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不同微细水核直径的掺水乳化柴油制备方法和影响因素 被引量:2
作者 王兆文 曹俊辉 +3 位作者 袁波 王宇洲 吕嵩 成晓北 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期235-242,共8页
随着燃油车和重型农用机械数量的增加,石油资源消耗急剧上升,掺水乳化柴油作为一种新型可替代燃料受到了广泛关注。水核直径对掺水乳化柴油的微爆特性影响较大,但目前缺乏组分不变下的目标水核直径掺水乳化柴油的制备方法和适宜的水核... 随着燃油车和重型农用机械数量的增加,石油资源消耗急剧上升,掺水乳化柴油作为一种新型可替代燃料受到了广泛关注。水核直径对掺水乳化柴油的微爆特性影响较大,但目前缺乏组分不变下的目标水核直径掺水乳化柴油的制备方法和适宜的水核直径表征方法。该研究基于CV模型,开发了适合水核微观结构的图像识别程序;创新性地提出采用对数正态分布函数拟合和表征水核直径的分布。结果表明,相对于索特平均直径,基于对数正态分布函数拟合的表征参数可以更准确地描述掺水乳化柴油内部水核分布情况。随后,基于正交设计方法,通过调节超声波乳化的乳化时间、乳化功率和超声波频率参数实现了组分不变情况下不同水核直径的掺水乳化柴油的制备;并基于新的表征参数,研究了制备参数对掺水乳化柴油中水核直径的影响规律以及敏感性等特征。研究表明:超声波频率、乳化功率和乳化时间3个制备因素对最大直径的极差为0.744、2.880、1.038,对分布标准差的极差分别为0.028、0.120、0.034,因此各因素的影响优先级分别为:乳化功率、乳化时间、超声波频率。随着乳化功率、乳化时间的增加,乳化效果明显增强,掺水乳化柴油中水核直径的拟合最大值与分布标准差逐渐减小,使得掺水乳化柴油中水核直径既小又平均,而超声波频率的影响则不明显;此外当水核直径及分布标准差减少到一定值后,增加乳化功率比增长乳化时间对掺水乳化柴油水核的细化影响更大,该研究可为乳化柴油制备水供参考。 展开更多
关键词 柴油 参数 乳化液 水核直径 表征参数 正交设计
作者 李华刚 张朝平 +1 位作者 罗玉萍 申德君 《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期131-135,共5页
研究了微乳液制备纳米Ni-Fe复合物微粒时水核半径R(=[W ]/ [S])对微粒粒径的影响 .结果表明 ,R值不同 ,得到的Ni-Fe笪合物微粒不但粒径不同 ,产物的组成也有差异 .当R >2 4时 ,微粒粒径最大 ,且组成复杂 ;当R <1 8时 ,微粒粒径变... 研究了微乳液制备纳米Ni-Fe复合物微粒时水核半径R(=[W ]/ [S])对微粒粒径的影响 .结果表明 ,R值不同 ,得到的Ni-Fe笪合物微粒不但粒径不同 ,产物的组成也有差异 .当R >2 4时 ,微粒粒径最大 ,且组成复杂 ;当R <1 8时 ,微粒粒径变小 ,组成较单一 ,且可得到Ni-Fe合金相 .各样品磁参数的测量表明 ,随Ni-Fe微粒粒径增加 ,矫顽力减小 . 展开更多
关键词 水核半径 微乳液 磁性 纳米 Ni-Fe复合微粒 XRD TEM
基于相图法的W/O型微乳液体系稳定性分析 被引量:16
作者 潘海敏 杨伯伦 +2 位作者 李萌萌 李国智 贺拥军 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期679-684,共6页
以辛基苯基聚氧乙烯醚(TX-10)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,以正戊醇、正己醇和正庚醇为助表面活性剂,以正戊烷为油相,制备了油包水型(W/O)微乳液。用相图法分析了微乳液体系的热力学稳定性,计算了... 以辛基苯基聚氧乙烯醚(TX-10)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,以正戊醇、正己醇和正庚醇为助表面活性剂,以正戊烷为油相,制备了油包水型(W/O)微乳液。用相图法分析了微乳液体系的热力学稳定性,计算了水核半径的大小,并考察了影响微乳液W/O区域范围的各种因素。结果表明:这几种微乳液体系在实验条件下能自发形成;微乳液的水核半径处于纳米量级,可作为制备纳米粒子的超微反应器;以TX-10为表面活性剂时,水核可以包容更多的水分子,微乳液的W/O区域较大;而以CTAB为表面活性剂时,由于其极性头之间的空间和静电排斥作用强,微乳液的W/O区域最小;以硝酸镧溶液作为分散相时,微乳液的W/O区域变化较小;随着温度的升高,微乳液的W/O区域显著减小。 展开更多
关键词 微乳液 纳米反应器 水核 相图法 热力学稳定性
微乳液的稳定性及其在制备超细Y_2O_3中的应用 被引量:6
作者 杨志宏 王长龙 +1 位作者 吴长英 聂基兰 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期440-443,共4页
探讨了CTAB/n-C4H9OH/c-C6H12/H2O体系微乳液的稳定性,绘制了该体系的三元和拟三元相图,当CTAB与n-C4H9OH质量比为2∶3时有较宽的稳定的W/O微乳液相区,是制备超细Y2O3的理想体系。在该体系稳定区内,通过调整ω,可改变微乳水核半径。Y(NO... 探讨了CTAB/n-C4H9OH/c-C6H12/H2O体系微乳液的稳定性,绘制了该体系的三元和拟三元相图,当CTAB与n-C4H9OH质量比为2∶3时有较宽的稳定的W/O微乳液相区,是制备超细Y2O3的理想体系。在该体系稳定区内,通过调整ω,可改变微乳水核半径。Y(NO3)3溶液和草酸溶液在微乳液水核(微反应器)中进行沉淀反应,制备出不同粒径、形貌的超细氧化钇。样品经X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)表征,结果表明,ω增大,水核半径增大,超细Y2O3的粒径变小,形貌也发生变化。当ω=17时,可制备出粒径为30 nm的晶型完好的Y2O3立方晶粒。 展开更多
关键词 微乳液 稳定性 水核半径 制备 超细Y2O3
W/O型微乳法制备超细片状WO_3的研究 被引量:2
作者 宋涛 丘泰 +2 位作者 沈春英 李志顺 陈小杰 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期102-104,94,共4页
在TritonX-100/正己醇/环己烷/水微乳液体系中制备了超细片状WO3。XRD谱图表明,超细薄片为三斜相和单斜相混合的WO3晶体。SEM结果表明,制备的WO3为大小均匀的超细片状粒子。BET测试表明,超细片状WO3具有很大的比表面积。考察了两个关键... 在TritonX-100/正己醇/环己烷/水微乳液体系中制备了超细片状WO3。XRD谱图表明,超细薄片为三斜相和单斜相混合的WO3晶体。SEM结果表明,制备的WO3为大小均匀的超细片状粒子。BET测试表明,超细片状WO3具有很大的比表面积。考察了两个关键参数ω0和反应物浓度对产物尺寸和形貌的影响。并对TritonX-100/正己醇/环己烷/水微乳液体系制备超细片状WO3的机理进行了初步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 W/O微乳液 水核直径 超细片状WO3
Review of wastewater treatment technologies,soil and water conservation measures in nuclear power plants,and inspirations to Fukushima accident
作者 WANG Chu NIU Jianzhi +2 位作者 LUN Xiaoxiu ZHANG Linus BERNDTSSON Ronny 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期10-28,193-200,共27页
[Background]The previous studies suggest that radioactive elements like Cs and Sr may adversely affect marine ecosystems and the fishing industry.Traditional treatment systems for radioactive wastewater like the Advan... [Background]The previous studies suggest that radioactive elements like Cs and Sr may adversely affect marine ecosystems and the fishing industry.Traditional treatment systems for radioactive wastewater like the Advanced Liquid Processing System(ALPS)and Kurion have faced challenges in limiting concentration and achieving safety criteria.Studies suggest potential long-term impacts on benthic organisms and seafood networks due to radioactive elements like Cs and Sr from the discharged radioactive wastewater,which may hinder post-disaster recovery and provoke economic losses in the fishing industry both domestically and internationally.A series of studies indicate that there are issues of Cs and Sr pollution migration in soil and water conservation in Fukushima.[Methods]To provide feasible solutions,the main article includes five nuclear wastewater treatment technologies,and soil and water conservation measures for different media(water and soil)were evaluated through reviewing the previous fifteen years'articles.To provide feasible solutions,the main articles,the phytoextraction technologies in Cs and Sr treatment within different land use areas were wildly analyzed(Camellia japonica,Arabidopsis halleri and other local species).[Results]1)A 99.9%removal rate for Cs^(+)and 99.5%for Sr^(2+)was achieved by the KFe[Fe(CN)_(6)]and BaSO_(4)co-precipitation method.2)For membrane filtration,Sr^(2+)and Cs^(+)were removed using metal-organic framework(MOF/graphene oxide)and ion exchange techniques using inorganic materials like titanosilicates.The absorption efficiency of membrane filtration for Sr^(2+)and Cs^(+)was at least 92%and 94%,respectively.The study analyzed soil and water conservation technologies in different land uses,river basins and catchments.3)The underground water treatment mainly were completed via the membrance technologies like reverse osmosis and Permeable Reactive Barriers(PRB)technologies.The ^(90) Sr concentration decreased 77%-91%compared to the initial concentration by PRB technology.These diverse methods offered effective strategies for radioactive wastewater treatment,especially the co-precipitation method may be feasible remediation measures to ensure ecological safety surrounding nuclear power utilizing areas.Soil and water conservation measures for soil pollution treatment mainly focused on the use of stabilizers to hinder the migration of Cs and Sr in the soil and the effects of wind erosion such as interpolyelectrolyte complexes.[Conclusions]We evaluated the pollution of Cs and Sr in the Fukushima nuclear radiation soil and water to provide solutions for the treatment of nuclear wastewater and to prevent radionuclide pollutants from migrating into the soil and water. 展开更多
关键词 Fukushima nuclear power accident nuclear wastewater treatment environmental strategy soil and water conservation technologies
Rapid Constructing a Genetic Linkage Map by AFLP Technique and Mapping a New Gene tms5 被引量:9
作者 贾建航 李传友 +1 位作者 邓启云 王斌 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期614-620,共7页
In this study, we reported the repaid construction of a molecular marker linkage map of rice (Oryza sativa L.). An F-2 population from the cross between Annong S-1 and Nanjing 11 was used to construct a genetic linkag... In this study, we reported the repaid construction of a molecular marker linkage map of rice (Oryza sativa L.). An F-2 population from the cross between Annong S-1 and Nanjing 11 was used to construct a genetic linkage map of rice. Total of 142 newly screened AFLP markers and 30 anchor markers (25 SSR markers and 5 RFLP markers) were mapped on the 12 chromosomes covering 1537.4 cM of rice genome. The average interval between these markers was 9.0 cM. The total work which usually was finished in more than one year was finished within only 3 months by one person. This is the first plant AFLP map developed in China. A new thermosensitive genic male sterile gene in rice, tms5, was Egged and mapped onto chromosome 2 during the development of the linkage map. 展开更多
关键词 AFLP rapid constructing genetic linkage map rice thermosensitive genic male sterile gene tms5
Observation on Flowering Habit of Reverse Genic Sterile Rice FHS 被引量:7
作者 王会峰 欧阳艳蓉 黄群策 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期81-83,共3页
[Objective] This study was to use reverse genic male sterile FHS better in field production. [Method] Low energy nitrogen ion beam was taken as a mutation source to conduct mutagenic treatment for indica rice 99-02 an... [Objective] This study was to use reverse genic male sterile FHS better in field production. [Method] Low energy nitrogen ion beam was taken as a mutation source to conduct mutagenic treatment for indica rice 99-02 and the mutant FHS with special fertility that was isolated from their offspring. Some characteristics such as flowering habit and stigma exsertion rate of FHS were observed in this experiment. [Result] The reverse genic sterile rice FHS had an obvious peak flowering stage from 10:00 to 10:30, while the second peak flowering was from August 5 to August 10. Compared with PA64S, FHS flowered early and its flowering time was concentrated, showing that it is for seed propagation. The stigma exsertion rate of FHS was 85.8% and low exsertion rate was good for the purity of seed. [Conclusion] The reverse genic sterile rice FHS had good value in use, besides, it could also be used as comparison material for studying fertility alternation mechanism of photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Genic sterile Flowering habit Stigma exsertion rate
Solutions to Insecurity Problems in Seed Production of Two-line Hybrid Rice 被引量:3
作者 雷东阳 唐文帮 +2 位作者 解志坚 刘海 陈立云 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1160-1166,1187,共8页
The insecure problems of seed production have seriously hampered the healthy and sustainable development of two-line hybrid rice.The safety issues on seed production of two-line hybrid rice and current research situat... The insecure problems of seed production have seriously hampered the healthy and sustainable development of two-line hybrid rice.The safety issues on seed production of two-line hybrid rice and current research situation were pointed out in this paper.The three main reasons for unsafety in seed production of twoline hybrid rice were unsuitable site selection,high critical sterility-inducing temperature and the drift of critical temperature.In this paper,strategies and measures were put forward based on many years of practice.It could minimize the risk in seed production of two-line hybrid rice by selecting dual-purpose genic male sterile line with lower critical sterility-inducing temperature and long lower temperature resistant time.Based on the climate data and climatic demands of the "three safe-periods" in seed production,a new idea for determining appropriate bases and periods for seed production was proposed by using computer technology,which solved the aimless selection of sites and periods for the seed production of two-line hybrid rice.Besides,we established a system of single plant selection and identification method and original seed propagation with cyclic cold water,which could reduce the generation number of original seed propagation in seed production and avoid the drift of critical sterility-inducing temperature.This paper improved the seed production safety in the three aspects of seed nature,seed source and seed production site. 展开更多
关键词 Two-line hybrid rice Dual-purpose genic male sterile line Safety of seed production
Studies on GA_3 Spraying Dosage for eui TGMS Rice Changxuan 3S in Its Hybrid Seed Production 被引量:2
作者 肖辉海 王文龙 郝小花 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期61-64,共4页
[Objective] Changxuan 3S was thermo-sensitive genicmale sterile(TGMS)rice selected from irradiated seeds of Peiai 64S by 350 Gy^(60)Coγ-ray.The aim of the study was to confirm GA3 spraying dosage of Changxuan 3S ... [Objective] Changxuan 3S was thermo-sensitive genicmale sterile(TGMS)rice selected from irradiated seeds of Peiai 64S by 350 Gy^(60)Coγ-ray.The aim of the study was to confirm GA3 spraying dosage of Changxuan 3S with eui gene in its hybrid seed production.[Method] Changxuan 3S possessing eui gene and its parent Peiai 64S were chosen as materials.Comparison studies on sensitivity to GA3 in their hybrid seed production were carried out.[Result] The suitable stage for spraying GA3 in the hybrid seed production of Changxuan 3S was at 10% of panicles headed;The optimal dosage was 90 g/hm2 with 2 split sprayings,the first spraying of 45 g/hm2 at heading of 10% panicles and the second one of 45 g/hm2 on the following day.Under the condition of spraying GA3 at the rate of 90 g/hm2,the panicle neck exsertions of Changxuan 3S was +1.78 cm,and exserted stigma rate and seed setting rate of Changxuan 3S were 96.87% and 36.44%,being 21.46% and 16.33% more than those of Peiai 64S,respectively.The theoretical yield of "Changxuan 3S/9311" reached 2 931.90 kg/hm2,which was increased by 1 259.40 kg/hm2 comparing with "Peiai 64S/9311".[Conclusion] Compared with Peiai 64S,Changxuan 3S is more sensitive to GA3,which results in no or little using GA3 in seed production of Changxuan 3S.Moreover,Changxuan 3S showed higher yield potential than Peiai 64S. 展开更多
关键词 Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(TGMS)line Elongayed uppermost internode(eui) Changxuan 3S GA3 spraying dosage
Correlation between Stigma Characteristics and Outcrossing Rate of Five Photo-thermo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Rice Lines 被引量:2
作者 舒志芬 陈勇 +3 位作者 刘钊 袁露 熊朝 张海清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期573-576,583,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, sti... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality of Chuang 5S, Yun 9S, Peiai 64 S, P88 S and Y58 S were analyzed. Using R608 as a male parent, outcrossing rate of these five PTGMS lines was determined. [Result]There were differences in stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality among five PTGMS lines. P88 S exhibited the best stigma characteristics and relatively strong stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 95.94%, stigma vitality coefficient of 2.71, outcrossing rate of 84.02% in the field. Peiai 64 s had the minimum stigma length(2.41 mm) and stigma width(1.10 mm) and the weakest stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 93.04%, outcrossing rate of 65.47%. Yun 9S,Y58 S and Chuang 5S displayed medium stigma characteristics, among which Yun9 S exhibited higher outcrossing rate than other two PTGMS lines. Correlation analysis showed that stigma exsertion rate, stigma length, stigma width, stigma area and stigma volume were significantly correlated to outcrossing rate(P〈0.05), with correlation coefficients of 0.897, 0.934, 0.934, 0.939 and 0.937, respectively. However,there was no significant correlation between stigma vitality coefficient and outcrossing rate. [Conclusion] Based on stigma characteristics of five PTGMS lines, auxiliary pollination measures should be adopted reasonably to save production costs and improve hybrid rice seed yield. 展开更多
关键词 RICE PTGMS lines Stigma characteristics Outcrossing rate
Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Genes Involved in Fertility of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice 被引量:8
作者 黄廷友 王玉平 +2 位作者 马炳田 马玉清 李仕贵 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期616-622,共7页
Pingxiang-dominant genic male sterile rice (PDGMSR) was the first dominant genic male sterile mutant identified in rice (Oryza sativa L.), and the corresponding dominant genic male sterile gene was designated as M... Pingxiang-dominant genic male sterile rice (PDGMSR) was the first dominant genic male sterile mutant identified in rice (Oryza sativa L.), and the corresponding dominant genic male sterile gene was designated as Ms-p. The fertility of PDGMSR can be restored by introduction of a dominant epistatic fertility restoring gene in some rice varieties. In the present study, E823, an indica inbred rice variety, restored the fertility of PDGMSR, and the genetic pattern was found to be consistent with a dominant epistatic model, therefore, the dominant epistatic fertility restorer gene was designated as Rfe. The F2 population from the cross of PDGMSR/E823 was developed to map gene Rfe. The F2 plants with the genotypes Ms-pMs-pRferfe or Ms-pms-pRferfe were used to construct a fertile pool, and the corresponding sterile plants with genotypes Ms-pMs-prferfe or Ms-pms-prferfe were used to con- struct a sterile pool. The fertility restoring gene Rfe was mapped to one side of the microsatellite markers RM311 and RM3152 on rice chromosome 10, with genetic distances of 7.9 cM and 3.6 cM, respectively. The microsatellite markers around the location of the Ms-p gene were used to finely map the Ms-p gene. The findings of this study indicated that the microsatellite markers RM171 and RM6745 flanked the Ms-p gene, and the distances were 0.3 cM and 3.0 cM, respectively. On the basis of the sequence of rice chromosome 10, the physical distance between the two markers is approximately 730 kb. These findings facilitates molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) of genes Ms-p and Rfe in rice breeding programs, and cloning them in the future. 展开更多
关键词 dominant epistatic fertility restoring gene dominant genic male sterile gene mapping PDGMSR
Crystallization of gibbsite from synthetic chromate leaching solution in sub-molten salt process 被引量:1
作者 张培育 魏广叶 +2 位作者 郭强 曲景奎 齐涛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期2734-2743,共10页
For the clean and economical production of chromium compounds, it is crucial to remove aluminates from chromate alkali solutions and utilize aluminum-containing compounds. In this work, carbonization was used to remov... For the clean and economical production of chromium compounds, it is crucial to remove aluminates from chromate alkali solutions and utilize aluminum-containing compounds. In this work, carbonization was used to remove aluminates from a synthetic chromate leaching solution containing a high K2O/Al2O3 mole ratio. The influence of reaction temperature, carbonization time, flow rate of carbon dioxide, and seed ratio on the precipitation of Al was investigated. The optimal output was obtained under the following experimental conditions: a reaction temperature of 50 °C, a carbonization time of 100 min, a carbon dioxide flow rate of 0.1 L/min, and a seed ratio of 1.0. Gibbsite was obtained following carbonization. The structure and morphology of the gibbsite were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and laser particle size analyzer. The particle size distribution and morphology of the gibbsite were significantly influenced by the experimental conditions. The gibbsite had a mean particle size (d50) of 16.72μm. The thermal decomposition of the gibbsite was analyzed by XRD and the decomposition path was determined. The obtained coarseα-Al2O3 precipitate, which contains 0.08% Cr2O3 and 0.10% K2O, was suitable for subsequent utilization. 展开更多
关键词 GIBBSITE secondary nucleation CARBONIZATION chromate leaching solution
Cloning of the APRT Gene from Rice and Analysis of Its Association with TGMS 被引量:4
作者 李军 梁春阳 +5 位作者 杨继良 邢全华 杨典洱 邓启云 翁曼丽 王斌 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第11期1319-1328,共10页
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) is the major enzyme that converts adenine into adenosine-3'-phosphate (AMP). APRT-deficient mutant caused by APRT gene mutation results in the male sterility in Arabidopsis... Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) is the major enzyme that converts adenine into adenosine-3'-phosphate (AMP). APRT-deficient mutant caused by APRT gene mutation results in the male sterility in Arabidopsis thaliana L. In order to confirm the existence of rice APRT gene and to investigate its association with thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) phenotype of rice, a APRT gene was identified from BLAST search of the rice genome database using APRT gene sequences from other plant species as probes. Further, the gene was cloned from rice and named APRT(GenBank accession number AY238894) using the combination of bioinformatic and experimental approaches. The rice APRT was located in the 56 000 bp to 63 000 bp region of a rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (AL606604) on chromosome 4 and was deduced by software from the positive DNA clone. Its cDNA was amplified by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using primers designed according to the sequence of the putative gene. The full-length cDNA was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) procedure and was sequenced. Open reading frame (ORF) analysis indicated that the rice APRT gene encodes a peptide of 212 amino acid residues, including seven exons and six introns. Using reverse position specific BLAST (RPS-BLAST), the APRT domain was identified in the polypeptide. The homology comparison demonstrated that the polypeptide exhibits 54.9%, 54.9%, 49.6% and 59.5% identity with that from Hordeum vulgare, Ttriticum aestivum, and A. thaliana (APRT types 1 and 2), respectively. Comparing the sequence of APRT gene from TGMS mutant lines 'Annong S-1' (Oryza sativa subsp. indica) with that from its corresponding wild type 'Annong F' (Oryza sativa. subsp. indica), we found that there are five single nucleotid polymorphism (SNP) sites in the gene of 'Annong S-1', which locate mainly in the second intron. However, the result of cDNA sequencing showed that these SNP sites do not damage the successful splicing of intron 2. Qualitative RT-PCR and Northern blot indicated that the gene tran-scription in the 'Annong S-1' young panicles that were verified to be the thermo-sensitive organ at the early stage of pollen fertility alternation is down-regulated by high temperature stress (28 V), which is the critical temperature causing 'Annong S-1' fertility conversion. These results revealed that the change of expression pattern of APRT in young particles of 'Annong S-1' in high temperature conditions is perhaps related to the TGMS of 'Annong S-1'. 展开更多
关键词 APRT thermosensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) RICE
Study on Seed Vigor of Rice Photo-ThermoSensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Line with Low Temperature Storage 被引量:1
作者 蒋凌云 张海清 +5 位作者 刘爱民 王明 刘烨 杨永标 庞嘉 蒋珊瑚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2536-2542,2595,共8页
To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ ... To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ and with the relative humidity of 55% for different years were used as the materials to study the properties of seed vigor,growth and development in the field, etc. The re- sults showed that the germination potential, germination rate, germination index and vigor index of rice PTGMS lines seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged,and all of the germination rates of the seeds within five years were over 60%. The conductivity in the soaked solution of seeds was significantly increased with the prolonged low temperature storage time. Seedling rate,root length,white root number,base stem width and seedling dry weight of seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged. There was no significant difference between two integral seedling qualities of seeds within 4-6 years in low temperature storage. Compared with the germination rate of low temperature storage seeds soaking for 6,12 and 24 h,the appropriate soak time of long time low temperature storage or low vigor seeds was 12 h. A serious natural aging phenomenon occurred in low temperature storage seeds after out of the storage. The germination rate of seeds placed under natural condition for 50 d decreased obviously. The duration from seeding to heading of Zhun S,Y58S and Feng S shortened as the time of low temperature storage prolonged, while the vari- ation of panicle duration of all PTGMS lines was not obvious. In conclusion, rice PTGMS line seeds with low temperature storage in 5 years could still be used nor- mally. However.seeds after low temperature storage should be sowed as soon as possible, and the soaking time of low vigor seeds should be shortened,and the possibility that the decreased duration from seeding to heading should also be con- sidered. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PT-GMS) lines Low temperature storage Seed vigor
Characterization of Fertility Alteration in 8 Environment-sensitive Genic Male-sterile Lines of indica Rice 被引量:21
作者 牟同敏 曹兵 +3 位作者 黄宗洪 杨国才 林尤珍 向关伦 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第3期238-242,共5页
Eight indica ( Oryza sativa L.) environment-sensitive genic male-sterile (EGMS) lines, 2-2S, K1405S, F131S, 2136S, Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, GD-IS and N17S, were sequentially seeded with 10-15 d interval at three sites, Wuha... Eight indica ( Oryza sativa L.) environment-sensitive genic male-sterile (EGMS) lines, 2-2S, K1405S, F131S, 2136S, Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, GD-IS and N17S, were sequentially seeded with 10-15 d interval at three sites, Wuhan in 1997, Guiyang in 1997 and Sanya in 1997 and 1998, China. The results of investigations on self-sterilities showed that all of eight EGMS lines had stable sterile periods of longer than 30 d at Wuhan. They can be used for seed production of two-line hybrid rice, but can not reproduce themselves. Their stable sterile periods were shorter than 30 d at Guiyang, they can reproduce themselves and can not be used for hybrid seed production. In Sanya, their stable sterile periods were longer than 150 d, all of eight lines can be used for seed production in summer and autumn and reproduce themselves in winter. The fertility of all eight lines were sensitive to temperature. The sensitive stages, sensitive duration and critical point of temperatures (CPT) of fertility alteration in various lines were different. The sensitive stages of 2-2S and K1405S were from 18 d to 9 d before heading, the sensitive durations were 7-10 d and the CPTs were 23.7-24.5 degreesC. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of F131S were from 17 to 5 d before heading, 13 d and 24.3-24.7 degreesC, respectively. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of 2136S were from 18 to 12 d before heading, 7 d and 24.6-25.1 degreesC:, respectively. The sensitive stages, sensitive durations of Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, N17S and GD-1S were from 24 to 13 d before heading and 10-13 d. And their CPTs were 24.6-25.1 degreesC, 25.5-26.2 degreesC, 25.4-26.1 degreesC,, and 24.1-24.7 degreesC, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 RICE environment-sensitive genic male-sterile lines fertility expression sensitive stage and duration critical point temperature of fertility alteration
Relation between relative permeability and hydrate saturation in Shenhu area, South China Sea 被引量:6
作者 李传辉 赵倩 +2 位作者 徐红军 冯凯 刘学伟 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期207-214,254,共9页
Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements in hydrate-bearing sandstone samples from the Shenhu area, South China Sea were used to study the effect of gas hydrates on the sandstone permeability. The hydrate-bearing sampl... Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements in hydrate-bearing sandstone samples from the Shenhu area, South China Sea were used to study the effect of gas hydrates on the sandstone permeability. The hydrate-bearing samples contain pore-filling hydrates. The data show that the pore-filling hydrates greatly affect the formation permeability while depending on many factors that also bear on permeability; furthermore, with increasing hydrate saturation, the formation permeability decreases. We used the Masuda model and an exponent N = 7.9718 to formulate the empirical equation that describes the relation between relative permeability and hydrate saturation for the Shenhu area samples. 展开更多
关键词 Gas hydrate PERMEABILITY NMR Shenhu area
Changes of Water Temperature and Harmful Algal Bloom in the Daya Bay in the Northern South China Sea 被引量:7
作者 余景 唐丹玲 +2 位作者 王素芬 练建生 王友绍 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期25-33,共9页
Economic development around the Daya Bay, China has profoundly affected the marine environment in the bay area in recent years, particularly since the operation of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) in 1994. This... Economic development around the Daya Bay, China has profoundly affected the marine environment in the bay area in recent years, particularly since the operation of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) in 1994. This study analyzed the changes of water temperature and harmful algal blooms (HABs) for two periods: 1983-1993 and 1994-2004, using in situ and satellite data. Results showed that yearly mean surface water temperature (SWT) and Chl-a concentration (Chl-a) increased by 1.1 ℃ and 1.9 mg/m^3, respectively, after 1994. The monthly occurrence of HAB was found to have increased also. HABs appeared only in spring and autumn before 1994, but occurred all the year round after 1994. SWT, Chl-a and HABs all increased significantly in May. Those changes were associated with environmental changes in this area, such as thermal discharge from the DNPS and enhancement of eutrophication from human activities around the Daya Bay. 展开更多
关键词 water temperature Harmful Algal Bloom Chlorophyll a nuclear power station Daya Bay China
Analysis on the Core Competitiveness of Rice Seed Industry in Guangxi Province Based on Diamond Model
作者 张晓丽 薛艳霞 +6 位作者 吕荣华 王强 陈雷 唐茂艳 陶伟 高国庆 梁天锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1963-1967,1977,共6页
By using diamond model, the current development status and core competitiveness of the rice seed industry in Guangxi Province were analyzed in detail from the 6 aspects of production factors, demand factors, related i... By using diamond model, the current development status and core competitiveness of the rice seed industry in Guangxi Province were analyzed in detail from the 6 aspects of production factors, demand factors, related industries and support industries, firm strategy, chance factor and government factor, which clarified the advantages of the rice seed industry of Guangxi in the nature and technological factors, firm strategy and government policy, and the disadvantages in demand factors, production cost, infrastructure and related industries. And the corresponding countermeasures were proposed to enhance the competitiveness of the rice seed industry of Guangxi. 展开更多
关键词 Diamond model RICE Core competitiveness GUANGXI
Comparative Studies on the Changes of Microtubule Distribution and Reorganization During the Meiotic Stages of Development in Normal (IR36) and a Temperature/photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterile Line (Peiai 64S) of Rice ( Oryza sativa ) 被引量:3
作者 徐是雄 刘向东 +1 位作者 冯九焕 卢永根 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第3期221-226,共6页
Changes in the pattern of organization of microtubules in the meiotic stages of development of pollen (i.e. from pre-meiotic interphase to more or less metaphase I) of a normal (IR36) and a temperature/photoperiod sen... Changes in the pattern of organization of microtubules in the meiotic stages of development of pollen (i.e. from pre-meiotic interphase to more or less metaphase I) of a normal (IR36) and a temperature/photoperiod sensitive male sterile line (Peiai 64S) of rice were studied using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. In IR36, from pre-meiotic interphase to metaphase I, the pattern of microtubule distribution in the meiocytes underwent a series of changes. Some new organizational patterns of microtubules (that have not been described before) were observed during microsporogenesis, including the existence of a broad band of perinuclear microtubules at the diakinesis stage of development. The pattern of microtubule distribution in the meiocytes of the male sterile line, Peiai 64S, was quite different front that seen in IR36. In Peiai 64S, the microtubules showed abnormal patterns of distribution from pre-meiotic interphase to metaphase I. For example the broad band of perinuclear microtubules seen at diakinesis in IR36 was much disorganized and loosened in Peiai 64S. The spindles formed were also very abnormal and different from the normal spindle. The appearance of abnormal microtubule distribution in the early stages of microsporogenesis may contribute to the malformation and ultimate abortion of pollen in Peiai 64S. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa temperature/photoperiod sensitive male sterile rice line microtubules Peiai 64S IR36 microsporocyte meiosis microsporogenesis
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