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作者 孟雅楠 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第7期168-171,共4页
本文旨在研究水域水质改善技术与控制策略,针对日益严重的水域污染问题。通过综述传统和新兴的水质改善技术,如物理、化学、生物处理技术,以及高级氧化、水生态修复、膜技术和植物修复技术等,探讨了它们的应用和前景。分析了水域污染防... 本文旨在研究水域水质改善技术与控制策略,针对日益严重的水域污染问题。通过综述传统和新兴的水质改善技术,如物理、化学、生物处理技术,以及高级氧化、水生态修复、膜技术和植物修复技术等,探讨了它们的应用和前景。分析了水域污染防控政策和法规,并讨论了水域管理与监测体系的建设。提出了溯源管理、溶解氧管理、营养盐管理和污染物排放管控等水域水质管理策略。通过综合运用这些技术和策略,可以有效改善水域水质,实现水体的可持续发展和生态健康。 展开更多
关键词 水域水质改善技术 水域管理与监测体系 水质控制策略
德国巴伐利亚州水域水质分类特征 被引量:3
作者 席北斗 赫英臣 龚斌 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期50-51,共2页
德国巴伐利亚州对水域水质进行分类的最重要指标是腐生生物指数,在该指数1.0~4.0之间划分4种水质类型和3种过渡类型共7种水域水质类型。对相对静止水域水质分类最重要的指标为营养物质含量,按其值大小共划分4类水质类型。除此之外还列出... 德国巴伐利亚州对水域水质进行分类的最重要指标是腐生生物指数,在该指数1.0~4.0之间划分4种水质类型和3种过渡类型共7种水域水质类型。对相对静止水域水质分类最重要的指标为营养物质含量,按其值大小共划分4类水质类型。除此之外还列出了10种应该考虑的水域水质分类因素,使水域水质分类更合理、更具有科学性,以利于水经济管理和环境保护。 展开更多
关键词 水域水质分类 腐生生物指数 营养物质 生物物种 河流 湖泊
一种全水域水质监控系统设计与实现 被引量:4
作者 蔚瑞华 徐立鸿 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期34-38,共5页
为提高水产养殖业的自动化水平,应用嵌入式单片机技术设计实现了一套低成本集约化水产养殖监控系统,实现水产养殖环境中溶氧、p H值、水温、氨氮等多个水质参数的在线的定点和移动监测,并能通过配置的执行机构进行水环境自动调控。本系... 为提高水产养殖业的自动化水平,应用嵌入式单片机技术设计实现了一套低成本集约化水产养殖监控系统,实现水产养殖环境中溶氧、p H值、水温、氨氮等多个水质参数的在线的定点和移动监测,并能通过配置的执行机构进行水环境自动调控。本系统中定点监测采用了分布在池塘采样点的水泵连接采样池方式,移动监测采用了具有传感器和Zig Bee定位功能的水质参数采集装置,均可实现全水域水质参数的采集,大大节省了传感器的布置和维护成本。监控基站可以通过其自带的人机交互模块进行实时显示,并存入基站自带存储模块实现数据备份,且能够通过RS485通信方式传输到远程控制中心主机的上位机软件,以便于进行进一步的智能控制和分析。该系统具有低成本、高可靠性、模块化软硬件设计等优点。 展开更多
关键词 水产养殖监控 定点监测 移动监测 水域水质参数监测 自动监控
作者 史超 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2021年第6期127-127,132,共2页
关键词 北方区域 水产养殖业 水域水质 微生态制剂 改良分析
水质检测蛇形机器人设计及稳定性分析 被引量:3
作者 刘宁 徐宇卉 孟宪宇 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2023年第6期1-6,22,共7页
为了对水产养殖定期监控和检测,保证水质安全,减小人工成本,提高工作效率,让水产养殖监测更便捷、更智能,研发出一种新型水下水质检测蛇形机器人。机器人主要由伸缩机构、移动机构、信号采集传输机构和控制机构组成,搭载水质监测传感器... 为了对水产养殖定期监控和检测,保证水质安全,减小人工成本,提高工作效率,让水产养殖监测更便捷、更智能,研发出一种新型水下水质检测蛇形机器人。机器人主要由伸缩机构、移动机构、信号采集传输机构和控制机构组成,搭载水质监测传感器,可以在复杂环境下对水质、水环境信息进行实时采集。首先通过Solidworks软件对蛇形机器人主要机构三维建模,完成沉浮结构设计,其次通过Solidworks软件对机器人的重心和浮心分析并对水下蛇形机器人的稳定性进行了分析,确保伸缩单元上浮和下沉并实现俯仰和蜿蜒运动。为此,加工出样机,并进行稳定性运动试验,通过俯仰、调姿、上浮试验表明:在3km传输距离内,蛇形机器人各关节没有发生倾覆运动,上浮速度和下潜速度移动速度为0~1m/s,根据工作时的角速度、速度、俯仰角轨迹曲线,也表明该水质检测巡航蛇形机器人能实现多点可追踪稳定姿态工作。 展开更多
关键词 水产养殖 水域水质蛇形机器人 伸缩机构 运行稳定性
作者 王兴礼 《内陆水产》 1999年第4期25-25,共1页
围拦养蟹是利用大水域水质清新,溶氧充足,有利于生长的生态环境,通过工程措施,把某一部分水域围拦起来,将池塘养蟹的基本原理和精养技术应用到围拦区内,使之获得高产的一种新型养殖河蟹技术。该技术和池塘养蟹相比,具有养殖条件... 围拦养蟹是利用大水域水质清新,溶氧充足,有利于生长的生态环境,通过工程措施,把某一部分水域围拦起来,将池塘养蟹的基本原理和精养技术应用到围拦区内,使之获得高产的一种新型养殖河蟹技术。该技术和池塘养蟹相比,具有养殖条件优越,水质好,溶氧量高,水草、螺蚬... 展开更多
关键词 围拦养蟹 水域水质 选择 设施 放养
黄石市磁湖微型浮游生物监测及分布影响研究 被引量:3
作者 刘婷 刘元生 杨雪芬 《湖北理工学院学报》 2013年第5期25-28,共4页
监测了黄石市磁湖不同水域的微型浮游生物的种类和多样性,并测定了水质指标。结果表明:磁湖5个采样点中共检出微型浮游生物86种,其中卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas Ovata)和具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas Caudata)是主要种类。磁湖不同水域水质不同,影... 监测了黄石市磁湖不同水域的微型浮游生物的种类和多样性,并测定了水质指标。结果表明:磁湖5个采样点中共检出微型浮游生物86种,其中卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas Ovata)和具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas Caudata)是主要种类。磁湖不同水域水质不同,影响了微型浮游生物的分布,其中,COD、总磷、氨氮与微型浮游生物的种类和多样性指数呈显著负相关。 展开更多
关键词 磁湖 水域水质 微型浮游生物
水下巡检蛇形机器人移动单元结构设计及计算 被引量:2
作者 刘宁 隋秀梅 +1 位作者 高玉侠 刘志毅 《长沙航空职业技术学院学报》 2021年第1期35-39,共5页
随着经济蓬勃发展,水生农作物市场的需求量不断增长,水域水质检测行业显得日益重要,但人工水质水域检测效率低下,为此设计一套可以搭载检测传感器的水质检测蛇形机器人,以提高检测效率、降低检测成本、减轻人工劳动力度。为适应水下环境... 随着经济蓬勃发展,水生农作物市场的需求量不断增长,水域水质检测行业显得日益重要,但人工水质水域检测效率低下,为此设计一套可以搭载检测传感器的水质检测蛇形机器人,以提高检测效率、降低检测成本、减轻人工劳动力度。为适应水下环境,该机器人具备小巧、灵活、机动性能好、转弯灵活、对复杂水域适应能力强、可检测不同深度水质的特点,在此针对机器人的移动单元结构设计及强度校核等问题进行分析,可为以后解决此类问题提供一种验证手段。 展开更多
关键词 蛇形机器人 水域水质蛇形机器人 移动单元机构 强度校核
渔业剩余劳动力转移的影响因素研究——基于山东省统计数据 被引量:1
作者 赵宗金 秦翠苹 《中国海洋社会学研究》 2017年第1期118-129,共12页
改革开放以来,农村剩余劳动力的转移引起了学术界的广泛讨论.关注的焦点在于农业方面,而作为农村劳动力的重要组成部分,渔业剩余劳动力却没有受到相应的重视。本研究以此为切入点,在劳动力转移相关理论的指导下,基于1996~2013年... 改革开放以来,农村剩余劳动力的转移引起了学术界的广泛讨论.关注的焦点在于农业方面,而作为农村劳动力的重要组成部分,渔业剩余劳动力却没有受到相应的重视。本研究以此为切入点,在劳动力转移相关理论的指导下,基于1996~2013年的《中国渔业统计年鉴》和《中国海洋灾害公报》中的统计数据,通过建立统计模型,对山东省渔业剩余劳动力转移的影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明,渔民的收入、年末船只拥有量都对其有显著影响,而养殖量、捕捞量及劣四类水质水域比例对其的影响不显著。 展开更多
关键词 渔业剩余劳动力 劳动力转移 劣四类水质水域比例
Analysis of Water Quality of Yangtze River through Jiangsu Province 被引量:1
作者 卞莉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第6期879-881,共3页
The Yangtze River flows through Jiangsu Province, bringing abundant water resources to people in this province. However, environmental pollution and destruction of vegetation in recent years have led to deterioration ... The Yangtze River flows through Jiangsu Province, bringing abundant water resources to people in this province. However, environmental pollution and destruction of vegetation in recent years have led to deterioration of water quality of the Yangtze, bringing about many bad effects on people’s life and production. Through a comprehensive analysis of water quality of the Yangtze River through Jiangsu Province, we investigated the reasons for the deterioration of its water quality, and explored countermeasure to maintain good water quality in the Yangtze with the objective to provide safe and reliable drinking water sources for people. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Water quality Drinking water sources
Impact of Wastewaters on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Waters: Case Study of the Rhumel River, Hammam Grouz and Beni Haroun Dams
作者 Meriem Melghit Fatima Zohra Afri-Mehennaoui Leila Sahli 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第12期625-630,共6页
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the physico-chemical qualities and the organic pollution of two dams--Hammam Grouz and Beni-Haroun, as well as that of Rhumel river. The latter, which feeds the dams ... The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the physico-chemical qualities and the organic pollution of two dams--Hammam Grouz and Beni-Haroun, as well as that of Rhumel river. The latter, which feeds the dams is an important water source in the geographical region of the Constantinois. The presence of the stations of filtration and purification has not been sufficient to minimize the effect of the waste discharges released from various agglomerations. Five site points were selected in strategic locations where samples have been collected monthly during 2009. Multiple physico-chemical assessments have been conducted. The parameters determined have revealed that the quality of waters for the two dams is fair. The level of organic pollution is more pronounced in the waters of Hammam Grouz dam compared to that of Beni Haroun. This may be attributed to animal debris--very important organic content, which is a characteristic of the peripheral waters of the first dam (Hammam Grouz). On the other hand, the waters of the Rhumel river were assessed of mediocre quality, reflecting the presence of organic pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Water POLLUTION DAM RIVER quality.
Analysis of Surface and Ground Water Exchange in Two Different Watersheds
作者 Miriam Bogdani Ndini 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第4期434-439,共6页
Water regime of Albanian rivers is a Mediterranean typical one. During the wet period, it flows 85%-90% of the annual flow and the dry period represents only 10%-15% of the annual amount. In this paper the water regim... Water regime of Albanian rivers is a Mediterranean typical one. During the wet period, it flows 85%-90% of the annual flow and the dry period represents only 10%-15% of the annual amount. In this paper the water regime of the Semani and Vjosa River is analyzed. These are two rivers with total different hydro-geological characteristics. Vjosa river watershed is mainly composed of massif calcareous rocks that are streaky and karstifled. A totally different view is in the other river, in Seman where the impermeable rocks dominate. Even the distribution of the precipitation is quite different. In the Vjosa River the amount of the precipitation varies from 1,500 mm to 2,500 mm per year and in Semani River only 1,100 mm per year. The flow in the wet period is mainly a result of the precipitation and the minimum discharge occurs during the dry period representing the base flow that is the contribution from the groundwater. In this point of view the flow in the dry period is also an indicator of the underground water resource. During the dry period the watershed gives what it received and what has cumulated during the wet period. This is more evident in the case of a karstic watershed. The recession curves were analysed for all the hydrometric stations in both river basins and the parameters of these curves are evaluated. These results are analyzed and compared between the two different watersheds reflecting the differences on water exchange of surface and ground water. Finally, an assessment of groundwater resources in both hydro geological basins is worked out. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum discharge INFILTRATION recession curves water storage.
Identifying Key Environmental Factors Influencing Spatial Variation of Water Quality in Upper Shitoukoumen Reservoir Basin in Jilin Province,China
作者 TANG Yanling ZHANG Guangxin +1 位作者 YANG Yuesuo GAO Yingzhi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期365-374,共10页
Based on the observed data in monitored drainage areas and GIS spatial analysis tools,watershed basic database of Shitoukoumen Reservoir Basin was built.The multivariate analysis and redundancy analysis(RDA) were used... Based on the observed data in monitored drainage areas and GIS spatial analysis tools,watershed basic database of Shitoukoumen Reservoir Basin was built.The multivariate analysis and redundancy analysis(RDA) were used to analyze the spatial and temporal variations of water quality,identify the key environmental factors and their patterns influencing the spatial variation of water quality,and determine the main types and forms of the non-point source(NPS) pollutant export controlled by the key environmental factors.The results show that different patterns of environmental factors lead to great changes in water quality at spatial and seasonal scales.All selected environmental factors explain 64.5% and 68.2% of the spatial variation of water quality over dry season and rainy season,respectively,which shows clear seasonal difference.Over dry season,residential land is the most important environmental factor,which possesses 35.4% of the spatial variation,and drainage area is the second key environmental factor,which possesses 17.0% of spatial variation in the total variance.Over rainy season,slope length and drainage area are the key environmental factors,which possess 29.3% of the spatial variation together.Residential land influences nitrogen export by changing NH4+-N and particulate organic nitrogen(PON) discharge over dry season,and drainage area controls phosphorus export by regulating dissolved phosphorus(DP) drainage over dry season and phosphorus associated particulate(PAP) loss over rainy season,respectively.Although slope length is an important environmental factor,it does not influence NPS pollutant export.It is interesting that soil organic matter,as a minor environmental factor,highly determines phosphorus and nitrogen export by enhancing the DP,PAP and PON loss. 展开更多
关键词 non-point source pollution key environmental factor redundancy analysis Shitoukoumen Reservoir
Hydrographical parameters and phytoplankton assemblages along the Pondicherry—Nagapattinam coastal waters,southeast coast of India
作者 Pitchai SAMPATHKUMAR Srinivasan BALAKRISHNAN +11 位作者 Krishnamoorthy KAMALAKANNAN Rethinavelu SANKAR Lakshmanan RAMKUMAR Subramani RAMESH Neelamegam KABILAN Thambusamy SURESHKUMAR Chellam THENMOZHI Mookapillai GOPINATH Sekar JAYASUDHA Amalanathan AROKIYASUNDRAM Thiruvarasan LENIN Thangavelu BALASUBRAMANIAN 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期36-45,共10页
Hydrographical parameters and phytoplankton assemblages were determined along the Pondicherry, Parangipettai and Nagapattinam coastal waters, southeast coast of India. All the hydrographical parameters such as sea sur... Hydrographical parameters and phytoplankton assemblages were determined along the Pondicherry, Parangipettai and Nagapattinam coastal waters, southeast coast of India. All the hydrographical parameters such as sea surface temperature, salinity, p H, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients like nitrate, nitrite, inorganic phosphate and reactive silicate, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton assemblages were studied for a period of five months(May, August, September 2010, March and November 2011). Over 121 species of phytoplankton represented by 93 species of diatoms, 16 species of dinoflagellates, 9 species of blue-green algae, 2 species of greens and 1 species of silicoflagellate were recorded. High phytoplankton species diversity was found in March 2011 when salinity and nitrate concentrations were low and reactive silicate and inorganic phosphates were moderate. Species diversity was low during May 2010 when increased sea surface temperature, salinity and low nutrients availability were observed. Coscinodiscus centralis, Diatoma vulgaris and Proboscia alata were dominant, especially Coscinodiscus sp. distributed in all stations whereas Skeletonema costatum, Odontella sinensis and Ditylum brightwellii were abundant in August and September 2010. From principal component analysis and multiple regression analysis, it is evident that variables like sea surface temperature and dissolved oxygen are the most important factors influencing the seasonal pattern of phytoplankton population. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrographical parameters PHYTOPLANKTON Southeast coast Bay of Bengal Seasonal variations
Study on environmental impact of coal mining subsided water area in Huainan mining area
作者 XU Liang-ji YAN Jia-ping +1 位作者 GAO Yong-mei LIU Yu-ling 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2007年第1期25-28,38,共5页
The subsided water areas with different times of subsidence are chosen to monitor the physicochemical indexes and heavy metal elements. The results indicate that subsided water areas are polluted in different degree. ... The subsided water areas with different times of subsidence are chosen to monitor the physicochemical indexes and heavy metal elements. The results indicate that subsided water areas are polluted in different degree. Some physicochemical indexes of subsided water areas are increased with the development of the subsidence and are changed with the changing of the season. The concentration of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn of subsided water areas is less than national fishery, and surface water quality standards of China , except Hg. And the quality of subsided water hasn't been polluted by heavy metal seriously. Analyzing and appraising the quality of the subsided water can give a reasonable data as basis in using the subsided water resource. 展开更多
关键词 subsided water area physicochemical characteristics heavy metal reasonable usage of water resource Huainan mining area
Relationship between Hydrogeological Structure and Groundwater Exploitation Capacity in Aquifer of the Basin of Cai Phan Rang River, Ninh Thuan Province, Viet Nam
作者 Nguyen Minh Khuyen Nguyen Hong Hieu Doan Van Long Le Thanh Tung 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第1期32-41,共10页
This article presents the results of dividing the hydrogeological structure zones in aquifer of Cai Phan Rang river basin, Ninh Thuan province, Viet Nam, and the relationship between parameters of hydrogeological stru... This article presents the results of dividing the hydrogeological structure zones in aquifer of Cai Phan Rang river basin, Ninh Thuan province, Viet Nam, and the relationship between parameters of hydrogeological structure zones with water storage capacity of hydrogeological structure. Research results divided hydrogeological structure of Cai Phan Rang River Basin into four zones, including three zones with depression bedrock and one zone with slope bedrock, and the results assessed: (1) specific discharge of exploitation well is proportional to zone area of hydrogeological structure; (2) specific discharge of exploitation well is inversely proportional to slope of bedrock surface, slope of water level in zone and area of drainage surface of hydrogeological structure zone; (3) water level fluctuation in zone is proportional to slope of bedrock surface, slope of water level in zone and inversely proportional to distribution area of zone; (4) total mineralization of water is proportional to bedrock surface slope and water level slope in zone, and inversely proportional to drainage surface area of zone and volume of structural depression. Research results are practical significance in solutions proposal to increase exploitation capacity for various water use purposes. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogeological structure groundwater exploitation capacity
Eco-compensation in Guanting Reservoir Watershed Based on Spatiotemporal Variations of Water Yield and Purification Services 被引量:6
作者 WEN Yihui LIU Guihuan WU Rui 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第4期416-425,共10页
Guanting Reservoir(GR) is one of the most important water sources for Beijing and neighboring regions.Due to water pollution,it was withdrawn from the system to supply Beijing drinking water;however,after a thorough... Guanting Reservoir(GR) is one of the most important water sources for Beijing and neighboring regions.Due to water pollution,it was withdrawn from the system to supply Beijing drinking water;however,after a thorough treatment process,GR was made a reserve water source since 2007.To develop a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of water yield and purification services in the GR watershed,this study selected two time periods:the period when GR was withdrawn from the system supplying local drinking water and the period that it has been designated a reserve water source.The In VEST model was used to evaluate the quantities of water yields,and total nitrogen and total phosphorus outputs from 1995 to 2010 Additionally,the spatiotemporal variations of water yield services and water quality purification services in the GR watershed were analyzed.The results showed that water yield services in the GR watershed first weakened and then became stronger,but weakened overall during the years 1995 to 2010.Water yield capacity in the basin decreased from 1.89×10^9 m3 in 1995 to 1.43×10^9 m3 in 2010(a drop of 24.0% in total).Water quality purification services also showed the same tendency.Total nitrogen output decreased from 4028.7 t in 1995 to 3611.4 t in 2010,while total phosphorus decreased from 379.7 t in 1995 to 354.0 t in 2010.Nitrogen and phosphorus purification services were enhanced by 10.4% and 6.8%,respectively.Changes in the climate and land use were the main factors which lead to the changes in the water yield service in the GR watershed.Policies intended to protect water resource have matched the varying trends of water quality purification services during different periods.On one hand,the research results provide a foundation to identify key fields for eco-compensation in the Guanting Reservoir basin.On another hand,the ecosystem service value will increase on the basis of eco-compensation criteria through setting the scenarios of returning farmland to forest and ecological protection.This method directly reflects increases in ecosystem service values that have occurred since measures to protect the ecological environment have been implemented.This method is more persuasive and feasible than using eco-compensation criteria based on regional ecosystem service values determined by land use/coverage type.It can provide a new way to assess eco-compensation in the Guanting Reservoir basin and other regions. 展开更多
关键词 GR watershed INVEST model spatiotemporal variations water quality purification water yield
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