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横向槽沟内泥沙淤积与水平轴环流变化的数值模拟 被引量:4
作者 夏军强 谈广鸣 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第8期51-56,共6页
本文建立了剖面二维水流泥沙数学模型.采用贴体坐标及有限差分方法,用流函数涡量为变量的零方程紊流模型求解流速场,用剖面二维悬移质扩散方程求解浓度场.对横向槽沟内泥沙淤积与水平轴环流进行了数值模拟,并分析了槽沟内泥沙淤... 本文建立了剖面二维水流泥沙数学模型.采用贴体坐标及有限差分方法,用流函数涡量为变量的零方程紊流模型求解流速场,用剖面二维悬移质扩散方程求解浓度场.对横向槽沟内泥沙淤积与水平轴环流进行了数值模拟,并分析了槽沟内泥沙淤积与水平轴环流变化的关系. 展开更多
关键词 横向槽沟 流函数-涡量 水平环流 泥沙淤积
水平旋转空腔环流的壁面切应力的变化规律 被引量:5
作者 牛争鸣 孙静 张鸣远 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期46-50,共5页
本文推导了水平旋转内消能泄洪洞空腔环流壁面切应力的理论分析表达式。水平旋转空腔环流的壁面切应力不仅与泄流量、旋流夹角、切向流速的速度矩、空腔环流的内外界面的压强差及空腔半径有关,还与空腔环流的内外界面压强差及空腔半径... 本文推导了水平旋转内消能泄洪洞空腔环流壁面切应力的理论分析表达式。水平旋转空腔环流的壁面切应力不仅与泄流量、旋流夹角、切向流速的速度矩、空腔环流的内外界面的压强差及空腔半径有关,还与空腔环流的内外界面压强差及空腔半径沿程变化率有关。壁面切应力在水平洞的前半段急剧减小,随后沿程缓慢减小,按指数规律衰减变化;上游水位、下游水位越高,其值越大,沿程的衰减变化率也越大;通气孔的直径对壁面切应力的影响较小。壁面切应力的变化规律表明,能量的耗散和易于空化的部位主要在水平洞的前部。 展开更多
关键词 水工建筑水力学 壁面切应力 理论分析 水平旋转空腔环流
作者 谈广鸣 夏军强 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期31-37,共7页
本文针对水平轴环流运动的特点 ,以槽沟中产生的水平轴环流为研究对象 ,通过水槽概化模型试验 ,在实测流速分布的基础上 ,分析了水平轴环流区环流高度随来流条件及槽沟边坡角度的变化规律 ,并提出了相应的水平轴环流高度的计算公式。
关键词 水平环流 环流高度 环流强度 天然河道
长江口及其邻近海区环流和温、盐结构动力学研究 II.环流的基本特征 被引量:20
作者 刘兴泉 尹宝树 侯一筠 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期312-320,共9页
利用POM模型,以研究海区的海面风应力、温度和盐度资料作为海面边界条件,以与外海界面处的温度和盐度资料作为侧向液边界条件,并考虑长江径流、台湾暖流和东海沿岸流的影响,对长江口及其邻近海区各季节的三维斜压环流和温、盐结构进行... 利用POM模型,以研究海区的海面风应力、温度和盐度资料作为海面边界条件,以与外海界面处的温度和盐度资料作为侧向液边界条件,并考虑长江径流、台湾暖流和东海沿岸流的影响,对长江口及其邻近海区各季节的三维斜压环流和温、盐结构进行了数值模拟。环流的数值结果表明,冬季和秋季研究海区的水平环流主要由长江径流、东海沿岸流、台湾暖流、杭州湾环流和沿岸流与台湾暖流之间的气旋和反气旋涡构成;东海沿岸流与长江径流顺岸南下,随着自北往南岸界地形坡度的增大,其流幅变窄,流速增强;台湾暖流沿陡坡及其外缘蜿蜒北上,随着自南往北水深的变浅,其流幅由宽变窄继而又由窄变宽,流速却一直由强变弱。冬季和秋季海区纬度断面垂直环流的总趋势由近岸向外海流动,海底地形变化缓慢区离岸流产生波动,海底地形变化显著的陡坡区离岸流产生剧烈振荡而生成强升降流。春季和夏季研究海区的水平环流主要由长江径流与东海沿岸流汇合流、台湾暖流、杭州湾环流、舟山群岛附近及长江径流和东海沿岸流汇合流与台湾暖流之间的气旋和反气旋涡构成;长江径流和台湾暖流平行北上并在长江口以北产生顺时针偏转。由海区水平环流特征和变化趋势证实,春季长江冲淡水已开始向东北偏转,夏季冲淡水的偏转程度、伸展距离和扩展范围都更甚于春季;春季在长江口近岸存在弱上升流,夏季长江口外的陡坡区出现下降流,而长江口以北和以南的陡坡区出现上升流。 展开更多
关键词 长江口邻近海区 水平环流 垂直环流 升降流 气旋涡 反气旋涡
作者 郑丽娜 孙继松 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期155-167,共13页
利用区域加密自动气象站、雷达、风廓线及卫星等观测资料,分析了2022年秋季山东一次极端大暴雨事件中泰山山脉周围的降水分布及其产生这种分布的可能原因。结果表明:(1)这次山东大暴雨事件发生在对流层中、低层为强盛偏南气流的背景下,... 利用区域加密自动气象站、雷达、风廓线及卫星等观测资料,分析了2022年秋季山东一次极端大暴雨事件中泰山山脉周围的降水分布及其产生这种分布的可能原因。结果表明:(1)这次山东大暴雨事件发生在对流层中、低层为强盛偏南气流的背景下,强降水时段集中在2022年10月1日23时至2日02时(北京时,下同),100 mm等雨量线呈“反弓形”横亘在泰山北侧与西侧,并各自伴有超170 mm的降水中心,而泰山南侧降水反而明显偏弱。(2)大暴雨分布带与地面上的中尺度涡旋-辐合线对应:泰山西侧的中尺度涡旋是山脉北侧冷性绕流与南侧暖性绕流相遇而形成的,导致泰山西侧出现强降水中心,降水呈单峰型;山脉北侧的辐合线长时间维持与重建过程,造成泰山北侧降水时间更长,累计降水量更大,小时降水量呈双峰型。(3)泰山北侧观测站的两个降水峰值与雷达反射率因子的两条平行回波带对应:位于泰山北坡处于长时间准静止状态的第一条回波带,与泰山北侧水平涡度环流的上升支气流对应,其形成机制是夜间具有强垂直切变特征的越山西南低空急流和近地面层受到山脉阻滞的东北气流构成的水平涡度强烈发展和维持的结果;第二条降水回波带与弱冷空气云系对应,当其靠近泰山北侧时受到越山西南低空气流背风坡上升支的影响,出现雷达反射率因子增强现象,与之对应的地面风场特征表征为辐合线的重建过程。(4)在泰山西侧,地面辐合线在低空冷空气的驱动下向东南方向移动,致使回波带逐渐演变成“反弓形”,造成强雨带也呈“反弓形”分布;而泰山南侧处于具有强烈垂直切变低空急流形成的水平涡度的下沉支控制下,因而降水量相较泰山北侧和西侧明显偏小。 展开更多
关键词 泰山山脉 绕流 低空急流 水平涡度环流
基于全球大气环流三型分解的西太平洋副热带高压指数的新定义 被引量:4
作者 王庆万 胡淑娟 +2 位作者 贾蓓 周冰倩 高晨斌 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期625-636,共12页
西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)活动规律及其变异的动力学机理问题一直是我国气象学家的重要课题。本文针对现有研究和预测中常用的高度场指数不能全面、准确刻画全球变暖背景下的副高演变特征的缺陷,利用全球大气环流三型分解模型中的... 西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)活动规律及其变异的动力学机理问题一直是我国气象学家的重要课题。本文针对现有研究和预测中常用的高度场指数不能全面、准确刻画全球变暖背景下的副高演变特征的缺陷,利用全球大气环流三型分解模型中的流函数能够等价描述副高三维空间几何图像的优势,以500 hPa水平型环流流函数的零等值线为客观标准,给出了副高面积、强度、脊线及西伸脊点指数的新定义,并以2018年夏季副高的短期结构演变特征及其与我国东部地区降水之间的关系研究为例,验证了本文新定义副高指数的客观性与合理性。本文利用全球大气环流三型分解模型中的水平型环流流函数新定义的副高指数,不仅从形态上准确刻画了副高的大尺度涡旋环流特征,而且全球大气环流三型分解的动力学、热力学方程组为进一步利用新指数开展副高异常演变的机理研究提供新的理论工具。 展开更多
关键词 全球大气环流的三型分解 水平环流 流函数 副高指数
新型旋流沉砂池砂粒去除效果的数值模拟 被引量:5
作者 邵超 叶勇 +4 位作者 汪家权 张辉 王淦 侯红勋 王晶 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS 2012年第5期373-379,共7页
采用MRF和DPM模型对新型旋流沉砂池的小试模型进行数值模拟,分析沉砂池内部流场和砂粒运行轨迹、搅拌桨旋转方向以及搅拌桨运动与进水流速关系对砂粒去除效果的影响。结果表明,当搅拌桨旋转运动方向不同时,形成的轴向环流流场有较大差异... 采用MRF和DPM模型对新型旋流沉砂池的小试模型进行数值模拟,分析沉砂池内部流场和砂粒运行轨迹、搅拌桨旋转方向以及搅拌桨运动与进水流速关系对砂粒去除效果的影响。结果表明,当搅拌桨旋转运动方向不同时,形成的轴向环流流场有较大差异,其中顺时针旋转有助于砂粒的沉降与去除。当搅拌桨静止时,进水流速对砂粒的沉降有一定影响,其中进水流速较小时池体内会累积较多的砂粒;流速较大时砂粒的逃逸率也随之增大。在进水流速一定时,搅拌桨转速的变化对砂粒的去除有一定的影响,其中转速较小时,形成的涡旋强度不足以将砂粒移向池心;而当转速逐渐增大时,形成的径向流和较强的轴向流将不利于砂粒的沉降与去除。 展开更多
关键词 数值模拟 进水流速 搅拌桨运动 砂粒去除率 强制涡旋 水平环流 轴向环流
Seesaw Pattern of Rainfall Anomalies between the Tropical Western North Pacific and Central Southern China during Late Summer 被引量:3
作者 Xinyu LI Riyu LU 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期261-270,339,共11页
It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more... It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more water vapor transport during summer, as well as early and middle summer. However, the present results indicate that during late summer(from mid-August to the beginning of September), the anomalous anticyclone leads to more rainfall over central southern China(CSC), a region quite different from preceding periods. The uniqueness of late summer is found to be related to the dramatic change in climatological monsoon flows: southerlies over southern China during early and middle summer but easterlies during late summer. Therefore, the anomalous anticyclone, which shows a southerly anomaly over southern China, enhances monsoonal southerlies and induces more rainfall along the rain band during early and middle summer. During late summer,however, the anomalous anticyclone reflects a complicated change in monsoon flows: it changes the path, rather than the intensity, of monsoon flows. Specifically, during late summers of suppressed convection in the tropical WNP, southerlies dominate from the South China Sea to southern China, and during late summers of enhanced convection, northeasterlies dominate from the East China Sea to southern China, causing more and less rainfall in CSC, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 tropical western North Pacific monsoon flows precipitation late summer
Impact of Climate Change on Regional Hydroclimate Projection in Peninsular Malaysia
作者 Mohd Ekhwan Toriman Mazlin Bin Mokhtar +3 位作者 Rahmah E1-fithri NorAzlina Abdul Aziz Md.Pauzi Abdullah Muhamad Barzani Gasim 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第1期41-45,共5页
For the assessment of the impact of future climate change on the hydrologic regime and water resources of Peninsular Malaysia, it is necessary to downscale the climate change simulations of a coarse scale General Circ... For the assessment of the impact of future climate change on the hydrologic regime and water resources of Peninsular Malaysia, it is necessary to downscale the climate change simulations of a coarse scale General Circulation Model to the region of Peninsular Malaysia at fine grid resolution. This paper presents a desktop review of the state of climate change parameters, namely rainfall and river flow over the Peninsular Malaysia for the 2041-2050 projection period. Analysis of the results from the models shows there will be a substantial increase in mean monthly precipitation over the North East Coastal region from historical 259.5 mm to 281.5 mm, from 289.0 mm to 299.0 mm and 221.8 mm to 239.5 mm over Terengganu and Kelantan, respectively. Meanwhile, for river flow projection, it will be an expected increase in interannual and intraseasonal variability with increased hydrologic extremes (higher high flows, and lower low flows) at Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, and Kedah watersheds in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change peninsular Malaysia RAINFALL river flow.
Recent Changes of Northern Indian Ocean Summer Rainfall Based on CMIP5 Multi-Model 被引量:1
作者 YANG Yali DU Yan +1 位作者 ZHANG Yuhong CHENG Xuhua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期201-208,共8页
This study evaluates the simulation of summer rainfall changes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) based on the fifth phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The historical runs of 20 CMIP5 coupled Gene... This study evaluates the simulation of summer rainfall changes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) based on the fifth phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The historical runs of 20 CMIP5 coupled General Circulation Models (GCMs) are analyzed. The Multi-Model ensemble (MME) of the CMIP5 models well reproduces the general feature of NIO summer rainfall. For a short period 1979?2005, 14 out of 20 models show an increased trend in the mean rainfall and a similar spatial distri-bution to the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) observations in MME. The increasing of the convergence in the equatorial IO results in the increase of rainfall significantly. The equatorial rainfall trend patterns seem modulated by the SST warm-ing in the tropical Indian Ocean, which confirm the mechanism of 'warmer-get-wetter' theory. For a long period 1950?2005, the trend of monsoon rainfall over India shows a decrease over the most parts of the India except an increase over the south corn er of the Indian Peninsula, due to a weakened summer monsoon circulation. The pattern is well simulated in half of the CMIP5 models. The rainfall over the north India is different for a short period, in which rainfall increases in 1979?2005, implying possible decadal varia-tion in the NIO summer climate. 展开更多
关键词 NIO summer rainfall Indian summer monsoon inter-decadal changes
Delayed Seasonal Transition of Tropical Wave Activity in the CMIP3 Global Climate Models
作者 HUANG Ping Chia CHOU +1 位作者 Chia-Hui CHUNG HUANG Rong-Hui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第1期33-38,共6页
This study evaluates the seasonal cycle of the activity of convectively coupled equatorial waves(CCEWs),including mixed Rossby-gravity(MRG) and tropical depression-type(TD-type) waves,based on the twentieth century ex... This study evaluates the seasonal cycle of the activity of convectively coupled equatorial waves(CCEWs),including mixed Rossby-gravity(MRG) and tropical depression-type(TD-type) waves,based on the twentieth century experiments of 18 global climate models(GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3(CMIP3).The ensemble result of the 18 GCMs shows that the observed seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity cannot be well reproduced.The seasonal transition of wave activity from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere is delayed from April in the observations to May in the simulations,indicating that the simulated active season of tropical waves in the northern hemisphere is delayed and shortened.This delayed seasonal transition of tropical wave activity is associated with a delayed seasonal transition of simulated mean precipitation.The mean precipitation in April and May shows a double-ITCZ problem,and the horizontal resolution is important to the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity.Because of the coincident seasonal cycle of MRG and TD-type wave activity and tropical cyclone(TC) geneses,the delayed seasonal transition of wave activity may imply a similar problem of TC genesis in the GCMs,namely,a delayed and shortened TC season in the northern hemisphere. 展开更多
关键词 tropical wave CMIP3 GCMS
全球大气环流的三型分解理论 被引量:3
作者 胡淑娟 周冰倩 +3 位作者 高晨斌 许之航 王庆万 丑纪范 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1165-1184,共20页
文章回顾了近年来发展的全球大气环流的三型分解理论,主要包括全球大气环流三型分解模型及全球大尺度水平型环流、经圈型环流和纬圈型环流的动力学方程组理论.与传统二维环流分解方法的对比表明:全球大气环流三型分解将垂直涡度中由水... 文章回顾了近年来发展的全球大气环流的三型分解理论,主要包括全球大气环流三型分解模型及全球大尺度水平型环流、经圈型环流和纬圈型环流的动力学方程组理论.与传统二维环流分解方法的对比表明:全球大气环流三型分解将垂直涡度中由水平涡旋运动与辐合辐散运动引起的垂直涡度分量有效地分解开来,也将垂直速度中的经向垂直环流与纬向垂直环流分量分解开来,为研究辐合辐散过程对垂直涡度场的演变作用及局地垂直环流的准确描述问题提供了新的方法.全球大气环流的三型分解是一种基于实际大气运动特征的三维环流分解方法,其分解后的水平型、经圈型以及纬圈型环流可分别看作是中高纬度Rossby波及低纬度Hadley和Walker环流在全球的推广.因此,新的环流分解模型及其动力学方程组为中高纬度大气环流与低纬度大气环流之间的相互作用问题研究以及全球变暖背景下大尺度环流异常演变的物理机制问题研究提供了新的理论与方法. 展开更多
关键词 水平环流 经圈型环流 纬圈型环流 全球大气环流的三型分解模型 动力学方程组
《中国地理与资源文摘》 2009年第1期14-14,共1页
关键词 长江口 海洋学 气压 水平环流
深圳前海世茂金融中心塔楼结构设计及分析 被引量:8
作者 马晖 吕海双 +4 位作者 罗承师 汪洋 林奉军 梁兆麟 信瑛佩 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第24期58-65,共8页
深圳前海世茂金融中心塔楼结构高度为303.9m,首层至屋面每层绕中心相对下层旋转0.68°,共旋转45°。塔楼为框架-核心筒形式,外框为钢管混凝土分段双向斜直柱+钢梁,核心筒为钢筋混凝土结构。旋转外框架不便设置伸臂桁架,通过优... 深圳前海世茂金融中心塔楼结构高度为303.9m,首层至屋面每层绕中心相对下层旋转0.68°,共旋转45°。塔楼为框架-核心筒形式,外框为钢管混凝土分段双向斜直柱+钢梁,核心筒为钢筋混凝土结构。旋转外框架不便设置伸臂桁架,通过优化结构平面形状和体型、利用周边地形地貌条件减小风荷载,解决了刚度和舒适度问题。外框在重力作用下形成水平力环流,对核心筒形成扭矩,通过对传力路径、节点构造、重力下整体水平位移及整体稳定性的分析并采取措施,达到设计目的。 展开更多
关键词 深圳前海世茂金融中心 旋转框架 分段双向斜直柱 风荷载 水平环流 扭矩 传力路径
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Annuli between Eccentric Cylinders
作者 Wang Suofang(Department of Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 210016 Nanjing, China) 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1995年第1期38-43,共6页
Natural convection heat transfer in eccentric annuli made of two isothermal horizontal circular cylinders is numerically investigated. Bipolar coordinates are used for the eccentric annuli. The governingequations are ... Natural convection heat transfer in eccentric annuli made of two isothermal horizontal circular cylinders is numerically investigated. Bipolar coordinates are used for the eccentric annuli. The governingequations are transformed into finite difference equations (FDE) by the central difference approach.Heat transfer and flow convection pattern results are simulated for 5.0≤RaL≤1.0×105, withPr = 0.3 - 100, Do/Di = 1.25 - 5.0, andε= 0.01-0.95. The axis of the inner cylinder lies onan inclined plane with θp= 0°- 180°.A Mach-Zehnder interferometer is used for the experimentalstudy. The range is for RaL = 5.3×102-2.41×104, with Do/Di = 2.0, 2.5 and 3.125,ε= 0.0-0.85,and θp= 0°-180°.Air is used as the medium. Comparison of the numerical results with the experimental data shows good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 natural convection heat transfer eccentric cylinder horizontal annuli.
Impact of El Nio on atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China: Role of the anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone 被引量:32
作者 ZHANG RenHe MIN QingYe SU JingZhi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1124-1132,共9页
This paper presents a review on the impact of El Nio on the interannual variability of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China through the anomalous anticyclone over western North Pacific(WNPAC).... This paper presents a review on the impact of El Nio on the interannual variability of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China through the anomalous anticyclone over western North Pacific(WNPAC). It explains the formation mechanisms of the WNPAC and physical processes by which the WNPAC affects the rainfall in China. During the mature phase of El Nio, the convective cooling anomalies over western tropical Pacific caused by the weakened convections trigger up an atmospheric Rossby wave response, resulting in the generation of the WNPAC. The WNPAC can persist from the winter when the El Nio is in its peak to subsequent summer, which is maintained by multiple factors including the sustained presence of convective cooling anomalies and the local air-sea interaction over western tropical Pacific, and the persistence of sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in tropical Indian and tropical North Atlantic. The WNPAC can influence the atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China not only simultaneously, but also in the subsequent summer after an El Nio year, leading to more rainfall over southern China. The current paper also points out that significant anomalies of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall over southern China occur in El Nio winter but not in La Nio winter, suggesting that El Nio and La Nio have an asymmetric effect. Other issues, including the impact of El Nio diversity and its impact as well as the relations of the factors affecting the persistence of the WNPAC with summer rainfall anomalies in China, are also discussed. At the end of this paper some issues calling for further investigation are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric circulations over East Asia Rainfall in China E1 Nifio Anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone
Decadal variations in the season advancement of spring water cycle over Eastern China 被引量:4
作者 ZHAO RuiXia ZHANG Hong +2 位作者 WU GuoXiong LI WeiPing SHI AiLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期1358-1370,共13页
Spring is the critical period for atmospheric circulation transition from winter to summer. The spring water cycle is very im- portant to agriculture in planting crop and the initial growth of crop. Note that there wa... Spring is the critical period for atmospheric circulation transition from winter to summer. The spring water cycle is very im- portant to agriculture in planting crop and the initial growth of crop. Note that there was a significant abrupt decadal change in the water budget increase during early spring over eastern China in the late 1970s. Studied here are the decadal variations of water budgets over the key regions and the associated change of water cycle over East Asia and atmospheric circulation over Asia-West Pacific region in early spring, using the observed (OBS) precipitation, the ECMWF (ERA) and NCEP/NCAR rea- nalysis (NRA), and the Mantua's Pacific decadal oscillation index (PDOI). The water budget increments from March to April exhibited a sharp decrease over the key region around Huaihe River basin (HHR) (111°-120°E; 31°-36°N) after year 1978. Before 1977 the water vapor flux through south boundary of the HHR region increased greatly during March to April by 1.52 mm d^-1 in ERA and 1.88 mm d^-1 in NRA. Concurrently the moisture convergence and precipitation over the region also in- creased greatly. The increment for the moisture convergence was 1.11 mmd^-1 in ERA and 1.22 mm d^-1 in NRA, and for the precipitation was 1.05 mm d^-1 in observation and 1.05 mm d^-1 in ERA. April was the time that the water budgets over HHR increased most rapidly before 1977. But after 1978 the water budgets decreased conversely from Mach to April. The water vapor flux increment through the south boundary was -0.03 mmd^-1 in ERA and 0.01 mm d^-1 in NRA, the moisture conver- gence increment was -0.91 mm d^-1 in ERA and -0.53 mm d^-1 in NRA, and precipitation increment was -0.08 mm d^-1 in ob- servation and -0.15 mm d^-1 in ERA. Further investigation has shown that the large-scale atmospheric circulation in the early spring has correspondingly changed significantly after the late 1970s. During March to April, the weakening of the trough over East Asia became significantly slower, and the strengthening of the ridge over the west China became significantly faster in the middle troposphere after the late 1970s. At the same time, in the lower troposphere, the strengthening and northward extending of the west pan of the subtropical high and the weakening of the trough over the southwest part of the Aleutian low in the early spring became slower, and the weakening of the main part of Asian high became slower, but the strengthening of its west part became faster. This significant decadal change of circulation caused a sharp decrease in the northward extending speed of wa- ter vapor transport, and in the water budgets increasing speed over the southeastern China during early spring after the late 1970s. 展开更多
关键词 water cycle Huaihe River Basin season progressing in early spring decadai variation
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