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浅析H_2S和CO_2对特高含硫天然气水化物形成温度的影响 被引量:1
作者 张莉 柳立 《天然气与石油》 2006年第4期24-26,共3页
经过计算分析比较,特高含硫天然气水化物形成温度比不含硫天然气水化物形成温度高。对特高含硫天然气而言,硫化氢含量越高,对水化物形成温度影响越大,且随压力的降低,硫化氢含量越高对水化物形成温度影响得越大。其中二氧化碳含量的高低... 经过计算分析比较,特高含硫天然气水化物形成温度比不含硫天然气水化物形成温度高。对特高含硫天然气而言,硫化氢含量越高,对水化物形成温度影响越大,且随压力的降低,硫化氢含量越高对水化物形成温度影响得越大。其中二氧化碳含量的高低,对水化物形成温度影响不大。 展开更多
关键词 特高含硫天然气 H2S CO2 天然气水化物形成温度
采输气工程中水化物的形成、预测及防止分析 被引量:12
作者 王樊科 张积峰 《天然气与石油》 2000年第4期16-19,共4页
天然气在地层条件下都饱和着水汽 ,其水汽的含量取决于压力、温度及气体的组成 ,在一定的温度和压力条件下 ,天然气中某些气体组分能和液态水形成水化物白色结晶体。采输气工程中水化物会堵塞采气管线和输气管道 ,也会造成分离设备和仪... 天然气在地层条件下都饱和着水汽 ,其水汽的含量取决于压力、温度及气体的组成 ,在一定的温度和压力条件下 ,天然气中某些气体组分能和液态水形成水化物白色结晶体。采输气工程中水化物会堵塞采气管线和输气管道 ,也会造成分离设备和仪表的堵塞 ,阻碍采输气工作的进行。特别是对于高压集气管线 ,水化物的形成更应引起足够的重视 ,本文就水化物的形成条件、生成预测、防止方法及解堵措施进行论述 ,从而为指导现场生产提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 采气 输气 水化物形成 预测 防止方法 解堵
作者 С.И.亚戈多夫斯基 《断块油气田》 CAS 1995年第1期45-48,共4页
随着天然气工业的发展,气体水化物的问题已使天然气的开采、储运、加工工艺日趋复杂化。文中分析了天然气水化物形成的原因,提出了防止水化物形成的各种方法。分析表明:防止井筒内形成水化物的最有效方法是在气水混合流中添加乙醇或... 随着天然气工业的发展,气体水化物的问题已使天然气的开采、储运、加工工艺日趋复杂化。文中分析了天然气水化物形成的原因,提出了防止水化物形成的各种方法。分析表明:防止井筒内形成水化物的最有效方法是在气水混合流中添加乙醇或电介质。 展开更多
关键词 天然气工业 水化物 气体 防垢剂 两相流 水化物形成 防止
文23块气田水化物堵塞及预防措施 被引量:3
作者 郝春山 张中伟 《断块油气田》 CAS 1995年第1期52-53,58,共3页
在天然气开采和输送中,水化物堵塞是一个普遍存在而且经常发生的问题,严重干扰了天然气的正常生产。分析了水化物形成的原因和过程之后,从生产管理的角度出发,提出了一套简便易行的解除和预防堵塞的方法。例如控制采气参数,稳定气... 在天然气开采和输送中,水化物堵塞是一个普遍存在而且经常发生的问题,严重干扰了天然气的正常生产。分析了水化物形成的原因和过程之后,从生产管理的角度出发,提出了一套简便易行的解除和预防堵塞的方法。例如控制采气参数,稳定气井工作制度,及时吹扫管线,定期检查易堵部位等,把日常管理制度化、科学化,保证了天然气井生产的正常运行。 展开更多
关键词 文23断块 气田 堵塞 解堵 水化物控制 水化物形成 预防措施 生产管理
轻烃水化物生成条件的预测 被引量:2
作者 孔繁景 徐平 胡斌 《油气田地面工程》 1998年第5期23-24,26,共3页
针对轻烃在冬季输送过程中易生成水化物并堵塞管线的问题,采用膜捕捉法对轻烃水化物的生成条件进行了试验,澄清了水化物生成与温度、含水量及加药量的关系,为进一步深入研究轻烃水化物生成条件、优选水化物的抑制方法打下了良好的基... 针对轻烃在冬季输送过程中易生成水化物并堵塞管线的问题,采用膜捕捉法对轻烃水化物的生成条件进行了试验,澄清了水化物生成与温度、含水量及加药量的关系,为进一步深入研究轻烃水化物生成条件、优选水化物的抑制方法打下了良好的基础。用膜捕捉法测试轻烃水化物的生成具有安全可靠、重复性好、设备简单、投资少等特点。试验结果可靠,对实际生产操作具有一定借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 轻烃 水化物形成 预测 油气集输工艺
作者 杨桦 《世界石油工业》 1997年第7期45-46,共2页
关键词 天然气 水化物形成 水化抑制剂 采气 天然气输送
从生物化学的角度看担子菌子实体形成 被引量:3
作者 北本丰 辻山彰一 《食用菌学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期9-12,共4页
总结了从生物化学的角度看待担子菌子实体形成的研究进展。通过以金针菇为模型的RI示踪实验,解析了菌丝体中积蓄的糖原作为营养成长过程中的主要贮藏碳水化合物、随着子实体形成的开始而被分解、被转换为海藻糖后输送到子实体、并作为... 总结了从生物化学的角度看待担子菌子实体形成的研究进展。通过以金针菇为模型的RI示踪实验,解析了菌丝体中积蓄的糖原作为营养成长过程中的主要贮藏碳水化合物、随着子实体形成的开始而被分解、被转换为海藻糖后输送到子实体、并作为主要发育基质被利用。笔者率先发现了存在于海藻糖的合成与分解代谢中的新酶—海藻糖磷酸化酶(TP),接着,在几种食用菌的生化反应中证明了此酶存在并通过基因克隆方法发现此酶在子实体形成中的作用—在营养菌丝体中以糖原为基质催化加磷酸反应,形成α-G1P海藻糖,当海藻糖输送到子实体,借助该酶的加磷酸分解功能生成α-G1P葡萄糖,而葡萄糖作为子实体发育中的主要糖代谢基质而被加以利用。了解了营养菌丝从培养基中吸收的葡萄糖基本上不能从菌丝体输送到子实体。通过基因实验,检证了TP在营养菌丝体中对催化海藻糖的合成作用。另一方面,该酶还具有加磷酸分解从菌丝体输送到子实体的海藻糖的生理功能,伴随子实体发育的细胞内磷酸糖类分析证明了α-G1P(α-1磷酸葡萄糖)的含量比α-G6P(α-6磷酸葡萄糖)更多。另外,从子实体形成过程中氮化合物代谢分析表明,营养菌丝的菌体蛋白为形成子实体的主要氮素来源,当生殖生长启动时被菌丝体内的蛋白酶分解,形成的氨基酸输送到子实体并被用于子实体发育。通过这些研究的累积,已大致了解了碳素和氮素在子实体形成过程中的动态,但是,从营养生长转换到子实体形成的机制却至今仍不明了。 展开更多
关键词 代谢调控 子实体形成 输送碳水化合物 贮藏碳水化合物 蛋白质水解
作者 Ray Lawson 杨民 《吐哈油气》 1998年第4期76-78,共3页
关键词 防喷器组 不压井作业 水化物形成 橡胶材料 全液压 气井 作业技术 管柱 工作环境 操作人员
Recovery of Hydrogen from Ammonia Plant Tail Gas by Absorption-Hydration Hybrid Method 被引量:5
作者 刘蓓 王秀林 +3 位作者 唐绪龙 杨兰英 孙长宇 陈光进 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期784-791,共8页
In this work, the absorption-hydration hybrid method was used to recover (hydrogen + nitrogen) from (hydrogen + nitrogen + methane + argon) tail gas mixtures of synthetic ammonia plant through hydrate formatio... In this work, the absorption-hydration hybrid method was used to recover (hydrogen + nitrogen) from (hydrogen + nitrogen + methane + argon) tail gas mixtures of synthetic ammonia plant through hydrate formation/dissociation. A high-pressure reactor with magnetic stirrer was used to study the separation efficiency. The in-fluences of the concentration of anti-agglomerant, temperature, pressure, initial gas-liquid volume ratio, and oil-water volume ratio on the separation efficiency were systematically investigated in the presence of tetrahydro-furan (THF). Anti-agglomerant was used to disperse hydrate particles into the condensate phase for water-in-oil emulsion system. Since nitrogen is the material for ammonia production, the objective production in our separation process is (hydrogen + nitrogen). Our experimental results show that by adopting appropriate operating conditions, high concentration of (hydrogen + nitrogen) can be obtained using the proposed technology based on forming hydrate. 展开更多
关键词 SEPARATION HYDRATE HYDROGEN synthetic ammonia plant tail gas
Cu and Zn Speciation in an Acid Soil Amended withAlhalline Biosolids 被引量:3
作者 LUO YONGMINGInstitute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期165-170,共6页
Fractionation of metals in acid sandy loam soil amended withalkaline-stabilised sewage sludge biosolids was conducted in order toassess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility. Soilsolution was extracted by a... Fractionation of metals in acid sandy loam soil amended withalkaline-stabilised sewage sludge biosolids was conducted in order toassess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility. Soilsolution was extracted by a centrifugation and filtration technique.Meal speciation in the soil solution was determined by a cationexchange resin method. Acetic acid and EDTA extracting solutions wereused for extraction of metals in soil solid surfaces. Metaldistribution in different fractions of soil solid phase wasdetermined using a three-step sequential extraction scheme. 展开更多
关键词 alkaline-stabilised sewage sludge chemical speciation Cu granite soil
Treatment of Rural Effluents Using Fortified Sand-Clay: Interaction Bacteria-Clay for the Formation of Biofilm
作者 S. Eturki Y. Hidri +3 位作者 F. Ayari H. Kallali N. Jedidi H. Bendhia 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第11期28-37,共10页
The ability of some Tunisian sand-clays in rural wastewater treatment was investigated in this study. The sand-clays were characterized by studying the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics using X-ray diffrac... The ability of some Tunisian sand-clays in rural wastewater treatment was investigated in this study. The sand-clays were characterized by studying the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics using X-ray diffractometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), respectively. Performance efficiency studies were conducted to determine the best combination ratio of sand-clay/pebbles. Sand-clay fortified with pebbles in the ratio 3:1 gave the optimum water purification while combination ratio 1:3 gave the least. The fortified sand-clays were used in the treatment of wastewater from rural locality. On the other hand, bacteria play an important role in determining the properties and behavior of clay minerals in natural environments and such interactions have great potential for creating stable biofilms and carbon storage sites in soils, but our knowledge of these interactions are far from complete. The purpose of this study was to understand better the effects of bacteria-generated biofilms on clay interlayer expansion. Mixtures of a colloidal, 2-water smectite clay and Pseudomonas aereginosae in a minimal media suspension evolve into a polysaccharide-rich biofilm aggregate in time-series experiments lasting up to 1 week. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that upon aggregation, the clay undergoes an initial interlayer contraction. 展开更多
关键词 Fortified sand-clay effluent rural TREATMENT bacteria-clay interaction biofilms.
Prediction of Refrigerant Gas Hydrates Formation Conditions 被引量:9
作者 DeqingLiang KaihuaGuo 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第1期64-68,19,共6页
A fugacity model was developed for prediction of mixed refrigerant gas hydrates formation conditions based on the molecule congregation and solution theories. In this model, gas hydrates were regarded as non-ideal sol... A fugacity model was developed for prediction of mixed refrigerant gas hydrates formation conditions based on the molecule congregation and solution theories. In this model, gas hydrates were regarded as non-ideal solid solution composed of water groups and guest molecules, and the expressions of fugacity of guest molecules in hydrate phase was proposed accordingly. It has been shown that the developed model can indicate successfully the effect of guest-guest molecule interaction. The results showed that the model can describe better the characteristics of phase equilibrium of mixed refrigerant gas hydrates and predictions are in good agreement with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 refrigerant gas hydrater formation condition.
Pre-activation based stereoselective glycosylations: Stereochemical control by additives and solvent 被引量:1
作者 WASONGA Gilbert 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期66-73,262-278,共8页
Stereochemical control is an important issue in carbohydrate synthesis.Glycosyl donors with participating acyl protective groups on 2-O have been shown to give 1,2-trans glycosides reliably under the pre-activation ba... Stereochemical control is an important issue in carbohydrate synthesis.Glycosyl donors with participating acyl protective groups on 2-O have been shown to give 1,2-trans glycosides reliably under the pre-activation based reaction condition.In this work,the effects of additives and reaction solvents on stereoselectivity were examined using donors without participating protective groups on 2-O.While several triflate salt additives did not have major effects,the amount of AgOTf was found to significantly impact the reaction outcome.Excess AgOTf led to lower stereochemical control presumably due to its coordination with the glycosyl triflate intermediate and a more SN1 like reaction pathway.In contrast,the stereoselectivity could be directed by reaction solvents,with diethyl ether favoring the formation of glycosides and dichloromethane leading to β isomers.The trend of stereochemical dependence on reaction solvent was applicable to a variety of building blocks including the selective formation of β-mannosides. 展开更多
关键词 STEREOSELECTIVITY pre-activation based glycosylation ADDITIVES solvent effects
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