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大气圈氧气含量水平上升的时间进程:一个与地球动力学过程紧密相关的地球生物学过程 被引量:11
作者 梅冥相 孟庆芬 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期1-20,共20页
两种气体,氮气和氧气,以压倒优势的状态主导着地球的大气圈。氮气是原生的,而且其存在和丰度不是生物过程所驱动的;相反,氧气是生物通过水的氧化作用而连续产生的,这个氧化作用得到了太阳光的能量驱动。氧气,一种对动物生命进化最为关... 两种气体,氮气和氧气,以压倒优势的状态主导着地球的大气圈。氮气是原生的,而且其存在和丰度不是生物过程所驱动的;相反,氧气是生物通过水的氧化作用而连续产生的,这个氧化作用得到了太阳光的能量驱动。氧气,一种对动物生命进化最为关键的气体,是如何变成大气圈中丰度第2的气体?问题并非以前所设想的那么简单;为了了解大气圈氧化的时间进程,我们不但要知道氧气是什么时候而且是如何第1次出现的,而且还要知道氧气是如何在大气圈中保持一个高浓度的。可以肯定的2个事实是:地球最早期的大气圈是缺乏氧气的,而今天的大气圈则为21%的氧气所组成。需要特别强调的是,大多数古代大气圈氧气水平的地质标志,只是意味着存在与缺乏,而且发生在以下2个时间点的大多数事件是高度不肯定的;但是,一系列地质证据已经表明,大气圈氧气含量水平上升的时间进程发生在2个时间点上:(1)一个从缺氧的到含氧的大气圈的转变,大致发生在2.0-2.5Ga期间,这个转变就是著名的巨型氧化作用事件(GOE);(2)发生在前寒武纪—寒武纪过渡时期的大约540-850Ma的第2次巨型氧化作用事件(GOE-Ⅱ),被进一步命名为新元古代氧化作用事件(NOE)。GOE与NOE,就得出了地球大气圈氧气含量水平上升三段式的盛行图像。随着研究的深入,得到了以下重要认识:如果说大气圈氧气含量的总体增加,从太古宙微不足道的水平增加到今天21%,是由于氧气生产作用增强的结果而代表了一个复杂的地球生物学过程的话,那么,这个过程则发生在随着侵蚀作用与沉积作用相对于火山活动而变得更加重要的状况下,更进一步讲,叠加在这个总体趋势下的则是一系列的阶梯式的氧气含量水平上升,这与超大陆聚合作用之后异常高的沉积作用周期是相联系的,从而进一步说明了大气圈氧气含量水平上升是与地球动力学过程紧密相关的地球生物学过程的作用结果。大气圈氧气含量水平一系列的阶梯式的上升,被总结为7个事件而与超大陆汇聚事件得到了良好的对比,从而提供了一个更加清晰的图像;也就是说,在超大陆汇聚作用之后,得到增强的沉积作用促进了大部分有机碳和黄铁矿的埋藏,因而阻碍了它们与自由氧的反应,结果就是大气圈氧气含量水平的实质性上升。新颖的观点和重要的认识,为深入理解地球大气圈氧气含量水平上升这一个重要的地球生物学过程,提供了重要的思考途径和研究线索;追索这些研究进展,将有助于揭开地球大气圈演变历史的神秘面纱并寻找出更多的科学研究生长点。 展开更多
关键词 时间进程 氧气含量水平上升 大气圈 研究进展
作者 刘蕾 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2024年第10期0180-0183,共4页
揭示血象涨幅与恶性肿瘤控制能力的关联,同时深入研究患者身体状况的严重程度和预期生存状态与血清中降钙素原(PCT)含量及美国国立健康研究院的卒中量表(NIHSS)分数的变动。方法 挑选的研究样本来自2022年6月至2023年6月期间诊治的81位... 揭示血象涨幅与恶性肿瘤控制能力的关联,同时深入研究患者身体状况的严重程度和预期生存状态与血清中降钙素原(PCT)含量及美国国立健康研究院的卒中量表(NIHSS)分数的变动。方法 挑选的研究样本来自2022年6月至2023年6月期间诊治的81位肿瘤患者,他们根据疾病严重度被分类为轻度、中度和重度组,由治疗效果进一步分为显效、有效及无效这三个组。涉及的检测方法是运用酶联免疫吸附技术(ELISA)对血清中的PCT浓度进行测量,并根据NIHSS量表对每位患者进行评分。结果 对比不同严重程度的患者,他们血清中的PCT水平和NIHSS评分有显著差异。轻度患者的PCT水平为1.93±0.37 ng/ml,NIHSS评分为8.20±0.89;在中度组别中,PCT水平是3.48±0.75 ng/ml,NIHSS评分为11.24±1.13;重度患者的PCT升至6.01±1.23 ng/ml,NIHSS评分达到14.71±1.30。组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。不同预后患者血清PCT和NIHSS评分水平比较,显效组PCT为1.47±0.41 ng/ml,NIHSS评分为8.86±0.74;有效组PCT为2.76±0.87 ng/ml,NIHSS评分为12.53±1.20;无效组PCT为6.28±1.31 ng/ml,NIHSS评分为14.90±1.45。组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 血清PCT水平和NIHSS评分与肿瘤患者的病情严重程度及预后效果密切相关,血象上升水平可以作为评估肿瘤控制效果的重要指标,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 血象上升水平 肿瘤控制效果 血清降钙素原 NIHSS评分 病情严重程度
作者 李圣军 王岩 《经济研究参考》 1996年第A8期39-44,共6页
一 1995年,辽宁省工业品投入产出价格仍在高位上运行,其特点表现在以下几个方面: 第一,源头价格涨势迅猛,带动下游产品价格攀升。1995年与1994年相比,主要工业品出厂价格水平上升9.9%,工业原材料、燃料、动力购进价格永平较同期上升25... 一 1995年,辽宁省工业品投入产出价格仍在高位上运行,其特点表现在以下几个方面: 第一,源头价格涨势迅猛,带动下游产品价格攀升。1995年与1994年相比,主要工业品出厂价格水平上升9.9%,工业原材料、燃料、动力购进价格永平较同期上升25.52%,后者高出前者4.3个百分点。 展开更多
关键词 出厂价格 问题与出路 价格水平 辽宁省 企业运行 工业生产 价格涨势 水平上升 投入产出 成品材
中医药治疗艾滋病106例 被引量:1
作者 田春 陈昕 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期484-485,共2页
目的:观察应用中医药治疗艾滋病CD4上升情况。方法:对2005年9月—2009年6月经云南省昆明市疫病控制中心确认的艾滋病病人(无症状期、艾滋病期)106例,应用云南省中医药研究所研制的"康爱胶囊"、"扶正胶囊"中药进行... 目的:观察应用中医药治疗艾滋病CD4上升情况。方法:对2005年9月—2009年6月经云南省昆明市疫病控制中心确认的艾滋病病人(无症状期、艾滋病期)106例,应用云南省中医药研究所研制的"康爱胶囊"、"扶正胶囊"中药进行一年治疗CD4水平上升情况进行比较。结果:106例病例治疗前与治疗后比,CD4水平上升(P<0.01);中药组与中西结合组治疗前后比较,中西组疗效明显优于中药组。结论:中医药治疗能提高CD4水平,尤以中西结合治疗疗效更佳。 展开更多
关键词 艾滋病 中医药治疗 CD4水平上升
作者 贺力平 《中国市场》 2013年第43期12-16,共5页
对印度与印度尼西亚两大新兴经济体宏观经济基本情况进行了分析,认为目前两国都存在经济相对快速下滑,通胀水平上升,同时还伴随着失业率上升的现象。认为原因主要来自国内:政府解决高通胀率问题收效甚微、运用财政政策解决财政赤字问题... 对印度与印度尼西亚两大新兴经济体宏观经济基本情况进行了分析,认为目前两国都存在经济相对快速下滑,通胀水平上升,同时还伴随着失业率上升的现象。认为原因主要来自国内:政府解决高通胀率问题收效甚微、运用财政政策解决财政赤字问题受到牵制、能源供给不足造成经常账户逆差。指出不治理好国内通货膨胀,本币的对外贬值无法带来对外贸易平衡的改善。并对两国结构调整政策问题进行了分析,建议两国应处理好通货膨胀与货币稳定的关系。 展开更多
关键词 印度 印度尼西亚 经济下滑 通涨水平上升 经常账户逆差
作者 李殿相 《税收与企业》 1995年第8期16-18,共3页
今年以来我省通货膨胀特点及其对税收的影响文/李殿相在通货膨胀率较高的情况下。价格总水平的上升是推动税收收入增长的一个重要因素。今年1季度,全省社会商品零售物价总指数高达123.0%,那么通货膨胀对我省税收收入的影响程... 今年以来我省通货膨胀特点及其对税收的影响文/李殿相在通货膨胀率较高的情况下。价格总水平的上升是推动税收收入增长的一个重要因素。今年1季度,全省社会商品零售物价总指数高达123.0%,那么通货膨胀对我省税收收入的影响程度究竟有多大,今后的发展趋势如何?... 展开更多
关键词 通货膨胀率 增值税 销售价格 销售产值 物价指数 税收的影响 太原钢铁公司 水平上升 煤炭价格 轻工产品
《税收与企业》 1999年第5期42-42,共1页
建设部副部长刘志峰近日指出,各地应从本地区经济发展的实际出发,积极稳妥地搞好测算和论证工作,建立合理的住房补贴标准。过高的住房补贴水平从长远看对地区经济的发展不利,因为过高的住房消费水平将推动劳动力价格水平上升,带动... 建设部副部长刘志峰近日指出,各地应从本地区经济发展的实际出发,积极稳妥地搞好测算和论证工作,建立合理的住房补贴标准。过高的住房补贴水平从长远看对地区经济的发展不利,因为过高的住房消费水平将推动劳动力价格水平上升,带动社会价格水平上升,影响全社会合理的... 展开更多
关键词 住房补贴 合理确定 合理负担 住房消费行为 住房补贴标准 住房消费水平 经济适用住房 经济竞争能力 刘志峰 水平上升
Local Flow Regime Transition Criteria of Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Vertical Upward Tube with a Horizontal Rod 被引量:4
作者 胡志华 杨燕华 +1 位作者 刘磊 周芳德 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第4期442-449,共8页
The upward multiphase cross flow and heat transfer in the vertical tube may occur in oil production and chemical facilities. In this study, the local flow patterns of an upward gas-water two phase cross flow in a vert... The upward multiphase cross flow and heat transfer in the vertical tube may occur in oil production and chemical facilities. In this study, the local flow patterns of an upward gas-water two phase cross flow in a vertical tube with a horizontal rod have been investigated with an optical probe and the digital high speed video system. The local flow patterns are defined as the bubble, slug, churn and annular flow patterns. Optical probe signals are ana- lyzed in terms of probability density function, and it is proved that the local flow patterns can be recognized by this method. The transition mechanisms between the different flow patterns have been analyzed and the corresponding transitional models are proposed. Finally, local flow pattern maps of the upward gas-water two-phase flow in the vertical tube with a horizontal rod are constructed. 展开更多
关键词 GAS-LIQUID two-phase cross flow local flow pattern transition
A Review of Assessment and Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change Impacts on the Coastal Areas in South China 被引量:3
作者 DU Yao-Dong CHENG Xu-Hua +4 位作者 WANG Xian-Wei AI Hui DUAN Hai-Lai HE Jian WU Xiao-Xuan 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第4期201-207,共7页
This paper reviews assessment of climate change impacts on economy, society and ecological environment in the coastal areas of South China based on published literatures; it also proposes suitable adaptation strategie... This paper reviews assessment of climate change impacts on economy, society and ecological environment in the coastal areas of South China based on published literatures; it also proposes suitable adaptation strategies and counter- measures. Review shows that climate change has resulted in sea level rise in the coastal areas of South China, increasing the occurrence and intensity of storm surges, aggravating the influence of saltwater intrusion, coastal erosion, urban drainage and flood control, threatening the coastal facility and infrastructures, inundating lowland areas, offsetting mudflat silting, and degrading mangroves and corm reef ecosystem. Therefore, in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change and to support the sustainable development in the coastal areas of South China, it is critical to improve the monitoring and early warning system, enhance prevention criteria, fortify coastal protection engineering, strengthen saltwater prevention, and reinforce the ecological restoration and protection. 展开更多
关键词 climate change sea level rise coastal areas impact assessment adaptation strategy
Estimation of Extreme Marine Hydrodynamic Variables in Western Laizhou Bay 被引量:1
作者 DAI Yanchen QIAO Lulu +3 位作者 XU Jishang ZHOU Chunyan DING Dong BI Wei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期425-432,共8页
Laizhou Bay and its adjacent waters are of great importance to China's marine oil and gas development. It is therefore crucial to estimate retttrn-period values of marine environmental variables in this region to ens... Laizhou Bay and its adjacent waters are of great importance to China's marine oil and gas development. It is therefore crucial to estimate retttrn-period values of marine environmental variables in this region to ensure the safety and success of maritime engineering and maritime exploration. In this study, we used numerical simulations to estimate extreme wave height, sea current velocity and sea-level height in westem Laizhou Bay. The results show that the sea-level rise starts at the mouth of the bay, increases toward west/southwest, and reaches its maximum in the deepest basin of the bay. The 100-year return-period values of sea level rise can reach 3.4-4.0m in the western bay. The elevation of the western part of the Qingdong Oil Field would remain above the sea sur- face during extreme low sea level, while the rest of the oil field would be 1,6-2.4m below the sea surface. The return-period value of wave height is strongly affected by water depth; in fact, its spatial distribution is similar to the isobath's. The 100-year return-period values of effective wave height can be 6m or higher in the central bay and be more than 1 m in the shallow water near shore. The 100-year return-period values of current velocity is about 1.2-1.8 ms-1 in the Qingdong Oil Field. These results provide scientific basis for ensuring construction safety and reducing construction cost, 展开更多
关键词 Laizhou Bay extreme value current velocity wave surface elevation return period
Extreme Sea Level Rise off the Northwest Coast of the South China Sea in 2012
作者 LIU Lin LI Juan +3 位作者 TAN Wei WU Yue LIU Yanliang WANG Huiwu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期991-999,共9页
Tide gauge data are used to investigate sea level variability offthe northwest coast of the South China Sea (SCS) in 2012, and a significant sea level elevation with a magnitude approaching 79 mm is observed. Analys... Tide gauge data are used to investigate sea level variability offthe northwest coast of the South China Sea (SCS) in 2012, and a significant sea level elevation with a magnitude approaching 79 mm is observed. Analysis suggests that an abnormal sea surface heat flux and freshwater flux may have contributed to this abnormal rise in sea level, together with the remote influence of an ENSO event. Further investigation shows that the event was dominated by the positive freshwater flux, where large volumes of water entered the ocean, and a maximum is centered to the south of Guangdong province, China. Simultaneously, a positive anomalous heat flux occurred in the northwestern part of the SCS, which is considered to have made a positive contribution to the high local sea level elevation. In addition to the heat flux, the ENSO event also had a significant effect on the event, where the La Nifia-induced northwest Pacific cyclone contributed to sea level rise over the northwestern SCS through dynamic and thermodynamic interactions. 展开更多
关键词 sea level rise South China Sea interannual variability EXTREME
Assessment of Salinity Intrusion in the Red River under the Effect of Climate Change
作者 Le Thu Hien Pham Ngoc Quy Nguyen Trung Viet 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第6期21-26,共6页
This paper focuses on analysis of salinity distribution along Red River and its main branches to determine and limit effects of salinity intrusion under variable scenarios for outlet discharge from upstream reservoirs... This paper focuses on analysis of salinity distribution along Red River and its main branches to determine and limit effects of salinity intrusion under variable scenarios for outlet discharge from upstream reservoirs and the tidal magnitude under global climate change effects. The effect of outlet discharge from upstream reservoirs, which generates flow in droughty months, is considered as upstream input condition for salinity intrusion. The sea level rising phenomenon is represented by scenarios according to prediction of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The lateral flow and the rainfall in dry season are neglected in the process of simulation. MIKE 11, ID river model software by DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute), is used to simulate the processes of salt water intrusion from the river mouths to the upstream of the river in consideration the effect of the Sea Level Rise phenomenon and the operation of existing reservoirs and those under construction. The results indicate that salinity intrusion length from river mouth depends on the estuary characteristics, discharges from upper reservoirs and tidal phases (low and high tides). With the safe salinity concentration for agriculture and livestock is 4 psu, the study shows that the length of intruded salt in Red River is about 40km from the river mouth, in otherwise, the effect of salinity intrusion in Thai Binh river is negligible. The Sea Level Rise phenomenon has inconsiderable affects on salinity intrusion processes in Red River System. The influence of outlet discharges from upstream reservoirs has also negligible affects on prevent salinity intrusion from the sea. According to the results of the study, reasonable water resources utilization and appropriate reservoir operation approaches in the drought will be studied to protect the crop and aquaculture from salinity intrusion. 展开更多
关键词 Red River salinity intrusion RESERVOIR climate change.
加强企业财务预算管理的几点建议 被引量:1
作者 贾占海 《才智》 2013年第33期2-2,4,共2页
随着经济的迅速发展以及科学技术水平的不断提高,我国的社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,企业建设取得了较大程度上的进步,为我国国民经济的发展以及综合国力的提高做出重要贡献。然而,在这种环境之下,企业之间的竞争日益激烈,企业如何在... 随着经济的迅速发展以及科学技术水平的不断提高,我国的社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,企业建设取得了较大程度上的进步,为我国国民经济的发展以及综合国力的提高做出重要贡献。然而,在这种环境之下,企业之间的竞争日益激烈,企业如何在激烈的竞争之中取得主动地位,促进企业的长期发展成为人们越来越关注的问题。就企业内部来说,提高企业内部的管理水平无疑是一种有效的方法。在现代企业的管理体系当中,预算管理是一个十分重要的组成部分,它通过对市场进行有效的研究与预测,并充分结合营销预算,从而对企业内部的各个因素进行一定程度的延伸,从而推动企业管理水平的有效提升。本文主要针对加强企业财务预算管理的几点建议进行研究与分析。 展开更多
关键词 现代企业 预算管理 内部管理 水平上升
作者 于力 《山西老年》 2003年第11期50-50,共1页
关键词 零售物价指数 计算期 水平变动 商品价格 单项物价指数 物价水平 百分比符号 比较基础 水平上升 报告期
Planning for Community Relocations Due to Climate Change in Fiji
作者 Karen E.Mc Namara Helene Jacot Des Combes 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期315-319,共5页
As a consequence of the impacts of climate change, some households and entire communities across the Pacific are making the complex and challenging decision to leave their homelands and relocate to new environments th... As a consequence of the impacts of climate change, some households and entire communities across the Pacific are making the complex and challenging decision to leave their homelands and relocate to new environments that can sustain their livelihoods. This short article charts how the residents of Vunidogoloa village in Fiji relocated in early 2014 to reduce their vulnerability to encroaching sea level and inundation events that regularly devastated the community. As a consequence of the Vunidogoloa relocation, this article also explores how the Fiji Government is planning for similar resettlement transitions, including vulnerability and adaptation assessments to develop a list of potential community relocations and the development of national relocation guidelines. This study draws from key informant interviews(n = 8) with government officials, as well as representatives from intergovernmental and local nongovernmental organizations,who are involved in the relocation issue. Given the speed at which these national, top-down initiatives are being forged and especially in light of the absence of any mention of relocation in Fiji’s 2012 climate change policy, careful and inclusive engagement across all scales and stakeholders,including communities 'earmarked' for relocation, is paramount. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Community relocation Fiji Risk planning Sea level rise
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