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岩质滑坡的时间预报与水力启动模型 被引量:9
作者 陈喜昌 谷明成 +1 位作者 石胜伟 马显春 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期752-761,共10页
岩质滑坡发生时间的适时超前预报是一个世界性难题,之所以长期不得其解,主要是缺乏对滑坡成生机理的明晰认识和未建立正确的量化模型。本文根据我国长江三峡工程库岸和西南山区积累的大量滑坡实例调查资料并参考国内外的一些研究成果,... 岩质滑坡发生时间的适时超前预报是一个世界性难题,之所以长期不得其解,主要是缺乏对滑坡成生机理的明晰认识和未建立正确的量化模型。本文根据我国长江三峡工程库岸和西南山区积累的大量滑坡实例调查资料并参考国内外的一些研究成果,排除了地形控制论与地层控制论观点,阐明了滑坡形成的必要条件是斜坡具有易滑结构;滑坡发生的充分条件是有一定强度的诱发因素作用。故而诱发因素的动态变化对滑坡发生的时间具决定意义。鉴于地下水诱发的岩质滑坡分布最广,为建立正确的水力启动模型,本文归纳了近代典型岩质滑坡的主要特征:(1)滑面是导水性差异最大的贯通面;(2)滑体长度大而厚度小,长厚比多在20左右;(3)滑坡前缘段先启动;(4)临滑前在前缘段有渗水、冒水或喷水现象;(5)出水宽度之和远小于前缘段总宽度。根据这些特征和水力学、水文地质学的成熟理论指出Jennings(1970)等人提出的岩质斜坡稳定性模型存在下列问题:(1)未表明贯通面上岩体重力分布状况;(2)空隙水压力的分布特征与前述滑坡现象和水力学原理相悖;(3)未考虑通水率问题。然后,本文按顺向坡中的易滑超倾坡和椅状坡两个类型建立了斜坡稳定性模型和滑坡水力启动临界值(基本)计算公式。提出潜滑面的综合内摩擦角和通水率的确定方法:(1)滑坡反算;(2)对无水压滑坡滑面倾角和渗水边坡通水率进行观测统计;(3)剪切试验和简易水文地质试验;(4)物探方法。 展开更多
关键词 岩质滑坡 水力启动 超前预报
Drainage feature about coalbed methane wells in different hydrogeological conditions in Fanzhuang area 被引量:1
作者 NI Xiao-ming LIN Ran WANG Yan-bin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期344-349,共6页
It is an important guarantee to enhance the production of coalbed methane (CBM) and reduce the project invest- ment by finding out the drainage feature about CBM wells in different hydrogeological conditions. Based ... It is an important guarantee to enhance the production of coalbed methane (CBM) and reduce the project invest- ment by finding out the drainage feature about CBM wells in different hydrogeological conditions. Based on the CBM explora- tion and development data on the Fanzhuang block in southeast Qinshui Basin and combined with the seepage principle and lithology on the roof and the bottom coalbed, the mathematical model of integrated permeability was established. By perme- ability experiments of the different lithologies on the roof and the floor within the 20 m range combined with the log curves, the integrated permeability of different lithological combinations were obtained. The starting pressure gradient and permeabi- lity of the roof and the floor for different lithologies was tested by "differential pressure-flow method". The relationships be- tween the starting pressure gradient and the integrated permeability were obtained. The critical distance of limestone water penetrating into coal reservoirs was calculated. According to the drainage feature of CBM wells combined with the drainage data of some CBM wells, the results show that, when limestone water can penetrate into coal reservoirs, the daily water production is high and the daily gas production is low although there is no gas at the beginning of the drainage process, the CBM wells stop discharging water within 6 months after the gas began to come out, and the gas production is steadily improved. When limestone water can not penetrate into coal reservoirs, the daily water production is low and the daily gas production is high at the beginning of the drainage process, and it almost stops discharging water after some time when the gas come out, the daily gas production increases, and the cumulative water production is much lower. 展开更多
关键词 coalbed methane hydrogeologicalv condition drainage feature water production Fanzhuang area
一维低渗透介质非达西渗流实验 被引量:16
作者 刘凯 文章 +2 位作者 梁杏 潘欢迎 刘建国 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期81-87,共7页
该文选取黏质粉土、粉质重亚黏土、粉质重黏土1和粉质重黏土2四种细粒土样作为实验介质,开展一维土柱渗流实验,研究了低渗透介质中的渗流规律,并通过调节进出水端的水头差,同时观测出水流量,分析水力梯度和渗透流速之间的关系。实验结... 该文选取黏质粉土、粉质重亚黏土、粉质重黏土1和粉质重黏土2四种细粒土样作为实验介质,开展一维土柱渗流实验,研究了低渗透介质中的渗流规律,并通过调节进出水端的水头差,同时观测出水流量,分析水力梯度和渗透流速之间的关系。实验结果表明:土样粒径的分布对渗流规律起决定性作用,即随着土样介质中黏粒含量的增大,渗流由达西流变为非达西流,且黏粒含量越高,非达西现象越明显,当渗透系数低于10–5cm/s数量级时,该非达西流中水力梯度和渗透流速满足二次方程关系。此外,对比粉质重亚黏土和粉质重黏土,可以明显发现渗流存在着启动水力梯度,且启动水力梯度会随着黏粒含量的增大而增大。 展开更多
关键词 低渗透介质 土柱试验 非达西流 启动水力梯度
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