, bending moment of elastic clamped plate were deduced under the condition of vertical uniform distributed load, horizontal pressure and supporting by elastic foundation, and then, the maximal bending moment expression was derived too. At the same time, the influence degree on square clamped plate by adding horizontal pressure and elastic foundation were analyzed. The results show that the effect of horizontal pressure on maximal bending moment can be ignored when the value of horizontal pressure is two orders of magni- tude less than that of coeificient of elastic stiffness existing elastic foundation. 展开更多
关键词 first collapse span superhigh water material backfill mining elastic clamped plate principal of virtual work
Experimental Study on the Distribution of Velocity and Pressure near a Submarine Pipeline 被引量:2
作者 HAN Yan SHI Bing REN Xingyue JING Xiaodong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第4期404-408,共5页
As a transport means of oil and gas the submarine pipeline has many merits, such as continuous delivery, large conveying capacity, convenient management, etc. A tube was chosen in our study to simulate the submarine p... As a transport means of oil and gas the submarine pipeline has many merits, such as continuous delivery, large conveying capacity, convenient management, etc. A tube was chosen in our study to simulate the submarine pipeline in the experiments. A high accuracy instrument ADV and high precision point-type pressure sensors were used to measure the parameters of the flow field, including the pressure distribution, velocities at seven cross sections near the submarine pipeline with five different clearance ratios, and twelve dynamic pressure values around the pipeline. The pressure distributions and velocity changes around the pipe under dif- ferent flow velocities and clearance ratios were analyzed. These results might be useful for further study of submarine pipeline ero- sion and protection. 展开更多
关键词 submarine pipeline velocity field pressure distribution EXPERIMENT
Numerical Study on the Influence of Boss Cap Fins on Efficiency of Controllable-pitch Propeller 被引量:8
作者 Ying Xiong Zhanzhi Wang Wanjiang Qi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第1期13-20,共8页
Numerical simulation is investigated to disclose how propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) operate utilizing Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. In addition, exploration of the influencing mechanism of PBCF on... Numerical simulation is investigated to disclose how propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) operate utilizing Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. In addition, exploration of the influencing mechanism of PBCF on the open water efficiency of one controllable-pitch propeller is analyzed through the open water characteristic curves, blade surface pressure distribution and hub streamline distribution. On this basis, the influence of parameters including airfoil profile, diameter, axial position of installation and circumferential installation angle on the open water efficiency of the controllable-pitch propeller is investigated. Numerical results show: for the controllable-pitch propeller, the thrust generated is at the optimum when the radius of boss cap fins is 1.5 times of propeller hub with an optimal installation position in the axial direction, and its optimal circumferential installation position is the midpoint of the extension line of the front and back ends of two adjacent propeller roots in the front of fin root. Under these optimal parameters, the gain of open water efficiency of the controllable-pitch propeller with different advance velocity coefficients is greater than 0.01, which accounts for approximately an increase of 1%-5% of open water efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 boss cap fins controllable-pitch propeller open water efficiency Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)
Stress distributions on crown-luting cement-substrate system with finite element method 被引量:1
作者 S.SEN M.S.GULER C.GULER 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2115-2124,共10页
The aim of this work is to analyze the stress distributions on a crown-luting cement-substrate system with a finite-element method in order to predict the likelihood of interfacial micro cracks, radial or circumferent... The aim of this work is to analyze the stress distributions on a crown-luting cement-substrate system with a finite-element method in order to predict the likelihood of interfacial micro cracks, radial or circumferential cracks, delamination, fracture and delamination with torsion. The contact and layer interface stresses in elastic layered half-space indented by an elastic sphere were examined using finite element method. The model consists of crown, luting cement and substrate. The solutions were carried out for three different elastic moduli of luting cement. It was placed between the cement and the substrate as a middle layer and its elastic module was chosen lower than the elastic module of crown and higher than the elastic module of dentin. An axisymmetric finite element mesh was set up for the stress analysis. Stress distributions on the contact surface and the interfaces of crown-luting cement and luting cement-dentin have been investigated for three different values of luting cement by using ANSYS. The effects of the luting cement which has three different elastic moduli on the pressure distribution and the location of interfacial stresses of the multi-layer model have been examined. The mechanism of crack initiation in the interfaces and interracial delamination was also studied quantitatively. For each luting cement, the pressure distribution is similar at the contact zone. Stress discontinuities occur at the perfect bonding interfaces of the crown-luting cement and the substrate-luting cement. The maximum stress jumps are obtained for the highest and the lowest elastic module of the luting cement. In the crown-luting cement-substrate system, failures may initiate at crown-luting cement region for luting cement with the lowest elastic module value. In addition, failures at luting cement-substrate region may occur for luting cement with the highest elastic module. In the luting cement, the medium elastic module value is more suitable for stress distribution in crown-luting cement-substrate interfaces. 展开更多
关键词 finite element modeling stress analysis adhesive and luting cement elastic deformation plastic deformation
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