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眼光独到种冷门水果树葡萄换来真财富 被引量:1
作者 朱桦 《农家科技》 2018年第4期14-15,共2页
曹楚尧今年三十多岁,别看年纪不大,在他的家乡福建龙岩却是村民眼中的一个风云人物.早在16岁时,他就依靠做花炮销售生意成为村里的创业名人,而如今他借着种植一种名为树葡萄的植物成为当地的创业明星.说起曹楚尧与树葡萄的结缘,其实时... 曹楚尧今年三十多岁,别看年纪不大,在他的家乡福建龙岩却是村民眼中的一个风云人物.早在16岁时,他就依靠做花炮销售生意成为村里的创业名人,而如今他借着种植一种名为树葡萄的植物成为当地的创业明星.说起曹楚尧与树葡萄的结缘,其实时间并不久远.5年前的一天,一位朋友到他家串门时给他带来几斤来自台湾的树葡萄,开始曹楚尧对于这种葡萄并没有太在意。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 水果树 财富 福建龙岩 创业
作者 杨长群 《林业实用技术》 北大核心 2002年第12期34-34,共1页
关键词 山区栽培 土壤肥力 集约化生产 生态效益 水果树
作者 黄仪瑛 《农村新技术》 2004年第10期40-40,共1页
关键词 水果树 保鲜方法 品质 甜度
作者 孟凡武 李拴元 薛志勇 《农业科技通讯》 2010年第4期194-195,共2页
果树的栽植好坏是果园能否获得早产、高产、高效的前提。多年来,经过广大果农和科技工作者的艰辛劳动和不断探索,创造出了很多值得推广和借鉴的种植经验,但生产中仍因生产者对果树的栽植要点不能掌握。出现这样那样的问题,现将我们多... 果树的栽植好坏是果园能否获得早产、高产、高效的前提。多年来,经过广大果农和科技工作者的艰辛劳动和不断探索,创造出了很多值得推广和借鉴的种植经验,但生产中仍因生产者对果树的栽植要点不能掌握。出现这样那样的问题,现将我们多年来在生产实践中探索总结的栽植技术要点介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 栽植技术 水果树 科技工作者 生产者 种植经验 果园 果农
作者 范仲先 《农村实用科技信息》 2006年第3期16-16,共1页
关键词 水果树 防盗 落叶小灌木 维生素C 美化环境 多年生 蔷薇科 观赏 营养
作者 尹常福 《果树实用技术与信息》 2017年第11期40-41,共2页
关键词 黑龙江省 发展对策 生产现状 水果树 大陆性季风气候 呼兰河流域 松花江水系 松嫩平原
作者 许晓丹 杨立新(指导教师) 蔡建伟(指导教师) 《发明与创新(学生版)》 2009年第2期34-34,共1页
关键词 中学 科技发明 产品介绍 课外活动 水果树
作者 韦燕萍 《中国果业信息》 2008年第12期27-28,共2页
关键词 冻害 补救 预防 水果树 一次水 植株
你卖水果我卖筐 收入也能响当当
作者 张连福 《农村新技术》 2012年第12期55-55,共1页
关键词 水果树 收入 深州市 河北省 公顷 贩运
《世界热带农业信息》 2013年第7期19-19,共1页
关键词 水果树 种植面积 越南 种植业 红毛丹 病虫害 龙眼 柚子
作者 阮正才 邓云 《农家之友》 2009年第18期52-52,共1页
关键词 黑木耳 水果树 民兵 荔枝果 桂平市
《农家之友》 2001年第9期8-8,共1页
龙眼一、物候期:促秋梢抽生。二、中心工作:修剪、促梢。三、主要病虫害:荔蝽、卷叶蛾、白蛾蜡蝉、亥麦蛾、尖细峨。四、相关技术措施: 1、修剪:主要通过修剪来调节梢期攻出适时健壮的结果母枝,减少控梢难度。(1)短截交叉枝、重叠枝、... 龙眼一、物候期:促秋梢抽生。二、中心工作:修剪、促梢。三、主要病虫害:荔蝽、卷叶蛾、白蛾蜡蝉、亥麦蛾、尖细峨。四、相关技术措施: 1、修剪:主要通过修剪来调节梢期攻出适时健壮的结果母枝,减少控梢难度。(1)短截交叉枝、重叠枝、阴枝、病虫枝;(2)不挂果树大部分枝条长约40~50厘米,粗度在0.8厘米以下,每平方米约20条左右,或者有3~4条分枝粗度在0.3~0.5厘米之间,长15~20厘米左右的植株,以疏剪为主,留粗度在0.5厘米以上粗壮的,节间均匀,叶片多而均匀,分枝角度合理倾斜的壮枝。 展开更多
关键词 水果树 9月份 园艺管理 物候期 病虫害防治 修剪 施肥 龙眼 芒果 荔枝 枇杷 黄皮
作者 卢胜进 《果树实用技术与信息》 2018年第3期39-40,共2页
1重视果树防冻 1.1存在冻害气象 据江永县气象站观测,2017年降雨量较2016年少34.32%,2017年12月17—21日日极端草温连续低于-2.4℃,其中低于-4.1℃有3天,12月21日最低温度为一5.1℃:12月25--26日日极端草温分别为-1.8、-1... 1重视果树防冻 1.1存在冻害气象 据江永县气象站观测,2017年降雨量较2016年少34.32%,2017年12月17—21日日极端草温连续低于-2.4℃,其中低于-4.1℃有3天,12月21日最低温度为一5.1℃:12月25--26日日极端草温分别为-1.8、-1.0℃。 展开更多
关键词 防冻措施 水果树 冻后护理 南江 年降雨量 最低温度 气象站 江永县
《内蒙古林业》 2018年第10期7-9,共3页
仲秋时节,来到赤峰市林西县境内,映入眼帘的是一派生机盎然的景象,一片片绿树枝头挂满了红色、黄色、绿色、紫色、橙色的果实,令人艳羡不已、连连赞叹.在一片一望无际的果树林中,果农们脸上带着丰收的喜悦,正在采摘、清洁、包装、搬运... 仲秋时节,来到赤峰市林西县境内,映入眼帘的是一派生机盎然的景象,一片片绿树枝头挂满了红色、黄色、绿色、紫色、橙色的果实,令人艳羡不已、连连赞叹.在一片一望无际的果树林中,果农们脸上带着丰收的喜悦,正在采摘、清洁、包装、搬运已经成熟的水果.这是林西县新城子镇七合堂村、海棠湖村和十二吐乡枕头沟村万亩高效节水果树经济林中出现的场景,而这只是林西县经济林建设的一个缩影. 展开更多
关键词 经济林建设 小康 贫困 银行 林西县 水果树 赤峰市
作者 冯启良 李如慧 《国土绿化》 2018年第10期42-44,共3页
仲秋时节,内蒙古自治区赤峰市林西县境内,处处绿意盎然,片片绿林枝头红色、黄色、绿色、紫色、橙色的果实,更是令人艳羡不已.在一望无际的果树林中,果农们正在采摘、清洁、包装、搬运已经成熟的内蒙野果、黄太平、李子等水果.这是笔者... 仲秋时节,内蒙古自治区赤峰市林西县境内,处处绿意盎然,片片绿林枝头红色、黄色、绿色、紫色、橙色的果实,更是令人艳羡不已.在一望无际的果树林中,果农们正在采摘、清洁、包装、搬运已经成熟的内蒙野果、黄太平、李子等水果.这是笔者在林西县新城子镇七合堂村、海棠湖村和十二吐乡枕头沟村万亩高效节水果树经济林中看到的情景.这也是全县经济林建设取得可喜成效的一个小小缩影. 展开更多
关键词 经济林建设 林西县 赤峰市 内蒙古自治区 强力 银行 致富 水果树
《农业与技术》 2014年第11期I0001-I0002,共2页
云南:云南西双版纳景哈乡打造农民增收“绿色银行” 澳洲坚果属山龙眼科常绿乔水果树,果仁含丰富的蛋白质、炭碳水化合物和钙、磷、铁及B族维生素等,被誉称“干果之王”。
关键词 资讯 碳水化合物 B族维生素 农民增收 西双版纳 山龙眼科 澳洲坚果 水果树
Community Characteristics of Wild Fruit Forests Along Elevation Gradients and the Relationships Between the Wild Fruit Forests and Environments in the Keguqin Mountain Region ofⅠii 被引量:4
作者 ZHUANG Li TIAN Zhonping +3 位作者 CHEN Yaning LI Weihong LI Jiangui LU Shuang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期115-126,共12页
In this paper,the quantitative relationship between the wild fruit communities and direct environmental factors is discussed on the basis of detailed data on landscape scale habitats obtained through field vegetation ... In this paper,the quantitative relationship between the wild fruit communities and direct environmental factors is discussed on the basis of detailed data on landscape scale habitats obtained through field vegetation investigation.The results from TWINSPAN and DCCA showed that:1) In the distribution sections of the wild fruit forest in the Keguqin Mountain region,the basic patterns characteristic of the different habitats are due to topographic factors,nutrients and moisture conditions;2) The elevation affected the most basic differentiation of plant communities in the study area,indicating that the elevation condition was the most important factor restricting the distribution of the wild fruit communities in the study area;3) The close relationship between the moisture content in the upper soil layer and the elevation reflected the influence of moisture conditions on both wild fruit and herb-layer communities;4) Nutrient differences not only indicated that the habitat conditions were different in themselves but also showed that the present nutrient conditions of the habitats were seriously affected by human activities.In summary,under complicated mountainous topographic conditions,the habitat conditions for the communities differed very significantly,and the combination of elevation,soil moisture content,total nitrogen,slope aspect,and pH value influenced and controlled the formation of community distribution patterns in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 Keguqin Mountain Wild fruit forest Habitat condition Community distribution pattern DCCA Keguqin Mountain China
Conservation and Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources in Malaysia: Mardi's Effort
作者 Mohd Shukor Nordin Mohd Shafie Md Shah +3 位作者 Mohd Norfaizal Mohd Ghazali Siti Nurzuraini Abdul Rahman Salma Idris Mohd Shukri Mohd Ali 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第6期381-386,共6页
Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (MARDI) is the country's major custodian of the nation's crops genetic resources. It has a global responsibility in the conservation of genetic resources of... Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (MARDI) is the country's major custodian of the nation's crops genetic resources. It has a global responsibility in the conservation of genetic resources of banana, sweet potato and citrus, and national responsibility for the conservation of crops, such as rice, tropical fruits and some herbs and medicinal plant species. MARDI rice seed genebank at Seberang Prai in the state of Penang was established in 1984 and currently holds 12,770 registered rice accessions, of which 53% are of local origin. In addition, MARDI also conserves genes in the field, mostly for underutilized tropical fruit genetic resources. At present, about 168 species of underutilized, rare and wild tropical fruit species consisting of about 2,000 accessions, the largest in the country, are being conserved. The species include "kuini" (Mangifera odorata), "bacang" (Mangifera foetida), "binjai" (Mangifera caesia), "cerapu" ( Garcinia praniana), "rambai" (Baccaurea motleyana), "asam gelugor" ( Garcinia atroviridis), "terap" (drthocarpus odoratissimus) and "pulasan" (Nephellium rambutan-ake). The accessions are mostly conserved ex situ in field genebanks located at the various MARDI stations throughout the country. Although the conservation of the various crop species genetic resources is important, the real challenge is enhancing its utilisation. The main objective of the paper was to share and disseminate information related to works conducted and strategies opted by MARDI on the conservation and utilization of crop genetic resources. Information on species of crops that are available in MARDI's genebank was also highlighted together with brief information of some of the associated traits of significant importance posses by those genetic resources. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION genetic resources tropical fruits GERMPLASM genebanks.
Strontium Adsorption from Sulfuric Acid Solution by Dowex 50W-X Resins 被引量:4
作者 Meisam Hafizi Hossein Abolghasemi +1 位作者 Morteza Moradi Saeed Alamdar Milani 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期267-272,共6页
In this study,strontium adsorption from sulfuric acid solution by different Dowex 50W-X ion exchange resins was investigated.Among these resins,Dowex 50W-X8 resin showed the maximum sorption of strontium from the aque... In this study,strontium adsorption from sulfuric acid solution by different Dowex 50W-X ion exchange resins was investigated.Among these resins,Dowex 50W-X8 resin showed the maximum sorption of strontium from the aqueous solutions.The effect of pH,contact time,mass of resin,temperature,and concentration of interfering ions on strontium adsorption were evaluated to determine the optimum conditions of strontium sorption process.The kinetic models of sorption were analyzed using pseudo-first and pseudo-second order models.The results indicated that the pseudo-second order kinetic model was more appropriate than the other one.Moreover,the data obtained in this study were fitted into several sorption isotherm models and it was found that the Langmuir sorption isotherm shows the best fitting to the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 strontium adsorption ion exchange Dowex 50W kinetic model RESIN sorption isotherm model
Fruit production and quality improvement in aonla (Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.) through canopy management 被引量:1
作者 S. N. Ghosh B. Bera +2 位作者 A. Kundu S. Roy S. K. Dutta Ray 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第8期40-42,48,共4页
In order to maintain the health and vigour and to sustain the productivity, a pruning experiment was conducted on four year old "Balwant" cultivar of aonla grown in laterite soil, planted at a spacing of 5m×5m.... In order to maintain the health and vigour and to sustain the productivity, a pruning experiment was conducted on four year old "Balwant" cultivar of aonla grown in laterite soil, planted at a spacing of 5m×5m. To find out the best pruning method, six levels of pruning was performed i.e., (1) Light judicious pruning, (2) Detopping of primary branches at 8 feet from ground level + removal of all secondary branches, (3) Detopping of primary branches at 8 feet from the ground level + removal of all secondary branches at 2 feet from the base of primary branches, (4) Detopping of primary branches at 8 feet from the ground level + removal of all secondary branches at 1 feet from the base of primary branches, (5) Light judicious pruning + Detopping of plant canopy of at 8 feet from the ground level, (6) No pruning (control). Results of three consecutive years of investigation revealed that light judicious pruning of thin, overlapping, criss-crossed, dead, unproductive and looping branches gave highest fruit yield in all the three years and resulted 64.4 percent yield increment over control when average of three years was considered. Severe pruning of primary and secondary branches caused drastic reduction of yield for two consecutive years after pruning. Judicious pruning helped to produce better sizeable and quality fruits. 展开更多
关键词 aonla close spacing PRUNING canopy management yield fruit quality
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