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铝掺杂水化硅酸钙的分子结构和力学性能 被引量:9
作者 杨军 张高展 +1 位作者 丁庆军 赵明宇 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期565-571,584,共8页
通过试验结合分子动力学,模拟研究了Al掺杂影响水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)的机理.结果表明:Al掺杂对于C-A-S-H凝胶中硅铝氧链链长的影响可等效为同摩尔量Si的影响,但会使C-A-S-H凝胶层间距增加的幅度更大;提高养护温度促进了C-A-S-H凝胶中... 通过试验结合分子动力学,模拟研究了Al掺杂影响水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)的机理.结果表明:Al掺杂对于C-A-S-H凝胶中硅铝氧链链长的影响可等效为同摩尔量Si的影响,但会使C-A-S-H凝胶层间距增加的幅度更大;提高养护温度促进了C-A-S-H凝胶中硅氧四面体的聚合,当养护温度达到80℃时,C-A-S-H凝胶的层间距减小,相邻主层上硅铝氧链之间形成了交联结构,部分转变为交联C-A-S-H凝胶,其力学性能大幅度增加;Al掺杂桥接了断裂的硅氧链且形成了硅铝氧长链,提升了C-A-S-H凝胶沿y轴方向的力学性能,对其沿x轴和z轴方向力学性能的影响较小. 展开更多
关键词 铝掺杂 水化硅铝酸钙 分子动力学 力学性能 交联结构
砂岩酸化中水化硅沉淀的影响因素分析 被引量:2
作者 蒋建方 李丹梅 +1 位作者 张汝生 杨玉凤 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期301-304,共4页
讨论了砂岩酸化中产生水化硅沉淀的反应机理。使高岭土与1.0%HF和多种配比的HCl+HF在不同温度(20-90℃)反应不同时间(10-300分钟),用等离子吸收光谱法(ICP)测定酸液中可溶性硅的浓度(mg/L),取某时段测定值的减小量为该时段水化硅沉淀生... 讨论了砂岩酸化中产生水化硅沉淀的反应机理。使高岭土与1.0%HF和多种配比的HCl+HF在不同温度(20-90℃)反应不同时间(10-300分钟),用等离子吸收光谱法(ICP)测定酸液中可溶性硅的浓度(mg/L),取某时段测定值的减小量为该时段水化硅沉淀生成量,讨论了多种因素的影响,得到了如下结果和结论。反应温度越高,则高岭土与HF之间的反应越快,形成水化硅沉淀的时间越短,最终生成的沉淀量越大;在HF中加入HCl(使用土酸体系)、减小土酸中HF质量分数、加大土酸中HCl、HF质量分数比,均可使生成沉淀时间延后,使最终生成沉淀量减少。60℃时300分钟沉淀量,在1.0%HF、5.0%HCl+1.0%HF、9.0%HCl+1.0%HF中分别为482、321、201mg/L。提出了在酸化设计与施工中可以采取的6条简便易行的减少水化硅沉淀量的措施。图4表1参6。 展开更多
关键词 酸岩反应 盐酸/氢氟酸(土酸)体系 高岭土 可溶性 水化硅 沉淀 影响因素 砂岩酸化
含铝矿物相在胶凝体系中的水化机理研究进展 被引量:5
作者 王莹 倪文 +2 位作者 张思奇 王一杰 李佳 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期194-198,共5页
含铝矿物相对水泥与工业废渣的水化反应、火山灰活性材质发生土聚反应等过程中形成性能优良的地质聚合物具有不可或缺的作用。综述了含铝矿物相水化铝酸钙(C-A-H)、水化硫铝酸钙(C-A-S--H)、水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)及水化氯铝酸钙(C-A-Cl... 含铝矿物相对水泥与工业废渣的水化反应、火山灰活性材质发生土聚反应等过程中形成性能优良的地质聚合物具有不可或缺的作用。综述了含铝矿物相水化铝酸钙(C-A-H)、水化硫铝酸钙(C-A-S--H)、水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)及水化氯铝酸钙(C-A-Cl-H)胶凝体系中铝相的水化机理,对含铝矿物相在这几种胶凝体系中的形成与反应规律进行了总结。高铝水泥中加入合适添加剂可以提高水泥强度和稳定性,铝取代硅导致电荷不平衡,能够强烈吸引并固定重金属等有害离子;铝酸钙与氯离子作用后能够直接对氯离子进行固定,为危险废弃物的稳定化和无害化处理提供了新思路。指出今后应加强含铝矿物相在不同化学组成的胶凝体系中的形成与转变规律研究。 展开更多
关键词 水化铝酸钙 水化硫铝酸钙 水化硅铝酸钙 水化氯铝酸钙 水化机理
作者 张彬彬 马宇 +2 位作者 梁咏宁 林毅武 季韬 《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期299-306,共8页
为探究生活垃圾焚烧炉渣(MSWI-BA)对碱矿渣净浆耐高温性能的影响机理,将6%的矿渣等质量替换为MSWI-BA,制备碱矿渣水泥净浆(AASBp),研究不同温度对AASBp的质量损失率、干燥收缩率和强度的影响.以普通硅酸盐水泥净浆作为对照组,结合多种... 为探究生活垃圾焚烧炉渣(MSWI-BA)对碱矿渣净浆耐高温性能的影响机理,将6%的矿渣等质量替换为MSWI-BA,制备碱矿渣水泥净浆(AASBp),研究不同温度对AASBp的质量损失率、干燥收缩率和强度的影响.以普通硅酸盐水泥净浆作为对照组,结合多种微观手段,揭示AASBp的耐高温机理,并与未掺MSWI-BA的碱矿渣水泥(AASp)进行对比.结果表明:随着温度的升高,AASBp中水化硅铝酸钙的钙硅比(C/S)先降低后升高;在400℃时,水化硅铝酸钙的聚合度最高,C/S最低;Al—O键在600℃断裂,而Si—O键在1000℃断裂;MSWI-BA可提高基体孔隙的连通性,高温处理后孔隙压力得到释放,因此AASBp比AASp具有更高的归一化抗压强度和耐高温性能. 展开更多
关键词 碱激发矿渣 生活垃圾焚烧炉渣 耐高温 干燥收缩率 水化硅铝酸钙的聚合度
作者 吴求刚 赵恒 +5 位作者 刘威 王新富 王彦君 何建国 章梅 朱孛 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期2539-2547,共9页
以自燃煤矸石为原料,粉煤灰和低掺量复合硅酸盐水泥P·C 42.5为辅料,通过电石渣的激发作用制备了自燃煤矸石基地质聚合物低强度注浆材料并对其进行了微观分析。结果表明:在电石渣掺量(9.65%,质量分数)相同时,煤矸石、粉煤灰和水泥... 以自燃煤矸石为原料,粉煤灰和低掺量复合硅酸盐水泥P·C 42.5为辅料,通过电石渣的激发作用制备了自燃煤矸石基地质聚合物低强度注浆材料并对其进行了微观分析。结果表明:在电石渣掺量(9.65%,质量分数)相同时,煤矸石、粉煤灰和水泥质量比设置为5∶3∶2或5∶2∶3时更有利于样品抗压强度发展,较质量比为7∶2∶1和7∶1∶2的样品,其样品体系地质聚合反应程度更高且55 d抗压强度可增加70%~86%;同时,与未添加脱硫石膏样品相比,添加20%(质量分数)脱硫石膏可以大幅提升样品养护全过程的抗压强度,55 d抗压强度可增加21%~50%;相关性、XRD、SEM及FTIR分析表明,样品主要水化产物为钙矾石、水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)凝胶体、水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)无定形凝胶体等,且样品抗压强度主要来源于地质聚合反应产生的C-A-S-H无定形凝胶体。 展开更多
关键词 自燃煤矸石 地质聚合物 注浆材料 水化硅铝酸钙 电石渣 微观分析
C-(A)-S-H对氯离子的吸附性能研究 被引量:15
作者 万小梅 刘国强 +1 位作者 赵铁军 杨保先 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期31-37,共7页
通过化学沉淀法合成了不同钙硅比(n_(Ca)/n_(Si)=0.8~2.0)和不同铝硅比(n_(Al)/n_(Si)=0~0.6)的水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)和水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H),并以氯盐溶液浸泡结合离子色谱仪(IC)研究了这2种水化产物对氯离子的吸附特性;同时结合傅里... 通过化学沉淀法合成了不同钙硅比(n_(Ca)/n_(Si)=0.8~2.0)和不同铝硅比(n_(Al)/n_(Si)=0~0.6)的水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)和水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H),并以氯盐溶液浸泡结合离子色谱仪(IC)研究了这2种水化产物对氯离子的吸附特性;同时结合傅里叶红外光谱法(FTIR)和扫描电镜(SEM)研究了钙硅比、铝硅比对C-(A)-S-H结构及其微观形貌的影响.结果表明:随着浸泡液浓度的增大,C-S-H和C-A-S-H对氯离子的吸附量均逐渐增大,吸附曲线符合Freundlich吸附模型;钙硅比和铝硅比影响着C-(A)-S-H的聚合度和结构,C-(A)-S-H的氯离子吸附能力随钙硅比有先升高后降低的趋势;随着铝硅比的增大,尤其是铝硅比超过0.2之后,C-A-S-H吸附氯离子的能力明显降低. 展开更多
关键词 水化硅铝酸钙 氯离子吸附 傅里叶红外光谱 扫描电镜
Effects of Ti-and Mg-bearing minerals on hydrothermal formation of hydroandradite
作者 Hong-fei WU Xiao-lin PAN +1 位作者 Ying-jie HE Hai-yan YU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期3762-3776,共15页
The effects of Ti-and Mg-bearing minerals on the crystal structure,morphology,particle size distribution,and formation mechanism of efficient desilication product of hydroandradite(HA)during hydrothermal conversion in... The effects of Ti-and Mg-bearing minerals on the crystal structure,morphology,particle size distribution,and formation mechanism of efficient desilication product of hydroandradite(HA)during hydrothermal conversion in a synthetic sodium aluminate solution were investigated via X-ray diffractometer,scanning electron microscope and particle size analyzer.During HA formation,anatase,rutile,and periclase dissolved in sodium aluminate solution engage in ion substitution reactions between Ti4+and Si4+,and between Mg^(2+)and Ca^(2+),respectively.However,dissolved hydromagnesite cannot enter into the HA.The content of HA after the hydrothermal reactions changes slightly with the increase of anatase and periclase contents,but it notably decreases with increased quantities of rutile and hydromagnesite.Ti-bearing minerals reduce the particle size and enhance the specific surface area of HA,whereas Mg-bearing minerals exert the opposite effect.The morphology of HA with Ti-and Mg-bearing minerals changes from spherical particles to flocculent structure and hexagonal plate-like particles. 展开更多
Effect of inorganic salt impurities on seeded precipitation of silica hydrate from sodium silicate solution
作者 Xiao-bin LI Xiao-bing GAO +5 位作者 Qiu-sheng ZHOU Yi-lin WANG Tian-gui QI Lei-ting SHEN Gui-hua LIU Zhi-hong PENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3016-3028,共13页
To clarify the precipitation of silica hydrate from the real desilication solutions of aluminosilicate solid wastes by adding seeds and improve integrated waste utilization,the seeded precipitation was studied using s... To clarify the precipitation of silica hydrate from the real desilication solutions of aluminosilicate solid wastes by adding seeds and improve integrated waste utilization,the seeded precipitation was studied using synthesized sodium silicate solution containing different inorganic salt impurities.The results show that sodium chloride,sodium sulfate,sodium carbonate,or calcium chloride can change the siloxy group structure.The number of high-polymeric siloxy groups decreases with increasing sodium chloride or sodium sulfate concentration,which is detrimental to seeded precipitation.Calcium chloride favors the polymerization of silicate ions,and even the chain groups precipitate with the precipitation of high-polymeric sheet and cage-like siloxy groups.The introduced sodium cations in sodium carbonate render a more open network structure of high-polymeric siloxy groups,although the carbonate ions favor the polymerization of siloxy groups.No matter how the four impurities affect the siloxy group structure,the precipitates are always amorphous opal-A silica hydrate. 展开更多
关键词 ALUMINOSILICATE sodium silicate solution siloxy group IMPURITY silica hydrate
基于分子动力学理论研究离子在C-A-S-H纳米孔道中的吸附与传输特性 被引量:4
作者 徐小倩 李涛 +3 位作者 李海斌 贾玉婷 王攀 侯东帅 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期737-742,共6页
运用分子动力学理论研究了氯化钠溶液在不同铝掺量[Al/(Al+Si)]的水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)凝胶孔模型中的基本特性,通过密度分布、吸附比例、径向分布函数(RDF)、时间相关函数(TCF)和均方位移(MSD)等手段进行表征。离子的密度在界面处出... 运用分子动力学理论研究了氯化钠溶液在不同铝掺量[Al/(Al+Si)]的水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)凝胶孔模型中的基本特性,通过密度分布、吸附比例、径向分布函数(RDF)、时间相关函数(TCF)和均方位移(MSD)等手段进行表征。离子的密度在界面处出现了明显的峰值,其吸附比例亦随着铝掺量的增加有所增加。水化硅铝酸钙孔道界面对离子的动力学特性也有较大的影响,随着铝掺量的增加,钠离子与界面结构氧原子(O_s)的吸附稳定性逐渐增强,阴阳离子的均方位移减小,即离子运动变慢,使得在水化硅酸钙孔道中的传输受到限制。从分子动力学的角度揭示了C-A-S-H界面对离子的吸附机理,对富含铝相水泥基材料的耐久性研究提供了重要的依据。 展开更多
关键词 水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H) 铝掺量[Al/(Al+Si)] 分子动力学 离子吸附机理
粉煤灰改性碱渣土的胶结特性与冻融机制 被引量:6
作者 赵献辉 刘春原 +5 位作者 朱琴 刘有才 马旺 朱楠 李艳鹏 胡磊 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期48-54,共7页
为促进碱渣和粉煤灰的综合利用,将两种材料合成粉煤灰改性碱渣土用于回填工程.通过界限含水率、击实、三轴和冻融循环试验,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电镜-能谱和X射线衍射测试手段,研究改性碱渣土的胶结特性和冻融机制.结果表明,改... 为促进碱渣和粉煤灰的综合利用,将两种材料合成粉煤灰改性碱渣土用于回填工程.通过界限含水率、击实、三轴和冻融循环试验,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电镜-能谱和X射线衍射测试手段,研究改性碱渣土的胶结特性和冻融机制.结果表明,改性碱渣土的最优含水率随着粉煤灰掺量增大呈先减后增趋势,在粉煤灰质量分数为50%时出现最小值.以水化硅酸钙为主的产物凝胶使得改性碱渣土28d抗剪强度在粉煤灰质量分数为50%时达到最大值.养护龄期对改性碱渣土冻融机制影响显著.冻融循环过程中,改性碱渣土在负温下水化硅(铝)酸钙(C-(A)-S-H)冻结,正温下C-(A)-S-H凝胶恢复胶结性;水分向冻结边缘迁移,试样表面反复出现冰结而使得微裂缝向内部逐渐扩展,直到土样发生膨胀,抗剪强度降低;同时在正负温交替作用下有微量CaSO_4和CaSO_4·0.5H_2O晶体析出. 展开更多
关键词 无机凝胶材料 碱渣 改性 水化硅(铝)酸钙 抗剪强度 冻融循环 冻融机制
高温蒸养与偏高岭土对高铁相水泥性能的影响 被引量:4
作者 饶美娟 王群超 +1 位作者 杨旺 高宇 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期339-345,377,共8页
采用多种测试方法,分析了高温蒸养和外掺偏高岭土(MK)对高铁相水泥(HFC)宏观和微观性能的影响及其演变机制.结果表明:高温蒸养为胶凝材料的水化反应提供了动力,加快了水化速率,促进了水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)凝胶与水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)凝胶... 采用多种测试方法,分析了高温蒸养和外掺偏高岭土(MK)对高铁相水泥(HFC)宏观和微观性能的影响及其演变机制.结果表明:高温蒸养为胶凝材料的水化反应提供了动力,加快了水化速率,促进了水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)凝胶与水化硅铝酸钙(C-A-S-H)凝胶的生成;偏高岭土参与水化,消耗了氢氧化钙,降低了体系碱度,引入更多的Al,促进了C-A-S-H凝胶的生成,改善了HFC孔隙结构,提升了HFC对氯离子的吸附和固化能力;高温蒸养与偏高岭土的耦合作用提高了HFC中C-A-S-H凝胶含量,提升了高铁相水泥基材料的抗氯离子侵蚀性能. 展开更多
关键词 高铁相水泥 偏高岭土 高温蒸养 水化硅铝酸钙
钢渣水泥基地聚合物固化湿软黄土力学特性与微观机制 被引量:2
作者 陈锐 张星 朱月 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期55-61,共7页
采用低碳环保的地聚合物对湿软黄土进行固化处理,通过无侧限抗压和一维固结试验研究了地聚合物掺量和龄期对固化土强度和变形的影响,并结合微观特征分析(X射线衍射XRD、红外光谱分析FTIR和电镜扫描SEM)研究了其固化机理。试验结果表明:... 采用低碳环保的地聚合物对湿软黄土进行固化处理,通过无侧限抗压和一维固结试验研究了地聚合物掺量和龄期对固化土强度和变形的影响,并结合微观特征分析(X射线衍射XRD、红外光谱分析FTIR和电镜扫描SEM)研究了其固化机理。试验结果表明:固化土的无侧限抗压强度q随龄期增加而增大,得出了q随龄期变化的预测公式;地聚合物掺量由5%增大到10%时,固化土的q随之增大,但掺量增加到20%时,其强度略微减小;当掺入比为10%和20%时,固化土压缩性显著降低,且呈现出明显的结构性特征。地聚合物的水化产物中主要包含水化硅铝酸钠与水化硅酸钙复合凝胶,水化产物随龄期明显增多。地聚合物的胶结与充填效应可视为一种化学结构性,是提高固化土力学性能的根本原因。结合宏微观试验结果,提出了地聚合物固化湿软黄土的机理模型。 展开更多
关键词 岩土工程 湿软黄土 地聚合物 无侧限抗压强度 微观特征 水化硅铝酸钙 固化机理
作者 马跃峰 金鸣 +2 位作者 汤金辉 李文伟 刘加平 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期3351-3360,共10页
溶蚀是大坝混凝土不可忽略的耐久性问题。本工作对中热硅酸盐水泥(MHC)净浆、中热硅酸盐水泥-粉煤灰净浆和普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)净浆进行加速溶蚀试验,通过强度测试、溶蚀深度、孔结构、X射线衍射、热重分析和硅谱固体核磁研究了溶蚀劣... 溶蚀是大坝混凝土不可忽略的耐久性问题。本工作对中热硅酸盐水泥(MHC)净浆、中热硅酸盐水泥-粉煤灰净浆和普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)净浆进行加速溶蚀试验,通过强度测试、溶蚀深度、孔结构、X射线衍射、热重分析和硅谱固体核磁研究了溶蚀劣化机理。结果表明:与OPC净浆相比,MHC净浆水化产物中Ca(OH)_(2)含量更少,在溶蚀过程中具有更好的力学性能和更慢的溶蚀深度发展,因此抗溶蚀性更好。30%粉煤灰掺入降低MHC水化产物中Ca(OH)_(2)含量,并增加其孔隙率,但是降低了抗压强度下降率和孔隙增长率。溶蚀前后MHC净浆中C-(A)-S-H凝胶硅链长度大于OPC净浆,但其溶蚀后硅链增长率却较低。溶蚀后30%粉煤灰掺量的MHC净浆中C-(A)-S-H凝胶劣化程度最高,出现了层间交联并部分转变为硅胶。 展开更多
关键词 中热酸盐水泥 粉煤灰 溶蚀 结构和组成 水化硅(铝)酸钙凝胶
A molecular dynamics study of calcium silicate hydrates-aggregate interfacial interactions and influence of moisture 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Yang PENG Ze-chuan +3 位作者 HUANG Jia-le MA Tao HUANG Xiao-ming MIAO Chang-wen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期16-28,共13页
The interface properties between hydrated cement paste(hcp)and aggregates largely determine the various performances of concrete.In this work,molecular dynamics simulations were employed to explore the atomistic inter... The interface properties between hydrated cement paste(hcp)and aggregates largely determine the various performances of concrete.In this work,molecular dynamics simulations were employed to explore the atomistic interaction mechanisms between the commonly used aggregate phase calcite/silica and calcium silicate hydrates(C-S-H),as well as the effect of moisture.The results suggest that the C-S-H/calcite interface is relatively strong and stable under both dry and moist conditions,which is caused by the high-strength interfacial connections formed between calcium ions from calcite and high-polarity non-bridging oxygen atoms from the C-S-H surface.Silica can be also adsorbed on the dry C-S-H surface by the H-bonds;however,the presence of water molecules on the interface may substantially decrease the affinities.Furthermore,the dynamics interface separation tests of C-S-H/aggregates were also implemented by molecular dynamics.The shape of the calculated stress-separation distance curves obeys the quasi-static cohesive law obtained experimentally.The moisture conditions and strain rates were found to affect the separation process of C-S-H/silica.A wetter interface and smaller loading rate may lead to a lower adhesion strength.The mechanisms interpreted here may shed new lights on the understandings of hcp/aggregate interactions at a nano-length scale and creation of high performance cementitious materials. 展开更多
关键词 calcium silicate hydrate AGGREGATE interfacial connections molecular dynamics simulation MOISTURE
Preparation of MnO_2 and calcium silicate hydrate from electrolytic manganese residue and evaluation of adsorption properties 被引量:7
作者 李昌新 钟宏 +3 位作者 王帅 薛建荣 武芳芳 张振宇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2493-2502,共10页
Electrolytic manganese residue(EMR), a high volume byproduct resulting from the electrolytic manganese industry, was used as a cheap and abundant chemical source for preparing MnO2 and EMR-made calcium silicate hydrat... Electrolytic manganese residue(EMR), a high volume byproduct resulting from the electrolytic manganese industry, was used as a cheap and abundant chemical source for preparing MnO2 and EMR-made calcium silicate hydrate(EMR-CSH). The MnO2 is successfully synthesized from the metal cations extracted from EMR, which can effectively recycle the manganese in the EMR. By the combination of XRD, SEM and EDX analysis, the as-prepared MnO2 is found to exhibit a single-phase with the purity of 90.3%. Furthermore, EMR-CSH is synthesized from EMR via hydrothermal method. Based on the detailed analyses using XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM, EDX and BET surface area measurement, the product synthesized under the optimum conditions(p H 12.0 and 100 °C) is identified to be a calcium silicate hydrate with a specific surface area of 205 m2/g incorporating the slag-derived metals(Al and Mg) in its structure. The as-synthesized material shows good adsorption properties for removal of Mn2+ and phosphate ions diluted in water, making it a promising candidate for efficient bulk wastewater treatment. This conversion process, which enables us to fabricate two different kinds of valuable materials from EMR at low cost and through convenient preparation steps, is surely beneficial from the viewpoint of the chemical and economical use of EMR. 展开更多
关键词 electrolytic manganese residue manganese dioxide calcium silicate hydrate adsorption
Growth of Cu/SSZ-13 on SiC for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH_3 被引量:3
作者 Tiaoyun Zhou Qing Yuan +1 位作者 Xiulian Pan Xinhe Bao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期71-78,共8页
Silicon carbide(SiC)was used as a support for SSZ‐13zeolite in an attempt to improve the high‐temperature stability and activity of Cu/SSZ‐13in the selective catalytic reduction(SCR)of NO with NH3.SSZ‐13was grown ... Silicon carbide(SiC)was used as a support for SSZ‐13zeolite in an attempt to improve the high‐temperature stability and activity of Cu/SSZ‐13in the selective catalytic reduction(SCR)of NO with NH3.SSZ‐13was grown via a hydrothermal method using the silicon and silica contained in SiC as the source of silicon,which led to the formation of a chemically bonded SSZ‐13layer on SiC.Characterization using X‐ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy,and N2adsorption‐desorption isotherms revealed that the alkali content strongly affected the purity of zeolite and the crystallization time affected the coverage and crystallinity of the zeolite layer.Upon ion exchange,the resulting Cu/SSZ‐13@SiC catalyst exhibited enhanced activity in NH3‐SCR in the high‐temperature region compared with the unsupported Cu/SSZ‐13.Thus,the application temperature was extended with the use of SiC as the support.?2018,Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Published by Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 ZEOLITE SSZ‐13 Silicon carbide Selective catalytic reduction by AMMONIA
Silica-alumina molar ratio and some factors effect on the synthesis of zeolites from fly ash 被引量:2
作者 SUN Yue-zhi FU Ke-ming +1 位作者 ZHU Hong ZHU Tian-lin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第4期430-433,共4页
In order to improve the activity and eliminate some impurities, pretreatment was used before hydrothermal synthesis. The fly ash was mixed with an aqueous NaOH solution, the alkali melted fly ash was also adopted, whi... In order to improve the activity and eliminate some impurities, pretreatment was used before hydrothermal synthesis. The fly ash was mixed with an aqueous NaOH solution, the alkali melted fly ash was also adopted, which is hydrothermally treated at about 104 ℃, and the liquid/solid ratio was controlled at 6:1. In order to control Si/Al molar ratio, SiO2 or Al2O3 powers were added to the fly ash. The results of XRD and SEM show that the alkali melted can activate fly ash and eliminate its quartz and mullite, along with the improvement of Si/Al molar ratio and alkalinity. In addition, zeolite Na-A changes into sodalite gradually, and nepheline is the synthesized intermediate product. Those results were discussed on the basis of a formation mechanism of zeolite from fly ash. 展开更多
关键词 fly ash ZEOLITE hydrothermal treatment Si/Al molar ratio
Selective removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions with surface functionalized silica nanoparticles by different functional groups 被引量:3
作者 孔祥峰 杨斌 +4 位作者 熊恒 周阳 薛生国 徐宝强 王世兴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3575-3579,共5页
The industrial silica fume pretreated by nitric acid at 80 °C was re-used in this work. Then, the obtained silica nanoparticles were surface functionalized by silane coupling agents, such as(3-Mercaptopropyl) tri... The industrial silica fume pretreated by nitric acid at 80 °C was re-used in this work. Then, the obtained silica nanoparticles were surface functionalized by silane coupling agents, such as(3-Mercaptopropyl) triethoxysilane(MPTES) and(3-Amincpropyl) trithoxysilane(APTES). Some further modifications were studied by chloroaceetyl choride and 1,8-Diaminoaphalene for amino modified silica. The surface functionalized silica nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared(FI-IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The prepared adsorbent of surface functionalized silica nanoparticles with differential function groups were investigated in the selective adsorption about Pb2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ions in aqueous solutions. The results show that the(3-Mercaptopropyl) triethoxysilane functionalized silica nanoparticles(SiO2-MPTES) play an important role in the selective adsorption of Cu2+ and Hg2+, the(3-Amincpropyl) trithoxysilane(APTES) functionalized silica nanoparticles(SiO2-APTES) exhibited maximum removal efficiency towards Pb2+ and Hg2+, the 1,8-Diaminoaphalene functionalized silica nanoparticles was excellent for removal of Hg2+ at room temperature, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 industrial silica fume surface functionalization heavy metal ions selective removal
Effect of Silicon and Nitrogen Nutrition on Pest and Disease Intensity in Rice 被引量:1
作者 Kasthuri Rajamani Bhupal Raj Gunti +1 位作者 Shashi Vemuri Ramesh Bellamkonda 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第7期568-574,共7页
Nutrition management is the most important for high yield production but it may affect the response of rice plants to pest and diseases due to the change of microclimate under rice plant canopy. The knowledge of nutri... Nutrition management is the most important for high yield production but it may affect the response of rice plants to pest and diseases due to the change of microclimate under rice plant canopy. The knowledge of nutrition management and its relation with pest and diseases are basis for setting up a high yield production system. Most of the pest and disease control procedures used by farmers can be considered as soil fertility management and these nutrition practices can have impact on the physiological susceptibility of crop plants to pest and diseases by affecting the plant resistance. Silicon content of plants is particularly effective against pest and diseases in rice and certain rice genotypes are more efficient accumulators of silicon, thus making them more resistant. In the absence of natural heritable resistance in rice varieties, resistance could be induced by altemate strategies to suppress certain pest and pathogens. Hence experiments were carried out in two stages during kharif 2010 and 2011 to assess the concentration of silicon in the index leaves of rice plant utilizing 133 varieties in four locations. The silica content of promising varieties ranged from 1.50% to 3.20%, 1.60% to 3.15%, 1.49% to 3.20% and 1.55% to 3.06% with a mean values of 2.50%, 2.48%, 2.51% and 2.43% at Jagtial, Warangal, Rajendranagar and Rudrur centres of Telangana region and not much variation in mean silica content in index leaves at different places. The overall yield from four locations ranged from 2,653 kg/ha to 6,860 kg/ha with a mean of 5,624 kg/ha. The yields recorded at Jagtial, Warangal, Rajendranagar and Rudrur centres ranged from 2,886 to 7,198, 2,653 to 6,831, 2,653 to 6,860 and 4,399 to 5,950 kg/ha, respectively. The lowest mean yield 5,069 kg/ha was noticed at Rudrur and the highest yield 5,940 kg/ha was found at Warangal. The variations in yields might be due to genotypic variations and also due to variations in climatic conditions of different locations. 展开更多
关键词 Nutrition management conventional rice silicon rice genotypes pest and diseases.
Effects of different factors during the de-silication of diaspore by direct flotation 被引量:8
作者 Huang Gen Zhou Changchun Liu Jiongtian 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期341-344,共4页
Most of the bauxite resources in China are kaolinite-diaspore bauxite of middle to low grade, with a fine dissemination, and are difficultly separated. Direct flotation de-silication has been shown to be an effec- tiv... Most of the bauxite resources in China are kaolinite-diaspore bauxite of middle to low grade, with a fine dissemination, and are difficultly separated. Direct flotation de-silication has been shown to be an effec- tive method for de-silication of diaspore. In this study the effect of different factors, including pulp tem- perature, density, pH value, depressant, and collector dosage, on direct flotation of diaspore were investigated by laboratory experiments. The optimum conditions were identified and the flotation perfor- mance was improved. The results show that under optimum conditions (a pulp temperature around 40℃, a pulp density from 30% to 33g, a pH value from 9.0 to 10.0, an air flow rate of 0.5 m3/(m2 rain), a dispersant level from 35 to 70 g/t, and a collector level around 1000 g/t) an AI/Si ratio of 6.97 is obtained starting from an initial Al/Si ratio of about 4.71. The recovery of A1203 under these conditions was 86.94%. 展开更多
关键词 DiasporeDirect notationDe-silicationFlotation conditions
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