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作者 武云鹏 王海平 高博 《水利天地》 2013年第3期40-41,共2页
关键词 水型水库 引水渠道 管护 建筑物 生命财产 防洪
深圳市引水型水库的特点及管理 被引量:1
作者 梁少娟 顾昭明 黄启平 《水利渔业》 北大核心 2005年第3期58-59,72,共3页
实测了2001年1月至2004年3月茜坑水库水位、库容、供水量、引水量、降雨量和蒸发量等数据。结果表明:水库水位与库容的关系为库容随水位的升高而增加,增加幅度受水库地形的影响,水位低时,增加幅度小,水位高时,增加幅度大,关系式可用y=4.... 实测了2001年1月至2004年3月茜坑水库水位、库容、供水量、引水量、降雨量和蒸发量等数据。结果表明:水库水位与库容的关系为库容随水位的升高而增加,增加幅度受水库地形的影响,水位低时,增加幅度小,水位高时,增加幅度大,关系式可用y=4.2641x2-461.1x+12461表示。2001~2003年,年度降雨量分布不均,且相差较大;年径流量相差也较大,分别占总库容的74.1%、14.2%、14.8%;年引水量分别为1670.5万m3、1818.1万m3、1657.8万m3,占总库容的181.2%、91.7%、83.6%;年水交换次数分别为2.97、1.11、1.03。正常供水时每天供水量一般在6万~8万m3。 展开更多
关键词 水型水库 2001-2003年 深圳市 2004年3月 管理 特点 水库水位 2001年 雨量分布 年径流量 供水量 引水量 库容 蒸发量 降雨量 幅度 关系式 水交换 相差 实测
作者 万会平 李左红 +4 位作者 陶志英 陈岗 杜仁勇 曾庆辉 胡少华 《当代水产》 2012年第11期72-74,共3页
王岗水库位于山东东营市区东面,为浅水型水库。该水库一直采取养殖花鲢和草鱼为主的模式,多年来施用未发酵的粪肥和不合理地使用化肥,导致水体环境逐年变坏,水体经常爆发蓝藻及寄生虫病,投入越来越高,但鱼产量越来越低。为了提高... 王岗水库位于山东东营市区东面,为浅水型水库。该水库一直采取养殖花鲢和草鱼为主的模式,多年来施用未发酵的粪肥和不合理地使用化肥,导致水体环境逐年变坏,水体经常爆发蓝藻及寄生虫病,投入越来越高,但鱼产量越来越低。为了提高水库养殖效益,同时兼顾水库生态环境保护,在江西省水产科学研究所及江西省缘之康农业生物科技有限公司指导下开展水库高效生态水产养殖模式,于2011进行了梭鱼与南美白对虾大水面混养试验,获得了鱼、虾丰产丰收,收到了较好的经济效益和社会效益。现将本试验关键技术要点介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 南美白对虾 水型水库 混养试验 梭鱼 生态环境保护 水产养殖模式 水体环境 养殖效益
小型水库调洪演算方法探讨 被引量:6
作者 曹宏熲 葛跃平 《浙江水利科技》 2000年第3期29-31,共3页
在现行小型水库调洪演算的基础上 ,提出一种简便的较为合理的改进方法。
关键词 水型水库 调洪演算 出库洪峰流量 水库调度
作者 何国芳 王忠义 《科学养鱼》 北大核心 2005年第9期19-19,共1页
关键词 水型水库 网箱养殖 灯光诱蛾 鲢鳙鱼 生长速度 经济效益 鱼产量 施肥
作者 李和 马新华 《吉林水利》 1995年第2期34-35,22,共3页
小型水库运行管理机制与措施探讨辽阳市河道管理处李和,马新华关键词:小水库,运管机制,措施探讨1概述辽阳地区现有小型水库7座,其中小(一)型1座,小(二)型6座。7座水库的总库容为417.75万立方米,兴利库容为183... 小型水库运行管理机制与措施探讨辽阳市河道管理处李和,马新华关键词:小水库,运管机制,措施探讨1概述辽阳地区现有小型水库7座,其中小(一)型1座,小(二)型6座。7座水库的总库容为417.75万立方米,兴利库容为183.4万立方米,设计灌溉面积3859... 展开更多
关键词 水型水库 运行 管理 维修
作者 梁用本 封志强 袁林聪 《云南农业》 2012年第7期55-55,共1页
者嘎一库位于元江县,总库容150万m^3,养鱼水面25.33hm^2,水最深处10m,平均水深5m,年平均水温19℃,是一座防洪、灌溉、养鱼等综合利用的小(1)型水库。2011年1月至2012年1月,水库养鱼取得了平均亩产量1400妇、亩利润1万元的好... 者嘎一库位于元江县,总库容150万m^3,养鱼水面25.33hm^2,水最深处10m,平均水深5m,年平均水温19℃,是一座防洪、灌溉、养鱼等综合利用的小(1)型水库。2011年1月至2012年1月,水库养鱼取得了平均亩产量1400妇、亩利润1万元的好效益。现就其高产养殖技术介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 养鱼技术 水型水库 高产养殖技术 平均水深 平均水温 综合利用 水库养鱼 元江县
浅议洪泽湖研究的方法和方向 被引量:1
作者 崔延松 《江苏水利》 2007年第1期46-46,48,共2页
洪泽湖是我国第四大淡水湖,是一座典型的过水型湖泊,也是国家南水北调东线输水走廊和蓄水型水库。洪泽湖具有西纳淮河、南注长江、东通东海、北连沂沭的水系特点。得天独厚的资源环境,使洪泽湖成为全国重要的水产品基地。也是重要的... 洪泽湖是我国第四大淡水湖,是一座典型的过水型湖泊,也是国家南水北调东线输水走廊和蓄水型水库。洪泽湖具有西纳淮河、南注长江、东通东海、北连沂沭的水系特点。得天独厚的资源环境,使洪泽湖成为全国重要的水产品基地。也是重要的生态湿地保护区。特别是1985~1992年实施的第一期洪泽湖综合开发项目(时称“2633”项目,是国家“七五”时期重点建设项目)以来,湖区生态平衡和农业基础设施得到明显改善,农业发展成为全国重要的商品粮基地。 展开更多
关键词 洪泽湖 综合开发项目 南水北调东线 重点建设项目 农业基础设施 水型水库 生态平衡 湿地保护区
作者 王国旺 丁翔 +2 位作者 杨五十 曹全义 张利鹏 《科学养鱼》 北大核心 2012年第6期80-81,共2页
黑河是起源于河西走廊祁连山脉的3大内陆河流之一,东风水库系黑河下游旁引屯蓄式浅水型水库,水面8.5平方千米,蓄水量达1800万米。,水质无污染,是良好的水产养殖水源。由于受自然环境影响,只有鲤鱼、鲫鱼、池沼公鱼、麦穗鱼等少... 黑河是起源于河西走廊祁连山脉的3大内陆河流之一,东风水库系黑河下游旁引屯蓄式浅水型水库,水面8.5平方千米,蓄水量达1800万米。,水质无污染,是良好的水产养殖水源。由于受自然环境影响,只有鲤鱼、鲫鱼、池沼公鱼、麦穗鱼等少部分鱼类能够在水库进行自繁自育,而青鱼、鳙、鲢、草鱼等主要经济型鱼种只能靠人工投放。 展开更多
关键词 鱼种培育 盐碱地池塘 家鱼 水型水库 黑河下游 内陆河流 祁连山脉 河西走廊
作者 钟诗群 周恒芝 +1 位作者 吴群 朱小平 《科学养鱼》 北大核心 2010年第4期58-59,共2页
一、江西马钢水库鲢、鳙、鲫、鲤的细菌性出血病 基本情况:江西马钢水库为丘陵浅水型水库,面积3200亩,平均水深3~4米。2007年7月,马钢水库的鲢鱼、鳙鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼,甚至一些野杂鱼类,如:麦穗鱼、棒花鱼、蛇鮈等都出现了全身性出血... 一、江西马钢水库鲢、鳙、鲫、鲤的细菌性出血病 基本情况:江西马钢水库为丘陵浅水型水库,面积3200亩,平均水深3~4米。2007年7月,马钢水库的鲢鱼、鳙鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼,甚至一些野杂鱼类,如:麦穗鱼、棒花鱼、蛇鮈等都出现了全身性出血现象, 展开更多
关键词 防治方法 鱼病 大水体 细菌性出血病 水型水库 平均水深 马钢 麦穗鱼
Macrobenthos Community Structure and Its Relations With Environmental Factors in Three Reservoirs in Tianjin 被引量:1
作者 姜巨峰 傅志茹 +4 位作者 李文雯 张韦 孟一耕 钱红 李相普 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期947-953,969,共8页
[Objective] The aim was to research macrobenthos community structure and its relations with environmental factors in three reservoirs. [Method] Benthic diversity and water quality of Yuqiao Reservoir, Beidagang Reserv... [Objective] The aim was to research macrobenthos community structure and its relations with environmental factors in three reservoirs. [Method] Benthic diversity and water quality of Yuqiao Reservoir, Beidagang Reservoir and Er- wangzhuang Reservoir were investigated in May, July and September 2011, respec- tively. []Result] Of all the 14 sampling sites, 22 species of macroinvertebrates were collected, totally, which included 6 species of aquatic insects, 7 species of Mollusca, 2 species of Crustacean, 7 species of Oligochaeta. The species of macroinverte- brates during May, July and September in Yuqiao reservoir were 11, 8 and 10, respectively. The dominant species were Chironomus sinicus, and Monopylephorus limosus. The average density and biomass of the macrobenthos were 132.43 ind./m2 and 50.09 g/m2. Yuqiao reservoir was mostly at status of premediate polluted, according to the Margalef index, Shannon index and Pielou index. The species of during May, July and September in Beidagang reservoir were 5 5 and 5, respectively. The dominant species were Chironomus sinicus, Penaeus vannamei. The average density and biomass of the macrobenthos were 218 ind./m2 and 2.70 g/m2. Beidagang reservoir was mostly at status of heavy polluted, accord- ing to the Margalef index, Shannon-wiener index, Pielou index. The species of during May, July and September in Erwangzhuang reservoir were 3, 5 and 5, respectively. The dominant species were Monopylephorus limosus, Chi- ronomus sinicus. The average density and biomass of the macrobenthos were 104 ind/m2 and 0.20 g/m2. Erwangzhuang reservoir was mostly at status of intermediate polluted, according to the Margalef index, Shannon index, Pielou index. The density of zoobenthos in Yuqiao Reservoir was positively significantly correlated with TP (P〉 0.05), negatively correlated with NH4+-N (P〉0.05), positively correlated with COD (P〈 0.01), not significantly correlated with other environment factors (P〉0.05). There was no significant correlation between biomass of zoobenthos and environment factors. The density of zoobenthos in Beidagang Reservoir with NH4+-N was positively signif- icantly correlated (P〈0.05), not significantly correlated with other aquatic environment factors (P〉0.05). There was no significant correlation between biomass of zoobenthos and environment factors. The density of zoobenthos in Erwangzhuang Reser- voir with NO3-N was positively significantly correlated (P〈0.05), not significant cor- related with other aquatic environment factors (F〉0.05). The biomass of zoobenthos in Erwangzhuang Reservoir with NH4+-N was positively significantly correlated (P〈 0.05), not significant correlated with other aquatic environment factors (P〉0.05). [Conclusion] It is indicated that this three reservoirs were all eutrophied and polluted, and the eurephication extent change of water in three reservoirs is as follows: Beidagang reservoir〉Erwangzhuang reservoir〉Yuqiao reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 MACROBENTHOS Community structure Diversity index Water quality as-sessment Large reservoirs TIANJIN
CO_2 emission and organic carbon burial in the Xinanjiang Reservoir 被引量:3
作者 Fushun Wang Baoli Wang +2 位作者 Tao Zhou Tianyu Chen Jing Ma 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期465-468,共4页
In order to understand the effect of river impoundment on carbon dynamics, a large reservoir in a subtropical area, the Xinanjiang Reservoir, was investigated in detail. CO_2 emissions from the water–air interface wa... In order to understand the effect of river impoundment on carbon dynamics, a large reservoir in a subtropical area, the Xinanjiang Reservoir, was investigated in detail. CO_2 emissions from the water–air interface was studied, as was organic carbon burial in sediment. The results show a significant seasonal difference in CO_2 emissions. River impoundment led to the enhancement of aquatic photosynthesis, generating large amounts of authigenic organic carbon that was then buried in sediment. 展开更多
关键词 The Xinanjiang Reservoir Carbon emission SEDIMENT Carbon retention
Evaluating Functions of Reservoirs'Storage Capacities and Locations on Daily Peak Attenuation for Ganjiang River Basin Using Xinanjiang Model
作者 DU Jinkang ZHENG Dapeng +2 位作者 XU Youpeng HU Shunfu XU Chongyu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期789-802,共14页
Flooding is the most prevalent and costly natural disaster in the world and building reservoirs is one of the major structural measures for flood control and management. In this paper, a framework was proposed to eval... Flooding is the most prevalent and costly natural disaster in the world and building reservoirs is one of the major structural measures for flood control and management. In this paper, a framework was proposed to evaluate functions of reservoirs′ locations and magnitudes on daily peak flow attenuation for a large basin of China, namely Ganjiang River Basin. In this study, the Xinanjiang model was adopted to simulate inflows of the reservoirs and flood hydrographs of all sub-catchments of the basin, and simple reservoir operation rules were established for calculating outflows of the reservoirs. Four reservoirs scenarios were established to analyze reservoirs′ locations on daily peak flow attenuation. The results showed that: 1) reservoirs attenuated the peak discharges for all simulated floods, when the flood storage capacities increase as new reservoirs were built, the peak discharge attenuation by reservoirs showed an increasing tendency both in absolute and relative measures; 2) reservoirs attenuated more peak discharge relatively for small floods than for large ones; 3) reservoirs reduced the peak discharge more efficiently for the floods with single peak or multi peaks with main peak occurred first; and 4) effect of upstream reservoirs on peak attenuation decreased from upper reaches to lower reaches; upstream and midstream reservoirs played important roles in decreasing peak discharge both at middle and lower reaches, and downstream reservoirs had less effect on large peak discharge attenuation at outlet of the basin. The proposed framework of evaluating functions of multiple reservoirs′ storage capacities and locations on peak attenuation is valuable for flood control planning and management at basin scale. 展开更多
关键词 RESERVOIR peak flow Xinanjiang model reservoir operation Ganjiang River Basin
Comparison of the rise of water level in the typical catchments,Three Gorges Reservoir area 被引量:1
作者 SUN Hong-yang LIAO Xiao-yong +1 位作者 XIA Zhong-mei HE Jing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期715-724,共10页
Water level is an important index for studying hydrologic processes. Water level rise processes were studied in three catchments(catchment I, II, III in Chen Jiagou watershed in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area) with di... Water level is an important index for studying hydrologic processes. Water level rise processes were studied in three catchments(catchment I, II, III in Chen Jiagou watershed in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area) with different areas to provide useful information to inform data extension from a gauged-catchment to an ungauged catchment. The results showed that there are seasonal changes in the dominant driving mode of the rise of the water level. The rise of the water level in March is likely mainly driven by the mode of stored-full runoff, and in September or October, it is mainly driven by Horton-flow. The correlation coefficients of all indexes were significant among the three catchments, suggesting that these catchments have similarities and that water level data extension is likely to be completed successfully between the large catchment(III-Catchment) and the small catchment(ICatchment). It was confirmed that there is good similarity between the 0.6 km^2 and 6 km^2 catchments, and the data correlation is good between the catchments with the area differences in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In addition, the rise processes of the water level in the catchments were not only different under the same rain conditions, but this difference could also change with the rain condition. 展开更多
关键词 Water level Precipitation Runoff Spearman-correlation coefficients Three Gorge Reservoir
Projection of Water Availability in the Miyun Watershed from an RCM Simulation 被引量:3
作者 SHI Ying GAO Xue-Jie 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第6期468-472,共5页
Based on a high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM3) simulation over East Asia, future climate changes over the Miyun Reservoir in the 21st century under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Spec... Based on a high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM3) simulation over East Asia, future climate changes over the Miyun Reservoir in the 21st century under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario are analyzed. The model simulation extends from 1951 to 2100 at a grid spacing of 25 km and is one-way nested within a global model of MIROC3.2_ hires (the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate). The focus of the analysis is on the Watershed of Miyun Reservoir, the main water supply for Beijing in northern China. The results show that RegCM3 reproduces the observed temperature well but it overestimates precipitation over the region. Significant warming in the 21st century is simulated in the annual mean, December-January-February (DJF) and June-July-August (JJA), although with differences concerning the spatial distribution and magnitude. Changes in precipitation for the annual mean, DJF, and JJA also show differences. A prevailing increase of precipitation in DJF and a decrease of it in JJA is projected over the region, while little change in the annual mean is projected. Changes of the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration to measure the potential water availability are also presented in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Miyun Reservoir climate change regional climate model
A Distributed Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport Sub-model in Non-point Source Pollution and Its Application in Guishui Watershed
作者 夏军 薛金凤 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2010年第3期237+231-236,共7页
官厅水库妫水地区土壤侵蚀较为严重。为控制妫水地区的土壤流失非点源污染,本文建立了一个参数较少、便于应用的分布式土壤侵蚀和泥沙输移子模型。该模型由USLE模型和泥沙输移模型组成。首先,本研究确定了USLE中各因子的计算公式,用该... 官厅水库妫水地区土壤侵蚀较为严重。为控制妫水地区的土壤流失非点源污染,本文建立了一个参数较少、便于应用的分布式土壤侵蚀和泥沙输移子模型。该模型由USLE模型和泥沙输移模型组成。首先,本研究确定了USLE中各因子的计算公式,用该模型计算土壤流失。然后,将流域概化为河网,利用曾提出的应用于经Laplace变换和逆变换求得的一维水质迁移转化方程的解中的面积汇污系数和S曲线之间的关系,推导得到了分布式泥沙输移模型。最后,从妫水河流域土壤图、土地利用图中提取地理信息,以DEM为依据,研究了该模型在妫水河流域的应用。结果表明,该模型不仅可用于研究非点源泥沙污染,而且可用于研究流域内土壤侵蚀的空间分布,为实现农业最佳管理提供科学依据。妫水流域土壤流失主要来自坡度较大、地表植被覆盖差的丘陵和山地,控制土壤流失应该将重点放在该流域内的丘陵和山地上。 展开更多
关键词 nonpoint source pollution distributed model GIS Guanting Reservoir Guishui River
Model of water-sediment regulation in Yellow River and its effect 被引量:18
作者 LI GuoYing SHENG LianXi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期924-930,共7页
Water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River is to regulate and control the flow and sediment transport relationship of the lower reaches through reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries to create balance betwe... Water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River is to regulate and control the flow and sediment transport relationship of the lower reaches through reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries to create balance between water and sediment so that sediment transport capacity of the downstream channels can be maximized,shrinking of channels be contained,and medium flood channel be restored and maintained.Many years' research by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission(YRCC) reveals the water and sediment transport relationship that will prevent sedimentation at the downstream river channels.Based on this relationship and coming sediment and water conditions in the Yellow River basin,the YRCC,with maximized use of reservoirs on the main streams and tributaries,has developed three models of water-sediment regulation:single Xiaolangdi Reservoir-dominated regulation,space scale water-sediment match,and mainstream reservoirs joint operation.Ten water-sediment regulations based on these three models have resulted in an average drop of 1.5 m in the main channel of the downstream 800 km river and an increase of carrying capacity from 1800 to 4000 m3/s.Besides,the wetland ecosystems of estuarine delta has also been improved and restored significantly. 展开更多
关键词 water-sediment regulation Yellow River EFFECT
Effect of total phosphorous pollution on cavitation pressure characteristics of working water used in turbines 被引量:1
作者 JIANG WenShan CHANG JinShi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期586-591,共6页
Many experiments have proven that with increasing silt and gas(out-of-phase media)content in water,the cavitation characteristics change and the cavitation pressure increases.Currently,many large reservoirs in China a... Many experiments have proven that with increasing silt and gas(out-of-phase media)content in water,the cavitation characteristics change and the cavitation pressure increases.Currently,many large reservoirs in China are polluted by total phosphorus(TP)and other chemical contaminants because of the use of phosphate fertilizer runoff from agriculture.However,research regarding how chemical pollutants(in the form of out-of-phase media)affect the cavitation pressure characteristics of water is sparse.In this paper,the Goupitan Hydropower Station,the largest hydropower reservoir on the Wujiang River,which is heavily polluted by TP,is taken as an example to evaluate the effects of chemical pollution on water cavitation pressure characteristics.In this study,the cavitation pressure characteristics of polluted and clean water are compared.The results show that the cavitation pressure of water polluted by chemicals is larger than that of clean water.In a hydraulic power generation system,cavitation and cavitation erosion are likely to occur earlier in runners when the fluid is polluted.These results are of great importance to further studies of cavitation theory and can directly influence the arrangement of turbines in practical engineering. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic turbine total phosphorus cavitation nuclei cavitation pressure characteristics
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