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作者 朱江 倪玲英 李爱华 《城镇供水》 2018年第6期25-31,24,共8页
供水管网的水力评价是管网设计的根本和依据。本文通过对某高校校区供水管网的运行工况,建立物理模型,编译Fortran程序语言进行数值模拟,获得了管网管段、节点的流量、压力、压降等重要水力参数,分析认为:管网运行存在不合理的远距离绕... 供水管网的水力评价是管网设计的根本和依据。本文通过对某高校校区供水管网的运行工况,建立物理模型,编译Fortran程序语言进行数值模拟,获得了管网管段、节点的流量、压力、压降等重要水力参数,分析认为:管网运行存在不合理的远距离绕流和倒流,水力系统失衡,能耗严重。其症结在于小直径管线,尤其是在结垢、堵塞情况下,能耗过高。因此,在泵压和总供水流量不变的前提下,替换小直径管线对管网进行改造。对比分析认为,采用方案二对管网进行改造,管网压降降低,相对节能效果可达80%,倒流现象明显改善,管网运行更加合理。 展开更多
关键词 供水管网 水力评价 数值模拟 能耗
遥感与GIS多信息叠加分析法的理论与应用——以内蒙古土壤水力侵蚀评价为例 被引量:4
作者 雷军 包玉海 +1 位作者 银山 阿拉坦图雅 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2001年第4期361-364,共4页
应用内蒙古 2 0 0 0年的TM影像数据和 1∶1 0万地形图、DEM模型以及前人相关研究材料 ,结合GIS技术 ,将经数字化后的各种空间数据 ,进行叠加分析 ,按中华人民共和国行业标准SL 1 90 - 96《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》的总体要求进行内蒙古... 应用内蒙古 2 0 0 0年的TM影像数据和 1∶1 0万地形图、DEM模型以及前人相关研究材料 ,结合GIS技术 ,将经数字化后的各种空间数据 ,进行叠加分析 ,按中华人民共和国行业标准SL 1 90 - 96《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》的总体要求进行内蒙古土壤水力侵蚀评价 。 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古 遥感 GIS技术 多信息源叠加分析 土壤水力侵蚀评价
应用模糊数学方法评价全射流喷头的水力性能 被引量:1
作者 杨炎财 李红 +2 位作者 刘孟 陈超 王超 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2008年第7期29-31,共3页
旋转式喷头的水力性能主要是由射程、流量、工作压力、喷灌强度、喷灌均匀度、水滴打击强度等6项指标综合决定,应用模糊综合评判的数学模型并结合试验数据评价国内外摇臂式喷头及全射流喷头的水力性能,结果表明隙控式全射流喷头比摇臂... 旋转式喷头的水力性能主要是由射程、流量、工作压力、喷灌强度、喷灌均匀度、水滴打击强度等6项指标综合决定,应用模糊综合评判的数学模型并结合试验数据评价国内外摇臂式喷头及全射流喷头的水力性能,结果表明隙控式全射流喷头比摇臂式喷头有更优越的水力性能。应用模糊数学方法时,权重分配会对评价结果产生影响,应根据实际需要选择最优的权重分配。 展开更多
关键词 模糊综合评判 全射流喷头 水力性能评价 权重分配
作者 魏原 徐莹 《应用科技》 CAS 2011年第8期64-67,共4页
对于给水管网在震后的工作情况和服务水平,合理的水力状态的评价是很有必要的.在分析了地震对管线产生破坏程度的基础上,采用描述管线破坏程度的量化参数——泄漏面积标定了震后管线破坏状态的大小,将管线受地震的破坏程度定量化.在此... 对于给水管网在震后的工作情况和服务水平,合理的水力状态的评价是很有必要的.在分析了地震对管线产生破坏程度的基础上,采用描述管线破坏程度的量化参数——泄漏面积标定了震后管线破坏状态的大小,将管线受地震的破坏程度定量化.在此基础上,将泄漏面积的分析模型与给水管网水力分析模型相结合,进行带泄漏模型的管网水力计算,建立了震后管网水力分析模型.给出了考虑泄漏模型的震后给水管网水力状况分析的步骤,以一个典型的给水管网为例,模拟了震后给水管网水力状况,得到了震后管网中各节点的压力状态.分析结果表明,带有泄漏模型的震后水力分析模型较好地反映了地震对管线的不同破坏程度的影响,合理的泄漏模型是正确评价震后给水管网供水能力的基础. 展开更多
关键词 给水管网 地震破坏程度 震后恢复 水力评价 泄漏面积模型
仰角和雾化程度可调式喷头的水力性能试验研究与评价 被引量:3
作者 晁月增 黄修桥 +1 位作者 范永申 杨宝中 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期18-20,共3页
通过仰角和雾化程度可调式喷头室内外试验研究分析得出,这种新型喷头仰角实现了在7。~57。范围内连续可调;安装有雾化与射程调节器的喷头。实现了喷头的雾化及射程同步调整;喷头以间距18m×l8m进行组合试验表明,组合喷灌均匀... 通过仰角和雾化程度可调式喷头室内外试验研究分析得出,这种新型喷头仰角实现了在7。~57。范围内连续可调;安装有雾化与射程调节器的喷头。实现了喷头的雾化及射程同步调整;喷头以间距18m×l8m进行组合试验表明,组合喷灌均匀度都在0.86以上,组合喷灌强度都在7.6mm/h以下。应用模糊综合评判的数学模型并结合试验数据评价目前国内外广泛使用的旋转式喷头与仰角和雾化程度可调式喷头的水力性能,结果表明该喷头具有更优越的水力性能。 展开更多
关键词 喷头 仰角可调 水力性能评价 模糊综合评判法
《中国水能及电气化》 2008年第10期25-25,共1页
2008年9月21-23日,水利部水利水电规划设计总院在京主持召开了河北省、山西省和黑龙江省农村水力资源调查评价成果及开发规划报告审查会,水利部规计司、水电局、黄河水利委员会、海河委员会、松辽水利委员会、水电水利规划设计总院,... 2008年9月21-23日,水利部水利水电规划设计总院在京主持召开了河北省、山西省和黑龙江省农村水力资源调查评价成果及开发规划报告审查会,水利部规计司、水电局、黄河水利委员会、海河委员会、松辽水利委员会、水电水利规划设计总院,河北省水利厅、山西省水利厅和黑龙江省水利厅等单位参加了会议,会议由水利水电规划设计总院梅锦山副院长主持,水利部水电局邢援越副局长到会阐述了开展这项工作的背景和意义,并对审查的原则、重点等提出了明确要求。 展开更多
关键词 水利水电规划 报告审查 资源调查 开发 农村水力资源调查评价 黄河水利委员会
洗扫车高压水系统清洗能力的评价与计算 被引量:3
作者 肖庆麟 覃先云 《建设机械技术与管理》 2018年第1期54-57,共4页
针对洗扫车行车作业的特点创新性地提出了利用喷嘴打击力、喷杆单位面积打击能量和喷杆单位面积清洗水量这三个参数综合评价洗扫车高压水系统的清洗能力。以某典型洗扫车为例,详细介绍了如何获得以上三个评价参数的计算方法。对清洗喷... 针对洗扫车行车作业的特点创新性地提出了利用喷嘴打击力、喷杆单位面积打击能量和喷杆单位面积清洗水量这三个参数综合评价洗扫车高压水系统的清洗能力。以某典型洗扫车为例,详细介绍了如何获得以上三个评价参数的计算方法。对清洗喷杆的四种喷嘴布置方案的清洗能力进行对比分析表明,侧喷杆能力明显大于中喷杆,其能力是中喷杆的1.8~2.4倍;将侧喷杆的喷嘴型号由原来的A型更改为B型,使喷杆之间清洗能力差值明显降低,有利于提高路面整体清洗效果。试验测试结果进一步验证了本文方法的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 洗扫车 高压水系统 清洗能力 评价与计算
作者 付亚丽 《石油管材与仪器》 2015年第3期51-53,共3页
文章通过研究以覆膜砂为新型支撑剂的压裂措施机理,选取了适合对比测试的试验用井,确定了应用产液剖面测井技术以对比覆膜砂压裂措施与常规压裂措施的产液、含水,并组合多臂井径测试以观察压裂对射孔的影响,形成应用这两种常规测试方法... 文章通过研究以覆膜砂为新型支撑剂的压裂措施机理,选取了适合对比测试的试验用井,确定了应用产液剖面测井技术以对比覆膜砂压裂措施与常规压裂措施的产液、含水,并组合多臂井径测试以观察压裂对射孔的影响,形成应用这两种常规测试方法验证覆膜砂压裂效果的方案设计,通过对水力割缝工艺的了解,计算了在水力割缝补孔部位对多臂井径仪的要求,确定了符合测试需要的仪器,同时详细阐述了应用测试资料,评价覆膜砂压裂措施与传统压裂措施效果的方法,对比测试过程中,测试技术与覆膜砂压裂技术相互验证,测试资料有效的验证了覆膜砂压裂措施起到的控水增油效果。 展开更多
关键词 覆膜砂压裂 测试资料评价 测试方案设计 水力割缝评价
四参数模式流变参数准确计算方法及其应用 被引量:5
作者 周号博 樊洪海 +2 位作者 翟应虎 王果 景宁 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期128-132,共5页
通常根据牛顿流体所得剪切速率计算非牛顿流体流变参数,计算结果存在误差,不利于准确描述钻井液流变性及提高水力计算精度,因此需要修正其剪切速率。根据四参数流变模式本构方程,运用幂级数展开理论推导,得出了流体在水平旋转运动中的... 通常根据牛顿流体所得剪切速率计算非牛顿流体流变参数,计算结果存在误差,不利于准确描述钻井液流变性及提高水力计算精度,因此需要修正其剪切速率。根据四参数流变模式本构方程,运用幂级数展开理论推导,得出了流体在水平旋转运动中的流变规律及剪切速率表达式。编制了流变参数计算程序,根据剪切速率计算式迭代修正剪切速率,再利用修正的剪切速率回归计算流变参数。应用不同类型钻井液数据及一组水力实测数据对文中计算方法进行了流变分析及水力计算评价。结果表明:未修正的剪切速率误差较大,修正剪切速率后所得流变参数能够更好地描述钻井液流变性;运用剪切速率修正后所得流变参数进行水力计算,压降计算精度提高0.5 MPa,井底附加循环当量密度(ECD)与实测数据吻合更好,表明该方法具有一定的理论与应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 非牛顿流体 流变模式 流变规律 剪切速率 流变参数 水力评价
土壤持水能力研究进展 被引量:48
作者 苏杨 朱健 +2 位作者 王平 王冬柏 林艳 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第14期140-145,共6页
为了给改良土壤土质等方面的研究提供理论依据,简述了土壤持水能力与土壤结构、容重、土壤粘粒、土壤盐分、土壤总孔隙度、不同吸力条件等土壤因素的相关性。在此基础上,介绍了目前土壤持水能力改善的主要方法(土壤免耕、秸秆覆盖、土... 为了给改良土壤土质等方面的研究提供理论依据,简述了土壤持水能力与土壤结构、容重、土壤粘粒、土壤盐分、土壤总孔隙度、不同吸力条件等土壤因素的相关性。在此基础上,介绍了目前土壤持水能力改善的主要方法(土壤免耕、秸秆覆盖、土壤混合法和使用保水剂)及其主要原理,并通过前人的试验研究,评价了各种方法的效果,并总结了3种土壤持水能力的分析方法(比水容量指标评价法、水分特征曲线法、累计失水百分率法)。 展开更多
关键词 土壤持水能力 影响因素 水力改善 水力性能评价
Evaluation Model of Carrying Capacity of Water Resources Based on Standardized Indices of Radial Basis Function
作者 臧蕾 李祚泳 刘伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1365-1367,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to study on RBF model about evaluation on carrying capacity of water resources based on standardized indices. [Method] The indices were transformed and the averages of standard values in differ... [Objective] The aim was to study on RBF model about evaluation on carrying capacity of water resources based on standardized indices. [Method] The indices were transformed and the averages of standard values in different levels were taken as the standardized values of components of central vectors for basic functions of RBF hidden nodes. Hence, the basic functions are suitable for most indices, simplifying expression and calculation of basic functions. [Result] RBF models concluded through Monkey-king Genetic Algorithm with weights optimization are used in evaluation on water carrying capacity in three districts in Changwu County in Shaanxi Province, which were in consistent with that through fuzzy evaluation. [Conclusion] RBF, simple and practical, is universal and popular. 展开更多
关键词 Indices standardization RBF Water resource Carrying capacity Evaluation model
Evaluation of Fractionation of Softwood Pulp in a Cylindrical Hydrocyclone 被引量:4
作者 卢晓江 刘世杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第4期537-541,共5页
Pulp fiber length characterization is addressed in this article. It is .suggested that the proposed separation index H(L) is a viable index to the fiber fractionation performance for evaluating hydrocyclones. Fracti... Pulp fiber length characterization is addressed in this article. It is .suggested that the proposed separation index H(L) is a viable index to the fiber fractionation performance for evaluating hydrocyclones. Fractionation of softwood (coniferous wood) bleached chemithermomechanical pulp (BCTMP) fiber was carried out with a cylindrical hydrocyclone. Pulp fiber length characteristics in different streams were examined using the fiber quality analyzer (FQA), and the cumulative fiber length fraction, the fiber length fraction density function and the separation index H(L) for different streams were obtained. It is found that H(L) is very useful for characterizing the fiber fractionation performance by indicating the separation capacity of hydrocyclone for individual subgroup of fibers in different streams under different operation conditions. Results of H(L) show that there exists a critical fiber length. A higher proportion of fibers longer than the critical fiber length is in the overflow stream, and a higher proportion of fibers shorter than the critical fiber length in the undertow stream. The data obtained from FQA suggest that the split ratio is the most significant parameter for fiber fractionation performance, which is the best when the split ratio is in the range between 0.14 and 0.2. The effect of feed rate on fiber fractionation performance is weak. 展开更多
Synthesis Analysis of Soil Erosion for Three-River Headwater Region Based on GIS 被引量:11
作者 陈琼 吴万贞 +3 位作者 周强 杨玉含 Wan-zhen Yu-han 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期155-158,共4页
In this paper,based on the common soil erosion model,the Three-River Headwaters region was select for study object. GIS methods are applied to conduct Semi-quantitative assessment for different types of soil erosion,a... In this paper,based on the common soil erosion model,the Three-River Headwaters region was select for study object. GIS methods are applied to conduct Semi-quantitative assessment for different types of soil erosion,and some results are concluded. The water erosion occurs in High Mountain and extra-high mountain of Yushu,Nangqian,Banma and Jiuzhi County in the southeast and south of the Three-River Headwaters region. The degree of erosion is prone to topography,precipitation,river and human activity. The freeze-thaw erosion mainly distributes in the northwest of the Three-River Headwaters region. The area of middle and above middle erosion degree accounts for roughly 50%. 展开更多
关键词 Three-River Headwaters region Soil erosion Comprehensive analysis
Hydro-mechanical coupling mechanism on joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall 被引量:3
作者 罗玉龙 詹美礼 +1 位作者 盛金昌 吴强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2578-2585,共8页
The joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall is one of the weakest parts in high earth and rockftll dams.A kind of highly plastic clay is always fixed on the joint to fit the large shear deformation between c... The joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall is one of the weakest parts in high earth and rockftll dams.A kind of highly plastic clay is always fixed on the joint to fit the large shear deformation between clay core-wall and concrete cut-offwall,so the hydro-mechanical coupling mechanisms on the joint under high stress,high hydraulic gradient,and large shear deformation are of great importance for the evaluation of dam safety.The hydro-mechanical coupling characteristics of the joint of the highly plastic clay and the concrete cut-off wall in a high earth and rockfill dam in China were studied by using a newly designed soil-structure contact erosion apparatus.The experimental results indicate that:1) Shear failure on the joint is due to the hydro-mechanical coupling effect of stress and seepage failure.The seepage failure will induce the final shear failure when the ratio of deviatoric stress to confining pressure is within 1.0-1.2; 2) A negative exponential permeability empirical model for the joint denoted by a newly defined principal stress function,which considers the coupling effect of confining pressure and axial pressure on the permeability,is established based on hydro-mechanical coupling experiments.3) The variation of the settlement before and after seepage failure is very different.The settlement before seepage failure changes very slowly,while it increases significantly after the seepage failure.4) The stress-strain relationship is of a strain softening type.5) Flow along the joint still follows Darcian flow rule.The results will provide an important theoretical basis for the further evaluation on the safety of the high earth and rockfill dam. 展开更多
关键词 high earth and rockfill dam soil/structure interface hydro-mechanical coupling mechanism seepage failure shear failure
Evaluation of Station Keeping Systems for Deepwater Drilling Semi-submersibles 被引量:2
作者 宋安科 孙丽萍 +1 位作者 罗勇 王强 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第3期312-316,共5页
This paper addresses the need for systematic evaluation of the station keeping systems of deepwater drilling semi-submersibles.Based on the selected drilling semi-submersible configuration, the mooring systems were an... This paper addresses the need for systematic evaluation of the station keeping systems of deepwater drilling semi-submersibles.Based on the selected drilling semi-submersible configuration, the mooring systems were analyzed and designed for a range of water depths using different mooring line materials.These were steel wire rope, polyester rope and HMPE (high modulus poly ethylene).The mooring analysis was carried out using the advanced fully coupled time domain analysis method in the computer software package HARP.Diffraction analysis was first applied to solve the hydrodynamic properties of the vessel and then the motion equations of the complete dynamic system including the drilling rig, the mooring lines and risers were developed and solved in the time domain.Applying the advanced analysis method, a matrix of mooring systems was developed for operating in water depths of 1000 m, 1500 m, and 2 000 m using various mooring materials.The development of mooring systems was conducted in accordance with the commonly adopted mooring design code, API RP 2SK and API RP 2SM.Fresh attempts were then made to comparatively evaluate the mooring system's characteristics and global performance.Useful results have been obtained in terms of mooring materials, water depths, and key parameters of mooring configurations.The results provide in-depth insight for the design and operation of deepwater mooring systems in the South China Sea environment. 展开更多
关键词 polyester line mooring system time domain analysis
Advanced Methods of Evaluating Benefits from Improved Flood Immunity in Queensland
作者 Wayne Davies 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第8期973-991,共19页
The regular occurrence and the high costs of flooding to both road agencies and communities is a strong impetus to investigate the methodologies applied to evaluating flood immunity road projects. Very little literatu... The regular occurrence and the high costs of flooding to both road agencies and communities is a strong impetus to investigate the methodologies applied to evaluating flood immunity road projects. Very little literature exists on methods of evaluating the benefits of improving flood immunity through better road infrastructure. This paper attempts to address some of the numerous issues hindering the accurate evaluation of flood immunity road projects. The methodologies presented in this paper are designed to evaluate benefits that are not normally included or not fully considered in evaluations; such benefits include reduced flood related road accidents, costs of not travelling during the closure period and additional costs from unanticipated flood events. A key focus of the paper is the consideration of the evaluation of improved flood immunity from a network perspective rather than the typical approach of evaluating flood immunity projects in isolation to each other. The application of the proposed methodologies is demonstrated with a hypothetical example of a typical rural network subjected to regular flooding. The results of the analysis, conducted using the proposed methodologies, reveals that the currently applied methodologies account for less than half the likely value of benefits of a package of projects that will prevent the complete isolation of communities during serious flood events. 展开更多
关键词 Flood immunity economic evaluation cost benefit analysis road closures.
A novel experimental system for performance evaluation of water powered percussive rock drill
作者 李夕兵 李志国 +1 位作者 周梓荣 刘希灵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期1902-1909,共8页
A set of water powered excavation test system was developed for the comprehensive performance testing and evaluation of water powered percussive rock drill indoors. The whole system contains hydraulic power section, e... A set of water powered excavation test system was developed for the comprehensive performance testing and evaluation of water powered percussive rock drill indoors. The whole system contains hydraulic power section, electronic control system, test and data acquisition system, and assistant devices, such as guideway and drilling bench. Parameters of the water powered percussive rock drill can be obtained by analyzing testing data, which contain impact energy, front and back cavity pressure, pressure and flow in each working part, drilling velocity, frequency and energy efficiency etc. The system is applied to test the self-designed water powered percussive rock drill SYYG65. The parameters of water powered percussive rock drill with impact pressure of about 8.9 MPa are 58.93 J for impact energy, and 8.97% for energy efficiency, which prove the effectiveness of system. 展开更多
关键词 water powered percussive rock drill performance test water powered excavation comprehensive evaluation
Solvent Effect on Conformation of a Cycloheptapeptide,Stylopeptide 1,Evaluated by Molecular Dynamics in Methonal and Aqueous Environments
作者 LIU Xiao-qing LI Xiao-hui TENG Hu XIU Zhi-long 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期560-563,共4页
Stylopeptide 1 synthesized and isolated from different sources exhibits a large activity difference in inhibitory effect on the growth of a cancer cell.Based on the different amounts of methanol and water during synth... Stylopeptide 1 synthesized and isolated from different sources exhibits a large activity difference in inhibitory effect on the growth of a cancer cell.Based on the different amounts of methanol and water during synthesis,isolation and purification of the cyclic peptides,molecular dynamics(MD) was employed to simulate the conformation of stylopeptide 1 in methanol and aqueous environments.The comparative results show that the backbone ring was more rigid in methanol than in water.In methanol,two β-turns and three hydrogen bonds were well conserved throughout the simulation,whereas no hydrogen bonds or turns were preserved in water.The activity difference of stylopeptide 1 seemed to be attributed to the solvent effect on its conformation. 展开更多
关键词 Cyclic peptide METHANOL WATER Molecular dynamics
Evaluation of FAD-associated purse seine fishery reduction strategies for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean
作者 童玉和 陈新军 +1 位作者 许柳雄 陈勇 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期724-736,共13页
In the Indian Ocean, bigeye tuna supports one of the most important fisheries in the world. This fishery mainly consists of two components: longline and purse seine fisheries. Evidence of overfishing and stock depleti... In the Indian Ocean, bigeye tuna supports one of the most important fisheries in the world. This fishery mainly consists of two components: longline and purse seine fisheries. Evidence of overfishing and stock depletion of bigeye tuna calls for an evaluation of alternative management strategies. Using an age-structured operating model, parameterize dwith the results derived in a recent stock assessment,we evaluated the effectiveness of applying constant fishing mortality (CF) and quasi-constant fishing mortality (QCF) strategies to reduce fishing effort of purse seining with fish aggregating devices (FADs) at different rates. Three different levels of productivity accounted for the uncertainty in our understanding of stock productivity. The study shows that the results of CF and QCF are similar. Average SSB and catchduring simulation years would be higher if fishing mortality of FAD-associated purse seiningwas reduced rapidly. The banning or rapid reduction of purse seining with FAD resulted in a mean catch, and catch in the last simulation year, higher than that of the base case in which no change was made to the purse seine fishery. This could be caused by growth overfishing by purse seine fisheries with FADs according to the per-recruit analysis. These differences would be more obvious when stock productivity was low. Transferring efforts of FAD-associated purse seining to longline fisheries is also not feasible.Our study suggests that changes are necessary to improve the performance of the current management strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Thunnus obesus purse seine fishing aggregating device simulation Indian Ocean
Evaluation of Commercial Active Carbons for the Removal of s-Triazine Herbicides from Waters
作者 Francisco J. Rojas Moreno Manuel De La Fuente Darder +2 位作者 Rafael MAarin Galvin Manuel Mayen Jose M.Rodriguez Mellado 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第2期135-140,共6页
The adsorption capacity of powdered active carbons, used in a water treatment facility, for the removal of the triazine herbicides propazine, prometryn and prometon, was evaluated. Kinetic studies showed that some of ... The adsorption capacity of powdered active carbons, used in a water treatment facility, for the removal of the triazine herbicides propazine, prometryn and prometon, was evaluated. Kinetic studies showed that some of the carbon samples used could be suitable in the practice for the treatment of moderate contents of the herbicides in contaminated waters. Equilibrium studies showed that the data fit the Frumkin isotherm. The results show that in the adsorption process there are repulsive lateral interactions that depend mainly of the adsorbate molecules rather than the nature or distribution of adsorption sites. Such lateral interactions seem to be established mainly between the isopropyl groups of adjacent molecules, being of the same order for the three molecules. The effectiveness of the active carbons was evaluated by determining the percentage of reduction achieved by each product. 展开更多
关键词 Active carbon adsorption triazine herbicides herbicides removal PROPAZINE PROMETRYN prometon
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